Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

todd: the lawlessness, not the criminals or the left's policies. we have the owner of the boutique, what they think of president biden is handling of a crime crisis. carley: a major admission from the biden administration about the americans left behind in afghanistan. you are watching "fox and friends first". todd: rampant looting during the busiest shopping time of the year. carley: the biden administration taking the responsibility for the surge in crime. jackie ibanez joining us with the latest. >> liberal crime policies leading to smash and grabs in american cities, the white house and a different message blaming the crime surgeon reasons including the pandemic. >> do you think it is possible big cities are dealing with these smash and grab companies and collectivities. they are too soft on crime? >> we seen an increase in crime. >> leaders are coordinating their attack in plain sight, organizers, total strangers, the woke district attorney continues to turn a blind eye, the chicago business owner blaming lori lightfoot, for the soft on crime policies estimated $2 million in merchandise from his luxury car dealership. >> it has gone to such a boiling point, to say anything about it. i voted for lori lightfoot, won't vote for her next time. >> lightfoot is under fire after the chicago tribune released text messages revealing how she shamed an alderman who questioned her crime policies, dismissing questions surrounding this texts saying the things people want me to focus on his public safety, the pandemic and making sure we have an equitable recovery. several chicago city leaders joined business owners and criticism of lightfoot, letting dangerous criminals walk free. carley: we spoke to two business owners in atlanta, georgia. their names are chanelle hock and austin gary, they own a consignment, and their business was looted of 100,$000 worth of merchandise, the thing about their stories this is the first time this happened over the summer of last summer during the riots, people broken once again, the last hour. what they said about their experience, watch this. >> the security, mrs. dickinson, that they can protect us. and supporting for us, and we are going to fight back, not like the eyesight but fight back by listening up for that. >> everything goes in your head, how is this merchandise going to be recovered, who's going to pay for these consignors and lost items and it is sad. carley: we see these, people stealing thousands of dollars of stuff, shoving in their bags and walking out, police arrests them and released on bail the next day but that guy austin wants more police, not less and think things will change, taking a positive approach to the situation. >> what country is this? and we had -- we've never seen the object lawlessness we are seeing in this period, this year, 2021. the cops can't do anything. their rests people, often these cops feel they are going to get in trouble for doing their jobs. and liberal governor's need to wake up -- >> dirtiest phrase in the english language is personal responsibility. you don't want to work. and cut you a check. you do poorly in school, we won't fail you. it is unbelievable what is happening. todd: it wasn't the kennedy democrat, the kennedy democrat as a republican, this is a newfound democratic party. carley: top story, 100 still missing. todd: eight were destroyed in a candle factory, and the management and their jobs if they fled. carley: live on the ground in mayfield, what are you seeing? >> total destruction. in mayfield tomorrow, there's a message for the people of kentucky. >> president biden: we are not leaving anybody still breathing under debris. that is the immediate urgent thing, to get food and water to people who don't have it and there's no place to get it. >> reporter: the death toll in kentucky has climbed to 74 with 100 still missing. oakland kuhn is the august victim for parents trapped into a car seat as they huddled together in their home in boston spring's kentucky. it wasn't enough. oakland is thought to have suffered a stroke brought on by her injuries. there is a report from nbc this morning that workers at the mayfield candle factory were told the tornado sirens went off they would be fired if they left, the company denies those claims. tweet workers died and another eight are still missing. meanwhile throughout the region, police on the top for leaders taking advantage of the devastation. >> leaders break the barriers, come down the roads, steel scrap metal and take it to recycling for money to feed some sort of habit or just for the money. >> reporter: the president has approved federal disaster site in kentucky, illinois and tennessee. todd: thank you. carley: tyler iran is leaving the white house at the end of next month. the administration says moran never intended to stay on for more than the first year. biden's domestic policy advisor tells politico tyler has been an invaluable member of the team since the transition and a tremendous asset in our effort to rebuild a fair and humane immigration system. this is the third major departure for the biden border team following amy pope and roberta jacobson who left earlier this year. and white house president kamala harris is still in charge of the border as the crisis continues to surge. todd: ron desantis is ready to make major moves to curb illegal immigration in florida. we break it all down. >> reporter: florida governor ron desantis doubling down on plans to spend $8 million to transport illegal migrants out of florida. listen to this. >> we went to facilitate transfer to places like delaware and pass legislation that says if you are facilitating biden's policies which is effectively a mass human smuggling operation we are going to charge you restitution for each individual you are bringing. >> reporter: in texas migrants crossing the rio grande while ignoring multiple messages against the dangerous trek into the us, vice president kamala harris announcing major us companies are committing $1.2 billion investment in the northern triangle. parents on the root causes of migration, but not on a crisis at the southern border. >> the people of el salvador, guatemala, honduras, cannot satisfy the basic needs of themselves or their families if they stay. these commitments will make a significant difference in the region and give many people there an opportunity to find hope at home. >> reporter: the president of guatemala says he's not heard from harris since her visit in june. the white house insists the vice president is still in charge of the border. >> vice president harris still in charge of the root causes of migration? why is it she has not spoken to the president of guatemala since june and if she is in charge why is that? >> we had a range of conversations in their readouts. >> reporter: the fifth circuit court of appeals shutting down the biden administration's attempt to stop the trump era remain in mexico policy. carley: thank you. todd: jen psaki calling the congressional budget office's spending bill, quote, fake. listen. >> what you are talking about is a fake cbo score that is not based on the actual bill that anybody is voting on. evaluation has nothing to do with the bills back better plan claiming the fake scores about an entirely different issue. senator lindsey graham said he asked the cbo to evaluate that bill. here's what he said on hannity. >> i asked the cbo to look at the bill to see if it had budget gimmicks, the 17 program stay in place the bill never go away, it was $5 trillion, the bill on the floor is a lie. todd: democrat still hopeful they will push the embattled spending over the line as the year comes to a close but a long road ahead if they think of that. carley: it is almost christmas. that is when this is going down. the times 11 minutes after the hour. gone in an instant, kentucky family after a tornado flattens the restaurant that has been in their family for 75 years. todd: but they are not giving up and are ready to rebuild. we talked to one of the owners next. ♪♪ it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at carley: a kentucky couple loses their family restaurant after being in business for 75 years. their business left in ruins after a tornado struck the town of mayfield this past weekend. todd: one of the owners joins us now. how are you holding up? >> okay. i am in shock i'm sure. >> i'm sure you are in shock. what was it like when you went to the area where the restaurant was an you saw with the patient and into your business? >> >> it was dark and rainy. it was flattened. i'm describing it and went home. >> this restaurant has been in the family for 75 years, 3 quarters of a century. were you able to salvage anything? >> several things that belonged to our son. they were in their. with my grandmother's and alternatives, a lot of that out. we did what we could. >> some of your belongings from the restaurant, a lot of people look at the damage and say this is completely unsalvageable, to heck with this situation, why are you going to do that and when will the process start for you? >> that is all we have, the reconstruction business, like i said, we will start, trying to talk to anybody to tell us anything but it is a lot clearer. >> suzanne, words cannot express the sadness we feel for you. we wish you the best of luck in your plan to rebuild and praying for you. the nation is praying for you and fellow victims of this horrific horrific event. >> there will be another bar in the future. thank you for joining us. todd: dozens of servicemembers sign up to defend our country, discharge for violating vaccine mandate, which branch made the cuts before the holiday? carley: we are catching up with a couple of strangers to a parent's adorable pups, you don't want to miss this one. ♪♪ hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? now get powerful relief with robitussin elderberry. carley: julian assange's brother fears for the wikileaks founder's life after the but he can be extradited to the united states. >> can no longer ignore, the biden administration is criminalized this and it is worse than that, they are criminalized knowing about classified information. coming to this country, the extradition is ordered by the high court, don't think we can ignore it. >> reporter: assange is being held in a london prison charged under the espionage act the computer fraud and abuse act for leaking a government document in 2010. todd: texas parents against the school board for what they say censorship of conservatives. two fathers arrested after allegedly disrupting a school board meeting. now the board is preparing a censure of two conservative trustees who say the board violated texas law by keeping them out. those trustees joined us last hour. >> we were so disappointed and frustrated that our colleagues, we were spending our time trying to serve students, they were out there drafting these resolutions, to your point, saying we were rioting. todd: school board of trustees president tells fox, quote, we are not going to discuss the merits of the center resolutions that are currently the subject of litigation. a florida-based charity that trains dogs for law enforcement is spreading holiday cheer by giving veterans puppies. carley: we continue our 12 days of giving series, one of your puppies there, great to see you there when you gave a service dog, for those who missed that, and why you're doing this. >> it is funny, suffering severe ptsd after surveying with the rangers. how can we give back in some sort of way. if we give puppies to veterans, something -- once an hour. to get up in the morning, it sounds too, have to let the dog out or feed the dog. that helps people the most. >> you have a puppy with you. what is his or her name? >> this is when the. she is 12 weeks old and very finicky today. heather: wants to get on air and be part of the segment. >> of veterans who own. >> we have 8 week back, we are allowing people to sponsor veterans. todd: how do you decide which veteran get the dog? the need is great right now and you have limited resources. >> an application process to do background checks. we like to see people had prior experience with shepherds, it is okay. we tried to put training into them before they go home. >> how do you do that? >> if you go to our website, they will sponsor this portion. essentially if they would like to sponsor someone we can have multiple sponsors, they can do that and at that point they receive a gift bag in the mail and follow up with the veteran and the dog progresses and gets older. carley: you do such great work, such a fan and you can donate as well by going to hold certainland >> as part of the sponsorship package. carley: thank you for joining us this morning. todd: and when the. carley: high energy. we love her christmas cheer as well. thank you so much. the time is now 28 minutes after the hour. according to a liberal columnist if you are an vaccinated you should be last in line for hospital treatment. we are talking to joe concha about that comment. todd: president biden raising your taxes with the spending agenda but a brand-new study, promised that biden may not be able to do that, crunching the numbers. there's so much new in the new chicken & bacon ranch, but the clock is ticking, so we gotta hurry! there's new rotisserie-style chicken, new peppercorn ranch, new hickory-smoked bacon, new- did you just spike the footlong? sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. todd: hundreds of national guard troops join the recovery effort in kentucky after the worst tornado outbreak in the state of history. carley: president biden approves a disaster declaration in tennessee and illinois. fox news chief meteorologist joins us live in mayfield. >> here we are three days out still every corner you turn to looks like this, they are making big progress cleaning up the roads, electric vehicles getting here to get electricity restored, everyone is still without electricity, people are still in their homes, 3 or 4 blocks, that have not been damaged, generator power or moved onto neighboring communities. we are at the point, a better sense of the death toll, governor bashir spoke about the death toll in kentucky. listen to his reaction? >> we are up to 74 kentuckians we lost. >> you can understand the governor choking up getting images, 5-month-old baby who was lost in the storm, the oldest person 86 years old and that death toll is a little bit fluid, 74 at least. 74 people were -- we are getting more stories of survivors across areas of kentucky, probably around 200 mile stretch that had one tornado on the ground. we talked about the candle factory in mayfield, but stories of survivors coming out, listen to what one of the survivors had to say. >> we had superman, i don't know who he was, i wish i did so i could thank him, a concrete wall, he lifted off of me and 3 of my girls got up because of him. >> these stories coming out, certainly stories of heroes who have come out and in those moments were able to save people, those are the stories people will hang on to, so much work ahead of them. we will be talking live at the top of "fox and friends" with another worker from the candle factory who decided that she had something in her gut and didn't want to go to work that evening, we were talking at the top of "fox and friends". >> usually when you look at the aftermath of a tornado one of the signatures is one side of the street is destroyed and the other side there are houses and structures still standing untouched but as we are looking at the footage of mayfield it doesn't look like this. bomb went off. are you noticing a difference and why did that happen? >> reporter: it was a very wide tornado when it came through here. the national weather service goes out to do their investigation to see size and strength of the tornado. roughly maybe 200 miles long, the path of the tornado we don't know that for sure yet, that hasn't been fully investigated but it certainly was a very wide tornado through mayfield and the center of this tornado, residential areas on either side that were untouched but the downtown historic district, they've done a lot of work to revamp and bring this town back, it is completely gone. carley: the worst possible scenario and the beautiful baby you showed, heartbreaking to know what happened. thank you so much. todd: the biden administration left hundreds of residents behind after the chaotic withdrawal. the state department says 500 us citizens have been evacuated, the other 31 have withdrawn and a dozen. there, these numbers drastically higher than the estimates president biden gave on the number of americans left behind even before the withdrawal, biden promised this. >> president biden: if there is american citizen left we will stay and get them out. todd: the state department says it is in touch with remaining us citizens who want to leave. >> the air force discharging 27 airmen for refusing to get the covid vaccine. a spokesman for the branch confirming these are the first to be administered, administratively discharged over vaccine refusal. she said the airmen were in their first term of enlistment, they were younger, low ranking, there's legislation in congress now that would give servicemembers who refuse the vaccine and honorable discharge, none of the 27 airmen saw any type of exemption. in the meantime at the liberal magazine the atlantic suggesting hospitals should rank who gets treated first in hospitals based on their vaccine status. todd: tweeting in part that hospitals quietly triage emergency care to serve the unvaccinated less. joe concha joins us, how does a fellow human come up with an idea that callous? >> quietly triage, how do you do that with somebody in your waiting room, having trouble breathing at that point. this is a racist argument because if you look at the numbers the lowest vaccination rates are among those in the black communities. he would tell those with serious respiratory issues, those having trouble breathing to go to the back of the line. as the husband of an er doctor that's not how it works. this is david from, fake conservative, one of the strongest advocates of the iraq war, sending thousands of young men to their depth during the bush administration over weapons of mass distraction that didn't exist so this is the last person on the planet who needs to be listening to on anything. >> the i'm better than you moral high ground mentality where if you are vaccinated that is how you feel and the unvaccinated are stupid even though they may be unvaccinated because they already had covid or have genuine concerns of the vaccine. >> they may have antibodies or may have natural immunity, maybe they are young, healthy and therefore feel they are weighing the pros and cons between if i get covid then therefore probably be okay, 99% of people above that below a certain age are fine in those situations was i'm fully vaccinated, got my boast her, my wife is a doctor, treats covid patients, not for or against vaccine, it is you have to understand why some people won't get it and by forcing it on them you must get this i thought it was my body my choice was the arguments when it comes to what goes on with our bodies or the vaccine, that will seems to be -- carley: an important question, if you drive too fast are you treated last refuse smoke do you get treated last as well? where does this end? todd: a great question. i will leave it there. todd: president biden's approval ratings are not his fault, listen. >> there is nothing the white house can do to improve their political standing. it does seem every week there's another poll. is two big promises we get covid behind us and get rid of donald trump. covid is not part of and donald trump is -- it is not his fault. >> putting trump on par with the virus, all the other disasters caused by this administration. >> the sound you here's tim russert rolling over in his grave, tim russert, the late great moderator of meet the press, one of the last few objective guys the took on both sides without fear or favor and american voters believe inflation is biden's fault as is the worker shortage and falling wages, skyrocketing crime, the border, afghanistan, even trump in this context, broaching trump is moronic and misleading, what does that mean? how can biden vanquish trump from existing, what does that mean? a solid majority of americans blame team biden for spending trillions we don't have, seeking to spend trillions more are sinking this president because everyone feels inflation, crime is thinking this president because we all feel that in some capacity as well, we see what is going on at the border and in afghanistan and what is happening our educational system, that is why this president who has this look of incompetence doesn't like to work that much it appears is -- not because trump is still around. todd: easy to say trump. time now 41 minutes after the other. senator josh talley, a lot of checks for black lives matter but refused to condemn the group's christmas boycott. >> all corporate sponsors that contribute, a big impact of the organization that the whole purpose is to distract. carley: rachel campos duffy is having breakfast with friends in christmas town, usa. we are checking with her live coming up. hey, rachel. ck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. xfinity rewards are our way of thanking you just for being with us. enjoy rewards like sing family fun nights! rent sing for $1, then belt out all your favorite tunes from the movie with sing karaoke. plus, see sing 2 in theaters with buy-one-get-one free fandango tickets. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. carley: a new study revealing impact the build back better bill could hurt. carley: all the details. >> reporter: i own my wallet. remember when president biden promised this? >> anybody making less than 400,$000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes. you make less than 400,$000, not one single any an additional federal tax, no one making less than 400,$000 will pay an additional sent in taxes. >> reporter: study from chicago economics professor estimates the social spending bill could double the cost of childcare by 27,$000 for family with an infant and 4-year-old for example. it could add 30,$000 in taxes for middle-class families. the findings published in the wall street journal to the trump your economic advisor was white house press again very jen psaki, the bill would add to the federal deficit are false, graham said recent cbs score saying within $3 trillion to the deficit over 10 years, the programs made permanent, makes a good argument, handing out people money, hard to take it away. jillian: this is interesting. what is going on with private-sector businesses? >> reporter: vice president kamala harris announcing the private-sector is going to be dealing with the immigration crisis where companies committing $1.2 billion to investments in guatemala, honduras, and el salvador. >> i think we all know the united states has an important role to play to address root causes of migration. at the same time our government cannot do its work alone. >> reporter: he believes this will address the root cause of immigration from central america. we will see if it pans out. todd: hitting hard. >> reporter: senator josh howie calling out sponsors of black lives matter, respond over the group's christmas boycott of white businesses. >> don't look at the fact that we ship your jobs overseas or -- we are woke so we should be fine. >> reporter: the group says, and capitalism and tested policing. and putting targets on the backs of black people. they want consumers to purchase christmas gifts from black vendors, amazon, microsoft them into b and b are the major donors and none have responded so far. switching gears tonight, hard turn, 8:00 pm eastern time, don't forget to tune into american dream home, we are heading down to virginia and montana. >> appreciate it. holiday spirit in one 7 community, christmastown usa. >> at grits and green southern cuisine and the restaurant, they are so cute. what are you going to talk to with folks at the diner this morning? >> you know i'm going to be eating here in a little bit so i'm excited about that but this is a mile away from christmas sound in north carolina. it looks like a hallmark card like a hallmark movie and they have been doing this since the 1950s. it is ranked in the top 3 to 5 every year, the best christmas lights display, they get into it, a lot of friendly competition among residents and it is amazing place to bring the family. last year they didn't do it because of the pandemic so there is a huge pent-up energy around this. people are so excited to welcome visitors and that is what people do, they come here, walk around, show them lights and get into the christmas spirit. todd: will there be a knowledge to your book the all-american christmas? >> reporter: i think we are the number one book in the country because of that pent-up energy. we are going to do some signing. what better place to deal with my book all-american christmas? of course we are all in the christmas spirit as want to bring that to you. carley: a lot of it is bad news, crime, inflation. it is nice to see you with your christmas book. you are wonderful nice personal year-round. we are looking forward to your hits all morning long on "fox and friends". thank you for joining us. todd: you must get grits. you got to eat the greens. 51 after the hour. mandate match in democrat led states, california the latest to recover masks indoors. carley: tomi lahren moved out of the golden state to escape big government, she will react next. . . carley: here gee again california the ninth democratic run state force everyone to wear a mask indoors despite vaccination status. we are going backwards. todd: joining us is tomi lehner the more progressive liberal governors get the more they double down. why is that? >> because those people living in those liberal blue states refuse to change how they vote. instead of voting better they decide to flee to flee great states like florida and tennessee and texas instead of staying and fighting. i understand i fled as well. i have also got to say this. forced face diapering is back. there is a whole lot of things can you get away with in california but breathing freely is one of them. i would have to ask those leaders in those states who claim they are doing this for health and safety. these states have some of the most stringent, strict covid measures including forced vaccination, mask mandates their case totals and the way they dealt with covid is the same or worse than those states like florida, tennessee or texas that chose freedom. so if what you are doing and these man tates if they're working so well, your state should be performing better than everyone, but it's not. so when are they going to wisen up and realize they're hemorrhaging residents. they are coming to all the free states because people are done living in fear of covid. they want to move on. they want to be free. and they want to breathe freely for crying out loud. carley: i couldn't agree with you more. i was reading president biden's fourth of july speech this morning. just to remind everybody what he said back in july. talking about the virus. he says it no longer controls our lives and no longer paralyzes our nation and it's within our power to make sure it never does so again. that was july. and what has happened in between then and now, more people vaccinated now we are dealing with omicron a less severe strain of the virus. so i'm just having trouble figuring out how a lot of these mayors and democrats are able to enforce these rules and people are actually going along with it. >> that's the thing the goal posts keep moving. they haven't said how they will enforce these mandates. other than comply. people have been complying with tyranny two years now. we have been conditioned and set the precedent that you can keep applying these mandates, these restrictions however arbitrary they may be and people will follow along o i also have to say besides the mask mandate. california is set to impose other restrictions on the unvaccinated which makes no sense as we know the vaccinated can get and give covid. again, i would have to ask those leaders and people living in these states, do you think this about health and safety or is it about control and intimidation? >> finally governor ron desantis in florida ban new plan to transport illegal immigrants out of florida places like delaware and other democrat enclaves. here is more from the governor's plan. listen. >> if you are facilitating biden's policies which is mass human smuggling operation you are not going to be eligible to do business with the state of florida. yes, he there are drugs and crimes but also have things with healthcare costs, education, all these services that get passed because of biden's reckless policies. todd: 45 seconds on the clock, see you tomi, your reaction? >> listen, the biden administration is dedicated to coddling illegal immigrants and also dedicated to southern border and dropping thousands, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants in states like florida states like mine here in tennessee. any leader worth their title is going to stand up and say enough of this. governor sangts is showing true leadership and showing he cares about the residents of his states. the legal immigrants and americans law abiding and put them first. any other leader around the country should follow his example. we can't allow the biden administration to open the flood gates of illegal immigrants tone courage and incentivize illegal. send them to delaware and martha's vineyard and california nancy pelosi's backyard a much better place for them. carley: you were 40 seconds on the spot. she is a pro. todd: thank you. watch your show on fox nation and this show coming up now it's called? carley: "fox & friends," that's what i was just going to say. >> at least 88 people are now dead. kentucky hit hardest. >> the age range is 5 months, 86 years. >> the white house claims vice president kamala harris is still in charge of the border as the crisis continues. >> why is it that she has not spoken to the president of guatemala since june? >> i did see this kind of strange report which is inaccurate. >> california reimposing a statewide indoor mask mandate. >> they are putting in place these policies not because they want to beat a virus unlimit

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December 14th , Fox News Alert , 14 , Tuesday December 14th , Governor , Victim , Ground , Baby Girl , Storm , Kentuckians , Guard , Kentucky , Sheer , Emotion , 74 , 2 , Report , Carley , Disaster Zone , Biden Vanquish Trump , Administration , Policies , Todd , Criminals , Admission , Owner , Crime Crisis , Handling , Left , Lawlessness , Boutique , Fox And Friends First , Americans , Looting , Afghanistan , Crime , Responsibility , Message , Latest , Cities , White House , Surge , Jackie Ibanez , Pandemic , Companies , Collectivities , Crime Surgeon Reasons , Smash And Grab , Leaders , In Plain Sight , Increase , Strangers , District Attorney , Organizers , Chicago , Eye , Merchandise , Business Owner , Lori Lightfoot , Boiling Point , Car Dealership , 2 Million , Million , Cops Can T , Alderman , Crime Policies , Text Messages , Fire , Won T Vote , Chicago Tribune , People , Things , Business Owners , City Leaders , Questions , Public Safety , Recovery , Texts , Names , Criticism , Atlanta , Georgia , Austin Gary , Chanelle , Two , Thing , Business , Stories , Time , Consignment , Summer , 00 , 100 , 000 , Experience , Riots , Security , Mrs , Dickinson , Everything , Eyesight , Head , Sad , Items , Thousands , Walking Out , Police Arrests , Bail , Shoving , Stuff , Bags , Dollars , Guy Austin , Country , Police , Situation , Approach , Object Lawlessness , 2021 , Trouble , Jobs , Need , Cops , English , Phrase , It Wasn T The Kennedy Democrat , Check , School , Management , Story , Democratic Party , Republican , Candle Factory , Eight , Mayfield , Total Destruction , Anybody , Debris , Place , Reporter , Don T , Death Toll , Food , Water , Parents , Home , Car Seat , Oakland Kuhn , Boston Spring , Stroke , Oakland , It Wasn T Enough , Top , Claims , Workers , Tornado Sirens , Region , Tweet Workers , Company , Injuries , Mayfield Candle Factory , Nbc , Money , Roads , Sort , Scrap Metal , Advantage , Devastation , Barriers , Habit , Recycling , Tennessee , Disaster , Site , Illinois , Domestic Policy Advisor , The End , Politico Tyler , Tyler Iran , Kamala Harris , Team , Departure , Immigration System , Effort , Transition , Who , Member , Asset , Biden Border Team , Roberta Jacobson , Amy Pope , Border , Crisis , Charge , Florida , Immigration , Ron Desantis , Down , Moves , Migrants , Plans , 8 Million , Legislation , Human Smuggling Operation , Texas , Places , Delaware , Restitution , Transfer , Individual , Messages , Investment , Triangle , Trek , Rio Grande , 1 2 Billion , 2 Billion , Migration , Causes , Guatemala , El Salvador , Honduras , Cannot , Families , Difference , Opportunity , Hope , Commitments , Of Guatemala , Vice President , Visit , President , Range , Trump , Conversations , Policy , Attempt , Readouts , Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals , Mexico , Bill , Score , Voting , Fake , Quote , Jen Psaki , Congressional Budget Office , Nothing , Plan , Bills , Scores , Evaluation , Lindsey Graham , Issue , Program Stay , Budget Gimmicks , On Hannity , Bill Never Go Away , Trillion , 5 Trillion , 17 , Spending , Line , Times , Floor , Lie , Road , Instant , 11 , Tornado , Restaurant , Family , Owners , One , 75 , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , 05 , 4 , Migraine , Ubrelvy , Dose , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Feel , Student Loan Debt , Cause , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Move , Rates , Fees , Hello , 1000 , Cooking , Seal , Pieces , Interest , Heart , Grown In Idaho , Snacking , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Mike S Denture , Game , Super Poligrip , Food Particles , Everyone , Mail , Billions , Medicine , Greetings , Packages , Everywhere , 160 Million , Members , Postal Service , American Postal Workers Union , Show , Promises , Gonna , Mom , Mommy , Same , Snow , Oh My Goodness , Www Xfinity Com Sing2 Carley , Family Restaurant , Town , Ruins , Shock , Area , You Saw , Patient , Quarters , Son , 3 , Lot , Grandmother , Alternatives , Some , Belongings , Damage , Reconstruction Business , Clearer , Words , Suzanne , Nation , Victims , Best , Event , Sadness , Luck , Bar , Servicemembers , Discharge , Vaccine Mandate , Dozens , Branch , Holiday , Parent , Couple , Cuts , Pups , Relief , Robitussin Honey , Cough , Mind , Trash , Robitussin Elderberry , Brother Fears , Julian Assange , Wikileaks , Founder , Life , Information , Extradition , Prison , High Court , London , School Board , Conservatives , Censorship , Government Document , Fathers , Computer Fraud And Abuse Act , Espionage Act , 2010 , Trustees , Board , Censure , Texas Law , School Board Meeting , Point , Students , Colleagues , Resolutions , Rioting , School Board Of Trustees , Charity , Center Resolutions , Litigation , Merits , Dogs , Law Enforcement , Subject , Veterans , Puppies , Series , 12 , Service Dog , Surveying , Rangers , Ptsd , Way , Something , Dog , Name , Puppy , Most , Part , Back , Air , Segment , Heather , 8 , Veteran , Background Checks , Resources , Application Process , Shepherds , Training , Website , Sponsors , Someone , Portion , Work , Gift Bag , Fan , Sponsorship Package , Certainland Canine Com , Columnist , High Energy , 28 , Taxes , Study , Comment , Agenda , Joe Concha , Hospital Treatment , Clock , Rotisserie , Numbers , Ticking , Bacon Ranch , App , Delay , Footlong , Bacon , Order , Peppercorn Ranch , Save Big , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Skin , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Dyes , Fragrances , Parabens , 24 , State , History , Troops , Tornado Outbreak , Disaster Declaration , Recovery Effort , Hundreds Of National Guard , Chief Meteorologist , Three , Electricity , Vehicles , Progress Cleaning , Corner , Looks , Communities , Homes , Blocks , Generator Power , Reaction , Baby , Person , Images , 5 , 86 , Survivors , Areas , 200 , Superman , Girls , Concrete Wall , Heroes , Worker , Didn T , Gut , Side , Street , Houses , Aftermath , Signatures , Doesn T , Footage , Bomb , Structures , National Weather Service , Investigation , Strength , Size , Path , Hasn T , Center , Downtown Historic District , Town Back , Scenario , Residents , Citizens , State Department , Withdrawal , Hundreds , 500 , 31 , Number , Citizen , Covid , Airmen , Spokesman , Air Force , First , Touch , 27 , Administratively , Vaccine Refusal , Enlistment , Ranking , Term , Congress , Hospitals , None , Type , Exemption , Magazine , Atlantic , Unvaccinated , Vaccine Status , Tweeting , Emergency Care , Argument , Trouble Breathing , Human , Somebody , Triage , Vaccination Rates , Idea , Waiting Room , Respiratory , Issues , Weapons Of Mass Distraction , Doctor , Conservative , Er , Husband , Advocates , Men , Depth , Bush , Iraq War , Mentality , Anything , Planet , Listening , Concerns , Antibodies , Immunity , Cons , Age , Pros , 99 , Situations , Wife , Body , Patients , Boast , Arguments , Choice , Will , Bodies , Fault , Question , Refuse , Smoke , Approval Ratings , Donald Trump , Standing , Poll , Virus , Sound , Tim Russert , Sides , Meet The Press , Disasters , Fear , Voters , Par , Moderator , Guys , Grave , Inflation , Shortage , Broaching Trump , Context , Wages , The Border , Majority , Trillions , Educational System , Look , Capacity , Incompetence , Well , Don T Have , Lives , Josh Talley , Checks , 41 , Group , Impact , Rachel Campos Duffy , Boycott , Organization , Purpose , Friends In Christmas Town , Breakfast , Ck , Serum , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , Saw , 92 , Squad , Xfinity , Switch , Carriers , Phone , Info , Carrier , Xfinity Mobile , Store , Switch Squad , Save , 5g Phone , Movie , Sing , Tunes , , 1 , Sing 2 , Tickets , Rewards , Theaters , Thanks , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , A Million , Build , Wallet , Details , Single , Tax , Penny , 400 , Example , Cost , Infant , Professor , Economics , Childcare , Advisor , Findings , Wall Street Journal , 30 , Deficit , Jillian , Cbs , Programs Made Permanent , 3 Trillion , 10 , Private Sector , Businesses , Immigration Crisis , Government , Investments , Role , Josh Howie , Root Cause , Central America , Fact , Matter , Overseas , Policing , Backs , Capitalism , Targets , Amazon , Consumers , Gifts , B , Donors , Microsoft , Montana , American Dream Home , Virginia , Hard Turn , Community , Holiday Spirit , Christmastown Usa , 7 , Grits , Diner , Folks , Green Southern Cuisine , Hallmark Card , Display , Christmas Lights , North Carolina , 1950 , Competition , Visitors , Book , Knowledge , All American , Signing , Course , Energy , All American Christmas , Bad News , Morning , Round , States , Tomi Lahren , Masks , Mandate Match , Led , California , 51 , Mask , Here Gee Again California The Ninth Democratic Run State Force , Governors , Vaccination Status , Blue States , Tomi Lehner , Staying , Face Diapering , Fighting , Health , Safety , Breathing , Stringent , Measures , Vaccination , Case Totals , Freedom , Man Tates , Living In Fear Of Covid , Everybody , Controls , Speech , Fourth Of July , Reading , Power , It , Strain , Omicron A , Democrats , Goal Posts , Rules , Mayors , Restrictions , Mandates , Haven T , Precedent , Mask Mandate , Vaccinated , Oi , Immigrants , Intimidation , Enclaves , Drugs , Yes , Services , Crimes , Healthcare Costs , Education , Listen , 45 , Leader , Title , Southern Border , Tens Of Thousands , Law , Leadership , Flood Gates , Sangts , Courage , Backyard A , Nancy Pelosi , Martha S Vineyard , 40 , Pro , Spot , Hit , Fox Nation , 88 , Kind , California Reimposing A , Virus Unlimit ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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todd: the lawlessness, not the criminals or the left's policies. we have the owner of the boutique, what they think of president biden is handling of a crime crisis. carley: a major admission from the biden administration about the americans left behind in afghanistan. you are watching "fox and friends first". todd: rampant looting during the busiest shopping time of the year. carley: the biden administration taking the responsibility for the surge in crime. jackie ibanez joining us with the latest. >> liberal crime policies leading to smash and grabs in american cities, the white house and a different message blaming the crime surgeon reasons including the pandemic. >> do you think it is possible big cities are dealing with these smash and grab companies and collectivities. they are too soft on crime? >> we seen an increase in crime. >> leaders are coordinating their attack in plain sight, organizers, total strangers, the woke district attorney continues to turn a blind eye, the chicago business owner blaming lori lightfoot, for the soft on crime policies estimated $2 million in merchandise from his luxury car dealership. >> it has gone to such a boiling point, to say anything about it. i voted for lori lightfoot, won't vote for her next time. >> lightfoot is under fire after the chicago tribune released text messages revealing how she shamed an alderman who questioned her crime policies, dismissing questions surrounding this texts saying the things people want me to focus on his public safety, the pandemic and making sure we have an equitable recovery. several chicago city leaders joined business owners and criticism of lightfoot, letting dangerous criminals walk free. carley: we spoke to two business owners in atlanta, georgia. their names are chanelle hock and austin gary, they own a consignment, and their business was looted of 100,$000 worth of merchandise, the thing about their stories this is the first time this happened over the summer of last summer during the riots, people broken once again, the last hour. what they said about their experience, watch this. >> the security, mrs. dickinson, that they can protect us. and supporting for us, and we are going to fight back, not like the eyesight but fight back by listening up for that. >> everything goes in your head, how is this merchandise going to be recovered, who's going to pay for these consignors and lost items and it is sad. carley: we see these, people stealing thousands of dollars of stuff, shoving in their bags and walking out, police arrests them and released on bail the next day but that guy austin wants more police, not less and think things will change, taking a positive approach to the situation. >> what country is this? and we had -- we've never seen the object lawlessness we are seeing in this period, this year, 2021. the cops can't do anything. their rests people, often these cops feel they are going to get in trouble for doing their jobs. and liberal governor's need to wake up -- >> dirtiest phrase in the english language is personal responsibility. you don't want to work. and cut you a check. you do poorly in school, we won't fail you. it is unbelievable what is happening. todd: it wasn't the kennedy democrat, the kennedy democrat as a republican, this is a newfound democratic party. carley: top story, 100 still missing. todd: eight were destroyed in a candle factory, and the management and their jobs if they fled. carley: live on the ground in mayfield, what are you seeing? >> total destruction. in mayfield tomorrow, there's a message for the people of kentucky. >> president biden: we are not leaving anybody still breathing under debris. that is the immediate urgent thing, to get food and water to people who don't have it and there's no place to get it. >> reporter: the death toll in kentucky has climbed to 74 with 100 still missing. oakland kuhn is the august victim for parents trapped into a car seat as they huddled together in their home in boston spring's kentucky. it wasn't enough. oakland is thought to have suffered a stroke brought on by her injuries. there is a report from nbc this morning that workers at the mayfield candle factory were told the tornado sirens went off they would be fired if they left, the company denies those claims. tweet workers died and another eight are still missing. meanwhile throughout the region, police on the top for leaders taking advantage of the devastation. >> leaders break the barriers, come down the roads, steel scrap metal and take it to recycling for money to feed some sort of habit or just for the money. >> reporter: the president has approved federal disaster site in kentucky, illinois and tennessee. todd: thank you. carley: tyler iran is leaving the white house at the end of next month. the administration says moran never intended to stay on for more than the first year. biden's domestic policy advisor tells politico tyler has been an invaluable member of the team since the transition and a tremendous asset in our effort to rebuild a fair and humane immigration system. this is the third major departure for the biden border team following amy pope and roberta jacobson who left earlier this year. and white house president kamala harris is still in charge of the border as the crisis continues to surge. todd: ron desantis is ready to make major moves to curb illegal immigration in florida. we break it all down. >> reporter: florida governor ron desantis doubling down on plans to spend $8 million to transport illegal migrants out of florida. listen to this. >> we went to facilitate transfer to places like delaware and pass legislation that says if you are facilitating biden's policies which is effectively a mass human smuggling operation we are going to charge you restitution for each individual you are bringing. >> reporter: in texas migrants crossing the rio grande while ignoring multiple messages against the dangerous trek into the us, vice president kamala harris announcing major us companies are committing $1.2 billion investment in the northern triangle. parents on the root causes of migration, but not on a crisis at the southern border. >> the people of el salvador, guatemala, honduras, cannot satisfy the basic needs of themselves or their families if they stay. these commitments will make a significant difference in the region and give many people there an opportunity to find hope at home. >> reporter: the president of guatemala says he's not heard from harris since her visit in june. the white house insists the vice president is still in charge of the border. >> vice president harris still in charge of the root causes of migration? why is it she has not spoken to the president of guatemala since june and if she is in charge why is that? >> we had a range of conversations in their readouts. >> reporter: the fifth circuit court of appeals shutting down the biden administration's attempt to stop the trump era remain in mexico policy. carley: thank you. todd: jen psaki calling the congressional budget office's spending bill, quote, fake. listen. >> what you are talking about is a fake cbo score that is not based on the actual bill that anybody is voting on. evaluation has nothing to do with the bills back better plan claiming the fake scores about an entirely different issue. senator lindsey graham said he asked the cbo to evaluate that bill. here's what he said on hannity. >> i asked the cbo to look at the bill to see if it had budget gimmicks, the 17 program stay in place the bill never go away, it was $5 trillion, the bill on the floor is a lie. todd: democrat still hopeful they will push the embattled spending over the line as the year comes to a close but a long road ahead if they think of that. carley: it is almost christmas. that is when this is going down. the times 11 minutes after the hour. gone in an instant, kentucky family after a tornado flattens the restaurant that has been in their family for 75 years. todd: but they are not giving up and are ready to rebuild. we talked to one of the owners next. ♪♪ it's my 4:05 the-show-must-go-on migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. feel stuck with student loan debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ move your student loan debt to sofi— you could save with low rates and no fees. earn a $1,000 bonus when you refi— and get your money right. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed and get your money right. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mike's denture. but super poligrip gives him a tight seal. to help block out food particles. so he can enjoy the game. super poligrip. this year, postal workers transported, sorted and then delivered billions of pieces of vital mail, medicine, packages, greetings, and gifts to 160 million addresses every day. we serve everyone, everywhere. we're dedicated to americans like you, who rely on us and depend on a public postal service. happy holidays and happy new year from the members of the american postal workers union. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at carley: a kentucky couple loses their family restaurant after being in business for 75 years. their business left in ruins after a tornado struck the town of mayfield this past weekend. todd: one of the owners joins us now. how are you holding up? >> okay. i am in shock i'm sure. >> i'm sure you are in shock. what was it like when you went to the area where the restaurant was an you saw with the patient and into your business? >> >> it was dark and rainy. it was flattened. i'm describing it and went home. >> this restaurant has been in the family for 75 years, 3 quarters of a century. were you able to salvage anything? >> several things that belonged to our son. they were in their. with my grandmother's and alternatives, a lot of that out. we did what we could. >> some of your belongings from the restaurant, a lot of people look at the damage and say this is completely unsalvageable, to heck with this situation, why are you going to do that and when will the process start for you? >> that is all we have, the reconstruction business, like i said, we will start, trying to talk to anybody to tell us anything but it is a lot clearer. >> suzanne, words cannot express the sadness we feel for you. we wish you the best of luck in your plan to rebuild and praying for you. the nation is praying for you and fellow victims of this horrific horrific event. >> there will be another bar in the future. thank you for joining us. todd: dozens of servicemembers sign up to defend our country, discharge for violating vaccine mandate, which branch made the cuts before the holiday? carley: we are catching up with a couple of strangers to a parent's adorable pups, you don't want to miss this one. ♪♪ hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? now get powerful relief with robitussin elderberry. carley: julian assange's brother fears for the wikileaks founder's life after the but he can be extradited to the united states. >> can no longer ignore, the biden administration is criminalized this and it is worse than that, they are criminalized knowing about classified information. coming to this country, the extradition is ordered by the high court, don't think we can ignore it. >> reporter: assange is being held in a london prison charged under the espionage act the computer fraud and abuse act for leaking a government document in 2010. todd: texas parents against the school board for what they say censorship of conservatives. two fathers arrested after allegedly disrupting a school board meeting. now the board is preparing a censure of two conservative trustees who say the board violated texas law by keeping them out. those trustees joined us last hour. >> we were so disappointed and frustrated that our colleagues, we were spending our time trying to serve students, they were out there drafting these resolutions, to your point, saying we were rioting. todd: school board of trustees president tells fox, quote, we are not going to discuss the merits of the center resolutions that are currently the subject of litigation. a florida-based charity that trains dogs for law enforcement is spreading holiday cheer by giving veterans puppies. carley: we continue our 12 days of giving series, one of your puppies there, great to see you there when you gave a service dog, for those who missed that, and why you're doing this. >> it is funny, suffering severe ptsd after surveying with the rangers. how can we give back in some sort of way. if we give puppies to veterans, something -- once an hour. to get up in the morning, it sounds too, have to let the dog out or feed the dog. that helps people the most. >> you have a puppy with you. what is his or her name? >> this is when the. she is 12 weeks old and very finicky today. heather: wants to get on air and be part of the segment. >> of veterans who own. >> we have 8 week back, we are allowing people to sponsor veterans. todd: how do you decide which veteran get the dog? the need is great right now and you have limited resources. >> an application process to do background checks. we like to see people had prior experience with shepherds, it is okay. we tried to put training into them before they go home. >> how do you do that? >> if you go to our website, they will sponsor this portion. essentially if they would like to sponsor someone we can have multiple sponsors, they can do that and at that point they receive a gift bag in the mail and follow up with the veteran and the dog progresses and gets older. carley: you do such great work, such a fan and you can donate as well by going to hold certainland >> as part of the sponsorship package. carley: thank you for joining us this morning. todd: and when the. carley: high energy. we love her christmas cheer as well. thank you so much. the time is now 28 minutes after the hour. according to a liberal columnist if you are an vaccinated you should be last in line for hospital treatment. we are talking to joe concha about that comment. todd: president biden raising your taxes with the spending agenda but a brand-new study, promised that biden may not be able to do that, crunching the numbers. there's so much new in the new chicken & bacon ranch, but the clock is ticking, so we gotta hurry! there's new rotisserie-style chicken, new peppercorn ranch, new hickory-smoked bacon, new- did you just spike the footlong? sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. todd: hundreds of national guard troops join the recovery effort in kentucky after the worst tornado outbreak in the state of history. carley: president biden approves a disaster declaration in tennessee and illinois. fox news chief meteorologist joins us live in mayfield. >> here we are three days out still every corner you turn to looks like this, they are making big progress cleaning up the roads, electric vehicles getting here to get electricity restored, everyone is still without electricity, people are still in their homes, 3 or 4 blocks, that have not been damaged, generator power or moved onto neighboring communities. we are at the point, a better sense of the death toll, governor bashir spoke about the death toll in kentucky. listen to his reaction? >> we are up to 74 kentuckians we lost. >> you can understand the governor choking up getting images, 5-month-old baby who was lost in the storm, the oldest person 86 years old and that death toll is a little bit fluid, 74 at least. 74 people were -- we are getting more stories of survivors across areas of kentucky, probably around 200 mile stretch that had one tornado on the ground. we talked about the candle factory in mayfield, but stories of survivors coming out, listen to what one of the survivors had to say. >> we had superman, i don't know who he was, i wish i did so i could thank him, a concrete wall, he lifted off of me and 3 of my girls got up because of him. >> these stories coming out, certainly stories of heroes who have come out and in those moments were able to save people, those are the stories people will hang on to, so much work ahead of them. we will be talking live at the top of "fox and friends" with another worker from the candle factory who decided that she had something in her gut and didn't want to go to work that evening, we were talking at the top of "fox and friends". >> usually when you look at the aftermath of a tornado one of the signatures is one side of the street is destroyed and the other side there are houses and structures still standing untouched but as we are looking at the footage of mayfield it doesn't look like this. bomb went off. are you noticing a difference and why did that happen? >> reporter: it was a very wide tornado when it came through here. the national weather service goes out to do their investigation to see size and strength of the tornado. roughly maybe 200 miles long, the path of the tornado we don't know that for sure yet, that hasn't been fully investigated but it certainly was a very wide tornado through mayfield and the center of this tornado, residential areas on either side that were untouched but the downtown historic district, they've done a lot of work to revamp and bring this town back, it is completely gone. carley: the worst possible scenario and the beautiful baby you showed, heartbreaking to know what happened. thank you so much. todd: the biden administration left hundreds of residents behind after the chaotic withdrawal. the state department says 500 us citizens have been evacuated, the other 31 have withdrawn and a dozen. there, these numbers drastically higher than the estimates president biden gave on the number of americans left behind even before the withdrawal, biden promised this. >> president biden: if there is american citizen left we will stay and get them out. todd: the state department says it is in touch with remaining us citizens who want to leave. >> the air force discharging 27 airmen for refusing to get the covid vaccine. a spokesman for the branch confirming these are the first to be administered, administratively discharged over vaccine refusal. she said the airmen were in their first term of enlistment, they were younger, low ranking, there's legislation in congress now that would give servicemembers who refuse the vaccine and honorable discharge, none of the 27 airmen saw any type of exemption. in the meantime at the liberal magazine the atlantic suggesting hospitals should rank who gets treated first in hospitals based on their vaccine status. todd: tweeting in part that hospitals quietly triage emergency care to serve the unvaccinated less. joe concha joins us, how does a fellow human come up with an idea that callous? >> quietly triage, how do you do that with somebody in your waiting room, having trouble breathing at that point. this is a racist argument because if you look at the numbers the lowest vaccination rates are among those in the black communities. he would tell those with serious respiratory issues, those having trouble breathing to go to the back of the line. as the husband of an er doctor that's not how it works. this is david from, fake conservative, one of the strongest advocates of the iraq war, sending thousands of young men to their depth during the bush administration over weapons of mass distraction that didn't exist so this is the last person on the planet who needs to be listening to on anything. >> the i'm better than you moral high ground mentality where if you are vaccinated that is how you feel and the unvaccinated are stupid even though they may be unvaccinated because they already had covid or have genuine concerns of the vaccine. >> they may have antibodies or may have natural immunity, maybe they are young, healthy and therefore feel they are weighing the pros and cons between if i get covid then therefore probably be okay, 99% of people above that below a certain age are fine in those situations was i'm fully vaccinated, got my boast her, my wife is a doctor, treats covid patients, not for or against vaccine, it is you have to understand why some people won't get it and by forcing it on them you must get this i thought it was my body my choice was the arguments when it comes to what goes on with our bodies or the vaccine, that will seems to be -- carley: an important question, if you drive too fast are you treated last refuse smoke do you get treated last as well? where does this end? todd: a great question. i will leave it there. todd: president biden's approval ratings are not his fault, listen. >> there is nothing the white house can do to improve their political standing. it does seem every week there's another poll. is two big promises we get covid behind us and get rid of donald trump. covid is not part of and donald trump is -- it is not his fault. >> putting trump on par with the virus, all the other disasters caused by this administration. >> the sound you here's tim russert rolling over in his grave, tim russert, the late great moderator of meet the press, one of the last few objective guys the took on both sides without fear or favor and american voters believe inflation is biden's fault as is the worker shortage and falling wages, skyrocketing crime, the border, afghanistan, even trump in this context, broaching trump is moronic and misleading, what does that mean? how can biden vanquish trump from existing, what does that mean? a solid majority of americans blame team biden for spending trillions we don't have, seeking to spend trillions more are sinking this president because everyone feels inflation, crime is thinking this president because we all feel that in some capacity as well, we see what is going on at the border and in afghanistan and what is happening our educational system, that is why this president who has this look of incompetence doesn't like to work that much it appears is -- not because trump is still around. todd: easy to say trump. time now 41 minutes after the other. senator josh talley, a lot of checks for black lives matter but refused to condemn the group's christmas boycott. >> all corporate sponsors that contribute, a big impact of the organization that the whole purpose is to distract. carley: rachel campos duffy is having breakfast with friends in christmas town, usa. we are checking with her live coming up. hey, rachel. ck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. get $200 off a new eligible 5g phone when you switch to xfinity mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. xfinity rewards are our way of thanking you just for being with us. enjoy rewards like sing family fun nights! rent sing for $1, then belt out all your favorite tunes from the movie with sing karaoke. plus, see sing 2 in theaters with buy-one-get-one free fandango tickets. join over a million members by signing up for free on the xfinity app. our thanks. your rewards. carley: a new study revealing impact the build back better bill could hurt. carley: all the details. >> reporter: i own my wallet. remember when president biden promised this? >> anybody making less than 400,$000 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes. you make less than 400,$000, not one single any an additional federal tax, no one making less than 400,$000 will pay an additional sent in taxes. >> reporter: study from chicago economics professor estimates the social spending bill could double the cost of childcare by 27,$000 for family with an infant and 4-year-old for example. it could add 30,$000 in taxes for middle-class families. the findings published in the wall street journal to the trump your economic advisor was white house press again very jen psaki, the bill would add to the federal deficit are false, graham said recent cbs score saying within $3 trillion to the deficit over 10 years, the programs made permanent, makes a good argument, handing out people money, hard to take it away. jillian: this is interesting. what is going on with private-sector businesses? >> reporter: vice president kamala harris announcing the private-sector is going to be dealing with the immigration crisis where companies committing $1.2 billion to investments in guatemala, honduras, and el salvador. >> i think we all know the united states has an important role to play to address root causes of migration. at the same time our government cannot do its work alone. >> reporter: he believes this will address the root cause of immigration from central america. we will see if it pans out. todd: hitting hard. >> reporter: senator josh howie calling out sponsors of black lives matter, respond over the group's christmas boycott of white businesses. >> don't look at the fact that we ship your jobs overseas or -- we are woke so we should be fine. >> reporter: the group says, and capitalism and tested policing. and putting targets on the backs of black people. they want consumers to purchase christmas gifts from black vendors, amazon, microsoft them into b and b are the major donors and none have responded so far. switching gears tonight, hard turn, 8:00 pm eastern time, don't forget to tune into american dream home, we are heading down to virginia and montana. >> appreciate it. holiday spirit in one 7 community, christmastown usa. >> at grits and green southern cuisine and the restaurant, they are so cute. what are you going to talk to with folks at the diner this morning? >> you know i'm going to be eating here in a little bit so i'm excited about that but this is a mile away from christmas sound in north carolina. it looks like a hallmark card like a hallmark movie and they have been doing this since the 1950s. it is ranked in the top 3 to 5 every year, the best christmas lights display, they get into it, a lot of friendly competition among residents and it is amazing place to bring the family. last year they didn't do it because of the pandemic so there is a huge pent-up energy around this. people are so excited to welcome visitors and that is what people do, they come here, walk around, show them lights and get into the christmas spirit. todd: will there be a knowledge to your book the all-american christmas? >> reporter: i think we are the number one book in the country because of that pent-up energy. we are going to do some signing. what better place to deal with my book all-american christmas? of course we are all in the christmas spirit as want to bring that to you. carley: a lot of it is bad news, crime, inflation. it is nice to see you with your christmas book. you are wonderful nice personal year-round. we are looking forward to your hits all morning long on "fox and friends". thank you for joining us. todd: you must get grits. you got to eat the greens. 51 after the hour. mandate match in democrat led states, california the latest to recover masks indoors. carley: tomi lahren moved out of the golden state to escape big government, she will react next. . . carley: here gee again california the ninth democratic run state force everyone to wear a mask indoors despite vaccination status. we are going backwards. todd: joining us is tomi lehner the more progressive liberal governors get the more they double down. why is that? >> because those people living in those liberal blue states refuse to change how they vote. instead of voting better they decide to flee to flee great states like florida and tennessee and texas instead of staying and fighting. i understand i fled as well. i have also got to say this. forced face diapering is back. there is a whole lot of things can you get away with in california but breathing freely is one of them. i would have to ask those leaders in those states who claim they are doing this for health and safety. these states have some of the most stringent, strict covid measures including forced vaccination, mask mandates their case totals and the way they dealt with covid is the same or worse than those states like florida, tennessee or texas that chose freedom. so if what you are doing and these man tates if they're working so well, your state should be performing better than everyone, but it's not. so when are they going to wisen up and realize they're hemorrhaging residents. they are coming to all the free states because people are done living in fear of covid. they want to move on. they want to be free. and they want to breathe freely for crying out loud. carley: i couldn't agree with you more. i was reading president biden's fourth of july speech this morning. just to remind everybody what he said back in july. talking about the virus. he says it no longer controls our lives and no longer paralyzes our nation and it's within our power to make sure it never does so again. that was july. and what has happened in between then and now, more people vaccinated now we are dealing with omicron a less severe strain of the virus. so i'm just having trouble figuring out how a lot of these mayors and democrats are able to enforce these rules and people are actually going along with it. >> that's the thing the goal posts keep moving. they haven't said how they will enforce these mandates. other than comply. people have been complying with tyranny two years now. we have been conditioned and set the precedent that you can keep applying these mandates, these restrictions however arbitrary they may be and people will follow along o i also have to say besides the mask mandate. california is set to impose other restrictions on the unvaccinated which makes no sense as we know the vaccinated can get and give covid. again, i would have to ask those leaders and people living in these states, do you think this about health and safety or is it about control and intimidation? >> finally governor ron desantis in florida ban new plan to transport illegal immigrants out of florida places like delaware and other democrat enclaves. here is more from the governor's plan. listen. >> if you are facilitating biden's policies which is mass human smuggling operation you are not going to be eligible to do business with the state of florida. yes, he there are drugs and crimes but also have things with healthcare costs, education, all these services that get passed because of biden's reckless policies. todd: 45 seconds on the clock, see you tomi, your reaction? >> listen, the biden administration is dedicated to coddling illegal immigrants and also dedicated to southern border and dropping thousands, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants in states like florida states like mine here in tennessee. any leader worth their title is going to stand up and say enough of this. governor sangts is showing true leadership and showing he cares about the residents of his states. the legal immigrants and americans law abiding and put them first. any other leader around the country should follow his example. we can't allow the biden administration to open the flood gates of illegal immigrants tone courage and incentivize illegal. send them to delaware and martha's vineyard and california nancy pelosi's backyard a much better place for them. carley: you were 40 seconds on the spot. she is a pro. todd: thank you. watch your show on fox nation and this show coming up now it's called? carley: "fox & friends," that's what i was just going to say. >> at least 88 people are now dead. kentucky hit hardest. >> the age range is 5 months, 86 years. >> the white house claims vice president kamala harris is still in charge of the border as the crisis continues. >> why is it that she has not spoken to the president of guatemala since june? >> i did see this kind of strange report which is inaccurate. >> california reimposing a statewide indoor mask mandate. >> they are putting in place these policies not because they want to beat a virus unlimit

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Atlanta , Georgia , Austin Gary , Chanelle , Two , Thing , Business , Stories , Time , Consignment , Summer , 00 , 100 , 000 , Experience , Riots , Security , Mrs , Dickinson , Everything , Eyesight , Head , Sad , Items , Thousands , Walking Out , Police Arrests , Bail , Shoving , Stuff , Bags , Dollars , Guy Austin , Country , Police , Situation , Approach , Object Lawlessness , 2021 , Trouble , Jobs , Need , Cops , English , Phrase , It Wasn T The Kennedy Democrat , Check , School , Management , Story , Democratic Party , Republican , Candle Factory , Eight , Mayfield , Total Destruction , Anybody , Debris , Place , Reporter , Don T , Death Toll , Food , Water , Parents , Home , Car Seat , Oakland Kuhn , Boston Spring , Stroke , Oakland , It Wasn T Enough , Top , Claims , Workers , Tornado Sirens , Region , Tweet Workers , Company , Injuries , Mayfield Candle Factory , Nbc , Money , Roads , Sort , Scrap Metal , Advantage , Devastation , Barriers , Habit , Recycling , Tennessee , Disaster , Site , Illinois , Domestic Policy Advisor , The End , Politico Tyler , Tyler Iran , Kamala Harris , Team , Departure , Immigration System , Effort , Transition , Who , Member , Asset , Biden Border Team , Roberta Jacobson , Amy Pope , Border , Crisis , Charge , Florida , Immigration , Ron Desantis , Down , Moves , Migrants , Plans , 8 Million , Legislation , Human Smuggling Operation , Texas , Places , Delaware , Restitution , Transfer , Individual , Messages , Investment , Triangle , Trek , Rio Grande , 1 2 Billion , 2 Billion , Migration , Causes , Guatemala , El Salvador , Honduras , Cannot , Families , Difference , Opportunity , Hope , Commitments , Of Guatemala , Vice President , Visit , President , Range , Trump , Conversations , Policy , Attempt , Readouts , Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals , Mexico , Bill , Score , Voting , Fake , Quote , Jen Psaki , Congressional Budget Office , Nothing , Plan , Bills , Scores , Evaluation , Lindsey Graham , Issue , Program Stay , Budget Gimmicks , On Hannity , Bill Never Go Away , Trillion , 5 Trillion , 17 , Spending , Line , Times , Floor , Lie , Road , Instant , 11 , Tornado , Restaurant , Family , Owners , One , 75 , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , 05 , 4 , Migraine , Ubrelvy , Dose , Pill , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Feel , Student Loan Debt , Cause , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Move , Rates , Fees , Hello , 1000 , Cooking , Seal , Pieces , Interest , Heart , Grown In Idaho , Snacking , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Mike S Denture , Game , Super Poligrip , Food Particles , Everyone , Mail , Billions , Medicine , Greetings , Packages , Everywhere , 160 Million , Members , Postal Service , American Postal Workers Union , Show , Promises , Gonna , Mom , Mommy , Same , Snow , Oh My Goodness , Www Xfinity Com Sing2 Carley , Family Restaurant , Town , Ruins , Shock , Area , You Saw , Patient , Quarters , Son , 3 , Lot , Grandmother , Alternatives , Some , Belongings , Damage , Reconstruction Business , Clearer , Words , Suzanne , Nation , Victims , Best , Event , Sadness , Luck , Bar , Servicemembers , Discharge , Vaccine Mandate , Dozens , Branch , Holiday , Parent , Couple , Cuts , Pups , Relief , Robitussin Honey , Cough , Mind , Trash , Robitussin Elderberry , Brother Fears , Julian Assange , Wikileaks , Founder , Life , Information , Extradition , Prison , High Court , London , School Board , Conservatives , Censorship , Government Document , Fathers , Computer Fraud And Abuse Act , Espionage Act , 2010 , Trustees , Board , Censure , Texas Law , School Board Meeting , Point , Students , Colleagues , Resolutions , Rioting , School Board Of Trustees , Charity , Center Resolutions , Litigation , Merits , Dogs , Law Enforcement , Subject , Veterans , Puppies , Series , 12 , Service Dog , Surveying , Rangers , Ptsd , Way , Something , Dog , Name , Puppy , Most , Part , Back , Air , Segment , Heather , 8 , Veteran , Background Checks , Resources , Application Process , Shepherds , Training , Website , Sponsors , Someone , Portion , Work , Gift Bag , Fan , Sponsorship Package , Certainland Canine Com , Columnist , High Energy , 28 , Taxes , Study , Comment , Agenda , Joe Concha , Hospital Treatment , Clock , Rotisserie , Numbers , Ticking , Bacon Ranch , App , Delay , Footlong , Bacon , Order , Peppercorn Ranch , Save Big , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Skin , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Dyes , Fragrances , Parabens , 24 , State , History , Troops , Tornado Outbreak , Disaster Declaration , Recovery Effort , Hundreds Of National Guard , Chief Meteorologist , Three , Electricity , Vehicles , Progress Cleaning , Corner , Looks , Communities , Homes , Blocks , Generator Power , Reaction , Baby , Person , Images , 5 , 86 , Survivors , Areas , 200 , Superman , Girls , Concrete Wall , Heroes , Worker , Didn T , Gut , Side , Street , Houses , Aftermath , Signatures , Doesn T , Footage , Bomb , Structures , National Weather Service , Investigation , Strength , Size , Path , Hasn T , Center , Downtown Historic District , Town Back , Scenario , Residents , Citizens , State Department , Withdrawal , Hundreds , 500 , 31 , Number , Citizen , Covid , Airmen , Spokesman , Air Force , First , Touch , 27 , Administratively , Vaccine Refusal , Enlistment , Ranking , Term , Congress , Hospitals , None , Type , Exemption , Magazine , Atlantic , Unvaccinated , Vaccine Status , Tweeting , Emergency Care , Argument , Trouble Breathing , Human , Somebody , Triage , Vaccination Rates , Idea , Waiting Room , Respiratory , Issues , Weapons Of Mass Distraction , Doctor , Conservative , Er , Husband , Advocates , Men , Depth , Bush , Iraq War , Mentality , Anything , Planet , Listening , Concerns , Antibodies , Immunity , Cons , Age , Pros , 99 , Situations , Wife , Body , Patients , Boast , Arguments , Choice , Will , Bodies , Fault , Question , Refuse , Smoke , Approval Ratings , Donald Trump , Standing , Poll , Virus , Sound , Tim Russert , Sides , Meet The Press , Disasters , Fear , Voters , Par , Moderator , Guys , Grave , Inflation , Shortage , Broaching Trump , Context , Wages , The Border , Majority , Trillions , Educational System , Look , Capacity , Incompetence , Well , Don T Have , Lives , Josh Talley , Checks , 41 , Group , Impact , Rachel Campos Duffy , Boycott , Organization , Purpose , Friends In Christmas Town , Breakfast , Ck , Serum , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , Saw , 92 , Squad , Xfinity , Switch , Carriers , Phone , Info , Carrier , Xfinity Mobile , Store , Switch Squad , Save , 5g Phone , Movie , Sing , Tunes , , 1 , Sing 2 , Tickets , Rewards , Theaters , Thanks , Sing Karaoke , Fandango , A Million , Build , Wallet , Details , Single , Tax , Penny , 400 , Example , Cost , Infant , Professor , Economics , Childcare , Advisor , Findings , Wall Street Journal , 30 , Deficit , Jillian , Cbs , Programs Made Permanent , 3 Trillion , 10 , Private Sector , Businesses , Immigration Crisis , Government , Investments , Role , Josh Howie , Root Cause , Central America , Fact , Matter , Overseas , Policing , Backs , Capitalism , Targets , Amazon , Consumers , Gifts , B , Donors , Microsoft , Montana , American Dream Home , Virginia , Hard Turn , Community , Holiday Spirit , Christmastown Usa , 7 , Grits , Diner , Folks , Green Southern Cuisine , Hallmark Card , Display , Christmas Lights , North Carolina , 1950 , Competition , Visitors , Book , Knowledge , All American , Signing , Course , Energy , All American Christmas , Bad News , Morning , Round , States , Tomi Lahren , Masks , Mandate Match , Led , California , 51 , Mask , Here Gee Again California The Ninth Democratic Run State Force , Governors , Vaccination Status , Blue States , Tomi Lehner , Staying , Face Diapering , Fighting , Health , Safety , Breathing , Stringent , Measures , Vaccination , Case Totals , Freedom , Man Tates , Living In Fear Of Covid , Everybody , Controls , Speech , Fourth Of July , Reading , Power , It , Strain , Omicron A , Democrats , Goal Posts , Rules , Mayors , Restrictions , Mandates , Haven T , Precedent , Mask Mandate , Vaccinated , Oi , Immigrants , Intimidation , Enclaves , Drugs , Yes , Services , Crimes , Healthcare Costs , Education , Listen , 45 , Leader , Title , Southern Border , Tens Of Thousands , Law , Leadership , Flood Gates , Sangts , Courage , Backyard A , Nancy Pelosi , Martha S Vineyard , 40 , Pro , Spot , Hit , Fox Nation , 88 , Kind , California Reimposing A , Virus Unlimit ,

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