Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709

worth millions of dollars. some workers blame the city's dangerous new bail reform. the bail rules are fuel on an inferno. >> they broke the glass and i see these guys running. little kids, i didn't want to get shot here. >> they get arrested and get let go. how do you intend to ever solve the problem? >> harris: the biden administration is trying to convince anyone who will listen that it is sincerely trying to contain crime before it spirals out of control. we will need a working definition of what they mean spiraling out of control apparently. but the national sheriffs association says the white house is missing in action. kellyanne conway is in focus. we begin at the white house. peter doocy reporting. >> good morning. officials here insist they have seen the videos like that of the brazen retail theft and they say they are on top of it. >> we have actually taken somewhat we would consider serious steps to help work with these communities whether it's plusing up police forces in san francisco and l.r. or have the f.b.i. work with them. >> whatever they're doing isn't working for a majority of americans. 61% say they disapprove of the job joe biden is doing on crime. 36% approve. a new abc news poll. some experts are reasoning the issues with crime in big cities will keep getting worse because they think police in some big cities don't feel like elected democratic leaders have their backs. >> the political leaders have made a judgment that they would rather see crime up than have an untoward incident with perhaps questionable shooting or that sort of thing with the police. no, they are comfortable with crime at an elevated level. and that to me is amazing. >> despite the new issues with crime in big cities that we've seen, there are still some activists trying to pressure the white house to restart negotiations on criminal justice reform. they want sentencing officially reformed so that they can trying to reduce federal price on populations. >> harris: thank you very much. you just told us that new polling shows a pal tree 36% adults approve. it has fallen from october when it was 43%. still very low. similarly, just 32% approve of his handling of gun violence. that's down 7 points. kellyanne conway, former advisor to president trump is in focus. good to see you today. >> thank you. >> harris: first of all, the law and order president, the law and order white house, the way that you and your team determined how you would attack something like this is very different from what president biden is doing. why is he failing? >> he is failing because people know what they see. they're concerned about public safety matters in their own cities. and i believe that education and public safety will be the twin issues driving many suburban voters in 2022 and 2024. the economy is important. that's a perennial concern. people know what they see and increasingly concerned you have prosecutors saying we won't prosecute. first cops were defunded and now defamed. they can't make arrests and you see all the early retirements and early resignations from our police officers who feel like they no longer have the respect or resources. look what just happened in minneapolis this fall. the police force there was refunded really to the levels before george floyd was murdered there because people are saying where are the cops? we're worried about public safety. look what happened in waukesha, wisconsin. real life examples on joe biden's watch. a woke prosecutors there saying that he is going to do away with certain types of bail. even darrell brooks junior's mother said she regrets posting a $1,000 bail for her son. he was arrested for -- accused of punching and running over the mother of his child. his mother posted the bail and he went on to drive through the christmas parade injuring dozens and killing six innocent people including children and grandmothers. so people are watching and i was around in 1994 when newt gingrich and the contract with americans. republicans went on to win 53 congressional seats. control of the senate. lots of governor and legislature. the criminal concerns then were it was about political repeat. sentencing reform, three strikes your out and now depravity toward human life and brazen daylight robberies. it is a common -- they said it is covid's fault. people know whose fault it is. >> harris: we have video of these things happening and the heartbreaking situations that you remind us of with the grandmother and the people across the country that are suffering from this. but when you look at this video you realize jobs are being void when this happens. who wants to stay in business if that's what's next? you have some mayors like lori lightfoot in chicago blaming businesses. maybe you should have more cameras. i think she didn't mean that but she said it out loud. look, i'm wondering what kind of impact this has going forward? you took us back to 1994. take us forward to 2022 and the democrats. >> it has a very big impact because they don't seem to understand the error of their ways and out of sync with what americans are saying with crime and drugs and the way people are looking at basic public safety. the flight from many urban areas. people want to live in the suburbs again not because of covid but because of the schools and because of public safety. so i think it will hurt the democrats. there is a bright line distinction between the two parties. in the awful polling numbers that you and peter doocy recited your abc news polls the independents are really against joe biden on this issue as well. if you've only got 36% of the country saying they favor your position on crime. gone down by 7 points in two months you have nobody happy. i think that the vice president kamala harris -- nobody is happy. she has what history here. >> harris: i know i can't keep you forever. i want you to see these numbers and ask my team to pop these up. two recent polls show president biden's approval rating. not just about crime. this is what you were saying. that's an indicator, right? they continue to be dismal. the president stands at 42% approval. 51 disapproval. npr national survey released last week. a national poll from monmouth university indicated 40% approval and 50% disapproval. worse there but clustered around one theory, bad. kellyanne. >> bad. they don't seem to do anything well these days at the white house. that's a reflection of somebody who has been polling for decades, harris. i think three things have happened joe biden and kamala harris in the polls recently. number one americans have lost confidence in their competence. you had a majority of people in the poll saying as much. the polls reflect that number, too. biden's personal attributes have cratered. i think even for president obama, clinton, when they were at their lowest point approval rating or surviving scandals or bad economic times or war, they still had personal attributes up there. cares about people like me, has a plan, is compassionate. knows what they are doing. inspires their party, mentally fit. they've all gone down for joe biden from may to november. is thing that happened with joe biden in the polls is that the center has fallen out for him. those people in the center who said he will unify and be bipartisan. the most bipartisan action and most interested they have been in reaching across the aisle in getting republican votes is impeachment. it tells you all you need to know how they are fueling the divisions in this country. >> harris: i wrote down what you said. i want to take a look at this with you. because that center portion is really important. that's what everybody goes for. there is the base and then that little nugget in the middle that you can count on if you do something that gets their attention they will come to the polls. a "new york times" piece says democrats are solidly behind president biden who would be 83 years old if he were to decide to run in 2024. let's look farther down the road, kellyanne, just because there is no plan b doesn't mean the party isn't worried. quote, a nexus of anxious currents in the democratic party has stoked speculation about a possible contested primary in two years on top of concerns about mr. biden's age and unpopularity there is a fear among democrats of a trump comeback and a determination the party must run a strong candidate to head it off. a recent poll found president biden and former president trump neck-and-neck in a hypothetical 2024 match-up. what do you make of it? >> we're seeing that trending in our statewide polls as well. back in the business. we see that exact dynamic playing out in the statewide polls. i think many americans are always hopeful. this is america, we're resilient and we always survive. right now people are worried about inflation, they're worried about crime and public safety, education, they are worried about supply chain crisis, christmas, the things you see at the gas pump and grocery cart. here is the problem. they say i hope it will get better. i know it actually was better. it was better not that long ago. can we have that back? i just needed a break from donald trump. i couldn't take the tweets, this and that. they'll say to me is it over yet? it's not half tie. it is a long break. people come up to me routinely. how are you. please tell the president thank you. if my hair was on fire they would get the bucket of water sefjt they run up to me please tell me see is running again and people want that back. they want that back. >> harris: i want the message. you said something that we want the audience to be sensitive to. i'm back in the business you said. as a polling expert that is why i wanted to dig deep with you today. you are into the analytics and into who is taking the polls and into the questions that are being asked. those are important for us to know because they tell us the trend lines going forward. i'm really glad to see you and thank you for your expertise today kellyanne conway. >> it was a pleasure. thank you, harris. >> harris: breaking news that the hour out of kentucky. updated information to bring you from the state's governor putting the death toll now at more than 64 with more than 100 missing. powerful tornadoes hit several states including illinois, tennessee, arkansas, missouri, kentucky took the brunt of that storm system. it dropped twisters from the sky for some 200 miles. kentucky governor andy beshear says countless homes in his state are wiped out. >> our state was hit by at least four tornadoes, one stayed on the ground in kentucky for at least 200 miles devastating anything in its path. thousands of homes are damaged, if not entirely destroyed. >> harris: i love the fact he is standing in front of the american flag. he knows we are all see and hear and have a heart to help. it unites us, all of this. call 1-800 help now or visit red to donate if you have it on your heart to make a difference this hour. we'll have a live report from mayfield, kentucky coming up. vice president kamala harris in damage control again. she sat for an image boosting interview with her hometown paper and she says all the negative media coverage she has been getting is she calls it ridiculous. and then there is this. >> i keep calling him general. my -- the guy who runs that outfit over there. >> president biden: my name is joe biden. i'm a democrat running for the united states senate. >> harris: he was running for president there. anyway just some of the president's most notable gaffes as the first lady fumes at questions about his mental fitness. why these questions are not going away. tammy bruce in "focus" next. ♪♪♪ people were afraid i was contagious. i felt gross. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. four years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections —some serious— and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. learn more at veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360® smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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>> i think that's ridiculous. >> her remarks come as a recent poll find that american voters are split on the question of whether the president is mentally fit. it is things like having him repeatedly telling debunked store eefs that making americans wonder here are some of his tallest tales. >> president biden: i used to drive a tractor trailer. and so i know a little bit about driving big trucks. one of the senior guys on amtrak. he walks up to me and goes joey, baby, grabs my cheek. i thought the secret service would blow his head off. swear to god, true story. he said big deal, joey. you know how many miles you've been on amtrak? this day 30 years ago nelson mandela walked out of prison. i had the honor of being arrested with our u.n. ambassadors trying to get to see him on robin's island. >> harris: if you watch enough the i swear to god true story is almost a tell. somebody should let him know that from his team i would imagine. >> this isn't new for joe biden. even when you are dealing with plagiarism, what he did in college. presenting someone else's story as his own. he seems to have been inclined to always do. that problem is, we all misremember, we all have memories of memories the further back things go. these are completely constructed and fabricated. we can misremember what we were doing in our 20s even but this is not a twist of something that was real, it is false. for his wife, normally we look at spouses and families to be the ones to protect us especially from ourselves. she seems to be hyper partisan but they had to have made this agreement at the beginning that when they were hiding him away in the basement, this was well for the next four years we'll have to pretend that everything is fine but don't worry. she is now caught having to -- when she says it's ridiculous she is calling a majority of americans ridiculous. calling people who experienced this in their own lives ridiculous. we learn a lot about jill biden. i thought she would be protecting her husband and as a result the nation. she is not doing either. >> harris: that's a really interesting point that you make. because if you are not helping him, you are certainly setting him up for failure. >> that is correct. it's an interesting dynamic. we don't know her well. we think we know people because we see them on tv a lot. you see a portion of us and in that particular case we are learning more. we have learned more about kamala harris, we've learned more about jill biden. as a feminist and woman it is disappointing but it just means more women need to get out there who are better role models. >> harris: i will let you drop that mic and bring you back next time. >> this is great. >> harris: may or bill deblasio patting himself on the back saying new york is safer now than it was eight years ago. maybe he hasn't seen the spike in murders in his city or left his house and gone outside. and tornadoes devastating the american heartland. dozens of people are dead and we are still getting in new numbers. 65 right now in kentucky alone. many more without a place to sleep. but liberals not wasting even a second going for their reflexive of the climate agenda. >> this is going to be our new normal. >> what was unusual is how warm it was. >> president biden: the intensity of the weather across the board has some impact on the planet. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit (vo) nowadays, business can happen anywhere, anytime. with verizon business unlimited plans, you can get 5g, now you know. truly unlimited data, and more hotspot data. so you can run a bakery from the blue line. ha! cupcake. or collaborate with clients from the concourse. and to get your team geared up with the good stuff, book a one-on-one tech check with a business expert. woo! visit us in store or book an appointment to save time and money. because every business deserves better. and with plans as low as $30, better costs less than you think. when i say better, you say business. better! 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"new york post" clapping back at liberals with this headline. don't buy the pseudoscientific hype on climate change. sean duffy and fox news contributor, jason nichols, university of maryland professor of african-american studies. gentlemen, we probably would all agree on this one point, i don't know. i love science. i was a storm chaser for eight years in the midwest. there is a time and place to have a broad conversation about the past, the present, an the future. a few hours after a disaster, though, jason, what do you think? really, the fema administrator blame before we save? >> well, i think if you listen to what the president said he made it perfectly clear at a perfectly measured response that a specific causal relationship between climate change and tornadoes hasn't been proven. >> harris: why would he even bring it up? >> no, he is saying again as i said there is not a specific relationship that has been proven between climate change and tornadoes. scientists have dive recent hypotheses and ace agree. if there is anything we learned from the pandemic is that people trust the science with their political beliefs. people on the right who believe if you get the vaccine you'll get magnetized. >> harris: i have to jump in here. if this doesn't apply. if it hasn't been proven to apply why bring up climate change in your opening remarks about a disaster? it wasn't the first thing he said but my goodness why even go there politically when you know it divides people and when you can say things like we're getting every resource there and praying for people. we'll figure out on the back end what we can do to help rebuild. i'm confused by this. if he legitimately thinks that tornadoes have not been proven to come out of climate change why would he bring it up? >> that's a good point. you don't want to let any crisis go to waste and that's what they are doing here. this is a well-known fact. the united states has the most extreme weather on earth. we get tornadoes and hurricanes and forest fires. that happens throughout hundreds and thousands of years on this continent and again you look at hurricanes, they aren't more extreme and not more frequent. tornadoes if you get them in december in this area they become deadly. there is not more of them. we have forest fires but in california they mismanaged their foefrts and don't take out the underbrush. you make a great point. let's not jump to your climate change rhetoric. let's go to save people and bring in resources to help families who are struggling from a lost home or lost business and maybe a lost christmas. that's where the president should go instead of going to a political movement of climate change. >> harris: we all look forward to a good debate, jason, when the time comes and we can have that debate that's great. but we have 100 plus people missing on the ground right now. let me move to this. cbs news meteorologist blamed climate change for the recent deadly tornadoes but jason reminded us the president says they aren't necessarily scientifically connected. let's watch. >> extraordinarily rare for december. december is usually our most quiet month. look at this map right here. so let's talk about the tack tors that led to this. you have a huge contrast between cold to the north and warm to the south. what was unusual is just how warm it was. memphis hit a record high of 80 degrees and why we think climate change is beginning to factor in. >> the 30, 80. that's what happens when those things meet. you have lived in wisconsin, sean, i've been in minnesota and late summer that is and people don't normally think of our states as tornado alley but that's what happens when you get a collision of those temperatures. i will get your quick thoughts. >> you're right. when you have warm weather if december. don't happen often you can get extreme weather. it is not climate change, just a random things that happens on occasion. let's not blame climate change. it is a rare occurrence but it does happen. >> harris: bill deblasio giving himself credit for a job well done on crime in the city. here is what he said. >> eight years i've been mayor, index crime major crimes in new york city down 11% over eight years and we did it bringing police and community closer together. look around the city right now. this city is thriving. today in new york city it is a much safer city than we were eight years ago no question about that. >> harris: overall violent crime is down in the city from last year. the murder rate in new york jumped nearly 40% since deblasio took office in 2013. new york is just one of many democrat-led cities where homicides are spiking, which makes them more dangerous. jason. >> well first of all i would say it's also in republican led cities like jacksonville, florida, many others, tulsa oklahoma that have also had very high spikes in murders and in crimes. particularly since 2020 which was a tough year for the entire country. and we have to give some credit to the new york city police department because they have gotten those numbers down. burglaries are down, rapes are down, murders dropped 10 percent from 2020. i don't know about giving deblasio the credit but the people of new york city and nypd for the job they've done in order to make the city a little bit safer and not be all doom and gloom. >> harris: i'm not trying to be doom and gloom but the numbers don't match what we're seeing. the new mayor that got elected in new york city is a former cop of 22 years and crime is the basis of what got him here. i'm really confused by how you say the murder rate has gone down in new york city. >> since 2013 when deblasio took office murder rates are up 40%. a bigger number. eric adams the incoming mayor of new york city ran on fighting crime. it's because crime is a problem in the city. people don't feel safe walking down the streets. that is not a great record for mayor deblasio. my wife used to stay in time square to come to fox studios. can't stay there anymore. too violent to come in at "fox & friends" for 3:00 in the morning and had to move to a different location. that's how unsafe the city became under deblasio's leadership. hypocritical to say crime has gone down when every new york city resident knows it has gone through the roof. >> harris: we'll bring you back. thank you. hillary clinton with a doom and gloom. it is a warning about what will happen if americans reelect donald trump in 2024. critics having a field day with her end of times prediction and this. >> this is biden inflation, a 39 year high created by joe biden. joe biden owns this inflation problem. >> harris: as you might imagine the biden administration with a very different take how things are going. who they are blaming instead. pete hegseth is in "focus." ♪♪♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow matching your job description. up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? yep. lou! mom said she could save up to $400 on her wireless bill by switching to xfinity internet and mobile. with nationwide 5g at no extra cost. and lou! on the most reliable network, lou! smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon 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you living on? two, she has it backwards. if any progressive democrat is elected you can be sure democracy is dead. three, poor hillary, she is already getting scared president trump might run in 2024. someone get her a crying towel. pete hegseth co-host of "fox & friends" weekend. pete. >> yeah, first of all, donald trump will get to choose whether or not he wants to be the nominee in 2024. that goes without saying. every republican knows that. the base is secure behind him. because he was the first politician who a, wasn't beholding the anybody. they tried to make up the fact he was beholding the russia but never was. when he got to office because he wasn't beholding his only focus was the american people. the only politician that did what he said he would do and followed through on it. he did it with a press that tried at every level to mischaracterize and paint everything he did as nefarious. look at joe biden today who is as polarizing as donald trump because of what he is doing with our borders, afghanistan, inflation, supply chain, with energy, you name it. he is destroying it. yet he has a fawning press who is trying to make him look good and still trying to go after donald trump. so if you want to talk about radicalization, dividing, breaking up our democracy which is really a public. they always characterize it. it's the left doing it. if donald trump runs it is doing it because he wants to restore basic law and order, basic economics, basic border security. the things independents are gravitating toward. >> harris: in another don't quote me moment by hillary clinton she is relatively silent on biden, though. if she knows she might run against him she doesn't want to build him up too much. we'll see if that changes and see if he starts fawning over him like some of the media. the white house refusing to take any responsibility for the inflation crisis. press secretary jen psaki on friday trying to shift blame someplace else. >> you saw every single republican in the house vote against build back better. what were they voting against? they were voting against the president's agenda. they were also voting against lowering costs. they were voting against lowering costs for childcare and elder care and healthcare. >> harris: a new abc poll shows voters actually blame a whopping 69% disapprove of how the biden administration is handling inflation. they are pointing a finger at him and his team. pete. >> because they are in charge, harris and they have been in charge for a year and they control both houses of congress and if they wanted to address inflation, they could. instead, no matter the problem that exists. this is the trick of what democrats have done especially in this era. no matter the problem or what's going wrong the answer is our agenda. in this particular case our agenda is a 1.75 trillion monstrosity green new deal that costs more than $5 trillion and a money printing exercise because it is not paid for and any time you print more money that you don't have you contribute to inflation. people are not dumb. they understand how these things add up. it's a fake explanation. to continue to blame the other guy. at some point you have to stand at the podium and say it is our policy. >> harris: when i have democrat guests on and they reflexively do that. you are talking about somebody not in the white house right now. bloomberg article getting mocked online. the title, for americans shocked by inflation argentines have advice and americans pay their entire paycheck right away and borrow more money. twitter users quick to go after that advice. advisor to senator ted cruz bloomberg next week some of the advice on how to cope with rising inflation includes stop using cash and switch to bartering. another, brilliant, toss away your money before it can devalue further. where would we be without mainstream media advice? pete. >> it is a very socialist idea and my co-host talks about it a lot. understanding that region of the world. what socialists tell you is get used to a poorer quality of life. sorry, in order to make everyone feel better about equity the cost of living will go higher and what you can afford you will be able to afford less and less and bread lines are a good thing. bernie sanders saying lower quality of life is the consequence of us virtue signaling and we're fighting the weather even though china is -- it is a dystopian view of the world that wants people to accept the america is no longer exceptional and can't deliver. >> harris: i don't remember it being said it is the american way to settle. we innovate and rise. they should pay attention. pete hegseth, good to see you. thank you. and this is big news. in the world of sports. victims of disgraced former usa gymnastics doctor larry nasser have reached a $380 million settlement with usa gymnastics, u.s. olympic and paralympic committee after the five year legal battle according to the "wall street journal." we showed you parts of the hearing of young gymnasts on the hill testifying what they had endured under dr. nasser and others being complicit in that process. they told our elected officials that. among them were very talented young women gymnasts. now penalty, accountability and some responsibility. covering that live here on the "focus." thank you for watching "the faulkner focus", right after this break we'll go "outnumbered." as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs or high blood potassium. and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. >> rescue crews are hoping for a miracle after killer twisters ripped through the heartland and more than 100 people feared dead across eight states. those crews are digging through the rubble after an entire building came crashing down. roughly 75% of one kentucky community is wiped out today. a survivor shares his powerful account. >> it felt like death was coming for you. that's what it felt like. that's what it sound

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Faulkner Focus 20240709

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worth millions of dollars. some workers blame the city's dangerous new bail reform. the bail rules are fuel on an inferno. >> they broke the glass and i see these guys running. little kids, i didn't want to get shot here. >> they get arrested and get let go. how do you intend to ever solve the problem? >> harris: the biden administration is trying to convince anyone who will listen that it is sincerely trying to contain crime before it spirals out of control. we will need a working definition of what they mean spiraling out of control apparently. but the national sheriffs association says the white house is missing in action. kellyanne conway is in focus. we begin at the white house. peter doocy reporting. >> good morning. officials here insist they have seen the videos like that of the brazen retail theft and they say they are on top of it. >> we have actually taken somewhat we would consider serious steps to help work with these communities whether it's plusing up police forces in san francisco and l.r. or have the f.b.i. work with them. >> whatever they're doing isn't working for a majority of americans. 61% say they disapprove of the job joe biden is doing on crime. 36% approve. a new abc news poll. some experts are reasoning the issues with crime in big cities will keep getting worse because they think police in some big cities don't feel like elected democratic leaders have their backs. >> the political leaders have made a judgment that they would rather see crime up than have an untoward incident with perhaps questionable shooting or that sort of thing with the police. no, they are comfortable with crime at an elevated level. and that to me is amazing. >> despite the new issues with crime in big cities that we've seen, there are still some activists trying to pressure the white house to restart negotiations on criminal justice reform. they want sentencing officially reformed so that they can trying to reduce federal price on populations. >> harris: thank you very much. you just told us that new polling shows a pal tree 36% adults approve. it has fallen from october when it was 43%. still very low. similarly, just 32% approve of his handling of gun violence. that's down 7 points. kellyanne conway, former advisor to president trump is in focus. good to see you today. >> thank you. >> harris: first of all, the law and order president, the law and order white house, the way that you and your team determined how you would attack something like this is very different from what president biden is doing. why is he failing? >> he is failing because people know what they see. they're concerned about public safety matters in their own cities. and i believe that education and public safety will be the twin issues driving many suburban voters in 2022 and 2024. the economy is important. that's a perennial concern. people know what they see and increasingly concerned you have prosecutors saying we won't prosecute. first cops were defunded and now defamed. they can't make arrests and you see all the early retirements and early resignations from our police officers who feel like they no longer have the respect or resources. look what just happened in minneapolis this fall. the police force there was refunded really to the levels before george floyd was murdered there because people are saying where are the cops? we're worried about public safety. look what happened in waukesha, wisconsin. real life examples on joe biden's watch. a woke prosecutors there saying that he is going to do away with certain types of bail. even darrell brooks junior's mother said she regrets posting a $1,000 bail for her son. he was arrested for -- accused of punching and running over the mother of his child. his mother posted the bail and he went on to drive through the christmas parade injuring dozens and killing six innocent people including children and grandmothers. so people are watching and i was around in 1994 when newt gingrich and the contract with americans. republicans went on to win 53 congressional seats. control of the senate. lots of governor and legislature. the criminal concerns then were it was about political repeat. sentencing reform, three strikes your out and now depravity toward human life and brazen daylight robberies. it is a common -- they said it is covid's fault. people know whose fault it is. >> harris: we have video of these things happening and the heartbreaking situations that you remind us of with the grandmother and the people across the country that are suffering from this. but when you look at this video you realize jobs are being void when this happens. who wants to stay in business if that's what's next? you have some mayors like lori lightfoot in chicago blaming businesses. maybe you should have more cameras. i think she didn't mean that but she said it out loud. look, i'm wondering what kind of impact this has going forward? you took us back to 1994. take us forward to 2022 and the democrats. >> it has a very big impact because they don't seem to understand the error of their ways and out of sync with what americans are saying with crime and drugs and the way people are looking at basic public safety. the flight from many urban areas. people want to live in the suburbs again not because of covid but because of the schools and because of public safety. so i think it will hurt the democrats. there is a bright line distinction between the two parties. in the awful polling numbers that you and peter doocy recited your abc news polls the independents are really against joe biden on this issue as well. if you've only got 36% of the country saying they favor your position on crime. gone down by 7 points in two months you have nobody happy. i think that the vice president kamala harris -- nobody is happy. she has what history here. >> harris: i know i can't keep you forever. i want you to see these numbers and ask my team to pop these up. two recent polls show president biden's approval rating. not just about crime. this is what you were saying. that's an indicator, right? they continue to be dismal. the president stands at 42% approval. 51 disapproval. npr national survey released last week. a national poll from monmouth university indicated 40% approval and 50% disapproval. worse there but clustered around one theory, bad. kellyanne. >> bad. they don't seem to do anything well these days at the white house. that's a reflection of somebody who has been polling for decades, harris. i think three things have happened joe biden and kamala harris in the polls recently. number one americans have lost confidence in their competence. you had a majority of people in the poll saying as much. the polls reflect that number, too. biden's personal attributes have cratered. i think even for president obama, clinton, when they were at their lowest point approval rating or surviving scandals or bad economic times or war, they still had personal attributes up there. cares about people like me, has a plan, is compassionate. knows what they are doing. inspires their party, mentally fit. they've all gone down for joe biden from may to november. is thing that happened with joe biden in the polls is that the center has fallen out for him. those people in the center who said he will unify and be bipartisan. the most bipartisan action and most interested they have been in reaching across the aisle in getting republican votes is impeachment. it tells you all you need to know how they are fueling the divisions in this country. >> harris: i wrote down what you said. i want to take a look at this with you. because that center portion is really important. that's what everybody goes for. there is the base and then that little nugget in the middle that you can count on if you do something that gets their attention they will come to the polls. a "new york times" piece says democrats are solidly behind president biden who would be 83 years old if he were to decide to run in 2024. let's look farther down the road, kellyanne, just because there is no plan b doesn't mean the party isn't worried. quote, a nexus of anxious currents in the democratic party has stoked speculation about a possible contested primary in two years on top of concerns about mr. biden's age and unpopularity there is a fear among democrats of a trump comeback and a determination the party must run a strong candidate to head it off. a recent poll found president biden and former president trump neck-and-neck in a hypothetical 2024 match-up. what do you make of it? >> we're seeing that trending in our statewide polls as well. back in the business. we see that exact dynamic playing out in the statewide polls. i think many americans are always hopeful. this is america, we're resilient and we always survive. right now people are worried about inflation, they're worried about crime and public safety, education, they are worried about supply chain crisis, christmas, the things you see at the gas pump and grocery cart. here is the problem. they say i hope it will get better. i know it actually was better. it was better not that long ago. can we have that back? i just needed a break from donald trump. i couldn't take the tweets, this and that. they'll say to me is it over yet? it's not half tie. it is a long break. people come up to me routinely. how are you. please tell the president thank you. if my hair was on fire they would get the bucket of water sefjt they run up to me please tell me see is running again and people want that back. they want that back. >> harris: i want the message. you said something that we want the audience to be sensitive to. i'm back in the business you said. as a polling expert that is why i wanted to dig deep with you today. you are into the analytics and into who is taking the polls and into the questions that are being asked. those are important for us to know because they tell us the trend lines going forward. i'm really glad to see you and thank you for your expertise today kellyanne conway. >> it was a pleasure. thank you, harris. >> harris: breaking news that the hour out of kentucky. updated information to bring you from the state's governor putting the death toll now at more than 64 with more than 100 missing. powerful tornadoes hit several states including illinois, tennessee, arkansas, missouri, kentucky took the brunt of that storm system. it dropped twisters from the sky for some 200 miles. kentucky governor andy beshear says countless homes in his state are wiped out. >> our state was hit by at least four tornadoes, one stayed on the ground in kentucky for at least 200 miles devastating anything in its path. thousands of homes are damaged, if not entirely destroyed. >> harris: i love the fact he is standing in front of the american flag. he knows we are all see and hear and have a heart to help. it unites us, all of this. call 1-800 help now or visit red to donate if you have it on your heart to make a difference this hour. we'll have a live report from mayfield, kentucky coming up. vice president kamala harris in damage control again. she sat for an image boosting interview with her hometown paper and she says all the negative media coverage she has been getting is she calls it ridiculous. and then there is this. >> i keep calling him general. my -- the guy who runs that outfit over there. >> president biden: my name is joe biden. i'm a democrat running for the united states senate. >> harris: he was running for president there. anyway just some of the president's most notable gaffes as the first lady fumes at questions about his mental fitness. why these questions are not going away. tammy bruce in "focus" next. ♪♪♪ people were afraid i was contagious. i felt gross. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. four years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections —some serious— and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. learn more at veteran homeowners- you made a smart move when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. it's our holiday savings event on the sleep number 360® smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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>> i think that's ridiculous. >> her remarks come as a recent poll find that american voters are split on the question of whether the president is mentally fit. it is things like having him repeatedly telling debunked store eefs that making americans wonder here are some of his tallest tales. >> president biden: i used to drive a tractor trailer. and so i know a little bit about driving big trucks. one of the senior guys on amtrak. he walks up to me and goes joey, baby, grabs my cheek. i thought the secret service would blow his head off. swear to god, true story. he said big deal, joey. you know how many miles you've been on amtrak? this day 30 years ago nelson mandela walked out of prison. i had the honor of being arrested with our u.n. ambassadors trying to get to see him on robin's island. >> harris: if you watch enough the i swear to god true story is almost a tell. somebody should let him know that from his team i would imagine. >> this isn't new for joe biden. even when you are dealing with plagiarism, what he did in college. presenting someone else's story as his own. he seems to have been inclined to always do. that problem is, we all misremember, we all have memories of memories the further back things go. these are completely constructed and fabricated. we can misremember what we were doing in our 20s even but this is not a twist of something that was real, it is false. for his wife, normally we look at spouses and families to be the ones to protect us especially from ourselves. she seems to be hyper partisan but they had to have made this agreement at the beginning that when they were hiding him away in the basement, this was well for the next four years we'll have to pretend that everything is fine but don't worry. she is now caught having to -- when she says it's ridiculous she is calling a majority of americans ridiculous. calling people who experienced this in their own lives ridiculous. we learn a lot about jill biden. i thought she would be protecting her husband and as a result the nation. she is not doing either. >> harris: that's a really interesting point that you make. because if you are not helping him, you are certainly setting him up for failure. >> that is correct. it's an interesting dynamic. we don't know her well. we think we know people because we see them on tv a lot. you see a portion of us and in that particular case we are learning more. we have learned more about kamala harris, we've learned more about jill biden. as a feminist and woman it is disappointing but it just means more women need to get out there who are better role models. >> harris: i will let you drop that mic and bring you back next time. >> this is great. >> harris: may or bill deblasio patting himself on the back saying new york is safer now than it was eight years ago. maybe he hasn't seen the spike in murders in his city or left his house and gone outside. and tornadoes devastating the american heartland. dozens of people are dead and we are still getting in new numbers. 65 right now in kentucky alone. many more without a place to sleep. but liberals not wasting even a second going for their reflexive of the climate agenda. >> this is going to be our new normal. >> what was unusual is how warm it was. >> president biden: the intensity of the weather across the board has some impact on the planet. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit (vo) nowadays, business can happen anywhere, anytime. with verizon business unlimited plans, you can get 5g, now you know. truly unlimited data, and more hotspot data. so you can run a bakery from the blue line. ha! cupcake. or collaborate with clients from the concourse. and to get your team geared up with the good stuff, book a one-on-one tech check with a business expert. woo! visit us in store or book an appointment to save time and money. because every business deserves better. and with plans as low as $30, better costs less than you think. when i say better, you say business. better! 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"new york post" clapping back at liberals with this headline. don't buy the pseudoscientific hype on climate change. sean duffy and fox news contributor, jason nichols, university of maryland professor of african-american studies. gentlemen, we probably would all agree on this one point, i don't know. i love science. i was a storm chaser for eight years in the midwest. there is a time and place to have a broad conversation about the past, the present, an the future. a few hours after a disaster, though, jason, what do you think? really, the fema administrator blame before we save? >> well, i think if you listen to what the president said he made it perfectly clear at a perfectly measured response that a specific causal relationship between climate change and tornadoes hasn't been proven. >> harris: why would he even bring it up? >> no, he is saying again as i said there is not a specific relationship that has been proven between climate change and tornadoes. scientists have dive recent hypotheses and ace agree. if there is anything we learned from the pandemic is that people trust the science with their political beliefs. people on the right who believe if you get the vaccine you'll get magnetized. >> harris: i have to jump in here. if this doesn't apply. if it hasn't been proven to apply why bring up climate change in your opening remarks about a disaster? it wasn't the first thing he said but my goodness why even go there politically when you know it divides people and when you can say things like we're getting every resource there and praying for people. we'll figure out on the back end what we can do to help rebuild. i'm confused by this. if he legitimately thinks that tornadoes have not been proven to come out of climate change why would he bring it up? >> that's a good point. you don't want to let any crisis go to waste and that's what they are doing here. this is a well-known fact. the united states has the most extreme weather on earth. we get tornadoes and hurricanes and forest fires. that happens throughout hundreds and thousands of years on this continent and again you look at hurricanes, they aren't more extreme and not more frequent. tornadoes if you get them in december in this area they become deadly. there is not more of them. we have forest fires but in california they mismanaged their foefrts and don't take out the underbrush. you make a great point. let's not jump to your climate change rhetoric. let's go to save people and bring in resources to help families who are struggling from a lost home or lost business and maybe a lost christmas. that's where the president should go instead of going to a political movement of climate change. >> harris: we all look forward to a good debate, jason, when the time comes and we can have that debate that's great. but we have 100 plus people missing on the ground right now. let me move to this. cbs news meteorologist blamed climate change for the recent deadly tornadoes but jason reminded us the president says they aren't necessarily scientifically connected. let's watch. >> extraordinarily rare for december. december is usually our most quiet month. look at this map right here. so let's talk about the tack tors that led to this. you have a huge contrast between cold to the north and warm to the south. what was unusual is just how warm it was. memphis hit a record high of 80 degrees and why we think climate change is beginning to factor in. >> the 30, 80. that's what happens when those things meet. you have lived in wisconsin, sean, i've been in minnesota and late summer that is and people don't normally think of our states as tornado alley but that's what happens when you get a collision of those temperatures. i will get your quick thoughts. >> you're right. when you have warm weather if december. don't happen often you can get extreme weather. it is not climate change, just a random things that happens on occasion. let's not blame climate change. it is a rare occurrence but it does happen. >> harris: bill deblasio giving himself credit for a job well done on crime in the city. here is what he said. >> eight years i've been mayor, index crime major crimes in new york city down 11% over eight years and we did it bringing police and community closer together. look around the city right now. this city is thriving. today in new york city it is a much safer city than we were eight years ago no question about that. >> harris: overall violent crime is down in the city from last year. the murder rate in new york jumped nearly 40% since deblasio took office in 2013. new york is just one of many democrat-led cities where homicides are spiking, which makes them more dangerous. jason. >> well first of all i would say it's also in republican led cities like jacksonville, florida, many others, tulsa oklahoma that have also had very high spikes in murders and in crimes. particularly since 2020 which was a tough year for the entire country. and we have to give some credit to the new york city police department because they have gotten those numbers down. burglaries are down, rapes are down, murders dropped 10 percent from 2020. i don't know about giving deblasio the credit but the people of new york city and nypd for the job they've done in order to make the city a little bit safer and not be all doom and gloom. >> harris: i'm not trying to be doom and gloom but the numbers don't match what we're seeing. the new mayor that got elected in new york city is a former cop of 22 years and crime is the basis of what got him here. i'm really confused by how you say the murder rate has gone down in new york city. >> since 2013 when deblasio took office murder rates are up 40%. a bigger number. eric adams the incoming mayor of new york city ran on fighting crime. it's because crime is a problem in the city. people don't feel safe walking down the streets. that is not a great record for mayor deblasio. my wife used to stay in time square to come to fox studios. can't stay there anymore. too violent to come in at "fox & friends" for 3:00 in the morning and had to move to a different location. that's how unsafe the city became under deblasio's leadership. hypocritical to say crime has gone down when every new york city resident knows it has gone through the roof. >> harris: we'll bring you back. thank you. hillary clinton with a doom and gloom. it is a warning about what will happen if americans reelect donald trump in 2024. critics having a field day with her end of times prediction and this. >> this is biden inflation, a 39 year high created by joe biden. joe biden owns this inflation problem. >> harris: as you might imagine the biden administration with a very different take how things are going. who they are blaming instead. pete hegseth is in "focus." ♪♪♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality 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you living on? two, she has it backwards. if any progressive democrat is elected you can be sure democracy is dead. three, poor hillary, she is already getting scared president trump might run in 2024. someone get her a crying towel. pete hegseth co-host of "fox & friends" weekend. pete. >> yeah, first of all, donald trump will get to choose whether or not he wants to be the nominee in 2024. that goes without saying. every republican knows that. the base is secure behind him. because he was the first politician who a, wasn't beholding the anybody. they tried to make up the fact he was beholding the russia but never was. when he got to office because he wasn't beholding his only focus was the american people. the only politician that did what he said he would do and followed through on it. he did it with a press that tried at every level to mischaracterize and paint everything he did as nefarious. look at joe biden today who is as polarizing as donald trump because of what he is doing with our borders, afghanistan, inflation, supply chain, with energy, you name it. he is destroying it. yet he has a fawning press who is trying to make him look good and still trying to go after donald trump. so if you want to talk about radicalization, dividing, breaking up our democracy which is really a public. they always characterize it. it's the left doing it. if donald trump runs it is doing it because he wants to restore basic law and order, basic economics, basic border security. the things independents are gravitating toward. >> harris: in another don't quote me moment by hillary clinton she is relatively silent on biden, though. if she knows she might run against him she doesn't want to build him up too much. we'll see if that changes and see if he starts fawning over him like some of the media. the white house refusing to take any responsibility for the inflation crisis. press secretary jen psaki on friday trying to shift blame someplace else. >> you saw every single republican in the house vote against build back better. what were they voting against? they were voting against the president's agenda. they were also voting against lowering costs. they were voting against lowering costs for childcare and elder care and healthcare. >> harris: a new abc poll shows voters actually blame a whopping 69% disapprove of how the biden administration is handling inflation. they are pointing a finger at him and his team. pete. >> because they are in charge, harris and they have been in charge for a year and they control both houses of congress and if they wanted to address inflation, they could. instead, no matter the problem that exists. this is the trick of what democrats have done especially in this era. no matter the problem or what's going wrong the answer is our agenda. in this particular case our agenda is a 1.75 trillion monstrosity green new deal that costs more than $5 trillion and a money printing exercise because it is not paid for and any time you print more money that you don't have you contribute to inflation. people are not dumb. they understand how these things add up. it's a fake explanation. to continue to blame the other guy. at some point you have to stand at the podium and say it is our policy. >> harris: when i have democrat guests on and they reflexively do that. you are talking about somebody not in the white house right now. bloomberg article getting mocked online. the title, for americans shocked by inflation argentines have advice and americans pay their entire paycheck right away and borrow more money. twitter users quick to go after that advice. advisor to senator ted cruz bloomberg next week some of the advice on how to cope with rising inflation includes stop using cash and switch to bartering. another, brilliant, toss away your money before it can devalue further. where would we be without mainstream media advice? pete. >> it is a very socialist idea and my co-host talks about it a lot. understanding that region of the world. what socialists tell you is get used to a poorer quality of life. sorry, in order to make everyone feel better about equity the cost of living will go higher and what you can afford you will be able to afford less and less and bread lines are a good thing. bernie sanders saying lower quality of life is the consequence of us virtue signaling and we're fighting the weather even though china is -- it is a dystopian view of the world that wants people to accept the america is no longer exceptional and can't deliver. >> harris: i don't remember it being said it is the american way to settle. we innovate and rise. they should pay attention. pete hegseth, good to see you. thank you. and this is big news. in the world of sports. victims of disgraced former usa gymnastics doctor larry nasser have reached a $380 million settlement with usa gymnastics, u.s. olympic and paralympic committee after the five year legal battle according to the "wall street journal." we showed you parts of the hearing of young gymnasts on the hill testifying what they had endured under dr. nasser and others being complicit in that process. they told our elected officials that. among them were very talented young women gymnasts. now penalty, accountability and some responsibility. covering that live here on the "focus." thank you for watching "the faulkner focus", right after this break we'll go "outnumbered." as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, 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Mayors , Jobs , Suffering , Lori Lightfoot , Impact , Kind , Cameras , Democrats , Error , Sync , Ways , Public Safety , Line , Areas , Schools , Drugs , Flight , Suburbs , Polls , Independents , Issue , 36 , Polling Numbers , Parties , Distinction , Kamala Harris , Nobody , Position , Numbers , Approval Rating , Indicator , Disapproval , Monmouth University , Npr National Survey , 51 , 42 , 40 , Somebody , Anything , Approval , Reflection , Theory , Bad , 50 , One , Number , Competence , Confidence , Point , Attributes , Times , War , Scandals , Clinton , Obama , Plan , Party , Cares , Mentally Fit , Most , Center , Aisle , Base , Everybody , Center Portion , Votes , Look , Impeachment , Divisions , Attention , New York Times , Nugget , Middle , Piece , 83 , Quote , Isn T , Speculation , Road , Doesn T Mean The Party , Plan B , A Nexus Of Anxious Currents , Age , Fear , Primary , Mr , Unpopularity , Trump Comeback , Determination , It , Candidate , Match Up , Neck , Trending , Back , Playing , Inflation , Crime , Christmas , Gas Pump , Grocery Cart , Americans Reelect Donald Trump , Break , Tweets , Fire , Hair , Tie , Bucket , Water , Message , Audience , Questions , Polling Expert , Analytics , Trend Lines , State , Kentucky , Breaking News , Expertise , Pleasure , Information , Tornadoes , States , Brunt , Death Toll , Missouri , Illinois , Tennessee , Arkansas , 100 , 64 , Homes , Andy Beshear , Twisters , Storm System , Sky , 200 , Ground , Thousands , Path , Four , Fact , Heart , Standing , Front , Flag , See , Difference , Red Cross Org , Report , Damage Control , Mayfield , 1 , 800 , Interview , Media Coverage , Image , Hometown Paper , Him General , Guy , Running , Outfit , Fitness , Tammy Bruce , Lady , Fumes , Gaffes , People Don T , Shock , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Doctor , Risk , Vaccine , Infections , Symptoms , Infection , Reactions , Tuberculosis , Ability , Crohn S Disease , More , Cash , Home , The Cost Of Living , Newday 100 Va Loan , Homeowners , Smart Move , 60000 , 0000 , Advantage , Values , Veteran , Veterans , Lows , Rates , Home Equity , Pace , Highs , Calling Newday , Value , Grandkids , Security , Bank , Pool , Kitchen , Amount , Sleep , Smart Bed , Cold , Temperature Balancing , Movements , Holiday Savings Event , Sleep Number , 360 , Care , Science , Interest , Weekend Special , Miss , Delivery , Night After , Plus , Ends Monday , 48 , 500 , 00 , 0 , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Shipping Manager , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Find Themself , Tam , Mom , Car , Merry Christmas , Hometown Newspaper , Part , Dad , 2 , 4 , 3 , Reports , Nothing , Management , Staffers , Exodus , Bullying , Style , Answer , Person , Incompetent , Non Question , Clue , Man , Doesn T , What S Going On , P R , Border , Instance , Criticism , Border Czar , Immigration , Causes , Absence , Root , Central American Ceos , Crisis , Tragedy , Contact , Meeting , Guatemala , Daughter , Vehicle , Texas , Human Smuggler Ran A Red Light , Stories , Immigrants , Fox News , Contributor Host , Unending , On Fox Nation , Human Catastrophe , Truck , Crash , Aliens , Woman , Texans , 22 , 59 , Media , Opportunity , Leader , Environment , Headlines , Newspaper , Doing , Noe , Headline , Reason , Policy , Haven T , Happening , Jill Biden , Let , Truth , Dismissing , Cbs Sunday Morning , Wow , Response , Head , Mental Fitness , Show , Remarks , Question , Debunked , Split , Bit , Store Eefs , Making Americans , Trucks , Guys , Tales , Tractor Trailer , Joey , God , Deal , True Story , Cheek , Head Off , Secret Service , Amtrak , Prison , Ambassadors , Honor , Nelson Mandela , Robin S Island , U N , 30 , Story , Tell , College , Plagiarism , Misremember , Someone Else , Twist , Memories , Wife , 20 , Families , Beginning , Basement , Spouses , Ones , Agreement , Everything , Don T Worry , Result , Nation , Lives , Husband , Case , Portion , Failure , Dynamic , Tv , Women , Mic , Role Models , New York , Murders , Bill Deblasio , Hasn T , Spike , Patting , Eight , Heartland , House , Place , Liberals , Reflexive , Climate Agenda , Planet , Board , Intensity , O Man , Wrinkles , Wrinkly , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Ray , Vacations , Dryer , Glucose Levels , Diabetes , No , Libre 2 , Anywhere , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Mystery , A1c , Vo , Plans , 5g , Concourse , Business Expert , Data , Hotspot Data , Clients , Stuff , Blue Line , Verizon , Cupcake , Bakery , 5 , Money , The Show Must Go On Migraine Medicine , Store , Low , Crowd , Appointment , 05 , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Tracks , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Pill , Cause , Inhibitors , Side Effects , Tiredness , Nausea , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Hearing , Vision , Lea , A Retired School Counselor , Art Teacher , Hearing Aids , Alaska , North Pole , 10 , Prevagen , Prescription , Change , Memory , Sense , Healthier Brain , Climate Change , Life , Affects , Generation , Efforts , Disaster , Impacts , Administrator , Events , Projects , Fema , Nine , Agenda , Left , Storms , Consequence , Warming , Profile , Same , Twitter , New York Post , Actor , Climate Catastrophe , Jason Nichols , Don T Buy The Pseudoscientific Hype On Climate Change , Professor , I Don T Know , African American Studies , University Of Maryland , Gentlemen , Sean Duffy , Storm Chaser , Conversation , Midwest , Relationship , Administrator Blame , Tornadoes Hasn T , Ace , Scientists , Pandemic , Beliefs , Right , Hypotheses , Magnetized , Doesn T Apply , Goodness , Resource , Back End , It Wasn T The First , Rebuild , Hurricanes , Forest Fires , Continent , Hundreds And Thousands , Earth , Area , Underbrush , Foefrts , California , Climate Change Rhetoric , Let S Go , Lost Christmas , Debate , Movement , Cbs News , Map , Meteorologist , Tack Tors , Contrast , Record High , North , South , Memphis , Summer , Minnesota , 80 , Thoughts , Collision , Temperatures , Tornado Alley , In The City , Occurrence , Occasion , Mayor , Crimes , Index Crime , Community , 11 , Murder Rate , Safer , Office , Homicides , 2013 , Others , Jacksonville , Led , Tulsa Oklahoma , Florida , Credit , Spikes , New York City Police Department , 2020 , Burglaries , Rapes , Giving Deblasio , Down , Order , Gloom , Doom , City , Doom And Gloom , Basis , Cop , Office Murder Rates , Eric Adams , Record , Can T , Streets , Fox Friends , Fox Studios , Leadership , Location , Roof , Resident , Warning , Critics , Field Day , 2024 Critics , Inflation Problem , Biden Inflation , 39 , Pete Hegseth , Staffing , Master , Size , Boost , Call , Angie , Lou , Phone , Internet , Cost , Network , Xfinity , Yep , Mobile , Smart Kid , 400 , Switch Squad , Holiday Season , Savings , Go , Moon Christmas Special , Gotta , Democracy , Congress , Someone , Break Point , End , Make , Ilk , Secretary Of State , Show Interview , Bidding , Predictions , Trump , Conscience , Poor Hillary , 2024 Someone , Co Host , Towel , Nominee , Saying , Politician , Focus , Anybody , Who A , Wasn T Beholding , Russia , Press , Paint , Supply Chain , Borders , Energy , Afghanistan , Dividing , Public , Border Security , Restore Basic Law And Order , In Another Don T Quote Me Moment By , Economics , Responsibility , Some , Changes , Voting , In The House , Jen Psaki , Inflation Crisis , Someplace Else , Build , Lowering Costs , Costs , Childcare , Healthcare , Abc , Charge , Disapprove , Finger , 69 , Matter , Houses , Trick , Monstrosity Green New Deal , Money Printing Exercise , 5 Trillion , 1 75 Trillion , Trillion , Explanation , Podium , Guests , Article , Bloomberg , Advice , Paycheck , Title , Users , Inflation Argentines , Ted Cruz , Advisor , Another , Bartering , Stop , World , Mainstream Media Advice , Idea , Region , Socialists , Quality , Everyone , Bread Lines , View , Virtue Signaling , Bernie Sanders , China , Rise , It Being , News , Sports , Usa Gymnastics , Victims , Nasser , Committee , Settlement , Battle , Parts , Olympic , Wall Street Journal , Five , 380 Million , 80 Million , The Hill , Gymnasts , Dr , Process , Accountability , Penalty , Young Women , Element Securing Portfolios , Investors , Reward , Gold , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , One Million , Death , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Ace Inhibitor , Hospital , Harm , Aliskiren , Arb , Blood , Potassium , Rescue Crews , Building , Crews , Miracle , Killer , Rubble , Crashing Down , Survivor , Account , It Sound , 75 ,

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