Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

almost show assuming that's what is his name. we saw clips and it transfixed us. how we wondered how a man who speak english wind up with a paying job on television? some kind of weird affirmative action program for the illiterate? but it was remarkable to see it. sentence after badly mangled sentence, he couldn't understand any of it. it was a kind of performance art, communicator wholly unable to communicate, then there was the weight lifting, something wrong with lifting weights or keeping in shape obviously but there was always something very wrong withh the videos that chrs cuomo had shot of himself and then put on the internet. imagine wanting other people to see this. >> sorry. getting a little preshow pump. cuomo prime time. 100 pounds, work it out, little bit of light stuff. news time. >> we are also using that dumbbell. >> multitasking for a real man. >> tucker: his poor staff. yes, we made fun of chris cuomo quite a bit on the show, pretty relentlessly for the past five years. he was also in the way that they tend to be incredibly self-righteous and false. here he is for example pretending to emerge from self imposed quarantine in his basement after recovering from covid. >> a huge day today, take a look at this. here is the official from the baseline. cleared by cdc, just worked out, it happens. this is what i've been dreaming of literally for weeks, this is the dream is to be back up here doing normal things. >> tucker: his poor family, he pulled them into it. we learn the whole thing was fake. chris cuomo hadn't quarantined. in fact, he'd been out and about wandering around long island without a mask yelling anyone whoo questioned him. now, no one else at the time in the media seemed bothered by this but it struck us as a big deal. but his bosses didn't care. before he knew it, he was back on television barking at you for yes not wearing a mask. >> put on a mask.t h you're in california and riverside, where the mask. you want to avoid situations like this where you live, wherea the mask. we care about doing the right things, i had the disease. you need to wear a mask and you have to take care of other people in your community and it's got to be about us because help is not going to come from >> tucker: said the guy who screamed at someone else for pointing out that he was not wearing a mask. at the time, and it seemed pretty unforgivable to us and it still does seem unforgivable but once again, his bosses weren't bothered at all. it seems there's no penalty for falseness. the only thing you can't do at cnn, the thing they will never tolerate is displeasing the g people in charge. that means not simply zucker who runs the company but the billionaires who run the country. you cross them, you are done. so this morning when we saw the "atlantic" magazine, we knew it was curtains for cuomo. it functions as a kind of modern social registry, a place where the ruling class to talk to itself and the atlantic decided it was deeply displeased chris cuomo had dared to help his brother, the former governor of new york when he was accused of sexual harassment. chris cuomo must go, the atlantic declared and in the world that he lives in, the atlantic makes the rules. and that's when for the first time ever and very unexpectedly, we started to feel sorry for chris cuomo. helping his brother is not the worst thing he ever did it in fact it may have been the best thing he ever did. not because andrew cuomo was a good person,th he certainly wast a good person but he was chris cuomo's brother and that's what you do with brothers even bothersome ones. you help them when they needed. it's called loyalty. this is an alien concept. is there a single person at cnn or any other left-wing network who would risk his job to help his own brother? above all, these people are ruthless careerists. jeff zucker told this guy to denounce his own wife on television, do you think you hesitate beforee doing it? of course he wouldn't come in out for a second. so when we tell you the media are corrupt, we don't just mean they are corrupt politically, it is much deeper than that. you don't acknowledge the most important roles in life, your first obligation is to your m family, your first obligation is not to the state, not to a political party, not to jeff, zucker or some creepy leader, it's it's not even to your own career. your most basic obligation is to the people you are related to. when they need your help no matter who they are even if you're the governor of a state, even if their horrible people, you help them anyway because it's your family. it chris cuomo may be an idiot and he is, but he understands that, what a thing to be fired for it.nd jason whitlock is the host of fearless, happy to have him join us tonight. i cannot believe opening the show with you offering a kind of defense may be not of chris cuomo himselfg who i do not lie but if his priorities when you were called upon to help your brother no matter what he's accused of, you help because he's your brother. am i missing something? >> you're not missing anything at all but i've got a completely different take on this in terms of what the overall lesson here is for both brothers. they are thes. wrong complexion and they are heterosexual for the time that they are living in and finding out you can't be woken up and they have tried to play the woke game but they are in the same crosshairs as every other heterosexual man in this country so given an opportunity to move on from governor cuomo and replace him with someone else, the state of new york did that, given an opportunity to replace chris cuomo now because he is defending his brother and is somehow run afoul of feminists and the alphabet mafia, he doesn't fit the right profile and so they're going to replace him with someone who does fit the profile. this whole diversity and inclusion and equity, the people in the crosshairs are men, heterosexual men, white men are in the crosshairs but all men, black, white, whatever, are in the crosshairs and if they can you out of a prominent spot like chris cuomo has come he will get taken out when the opportunity arises and when they have your successor in place that's what's going on with chris cuomo. >> tucker: i think i know what you're saying and i think a lot of people watching can feel that you're onto something something because it doesn't make sense on the merits. i felt it was a very big deal when chris cuomo yelled at the country for not wearing a mask when he wasn't wearing a mask but how foolish in retrospect to think near hypocrisy would be enough to get someone in trouble and a place where hypocrisy is the currencyy that they dealing every single day so of course, the actual crimes as in the case of his brother was completely ignored and unpunished so maybe there's no other explanation than the one you just offered up. >> what you're talking about and what your whole intro was about, chris cuomo is a phony person. he is living a lie to keep maintaining and keep his job. he is playing the role of an emasculated man, but what you're basicallyyi saying is this is a typical american meathead. that's who chris cuomo is and those guys no longer have standing in the woke world. they are in the crosshairs and i believe i'm in the crosshairs, you're in the crosshairs. you were at the wrong company with the wrong leadership, you will get taken out because you don't fit what i called alphabet mafia, black lives matter, the lgbtq, critical race theory. you are not on that team, you are vulnerable. chris cuomo has justst found out he has played a woke role for two or three years and made a bunch of money but over time because he just doesn't fit the profile, he is getting removed and getting embarrassed and ashamed out of his position, same as his brother. >> tucker: jason whitlock, one of the few people who will tell the truth in public in 2021, i appreciated. thank you for coming on tonight and saying that. once again, it's not a defense of chris cuomo or his awful, loathsomee brother but when your brother is in trouble, you help your brother because that's who you are loyal to period. so what happens to cnn without chris cuomo? hears exclusive footage this show has just obtained of the dwarf king and his minions putting chris cuomo in a shallow grave. of course, no one is going to be hit harder by today's news then cuomo's best on-air friend don lemon, probably will never see a moment like this again on national television. >> people have been asking me what are you going to get chris for valentine's day? so here it is, i have a card for you and there you go. >> it'ss beautiful. >> i knew you would think it's beautiful because you're surrounded. >> he didn't want your put your face and hear why, didn't fit?fu >> me loving myself, that's what we are all about. >> for the sake of valentine's day, can we stop this projection where i'm the one who is so into myself. >> tucker: looking at moments like that, you know longer really feel that sorry for chris assuming he can get a job or he's saved enough to live, at least you won't have to do that again. a radio host in the city of washington, always happy to have him join us tonight. what you make of this? >> i think i figured out by chris cuomo lift so much because he was the only guy carrying that network's ratings as small as those ratings were, the reality is chris cuomo was the only draw that network had. think about it, cnn oncehe had a legendary status has being the type of place to be to her neighbors, that's been gone fore many years now. the last big star on the network was larry king. they gave him multiple hours during prime time, that didn't work so 2018 they turned their morning guy chris cuomo and said please do something, the best i can come up with is jason whitlock said the typical american meathead was the only thing actually getting an audience and that's why when you just played that don lemon clipped, that was happening every night. the reason that was happening is because don lemon can get readings on his own. they had to have handouts just to get people to tune in to something else on the network. this isre going to be a big problem for cnn going forward. >> tucker: admittedly being the highest rated anchor on cnn is like being the best caterer use pakistan, a relative measure but he was number one and they fire the number one guy because the "atlantic" magazine told him to. it is in the supposed to be a business? you think of this as a business where the outcome is measurable, the guy with the highest ratings, but it didn't matter. >> exactly. what happens now is this kind of a good towel for what our ruling class is interested in.he elites are very insular, they don't care about what the average audience member is interested in, the way we have watched cnn the last few years as you accidentally bump to in an airport, it's not about that. it's about what do their friends of "the new york times" think you're my chris cuomo was thrown off the a ship. these are people who do not care about the average american, they care more about the people they're going to encounter at lunch probably at a place that i can't.ncob >> tucker: imagine working for a company in which your boss cares with the "atlantic" magazine thinks? it is beyond. imagine knowing someone who cares with the "atlantic" magazine thinks or reads "the new york times" and takes it seriously? so the world is very different today thanks to someone called omicron, a new variant of covid. we all have the facts straight ahead. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: by now, you've heard of the new coronavirus variant that has left south africa the husk of human misery. experts areef calling it the omicron, something that means history ending apocalypse. part of the world sadly familiar with suffering, it's like nothing you've ever seen. consider the nation of botswana, a landlocked country in southern africa about the size of france. yesterday, officials reported that two people may possibly have died from the omicron variant. now it's true that many more people in botswana died yesterday from malaria, aids, drowning, car crashes, domestic movement disputes and also because in the end, human beings tend to get old and die. statistically, that is a valid observation but it does not lessen the existential terror of knowing that it exists. as the chairman of the federal reserve announced yesterday. angst is omicron and not at all due to the criminally reckless decisions he has made personally, thanks to omicron, our economy is going to be terrible for a long time. and we are definitely going to need a lot of mail-in ballots in the coming midterm elections for your safety. and vaccines, we will need a lot more vaccines. in addition to the two you've already had, you will need a third vaccine at least. pfizer's orders. watch. >> with the new variant sweeping the globe, how do we put an end to thiss pandemic? how do we save lives and get business back to normal so everyone can put that on the table simple, the federal government needs to require vaccines including booster shots for everyoneed in america. it's time to admit we have to go to war against covid. require vaccination universally. you don't want to get vaccinated, you'd better be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in court and even then, you need to stay home until we beat this thing. >> tucker: let the military run it for the u.s. army will force you to get your third injection. that's how serious omicron is. this from the guy who demanded you keep h your money in bear stearns five days before it disappeared completely as completely as you can definitely trust what he is saying. the national media are upset about omicron.g listen to the concern. >> states and local jurisdictions and businesses that have let go of indoor mask mandates should bring it back as well as an additional step to protect against omicron. >> they are preparing for the worse potentially. heard the president yesterday to get there booster shot. >> i see those for the unvaccinated, i see many more restrictions being introduced for theho unvaccinated, where ty can go, how they can go. >> i think we may indeed be in a for a of many more masks, much more social distancing and more restrictions and obligations for vaccination going forward. >> tucker: yeah, look what's happening in botswana tonight. we are going to get more vaccines and lockdowns for anyone who resists getting the objection and we are not joking this time. omicron is here, it's a whole new pandemic. so to assess just how terrified you ought to be in this moment, we are joined tonight by the world's premier covert reporter whose brilliant new book is out today and is on sale. thank you so much, congratulations on the book, thanks for joining us tonight. we are being told that omicron which apparently has destroyed the continent of africa is a justification for a brand-new set of restrictions, vaccines, lockdowns. assessr this, if you would. >> this is a joke, it's a joke and people are no longer scared, no longer fooled by it. they have no idea if this variant is more dangerous are less dangerous and in fact, the people who have treated people with that say it's less dangerous. they say it's milder. it looks like a spike in cases that looks scary about a week ago or ten days ago may haveit been due to an artifact in testing may be the south africans started to accept antigen tests which are cheaper and easier to perform and there may have been a whole bump of those so this might not even spread more rapidly. it is as different as they're saying, vaccinations aren't going to work very well against we all know that they fail in a matter of months against infection and transmission after the second dose and it looks like delta is worse in terms of being able to evade vaccinations, a debate about that but this is more highly mutated, you would expect it to be even more able to evade vaccines that in fact, said a few hours ago that he thought or his scientists are saying that they are of course going to need a new booster, going to need to figure out a new mrna jab for this. so this is nonsense and the real reason for it is probably twofold. nobody wants to get boosters, threefold. b, the vaccine mandates are collapsing and now all three of themb, have been stated by fedel judges on the federal contracting mandates are all on hold so there's no mandates right now in the united states and people don't want to get their kids vaccinated and the powers that be are very well aware that vaccines are failing and they want to blame this thing and it's not going to work, people are done being scared and frankly, i'm so busy reading scientific papers that people send me and trying to figure out what's really going on with vaccine failure, but i had no idea the hysteria was like this, it's insane. >> tucker: i just can't resist. you are really worried about this new variant, where is the point of the pandemic where we talk about treatments for people who have been infected? people who have been vaccinated are getting infected, why is no one even mentioning -- where's the treatment? >> so there is a treatment from pfizer, i almost hesitate to say but there's a new drug for the early results look very good and we will see if that actually makes a difference. here's the thing about, the booe that is out today. in writing it, i've really got to look at the scope of the last two years and the lies and the misstatements and mistakes and how they were wrong about school closures, wrong about test and trace, they appear to be have been very wrong about vaccines, they've been wrong about everything. they are never held accountable and at some point, people are just going to stop listening. i think it's happening more quickly in the united states because we have a starter constitution and i have to believe it's going to happen in europe too. >> tucker: you've got to think. this is such a longer conversation i hope you'll come backti for one but just in three sentences, people's faith in public health authorities and doctors which i think we really need, we need faith in those institutions seems to be evaporating very quickly because of their misbehavior. do they understand that? >> i don't know, but they need to and if you read the book, you will understand why there they have been wrong, haven't admitted they've been wrong and they are doubling down on it. we talked about this earlier, we cannot let them walk away from this, we cannot let them try to rewrite history. the losers don't get to rewrite history. >> tucker:st exactly right. cares about facts and has been through relentless harassment because of it. it's out today, we appreciate your coming on tonight, congrats on the book. >> thank you so much. >> tucker: meanwhile as a result of bad and intentionally bad policies, they've never seen before. all over the united states, obviously organized, who is behind it? a senior police has looked into it. by the way, you can head over during the break, tons of merchandise in the store.d no supply chain issues. bwe will be right back. ♪ ♪ do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? 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anything is possible. >> tucker: again, thank you for your firsthand account of this, it's hard to know, you're a police officer there. how frustrating is this for you to watch? >> for me, it's very frustrating because i'm a native here, born and raised. the time i did spend before i was promoted to lieutenant which is my day job, i see all of this in real m time and it is concerning. i see this when i'm working, i see it when i'm off duty, i see this as a vice president of the union representing the men and women trying to serve the city to the best of their ability, i don't know about our other partners, but we have a problem, recognize we have a problem and let's get with solution. >> tucker: are you confident they could fix it if they were allowed to fix it? >> yes, i am, very confident because we have 2200 members who come in day in and day out who do their job and to make the city better. >> tucker: amen. that's the whole point of government is to make the lives of the people who live in your city better. i've got to ask what percentage of the population, people who live in san francisco are frustrated by this? >> i will say a lot now, you mention the d.a., the recall that is happening, 83,000 signatures, they want to blame republicans. we don't have 82,000 republicans. no, we don't. so with the cross-section of people who are now set up. the west portal area just had a sideshow which had set people off so we know what we need to do, let's just have the guts to do it and stop talking about it. it's incredibly frustrating, even as frustrated as we are, we are still willing to show up and to do our job and i wish our other partners in the justice system would just do theirs. >> tucker: you've certainly done yours tonight. we are grateful you came on tonight and i hope that makes a difference. i bet it will. >> i hope so too, thank you. >> tucker: amen. in addition to everything else, joe biden has just nominated someone strongly in favor of censorship to a key post that regulates media. this could have massive implications what you're allowed to say out loud, et cetera, et cetera. we've got the details straight ahead. ♪ ♪ your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> tucker: first amendment to the bill of rights could not be clearer, the government may not regulate political speech. that is the very first thing the framers of our constitution prohibits the federal government from doing. regulating political speech, ever since some people have been working to get around that. it's disinformation they tell you. a that is the latest pretext for violating your first amendment rights. joe biden has just nominated a pro-censorship activist to become a commissioner at the federal communications commission. her confirmation hearing is for censorship and has done so many times online. long before most of us ever heard of her and we are happy to have her join us tonight. thank you so much for hanging on. i'm doing great. so who is gg shown? >> telecom lawyer, activist, essentially a far left progressive inin the telecom business and she comes out against mergers but she advocates for certain types of speech t from her perch. i thinknk she's at georgetown, n something called public knowledge, george soros backed organization. he's all over the place in thehe biden administration. one of the things i think that's scary about this is the federal communications commission is a superpowerful organization. it affects all sorts of business, affects our lives in so many different ways from everything from what we received here and that includes to a degree speech.y not totally regulated in the same ways by the fairness doctrine and could have a say in what tech does and what tech doesn't allow on and could have a say theoretically if she pushes and she is a radical what you're seeing on the air right now. it is not beyond the possibility and she is really scary. put up the tweets. i've been following her for so long because her and i butted heads on some of my coverage of a merger last year and thinks i'm the devil, but if youof look at some of these tweets, they are fascinating. for all of my concerns about facebook fox news' had the most -- few if any opposing -- negative impact on the democracy. viewpoints. where's the hearing about that you met she was literally calling for a hearing on fox news about fox news because she doesn't what we say. >> tucker: the one outlet on television. one channel that you subscribe to has a different view and she thinks we need hearings to shut it down. >> do you still want me to believe that social media is more dangerous to our democracy than fox news? you have to say something like that, you have to be deranged, he might have a needle sticking out of your arm for you are out there, more dangerous than, the filth we see every day on twitter and facebook, it's really sick. so here's the thing, nominated by the commissioner, not the chair. they are looking to make the chair, the current acting chair the permanent chair, however, a lot of people think that biden is going to pull the switch like he did at the ftc, another lefty.y. when both gethe confirmed, you n switch and make her the chair and that's going to be really scary.y. >> tucker: let's hope that somebody can stop this. i appreciate it, thank you for reporting on this, good to see you. for all the attention that tony fauci has received for his lying, his inaccuracy, his crazed egomania, he's gotten little credit for the grotesque experiments on dogs that he has supported it turns out anyone who h notes this set against ths phase is an awful lot of criticism. glenn greenwald on the topic he knows a lot about straight ahead. >> tucker: fox news alert, new video into us from los angeles that shows two men targeting a woman in her infant as they returned to their home according to the l.a.p.d., both suspects are described as a male, black, 2229 with tinted windows. that's awful. another sign of social decay. another fox news alert, by the way, "the washington post" reporting right now the biden administration is apparently debating a proposal to require all travelers entering this country to quarantine for seveny days regardless of vaccination status and regardless of a negative covid test. this would apply to everyone including u.s. citizens, does not apply to people who comee here illegally but for people who fly to the bahamas or mexico or any other country in the world over the weekend, it would definitely apply to them. 70 quarantine. we will keep you posted on that. glenn greenwald is an independent journalist, we've got a couple of things to talk to him about the just want to welcome him now, thank you for joining so what is your reaction is an american who lives abroad, what is yourio reaction to this? >> i was just thinking about that, i had several trips planned and it is hard to express or put into words how divorced the discourse around covid is from the scions we are all supposed to follow. you have a negative test, if you are vaccinated, what conceivable justification is there for even considering such a grave deprivation of liberty has forcing you for seven days to lose the core freedom of movement over a virus that we are told there is an effective vaccine for? if you like we are being trained to accept an assertion without even questioning it any longer >> tucker: that's exactly right. as a citizen, what is the appropriate response to a demand like that, do you think? >> i do think there's going to have to be a serious show of civil disobedience, there's no way to resist government powers that's become abusive except for citizens banding together and refusing to obey them, they cannot force people to do that if that happens. >> tucker: i agree with you completely on that. i have to ask you about this story. of all the things people criticize fauci for, the one that enrage "the washington post" the most is when a nonprofit organization demonstrated that fauci had supported cruel and scientifically pointless experiments on dogs. "the washington post" promptly attacked the group that expose this. why would the post be so quick to defend cruel and needless experiments on beagle puppies?d >> there's an animal rights group that has done an ingenious strategy where they have joined the left and the right in congress by fusing the cause of animal rights and dog cruelty, two wasteful government expenditures byau saying the government is using taxpayer dollars to fund gruesome experiments. they havete been denouncing this for years, praised by "the washington post" grabs one of the rare success stories in washington of a bipartisan coalition, suddenly prepared a hit piece on them why? because now the focus on the activism is the fact that these experiments the which are not just gruesome but totally unnecessary is being overseen by agencies controlled by dr. fauci neand funded by dr. fauci on "the washington post" is willing to protect the government and these gruesome experiments call to prevent any criticism being attached to anthony fauci. it is a complete abusive journalism to attack the small nonprofit group that has a great cause simply because their work might reflect on someone who is now an icon of liberal pljournalism. >> tucker: that is the depth of corruption right there. but you're right, counterproductive. because they certainly won my support. glenn greenwald great to see you as it always is. many people listening tonight. great to see you has it always is, thanks a lot. >> good to be with you tucker, thanks. >> tucker: we are out of time. of course, we will be back every night 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn insincere enemy of lying, smugness, and groupthink. have the best night. sean hannity takes over now. >> sean:r thank you, tucker and welcome to hannity. tracking multiple developing stories breaking earlier today, another major blow for biden's vaccine mandate scheme, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction blocking biden's nationwide vaccine requirement for health care workers, the people diving on covid grenades every day to save our lives and other judge issued a powerful statement supporting his decision writing "if the executive branch is allowed to assert the power of the legislative branch to make laws, two of the three powers conferred by our constitution

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Help , Above Co Tucker , Community , Penalty , Weren T , Falseness , Country , Cuomo , Company , Magazine , Billionaires , Atlantic , Curtains , Modern Social Registry , Place , Governor , Ruling Class , Sexual Harassment , New York , World , Time , Rules , Brother , Person , Andrew Cuomo , Th , Brothers , Ones , Loyalty , Wall , Network , Jeff Zucker , Alien Concept , Ruthless Careerists , Course , Beforee , Wife , Second , Obligation , State , Family , Party , Life , Roles , Didn T Matter , Career , Leader , Zucker , Jason Whitlock , Host , Idiot , Fearless , Defense , Chris Cuomo Himselfg , Priorities , Anything , Terms , Lesson , Of , Crosshairs , Finding , Wrong Complexion , Thes , Game , Opportunity , Someone Else , Feminists , Alphabet Mafia , Profile , Diversity , Men , Black , White , Equity , Inclusion , Spot , Lot , What S Going On , Successor , Hypocrisy , Trouble , Doesn T , Merits , Retrospect , Crimes , Currencyy , Explanation , Case , Saying , Role , Intro , Lie , Guys , Meathead , Standing , Leadership , Fit , Justst , Lgbtq , Team , Critical Race Theory , Three , Two , Money , Out , Bunch , Position , Public , Tell The Truth , Awful , Loathsomee , 2021 , , Footage , Don Lemon , Hit Harder By Today S News Then Cuomo , King , Minions , Shallow Grave , Card , Valentine S Day , It Ss Beautiful , The One , Projection , Put , Face , Sake , Didn T Fit , Radio Host , In The City Of Washington , Ratings , Reality , Big Star , Draw , Type , Neighbors , Fore , Legendary Status , Larry King , Oncehe , Best , Didn T Work , 2018 , Reason , Readings , Audience , Handouts , American Meathead , Problem , Anchor , Forward , Caterer , Measure , Isre , Pakistan , Business , Outcome , Towel , They Don T , Audience Member , Friends , The New York Times , Elites , Airport , Ship , Average American , Ncob Tucker , Boss , Serious Omicron , Facts , Thanks , Coronavirus Variant , Husk , Human Misery , South Africa , Part , Experts , Nation , Botswana , Nothing , Suffering , History Ending Apocalypse , Officials , Size , Malaria , Aids , France , Omicron Variant , Southern Africa , Domestic Movement Disputes , Observation , Drowning , Car Crashes , Human Beings , Chairman , Angst , Decisions , Terror , Federal Reserve , Vaccines , Addition , Economy , Elections , Safety , Ballots , Vaccine , Variant , Lives , Pandemic , Globe , End , Watch , Orders , Pfizer , Thiss , Government , Everyone , Vaccination , Everyoneed , Booster Shots , Table , War Against Covid , Court , Status , Conscientious Objector , Home , Injection , Military , U S Army , Bear Stearns , Jurisdictions , States , Businesses , Mask Mandates , Concern , Step , Let Go , Omicron G , Restrictions , Theho Unvaccinated , Booster Shot , President , Potentially , Masks , Obligations , A , Distancing , Ty Can Go , Lockdowns , Covert Reporter , Congratulations , Omicron , Objection , Sale , The World , Justification , Set , Continent , Africa , Joke , Idea , Assessr , Cases , Artifact , Spike , Ten , Covert Testing , Antigen Tests , Bump , Vaccinations , Delta , Dose , Infection , Transmission , Debate , Nonsense , Scientists , Booster , Jab , Mrna , Mandates , Boosters , Vaccine Mandates , Contracting , Judges , Themb , Nobody , B , Collapsing , Fedel , Powers , Work , Kids , Hold , Papers , Reading , Vaccine Failure , Hysteria , Point , Treatments , Treatment , Mentioning , Results , Drug , Difference , Writing It , Lies , Scope , Misstatements , Mistakes , Booe , Test , Everything , Trace , School Closures , Listening , Starter Constitution , Europe , Faith , Conversation , Sentences , Doctors , Health , Backti , Misbehavior , Institutions , Authorities , I Don T Know , Haven T , Earlier , History , Cares , Harassment , Losers , Policies , Congrats , Result , Bad , Police , Bwe , Break , Merchandise , Tons , Store D No Supply Chain Issues , Life Insurance Policy , Policy , Retirement , Cash Payment , Income , Coventry , Life Insurance , Asset , Bills , Research , Pay , Coventry Direct , Payments , 00000 , 100000 , Screen , Policy Lapse , Insurance , Number , Worth , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , Story , Workers , Law , Term , Sheriff , Bidding Process , L A County , Trace Gallagher , Los Angeles County Board Of Supervisors , Alex Villa Nueva , Fbi , County Leaders , Department , L A County Sheriff , Chinese , Information , Shares , Land , Covid Testing , Any , Los Angeles County District Attorney , Informatn , Process , Jurisdiction , County Employees , Locations , Services , Failure , County , System , Letter , Das , Article , County Board Of Supervisors , Vetting Process , Bio Database , Companies , Data , My Jaws Open , V , Looting , Crime Wave , Precedent , Out Of Control , Stores , Stolen , Tis , Thieves , Season , Los Angeles , Cars , Retailers , Employees , Goods , Detail , Shelves , Neighborhood Pharmacies , Holidays , Sellers , Adults , Third Party , Millions , Chicago , Video , San Francisco , Epicenter , Organized Retail Crime , Industry Leaders , Images , Theirra Windows , George Soros , Senior Sergeant , Rates , Shoplifting , Proposition , Conviction , Theft , Candidate , Prosecutor , Theft Hasal , 47 , City , Retail , Shops , Empty Spaces , Bottom , Toilet , Account , Police Officer , Day Job , Native , Lieutenant , Partners , Vice President , Solution , Ability , Women , Union , Members , 2200 , Amen , Percentage , Better , D A , Republicans , Happening , Signatures , Population , 83000 , 82000 , Sideshow , Cross Section , We Don T , West Portal Area , Guts , Yours , Justice System , Post , Censorship , Joe Biden , Favor , Implications , Et Cetera , Details , Aspirin , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Ulcers , Stomach , Questions , Question , 19 , Support , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , 833 317 4673 , Six , 833 , 4673 , 317 , Calhope Org , Speech , Constitution , Rights , Amendment , Bill , Framers , Doing , Pretext , Disinformation , Commissioner , Activist , Times , Confirmation Hearing , First Amendment Rights , Federal Communications Commission , Most , Telecom Lawyer , Telecom Business , Progressive , Gg , Types , Mergers , Perch , Speech T , Public Knowledge , Georgetown , Administration , All Over The Place , Organization , Superpowerful Organization , Thehe Biden , Ways , Speech , Sorts , Degree , Fairness Doctrine , Tech Doesn T , Say , Tweets , Radical , Possibility , Heads , Coverage , Concerns , Merger , Devil , Youof Look , Facebook , Democracy , Few , Viewpoints , Impact , Channel , Hearing , View , The One Outlet , Social Media , Hearings , Chair , Acting Chair , Arm , Filth , Needle Sticking , Twitter , You N Switch , Scary Y , Lefty Y , Gethe , Ftc , His Crazed Egomania , Reporting , Somebody , Attention , Inaccuracy , Tony Fauci , Experiments , Criticism , Dogs , Phase , Credit , Glenn Greenwald , Topic , Woman , Male , Suspects , Infant , Tinted Windows , Lapd , 2229 , Sign , Proposal , Washington Post , Social Decay , Travelers , Citizens , Mexico , Vaccination Status , Covid Test , Weekend , 70 , Reaction , Yourio , Journalist , Couple , Discourse , Words , Trips , Scions , Virus , Core Freedom Of Movement , Grave Deprivation Of Liberty , Seven , Assertion , Citizen , Government Powers , Response , Demand , Civil Disobedience , Fauci For , Nonprofit Organization , Animal Rights Group , Group , Beagle Puppies , Cause , Government Expenditures , Animal Rights , Congress , Strategy , Left , Dog Cruelty , Success Stories , Taxpayer , Dr , Activism , Focus , Coalition , Agencies , Washington , Hit Piece , Fauci Neand , Journalism , Nonprofit Group , Icon , Liberal Pljournalism , Depth , Corruption , To Be With You Tucker , Enemy , Sean Hannity , Groupthink , Smugness , 8 , 00 , Judge , Stories , Health Care Workers , Tracking Multiple , Grenades , Vaccine Mandate Scheme , Vaccine Requirement , Injunction , Blow , R , Statement , Power , Executive Branch , Branch , Decision Writing , Laws ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

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almost show assuming that's what is his name. we saw clips and it transfixed us. how we wondered how a man who speak english wind up with a paying job on television? some kind of weird affirmative action program for the illiterate? but it was remarkable to see it. sentence after badly mangled sentence, he couldn't understand any of it. it was a kind of performance art, communicator wholly unable to communicate, then there was the weight lifting, something wrong with lifting weights or keeping in shape obviously but there was always something very wrong withh the videos that chrs cuomo had shot of himself and then put on the internet. imagine wanting other people to see this. >> sorry. getting a little preshow pump. cuomo prime time. 100 pounds, work it out, little bit of light stuff. news time. >> we are also using that dumbbell. >> multitasking for a real man. >> tucker: his poor staff. yes, we made fun of chris cuomo quite a bit on the show, pretty relentlessly for the past five years. he was also in the way that they tend to be incredibly self-righteous and false. here he is for example pretending to emerge from self imposed quarantine in his basement after recovering from covid. >> a huge day today, take a look at this. here is the official from the baseline. cleared by cdc, just worked out, it happens. this is what i've been dreaming of literally for weeks, this is the dream is to be back up here doing normal things. >> tucker: his poor family, he pulled them into it. we learn the whole thing was fake. chris cuomo hadn't quarantined. in fact, he'd been out and about wandering around long island without a mask yelling anyone whoo questioned him. now, no one else at the time in the media seemed bothered by this but it struck us as a big deal. but his bosses didn't care. before he knew it, he was back on television barking at you for yes not wearing a mask. >> put on a mask.t h you're in california and riverside, where the mask. you want to avoid situations like this where you live, wherea the mask. we care about doing the right things, i had the disease. you need to wear a mask and you have to take care of other people in your community and it's got to be about us because help is not going to come from >> tucker: said the guy who screamed at someone else for pointing out that he was not wearing a mask. at the time, and it seemed pretty unforgivable to us and it still does seem unforgivable but once again, his bosses weren't bothered at all. it seems there's no penalty for falseness. the only thing you can't do at cnn, the thing they will never tolerate is displeasing the g people in charge. that means not simply zucker who runs the company but the billionaires who run the country. you cross them, you are done. so this morning when we saw the "atlantic" magazine, we knew it was curtains for cuomo. it functions as a kind of modern social registry, a place where the ruling class to talk to itself and the atlantic decided it was deeply displeased chris cuomo had dared to help his brother, the former governor of new york when he was accused of sexual harassment. chris cuomo must go, the atlantic declared and in the world that he lives in, the atlantic makes the rules. and that's when for the first time ever and very unexpectedly, we started to feel sorry for chris cuomo. helping his brother is not the worst thing he ever did it in fact it may have been the best thing he ever did. not because andrew cuomo was a good person,th he certainly wast a good person but he was chris cuomo's brother and that's what you do with brothers even bothersome ones. you help them when they needed. it's called loyalty. this is an alien concept. is there a single person at cnn or any other left-wing network who would risk his job to help his own brother? above all, these people are ruthless careerists. jeff zucker told this guy to denounce his own wife on television, do you think you hesitate beforee doing it? of course he wouldn't come in out for a second. so when we tell you the media are corrupt, we don't just mean they are corrupt politically, it is much deeper than that. you don't acknowledge the most important roles in life, your first obligation is to your m family, your first obligation is not to the state, not to a political party, not to jeff, zucker or some creepy leader, it's it's not even to your own career. your most basic obligation is to the people you are related to. when they need your help no matter who they are even if you're the governor of a state, even if their horrible people, you help them anyway because it's your family. it chris cuomo may be an idiot and he is, but he understands that, what a thing to be fired for it.nd jason whitlock is the host of fearless, happy to have him join us tonight. i cannot believe opening the show with you offering a kind of defense may be not of chris cuomo himselfg who i do not lie but if his priorities when you were called upon to help your brother no matter what he's accused of, you help because he's your brother. am i missing something? >> you're not missing anything at all but i've got a completely different take on this in terms of what the overall lesson here is for both brothers. they are thes. wrong complexion and they are heterosexual for the time that they are living in and finding out you can't be woken up and they have tried to play the woke game but they are in the same crosshairs as every other heterosexual man in this country so given an opportunity to move on from governor cuomo and replace him with someone else, the state of new york did that, given an opportunity to replace chris cuomo now because he is defending his brother and is somehow run afoul of feminists and the alphabet mafia, he doesn't fit the right profile and so they're going to replace him with someone who does fit the profile. this whole diversity and inclusion and equity, the people in the crosshairs are men, heterosexual men, white men are in the crosshairs but all men, black, white, whatever, are in the crosshairs and if they can you out of a prominent spot like chris cuomo has come he will get taken out when the opportunity arises and when they have your successor in place that's what's going on with chris cuomo. >> tucker: i think i know what you're saying and i think a lot of people watching can feel that you're onto something something because it doesn't make sense on the merits. i felt it was a very big deal when chris cuomo yelled at the country for not wearing a mask when he wasn't wearing a mask but how foolish in retrospect to think near hypocrisy would be enough to get someone in trouble and a place where hypocrisy is the currencyy that they dealing every single day so of course, the actual crimes as in the case of his brother was completely ignored and unpunished so maybe there's no other explanation than the one you just offered up. >> what you're talking about and what your whole intro was about, chris cuomo is a phony person. he is living a lie to keep maintaining and keep his job. he is playing the role of an emasculated man, but what you're basicallyyi saying is this is a typical american meathead. that's who chris cuomo is and those guys no longer have standing in the woke world. they are in the crosshairs and i believe i'm in the crosshairs, you're in the crosshairs. you were at the wrong company with the wrong leadership, you will get taken out because you don't fit what i called alphabet mafia, black lives matter, the lgbtq, critical race theory. you are not on that team, you are vulnerable. chris cuomo has justst found out he has played a woke role for two or three years and made a bunch of money but over time because he just doesn't fit the profile, he is getting removed and getting embarrassed and ashamed out of his position, same as his brother. >> tucker: jason whitlock, one of the few people who will tell the truth in public in 2021, i appreciated. thank you for coming on tonight and saying that. once again, it's not a defense of chris cuomo or his awful, loathsomee brother but when your brother is in trouble, you help your brother because that's who you are loyal to period. so what happens to cnn without chris cuomo? hears exclusive footage this show has just obtained of the dwarf king and his minions putting chris cuomo in a shallow grave. of course, no one is going to be hit harder by today's news then cuomo's best on-air friend don lemon, probably will never see a moment like this again on national television. >> people have been asking me what are you going to get chris for valentine's day? so here it is, i have a card for you and there you go. >> it'ss beautiful. >> i knew you would think it's beautiful because you're surrounded. >> he didn't want your put your face and hear why, didn't fit?fu >> me loving myself, that's what we are all about. >> for the sake of valentine's day, can we stop this projection where i'm the one who is so into myself. >> tucker: looking at moments like that, you know longer really feel that sorry for chris assuming he can get a job or he's saved enough to live, at least you won't have to do that again. a radio host in the city of washington, always happy to have him join us tonight. what you make of this? >> i think i figured out by chris cuomo lift so much because he was the only guy carrying that network's ratings as small as those ratings were, the reality is chris cuomo was the only draw that network had. think about it, cnn oncehe had a legendary status has being the type of place to be to her neighbors, that's been gone fore many years now. the last big star on the network was larry king. they gave him multiple hours during prime time, that didn't work so 2018 they turned their morning guy chris cuomo and said please do something, the best i can come up with is jason whitlock said the typical american meathead was the only thing actually getting an audience and that's why when you just played that don lemon clipped, that was happening every night. the reason that was happening is because don lemon can get readings on his own. they had to have handouts just to get people to tune in to something else on the network. this isre going to be a big problem for cnn going forward. >> tucker: admittedly being the highest rated anchor on cnn is like being the best caterer use pakistan, a relative measure but he was number one and they fire the number one guy because the "atlantic" magazine told him to. it is in the supposed to be a business? you think of this as a business where the outcome is measurable, the guy with the highest ratings, but it didn't matter. >> exactly. what happens now is this kind of a good towel for what our ruling class is interested in.he elites are very insular, they don't care about what the average audience member is interested in, the way we have watched cnn the last few years as you accidentally bump to in an airport, it's not about that. it's about what do their friends of "the new york times" think you're my chris cuomo was thrown off the a ship. these are people who do not care about the average american, they care more about the people they're going to encounter at lunch probably at a place that i can't.ncob >> tucker: imagine working for a company in which your boss cares with the "atlantic" magazine thinks? it is beyond. imagine knowing someone who cares with the "atlantic" magazine thinks or reads "the new york times" and takes it seriously? so the world is very different today thanks to someone called omicron, a new variant of covid. we all have the facts straight ahead. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: by now, you've heard of the new coronavirus variant that has left south africa the husk of human misery. experts areef calling it the omicron, something that means history ending apocalypse. part of the world sadly familiar with suffering, it's like nothing you've ever seen. consider the nation of botswana, a landlocked country in southern africa about the size of france. yesterday, officials reported that two people may possibly have died from the omicron variant. now it's true that many more people in botswana died yesterday from malaria, aids, drowning, car crashes, domestic movement disputes and also because in the end, human beings tend to get old and die. statistically, that is a valid observation but it does not lessen the existential terror of knowing that it exists. as the chairman of the federal reserve announced yesterday. angst is omicron and not at all due to the criminally reckless decisions he has made personally, thanks to omicron, our economy is going to be terrible for a long time. and we are definitely going to need a lot of mail-in ballots in the coming midterm elections for your safety. and vaccines, we will need a lot more vaccines. in addition to the two you've already had, you will need a third vaccine at least. pfizer's orders. watch. >> with the new variant sweeping the globe, how do we put an end to thiss pandemic? how do we save lives and get business back to normal so everyone can put that on the table simple, the federal government needs to require vaccines including booster shots for everyoneed in america. it's time to admit we have to go to war against covid. require vaccination universally. you don't want to get vaccinated, you'd better be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in court and even then, you need to stay home until we beat this thing. >> tucker: let the military run it for the u.s. army will force you to get your third injection. that's how serious omicron is. this from the guy who demanded you keep h your money in bear stearns five days before it disappeared completely as completely as you can definitely trust what he is saying. the national media are upset about omicron.g listen to the concern. >> states and local jurisdictions and businesses that have let go of indoor mask mandates should bring it back as well as an additional step to protect against omicron. >> they are preparing for the worse potentially. heard the president yesterday to get there booster shot. >> i see those for the unvaccinated, i see many more restrictions being introduced for theho unvaccinated, where ty can go, how they can go. >> i think we may indeed be in a for a of many more masks, much more social distancing and more restrictions and obligations for vaccination going forward. >> tucker: yeah, look what's happening in botswana tonight. we are going to get more vaccines and lockdowns for anyone who resists getting the objection and we are not joking this time. omicron is here, it's a whole new pandemic. so to assess just how terrified you ought to be in this moment, we are joined tonight by the world's premier covert reporter whose brilliant new book is out today and is on sale. thank you so much, congratulations on the book, thanks for joining us tonight. we are being told that omicron which apparently has destroyed the continent of africa is a justification for a brand-new set of restrictions, vaccines, lockdowns. assessr this, if you would. >> this is a joke, it's a joke and people are no longer scared, no longer fooled by it. they have no idea if this variant is more dangerous are less dangerous and in fact, the people who have treated people with that say it's less dangerous. they say it's milder. it looks like a spike in cases that looks scary about a week ago or ten days ago may haveit been due to an artifact in testing may be the south africans started to accept antigen tests which are cheaper and easier to perform and there may have been a whole bump of those so this might not even spread more rapidly. it is as different as they're saying, vaccinations aren't going to work very well against we all know that they fail in a matter of months against infection and transmission after the second dose and it looks like delta is worse in terms of being able to evade vaccinations, a debate about that but this is more highly mutated, you would expect it to be even more able to evade vaccines that in fact, said a few hours ago that he thought or his scientists are saying that they are of course going to need a new booster, going to need to figure out a new mrna jab for this. so this is nonsense and the real reason for it is probably twofold. nobody wants to get boosters, threefold. b, the vaccine mandates are collapsing and now all three of themb, have been stated by fedel judges on the federal contracting mandates are all on hold so there's no mandates right now in the united states and people don't want to get their kids vaccinated and the powers that be are very well aware that vaccines are failing and they want to blame this thing and it's not going to work, people are done being scared and frankly, i'm so busy reading scientific papers that people send me and trying to figure out what's really going on with vaccine failure, but i had no idea the hysteria was like this, it's insane. >> tucker: i just can't resist. you are really worried about this new variant, where is the point of the pandemic where we talk about treatments for people who have been infected? people who have been vaccinated are getting infected, why is no one even mentioning -- where's the treatment? >> so there is a treatment from pfizer, i almost hesitate to say but there's a new drug for the early results look very good and we will see if that actually makes a difference. here's the thing about, the booe that is out today. in writing it, i've really got to look at the scope of the last two years and the lies and the misstatements and mistakes and how they were wrong about school closures, wrong about test and trace, they appear to be have been very wrong about vaccines, they've been wrong about everything. they are never held accountable and at some point, people are just going to stop listening. i think it's happening more quickly in the united states because we have a starter constitution and i have to believe it's going to happen in europe too. >> tucker: you've got to think. this is such a longer conversation i hope you'll come backti for one but just in three sentences, people's faith in public health authorities and doctors which i think we really need, we need faith in those institutions seems to be evaporating very quickly because of their misbehavior. do they understand that? >> i don't know, but they need to and if you read the book, you will understand why there they have been wrong, haven't admitted they've been wrong and they are doubling down on it. we talked about this earlier, we cannot let them walk away from this, we cannot let them try to rewrite history. the losers don't get to rewrite history. >> tucker:st exactly right. cares about facts and has been through relentless harassment because of it. it's out today, we appreciate your coming on tonight, congrats on the book. >> thank you so much. >> tucker: meanwhile as a result of bad and intentionally bad policies, they've never seen before. all over the united states, obviously organized, who is behind it? a senior police has looked into it. by the way, you can head over during the break, tons of merchandise in the store.d no supply chain issues. bwe will be right back. ♪ ♪ do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? 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anything is possible. >> tucker: again, thank you for your firsthand account of this, it's hard to know, you're a police officer there. how frustrating is this for you to watch? >> for me, it's very frustrating because i'm a native here, born and raised. the time i did spend before i was promoted to lieutenant which is my day job, i see all of this in real m time and it is concerning. i see this when i'm working, i see it when i'm off duty, i see this as a vice president of the union representing the men and women trying to serve the city to the best of their ability, i don't know about our other partners, but we have a problem, recognize we have a problem and let's get with solution. >> tucker: are you confident they could fix it if they were allowed to fix it? >> yes, i am, very confident because we have 2200 members who come in day in and day out who do their job and to make the city better. >> tucker: amen. that's the whole point of government is to make the lives of the people who live in your city better. i've got to ask what percentage of the population, people who live in san francisco are frustrated by this? >> i will say a lot now, you mention the d.a., the recall that is happening, 83,000 signatures, they want to blame republicans. we don't have 82,000 republicans. no, we don't. so with the cross-section of people who are now set up. the west portal area just had a sideshow which had set people off so we know what we need to do, let's just have the guts to do it and stop talking about it. it's incredibly frustrating, even as frustrated as we are, we are still willing to show up and to do our job and i wish our other partners in the justice system would just do theirs. >> tucker: you've certainly done yours tonight. we are grateful you came on tonight and i hope that makes a difference. i bet it will. >> i hope so too, thank you. >> tucker: amen. in addition to everything else, joe biden has just nominated someone strongly in favor of censorship to a key post that regulates media. this could have massive implications what you're allowed to say out loud, et cetera, et cetera. we've got the details straight ahead. ♪ ♪ your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. >> tucker: first amendment to the bill of rights could not be clearer, the government may not regulate political speech. that is the very first thing the framers of our constitution prohibits the federal government from doing. regulating political speech, ever since some people have been working to get around that. it's disinformation they tell you. a that is the latest pretext for violating your first amendment rights. joe biden has just nominated a pro-censorship activist to become a commissioner at the federal communications commission. her confirmation hearing is for censorship and has done so many times online. long before most of us ever heard of her and we are happy to have her join us tonight. thank you so much for hanging on. i'm doing great. so who is gg shown? >> telecom lawyer, activist, essentially a far left progressive inin the telecom business and she comes out against mergers but she advocates for certain types of speech t from her perch. i thinknk she's at georgetown, n something called public knowledge, george soros backed organization. he's all over the place in thehe biden administration. one of the things i think that's scary about this is the federal communications commission is a superpowerful organization. it affects all sorts of business, affects our lives in so many different ways from everything from what we received here and that includes to a degree speech.y not totally regulated in the same ways by the fairness doctrine and could have a say in what tech does and what tech doesn't allow on and could have a say theoretically if she pushes and she is a radical what you're seeing on the air right now. it is not beyond the possibility and she is really scary. put up the tweets. i've been following her for so long because her and i butted heads on some of my coverage of a merger last year and thinks i'm the devil, but if youof look at some of these tweets, they are fascinating. for all of my concerns about facebook fox news' had the most -- few if any opposing -- negative impact on the democracy. viewpoints. where's the hearing about that you met she was literally calling for a hearing on fox news about fox news because she doesn't what we say. >> tucker: the one outlet on television. one channel that you subscribe to has a different view and she thinks we need hearings to shut it down. >> do you still want me to believe that social media is more dangerous to our democracy than fox news? you have to say something like that, you have to be deranged, he might have a needle sticking out of your arm for you are out there, more dangerous than, the filth we see every day on twitter and facebook, it's really sick. so here's the thing, nominated by the commissioner, not the chair. they are looking to make the chair, the current acting chair the permanent chair, however, a lot of people think that biden is going to pull the switch like he did at the ftc, another lefty.y. when both gethe confirmed, you n switch and make her the chair and that's going to be really scary.y. >> tucker: let's hope that somebody can stop this. i appreciate it, thank you for reporting on this, good to see you. for all the attention that tony fauci has received for his lying, his inaccuracy, his crazed egomania, he's gotten little credit for the grotesque experiments on dogs that he has supported it turns out anyone who h notes this set against ths phase is an awful lot of criticism. glenn greenwald on the topic he knows a lot about straight ahead. >> tucker: fox news alert, new video into us from los angeles that shows two men targeting a woman in her infant as they returned to their home according to the l.a.p.d., both suspects are described as a male, black, 2229 with tinted windows. that's awful. another sign of social decay. another fox news alert, by the way, "the washington post" reporting right now the biden administration is apparently debating a proposal to require all travelers entering this country to quarantine for seveny days regardless of vaccination status and regardless of a negative covid test. this would apply to everyone including u.s. citizens, does not apply to people who comee here illegally but for people who fly to the bahamas or mexico or any other country in the world over the weekend, it would definitely apply to them. 70 quarantine. we will keep you posted on that. glenn greenwald is an independent journalist, we've got a couple of things to talk to him about the just want to welcome him now, thank you for joining so what is your reaction is an american who lives abroad, what is yourio reaction to this? >> i was just thinking about that, i had several trips planned and it is hard to express or put into words how divorced the discourse around covid is from the scions we are all supposed to follow. you have a negative test, if you are vaccinated, what conceivable justification is there for even considering such a grave deprivation of liberty has forcing you for seven days to lose the core freedom of movement over a virus that we are told there is an effective vaccine for? if you like we are being trained to accept an assertion without even questioning it any longer >> tucker: that's exactly right. as a citizen, what is the appropriate response to a demand like that, do you think? >> i do think there's going to have to be a serious show of civil disobedience, there's no way to resist government powers that's become abusive except for citizens banding together and refusing to obey them, they cannot force people to do that if that happens. >> tucker: i agree with you completely on that. i have to ask you about this story. of all the things people criticize fauci for, the one that enrage "the washington post" the most is when a nonprofit organization demonstrated that fauci had supported cruel and scientifically pointless experiments on dogs. "the washington post" promptly attacked the group that expose this. why would the post be so quick to defend cruel and needless experiments on beagle puppies?d >> there's an animal rights group that has done an ingenious strategy where they have joined the left and the right in congress by fusing the cause of animal rights and dog cruelty, two wasteful government expenditures byau saying the government is using taxpayer dollars to fund gruesome experiments. they havete been denouncing this for years, praised by "the washington post" grabs one of the rare success stories in washington of a bipartisan coalition, suddenly prepared a hit piece on them why? because now the focus on the activism is the fact that these experiments the which are not just gruesome but totally unnecessary is being overseen by agencies controlled by dr. fauci neand funded by dr. fauci on "the washington post" is willing to protect the government and these gruesome experiments call to prevent any criticism being attached to anthony fauci. it is a complete abusive journalism to attack the small nonprofit group that has a great cause simply because their work might reflect on someone who is now an icon of liberal pljournalism. >> tucker: that is the depth of corruption right there. but you're right, counterproductive. because they certainly won my support. glenn greenwald great to see you as it always is. many people listening tonight. great to see you has it always is, thanks a lot. >> good to be with you tucker, thanks. >> tucker: we are out of time. of course, we will be back every night 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn insincere enemy of lying, smugness, and groupthink. have the best night. sean hannity takes over now. >> sean:r thank you, tucker and welcome to hannity. tracking multiple developing stories breaking earlier today, another major blow for biden's vaccine mandate scheme, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction blocking biden's nationwide vaccine requirement for health care workers, the people diving on covid grenades every day to save our lives and other judge issued a powerful statement supporting his decision writing "if the executive branch is allowed to assert the power of the legislative branch to make laws, two of the three powers conferred by our constitution

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