Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

taiwan. and building up its military capabilities in the region. if that is not enough, u.s. defense officials tell fox news that russia is planning a multi-front invasion of ukraine as early as next year that could come perhaps next month. 100,000 russian troops right now already massed along the ukrainian border. and as tensions rise, the kremlin reportedly says president biden and russian prime minister putin will have a video call i on all of this on use night as russia is reportedly sending 75,000 more troops. who better to discuss this all than retired four-star general jack keane, fox news senior strategic analyst, joining us now. general, we've seen this before. they took a chunk of cry -- crimea. how real is this threat and what does the president say to putin thursday night? >> they had something like 90,000 there back in the spring, and there was no military incursion. given the types of forces that he has there this time, it looks, certainly, likely that he may indeed use those forces many some whats dehere. many some capacity the here. i don't think he's made a decision. i think he's resting his decision -- this is typical putin. clearly, the intent is to bring ukraine under his sphere of influence. he certainly is so frustrated by the fact the soviet union collapsed, but most of the european countries all joined nato. he doesn't want ukraine to be a part of nato, he wants it under his sphere of influence. the issue for him is what can he get away with without having to have a conflict with the united states and nato, something he does the not want. and also sanctions, at least sanctions to date which have never gone after him, never gone after his oligarchs and never gone after his oil and gas with industry have never had much impact on him. so i don't thinkst the so much about sanctions, but where is this president of the united states in terms of his resolve and our nato nations. and i think this phone call, i'm gladst taking place on tuesday, because putin will certainly be measuring that. eric: we're waiting for the defense secretary on the left of your screen, you can see the camera getting ready for him to potentially address this. you mentioned the president of the united states. putin saysst a red line, what -- says it's the a red line, what nato is doing, and the president says he does not accept anyone else's red line. because he el that to putin on tuesday, and how does he tell the putin to back off? >> well, of course, the nonsense that putin is putting out about ukraine or nato being the aggressor here, that's obviously false information. he spins that every time he's doing something like this. we saw that in georgia, we saw it in crimea, we saw it before in eastern ukraine. i think if we haven't done so already, i would hope that blinken sort of looked his counterpart in the eye and said, look, these are the consequences that are facing you and be very specific about it. so he -- there's no doubt in putin's mind what's going to happen as a result of this military incursion if that's what he goes ahead and accomplishes here. but certainly, yes, the president of the united states has got to put his cards on the table in dealing with putin. and putin knows president biden very well. and he has his own assessment about him before going in here. and i have some concerns, to be frank about it. i think they regarded -- well, i think they regarded the obama administration as weak, and he may be putting president biden in that same category. we don't know for sure, but certainly there's been a significant amount of aggression that has taken place here since president biden has become president. by russia, for sure. and certainly, china has upped its game, and that's obviously taken place. and you mentioned in the introduction expect iranian hard-line regime certainly is increasing their aggression in the region and looks like they're going to blow away from the nuclear deal and start pursuing a nuclear weapon. there is a lot on the table here in terms of national security concerns for the united states and specifically for the secretary of defense. eric: we'll likely hear that from the if secretary of defense as he takes the podium at the reagan national defense forum. you were the first military leaderser, by the way, who got the reagan peace through strength award back in 2019, congratulations on that, general. let me pick up a point. you mentioned the secretary of state, will mr. blinken, did meet with sergey lavrov, a very smooth character. man, he can talk the world around you, you know? talk about a used car salesman, that guy is slick. do you think he got the message? and when you talk about putin calculating what he could co, what he could test, what he could potentially get away with, what is he afraid of? sanctions on his oil and gas that the underpins the russian economy? sanctions on him personally? sanctions on his personal group and supporters and oligarchs? i mean, what can we realistically coto try and push him off? >> well, the deep-seeded fear that putin has, certainly, is any kind of domestic upheaval where the people lose confidence in his leadership. and his popularity has gone could be. all these authoritarian the leaders have the same fear. it's the largely the fear of the people more than they fear adversaries. so that's always on his concerns, and that's participant of his, part of his calculation. i mean, it was so evident when his stooge in ukraine was driven out, yanukovych, by the ukrainian people right after the winter olympics, he seized and annexed crimea largely because he was humiliated by that act, and he wanted to shore up support from his people at home. so what his actions are taking here are calculated not only with the international community reaction, not only with his strategic objective to achieve a sphere of influence with the foreman soviet union states -- former soviet union states, but how because this play at home. and if he miscalculates and the economy goes in the tank even further as a result of it or this prolonged conflict that's taken place as a result of it, hen that comes home to roost for mr. putin. eric: is he doing this because of domestic concerns? it raises his popularity in russia, for example, and solidifies his political control and support if, indeed, he tries to saber rattle? >> yeah, well, i think that's part of it, as i suggested. but putin does have strategic objectives, and that is the, as i mentioned, he wants the foreman soviet union statements under his sphere of influence as much as he can with the non-aligned states who are not part of nato. he was very frustrated that most of these state thes when the soviet union collapsed became a part of nato. that's why he put his troops in georgia. he doesn't want ukraine anywhere near nato or even having economic integration with the european you on. so he has strategic objections that are real, but he's always got his domestic audience in his rearview mirror to make sure he's calculating what their reaction's going to be. eric: and, general, finally on the other side of world, china. there's incursions in the taiwan air defense zone, there's hypersonic missile, the real concerns that we are now, the united states, beefing up our presence in the pacific because of beijing's threats. what do you make of china, and how does the president react to that? >> well, the american people are telling us that this is the number one national security threat to their national security, and we have consensus in the country on that. so certainly, that is going to have significant impact on this administration who has already identified that. but when you have the wind at your back with the american people that changes things quite a bit. listen, what we are dealing with here with this regime of president xi, now he's coming up on his tenth year, he's the most ambitious, aggressive and malign leader since mao tse-tung. he is seating economic, geopolitical and military domination in the indo-pacific region and also global come nation. those are the real issues strategically for the united states. eric: general jack keane, always good of to see you and have you with your astute analysis. ing we'll keep you around as we wait for the defense secretary to give his speech at the reagan national defense forum as you can see right now. thank you. arthel: all right, eric. we're going to see if we can fit in jamil jaffer, founder and executive director of the national security institute, former counsel to the assistant attorney general for national security at the department of justice, though like general keane, you have a lot to offer on these very topics and, of course, you might get interrupted by the secretary of defense. so on thursday, secretary austin vowed to confront potential military threats many asia and warning that its pursuit of hypersonic weapons, eric just mentioned, intended to evade u.s. missile defenses calling it, quote, increases tensions in the region. so i ask you, jamil, what can the state department and the biden administration really coto stop china? >> well, arthel, there's a lot of things we need to be doing. starts with what austin's about to talk about, china does pose a very real strategic threat to the u.s. not just in the region, but globally. what that the means is we need to look at things like the fact that they're building more nuclear warheads, missile silos, building hypersonic weapons that can reach the united states rapidly and deliver weapons that can move in an agile way. there's a lot that china's doing, but they're the also getting aggressive in taiwan, aggressive with india, so we've got to respond to that, put pressure on them. so i think they're saying the right thing, now it's time for action. secretary austin's going to talk about what the biden administration's going to do specifically, hopefully, to confront the very real threat are from china. arthel: you're not part of defense department there, but -- and that's the whole question. i mean, what can they do the? you ticked off a list, a to-colist that china has, and they're going down that list and checking off all the boxes, accomplishing their goals, you know, leading towards as general with keane pointed out, their goal of world domination. i mean, you know, hopefully secretary austin will address this, but not only just address it, but tell us and the world what the u.s., specifically the biden administration, is planning to do about it. i mean, that's what we want to hear. we know what the problems are are. >> that's exactly right, arthel. one of the things we need to think about is how do we keep up with china. not just keep up with their military advances, but actually sail right a past them? we've got to invest in our military, in modern technology. we've got to actually: acknowledge the fact that we have one of the most agile communities in the world and innovate here in the united states and not simply respond. response is not enough, we've got to get ahead of it. that means quantum computing, artificial intelligence, that means more agile systems and, frankly, bringing industry and government closer together. today there's a lot of tension between our technology the community, our government, our industry and government, we need to do more to work effectively together to address this large scale and long-term threat that china poses. arthel: you mentioned tensions, there's also internal tensions inside our own government. i mean, you know, the left, the right, republicans, can democrats, it doesn't matter. it's really about the protection and dominance of america, and they can't seem to get their act together, you know? if this party's in charge, the other party has to say no and vice versa. maybe not so much on one side or the ore, who knows, but the point is i just feel like it stops us from progressing, all the internal fighting that we have here in d.c. we can't get anything done. >> you're exactly right, arthel. in fact, i had the chance to work when i worked for congressman mike rodgers from michigan, conservative republican, right? he partnered with a liberal democrat from maryland to really work on intelligence and national security issues, and we got a ton done. we passed for the first time in a decade an intelligence authorization bill, three in a row, and it's amazing when the parties come together and say, look, our threat is not republicans or democrats,st it's the chinese, it's the russians, iran and north korea. there's not a reason why we should be opposed. democrats like scoop jackson and republicans like ron reagan really shared a mission. i wish i could be out there, family stuff kept me back. but it really does bring together, you know, you see a democratic defense secretary speaking at ronald reagan library in california, that's what it's the about, to bring america together to confront our enemies across the seas. and they're looking at us to take advantage of the division in the united states. finish. arthel: indeed, the good old days. you're right, they're watching, our enemies, particularly china and, of course, russia and then north korea on his level. but they're looking at it saying, okay, fine, we need -- it doesn't matter what this particular administration implements, whatever policies they put in place, because those the very policies are going to be unraveled in the next four years, maybe eight years. so, you know, with this sort of start and stop policies and then retracting from that, i mean, it's just keeps us kind of stuck in one place without with progressing. and the world is aware of that. our enemies are ware of that. >> you're exactly right, arthel. the challenge here, you know, is that we're not thinking about the long term the, we're thinking about next year and the next election. that's not just our politicians, that's also american electorate, right? the modern way we get our news on twitter and facebook, and we're in smaller and smaller groups of people that agree with us, right in we tend to isolate ourselves in these points of view, and the truth the our enemies are watching and saying how can we take advantage of the fact that america's divided? if we come together as a key superpower even as china rises up, the only way we're going to do that is if we put aside and realize the enemy is not here at home, it's out there. arthel: well, listen, the american people want to know what secretary austin is going to say in terms of the plans to address these the very, very serious problems. and, of course, he's going to say as much as he can without giving away the scent sauce of making his -- secret sauce of making it happen. and here he comes down, defense secretary lloyd austin. [applause] [inaudible conversations] >> got any zingers for me? >> thank you, john, for that kind introduction. and thanks to, thanks for everything that you do the for the reagan presidential foundation and institute. and good afternoon, everybody. it is great to be here in person at the reagan national defense forum. [applause] and i'm glad to see so many friends and valued colleagues including a truly outstanding delegation from the department of defense. this is, indeed, quite a crowd. and i'm honored to be here at reagan library. you know, the old saying is that institutions are shadows of people, and this library is a tremendous extension of the legacy and optimism of president ronald ray gab. ronald reagan. he always believed that americans were up for a challenge, up for any hard problems with a can-do spirit. he had bedrock beliefs; a love of democracy, a zeal for free enterprise and an implaque if bl opposition to -- implacable opposition to autocracy. yet president reagan also show a willingness to change. and to work together even with an old phototry to make -- old foe to try to make all of our children safe from the specter of nuclear war. that's central to his legacy. not just the vigor that he showed in waging the cold war, but the vision that that he showed in helping to end it. many today's changing world -- in today's changing world, i hope that we can again summon ronald reagan's sunny conviction that this country can be stronger, prouder and better. and his confidence in the power of liberty, his enthusiasm in the face of challenge and his openness to seize an opportunity for statesmanship. now, if you're looking for some of that spirit today, if you're looking for optimism and pragmatism and patriotism, and if you're looking for a can-do attitude in american life, well, look no further than the united states military. our outstanding men and women in uniform volunteer to work hard and to sacrifice mightily, and they don't expect any rewards besides the quiet satisfaction of a mission achieved and the knellship of teamwork -- fellowship of teamwork and the honor of defending our democracy. so we're enormously grateful to them and to their families as well. and in return, we owe them clear thinking about the challenges of our changing world. and we owe it to them to make the world of the 21st century far more secure and far less bloody hand world of the 20th. than the world of the 20th. you know, i've spent a lot of time thinking about that over the past few days, and my team and i took the long way to california by way of south korea where we held our important annual security talks with key allies. this was my third trip as secretary of can defense to the indo-pacific, and that's yet another sign of the priority that we give to the region. and our commitment to its security and prosperity and openness. in part that's because of something that the everyone who lives in california understands. america is a pacific power. and we will always be. and the indo-pacific is a region of great opportunity and real challenges. one of those challenges is the emergence of an increasingly assertive and autocratic china. and that's what i'd like to focus on today. now, president biden has said that we are in stiff competition with the people's republic of china. and as he's made clear, beijing is the only except to have capable of combining its economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to mounting a sustained challenge -- mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system. so we've got to be clear about the challenge of china and what we need to do to meet it. i'd like to focus today on the security dimensions of this competition. because we've seen two decades of breakneck modernization by the people's to liberation army, and china's military is on pace to become a peer competitor to the united states in asia and eventually around the world. china's leaders are expanding their ability to project force and to the establish a global network of military bases. and meanwhile, the pla is rapidly improving many of its capabilities including strike and air and missile depence and anti-submarine measures -- missile defense. and it's increasingly focused on integrating its information cyber and space operations. so that means new areas of competition in space and cyberspace where the norms of behavior aren't well established and the risk of escalation and miscalculation are high. meanwhile, china is pouring state funds into key sectors including quantum research, and beijing is pursuing what its leaders call indigenous innovation to cut its reliance on imports. and all that is fueling swift advances in prc technology with significant implications for china's military. china's nuclear posture is changing as well. the pla has been rapidly advancing its nuclear capabilities, and that includes drawing its nuclear arsenal to at least a thousand warheads by 20 the 30 and modernizing its delivery systems -- 2030 -- and building a nascent nuclear triad. now, we always assess not just capabilities, but also intentions and actions. and the leaders of the chinese communist party have been increasingly vocal about their dissatisfaction with the prevailing order. and about their aim of displacing america from its global leadership role. china's president, xi jinping, regularly talks about, quote, great changes unseen in the world in a century. and he recently assured his fellow party members that, quote, time and momentum are on china's side. president biden has been very clear about his concerns over china's human rights abuses and its bullying of other countries. and beijing is misusing edge to advance its repressive agenda at home and exporting tools of autocracy is abroad. now, i repeatedly describe china as the facing challenge for the department of defense. i chose the word "challenge" carefully. we seek neither confrontation the nor conflict. and as president biden has repeatedly made clear, we're not seeking a new cold war or a world divided into rigid blocs. so, yes, we're facing a por mid bl challenge. -- formidable challenge. but america isn't a country that fears competition. and we're going to meet this one with confidence and resolve and not panic and pessimism. as president reagan put it, the future doesn't belong to the faint-hearted, it belongs ott brave -- it belongs to the brave. so we're determine thed to deter aggression and prevent conflict and to establish communities guardrails, and our new initiatives are part of a government-wide approach that draws on all tools of national power to meet china challenge. now, this department has been stepping up its efforts on china since the very first days of the biden administration. our china task force sharpened department's priorities and charted a path to greater focus and coordination. we made the department's largest ever budget request for research, development, testing and evaluation. and we're investing in new capabilities that the will make us more lethal from greater distances and more capable of operating stealthy and unmanned platforms. and more resilient under the seas and in space and cyberspace. we're also pursuing a more distributed force posture in the indo-pacific, one that will help us bolster deterrence and counter-incursion and operate forward with our trust thed allies and partners -- trusted allies and partners. we're developing new concepts of authorizations that will bring the american way of war into the 21st century working closely with our unparalleled global network of partners and allies. ladies and gentlemen, we will always stand ready to prevail in conflict. but america's defense will always be rooted in our resolve to prevent conflict. now, what i call integrated deterrence will be cornerstone concept of the new national defense strategy that i will release early next year. and it means integrating our efforts across domains and across the spectrum of conflict to insure that the u.s. military, many close cooperation with the rest of the u.s. government and our allies and partners, makes the folly and and cost of aggression very clear. i'd like to focus today on two key elements of integrated deterrence. and those are partnership and innovation. first, we're building on a lesson that i learned over four decades in uniform. in war and in peace, we're always stronger when we work together with our friends. and that defines our approach to the china challenge. no, we're not seek ising an asian version of nato or trying to build an anti-china coalition. and we're not asking countries to choose between the united states and china. instead, we're working to advance an international system that is free and stable and open. and we're strengthening our peerless network of allies and partners with a shared commitment to a peaceful and prosperous indo-pacific. a region where all countries are free from -- and where the rules that buttress stability and expand liberty liberty are upheld together. as one western leader said in 1989, we know more clearly than ever before that we carry common burdens and face common problems and must respond with common action. now, that wasn't ron reagan, it was -- ronald reagan, it was the margaret thatcher. now, my first trip as secretary took me to japan and south korea and india. and a few months ago i had the opportunity to visit with leaders in singapore and vietnam and the philippines. yesterday i was in seoul, and early next year i plan, i'm planning on heading back to southeast asia. and, you know, in every conversation with our partners i hear the same thing again and again, a call for the united states to continue plague our stabilizing role -- playing our stabilizing role in the indo-pacific. and make no mistake, we will. and that means joint exercises such as the recent six-country multi-carrier operation in asia. it means deepening our r&d relationships with our regional lies and partners. it means encouraging the helpful and growing security role that our european allies are playing in the region. it also means strengthening the indo-pacific's security architecture. that, of course, centers on our valued alliances in asean and reinforced by mechanisms both old and new including the indo-pacific quad, the five is and the triangle of the u.s., japan and south korea. and finally, we remain steadfast to our one-china policy and our commitments of the taiwan relations act to support taiwan's ability to defend itself while also maintaining our capacity to resist any resort to force that would jeopardize the security of the people of taiwan. now, we're working to bolster deterrence and not seeking to change the status the quo. as president biden told president xi last month, we share a profound global responsibility to insure that the competition between our countries does the not veer into conflict whether intended or unintended. and we're going to stick to what president biden calls simple, straightforward competition. yes, we have real differences both over interests and values. but the way that you manage them counts, and we're going to be open and candid with china's leaders. as president biden put it, we need to talk honestly and directly with one another about our priorities and our intentions. and big powers should be models of transparency and communication. so we're actively seeking open lines of communication with china's defense leaders especially in a crisis. and both between our diplomats and our militaries. we're taking steps to reduce risk and to prevent miscalculations. so we're going to build on president biden's discussions with president xi, and president biden's push to develop ways to manage strategic risk and work to build strong the, sensible guardrails around this competition. now, i also want to focus on a second element of integrated deterrence. it is one that i'm especially looking forward to discussing with this audience. an audience with so many industry leaders and entrepreneurs and members of congress. and it centers on america's unique competitive advantage and innovation. now, integrated deterrence requires us to weave together cutting edge technology and operational concepts and state of the art capabilities to seamlessly dissuade aggression in any form, domain or theater. and so that means that innovation lies at the heart of american security. now, huge advances in a.i., in edge computing and nanotechnology are are already underway in america, and much of that right here in california. nobody innovates better than the united states of america. but we can't take that for granted. and at the department of defense, that means that serious changes to some of the ways that we've done business must be done. so let's face it, for far too long it's been far too hard for innovators and entrepreneurs to work with the department. and the barriers for entry into this effort to work with us in national security is often too steep, far too steep. you know, in my recent travels i've seen some outstanding examples of cutting edge tactic including weeks ago in bahrain where i saw unmanned solar-powered naval vessels that used a.i. to build a sheer picture of the surrounding seas. but it often takes too long to get that kind of innovation to our war fighters. so let's say that some great california start-up develops a dazzling way to better integrate our capabilities. all too often that company is going to struggle to take its idea from inception to prototype, to adoption the by the department. we call this syndrome the valley of death. and i know that many of you in this room are are painly familiar with it. you know, it's bad enough that some companies get stuck in the valley of death, but some brilliant entrepreneurs and innovators don't even want to try to cross it and work with us. so the department has to do the better. let me el you about some steps that we're taking the way to transform the way we do business. first, we're paving new pathways for american innovators and entrepreneurs to work with us. consider the defense advance research projects agency, better known as darpa. it is legendary for scientific breakthroughs. but now darpa is also connecting its top research teams with corporate leaders and u.s. investors so that the those teams can build successful businesses with cutting edge technologies that they develop. second, we're doubling down on our small business innovation research program which, as it happens, was signed into law by president reagan. this program helps american firms to pursue r&d tailored to the department the's unique tech requirements -- department's unique tech requirements and so far this year, we've awarded funds to more than 2500 small businesses working on ground-breaking tech. we're also doing more to integrate the department's innovators into tech hubs around the country where academics and business leaders and innovators thrive. so we recently opened defense innovation hubs in seattle and chicago. adding to other sites from austin to boston. so the goal here is simple, to connect with new talent who will help us compete and win on challenges from countering uavs to responsibly leading the a.i. revolution. and finally, we're making it easier for companies to safely cross that valley of death. and i would like to commend congressional leaders who have tackled this issue, and many of you are here today. but we need all of your help and this is the urgent. we can't just keep funding programs and platforms that will be irrelevant, and we must streamline the acquisitions process or we'll tie one arm behind our backs. so the department of defense has established the rapid defense experimentation reserve to let us quickly see if promising tech and prototypes can help our war fighters. it helps identify our most pressing capability gaps and makes funds able available to test new technologies that could be game changers, and it lets the army, the navy, the air force, the space force and the marine corps try out innovative tech together at scale for the first time. because when we maintain the our technological edge, we maintain our military edge. and let me be clear, united states of america has an advantage that no autocracy can match. our combination of free enterprise, free minds and free people. even at times of challenge, our democracy is a powerful engine for its owning renewal, so i will put the american system up against any other, and i'll do so with great pride and total confidence. no other country has the creativity to put such phenomenal computing power into our pockets, and no other country has our a astonishing universities, our grounding rule of law and our restless spirit. so let me offer a call to action to american businesses large and small. and to everyone in this room including industry leaders, join with us. work with us. and help keep our country strong. let's meet this moment with all the inno vegas and ingenuity -- innovation and ingenuity that america can must because america's strength rests on its strength at home. recented in the cryptivity of an open site -- creativity and ingenuity of an open mind. as prime minister reagan put it -- president reagan put it in 1988, progress is not foreordainedded. the key is freedom; freedom of thought, freedom the of information and freedom the of communication. ladies and gentlemen, in america we don't fear competition. as president biden says, in the competition the against china and other nations of the 21st century let's show that american democracy and the american people can truly outcompete anyone. this is america. we're still a country that can do great things from vaccinating people against a terrible virus to saving lives of civilians in peril, the building a new -- to building a new architecture for global security. great powers today must shoulder great responsibilities for the safety of our citizens, for the defense of our democracy and for the security of our world. so we're going to do our part. we'll meet the challenges of the 21st century, but we will face them with fortitude and not fear. democracy has always been our road map to success and security, and i wouldn't trade it for anyone else's. thank you very much. [applause] arthel: well, in less than 30 minutes secretary austin delivered a pretty he was i speech there -- hefty the speech there ending with the goal of america to transform the way that we cobusiness, to connect with new talent who who will help the u.s. to win the a.i. revolution which will maintain military edge in the world. and he began, of course, on the china challenge, saying hat department of defense -- that the county of defense because not seek confrontation or conflict, but america does not fear competition, will meet it with confidence and resolve, not fear and panic. and secretary austin also addressed we want to become more lethal from greater distances, more resistant from land, sea, air and cyberspace, of course, again bringing the american way of war into the 21st century. and he mentioned integrated deterrence, we are stronger when we work together with our friends and that we are working -- okay, leapt me -- let's listen in to bret baier now. >> i want to follow up with your speech about china, but i want to start with something that's pressing right now on international stage, and that is that senior officials are confirming to us that russian plans call for a military offensive against ukraine as soon as 2022. and intel possibly involving 100 battalion tactical groups, 175,000 the russian troops, armor, artillery equipment. there are the already almost 100,000 russian troops along that border with ukraine. so my question is this: how concerned are you that russia this time is not bluffing, that the, in fact, they will invade ukraine? >> el well, we remain focused on this, bret. they've invaded before, and so as we look at numbers of forces that are in the border region, as we look at some of the things that are occurring in the information space as we look at what's going on in the cyber coe main -- cyber domain, it really raises our concern. we remain focused on this. we are certainly committed to helping ukraine defend its sovereign territory. you heard president biden speak about this, i think, yesterday. and in terms of our concern, we're very concerned and something we're going to remain focused on. >> ukraine, obviously, is not in nato now, doesn't fall under article very concern article v, obviously, an attack on one is an attack on all. what happens if putin does invade ukraine? what does the u.s. do? >> i certainly won't get into -- won't speculate on different scenarios but, again, i would point back to the what the president said in that we're certainly committed to insuring that ukraine has what it needs to protect its sovereign territory. >> so does that include advisers in does it include equipment? >> as you know, bret the, we have provided them with a number of different things over the years and most recently things including like, including lethal capability, a lot of nonlethal capability and, again, we'll continue to look for different ways to help them be able to support their sovereign territory. and you heard the president say yesterday that, you know, he's looking at a number of initiatives. so i won't get out in front of my boss, i'm sorry. >> i understand. i'm going to try one more thing. the president is talking tuesday with vladimir putin. can he say something, even the threat of pushing for an invite into nato, that gets putin, in your mind, to back down from that border? >> yeah, you know, i'm sure that there are a number of things that he'll want to explore with president putin. i think that he knows president putin very well. again, i think there's a lot of space here for diplomacy and leadership to work and, again, we're going to remain engaged with our allies mt. region and our partners in the region, and we're going to continue to do everything we can to help provide is ukraine the capability to protect its sovereign territory. >> okay. let's talk china. in your remarks today, you seemed to have a different tone. has something changed in your mind? >> nothing's changed, bret. as you heard me say earlier, we're clear-eyed about the challenge aha china presents -- that china presents. but china's not 10 feet tall. this is america. you know, we have the greatest industry, the greatest innovators in the world, and we're going to do the what's necessary to create the capabilities that helps us, help us maintain the competitive edge going forward. you know, it's that combination of ingenuity, leadership, support from our congress that has enabled us to be where we are today and enabled us to be successful over the years. we clearly recognize that, as you heard me say earlier, that china presents a challenge. it's our pacing challenge. but they're not 10 feet tall. >> you know, you referenced president reagan a number of times in your remarks. in 1983 president reagan called the soviet union the evil empire because of its communist goals. do you think it's time to speak more boldly or clearly when referring to china, the communist party, and its communist ambitions? >> well, you know, i think we're doing a lot of that. and, again, the activity that we see in the region and in other parts of the globe is a starting point. it's racing to develop, you know, military capability as fast as it can, but some of the coercive activity we see in the region has us and our partners in the region very concerned. so, yeah, i think, you know, we'll continue to speak very clearly about our concerns. but, again, we're in a competition with china and we don't have to be in a conflict, and i think it's very important to continue to communicate and ask for china and russia to be as transparent as possible. >> i know we're not going to do hypotheticals, but just looking at what's happening, china has been launching multiple air operations near taiwan. they've moved air refuelers into that area, tactical information, wing-sized elements. do you think that these are threatening flights for future operations? >> oh, to your point, i don't want to speculate. but certainly, you know, it looks like, a lot like them exploring their troop capabilities and, sure, it looks a lot like rehearsals. >> so what would the u.s. do if china invades taiwan. >> again, you know, our policy remains the same, our one-china policy remains the same. we're committed to helping taiwan develop and main indiana the capability to defend -- maintain the capability to defend itself. again, that's another hypothetical. and nobody wants to see this conflict, nobody wants to see this -- things develop into a conflict in this region. so so we're going to do everything in our power to help prevent conflict and dial down the temperature whenever possible. >> so what do you say to the experts who say that we should send our advisers into taiwan wearing uniforms and admit that they're there? the taiwanese leadership has come out publicly saying there are the u.s. advisers there. >> well, you know, again, bret, i think we're doing a lot to support taiwan right now. we're going to look for ways to do more. and, you know, my leadership, my service chiefs, combatant commanders will all stay engaged and make recommendationsen on the best way to -- recommendations on the best way to move forward. >> one of your space com commanders said that china's aact thing u.s. satellites on a daily basis, actions that could be considered an act of war. so in your mind, is there an active military conflict happening now in space with our adversaries china, russia, maybe even others? >> well, bret, you know, space is no longer a benign environment, and i think we have to realize that. and i think, you know, haas why it's real important that as we look at -- you know, you heard me talk about integrated deterrence and making sure that we account for all of you our capability in each domain, clearly space is a thing that we need to stay focused on. but we want to make sure that we have resilient capability in the space domain, that we're able to link that capability with other things like cyber and that we integrate all, everything that we have from space to the face of the earth in a very coherent and agile way. so that's a key element of integrated deterrence. plus, using every, every tool available to us in terms of national power and using the capability that's resonant with our allies and partners which i think we need to do a much better job of. >> well, you have some red lines in space. >> do i have red lines in space? >> as far as what's happening with these attacks? >> bret the, i've always found that it's never a good idea to publish red lines. i would say that it's really important to the united states of america to insure that we protect our capabilities. and i think, yeah, i think we'll stay focused on that. >> okay. i'm just going to bounce around the world really quickly, and i know we don't have that much time, but do you have any regrets about the afghan withdrawal? >> bret, i regret the fact that we lost 13 of our finest at ab abbey gate. i regret that we lost ten civilians in an errant strike. having said that, bret, i want to make sure that we don't, we don't lose sight of the fact that our american forces in 17 days evacuated 124,000 people from afghanistan. 124,000. and i think that we need to continue to remind the united states of america and we need to continue to remind the world about the great work that they have done and that they continue to do on a daily basis. >> have there been any over the horizon operations in afghanistan since the u.s. military left? [laughter] okay, i tried. all right, quickly, the global posture review just came out monday. it says did not suggest any troops would be coming home, just repositioned. so no plans to pull u.s. rooms out of iraq and syria in coming months? i think, you know, again, what's in the dpr is where we are. you know, as we would expect any new administration we'll come in and baseline r take a look at where his forces are, baseline his footprint so that we can assure that, you know, we're able to support our main effort which is, as i've said so many times, the indo-pacific, and that we maintain the ability to bage gel. and i would remind -- be agile. and i would remind you with, bret, that we need to account for the capability that's not only on air, land and sea, but also space and cyberspace, you know? those are are -- i mean, there's capability in each of those domains, and our goal is to make sure that we're use whering all of that as we conduct -- >> but is there a role for, let's say, the trust army in asia to counter china? are you going to expand many poland where there's been training going on? there's some things that didn't just seem to pop up. >> well, you know, this is a thing that we, again, continue to evaluate as we go forward. and if conditions change, then we adjust. >> okay. president reagan talked about peace through strength. is congress -- and understanding there's a lot of lawmakers in this room concern is congress funding the pentagon sufficient hi to meet modern challenges? i know you're not a fan of continuing resolutions. >> well, i'm absolutely not a fan of continuing resolutions, expect reason is, bret, is it disallows us the ability to conduct new starts or to get some of the things going that you heard me mention earlier, you know? we, we want to invest in new technologies, want to give capabilities to our war fighters, and we want to do that as soon as we can. so in terms of, you know, building ships and creating capabilities, you really, your hands are tied under a continuing resolution. my stuff. also -- new stuff. also, as you remember, our troops are due well-deserved pay raises. and without that the, without that new budget, hen that pay raise -- then that pay raise, i'll have to account for that in our current budget. that puts pressure on other things. and so, you know, it's my hope that we'll get, you know, we'll get an ndaa passed as soon as possible. >> so far several courts have struck down the president's covid vaccine mandate. you are now in a legal challenge and showdown with the oklahoma governor and its national guard about vaccine mandates. only about 40% of oklahoma national guard are vaccinated right now, so what do you plan to do if they don't get vaccinated? are you going to dong dock their play? -- dock their pay? >> i truly believe that the vast majority of them will get vaccinated. you take a look at our active duty forces, you know, over 96% of them are currently vaccinated. there was there is huge speculation we would get to that level but we made tremendous progress in. >> the people who say natural immunity counts? >> invite the scientists and doctors in the room to speak to that but -- >> as far as your policy goes, are you going to stick with what you have? >> this is a issue for us, vaccinated forces are more ready force in our troops back to deploy all over and placed themselves in all kinds of conditions in a moment notice. in order to keep us healthy, it's important to get vaccinated. >> any comment on florida wanting to develop their own civil national guard? >> absolutely no comment. >> okay, the survey from the reagan form found less than half the country has high confidence in the military right now, down from 70% a few years ago. why do you think that is? >> certainly the trends in the survey are not tribes we want to see. i would say, i know i speak for all of my dod colleagues in the room today and all over the military, this is very important to us especially since we have an all volunteer force. it's important to maintain trust and confidence of the american people. i'll take a hard look at potential causes, what the numbers reflect and we will take a hard look at ourselves to see what we should continue to do to build trust and confidence with the american people but you know bret, if you could see what i can see, i know you have because you spent a lot of time on it, if the average american can see what i see on a daily basis as i visit our troops and listen and talk about what they are doing and watch them at work, there's no question our american people will have confidence in our military. i think we need to do a better job of telling the story of these wonderful troops and their families that have sacrificed so much in the past and continue to sacrifice on a daily basis. we need to mind america about what they are doing and the sacrifices they make it something we're going to work on. >> i and each interview with the same question, what keeps you up at night? >> we are developing additional capabilities in places like space and cyberspace. sometimes the next serious challenge can come from a place you didn't expect. you've heard some people speculate the next conflict will be started by cyber activity. so i want to make sure we have sufficient capabilities vibrant space to complement the rest of the inventory and make sure we can react to any challenge and prevent conflict from occurring. >> thank you for your time and your service to the country. >> thanks, bret. >> appreciated. [applause] please enjoy your lunch. eric: bret baier with lori austin on the biden administration policy. defense secretary the west, competition conflicts in washington is committed to helping taiwan defend itself if beijing attacks and the same with ukraine. invasion perhaps the next few months as we have been one thing the u.s. will help ukraine depend sovereign territory. for now, let's go to general jack keane, i reminded mr. austin speaking at the ronald ragan, not only ragan but also democratic defense secretary margaret thatcher. your thoughts about what we heard? >> the focus of the speech was about china and echoing the president, we are in competition with china. yes, we are in competition but there's clearly so much more than just competition. competition is not a strategy we have yet to get from this administration, national strategy dealing with china, hopefully will get the nationals to security strategy, the national defense strategy that came out in january, he shared a little bit insight into what that is and he calls it integrated deterrence and mentioned to aspects dealing with partnerships and allies and shoring up the relationships among president trump started that in this administration has picked up on it and they have done good things with it. he's also talked about innovation and cutting that technology, we readily see russia and china in certain areas are advancing technologies ahead of us, a place the u.s. has always been, was always been on the cutting edge of technology and now we are taking a backseat in certain areas, obviously hypersonic weapons. what i didn't here in the speech, the specifics which i would like to have seen in terms of its effect are military erosion of deterrence in the region has taken place because of 9/11 wars, specifics in terms of what we are going to do about that, they have more airplanes, warships, more missiles and more submarines than we do in the region and we have got to put it deterrence capabilities similar to that. we don't want conflict, we don't what war. what have we learned how to prevent it? effective deterrence your enemy sees as real and they know full well he would use it. i would like to have seen it more in terms of specifics on that during the speech. eric: thank you, recognizing the biden administration does know about the china threat. general saying the white house and the administration not doing enough. general, good to see you. arthel. arthel: california to oakland county michigan, we will take you to a press conference with the county sheriff's department on the arrest of the parents of the oxford high school shooting suspect. >> the actions in the school proceeding the actions in the school or the follow-on as it relates to the parents. of course you can be confidential or pass it on in any way you see fit, from the united states -- you want to mention something? >> good afternoon emma i am a u.s. marshal for this case. i would like to say thank you on behalf of the united states service to the sheriff's office in oakland county and his team, who always had a terrific partnership with apprehensions team and staff. our officers restart at the moment we got the tip and we had units working all day yesterday and last night they were on the scene in the detroit police department. i would like to thank white and his team, they did a phenomenal job identifying the vehicles in a building they believe they were in as soon as we had enough personnel on staff, we executed the warrant and thankfully no one was hurt and the apprehension of the two individuals so thanks to chief white and the sheriff's office, detroit and oakland county, they've been great partners with the service and we truly appreciate it. >> thank you. >> i think that's most of what the questions have been about. [inaudible] >> we are not going to talk about spontaneous utterance or discussions because that will become part of any evidence that may be presented so the information would be turned over to prosecutor and anything about that will be forthcoming as it relates to it. >> it basically describes as ms. communication they were planning to turn himself in, is a possibility let's. >> all i know is that when we were informed, we had an active warrant, there was communication that came into a detective who said they were going to arrange for their arrest and turn themselves in about fine, we don't wait for that. when we have serious charges like felonies, you can turn yourself in and go to court and come to a substation but we are going to look for that so once the wind a full activation looking for them because there's a lot more tools at our disposal once we have a want, within looking for them prior to that but it was in a limited fashion in investigative techniques and later in the morning, we had communication the couple is not responding to texts or phone calls to their attorney so to us it's irrelevant. they show up, fine but we are not going to sit at the front desk and tap our fingers until they come in. we are working with our partners and they were taken into custody before that was asked or answered and were they going to? i don't know but given that they are hiding in a warehouse in detroit, it raises my eyebrows. >> why were they in detroit to begin with? >> status part of the question, why they were there in a commercial building in that form and fashion. we have located their other vehicle at a different location prior to the warrant being issued. we began the process of doing what we could before warrant to look for them and we found one other family vehicle at a different location but they want their and there was no conductivity of them being there at the moment. >> can you get clarity to how you knew they were hiding? do they specifically duck away or something? >> when the tip came in, they pretty much ran away. i'm not going to get into specifics but i think where they were and how they were seems to support the position they were hiding and they weren't looking for surrendering at that time. >> what are the ramifications for the people who helped them at the gallery and what are they looking at crime wise? are they cooperating? >> we obviously don't have any at this time but that is part of the investigation and if there are charges applicable, that would be the prosecutor's decision so we are trying to put together as much detailed information on that as it relates to that. suffice to say we have enough early indications clearly somebody helped him into that location and made it available to them and it was after it was publicly announced there were warrants. >> how much do you know from friday morning to the withdrawal, cell phones shut off to when they are discovered? you know what happened? >> we don't have a whole lot of their movements because the last time detectives actually saw them physically in person was when we executed search warrants on the home, the child in question was the suspect so we are going to the house to see if anything of value for the school shooting and at that time was no indication the parents may or may not have been involved, clearly execution of the search warrant for evidence related to the shooting. that was the last time our detectives sought them. as soon as the prosecutor gave indication that would potentially be charges, our detectives began to do a packet to prepare for charges, where they might go and began to do what we could to look for them, short of the extended capabilities when you have an actual warrant, a search or arrest warrant. >> is an interesting situation, the whole family together in your jail, do they talk to their son? >> no talking, no communication, they are all three in isolation. >> will that change over time? >> no. a variety of levels, we have a male and female prisoners second, we would segregate juveniles from adults so on all three levels, they will never interact. >> does a person who called 911 get the reward? >> my agency offered 10000-dollar reward for the capture of the fugitives so if that person comes forward to get their name, they may be entitled to that reward in washington d.c. but ultimately if the information they provided did, they would likely be entitled to the reward. [inaudible] >> we are checking on them multiple times in our. in terms of conditions, it's a basic environment or one person to be house and regular observational capabilities, regular discussions with medical staff and counseling staff to see if we need to change anything but constant verification and checks on behalf of our deputies. >> can you describe his mental state at this time? >> we have nothing to lead us to believe anybody has a half charges so based on records or information it again as they came into our intake process with counselors and classification process, they indicate no interest or desire to hurt themselves. >> are they facing additional charges now because of what happened yesterday? second, chief white this morning said they were in a state of distress when officers reached them, can you talk about that? >> the form and fashion where we ended up finding them and how they got there, totality would be determined if there's any applicable extra charges or not but i think it lends to the original charge that if there's no culpability, why would you be in a warehouse in detroit? in terms of their distress, chief and i talked about that, i don't want to get to into that, it could be distress because there, or the totality of the situation. >> some members of your department expressed frustration think the prosecutor didn't let you know ahead of time the charges were coming. was your department caught off guard by the charges? >> we had some disconnect, the prosecutor's office in chief investigators, we've communicated and spent handled and we are moving forward to focus on how we together, hand and loved hold these individuals accountable. >> did ethan know is parents were charged and what has his demeanor bent while they were being searched for? >> what was his demeanor? >> yeah. >> he hasn't said anything to us, none of them are communicating to a great extent with us so his demeanor will hasn't changed, he would not have been aware since he's in isolation it's not like he has tv quickverse. >> does he know his parents are in custody? >> i honestly couldn't tell you. my guess is no. that's not necessarily something would buy him not mark is there mandatory education program he will be attending? >> that's probably not the first thing on our priority list, the first thing is to make sure he doesn't hurt himself and gets timely? appearances and access to counsel. other things are secondary. we have covid procedures right now so we have more restrictions in terms of who comes in-and-out of our facility and educational programs can and cannot be conducted to prevent mitigation and spread of the virus within a confined facility we can widely social distance in jail. >> a lot of the focus has been on the parents but will there be an investigation into schools action when the prosecutor said he went back to the classroom, he had the gun, could that be part of the investigation? >> everything that happened from proceeding until then to after until we stand here today will be under investigation and every tidbit will be handed over to a prosecutor for follow-on charges if applicable. he has said there may be other charges and that will be determined as it relates to if any additional information we present with rises to that level. >> are any of them under investigation? >> i wouldn't say a school official is under any investigation specifically, i would say the situation is there someone in that timeline has done something that triggers that criminality, that's going to be up to the prosecutor. anybody is going to be completely determined what happened and where it leads is where the facts take them. >> the relationship to the couple? >> we do have indication, you're not getting to into the. >> chief white said they were not armed but we heard during the arraignment they had taken out $4000 in cash, was not money found on them? >> i don't have the inventory sheet, i can't answer that. >> a lot of people still have questions about the school resource officer and the superintendent issued detailed statement so he says the council made the decision to return to the class, the drawing he had, was the picture of the drawing taken for the counselor so the counselor would know? apparently even his friends saw the most disturbing part. >> i would have to have the fully investigated jacket to see what the council saw at the time and that is part of the investigation. my reaction to the process as if it was concerning to the teacher in the classroom, enough to call parents, at that time we would love to have. >> the attorneys for the parents said what's been present so far as it cherry picked, the investigation is still ongoing, there's a lot we do not know but what's been released to the public now, of the completed accurate representation. >> that is the picture and we are still finishing the picture. but i certainly also believe that is accurate. >> the superintendent the video says his going to ask you to release some video but we are no which videos, do you know? >> yes, no, that's not going to have a. exactly were played out and it's evidence it will be given to the prosecutor for prosecution in any viewing of that will be dependent on the prosecution is not prejudice for a potential jury. >> the estimate on how long? >> we are mostly done with the actual crime scene, i think i was there at 2:00 a.m., i think they were down about 3:30 a.m. the day after, most of our forensic crime scene team was done in the. >> the county jail -- no not there is no plan to move to another location? >> absolutely not. they are here for the duration. >> if they post bond, they would be released. anyone else? >> the deputies who responded, how are they doing? >> i was actually going to bring that up. i've asked our people to do dangerous and difficult things that we talked about our response capabilities and how we have been training for years and i issue very clear constructions and orders i get to an active shooter first, -- [inaudible] our job once we go to call a ter student or render aid, more people could be killed. that's it incredibly unnatural act, to walk past a child in panic and terror and may even be hurt, to ignore it because you hear chaos or gunshots and that's what they did and as a result when he was taken into custody, there were 18 unexpended rounds and that's what i keep reminding them, 18. eighteen. it could have been 18 markets. >> so they are struggling. >> in a big way so we have a complete debrief for everybody at the scene, i went to every one of those and talked to them and told them how proud i am of them and it not weakness to ask for help and get help and it's important they do that, the number one job is to make themselves out of this process in a healthy way, they will never be the same. when i was at the scene when there were still children their deceased but those going in there when it was happening having to go past them, devastating. we had a following session today with specialists we had going in and we are going to do everything we can to help them to try to process this and move forward in a healthy way for themselves in the family and community and i told them we need to heal for themselves in the community and get them back on the front line. to make an arrest for somebody who turned on other students so there is no lack of need for our folks to be able to function well deal with future threats. we are going to face more. we are inundated with these threats. we have memorials, threats against individual deputies, it is absurd after a tragedy we see a huge spike in stress but that's what we seek. >> you were there, can you talk about that i interviewed somebody on the scene that there has been multiple threats, he was a retired police officer therefore his own being and the person who fainted, collapsed . arthel: describing the devastating seen in the aftermath of another deadly school shooting we heard from oakland county sheriff's. michael, we also heard from a u.s. marshal who complement detroit police chief james white, we are being told police are looking into this, the parent, they are hiding in detroit and could press charges of aiding and abetting but is still under consideration. there described by police hiding in a commercial warehouse in detroit. we are talking 45-year-old james crumbly and 43-year-old jennifer crumbly. charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter to which they pled not guilty. the charges were brought i open county prosecutor carrie mcdonald. their son from 815-year-old ethan is the suspect in the deadly school shooting at oxford high school so what charges will ultimately face is still unclear. all three of them, parents and son are in jail in isolation, the parents are being held on $500,000 bond each so where the case goes, rewards, potential accomplices and culpability, all unknown. what is known, this past tuesday 14-year-old hannah saint giuliani, 17-year-old madison, 15-year-old tate meyer and 17-year-old justin schilling were shot and killed while at school, place that's supposed to be and should be a safe zone. eric. eric: i think of the victims ranging from ages 14 to 17. ethan's parents, james and jennifer crumbley allegedly alerted by school authorities and not acting on any of this. mercedes joins us. we are on the telephone, where you see his parents being held in jail? >> it's interesting because it's a bold and aggressive move by the prosecutor but is warranted under circumstances, as reported the parents knew ethan had issues and they had been reportedly told by officials even posed a threat to the schools scored body but they didn't do anything to remove their child to get an independent evaluation of their child. the fact that the father allegedly purchased the handgun and did not secure the gun, the gun allegedly used to kill the for students at the school by their son. these are all allegations that will play out but given the circumstances, once the prosecutor can put the pieces together, one the parent were on notice that their child has a propensity for violence, to they purchased a firearm and didn't secure and three, their child actually went forward and committed these horrific crimes at his high school, if the prosecutor can prove all three, it is a shut case of involuntary manslaughter which essentially is criminal negligence, a propensity and did nothing about it. eric: the defense attorneys for the parents are saying the gun was secure. they are saying that's not the case but of course that will come out at the trial as they get through but you said about the parents, the mother texting her son about lol, don't get caught. here's karen mcdonald talking about this. >> they exchanged texts about the incident with her son on that day saying quote lol i am not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught. eric: when you have a parent, looks look at the timeline. monday the started because the teacher found him allegedly searching online for ammunition. reports that two school officials, e-mailed her and she does not respond. that night ethan reports a video, the next day ethan's desk note had a drawing of a handgun and the thoughts won't stop me, help me. a bullet the words blood everywhere. the world is dead. they resisted counseling for 48 hours and the school lets him back in the class. he's not suspended, they may not know he has the gun in the backpack, where do you see school officials potentially facing an issue and what about the crumbley's not taking the schools advice getting help for their son? >> that's part of of why underls the case criminally, the prosecutor believed they had enough notice there was criminal propensities and they did nothing about it. in terms of school officials, it's difficult to tell a student you have to go through the entire process charges, it's difficult to have a student expelled so what liability does the school have? certainly there will be wrongful death cases against the score, issues saying you should have done something immediately two separate even crumbley from the school immediately even though it may be difficult, but if a student is a danger to the student body, there are controls in place school officials can execute and remove that student immediately whether seeking out law enforcement assistance, seeking an eval, they can trigger a local statute that has a child posing a danger to themselves or others can be taken involuntarily and put in a hospital setting for psychiatric evaluation. there are a lot of things the school could have done. but there will be criminal until, they will have civil liability because of the horrific death of the fourth student which a lot of people are looking at the case think it could happen stopped. it was foreseeable. eric: the fact that they were hiding out in a warehouse at 2:00 a.m. when someone saw the car talk police. the defense attorneys said they were going to show up for arraignment and they didn't. you think they were trying to hide out and they allegedly took out $4000? >> they are certainly going to say that. what would be really interesting, i think the prosecutors can show thing from the circumstances is consciousness of guilt and that is going to be something that will come up during the prosecution of the parents and what is interesting when you heard the sheriff talking about the three of them being separated, if you think crumbley is an active litigation defense of these charges, it will be interesting if there are finger pointing for you think crumbley pointing to the parent, they have to save themselves, separated by design, there's going to be a lot pressure and cooperation from one of these three individuals to see if they can be a plea deal and testify against the others. it's being shaken out but at the end of the day, there were lives lost and it's an unbelievable tragedy. eric: unspeakable carnage and another school shooting in our country parents accused of aiding and abetting. i know i you at home will not forget the victims. this is what this is about, 44 bright shining lights cut down because of this tragedy. we'll be right back. most cases of omicron our front mild. confirmed in 12 states and while it seems to be spreading quickly, who says there's no sign current vaccines will be any less effective against the new strain. the cdc director is offering this perspective. >> i know the news is focused on omicron but we should remember 99.9% of cases in the country right now are from the delta variant. doctor continues to drive cases across the country especially in those unvaccinated. arthel: rita fisher, pediatrics and internal medicine doctor. we her doctor walensky thank don't forget ..., the variant continues to dominate. can we afford to take our eye off the ball? >> we need to have our eyes laser sharp on the ball focusing on all that we've been doing thus far. omicron is here unknown can be a little frightening but delta is known at this time. 99.9% of the cases are delta and here in the united states we are up to 100,000 cases a day, 50000 people in the hospital, 13000 people in icu, 1300 yesterday predominantly from the delta. in south africa we do know the omicron. is the one dominating in their cases have quadrupled in the past four days so we need our eye on both balls to be safe. arthel: president biden is talking about a plan to expand at home covid testing. >> private insurers covering pcr tests you get at a doctor's office and now they will cover at home tests as well. for those not covid by private insurers, we make available retests at thousands of locations. bottom line this winter, you can have it the company of your own home and have peace of mind. arthel: certainly great news off medical experts including yourself say testing is crucial but i want to ask, how reliable are the at home tests? >> the at home tests, especially if you are symptomatic can be reliable. pcr is the gold standard. however, if you test positive, fever, not feeling well, at least you test at home defined your positive you note to self quarantined so you be spreading it. this is in time for winter during the holidays, we just had thanksgiving and other holidays are coming up people are likely going to get together. with home tests, at least you can have them at your homes and help desk to test before they get to your home and it can help contain the spread of covid. arthel: speaking of holidays, should people cancel christmas travel plans? >> everyone just has to measure their own risk tolerance. if your holiday plans are to be shoulder to shoulder with people who are immunocompromised or unvaccinated you have no intentions of wearing masks then tailor your plans. be around only people vaccinated still wear a mask especially if you are around people who are immunocompromised. i won't tell anyone to cancel plans but just watch and follow cdc guidelines and make sure you celebrate in a safe manner. arthel: before we go, most frequent question patients have been asking you this past week with the discovery of the omicron variant? >> patients have been asking me, if the vaccines don't work, should we wait to get a booster after the answer is no, do not wait to get your booster. we know even though the vaccine for omicron, we know high antibodies against the covid-19, even that variant, the higher your antibodies, the greater chance you are to be protected and if you get the booster even right now, it will be even higher of the second dose and put you in a better place to protect yourself to they ask if they should wait for a booster, no. get it now if you are eligible. arthel: i am vaccinated and boosted up, i am ready for covid. i don't want it. thank you very much. a pleasure to have you. be sure to join us on fox news live tomorrow 4:00 p.m., who have doctor marty makary with us and he's going to answer questions from our reviewers about the covid vaccine so tune in for that. eric: very important, hope you folks watch tomorrow and send ups questions for the doctor. we know it's been half a century the most notorious hijacks in history. it still remains a mystery but our next guest says he knows who db cooper was. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? 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, Terms , Resolve , Nations , Impact , Don T Thinkst , Phone Call , Gladst , Defense Secretary , Eric , Red Line , President Of The United States , Left , Camera , Screen , Putin Saysst , Course , Doing , He El , Nonsense , Anyone Else , Information , Aggressor , Georgia , Haven T , Counterpart , Blinken , Consequences , Eye , Table , Result , Mind , Dealing , Cards , Yes , No Doubt , Concerns , Obama , Assessment , Administration , Aggression , Sure , Amount , Weak , Category , Introduction , Hard Line Regime , Game , Iranian , Lot , Security , Defense , Secretary , Looks , Deal , Nuclear Weapon , The American Way , Military Leaderser , Secretary Of Defense , Peace , Strength , Podium , Award , 2019 , World , Secretary Of State , Point , Character , Congratulations , Man , Sergey Lavrov , Guy , Co , Message , Used Car Salesman , Economy , Group , Supporters , Coto Try , People , Confidence , Leadership , Kind , Popularity , Fear , Upheaval , Him , The Deep , Leaders , Participant , 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Prosperity , Pacific Power , America We Don T Fear Competition , Emergence , Clear , Economic , System , Challenge , Modernization , Security Dimensions , Competitor , Peer , Pace , Liberation Army , United States In Asia , Pla , Ability , Air , Force , Strike , Many , Network , Military Bases , Depence , Space , Areas , Operations , Missile Defense , Measures , Cyberspace , Risk , Miscalculation , Escalation , Norms , Behavior Aren T Well Established , Quantum Research , State Funds , Sectors , Innovation , Advances , Implications , Reliance , Imports , Prc , Nuclear Posture , Arsenal , A Thousand , 30 , Intentions , Delivery Systems , Nascent Nuclear Triad , 2030 , Order , Role , Aim , Chinese Communist Party , Dissatisfaction , Displacing America , Xi Jinping , Changes , Momentum , Party Members , Tools , Edge , Agenda , Bullying , Human Rights Abuses , Confrontation , Word , America Isn T A Country , Por Mid Bl Challenge , Blocs , It , The Future Doesn T , Pessimism , Thed , Ott 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, Resort , Taiwan Relations Act To Support , Status , Quo , Responsibility , President Xi Last Month , Competition , Interests , Values , Unintended , Differences , Another , Communication , Lines , Powers , Defense Leaders , Models , Transparency , Discussions , Militaries , Both , Miscalculations , Crisis , Diplomats , Ways , Biden S Push , Element , Industry Leaders , Entrepreneurs , Is Congress , Members , Domain , Form , Cutting Edge , Theater , State Of The Art , A I , Edge Computing , Heart , Nanotechnology , Nobody , Business , Innovators , Effort , Entry , Barriers , Travels , Tactic , Examples , Picture , Vessels , Unmanned , Company , War Fighters , Start Up , Idea , The Department , Prototype , To Adoption The , Inception , Syndrome , Valley Of Death , Room , Work , Companies , I Don T , The Valley Of Death , Steps , Better , Pathways , Defense Advance Research Projects Agency , Investors , Teams , Breakthroughs , Darpa , Technologies , Businesses , Second , Small Business 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Sea , Bret Baier , Officials , Stage , Military Offensive , Intel , Artillery Equipment , Armor , 2022 , 175000 , 100 , El Well , Numbers , Concern , Information Space , What S Going On , Cyber Coe Main , Territory , Doesn T Fall , Article , On , Article V , Scenarios , Won T , Advisers , Number , Bret The , Equipment , Capability , Front , I M Sorry , Boss , Diplomacy , Allies Mt , Tone , Let S Talk , Nothing , Aha , Feet , 10 , Pacing Challenge , Evil Empire , 1983 , Activity , Ambitions , Military Capability , Parts , Starting Point , Globe , Racing , Fast , Air Operations , Area , Hypotheticals , Air Refuelers , What S Happening , Flights , Same , Policy , Troop , Rehearsals , Indiana , Hypothetical , Temperature , Experts , Uniforms , Service , Combatant Commanders , Chiefs , Commanders , Recommendationsen , Recommendations , Stay , Com , Aact , Basis , Military Conflict , Act Of War , Environment , Haas , Cyber , Earth , Tool , Attacks , Job Of , Regrets , Afghan , Withdrawal , Finest , Ab Abbey Gate , Ten , 13 , Sight , Afghanistan 124000 , 124000 , 17 , Laughter , Rooms , Coming Home , Syria , Iraq , Take A Look , Dpr , Footprint , Gel , Agile , Each , Land And Sea , Training , Poland , Trust Army In Asia , Let S Say , Conditions , Lawmakers , Resolutions , Fan , Funding , Building Ships , Stuff , Resolution , Hands , Pay Raises , Pay , Raise , Budget , Courts , Governor , Guard , Showdown , Covid Vaccine Mandate , Oklahoma , Ndaa , Vaccine Mandates , Oklahoma National Guard , Dong , 40 , Look , Majority , Duty , 96 , Immunity Counts , Speculation , Doctors , Scientists , Notice , Comment , Kinds , Florida , Survey , 70 , Trends , Tribes , My Dod , Volunteer Force , Causes , American , Job , Story , It Something , Places , Interview , Cyber Activity , Inventory , Appreciated , Lori Austin , Lunch , The West , Competition Conflicts In Washington , Will , Mr , Let S Go , Ukraine Depend Sovereign Territory , Ronald Ragan , Ragan , Thoughts , Strategy , Nationals , Security Strategy , Partnerships , Aspects , China , Backseat , Specifics , Erosion , Effect , 9 11 , It Deterrence , Missiles , Warships , Submarines , Airplanes , We Don T What War , White House , Parents , Arrest , Press Conference , Oakland County , County Sheriff S Department , At School , Suspect , Oxford High School , Follow On , Case , Marshal , Fit , Sheriff , Staff , Office , Behalf , Apprehensions Team , Scene , Officers , Tip , Units , Detroit Police Department , Building , Personnel , Vehicles , Warrant , Individuals , Apprehension , Detroit , Questions , Prosecutor , Evidence , Utterance , Ms , Possibility , Charges , Detective , Felonies , Activation , Want , Substation , Disposal , Couple , Texts , Fashion , Techniques , Phone Calls , Attorney , Custody , Desk , Fingers , Warehouse , Hiding , Eyebrows , Location , Vehicle , Process , Conductivity , Family Vehicle , Away , Clarity , Duck , Ran , Position , Surrendering , Crime , Gallery , Ramifications , Investigation , Somebody , Indications , Warrants , Cell Phones , Child , Detectives , Movements , House , School Shooting , Indication , Value , Search Warrant , Shooting , Execution , Packet , Search Or Arrest Warrant , Son , Jail , Situation , Talking , Isolation , Levels , Prisoners , Variety , Adults , Juveniles , Agency , Reward , Name , Fugitives , Capture , 911 , 10000 , Our , Counseling , Checks , Verification , Deputies , Anybody , Mental State , Records , Half , Counselors , Interest , Intake Process , Classification Process , Chief White , Distress , State , Morning , Totality , Culpability , Didn T , Frustration , Chief Investigators , Disconnect , Hand , Loved Hold , Demeanor Bent , He Hasn T , None , Demeanor , Hasn T , Extent , Education Program , Guess , Tv Quickverse , Counsel , Priority List , Appearances , Access , Facility , Procedures , Programs , Restrictions , Distance , Mitigation , Gun , Schools , Classroom , Tidbit , Rises , Someone , Timeline , School Official , Facts , Criminality , Relationship , Money , Arraignment , Cash , 000 , 4000 , Inventory Sheet , Class , Drawing , Council , Superintendent , Statement , School Resource Officer , Counselor , Friends Saw , Teacher , Jacket , Saw , Attorneys , It Cherry , Public , Representation , Desk Note , Videos , Prosecution , Viewing , Crime Scene , Jury , Estimate , 2 , 3 , 00 , Crime Scene Team , County Jail , Plan , Bond , Constructions , Ter Student , Shooter , Orders , Inaudible , Terror , Aid , Rounds , Gunshots , Chaos , 18 , Markets , Eighteen , Weakness , Debrief , Specialists , Deceased , Devastating , Session , Front Line , Students , Folks , Lack , Need , Tragedy , Memorials , Stress , Spike , Police Officer , Aftermath , Police , Complement , Who , Oakland County Sheriff , Michael , U S Marshal , Parent , Consideration , Police Hiding , Aiding , Abetting , Manslaughter , Counts , Carrie Mcdonald , James Crumbly , Jennifer Crumbly , 45 , 43 , The Next Day Ethan , 815 , 815 Year Old , Accomplices , 500000 , 00000 , Saint , Madison , Justin Schilling , Tate Meyer , Giuliani , 14 , 15 , Victims , Zone , Jennifer Crumbley , Telephone , Any , School Authorities , Mercedes , Move , Circumstances , Body , Handgun , Father , Pieces , Allegations , Propensity , High School , Crimes , Violence , Firearm , Didn T Secure , Defense Attorneys , Criminal Negligence , Mother , Trial , Don T Get , Incident , Karen Mcdonald , School Officials , Ethan , Ammunition , Words , Everywhere , Bullet , Blood , 48 , Backpack , Student , Propensities , Cases , Death , Liability , Process Charges , Score , Danger , Student Body , Controls , Statute , Place School Officials , Eval , Law Enforcement Assistance , Criminal , Others , Hospital Setting , Psychiatric Evaluation , Car Talk , Prosecutors , Consciousness , Guilt , Pointing , Finger , Design , Litigation , Plea Deal , Carnage , Aiding And Abetting , 44 , Lights , Omicron , Director , Vaccines , Strain , Cdc , 12 , Perspective , Delta Variant , 99 9 , Doctor , Unvaccinated , Doctor Walensky , Medicine , Pediatrics , Rita Fisher , Variant , Ball , Eyes , Don T Forget , 99 9 , Delta , Laser Sharp , Hospital , Icu , South Africa , 50000 , 13000 , 1300 , Balls , Safe , Insurers , Pcr , Home Covid Testing , Doctor S Office , Bottom Line , Locations , Winter , Retests , Peace Of Mind , Tests , Gold Standard , Holidays , Positive , Fever , Help Desk , Homes , Thanksgiving , Home Tests , Holiday Plans , Spread , Risk Tolerance , Masks , Shoulder , Mask , Guidelines , Manner , Immunocompromised , Patients , Discovery , Omicron Variant , The Vaccines Don T Work , Booster , Antibodies , Vaccine , Answer , 19 , Dose , Marty Makary , Reviewers , Pleasure , 4 , Hijacks , Ups , Db Cooper , Last Master Outline , Guest , Show , Gonna , Mom , Mommy , Promises , Snow , Oh My Goodness , Calorie Counting , Meals , Fatigue , Music , Narcarb Cutting , One Golo , Www Xfinity Com Sing2 Emale , Enoudiet , Optimize Insulin Levels , Release , Hormones , Weight Loss , Repair Metabolism , Dieting , Millions , Golo Com , Weight , Golo , Hijacking , Names , 1 , Pending , Passengers , Bomb , Parishes , Mexico , Northwest Airlines , Boeing 747 , 747 , 200000 , Stairs , Washington State , Razor Money , Airspeed , Book , Robert W , Pilot , Explosives Expert , Tom , Plane , Wife , Revenge , Cia , Essence , Map , Letters , Army Coating , Veterans , World War I , World War Ii , Codebook , The Navajos , Boeing 727 , 727 , Jail Card , Get , Identities , 35 , 22 , Fbi , Trouble , Dna , Dna Pouch , 2011 , Background , Wouldn T , Take That , 2016 , Tips , Identification , Applications , Doubt , Authorities , Proof , F Documentary , File , Parachute , Gupta , 2017 , 103 , Memo , Death File , Agents , Case Breakers Org , Master Outlaw , Patience , Inefficiency , Age , Joe Montana , Wellcare , Pros , Pro , Practice , Medicare , Delivery , Meal , Benefits , Prescription Delivery , Grocery , Rings , Flex Card , Hearing Expenses , Dental , Plus , Allowance , Visits , Social Security , Hassles , 24 7 , Prescription , Health Insurance , Over The Counter Allowance , Inconvenience , Social Security Check , Extra Dental , Toothpaste , Cold Remedies , Giveback , Mouthwash , Enrollwellcare Com , Website , Wellcare Guide Today , Comfort , Skin , Eczema , Under Control , Atopic Dermatitis , Dupixent , Step , Kids , Itch , Root Cause , 6 , Change , Don T , Feels ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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taiwan. and building up its military capabilities in the region. if that is not enough, u.s. defense officials tell fox news that russia is planning a multi-front invasion of ukraine as early as next year that could come perhaps next month. 100,000 russian troops right now already massed along the ukrainian border. and as tensions rise, the kremlin reportedly says president biden and russian prime minister putin will have a video call i on all of this on use night as russia is reportedly sending 75,000 more troops. who better to discuss this all than retired four-star general jack keane, fox news senior strategic analyst, joining us now. general, we've seen this before. they took a chunk of cry -- crimea. how real is this threat and what does the president say to putin thursday night? >> they had something like 90,000 there back in the spring, and there was no military incursion. given the types of forces that he has there this time, it looks, certainly, likely that he may indeed use those forces many some whats dehere. many some capacity the here. i don't think he's made a decision. i think he's resting his decision -- this is typical putin. clearly, the intent is to bring ukraine under his sphere of influence. he certainly is so frustrated by the fact the soviet union collapsed, but most of the european countries all joined nato. he doesn't want ukraine to be a part of nato, he wants it under his sphere of influence. the issue for him is what can he get away with without having to have a conflict with the united states and nato, something he does the not want. and also sanctions, at least sanctions to date which have never gone after him, never gone after his oligarchs and never gone after his oil and gas with industry have never had much impact on him. so i don't thinkst the so much about sanctions, but where is this president of the united states in terms of his resolve and our nato nations. and i think this phone call, i'm gladst taking place on tuesday, because putin will certainly be measuring that. eric: we're waiting for the defense secretary on the left of your screen, you can see the camera getting ready for him to potentially address this. you mentioned the president of the united states. putin saysst a red line, what -- says it's the a red line, what nato is doing, and the president says he does not accept anyone else's red line. because he el that to putin on tuesday, and how does he tell the putin to back off? >> well, of course, the nonsense that putin is putting out about ukraine or nato being the aggressor here, that's obviously false information. he spins that every time he's doing something like this. we saw that in georgia, we saw it in crimea, we saw it before in eastern ukraine. i think if we haven't done so already, i would hope that blinken sort of looked his counterpart in the eye and said, look, these are the consequences that are facing you and be very specific about it. so he -- there's no doubt in putin's mind what's going to happen as a result of this military incursion if that's what he goes ahead and accomplishes here. but certainly, yes, the president of the united states has got to put his cards on the table in dealing with putin. and putin knows president biden very well. and he has his own assessment about him before going in here. and i have some concerns, to be frank about it. i think they regarded -- well, i think they regarded the obama administration as weak, and he may be putting president biden in that same category. we don't know for sure, but certainly there's been a significant amount of aggression that has taken place here since president biden has become president. by russia, for sure. and certainly, china has upped its game, and that's obviously taken place. and you mentioned in the introduction expect iranian hard-line regime certainly is increasing their aggression in the region and looks like they're going to blow away from the nuclear deal and start pursuing a nuclear weapon. there is a lot on the table here in terms of national security concerns for the united states and specifically for the secretary of defense. eric: we'll likely hear that from the if secretary of defense as he takes the podium at the reagan national defense forum. you were the first military leaderser, by the way, who got the reagan peace through strength award back in 2019, congratulations on that, general. let me pick up a point. you mentioned the secretary of state, will mr. blinken, did meet with sergey lavrov, a very smooth character. man, he can talk the world around you, you know? talk about a used car salesman, that guy is slick. do you think he got the message? and when you talk about putin calculating what he could co, what he could test, what he could potentially get away with, what is he afraid of? sanctions on his oil and gas that the underpins the russian economy? sanctions on him personally? sanctions on his personal group and supporters and oligarchs? i mean, what can we realistically coto try and push him off? >> well, the deep-seeded fear that putin has, certainly, is any kind of domestic upheaval where the people lose confidence in his leadership. and his popularity has gone could be. all these authoritarian the leaders have the same fear. it's the largely the fear of the people more than they fear adversaries. so that's always on his concerns, and that's participant of his, part of his calculation. i mean, it was so evident when his stooge in ukraine was driven out, yanukovych, by the ukrainian people right after the winter olympics, he seized and annexed crimea largely because he was humiliated by that act, and he wanted to shore up support from his people at home. so what his actions are taking here are calculated not only with the international community reaction, not only with his strategic objective to achieve a sphere of influence with the foreman soviet union states -- former soviet union states, but how because this play at home. and if he miscalculates and the economy goes in the tank even further as a result of it or this prolonged conflict that's taken place as a result of it, hen that comes home to roost for mr. putin. eric: is he doing this because of domestic concerns? it raises his popularity in russia, for example, and solidifies his political control and support if, indeed, he tries to saber rattle? >> yeah, well, i think that's part of it, as i suggested. but putin does have strategic objectives, and that is the, as i mentioned, he wants the foreman soviet union statements under his sphere of influence as much as he can with the non-aligned states who are not part of nato. he was very frustrated that most of these state thes when the soviet union collapsed became a part of nato. that's why he put his troops in georgia. he doesn't want ukraine anywhere near nato or even having economic integration with the european you on. so he has strategic objections that are real, but he's always got his domestic audience in his rearview mirror to make sure he's calculating what their reaction's going to be. eric: and, general, finally on the other side of world, china. there's incursions in the taiwan air defense zone, there's hypersonic missile, the real concerns that we are now, the united states, beefing up our presence in the pacific because of beijing's threats. what do you make of china, and how does the president react to that? >> well, the american people are telling us that this is the number one national security threat to their national security, and we have consensus in the country on that. so certainly, that is going to have significant impact on this administration who has already identified that. but when you have the wind at your back with the american people that changes things quite a bit. listen, what we are dealing with here with this regime of president xi, now he's coming up on his tenth year, he's the most ambitious, aggressive and malign leader since mao tse-tung. he is seating economic, geopolitical and military domination in the indo-pacific region and also global come nation. those are the real issues strategically for the united states. eric: general jack keane, always good of to see you and have you with your astute analysis. ing we'll keep you around as we wait for the defense secretary to give his speech at the reagan national defense forum as you can see right now. thank you. arthel: all right, eric. we're going to see if we can fit in jamil jaffer, founder and executive director of the national security institute, former counsel to the assistant attorney general for national security at the department of justice, though like general keane, you have a lot to offer on these very topics and, of course, you might get interrupted by the secretary of defense. so on thursday, secretary austin vowed to confront potential military threats many asia and warning that its pursuit of hypersonic weapons, eric just mentioned, intended to evade u.s. missile defenses calling it, quote, increases tensions in the region. so i ask you, jamil, what can the state department and the biden administration really coto stop china? >> well, arthel, there's a lot of things we need to be doing. starts with what austin's about to talk about, china does pose a very real strategic threat to the u.s. not just in the region, but globally. what that the means is we need to look at things like the fact that they're building more nuclear warheads, missile silos, building hypersonic weapons that can reach the united states rapidly and deliver weapons that can move in an agile way. there's a lot that china's doing, but they're the also getting aggressive in taiwan, aggressive with india, so we've got to respond to that, put pressure on them. so i think they're saying the right thing, now it's time for action. secretary austin's going to talk about what the biden administration's going to do specifically, hopefully, to confront the very real threat are from china. arthel: you're not part of defense department there, but -- and that's the whole question. i mean, what can they do the? you ticked off a list, a to-colist that china has, and they're going down that list and checking off all the boxes, accomplishing their goals, you know, leading towards as general with keane pointed out, their goal of world domination. i mean, you know, hopefully secretary austin will address this, but not only just address it, but tell us and the world what the u.s., specifically the biden administration, is planning to do about it. i mean, that's what we want to hear. we know what the problems are are. >> that's exactly right, arthel. one of the things we need to think about is how do we keep up with china. not just keep up with their military advances, but actually sail right a past them? we've got to invest in our military, in modern technology. we've got to actually: acknowledge the fact that we have one of the most agile communities in the world and innovate here in the united states and not simply respond. response is not enough, we've got to get ahead of it. that means quantum computing, artificial intelligence, that means more agile systems and, frankly, bringing industry and government closer together. today there's a lot of tension between our technology the community, our government, our industry and government, we need to do more to work effectively together to address this large scale and long-term threat that china poses. arthel: you mentioned tensions, there's also internal tensions inside our own government. i mean, you know, the left, the right, republicans, can democrats, it doesn't matter. it's really about the protection and dominance of america, and they can't seem to get their act together, you know? if this party's in charge, the other party has to say no and vice versa. maybe not so much on one side or the ore, who knows, but the point is i just feel like it stops us from progressing, all the internal fighting that we have here in d.c. we can't get anything done. >> you're exactly right, arthel. in fact, i had the chance to work when i worked for congressman mike rodgers from michigan, conservative republican, right? he partnered with a liberal democrat from maryland to really work on intelligence and national security issues, and we got a ton done. we passed for the first time in a decade an intelligence authorization bill, three in a row, and it's amazing when the parties come together and say, look, our threat is not republicans or democrats,st it's the chinese, it's the russians, iran and north korea. there's not a reason why we should be opposed. democrats like scoop jackson and republicans like ron reagan really shared a mission. i wish i could be out there, family stuff kept me back. but it really does bring together, you know, you see a democratic defense secretary speaking at ronald reagan library in california, that's what it's the about, to bring america together to confront our enemies across the seas. and they're looking at us to take advantage of the division in the united states. finish. arthel: indeed, the good old days. you're right, they're watching, our enemies, particularly china and, of course, russia and then north korea on his level. but they're looking at it saying, okay, fine, we need -- it doesn't matter what this particular administration implements, whatever policies they put in place, because those the very policies are going to be unraveled in the next four years, maybe eight years. so, you know, with this sort of start and stop policies and then retracting from that, i mean, it's just keeps us kind of stuck in one place without with progressing. and the world is aware of that. our enemies are ware of that. >> you're exactly right, arthel. the challenge here, you know, is that we're not thinking about the long term the, we're thinking about next year and the next election. that's not just our politicians, that's also american electorate, right? the modern way we get our news on twitter and facebook, and we're in smaller and smaller groups of people that agree with us, right in we tend to isolate ourselves in these points of view, and the truth the our enemies are watching and saying how can we take advantage of the fact that america's divided? if we come together as a key superpower even as china rises up, the only way we're going to do that is if we put aside and realize the enemy is not here at home, it's out there. arthel: well, listen, the american people want to know what secretary austin is going to say in terms of the plans to address these the very, very serious problems. and, of course, he's going to say as much as he can without giving away the scent sauce of making his -- secret sauce of making it happen. and here he comes down, defense secretary lloyd austin. [applause] [inaudible conversations] >> got any zingers for me? >> thank you, john, for that kind introduction. and thanks to, thanks for everything that you do the for the reagan presidential foundation and institute. and good afternoon, everybody. it is great to be here in person at the reagan national defense forum. [applause] and i'm glad to see so many friends and valued colleagues including a truly outstanding delegation from the department of defense. this is, indeed, quite a crowd. and i'm honored to be here at reagan library. you know, the old saying is that institutions are shadows of people, and this library is a tremendous extension of the legacy and optimism of president ronald ray gab. ronald reagan. he always believed that americans were up for a challenge, up for any hard problems with a can-do spirit. he had bedrock beliefs; a love of democracy, a zeal for free enterprise and an implaque if bl opposition to -- implacable opposition to autocracy. yet president reagan also show a willingness to change. and to work together even with an old phototry to make -- old foe to try to make all of our children safe from the specter of nuclear war. that's central to his legacy. not just the vigor that he showed in waging the cold war, but the vision that that he showed in helping to end it. many today's changing world -- in today's changing world, i hope that we can again summon ronald reagan's sunny conviction that this country can be stronger, prouder and better. and his confidence in the power of liberty, his enthusiasm in the face of challenge and his openness to seize an opportunity for statesmanship. now, if you're looking for some of that spirit today, if you're looking for optimism and pragmatism and patriotism, and if you're looking for a can-do attitude in american life, well, look no further than the united states military. our outstanding men and women in uniform volunteer to work hard and to sacrifice mightily, and they don't expect any rewards besides the quiet satisfaction of a mission achieved and the knellship of teamwork -- fellowship of teamwork and the honor of defending our democracy. so we're enormously grateful to them and to their families as well. and in return, we owe them clear thinking about the challenges of our changing world. and we owe it to them to make the world of the 21st century far more secure and far less bloody hand world of the 20th. than the world of the 20th. you know, i've spent a lot of time thinking about that over the past few days, and my team and i took the long way to california by way of south korea where we held our important annual security talks with key allies. this was my third trip as secretary of can defense to the indo-pacific, and that's yet another sign of the priority that we give to the region. and our commitment to its security and prosperity and openness. in part that's because of something that the everyone who lives in california understands. america is a pacific power. and we will always be. and the indo-pacific is a region of great opportunity and real challenges. one of those challenges is the emergence of an increasingly assertive and autocratic china. and that's what i'd like to focus on today. now, president biden has said that we are in stiff competition with the people's republic of china. and as he's made clear, beijing is the only except to have capable of combining its economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to mounting a sustained challenge -- mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system. so we've got to be clear about the challenge of china and what we need to do to meet it. i'd like to focus today on the security dimensions of this competition. because we've seen two decades of breakneck modernization by the people's to liberation army, and china's military is on pace to become a peer competitor to the united states in asia and eventually around the world. china's leaders are expanding their ability to project force and to the establish a global network of military bases. and meanwhile, the pla is rapidly improving many of its capabilities including strike and air and missile depence and anti-submarine measures -- missile defense. and it's increasingly focused on integrating its information cyber and space operations. so that means new areas of competition in space and cyberspace where the norms of behavior aren't well established and the risk of escalation and miscalculation are high. meanwhile, china is pouring state funds into key sectors including quantum research, and beijing is pursuing what its leaders call indigenous innovation to cut its reliance on imports. and all that is fueling swift advances in prc technology with significant implications for china's military. china's nuclear posture is changing as well. the pla has been rapidly advancing its nuclear capabilities, and that includes drawing its nuclear arsenal to at least a thousand warheads by 20 the 30 and modernizing its delivery systems -- 2030 -- and building a nascent nuclear triad. now, we always assess not just capabilities, but also intentions and actions. and the leaders of the chinese communist party have been increasingly vocal about their dissatisfaction with the prevailing order. and about their aim of displacing america from its global leadership role. china's president, xi jinping, regularly talks about, quote, great changes unseen in the world in a century. and he recently assured his fellow party members that, quote, time and momentum are on china's side. president biden has been very clear about his concerns over china's human rights abuses and its bullying of other countries. and beijing is misusing edge to advance its repressive agenda at home and exporting tools of autocracy is abroad. now, i repeatedly describe china as the facing challenge for the department of defense. i chose the word "challenge" carefully. we seek neither confrontation the nor conflict. and as president biden has repeatedly made clear, we're not seeking a new cold war or a world divided into rigid blocs. so, yes, we're facing a por mid bl challenge. -- formidable challenge. but america isn't a country that fears competition. and we're going to meet this one with confidence and resolve and not panic and pessimism. as president reagan put it, the future doesn't belong to the faint-hearted, it belongs ott brave -- it belongs to the brave. so we're determine thed to deter aggression and prevent conflict and to establish communities guardrails, and our new initiatives are part of a government-wide approach that draws on all tools of national power to meet china challenge. now, this department has been stepping up its efforts on china since the very first days of the biden administration. our china task force sharpened department's priorities and charted a path to greater focus and coordination. we made the department's largest ever budget request for research, development, testing and evaluation. and we're investing in new capabilities that the will make us more lethal from greater distances and more capable of operating stealthy and unmanned platforms. and more resilient under the seas and in space and cyberspace. we're also pursuing a more distributed force posture in the indo-pacific, one that will help us bolster deterrence and counter-incursion and operate forward with our trust thed allies and partners -- trusted allies and partners. we're developing new concepts of authorizations that will bring the american way of war into the 21st century working closely with our unparalleled global network of partners and allies. ladies and gentlemen, we will always stand ready to prevail in conflict. but america's defense will always be rooted in our resolve to prevent conflict. now, what i call integrated deterrence will be cornerstone concept of the new national defense strategy that i will release early next year. and it means integrating our efforts across domains and across the spectrum of conflict to insure that the u.s. military, many close cooperation with the rest of the u.s. government and our allies and partners, makes the folly and and cost of aggression very clear. i'd like to focus today on two key elements of integrated deterrence. and those are partnership and innovation. first, we're building on a lesson that i learned over four decades in uniform. in war and in peace, we're always stronger when we work together with our friends. and that defines our approach to the china challenge. no, we're not seek ising an asian version of nato or trying to build an anti-china coalition. and we're not asking countries to choose between the united states and china. instead, we're working to advance an international system that is free and stable and open. and we're strengthening our peerless network of allies and partners with a shared commitment to a peaceful and prosperous indo-pacific. a region where all countries are free from -- and where the rules that buttress stability and expand liberty liberty are upheld together. as one western leader said in 1989, we know more clearly than ever before that we carry common burdens and face common problems and must respond with common action. now, that wasn't ron reagan, it was -- ronald reagan, it was the margaret thatcher. now, my first trip as secretary took me to japan and south korea and india. and a few months ago i had the opportunity to visit with leaders in singapore and vietnam and the philippines. yesterday i was in seoul, and early next year i plan, i'm planning on heading back to southeast asia. and, you know, in every conversation with our partners i hear the same thing again and again, a call for the united states to continue plague our stabilizing role -- playing our stabilizing role in the indo-pacific. and make no mistake, we will. and that means joint exercises such as the recent six-country multi-carrier operation in asia. it means deepening our r&d relationships with our regional lies and partners. it means encouraging the helpful and growing security role that our european allies are playing in the region. it also means strengthening the indo-pacific's security architecture. that, of course, centers on our valued alliances in asean and reinforced by mechanisms both old and new including the indo-pacific quad, the five is and the triangle of the u.s., japan and south korea. and finally, we remain steadfast to our one-china policy and our commitments of the taiwan relations act to support taiwan's ability to defend itself while also maintaining our capacity to resist any resort to force that would jeopardize the security of the people of taiwan. now, we're working to bolster deterrence and not seeking to change the status the quo. as president biden told president xi last month, we share a profound global responsibility to insure that the competition between our countries does the not veer into conflict whether intended or unintended. and we're going to stick to what president biden calls simple, straightforward competition. yes, we have real differences both over interests and values. but the way that you manage them counts, and we're going to be open and candid with china's leaders. as president biden put it, we need to talk honestly and directly with one another about our priorities and our intentions. and big powers should be models of transparency and communication. so we're actively seeking open lines of communication with china's defense leaders especially in a crisis. and both between our diplomats and our militaries. we're taking steps to reduce risk and to prevent miscalculations. so we're going to build on president biden's discussions with president xi, and president biden's push to develop ways to manage strategic risk and work to build strong the, sensible guardrails around this competition. now, i also want to focus on a second element of integrated deterrence. it is one that i'm especially looking forward to discussing with this audience. an audience with so many industry leaders and entrepreneurs and members of congress. and it centers on america's unique competitive advantage and innovation. now, integrated deterrence requires us to weave together cutting edge technology and operational concepts and state of the art capabilities to seamlessly dissuade aggression in any form, domain or theater. and so that means that innovation lies at the heart of american security. now, huge advances in a.i., in edge computing and nanotechnology are are already underway in america, and much of that right here in california. nobody innovates better than the united states of america. but we can't take that for granted. and at the department of defense, that means that serious changes to some of the ways that we've done business must be done. so let's face it, for far too long it's been far too hard for innovators and entrepreneurs to work with the department. and the barriers for entry into this effort to work with us in national security is often too steep, far too steep. you know, in my recent travels i've seen some outstanding examples of cutting edge tactic including weeks ago in bahrain where i saw unmanned solar-powered naval vessels that used a.i. to build a sheer picture of the surrounding seas. but it often takes too long to get that kind of innovation to our war fighters. so let's say that some great california start-up develops a dazzling way to better integrate our capabilities. all too often that company is going to struggle to take its idea from inception to prototype, to adoption the by the department. we call this syndrome the valley of death. and i know that many of you in this room are are painly familiar with it. you know, it's bad enough that some companies get stuck in the valley of death, but some brilliant entrepreneurs and innovators don't even want to try to cross it and work with us. so the department has to do the better. let me el you about some steps that we're taking the way to transform the way we do business. first, we're paving new pathways for american innovators and entrepreneurs to work with us. consider the defense advance research projects agency, better known as darpa. it is legendary for scientific breakthroughs. but now darpa is also connecting its top research teams with corporate leaders and u.s. investors so that the those teams can build successful businesses with cutting edge technologies that they develop. second, we're doubling down on our small business innovation research program which, as it happens, was signed into law by president reagan. this program helps american firms to pursue r&d tailored to the department the's unique tech requirements -- department's unique tech requirements and so far this year, we've awarded funds to more than 2500 small businesses working on ground-breaking tech. we're also doing more to integrate the department's innovators into tech hubs around the country where academics and business leaders and innovators thrive. so we recently opened defense innovation hubs in seattle and chicago. adding to other sites from austin to boston. so the goal here is simple, to connect with new talent who will help us compete and win on challenges from countering uavs to responsibly leading the a.i. revolution. and finally, we're making it easier for companies to safely cross that valley of death. and i would like to commend congressional leaders who have tackled this issue, and many of you are here today. but we need all of your help and this is the urgent. we can't just keep funding programs and platforms that will be irrelevant, and we must streamline the acquisitions process or we'll tie one arm behind our backs. so the department of defense has established the rapid defense experimentation reserve to let us quickly see if promising tech and prototypes can help our war fighters. it helps identify our most pressing capability gaps and makes funds able available to test new technologies that could be game changers, and it lets the army, the navy, the air force, the space force and the marine corps try out innovative tech together at scale for the first time. because when we maintain the our technological edge, we maintain our military edge. and let me be clear, united states of america has an advantage that no autocracy can match. our combination of free enterprise, free minds and free people. even at times of challenge, our democracy is a powerful engine for its owning renewal, so i will put the american system up against any other, and i'll do so with great pride and total confidence. no other country has the creativity to put such phenomenal computing power into our pockets, and no other country has our a astonishing universities, our grounding rule of law and our restless spirit. so let me offer a call to action to american businesses large and small. and to everyone in this room including industry leaders, join with us. work with us. and help keep our country strong. let's meet this moment with all the inno vegas and ingenuity -- innovation and ingenuity that america can must because america's strength rests on its strength at home. recented in the cryptivity of an open site -- creativity and ingenuity of an open mind. as prime minister reagan put it -- president reagan put it in 1988, progress is not foreordainedded. the key is freedom; freedom of thought, freedom the of information and freedom the of communication. ladies and gentlemen, in america we don't fear competition. as president biden says, in the competition the against china and other nations of the 21st century let's show that american democracy and the american people can truly outcompete anyone. this is america. we're still a country that can do great things from vaccinating people against a terrible virus to saving lives of civilians in peril, the building a new -- to building a new architecture for global security. great powers today must shoulder great responsibilities for the safety of our citizens, for the defense of our democracy and for the security of our world. so we're going to do our part. we'll meet the challenges of the 21st century, but we will face them with fortitude and not fear. democracy has always been our road map to success and security, and i wouldn't trade it for anyone else's. thank you very much. [applause] arthel: well, in less than 30 minutes secretary austin delivered a pretty he was i speech there -- hefty the speech there ending with the goal of america to transform the way that we cobusiness, to connect with new talent who who will help the u.s. to win the a.i. revolution which will maintain military edge in the world. and he began, of course, on the china challenge, saying hat department of defense -- that the county of defense because not seek confrontation or conflict, but america does not fear competition, will meet it with confidence and resolve, not fear and panic. and secretary austin also addressed we want to become more lethal from greater distances, more resistant from land, sea, air and cyberspace, of course, again bringing the american way of war into the 21st century. and he mentioned integrated deterrence, we are stronger when we work together with our friends and that we are working -- okay, leapt me -- let's listen in to bret baier now. >> i want to follow up with your speech about china, but i want to start with something that's pressing right now on international stage, and that is that senior officials are confirming to us that russian plans call for a military offensive against ukraine as soon as 2022. and intel possibly involving 100 battalion tactical groups, 175,000 the russian troops, armor, artillery equipment. there are the already almost 100,000 russian troops along that border with ukraine. so my question is this: how concerned are you that russia this time is not bluffing, that the, in fact, they will invade ukraine? >> el well, we remain focused on this, bret. they've invaded before, and so as we look at numbers of forces that are in the border region, as we look at some of the things that are occurring in the information space as we look at what's going on in the cyber coe main -- cyber domain, it really raises our concern. we remain focused on this. we are certainly committed to helping ukraine defend its sovereign territory. you heard president biden speak about this, i think, yesterday. and in terms of our concern, we're very concerned and something we're going to remain focused on. >> ukraine, obviously, is not in nato now, doesn't fall under article very concern article v, obviously, an attack on one is an attack on all. what happens if putin does invade ukraine? what does the u.s. do? >> i certainly won't get into -- won't speculate on different scenarios but, again, i would point back to the what the president said in that we're certainly committed to insuring that ukraine has what it needs to protect its sovereign territory. >> so does that include advisers in does it include equipment? >> as you know, bret the, we have provided them with a number of different things over the years and most recently things including like, including lethal capability, a lot of nonlethal capability and, again, we'll continue to look for different ways to help them be able to support their sovereign territory. and you heard the president say yesterday that, you know, he's looking at a number of initiatives. so i won't get out in front of my boss, i'm sorry. >> i understand. i'm going to try one more thing. the president is talking tuesday with vladimir putin. can he say something, even the threat of pushing for an invite into nato, that gets putin, in your mind, to back down from that border? >> yeah, you know, i'm sure that there are a number of things that he'll want to explore with president putin. i think that he knows president putin very well. again, i think there's a lot of space here for diplomacy and leadership to work and, again, we're going to remain engaged with our allies mt. region and our partners in the region, and we're going to continue to do everything we can to help provide is ukraine the capability to protect its sovereign territory. >> okay. let's talk china. in your remarks today, you seemed to have a different tone. has something changed in your mind? >> nothing's changed, bret. as you heard me say earlier, we're clear-eyed about the challenge aha china presents -- that china presents. but china's not 10 feet tall. this is america. you know, we have the greatest industry, the greatest innovators in the world, and we're going to do the what's necessary to create the capabilities that helps us, help us maintain the competitive edge going forward. you know, it's that combination of ingenuity, leadership, support from our congress that has enabled us to be where we are today and enabled us to be successful over the years. we clearly recognize that, as you heard me say earlier, that china presents a challenge. it's our pacing challenge. but they're not 10 feet tall. >> you know, you referenced president reagan a number of times in your remarks. in 1983 president reagan called the soviet union the evil empire because of its communist goals. do you think it's time to speak more boldly or clearly when referring to china, the communist party, and its communist ambitions? >> well, you know, i think we're doing a lot of that. and, again, the activity that we see in the region and in other parts of the globe is a starting point. it's racing to develop, you know, military capability as fast as it can, but some of the coercive activity we see in the region has us and our partners in the region very concerned. so, yeah, i think, you know, we'll continue to speak very clearly about our concerns. but, again, we're in a competition with china and we don't have to be in a conflict, and i think it's very important to continue to communicate and ask for china and russia to be as transparent as possible. >> i know we're not going to do hypotheticals, but just looking at what's happening, china has been launching multiple air operations near taiwan. they've moved air refuelers into that area, tactical information, wing-sized elements. do you think that these are threatening flights for future operations? >> oh, to your point, i don't want to speculate. but certainly, you know, it looks like, a lot like them exploring their troop capabilities and, sure, it looks a lot like rehearsals. >> so what would the u.s. do if china invades taiwan. >> again, you know, our policy remains the same, our one-china policy remains the same. we're committed to helping taiwan develop and main indiana the capability to defend -- maintain the capability to defend itself. again, that's another hypothetical. and nobody wants to see this conflict, nobody wants to see this -- things develop into a conflict in this region. so so we're going to do everything in our power to help prevent conflict and dial down the temperature whenever possible. >> so what do you say to the experts who say that we should send our advisers into taiwan wearing uniforms and admit that they're there? the taiwanese leadership has come out publicly saying there are the u.s. advisers there. >> well, you know, again, bret, i think we're doing a lot to support taiwan right now. we're going to look for ways to do more. and, you know, my leadership, my service chiefs, combatant commanders will all stay engaged and make recommendationsen on the best way to -- recommendations on the best way to move forward. >> one of your space com commanders said that china's aact thing u.s. satellites on a daily basis, actions that could be considered an act of war. so in your mind, is there an active military conflict happening now in space with our adversaries china, russia, maybe even others? >> well, bret, you know, space is no longer a benign environment, and i think we have to realize that. and i think, you know, haas why it's real important that as we look at -- you know, you heard me talk about integrated deterrence and making sure that we account for all of you our capability in each domain, clearly space is a thing that we need to stay focused on. but we want to make sure that we have resilient capability in the space domain, that we're able to link that capability with other things like cyber and that we integrate all, everything that we have from space to the face of the earth in a very coherent and agile way. so that's a key element of integrated deterrence. plus, using every, every tool available to us in terms of national power and using the capability that's resonant with our allies and partners which i think we need to do a much better job of. >> well, you have some red lines in space. >> do i have red lines in space? >> as far as what's happening with these attacks? >> bret the, i've always found that it's never a good idea to publish red lines. i would say that it's really important to the united states of america to insure that we protect our capabilities. and i think, yeah, i think we'll stay focused on that. >> okay. i'm just going to bounce around the world really quickly, and i know we don't have that much time, but do you have any regrets about the afghan withdrawal? >> bret, i regret the fact that we lost 13 of our finest at ab abbey gate. i regret that we lost ten civilians in an errant strike. having said that, bret, i want to make sure that we don't, we don't lose sight of the fact that our american forces in 17 days evacuated 124,000 people from afghanistan. 124,000. and i think that we need to continue to remind the united states of america and we need to continue to remind the world about the great work that they have done and that they continue to do on a daily basis. >> have there been any over the horizon operations in afghanistan since the u.s. military left? [laughter] okay, i tried. all right, quickly, the global posture review just came out monday. it says did not suggest any troops would be coming home, just repositioned. so no plans to pull u.s. rooms out of iraq and syria in coming months? i think, you know, again, what's in the dpr is where we are. you know, as we would expect any new administration we'll come in and baseline r take a look at where his forces are, baseline his footprint so that we can assure that, you know, we're able to support our main effort which is, as i've said so many times, the indo-pacific, and that we maintain the ability to bage gel. and i would remind -- be agile. and i would remind you with, bret, that we need to account for the capability that's not only on air, land and sea, but also space and cyberspace, you know? those are are -- i mean, there's capability in each of those domains, and our goal is to make sure that we're use whering all of that as we conduct -- >> but is there a role for, let's say, the trust army in asia to counter china? are you going to expand many poland where there's been training going on? there's some things that didn't just seem to pop up. >> well, you know, this is a thing that we, again, continue to evaluate as we go forward. and if conditions change, then we adjust. >> okay. president reagan talked about peace through strength. is congress -- and understanding there's a lot of lawmakers in this room concern is congress funding the pentagon sufficient hi to meet modern challenges? i know you're not a fan of continuing resolutions. >> well, i'm absolutely not a fan of continuing resolutions, expect reason is, bret, is it disallows us the ability to conduct new starts or to get some of the things going that you heard me mention earlier, you know? we, we want to invest in new technologies, want to give capabilities to our war fighters, and we want to do that as soon as we can. so in terms of, you know, building ships and creating capabilities, you really, your hands are tied under a continuing resolution. my stuff. also -- new stuff. also, as you remember, our troops are due well-deserved pay raises. and without that the, without that new budget, hen that pay raise -- then that pay raise, i'll have to account for that in our current budget. that puts pressure on other things. and so, you know, it's my hope that we'll get, you know, we'll get an ndaa passed as soon as possible. >> so far several courts have struck down the president's covid vaccine mandate. you are now in a legal challenge and showdown with the oklahoma governor and its national guard about vaccine mandates. only about 40% of oklahoma national guard are vaccinated right now, so what do you plan to do if they don't get vaccinated? are you going to dong dock their play? -- dock their pay? >> i truly believe that the vast majority of them will get vaccinated. you take a look at our active duty forces, you know, over 96% of them are currently vaccinated. there was there is huge speculation we would get to that level but we made tremendous progress in. >> the people who say natural immunity counts? >> invite the scientists and doctors in the room to speak to that but -- >> as far as your policy goes, are you going to stick with what you have? >> this is a issue for us, vaccinated forces are more ready force in our troops back to deploy all over and placed themselves in all kinds of conditions in a moment notice. in order to keep us healthy, it's important to get vaccinated. >> any comment on florida wanting to develop their own civil national guard? >> absolutely no comment. >> okay, the survey from the reagan form found less than half the country has high confidence in the military right now, down from 70% a few years ago. why do you think that is? >> certainly the trends in the survey are not tribes we want to see. i would say, i know i speak for all of my dod colleagues in the room today and all over the military, this is very important to us especially since we have an all volunteer force. it's important to maintain trust and confidence of the american people. i'll take a hard look at potential causes, what the numbers reflect and we will take a hard look at ourselves to see what we should continue to do to build trust and confidence with the american people but you know bret, if you could see what i can see, i know you have because you spent a lot of time on it, if the average american can see what i see on a daily basis as i visit our troops and listen and talk about what they are doing and watch them at work, there's no question our american people will have confidence in our military. i think we need to do a better job of telling the story of these wonderful troops and their families that have sacrificed so much in the past and continue to sacrifice on a daily basis. we need to mind america about what they are doing and the sacrifices they make it something we're going to work on. >> i and each interview with the same question, what keeps you up at night? >> we are developing additional capabilities in places like space and cyberspace. sometimes the next serious challenge can come from a place you didn't expect. you've heard some people speculate the next conflict will be started by cyber activity. so i want to make sure we have sufficient capabilities vibrant space to complement the rest of the inventory and make sure we can react to any challenge and prevent conflict from occurring. >> thank you for your time and your service to the country. >> thanks, bret. >> appreciated. [applause] please enjoy your lunch. eric: bret baier with lori austin on the biden administration policy. defense secretary the west, competition conflicts in washington is committed to helping taiwan defend itself if beijing attacks and the same with ukraine. invasion perhaps the next few months as we have been one thing the u.s. will help ukraine depend sovereign territory. for now, let's go to general jack keane, i reminded mr. austin speaking at the ronald ragan, not only ragan but also democratic defense secretary margaret thatcher. your thoughts about what we heard? >> the focus of the speech was about china and echoing the president, we are in competition with china. yes, we are in competition but there's clearly so much more than just competition. competition is not a strategy we have yet to get from this administration, national strategy dealing with china, hopefully will get the nationals to security strategy, the national defense strategy that came out in january, he shared a little bit insight into what that is and he calls it integrated deterrence and mentioned to aspects dealing with partnerships and allies and shoring up the relationships among president trump started that in this administration has picked up on it and they have done good things with it. he's also talked about innovation and cutting that technology, we readily see russia and china in certain areas are advancing technologies ahead of us, a place the u.s. has always been, was always been on the cutting edge of technology and now we are taking a backseat in certain areas, obviously hypersonic weapons. what i didn't here in the speech, the specifics which i would like to have seen in terms of its effect are military erosion of deterrence in the region has taken place because of 9/11 wars, specifics in terms of what we are going to do about that, they have more airplanes, warships, more missiles and more submarines than we do in the region and we have got to put it deterrence capabilities similar to that. we don't want conflict, we don't what war. what have we learned how to prevent it? effective deterrence your enemy sees as real and they know full well he would use it. i would like to have seen it more in terms of specifics on that during the speech. eric: thank you, recognizing the biden administration does know about the china threat. general saying the white house and the administration not doing enough. general, good to see you. arthel. arthel: california to oakland county michigan, we will take you to a press conference with the county sheriff's department on the arrest of the parents of the oxford high school shooting suspect. >> the actions in the school proceeding the actions in the school or the follow-on as it relates to the parents. of course you can be confidential or pass it on in any way you see fit, from the united states -- you want to mention something? >> good afternoon emma i am a u.s. marshal for this case. i would like to say thank you on behalf of the united states service to the sheriff's office in oakland county and his team, who always had a terrific partnership with apprehensions team and staff. our officers restart at the moment we got the tip and we had units working all day yesterday and last night they were on the scene in the detroit police department. i would like to thank white and his team, they did a phenomenal job identifying the vehicles in a building they believe they were in as soon as we had enough personnel on staff, we executed the warrant and thankfully no one was hurt and the apprehension of the two individuals so thanks to chief white and the sheriff's office, detroit and oakland county, they've been great partners with the service and we truly appreciate it. >> thank you. >> i think that's most of what the questions have been about. [inaudible] >> we are not going to talk about spontaneous utterance or discussions because that will become part of any evidence that may be presented so the information would be turned over to prosecutor and anything about that will be forthcoming as it relates to it. >> it basically describes as ms. communication they were planning to turn himself in, is a possibility let's. >> all i know is that when we were informed, we had an active warrant, there was communication that came into a detective who said they were going to arrange for their arrest and turn themselves in about fine, we don't wait for that. when we have serious charges like felonies, you can turn yourself in and go to court and come to a substation but we are going to look for that so once the wind a full activation looking for them because there's a lot more tools at our disposal once we have a want, within looking for them prior to that but it was in a limited fashion in investigative techniques and later in the morning, we had communication the couple is not responding to texts or phone calls to their attorney so to us it's irrelevant. they show up, fine but we are not going to sit at the front desk and tap our fingers until they come in. we are working with our partners and they were taken into custody before that was asked or answered and were they going to? i don't know but given that they are hiding in a warehouse in detroit, it raises my eyebrows. >> why were they in detroit to begin with? >> status part of the question, why they were there in a commercial building in that form and fashion. we have located their other vehicle at a different location prior to the warrant being issued. we began the process of doing what we could before warrant to look for them and we found one other family vehicle at a different location but they want their and there was no conductivity of them being there at the moment. >> can you get clarity to how you knew they were hiding? do they specifically duck away or something? >> when the tip came in, they pretty much ran away. i'm not going to get into specifics but i think where they were and how they were seems to support the position they were hiding and they weren't looking for surrendering at that time. >> what are the ramifications for the people who helped them at the gallery and what are they looking at crime wise? are they cooperating? >> we obviously don't have any at this time but that is part of the investigation and if there are charges applicable, that would be the prosecutor's decision so we are trying to put together as much detailed information on that as it relates to that. suffice to say we have enough early indications clearly somebody helped him into that location and made it available to them and it was after it was publicly announced there were warrants. >> how much do you know from friday morning to the withdrawal, cell phones shut off to when they are discovered? you know what happened? >> we don't have a whole lot of their movements because the last time detectives actually saw them physically in person was when we executed search warrants on the home, the child in question was the suspect so we are going to the house to see if anything of value for the school shooting and at that time was no indication the parents may or may not have been involved, clearly execution of the search warrant for evidence related to the shooting. that was the last time our detectives sought them. as soon as the prosecutor gave indication that would potentially be charges, our detectives began to do a packet to prepare for charges, where they might go and began to do what we could to look for them, short of the extended capabilities when you have an actual warrant, a search or arrest warrant. >> is an interesting situation, the whole family together in your jail, do they talk to their son? >> no talking, no communication, they are all three in isolation. >> will that change over time? >> no. a variety of levels, we have a male and female prisoners second, we would segregate juveniles from adults so on all three levels, they will never interact. >> does a person who called 911 get the reward? >> my agency offered 10000-dollar reward for the capture of the fugitives so if that person comes forward to get their name, they may be entitled to that reward in washington d.c. but ultimately if the information they provided did, they would likely be entitled to the reward. [inaudible] >> we are checking on them multiple times in our. in terms of conditions, it's a basic environment or one person to be house and regular observational capabilities, regular discussions with medical staff and counseling staff to see if we need to change anything but constant verification and checks on behalf of our deputies. >> can you describe his mental state at this time? >> we have nothing to lead us to believe anybody has a half charges so based on records or information it again as they came into our intake process with counselors and classification process, they indicate no interest or desire to hurt themselves. >> are they facing additional charges now because of what happened yesterday? second, chief white this morning said they were in a state of distress when officers reached them, can you talk about that? >> the form and fashion where we ended up finding them and how they got there, totality would be determined if there's any applicable extra charges or not but i think it lends to the original charge that if there's no culpability, why would you be in a warehouse in detroit? in terms of their distress, chief and i talked about that, i don't want to get to into that, it could be distress because there, or the totality of the situation. >> some members of your department expressed frustration think the prosecutor didn't let you know ahead of time the charges were coming. was your department caught off guard by the charges? >> we had some disconnect, the prosecutor's office in chief investigators, we've communicated and spent handled and we are moving forward to focus on how we together, hand and loved hold these individuals accountable. >> did ethan know is parents were charged and what has his demeanor bent while they were being searched for? >> what was his demeanor? >> yeah. >> he hasn't said anything to us, none of them are communicating to a great extent with us so his demeanor will hasn't changed, he would not have been aware since he's in isolation it's not like he has tv quickverse. >> does he know his parents are in custody? >> i honestly couldn't tell you. my guess is no. that's not necessarily something would buy him not mark is there mandatory education program he will be attending? >> that's probably not the first thing on our priority list, the first thing is to make sure he doesn't hurt himself and gets timely? appearances and access to counsel. other things are secondary. we have covid procedures right now so we have more restrictions in terms of who comes in-and-out of our facility and educational programs can and cannot be conducted to prevent mitigation and spread of the virus within a confined facility we can widely social distance in jail. >> a lot of the focus has been on the parents but will there be an investigation into schools action when the prosecutor said he went back to the classroom, he had the gun, could that be part of the investigation? >> everything that happened from proceeding until then to after until we stand here today will be under investigation and every tidbit will be handed over to a prosecutor for follow-on charges if applicable. he has said there may be other charges and that will be determined as it relates to if any additional information we present with rises to that level. >> are any of them under investigation? >> i wouldn't say a school official is under any investigation specifically, i would say the situation is there someone in that timeline has done something that triggers that criminality, that's going to be up to the prosecutor. anybody is going to be completely determined what happened and where it leads is where the facts take them. >> the relationship to the couple? >> we do have indication, you're not getting to into the. >> chief white said they were not armed but we heard during the arraignment they had taken out $4000 in cash, was not money found on them? >> i don't have the inventory sheet, i can't answer that. >> a lot of people still have questions about the school resource officer and the superintendent issued detailed statement so he says the council made the decision to return to the class, the drawing he had, was the picture of the drawing taken for the counselor so the counselor would know? apparently even his friends saw the most disturbing part. >> i would have to have the fully investigated jacket to see what the council saw at the time and that is part of the investigation. my reaction to the process as if it was concerning to the teacher in the classroom, enough to call parents, at that time we would love to have. >> the attorneys for the parents said what's been present so far as it cherry picked, the investigation is still ongoing, there's a lot we do not know but what's been released to the public now, of the completed accurate representation. >> that is the picture and we are still finishing the picture. but i certainly also believe that is accurate. >> the superintendent the video says his going to ask you to release some video but we are no which videos, do you know? >> yes, no, that's not going to have a. exactly were played out and it's evidence it will be given to the prosecutor for prosecution in any viewing of that will be dependent on the prosecution is not prejudice for a potential jury. >> the estimate on how long? >> we are mostly done with the actual crime scene, i think i was there at 2:00 a.m., i think they were down about 3:30 a.m. the day after, most of our forensic crime scene team was done in the. >> the county jail -- no not there is no plan to move to another location? >> absolutely not. they are here for the duration. >> if they post bond, they would be released. anyone else? >> the deputies who responded, how are they doing? >> i was actually going to bring that up. i've asked our people to do dangerous and difficult things that we talked about our response capabilities and how we have been training for years and i issue very clear constructions and orders i get to an active shooter first, -- [inaudible] our job once we go to call a ter student or render aid, more people could be killed. that's it incredibly unnatural act, to walk past a child in panic and terror and may even be hurt, to ignore it because you hear chaos or gunshots and that's what they did and as a result when he was taken into custody, there were 18 unexpended rounds and that's what i keep reminding them, 18. eighteen. it could have been 18 markets. >> so they are struggling. >> in a big way so we have a complete debrief for everybody at the scene, i went to every one of those and talked to them and told them how proud i am of them and it not weakness to ask for help and get help and it's important they do that, the number one job is to make themselves out of this process in a healthy way, they will never be the same. when i was at the scene when there were still children their deceased but those going in there when it was happening having to go past them, devastating. we had a following session today with specialists we had going in and we are going to do everything we can to help them to try to process this and move forward in a healthy way for themselves in the family and community and i told them we need to heal for themselves in the community and get them back on the front line. to make an arrest for somebody who turned on other students so there is no lack of need for our folks to be able to function well deal with future threats. we are going to face more. we are inundated with these threats. we have memorials, threats against individual deputies, it is absurd after a tragedy we see a huge spike in stress but that's what we seek. >> you were there, can you talk about that i interviewed somebody on the scene that there has been multiple threats, he was a retired police officer therefore his own being and the person who fainted, collapsed . arthel: describing the devastating seen in the aftermath of another deadly school shooting we heard from oakland county sheriff's. michael, we also heard from a u.s. marshal who complement detroit police chief james white, we are being told police are looking into this, the parent, they are hiding in detroit and could press charges of aiding and abetting but is still under consideration. there described by police hiding in a commercial warehouse in detroit. we are talking 45-year-old james crumbly and 43-year-old jennifer crumbly. charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter to which they pled not guilty. the charges were brought i open county prosecutor carrie mcdonald. their son from 815-year-old ethan is the suspect in the deadly school shooting at oxford high school so what charges will ultimately face is still unclear. all three of them, parents and son are in jail in isolation, the parents are being held on $500,000 bond each so where the case goes, rewards, potential accomplices and culpability, all unknown. what is known, this past tuesday 14-year-old hannah saint giuliani, 17-year-old madison, 15-year-old tate meyer and 17-year-old justin schilling were shot and killed while at school, place that's supposed to be and should be a safe zone. eric. eric: i think of the victims ranging from ages 14 to 17. ethan's parents, james and jennifer crumbley allegedly alerted by school authorities and not acting on any of this. mercedes joins us. we are on the telephone, where you see his parents being held in jail? >> it's interesting because it's a bold and aggressive move by the prosecutor but is warranted under circumstances, as reported the parents knew ethan had issues and they had been reportedly told by officials even posed a threat to the schools scored body but they didn't do anything to remove their child to get an independent evaluation of their child. the fact that the father allegedly purchased the handgun and did not secure the gun, the gun allegedly used to kill the for students at the school by their son. these are all allegations that will play out but given the circumstances, once the prosecutor can put the pieces together, one the parent were on notice that their child has a propensity for violence, to they purchased a firearm and didn't secure and three, their child actually went forward and committed these horrific crimes at his high school, if the prosecutor can prove all three, it is a shut case of involuntary manslaughter which essentially is criminal negligence, a propensity and did nothing about it. eric: the defense attorneys for the parents are saying the gun was secure. they are saying that's not the case but of course that will come out at the trial as they get through but you said about the parents, the mother texting her son about lol, don't get caught. here's karen mcdonald talking about this. >> they exchanged texts about the incident with her son on that day saying quote lol i am not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught. eric: when you have a parent, looks look at the timeline. monday the started because the teacher found him allegedly searching online for ammunition. reports that two school officials, e-mailed her and she does not respond. that night ethan reports a video, the next day ethan's desk note had a drawing of a handgun and the thoughts won't stop me, help me. a bullet the words blood everywhere. the world is dead. they resisted counseling for 48 hours and the school lets him back in the class. he's not suspended, they may not know he has the gun in the backpack, where do you see school officials potentially facing an issue and what about the crumbley's not taking the schools advice getting help for their son? >> that's part of of why underls the case criminally, the prosecutor believed they had enough notice there was criminal propensities and they did nothing about it. in terms of school officials, it's difficult to tell a student you have to go through the entire process charges, it's difficult to have a student expelled so what liability does the school have? certainly there will be wrongful death cases against the score, issues saying you should have done something immediately two separate even crumbley from the school immediately even though it may be difficult, but if a student is a danger to the student body, there are controls in place school officials can execute and remove that student immediately whether seeking out law enforcement assistance, seeking an eval, they can trigger a local statute that has a child posing a danger to themselves or others can be taken involuntarily and put in a hospital setting for psychiatric evaluation. there are a lot of things the school could have done. but there will be criminal until, they will have civil liability because of the horrific death of the fourth student which a lot of people are looking at the case think it could happen stopped. it was foreseeable. eric: the fact that they were hiding out in a warehouse at 2:00 a.m. when someone saw the car talk police. the defense attorneys said they were going to show up for arraignment and they didn't. you think they were trying to hide out and they allegedly took out $4000? >> they are certainly going to say that. what would be really interesting, i think the prosecutors can show thing from the circumstances is consciousness of guilt and that is going to be something that will come up during the prosecution of the parents and what is interesting when you heard the sheriff talking about the three of them being separated, if you think crumbley is an active litigation defense of these charges, it will be interesting if there are finger pointing for you think crumbley pointing to the parent, they have to save themselves, separated by design, there's going to be a lot pressure and cooperation from one of these three individuals to see if they can be a plea deal and testify against the others. it's being shaken out but at the end of the day, there were lives lost and it's an unbelievable tragedy. eric: unspeakable carnage and another school shooting in our country parents accused of aiding and abetting. i know i you at home will not forget the victims. this is what this is about, 44 bright shining lights cut down because of this tragedy. we'll be right back. most cases of omicron our front mild. confirmed in 12 states and while it seems to be spreading quickly, who says there's no sign current vaccines will be any less effective against the new strain. the cdc director is offering this perspective. >> i know the news is focused on omicron but we should remember 99.9% of cases in the country right now are from the delta variant. doctor continues to drive cases across the country especially in those unvaccinated. arthel: rita fisher, pediatrics and internal medicine doctor. we her doctor walensky thank don't forget ..., the variant continues to dominate. can we afford to take our eye off the ball? >> we need to have our eyes laser sharp on the ball focusing on all that we've been doing thus far. omicron is here unknown can be a little frightening but delta is known at this time. 99.9% of the cases are delta and here in the united states we are up to 100,000 cases a day, 50000 people in the hospital, 13000 people in icu, 1300 yesterday predominantly from the delta. in south africa we do know the omicron. is the one dominating in their cases have quadrupled in the past four days so we need our eye on both balls to be safe. arthel: president biden is talking about a plan to expand at home covid testing. >> private insurers covering pcr tests you get at a doctor's office and now they will cover at home tests as well. for those not covid by private insurers, we make available retests at thousands of locations. bottom line this winter, you can have it the company of your own home and have peace of mind. arthel: certainly great news off medical experts including yourself say testing is crucial but i want to ask, how reliable are the at home tests? >> the at home tests, especially if you are symptomatic can be reliable. pcr is the gold standard. however, if you test positive, fever, not feeling well, at least you test at home defined your positive you note to self quarantined so you be spreading it. this is in time for winter during the holidays, we just had thanksgiving and other holidays are coming up people are likely going to get together. with home tests, at least you can have them at your homes and help desk to test before they get to your home and it can help contain the spread of covid. arthel: speaking of holidays, should people cancel christmas travel plans? >> everyone just has to measure their own risk tolerance. if your holiday plans are to be shoulder to shoulder with people who are immunocompromised or unvaccinated you have no intentions of wearing masks then tailor your plans. be around only people vaccinated still wear a mask especially if you are around people who are immunocompromised. i won't tell anyone to cancel plans but just watch and follow cdc guidelines and make sure you celebrate in a safe manner. arthel: before we go, most frequent question patients have been asking you this past week with the discovery of the omicron variant? >> patients have been asking me, if the vaccines don't work, should we wait to get a booster after the answer is no, do not wait to get your booster. we know even though the vaccine for omicron, we know high antibodies against the covid-19, even that variant, the higher your antibodies, the greater chance you are to be protected and if you get the booster even right now, it will be even higher of the second dose and put you in a better place to protect yourself to they ask if they should wait for a booster, no. get it now if you are eligible. arthel: i am vaccinated and boosted up, i am ready for covid. i don't want it. thank you very much. a pleasure to have you. be sure to join us on fox news live tomorrow 4:00 p.m., who have doctor marty makary with us and he's going to answer questions from our reviewers about the covid vaccine so tune in for that. eric: very important, hope you folks watch tomorrow and send ups questions for the doctor. we know it's been half a century the most notorious hijacks in history. it still remains a mystery but our next guest says he knows who db cooper was. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? 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Innovation Research Program Which , Program , Law , Department The , Firms , Unique Tech Requirements , Funds , Ground Breaking Tech , 2500 , Tech Hubs , Austin , Defense Innovation Hubs , Business Leaders , Sites , Academics , Seattle , Chicago , Boston , Talent , Compete , Uavs , Revolution , Help , Funding Programs , Urgent , Backs , Acquisitions , Prototypes , Tech , Defense Experimentation Reserve , Capability Gaps , Army , Space Force , Air Force , Navy , Corps , Game Changers , Military Edge , Times , Combination , Minds , Free Enterprise , Engine , Total , Renewal , Pride , Creativity , Computing Power , Universities , Pockets , Rule Of Law , Call To Action , Ingenuity , Inno Vegas , Site , Cryptivity , Recented , Freedom Of Thought , Progress , Key , Foreordainedded , 1988 , Anyone , Lives , Civilians , Architecture , Virus , Responsibilities , Peril , Building A New , Safety , Citizens , Trade It , Road Map , Fortitude , Success , We Cobusiness , County , Hat , Panic , Land , Sea , Bret Baier , Officials , Stage , Military Offensive , Intel , Artillery Equipment , Armor , 2022 , 175000 , 100 , El Well , Numbers , Concern , Information Space , What S Going On , Cyber Coe Main , Territory , Doesn T Fall , Article , On , Article V , Scenarios , Won T , Advisers , Number , Bret The , Equipment , Capability , Front , I M Sorry , Boss , Diplomacy , Allies Mt , Tone , Let S Talk , Nothing , Aha , Feet , 10 , Pacing Challenge , Evil Empire , 1983 , Activity , Ambitions , Military Capability , Parts , Starting Point , Globe , Racing , Fast , Air Operations , Area , Hypotheticals , Air Refuelers , What S Happening , Flights , Same , Policy , Troop , Rehearsals , Indiana , Hypothetical , Temperature , Experts , Uniforms , Service , Combatant Commanders , Chiefs , Commanders , Recommendationsen , Recommendations , Stay , Com , Aact , Basis , Military Conflict , Act Of War , Environment , Haas , Cyber , Earth , Tool , Attacks , Job Of , Regrets , Afghan , Withdrawal , Finest , Ab Abbey Gate , Ten , 13 , Sight , Afghanistan 124000 , 124000 , 17 , Laughter , Rooms , Coming Home , Syria , Iraq , Take A Look , Dpr , Footprint , Gel , Agile , Each , Land And Sea , Training , Poland , Trust Army In Asia , Let S Say , Conditions , Lawmakers , Resolutions , Fan , Funding , Building Ships , Stuff , Resolution , Hands , Pay Raises , Pay , Raise , Budget , Courts , Governor , Guard , Showdown , Covid Vaccine Mandate , Oklahoma , Ndaa , Vaccine Mandates , Oklahoma National Guard , Dong , 40 , Look , Majority , Duty , 96 , Immunity Counts , Speculation , Doctors , Scientists , Notice , Comment , Kinds , Florida , Survey , 70 , Trends , Tribes , My Dod , Volunteer Force , Causes , American , Job , Story , It Something , Places , Interview , Cyber Activity , Inventory , Appreciated , Lori Austin , Lunch , The West , Competition Conflicts In Washington , Will , Mr , Let S Go , Ukraine Depend Sovereign Territory , Ronald Ragan , Ragan , Thoughts , Strategy , Nationals , Security Strategy , Partnerships , Aspects , China , Backseat , Specifics , Erosion , Effect , 9 11 , It Deterrence , Missiles , Warships , Submarines , Airplanes , We Don T What War , White House , Parents , Arrest , Press Conference , Oakland County , County Sheriff S Department , At School , Suspect , Oxford High School , Follow On , Case , Marshal , Fit , Sheriff , Staff , Office , Behalf , Apprehensions Team , Scene , Officers , Tip , Units , Detroit Police Department , Building , Personnel , Vehicles , Warrant , Individuals , Apprehension , Detroit , Questions , Prosecutor , Evidence , Utterance , Ms , Possibility , Charges , Detective , Felonies , Activation , Want , Substation , Disposal , Couple , Texts , Fashion , Techniques , Phone Calls , Attorney , Custody , Desk , Fingers , Warehouse , Hiding , Eyebrows , Location , Vehicle , Process , Conductivity , Family Vehicle , Away , Clarity , Duck , Ran , Position , Surrendering , Crime , Gallery , Ramifications , Investigation , Somebody , Indications , Warrants , Cell Phones , Child , Detectives , Movements , House , School Shooting , Indication , Value , Search Warrant , Shooting , Execution , Packet , Search Or Arrest Warrant , Son , Jail , Situation , Talking , Isolation , Levels , Prisoners , Variety , Adults , Juveniles , Agency , Reward , Name , Fugitives , Capture , 911 , 10000 , Our , Counseling , Checks , Verification , Deputies , Anybody , Mental State , Records , Half , Counselors , Interest , Intake Process , Classification Process , Chief White , Distress , State , Morning , Totality , Culpability , Didn T , Frustration , Chief Investigators , Disconnect , Hand , Loved Hold , Demeanor Bent , He Hasn T , None , Demeanor , Hasn T , Extent , Education Program , Guess , Tv Quickverse , Counsel , Priority List , Appearances , Access , Facility , Procedures , Programs , Restrictions , Distance , Mitigation , Gun , Schools , Classroom , Tidbit , Rises , Someone , Timeline , School Official , Facts , Criminality , Relationship , Money , Arraignment , Cash , 000 , 4000 , Inventory Sheet , Class , Drawing , Council , Superintendent , Statement , School Resource Officer , Counselor , Friends Saw , Teacher , Jacket , Saw , Attorneys , It Cherry , Public , Representation , Desk Note , Videos , Prosecution , Viewing , Crime Scene , Jury , Estimate , 2 , 3 , 00 , Crime Scene Team , County Jail , Plan , Bond , Constructions , Ter Student , Shooter , Orders , Inaudible , Terror , Aid , Rounds , Gunshots , Chaos , 18 , Markets , Eighteen , Weakness , Debrief , Specialists , Deceased , Devastating , Session , Front Line , Students , Folks , Lack , Need , Tragedy , Memorials , Stress , Spike , Police Officer , Aftermath , Police , Complement , Who , Oakland County Sheriff , Michael , U S Marshal , Parent , Consideration , Police Hiding , Aiding , Abetting , Manslaughter , Counts , Carrie Mcdonald , James Crumbly , Jennifer Crumbly , 45 , 43 , The Next Day Ethan , 815 , 815 Year Old , Accomplices , 500000 , 00000 , Saint , Madison , Justin Schilling , Tate Meyer , Giuliani , 14 , 15 , Victims , Zone , Jennifer Crumbley , Telephone , Any , School Authorities , Mercedes , Move , Circumstances , Body , Handgun , Father , Pieces , Allegations , Propensity , High School , Crimes , Violence , Firearm , Didn T Secure , Defense Attorneys , Criminal Negligence , Mother , Trial , Don T Get , Incident , Karen Mcdonald , School Officials , Ethan , Ammunition , Words , Everywhere , Bullet , Blood , 48 , Backpack , Student , Propensities , Cases , Death , Liability , Process Charges , Score , Danger , Student Body , Controls , Statute , Place School Officials , Eval , Law Enforcement Assistance , Criminal , Others , Hospital Setting , Psychiatric Evaluation , Car Talk , Prosecutors , Consciousness , Guilt , Pointing , Finger , Design , Litigation , Plea Deal , Carnage , Aiding And Abetting , 44 , Lights , Omicron , Director , Vaccines , Strain , Cdc , 12 , Perspective , Delta Variant , 99 9 , Doctor , Unvaccinated , Doctor Walensky , Medicine , Pediatrics , Rita Fisher , Variant , Ball , Eyes , Don T Forget , 99 9 , Delta , Laser Sharp , Hospital , Icu , South Africa , 50000 , 13000 , 1300 , Balls , Safe , Insurers , Pcr , Home Covid Testing , Doctor S Office , Bottom Line , Locations , Winter , Retests , Peace Of Mind , Tests , Gold Standard , Holidays , Positive , Fever , Help Desk , Homes , Thanksgiving , Home Tests , Holiday Plans , Spread , Risk Tolerance , Masks , Shoulder , Mask , Guidelines , Manner , Immunocompromised , Patients , Discovery , Omicron Variant , The Vaccines Don T Work , Booster , Antibodies , Vaccine , Answer , 19 , Dose , Marty Makary , Reviewers , Pleasure , 4 , Hijacks , Ups , Db Cooper , Last Master Outline , Guest , Show , Gonna , Mom , Mommy , Promises , Snow , Oh My Goodness , Calorie Counting , Meals , Fatigue , Music , Narcarb Cutting , One Golo , Www Xfinity Com Sing2 Emale , Enoudiet , Optimize Insulin Levels , Release , Hormones , Weight Loss , Repair Metabolism , Dieting , Millions , Golo Com , Weight , Golo , Hijacking , Names , 1 , Pending , Passengers , Bomb , Parishes , Mexico , Northwest Airlines , Boeing 747 , 747 , 200000 , Stairs , Washington State , Razor Money , Airspeed , Book , Robert W , Pilot , Explosives Expert , Tom , Plane , Wife , Revenge , Cia , Essence , Map , Letters , Army Coating , Veterans , World War I , World War Ii , Codebook , The Navajos , Boeing 727 , 727 , Jail Card , Get , Identities , 35 , 22 , Fbi , Trouble , Dna , Dna Pouch , 2011 , Background , Wouldn T , Take That , 2016 , Tips , Identification , Applications , Doubt , Authorities , Proof , F Documentary , File , Parachute , Gupta , 2017 , 103 , Memo , Death File , Agents , Case Breakers Org , Master Outlaw , Patience , Inefficiency , Age , Joe Montana , Wellcare , Pros , Pro , Practice , Medicare , Delivery , Meal , Benefits , Prescription Delivery , Grocery , Rings , Flex Card , Hearing Expenses , Dental , Plus , Allowance , Visits , Social Security , Hassles , 24 7 , Prescription , Health Insurance , Over The Counter Allowance , Inconvenience , Social Security Check , Extra Dental , Toothpaste , Cold Remedies , Giveback , Mouthwash , Enrollwellcare Com , Website , Wellcare Guide Today , Comfort , Skin , Eczema , Under Control , Atopic Dermatitis , Dupixent , Step , Kids , Itch , Root Cause , 6 , Change , Don T , Feels ,

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