Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

tornado hit. the girls got in to the bathtub in preparation for the tornado doing everything that they should. but the family was about to be thrown in to the air with a force that nothing could stop. and tragically anniston, the 9-year-old of the three sisters didn't survive. her two sisters miraculously did. 7-year-old avalyn on the left, hours later, described to her aunt what it felt like. >> she said yes, i was flying around in the tornado. i prayed to jesus to take care of me. he spent me out. the tornado spit me out in to the minus. >> martha: incredible story of that family and this little baby, oakland, two months old made it through the weekend, but she passed away monday. succumbing to her injuries. they think she had a stroke in the middle of this. we tell you these stories so we can remember these little ones and also to impress on you the shear unbelievable force of this historic tornado that our country is in the process of recovering from. you have 100 people that are still missing in the state of kentucky and others in neighboring states as well. mike tobin live on the ground in mayfield, kentucky. he joins us now as they continue to even begin to scratch the surface of digging out here. hi, mike. all right. >> i was ready -- >> martha: we're working on mike tobin's audio here. we'll go back in just a moment. all right. sorry. a lot of audio issues as you'd imagine in this very difficult environment. so mike tobin, let's go to you first. give us what you can tell us from the ground there. >> they had built a safe room to preserve the important records. it was intended for fire. you can see this concrete cube will get the job done. the records were intact. i want to show you something remarker here. the bookshelf on the outside of the safe room and you still have books in the shelf here. angie faster says they got through this with their important records intact and no loved ones lost. so they have what is in important. >> everything that matters. there's so many people in this community that can't say the same. there's so many people that, you know, last their homes and loved ones and have people injuries and their families. >> we can put our fox news drone up. look at this remarkable swath of destruction. the national weather service out of paducah now says in places that path of destruction is a mile wide in some spots. most places is 3/4 miles wide. investigators are looking at indications that we have of multiple vortex tornado. that means a tornado within the tornado. the inner tornado end up stronger. they have three teams on the ground. the official rating is taking a long time simply because there's so much destruction and so much ground to cover. the death toll stands at 74 with search and rescue crews still calling this a search and rescue because there's some hope of finding survivors. with 100 people still missing, governor beshear anticipates more bad news. >> we're in rescue and recovery. we have people missing. i still expect we'll find some more bodies. there's just so much destruction. >> almost 600 national guardsmen have been activated doing everything from traffic to search and rescue. power crews restored power to 10,000 homes yesterday. more families with another cold night, down to about 18,500, martha. >> martha: thanks, mike. as mike said, the tornado -- the path that it went through, 3/4 miles wide in most parts, a mile wide in some and on the ground for 200 miles as it cut its way through these five states. we have never seen anything like what we have seen over the past few days. thanks, mike, for your reporting on the ground. i'd like to introduce to you yahweh baptist church in kentucky, which is in the process of rebuilding right now. bobby walledridge is here with us. i know you've been working hard to keep everybody together and minister to them throughout this. tell us how the people in your parish are doing. you have one family living with you. give us the status update of your folks. >> we're just all hanging in there by the grace of god. we haven't had any loss of life in our congregation. many lost their homes. many were in their homes that don't have power, those sort of things. we're dealing with that with generators and such. the grid is starting to come back on in some places. much of it is not. my biggest worry, i have one family that has a lot of critical problems out of state right now, a larger facility dealing with their problems. they were in their house when the tornado came through. then moving on from that, just worried about the folks, where do we go from here, a lot of folks in our church and a lot of folks in our community have lost their livelihood. they don't have a job. this is a large farming community. we have a large poultry farming community. a lot of folks have involvement with that from various levels that is gone, shut down for many months. so the needs are obvious when you see the carnage, the broken buildings and such. but the long lasting needs, how do we get these things back together to help people. >> martha: you know, i know there's a lot of help coming from different parts of the country, which is always great to see. i believe you were in law enforcement before you became a pastor. have you ever seen a situation where you needed to help people to this extent? >> no, ma'am. already was affected hard in 2009 by this massive ice storm that broke the grid down. you didn't have the destruction of the town and buildings. we had trees down, power lines, roofs tore up. but nothing compared to this. everyone i speak about, they see these things on the news but until you're here, it's unbelievable. >> martha: before i let you go, tell us how we can help. give people an indication. people watch this. it's also christmas time. they want to do something. they want to divert their christmas giving to this. what do you recommend? >> we have a go fund me page. it's on -- the link is on facebook, yahweh baptist facebook page. you can find it other ways. that's the easiest way. a great need and many things. monetary things. it's just so overwhelming, so diverse. water and food. those are some basic necessities that are needed. it's so much bigger than that. i mentioned my family. they lost everything. both vehicles. the only thing that they own is the clothes on their back. they have four young children. she just had a baby premature. by the grace of god they're all alive. some are still critical. i just feel overwhelmed. a lot of folks that have needs and we're trying to put one fire out at a time and help one family, one person at a time. the whole community is doing that. >> martha: we all pray for your strength, pastor waldridge and that you can help the people around you and everybody across the country will hear what you're talking about and will help these communities to heal. we thank you for your time and hope the message gets out there. of course, united way, red cross, all good ways to help for ever out there that wants to do that. i know so many of you want to do that. do that right now. bobby, thank you. take care. all the best. moments ago, the white house was forced to clarify this from the president in light of what we now know to be true. >> we believe that about 100 to 200 americans remain in afghanistan. some intention to leave. >> martha: so geraldo rivera joins us now when "the story" continues. >> that's a lot higher than the 100 to 200 that the president biden was talking about in august. medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. look! oh my 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>> yes. >> we know it was not 100 or 200. it was at least 900 american citizens and residents that were left hand. 479 cities, 450 permanent residents and with at least 12 that are still there and want to escape. there's suggestions that mitch mcconnell that that number is higher. meanwhile, the conditions on the ground get worse for those stuck there. an estimated 22.8 million people, more than half the country's population are expected to face life threatening famine, many on the brink of catastrophe and the security situation deteriorating. what jen psaki seemed to suggest is there's americans in afghanistan that have changed their mind about wanting to leave hence the higher number. martha? >> martha: thanks, benjamin hall. her -- geraldo rivera is here. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> martha: we talked about this quite a bit. we were told back then that there were many more people that were stranded there than the government was admitting. now we know that is not in the case. >> but in the chaos of that dysfunctional withdrawal, that stampede, it's not surprising that they had no idea how many people are really there. i still doubt u.s. intelligence, about what the facts are on the ground in afghanistan. i think what was alluded to there in the most significant thing is when you have all of those afghans starving and desperate for aid, we should parlay that aid right now. say okay, we're going to do this, set up grocery stores on every corner. you make sure you get every american out that wants to leave. let any green card holder go free. it's time now to put an end to this story. it's time now to admit what happened, get our people free and stop talking about afghanistan. >> martha: so you're talking about a negotiation with the taliban where you trade aid for the safe passage of everybody that wants out? you point out that half of the country, the human condition situation in afghanistan is absolutely appalling. there's a million children on the brink of starvation. very good report on "60 minutes" over the weekend on this. we don't hear anything about this from the administration. >> because they're humiliated by what happened. they're embarrassed. they're still haunted by the myth that 2,500 troops in bagram could have maintained u.s. presence in afghanistan as if the taliban would have withheld their retaliation against the americans there. it's all fantasy. now we have to take care -- for our own self-interest. if we don't help afghanistan, those tens of millions of people will not stay there to starve to death. they'll migrate west. they'll be drowning in the english channel trying to get to the united kingdom. we have to put aside our wound, the horrible hurt of having lost a war that lasted 20 years. put that behind you. let's now take care of all of those that we can take care of, get our people out and put an end to this. >> martha: well-put. not to mention the 13 people we lost at the abbey gate and the president said retaliation would come. though loved ones are not there this christmas and we want to remember them and that story. thanks very much. still ahead, janice dean reacts to the breaking news that andrew cuomo, the former governor of new york must pay back the $5 million in book money to the state. this is getting -- this one is ratcheting up today. he has to pay it back in 30 days. we'll talk to janice about that. the parents of the alleged oxford high school shooter in court making their first appearance on a manslaughter charge. a debate now on whether parents can be held legally liable for a child's heinous act. big case. we'll tell you about that coming up. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? 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the parents of ethan crumbley were in court today. you can see them on the left-hand side of your screen. they face charges, four counts of involuntary manslaughter each. prosecutors say they bought the gun for the 15-year-old, helped him to train, pushed for him to stay in school that day even after teachers grew very concerned on what could happen based on the pictures that he was drawing. emily compagno is here with us. but first to garrett tenney with more. >> martha, this afternoon's hearing was brief but did give us a glimpse in how massive this case in just in terms of the evidence involved. oakland county's prosecutor says they don't have half of the evidence yet but there's 500 pages of evidence and 40 gigabytes of reports, video and statements from witnesses that her office just received. prosecutors argue james and jennifer crumbley had every reason to know their son was dangerous and gave him free access to a weapon which he used to kill four of his classmates and injure seven others. the day before the shooting, a teacher observe's ethan crumbley on the phone searching for ammo during class. after the school alerted his parents, jennifer crumbley texted her son, "lol, i'm not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught." on the day of the shielding, the crumbleys failed to take action after a teacher saw drawings on ethan's desk with the words "the words won't stop, help me." despite the warning signs, the parents allowed ethan to return to class without mentioning or asking about the gun or checking to see if it was at home until after they heard of the shooting. we will likely learn of more about the state's case in february at the preliminary examination hearing. today prosecutors say they expect that hearing to take three to five days and to include 15 to 20 witnesses. clearly a lot that they plan to go through as they try to convince the judge that there's enough evidence for this case to go to trial. martha? >> martha: thanks, garrett. emily joins us, attorney and co host of "outnumbered." thanks for being here. it's interesting. a lot that points to these parents in terms of gross negligence being a possible avenue here. do you think there's a case based on what you learned so far to prosecute the mom, james and jennifer, the mom and dad? >> yes, i do. they're in michigan. especially based on the da's presentation of oakland county there, it's gross negligence mixed with a causal factor, that it lead to the involuntary manslaughter or the unintended deaths of someone. case law backs it up. we know there's not a specific statute prohibiting minor access to weapons, but in michigan as recently as 2018, the court of appeals have upheld a conviction for involuntary man slaughterer of a man, a parent, whose 9-year-old shot himself with his own shotgun. they uphelds convictions of child abuse for the parents of a child that went to secure that injured but didn't murder fellow students in school. we know 30 states have codified those laws what is interesting about michigan here and what we're going to see, the fact that there's attention between the right to gun ownership as the prosecutor has said. it's a very strong ownership state. but with alleging that parents have responsibility, too. obviously we have not seen it codify yet. it's a misdemeanor there. a 1994 law there that doesn't have teeth. this might be a way to legislate. up till now and what holds for them is this involuntary manslaughter catch-all that just required the gross negligence coupled with causation. >> martha: very interesting. you have to tie the fact that they were negligent to the fact that essentially couldn't have happened without their participation. and that their parenting was at fault in some way for what happened. you know, we're learning about this family. we're learning more about ethan crumbley. here's a video, piece of video of him as he was stumbling through a diner and falling and hitting his head when he worked at this diner. if we can bring that up. i want to play for you a sound bite for the woman that was his boss at the diner where he worked a few times. watch this. >> i don't think that he was always a monster. i think the parents had a lot to do with it. i think during covid, he was isolated, and you know, maybe gave him -- whatever they did buying that gun for him and telling him -- that's child abuse in my opinion. >> martha: that's her opinion obviously. we don't have the video. his mother said he probably didn't eat today. there's sympathy for this child who obviously was crying out for help at this point. he's now being tried as an adult. you know, how much of a factor do the other witnesses that will say things like -- that they called the school, they were worried, their child wouldn't go to school because they were concerned about this kid. how much can those different components play in here? >> they will weigh heavily here. the surrounding circumstances are what the state's case is, which is that the parents knew or should have known to the level of it being wanton disregard for life that they knew or should have known what he would do with that gun. that they failed to search his backpack and failed to ask him where the gun was and they knew there would be an intend. the state says this was planned beforehand, not spontaneous. all of those will come in to play. >> the criticism that came from a neighbor. they left him alone when they went out drinking. obviously another side to this case. there always is in these -- in any criminal situation. but we'll see where it goes. it's a terrible tragic and interesting legal story. emily, thanks very much. good to have you here. here's another good legal question. will andrew cuomo have to hand over $5 million from his book that touted his pandemic leadership? the state says he owes them that money back. janice dean on the breaking story as california joins new york in the return to mandatory masking. dr. ben carson weighs in next. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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there's been many times that he wanted to keep the book money. now they finally found their conscious and say that he has to return the money. it goes to show you that this man has so much power over these people for so long that i believe they were scared to tell him to return the money months ago. you know, i think the book deal was the thing that is his undoing. this time last year he had the emmy award. the book deal was in full swing. he was doing interviews on every major channel. this time last year, i thought to myself, my voice is not loud enough. i was ready to give up, this man was so revered. so to finally see some justice that he has to give the money back. by the way, martha, i mean, if you look at the timeline when he started making plans to write this book, that's when he started to lie about the nursing home numbers. he was actively covering them up to sell this book. >> martha: that was a huge part hoff his undoing. if it became the case that he was sort of coating things for the book and not being transparent about the numbers on the other side, that was a huge turning point for him. you really push to shed light on this story all the way through. his attorney says there's no way he's going to give back the money and they'll see them in court, this is not going to be over. see where it goes. thanks for calling in. great to talk to you as always. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: so california is the latest state to bring back the indoor mask mandate for everyone. they're also adding a new testing requirement for unmasked people. dr. ben carson is standing by on that and what pfizer is calling stunning news about their new experimental covid pill and how they think it is working. first, william la jeunesse in l.a. hi, william. >> california tried everything to stop this virus. mandates, corr fews, lockdowns and cash prizes. here we are almost two years in and the cdc ranks california among the worst of states for virus transmission. the latest strategy, one, the indoor mask mandate, vaccine or not and two, a vaccine or negative test within 24 to 48 hours of any large gathering, rose bowl, be -- basketball or concert. orange county, which did not impose a mask mandate in june nor the delta variant has fewer cases in the same hospitalization rate as l.a. county which did. most local businesses oppose the mask police. >> wearing a mask is not fun. it's hard. they're not easy to breathe in. we're all healthy. we do we have to do it? we have these plastic shields up. it's hard. one side doesn't always fit all. >> health officials are pushing back. they lefted the mask mandate after they saw case rates fall and more got vaccinated. now they'll be overruled by governor newsome that fears another winter surge. florida does not. >> i think we've learned, you give these people an inch, they will never let go. they're going to take a mile. they're going to restrict and going to mandate and going to lock you down. we cannot accept that. >> the bottom line is some visitors including fan arriving for the rose bowl from utah and north carolina could think twice about this trip. the mandate takes effects tonight and goes to january 15. >> martha: thanks, let's bring in ben carson. what do you think about the mask mandate returns? are they good science? your opinion? >> one of the things that the way our science is set up, we have 50 states, 50 laboratories. we have the ability to look at how states do things. we can look at the states that have been open and look at the states that have been closed. we can see if there's a difference. in fact, there is. that's the way science is done. for some reason, we're not doing things in scientific manner. i suspect that down the road some years we'll look back at this period and say why weren't we doing that? why weren't we acting in a political way? why weren't we taking into account people that have natural immunity and imposing mandates and many people have natural immunity. why weren't we looking at the pact that people with natural immunity have a better resistance to the disease and the variants. it's unexplainable. >> martha: it is. i don't know why we don't have nationwide free anti-body tests for people so they can check out whether they have natural anti-bodies or have anti-bodies from the vaccine. seems like it would save people a lot of effort and give them knowledge that would be help null to the government and to the individual. >> absolutely. >> martha: i want to ask you about the new pfizer covid pill. it's interesting. looks like they have done large scale studies. you tell me what you think. they found this drug was found to reduce hospitalization or death by 80%. is this the game changer that pfizer says in your opinion? >> well, it should be. let's put it that way. for some strange reason there's a resistance to therapeutics in general by the cdc, the nih, the whole administration, which again is not very well-understood why they would be so resistant to it. this seems to be working effectively and quickly there should be some urgency in getting it out there. this is one of the reasons that we won't need a lot of mandates. remember, it's the elderly people who have comorbidities that are in danger. if we tend to concentrate on them and not so much the young and people who really are not add very high risk and plus we have therapeutics, there's absolutely no reason for mandates in a situation like that. >> martha: pfizer is saying that the drug is -- you know, the vaccine is the first line of defense. the drug is they believe a great treatment and we'll see if it works with this omicron spreading, which appears to be a lot less disruptive to most people. >> it's less virulent. it's not nearly as powerful. >> martha: thanks, doctor. that's good. >> thank you. >> martha: thanks, dr. carson. always good to have you with us. coming up, we have montana senator steve danes that is warning about the mandate for truckers risks disruption of the supply chain. we'll speak with him next. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® is a pill that lowers blood sugar in three ways. increases insulin when you need it... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> which is it? historic deficits or trillions more in secret tax hikes? the right answer for the country is neither. >> martha: a show down on capitol hill over another $2 trillion in funding for president biden's big build back better program spending agenda in the face of decades high inflation. i'm going to show you an interesting chart. a senate vote in the next hour or so we expect to raise the debt ceiling. why not? we have done it 88 times. it's going to go to 38.5 trillion, which is a 400% increase since the year 2. let's bring in steve daines of montana. good to have you with us today. i want to show that inflation chart, senator and get your thoughts on this build back better program. at the end of this, you can see the speak. 2020 to 2021. that is nothing like we have seen over the course of the past decade. your thoughts, senator. >> what is going on in washington at the moment is fiscal madness. the democrats are doing what they do very best. that is raise taxes and recklessly spend. they're asking us to increase the debt ceiling by 2.5 trillion. we'll all vote against that. what is even worse is trying to push forward president biden's massive and reckless tax and spending bill that will add $3 trillion to our debt. the total price on this bill, martha is $5 trillion. that's like dropping a hyper inflation bomb on this economy. it will only further fuel the inflation fires. >> martha: so you think senator manchin will be in favor of this bill and what about congressman tester? >> for joe manchin, we've seen polling data, they didn't want this bill passed. they want to see it stopped, this is reckless. it's irresponsible. we need just one democrat to stand up. i hope it's joe manchin. i can tell you, senator tester from montana joins me, this bill will be dead and montanans be cheering. >> martha: i want to ask you about the supply chain. you have talked about the fact that it's disrupted by vaccine mandates. an interesting piece of news just crossed a moment ago that says that amtrak is now going to suspend their vaccine mandate. we know that they have -- the courts have resisted it. amtrak said they have trouble running their businesses and hospitals are doing it, too, suspending the mandate so they can fill their staffing. >> yeah, these mandates are massive disruptions to the economy, to our healthcare workers, to our truckers. the president wants to impose this vax mandate on truckers trying to cross the northern border. we're a northern border state. share it with canada. this will be a massive disruption of the supply chain and adds more fuel to the inflation fire. you have disruptions, you have massive federal spending, increasing debt. that's why inflation is going up on top of president biden's anti-made in america energy policy. add it up, who is suffering? the american people. >> martha: you know, the one thing that needs to be discussed with this build back better bill, which is underlying so much of this, is how transformative it would be. the president said it would transform the united states economy and turn us into an entitlement based economy rather than a capitalist service-based economy. you think that republicans have done a good enough job at telling that side of the story? >> well, we need to continue to tell that story. any time you vastly increase the size of government, you create more dependencies. you want people to go to work, not to stay on the government doll. interest rates are going up next year. when you have over $30 trillion of debt, this massive inflation fire created by the biden administration, interest rates are going up and will only further harm the ability of the american people to pay their mortgages. >> steve daines from montana. we're watching this closely. i urge people to look at what we've done in the 88 increases in the debt ceiling when there's no focus on cutting spending or figuring out another way rather than raising the debt ceiling. it's a national priority and a patriotic thing to do but there's a lot of questions about it. thank you. >> martha: coming up, another live look at kentucky where we have watched this devastation over the course of the last several days. it looks like a bomb dropped on this area. it is absolutely extraordinarily breathtaking damage. we'll be back with more. >> we went to church and i saw it. i was around all of them at their christmas party. i played corn hole with them. the kids running around, playing with everybody. >> it's our home. my wife, we raised our kids here and then our grand kids. basically going to be starting over. we're very cable and ready to do that. my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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Pocket , Apr , Newday Two , Lock , Mortgage Payments , Costs , 2 48 , Questions , 19 , You Re Not Alone , Support , Calhope , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Six , Calhope Org , 4673 , 317 , Trillions , Deficits , Tax Hikes , Capitol Hill , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Inflation , Debt Ceiling , Build , Vote , Funding , Program Spending Agenda , Senate , Chart , Increase , Steve Daines , Inflation Chart , 38 5 Trillion , 400 , 88 , Thoughts , Program , This , The End , 2021 , 2020 , Democrats , Madness , Taxes , In Washington , Bill , Debt , Spending , Tax , Forward , Price , 2 5 Trillion , 3 Trillion , Economy , Bomb , Inflation Fires , 5 Trillion , Congressman , Senator Manchin , Favor , Polling Data , Senator Tester , Democrat , Amtrak , Vaccine Mandates , Montanans , Cheering , Too , Hospitals , Vaccine Mandate , Courts , Staffing , Trouble , Disruptions , Northern Border State , Healthcare Workers , Border , Vax , Inflation Fire , Fuel , Top , Canada , Add It Up , The One , Suffering , Anti Made 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Hunter , Truman , Area Saw , City , Ef 3 , 3 , Aftermath , Staging Area , Neighbor Helping , Is Joshua , Donations , Somebody , Person , Count , Interview , Jumping In , Toilet Paper , Shampoo , Each Other , Blessing Bucket , Bible , Conditioner , Toiletries , Bar Soap , Feet , Paper Towels , Bungy Cords , Rain , Goes On , Christmas Spirit , Tuesday , 14 , Tuesday October 14 , Leaders , Neil , Relief Groups , Holidays , Heat , Electricity ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

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tornado hit. the girls got in to the bathtub in preparation for the tornado doing everything that they should. but the family was about to be thrown in to the air with a force that nothing could stop. and tragically anniston, the 9-year-old of the three sisters didn't survive. her two sisters miraculously did. 7-year-old avalyn on the left, hours later, described to her aunt what it felt like. >> she said yes, i was flying around in the tornado. i prayed to jesus to take care of me. he spent me out. the tornado spit me out in to the minus. >> martha: incredible story of that family and this little baby, oakland, two months old made it through the weekend, but she passed away monday. succumbing to her injuries. they think she had a stroke in the middle of this. we tell you these stories so we can remember these little ones and also to impress on you the shear unbelievable force of this historic tornado that our country is in the process of recovering from. you have 100 people that are still missing in the state of kentucky and others in neighboring states as well. mike tobin live on the ground in mayfield, kentucky. he joins us now as they continue to even begin to scratch the surface of digging out here. hi, mike. all right. >> i was ready -- >> martha: we're working on mike tobin's audio here. we'll go back in just a moment. all right. sorry. a lot of audio issues as you'd imagine in this very difficult environment. so mike tobin, let's go to you first. give us what you can tell us from the ground there. >> they had built a safe room to preserve the important records. it was intended for fire. you can see this concrete cube will get the job done. the records were intact. i want to show you something remarker here. the bookshelf on the outside of the safe room and you still have books in the shelf here. angie faster says they got through this with their important records intact and no loved ones lost. so they have what is in important. >> everything that matters. there's so many people in this community that can't say the same. there's so many people that, you know, last their homes and loved ones and have people injuries and their families. >> we can put our fox news drone up. look at this remarkable swath of destruction. the national weather service out of paducah now says in places that path of destruction is a mile wide in some spots. most places is 3/4 miles wide. investigators are looking at indications that we have of multiple vortex tornado. that means a tornado within the tornado. the inner tornado end up stronger. they have three teams on the ground. the official rating is taking a long time simply because there's so much destruction and so much ground to cover. the death toll stands at 74 with search and rescue crews still calling this a search and rescue because there's some hope of finding survivors. with 100 people still missing, governor beshear anticipates more bad news. >> we're in rescue and recovery. we have people missing. i still expect we'll find some more bodies. there's just so much destruction. >> almost 600 national guardsmen have been activated doing everything from traffic to search and rescue. power crews restored power to 10,000 homes yesterday. more families with another cold night, down to about 18,500, martha. >> martha: thanks, mike. as mike said, the tornado -- the path that it went through, 3/4 miles wide in most parts, a mile wide in some and on the ground for 200 miles as it cut its way through these five states. we have never seen anything like what we have seen over the past few days. thanks, mike, for your reporting on the ground. i'd like to introduce to you yahweh baptist church in kentucky, which is in the process of rebuilding right now. bobby walledridge is here with us. i know you've been working hard to keep everybody together and minister to them throughout this. tell us how the people in your parish are doing. you have one family living with you. give us the status update of your folks. >> we're just all hanging in there by the grace of god. we haven't had any loss of life in our congregation. many lost their homes. many were in their homes that don't have power, those sort of things. we're dealing with that with generators and such. the grid is starting to come back on in some places. much of it is not. my biggest worry, i have one family that has a lot of critical problems out of state right now, a larger facility dealing with their problems. they were in their house when the tornado came through. then moving on from that, just worried about the folks, where do we go from here, a lot of folks in our church and a lot of folks in our community have lost their livelihood. they don't have a job. this is a large farming community. we have a large poultry farming community. a lot of folks have involvement with that from various levels that is gone, shut down for many months. so the needs are obvious when you see the carnage, the broken buildings and such. but the long lasting needs, how do we get these things back together to help people. >> martha: you know, i know there's a lot of help coming from different parts of the country, which is always great to see. i believe you were in law enforcement before you became a pastor. have you ever seen a situation where you needed to help people to this extent? >> no, ma'am. already was affected hard in 2009 by this massive ice storm that broke the grid down. you didn't have the destruction of the town and buildings. we had trees down, power lines, roofs tore up. but nothing compared to this. everyone i speak about, they see these things on the news but until you're here, it's unbelievable. >> martha: before i let you go, tell us how we can help. give people an indication. people watch this. it's also christmas time. they want to do something. they want to divert their christmas giving to this. what do you recommend? >> we have a go fund me page. it's on -- the link is on facebook, yahweh baptist facebook page. you can find it other ways. that's the easiest way. a great need and many things. monetary things. it's just so overwhelming, so diverse. water and food. those are some basic necessities that are needed. it's so much bigger than that. i mentioned my family. they lost everything. both vehicles. the only thing that they own is the clothes on their back. they have four young children. she just had a baby premature. by the grace of god they're all alive. some are still critical. i just feel overwhelmed. a lot of folks that have needs and we're trying to put one fire out at a time and help one family, one person at a time. the whole community is doing that. >> martha: we all pray for your strength, pastor waldridge and that you can help the people around you and everybody across the country will hear what you're talking about and will help these communities to heal. we thank you for your time and hope the message gets out there. of course, united way, red cross, all good ways to help for ever out there that wants to do that. i know so many of you want to do that. do that right now. bobby, thank you. take care. all the best. moments ago, the white house was forced to clarify this from the president in light of what we now know to be true. >> we believe that about 100 to 200 americans remain in afghanistan. some intention to leave. >> martha: so geraldo rivera joins us now when "the story" continues. >> that's a lot higher than the 100 to 200 that the president biden was talking about in august. medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. look! oh my 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(cheers) xfinity brought us together, after all! power your whole home this holiday with wifi speeds faster than a gig. click, call, or visit a store today. sing 2 >> he said he thought we believe there's 100 to 200 with some intention to leave. so how did you guys get the number? >> there's people that determined that they want to leave since then and it's our responsibility to help them depart. that is evidence of our commitment to do that. >> martha: back and forth with peter doocy and jen psaki explaining why the number of americans that left afghanistan since the chaotic exit played out. it's higher than the administration's estimates of the americans who they told the country wanted to leave at that time. geraldo rivera is here and covered the war on the ground, 11 trips to afghanistan, the last one in 2012. we'll be with him in just a moment. first to benjamin hall. hi, ben. >> hi, martha. so much of the focus of that afghanistan withdrawal is about how many americans were stranded in the country and what was being done to save them. we tried so hard throughout that process to get an accurate number and never really did. what we're learning now based on the state department release from yesterday is that the figures that we were given were way off. far lower than the actual number. let me remind you what president biden said in august. >> we believe that about 100 to 200 americans remain in afghanistan. with some intention to leave. >> are you committed to making sure the troops stay until every american that wants to be out? >> yes. >> we know it was not 100 or 200. it was at least 900 american citizens and residents that were left hand. 479 cities, 450 permanent residents and with at least 12 that are still there and want to escape. there's suggestions that mitch mcconnell that that number is higher. meanwhile, the conditions on the ground get worse for those stuck there. an estimated 22.8 million people, more than half the country's population are expected to face life threatening famine, many on the brink of catastrophe and the security situation deteriorating. what jen psaki seemed to suggest is there's americans in afghanistan that have changed their mind about wanting to leave hence the higher number. martha? >> martha: thanks, benjamin hall. her -- geraldo rivera is here. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> martha: we talked about this quite a bit. we were told back then that there were many more people that were stranded there than the government was admitting. now we know that is not in the case. >> but in the chaos of that dysfunctional withdrawal, that stampede, it's not surprising that they had no idea how many people are really there. i still doubt u.s. intelligence, about what the facts are on the ground in afghanistan. i think what was alluded to there in the most significant thing is when you have all of those afghans starving and desperate for aid, we should parlay that aid right now. say okay, we're going to do this, set up grocery stores on every corner. you make sure you get every american out that wants to leave. let any green card holder go free. it's time now to put an end to this story. it's time now to admit what happened, get our people free and stop talking about afghanistan. >> martha: so you're talking about a negotiation with the taliban where you trade aid for the safe passage of everybody that wants out? you point out that half of the country, the human condition situation in afghanistan is absolutely appalling. there's a million children on the brink of starvation. very good report on "60 minutes" over the weekend on this. we don't hear anything about this from the administration. >> because they're humiliated by what happened. they're embarrassed. they're still haunted by the myth that 2,500 troops in bagram could have maintained u.s. presence in afghanistan as if the taliban would have withheld their retaliation against the americans there. it's all fantasy. now we have to take care -- for our own self-interest. if we don't help afghanistan, those tens of millions of people will not stay there to starve to death. they'll migrate west. they'll be drowning in the english channel trying to get to the united kingdom. we have to put aside our wound, the horrible hurt of having lost a war that lasted 20 years. put that behind you. let's now take care of all of those that we can take care of, get our people out and put an end to this. >> martha: well-put. not to mention the 13 people we lost at the abbey gate and the president said retaliation would come. though loved ones are not there this christmas and we want to remember them and that story. thanks very much. still ahead, janice dean reacts to the breaking news that andrew cuomo, the former governor of new york must pay back the $5 million in book money to the state. this is getting -- this one is ratcheting up today. he has to pay it back in 30 days. we'll talk to janice about that. the parents of the alleged oxford high school shooter in court making their first appearance on a manslaughter charge. a debate now on whether parents can be held legally liable for a child's heinous act. big case. we'll tell you about that coming up. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? 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the parents of ethan crumbley were in court today. you can see them on the left-hand side of your screen. they face charges, four counts of involuntary manslaughter each. prosecutors say they bought the gun for the 15-year-old, helped him to train, pushed for him to stay in school that day even after teachers grew very concerned on what could happen based on the pictures that he was drawing. emily compagno is here with us. but first to garrett tenney with more. >> martha, this afternoon's hearing was brief but did give us a glimpse in how massive this case in just in terms of the evidence involved. oakland county's prosecutor says they don't have half of the evidence yet but there's 500 pages of evidence and 40 gigabytes of reports, video and statements from witnesses that her office just received. prosecutors argue james and jennifer crumbley had every reason to know their son was dangerous and gave him free access to a weapon which he used to kill four of his classmates and injure seven others. the day before the shooting, a teacher observe's ethan crumbley on the phone searching for ammo during class. after the school alerted his parents, jennifer crumbley texted her son, "lol, i'm not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught." on the day of the shielding, the crumbleys failed to take action after a teacher saw drawings on ethan's desk with the words "the words won't stop, help me." despite the warning signs, the parents allowed ethan to return to class without mentioning or asking about the gun or checking to see if it was at home until after they heard of the shooting. we will likely learn of more about the state's case in february at the preliminary examination hearing. today prosecutors say they expect that hearing to take three to five days and to include 15 to 20 witnesses. clearly a lot that they plan to go through as they try to convince the judge that there's enough evidence for this case to go to trial. martha? >> martha: thanks, garrett. emily joins us, attorney and co host of "outnumbered." thanks for being here. it's interesting. a lot that points to these parents in terms of gross negligence being a possible avenue here. do you think there's a case based on what you learned so far to prosecute the mom, james and jennifer, the mom and dad? >> yes, i do. they're in michigan. especially based on the da's presentation of oakland county there, it's gross negligence mixed with a causal factor, that it lead to the involuntary manslaughter or the unintended deaths of someone. case law backs it up. we know there's not a specific statute prohibiting minor access to weapons, but in michigan as recently as 2018, the court of appeals have upheld a conviction for involuntary man slaughterer of a man, a parent, whose 9-year-old shot himself with his own shotgun. they uphelds convictions of child abuse for the parents of a child that went to secure that injured but didn't murder fellow students in school. we know 30 states have codified those laws what is interesting about michigan here and what we're going to see, the fact that there's attention between the right to gun ownership as the prosecutor has said. it's a very strong ownership state. but with alleging that parents have responsibility, too. obviously we have not seen it codify yet. it's a misdemeanor there. a 1994 law there that doesn't have teeth. this might be a way to legislate. up till now and what holds for them is this involuntary manslaughter catch-all that just required the gross negligence coupled with causation. >> martha: very interesting. you have to tie the fact that they were negligent to the fact that essentially couldn't have happened without their participation. and that their parenting was at fault in some way for what happened. you know, we're learning about this family. we're learning more about ethan crumbley. here's a video, piece of video of him as he was stumbling through a diner and falling and hitting his head when he worked at this diner. if we can bring that up. i want to play for you a sound bite for the woman that was his boss at the diner where he worked a few times. watch this. >> i don't think that he was always a monster. i think the parents had a lot to do with it. i think during covid, he was isolated, and you know, maybe gave him -- whatever they did buying that gun for him and telling him -- that's child abuse in my opinion. >> martha: that's her opinion obviously. we don't have the video. his mother said he probably didn't eat today. there's sympathy for this child who obviously was crying out for help at this point. he's now being tried as an adult. you know, how much of a factor do the other witnesses that will say things like -- that they called the school, they were worried, their child wouldn't go to school because they were concerned about this kid. how much can those different components play in here? >> they will weigh heavily here. the surrounding circumstances are what the state's case is, which is that the parents knew or should have known to the level of it being wanton disregard for life that they knew or should have known what he would do with that gun. that they failed to search his backpack and failed to ask him where the gun was and they knew there would be an intend. the state says this was planned beforehand, not spontaneous. all of those will come in to play. >> the criticism that came from a neighbor. they left him alone when they went out drinking. obviously another side to this case. there always is in these -- in any criminal situation. but we'll see where it goes. it's a terrible tragic and interesting legal story. emily, thanks very much. good to have you here. here's another good legal question. will andrew cuomo have to hand over $5 million from his book that touted his pandemic leadership? the state says he owes them that money back. janice dean on the breaking story as california joins new york in the return to mandatory masking. dr. ben carson weighs in next. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? 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there's been many times that he wanted to keep the book money. now they finally found their conscious and say that he has to return the money. it goes to show you that this man has so much power over these people for so long that i believe they were scared to tell him to return the money months ago. you know, i think the book deal was the thing that is his undoing. this time last year he had the emmy award. the book deal was in full swing. he was doing interviews on every major channel. this time last year, i thought to myself, my voice is not loud enough. i was ready to give up, this man was so revered. so to finally see some justice that he has to give the money back. by the way, martha, i mean, if you look at the timeline when he started making plans to write this book, that's when he started to lie about the nursing home numbers. he was actively covering them up to sell this book. >> martha: that was a huge part hoff his undoing. if it became the case that he was sort of coating things for the book and not being transparent about the numbers on the other side, that was a huge turning point for him. you really push to shed light on this story all the way through. his attorney says there's no way he's going to give back the money and they'll see them in court, this is not going to be over. see where it goes. thanks for calling in. great to talk to you as always. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: so california is the latest state to bring back the indoor mask mandate for everyone. they're also adding a new testing requirement for unmasked people. dr. ben carson is standing by on that and what pfizer is calling stunning news about their new experimental covid pill and how they think it is working. first, william la jeunesse in l.a. hi, william. >> california tried everything to stop this virus. mandates, corr fews, lockdowns and cash prizes. here we are almost two years in and the cdc ranks california among the worst of states for virus transmission. the latest strategy, one, the indoor mask mandate, vaccine or not and two, a vaccine or negative test within 24 to 48 hours of any large gathering, rose bowl, be -- basketball or concert. orange county, which did not impose a mask mandate in june nor the delta variant has fewer cases in the same hospitalization rate as l.a. county which did. most local businesses oppose the mask police. >> wearing a mask is not fun. it's hard. they're not easy to breathe in. we're all healthy. we do we have to do it? we have these plastic shields up. it's hard. one side doesn't always fit all. >> health officials are pushing back. they lefted the mask mandate after they saw case rates fall and more got vaccinated. now they'll be overruled by governor newsome that fears another winter surge. florida does not. >> i think we've learned, you give these people an inch, they will never let go. they're going to take a mile. they're going to restrict and going to mandate and going to lock you down. we cannot accept that. >> the bottom line is some visitors including fan arriving for the rose bowl from utah and north carolina could think twice about this trip. the mandate takes effects tonight and goes to january 15. >> martha: thanks, let's bring in ben carson. what do you think about the mask mandate returns? are they good science? your opinion? >> one of the things that the way our science is set up, we have 50 states, 50 laboratories. we have the ability to look at how states do things. we can look at the states that have been open and look at the states that have been closed. we can see if there's a difference. in fact, there is. that's the way science is done. for some reason, we're not doing things in scientific manner. i suspect that down the road some years we'll look back at this period and say why weren't we doing that? why weren't we acting in a political way? why weren't we taking into account people that have natural immunity and imposing mandates and many people have natural immunity. why weren't we looking at the pact that people with natural immunity have a better resistance to the disease and the variants. it's unexplainable. >> martha: it is. i don't know why we don't have nationwide free anti-body tests for people so they can check out whether they have natural anti-bodies or have anti-bodies from the vaccine. seems like it would save people a lot of effort and give them knowledge that would be help null to the government and to the individual. >> absolutely. >> martha: i want to ask you about the new pfizer covid pill. it's interesting. looks like they have done large scale studies. you tell me what you think. they found this drug was found to reduce hospitalization or death by 80%. is this the game changer that pfizer says in your opinion? >> well, it should be. let's put it that way. for some strange reason there's a resistance to therapeutics in general by the cdc, the nih, the whole administration, which again is not very well-understood why they would be so resistant to it. this seems to be working effectively and quickly there should be some urgency in getting it out there. this is one of the reasons that we won't need a lot of mandates. remember, it's the elderly people who have comorbidities that are in danger. if we tend to concentrate on them and not so much the young and people who really are not add very high risk and plus we have therapeutics, there's absolutely no reason for mandates in a situation like that. >> martha: pfizer is saying that the drug is -- you know, the vaccine is the first line of defense. the drug is they believe a great treatment and we'll see if it works with this omicron spreading, which appears to be a lot less disruptive to most people. >> it's less virulent. it's not nearly as powerful. >> martha: thanks, doctor. that's good. >> thank you. >> martha: thanks, dr. carson. always good to have you with us. coming up, we have montana senator steve danes that is warning about the mandate for truckers risks disruption of the supply chain. we'll speak with him next. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® is a pill that lowers blood sugar in three ways. increases insulin when you need it... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. veteran homeowners. while some banks and lenders are raising their rates newday is holding the line with their two and a quarter refi. that's 2.25%, with an apr of 2.48. this is their lowest rate in history. the newday two and a quarter refi can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments. there's no money out of pocket and no up front costs. lock in your rate. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? 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>> for joe manchin, we've seen polling data, they didn't want this bill passed. they want to see it stopped, this is reckless. it's irresponsible. we need just one democrat to stand up. i hope it's joe manchin. i can tell you, senator tester from montana joins me, this bill will be dead and montanans be cheering. >> martha: i want to ask you about the supply chain. you have talked about the fact that it's disrupted by vaccine mandates. an interesting piece of news just crossed a moment ago that says that amtrak is now going to suspend their vaccine mandate. we know that they have -- the courts have resisted it. amtrak said they have trouble running their businesses and hospitals are doing it, too, suspending the mandate so they can fill their staffing. >> yeah, these mandates are massive disruptions to the economy, to our healthcare workers, to our truckers. the president wants to impose this vax mandate on truckers trying to cross the northern border. we're a northern border state. share it with canada. this will be a massive disruption of the supply chain and adds more fuel to the inflation fire. you have disruptions, you have massive federal spending, increasing debt. that's why inflation is going up on top of president biden's anti-made in america energy policy. add it up, who is suffering? the american people. >> martha: you know, the one thing that needs to be discussed with this build back better bill, which is underlying so much of this, is how transformative it would be. the president said it would transform the united states economy and turn us into an entitlement based economy rather than a capitalist service-based economy. you think that republicans have done a good enough job at telling that side of the story? >> well, we need to continue to tell that story. any time you vastly increase the size of government, you create more dependencies. you want people to go to work, not to stay on the government doll. interest rates are going up next year. when you have over $30 trillion of debt, this massive inflation fire created by the biden administration, interest rates are going up and will only further harm the ability of the american people to pay their mortgages. >> steve daines from montana. we're watching this closely. i urge people to look at what we've done in the 88 increases in the debt ceiling when there's no focus on cutting spending or figuring out another way rather than raising the debt ceiling. it's a national priority and a patriotic thing to do but there's a lot of questions about it. thank you. >> martha: coming up, another live look at kentucky where we have watched this devastation over the course of the last several days. it looks like a bomb dropped on this area. it is absolutely extraordinarily breathtaking damage. we'll be back with more. >> we went to church and i saw it. i was around all of them at their christmas party. i played corn hole with them. the kids running around, playing with everybody. >> it's our home. my wife, we raised our kids here and then our grand kids. basically going to be starting over. we're very cable and ready to do that. my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? 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Winter Storm , Hometown , The Storm , California , Mammoth , Monster , Sandra Smith , John Roberts , Driver , Unbelievable , 85 , Martha , Lot , The Story , To Be With You , Trace , Luck , Trace Gallagher In , Martha Maccallum , Families , Needs , Need , Water , Kentucky , New York , Power , Latest , Shelter , Scene , Family , Life , Everyone , Governor , Loss , Photo , Down , Rackley , 15 , Tornado , Everything , Nothing , Force , Girls , Preparation , Bathtub , Air , Tornado Hit , Avalyn , Left , Sisters , Three Sisters , Tragically Anniston , Three , Two , 9 , 7 , Care , Aunt , It , Baby , Injuries , Weekend , Minus , Oakland , Ones , Stories , Stroke , Middle , People , Ground , Country , State , States , Process , Mike Tobin , Others , 100 , Hi , Surface , Mayfield , Audio , Audio Issues , Safe Room , Records , Environment , Let S Go , Something , Fire , Job , Books , Bookshelf , Shelf , Outside , Concrete Cube , Loved Ones , Community , Matters , Angie Faster , Homes , Same , Drone Up , Fox News , Remarkable Swath Of Destruction , Places , Indications , Investigators , Spots , Path Of Destruction , National Weather Service , Paducah , 3 4 , Destruction , Rating , Teams , Multiple Vortex Tornado , Crews , Survivors , Hope , Finding , Death Toll , Search And Rescue , 74 , Bad News , Recovery , Bodies , Rescue , Guardsmen , Beshear , 600 , Traffic , Cold Night , Homes Yesterday , Power Crews , 18500 , 10000 , Way , Thanks , Path , Some , Parts , 200 , Anything , Reporting , Yahweh Baptist Church , Five , Everybody , U S , Bobby Walledridge , Rebuilding , Minister , Folks , Parish , Hanging , Status Update , The Grace Of God , One , You Haven T , Things , Grid , Congregation , Generators , Don T Have Power , Problems , Worry , Facility , House , Farming Community , Poultry Farming Community , Where Do We Go From Here , Church , Livelihood , Buildings , Levels , Involvement , Carnage , Help , Law Enforcement , Situation , Ice Storm , Pastor , Extent , Ma Am , 2009 , News , Town , Power Lines , Trees , Roofs , Indication , Facebook , It S On , Link , Go Fund Me Page , Yahweh Baptist , Ways , Food , Necessities , Thing , Children , Clothes , Back , Vehicles , Four , God , Grace , Strength , Pray , Waldridge , Many , Course , United Way , Communities , Message , Heal , Red Cross , President , Light , Best , White House , Take Care , Afghanistan , Geraldo Rivera , Intention , Ubrelvy , Biden , Medicine , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Pill , Migraine , Dose , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Nausea , Side Effects , Daughter , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Ancestors , Tiredness , Serena , Oh My God , World , Face , Doesn T , Name , Grandfather , Whole , Papa , Gift , Ancestry , Psoriatic Arthritis , Psoriasis , Hurt , Walking , Joints , Hiding , Woooo , Cosentyx , Skin , Symptoms , Pain , Back Pain , Joint Swelling , Tenderness , Psoriatic Arthritis Move , Feeling Good , Infections , Damage , Vaccine , Risk , Doctor , Don T , Ability , Infection , Tuberculosis , Stop , Crohn S Disease , Reactions , Move , Rheumatologist , Mom , Show , Xfinity , Gig , Don T Worry , Shot , Sweetie , Speed , Wifi , Nice , Home , Call , Store , Click , Holiday , Woah , Tv , Sing , Number , Evidence , Responsibility , Guys , 2 , Administration , Americans In Afghanistan , Commitment , Exit , Estimates , Jen Psaki , Peter Doocy , War , The Last One , Trips , The Americans , Benjamin Hall , 2012 , 11 , Focus , Withdrawal , Ben Carson , Learning , Figures , Release , August , State Department , Troops , Yes , Residents , Cities , Citizens , Hand , 450 , 479 , 900 , 12 , Famine , Conditions , Suggestions , Population , Mitch Mcconnell , 22 8 Million , Brink , Catastrophe , Security Situation Deteriorating , Mind , Case , Government , Bit , Chaos , Idea , Intelligence , Facts , Stampede , Wall , Aid , Grocery Stores , Afghans , Corner , End , It S Time , Green Card , Holder , Half , Taliban , Negotiation , Passage , Human Condition , Report , Starvation , A Million , 60 , Retaliation , Presence , Fantasy , Myth , Bagram , 2500 , Death , Self Interest , Tens Of Millions , Wound , English Channel , United Kingdom , 20 , Care Of , Well Put , Abbey Gate , 13 , Andrew Cuomo , Janice Dean , Million , Parents , Book Money , Shooter , Oxford High School , 5 Million , 30 , Child , Court Of Appeals , Manslaughter Charge , Appearance , Debate , Heinous Act , Singers , Difference , Room , Safelite , Song , Safelite Repair , Opportunities , Lots , Saw , Serum , Neutrogena , Is Joe , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , Gong Rings , 4 , 92 , Therabreath , Breath , Mouthwash , Stores , Capful , Target , Combative Yelling , Walmart , Rates , Veteran , Advantage , Values , Veterans , Highs , Value , Lows , Home Equity , Pace , Calling Newday , Newday 100 Va Loan , More , Cash , Grandkids , Security , Bank , Pool , Kitchen , Amount , 0000 , 60000 , Joint Pain , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Players , Artists , Designers , Friends , Do It Yourselfers , Enbrel , Clearer , True Self , Cancers , Lymphoma , Nervous System , Events , Blood Disorders , Sores , Cuts , Patients , Have , Heart Failure , Bleeding , Hepatitis B , Bruising , Paleness , Flu , Fever , Visit Enbrel Com , , 5 , Ethan Crumbley , Side , Manslaughter , Law , Counts , Charges , Screen , Gun , School , Pictures , Prosecutors , Teachers , Train , Hearing , Emily Compagno , Drawing , Glimpse , Garrett Tenney , Video , Prosecutor , Terms , Pages , Oakland County , Gigabytes , 500 , 40 , Reason , Jennifer Crumbley , Witnesses , Statements , Son , Access , Classmates , Office , Weapon , Class , Shooting , Teacher , Phone Searching , Ammo , Seven , Crumbleys , Action , Shielding , Teacher Saw Drawings , Words , Ethan , Desk , Mentioning , Warning Signs , Examination Hearing , Judge , Garrett , Gross Negligence , Attorney , Points , Avenue , Host , Co , Outnumbered , The Da S Presentation , Factor , Michigan , Mom And Dad , James , Statute , Someone , Deaths , Case Law , It Lead , Weapons , Minor , 2018 , Man , Parent , Convictions , Child Abuse , Shotgun , Conviction , Man Slaughterer , Fact , Ownership State , Didn T Murder Fellow Students In School , Attention , Injured , Laws , Gun Ownership , Teeth , There , It Codify , Misdemeanor , 1994 , Couldn T , Causation , Piece , Parenting , Participation , Fault , Times , Diner , Woman , Sound Bite , Boss , Head , Covid 19 , Opinion , Sympathy , Point , Didn T Eat Today , Adult , Mother , Circumstances , Wouldn T , Components , Kid , Backpack , Level , Being Wanton Disregard , Criticism , Neighbor , Drinking , Question , Tragic , Book , Money , Story , Leadership , Dr , Masking , Return , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Limu Emu , Doug , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Pay , Gasps , Theaters December 17th , Spider Man , December 17th , 17 , Upbeat Acoustic Musicty , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire Martha , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , State Staffers , Work , Pandemic , Nursing Home , Sam , Phone , Team , Center , Factors , Facilities , Issue , Fight , Led , Reaction , Janice , Book Deal , Undoing , Swing , Emmy Award , Interviews , Channel , Voice , Justice , Timeline , Nursing Home Numbers , Plans , Numbers , Part , Coating , Turning Point , Mask Mandate , Testing Requirement , Pfizer , In L A Hi , Experimental Covid Pill , William La Jeunesse , First , Mandates , Worst , Virus , Lockdowns , Prizes , Cdc , Corr Fews , Test , Gathering , Basketball , Strategy , Rose Bowl , Virus Transmission , 24 , 48 , Hospitalization Rate , Cases , Orange County , L A County , Concert , Delta Variant , Businesses , Mask , Mask Police , Plastic Shields Up , Health Officials , Newsome , Winter Surge , Let Go , Florida , Visitors , Bottom Line , Trip , Fan , North Carolina , Utah , Mandate , Effects , January 15 , Science , Mask Mandate Returns , Laboratories , 50 , Weren T , Manner , Road , Immunity , Account , Why Weren T We Acting , Resistance , Disease , Variants , Pact , Weren T We Looking , Unexplainable , Tests , Effort , Looks , Individual , Studies , Scale , Knowledge , Pfizer Covid Pill , Drug , Game Changer , Hospitalization , 80 , Therapeutics In General , The Nih , Reasons , Urgency , Young , Danger , Comorbidities , Line , Defense , Treatment , Omicron , Carson , Steve Danes , Montana , Truckers , Disruption , Supply Chain , Coming Up , Warning , Stop Rybelsus , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , Sugar , Majority , Type 1 Diabetes , A1c , 1 , Stomach Pain , Lump , Swelling , Neck , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Kidney Problems , Vision Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Pancreatitis , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , 10 , Banks , Refi , Homeowners , Newday , Lenders , 2 25 , Rate , History , Pocket , Apr , Newday Two , Lock , Mortgage Payments , Costs , 2 48 , Questions , 19 , You Re Not Alone , Support , Calhope , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Six , Calhope Org , 4673 , 317 , Trillions , Deficits , Tax Hikes , Capitol Hill , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Inflation , Debt Ceiling , Build , Vote , Funding , Program Spending Agenda , Senate , Chart , Increase , Steve Daines , Inflation Chart , 38 5 Trillion , 400 , 88 , Thoughts , Program , This , The End , 2021 , 2020 , Democrats , Madness , Taxes , In Washington , Bill , Debt , Spending , Tax , Forward , Price , 2 5 Trillion , 3 Trillion , Economy , Bomb , Inflation Fires , 5 Trillion , Congressman , Senator Manchin , Favor , Polling Data , Senator Tester , Democrat , Amtrak , Vaccine Mandates , Montanans , Cheering , Too , Hospitals , Vaccine Mandate , Courts , Staffing , Trouble , Disruptions , Northern Border State , Healthcare Workers , Border , Vax , Inflation Fire , Fuel , Top , Canada , Add It Up , The One , Suffering , Anti Made , America Energy Policy , Republicans , Entitlement , Size , Dependencies , Interest Rates , Doll , 30 Trillion , 0 Trillion , Mortgages , Increases , Priority , Look , Area , Devastation , Kids , Corn Hole , Experts , Wife , Cable , Windshield , Fine , Table , Service , Girl , My Name Is Cherrie , Cheesiest , Win , Kraft , Oregon Coast , 76 , Memory , On The Beach , Granddaughters , Daughters , Taking Prevagen , Memories , 53 , Puzzle Pieces , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Births , Legends , Object , Blue Skies , Hometown Fields , Grand Wagoneer , Spirit , Investors , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , Gold , One Million , Angioedema , Hospital , Ace Inhibitor , Harm , Aliskiren , Blood Pressure , Blood , Ace , Arb , Potassium , Gifts , Can T Wait To Unwrap , Joy , Thousands , Fees , Man Reporting , You Couldn T , War Zone , Another , Rescue Efforts , Eyes , Arkansas , Kind , Volunteer Staging Area , Perspective , Hunter Davis , Hunter , Truman , Area Saw , City , Ef 3 , 3 , Aftermath , Staging Area , Neighbor Helping , Is Joshua , Donations , Somebody , Person , Count , Interview , Jumping In , Toilet Paper , Shampoo , Each Other , Blessing Bucket , Bible , Conditioner , Toiletries , Bar Soap , Feet , Paper Towels , Bungy Cords , Rain , Goes On , Christmas Spirit , Tuesday , 14 , Tuesday October 14 , Leaders , Neil , Relief Groups , Holidays , Heat , Electricity ,

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