Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

of omicron which has also surfaced in belgium, israel and hong kong. no cases have yet been reported in the u.s. new york governor kathy hoe cull has issued an emergency hospital order limiting elective surgeries just in case. president biden with these words of caution as he and the world await more answers on the new strain. >> we don't know a lot about the variant except that it is of great concern, seems to spread rapidly. arthel: we have live fox news team coverage. jacqui heinrich, she's with the president, and we're going to first start with jonathan serrie who is live in atlanta, home of the cdc. jonathan, what do you have for us? >> reporter: hi there, arthel. the governor of new york did sign that executive order postponing elective searchings at hospitals -- surgeries at hospitals that have limited capacity in her state. the move was designed to free up hospital space for a potential surge in covid-19 patients in the coming weeks. it takes effect december 43rd and will be concern 3rd and will be value waited-- reevaluated january 15th. while the new omicron variant has yet to be detected in new york state, it's coming. so far the u.s. has reported no cases of this new variant first identified in south africa, but dr. anthony fauci says he wouldn't be surprised if it's the already here. >> we have not detect thed it yet, but when you have a virus that is showing this degree of transmissibility and you're already having travel-related cases that they've noted in israel, belgium and in other places, when you have a virus like this, it almost invariably, ultimately, is going to go essentially all over. >> reporter: to protect yourself against omicron, cdc recommends the same strategies for earlier versions of the coronavirus such as physical distancing, wearing masks in public indoor settings in communities with high transmission rates. health experts also recommend vaccinations and boosters for those who are eligible. moderna has announced it's already testing the availability of its current covid vaccine to neutralize the omicron variant. the company is also evaluating a higher dose booster as well as developing a my booster that -- new booster that specifically targets the new variant. a new booster would likely take anywhere from 2-3 months to get to the point of human trials, arthel. arthel: jonathan serrie there live many atlanta, thank you. molly? molly: in addition to travel restrictions, president biden is calling for more people in the u.s. to get vaccinated and follow up with booster shots to protect against the new strain. the president is also reacting to the markets tanking yesterday on news of omicron variant. jacqui heinrich is live on nantucket in massachusetts where the president is spending the holiday weekend. >> reporter: hey, molly. president biden said that he was not concerned or surprised to see the response in the stock market, also saying that this is what typically happens when covid is on the rise. but he encouraged americans to get their vaccines and those who have already had them to get their booster shots saying that there's just a lot we don't know about this variant. >> every american that's not been vaccinated should be responsible and get vaccinated. number two, everyone eligible for the booster shot should get the booster shot. [inaudible] that is minimum that everyone should be doing. i don't think this is about freedom, i think it's a pate to rottic responsibility. -- patriotic responsibility. >> reporter: whether vaccines are effective, the president made the decision to shut down travel from south africa and seven neighboring countries, we are toll, out of an abundance of caution. the restrictions were announced quickly but don't take effect until monday. some medical experts say that will considerably lessen their benefit, and just one cay after dr. fauci tried to quell concerns saying there's no indication it's in the u.s., one day later, today, he appeared to reverse course saying he would be surprised if it wasn't here already. looks like we don't have that sound bite there, my mistake. centers for disease control said today no cases of the variant have been identified in the united states. the ckc is continuously working to monitor variants and surveillance system that has detected variants in the country will likely detect omicron as it appears here. the president also making sure to, as this news breaks, talk about the rising gas prices and efforts the administration is taking to bring them down. he referred to an effort to make last week, releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the nation's emergency stockpile in order to bring down gas prices. and in a message to holiday shoppers about importance of shopping small despite all this inflation saying that there is some relief on way for gas prices hopefully to come down soon, molly? molly: jack key hine -- jacqui heinrich, we appreciate it. thanks. arthel? arthel: all right, thank you. for more on omicron variant, let's bring in a professor at ucra department the of end epidemiology. -- ucla. i'm so glad to to speak to you, doctor. it appears to be highly contagious among young people. how young, i ask, and when will we know if our current vaccine will protect us from this new variant? >> well, hi, arthel, thanks for having me here and, of course, this is a big question. all of these questions you just asked are really important. how concerned should we be, the answer is we don't actually know at this point. we should be concerned but we shouldn't be panicking. we know that there's a variant that has been identified now, and it does appear to be spreading somewhat rapidly from the data that we have from south africa. and it does have evidence that it cannot only affect vaccinated, but reinfect people who have had virus previously. the reason scientists are are particularly concerned because what they've seen is that there's several mutations on the spike protein. and it's that the spike protein that allows the virus to get into the cells. so there's some, there's a cause for concern. but we don't have enough information yet to be able to truly understand the scope of the threat. this is a situation where forewarned is forearmed. arthel: in early reports, and you're expert here, saying there may be a ms. as 30 of -- as many as 30 of those spikes on omicron. i was boeing to ask you, doctor -- going to ask you if we should assume it's already in the u.s., but we see c. fauci saying he wouldn't be surprised if it already is here. what does this mean for the millions of people traveling this weekend and through christmas and new year's? >> listen, i agree with dr. fauci. likelihood is the virus is already here. we're starting to see wherever you shine a flashlight, you're likely going to find something out there. in terms of what it means right here, listen, we have the tools to be able to prevent virus from spreading. people should get vaccinated if they're not. it's a great way to reduce the probability of getting this virus. you should also get boosted if you are eligible for that booster right now. you can also put in all of these other protections that we know make a difference. wear a mask if you're in a crowded area. stay distant from people that aren't from your own household. move outdoors where you can. there's so many things that we know how to do already, and those things will make a difference whether it's this variant or another. but the bottom line is we still need to learn a lot more about this variant, do what we can to get in front of it so we're not constantly chasing behind it like we've done with every other variant. arthel: yeah. and you mentioned wearing masks. remind people the correct way to wear a mask and exactly, you know, you've got all these people acting absolutely crazy on airplanes because they're being told to wear a mask. remind us, again, how to wear it and really do the masks work. >> so the best way to wear a mask, the correct way, is to make sure that it is covering your nose and your mouth. and, of course, surgical masks and those kn95 masks are much more effective than cloth masks. so the higher the quality, the better you are, but it's got to cover your nose and your mouth. i just recently traveled, i was just back in the democratic republic of congo, travel thed through europe, so there was a wide variety of people wearing masks on airplanes. you're in close proximity, so it's a good idea to have extra layers of protection. there's nothing like added layers to prevent potential of spread. arthel: absolutely. and, listen, there have been other variants in between delta and omicron. explain why these different variants continue to crop up. >> well, the thing is about this virus just like other viruses, the more opportunity it has to spread, the more opportunity it has to replicate. and when it replicates, it mutates. when it mutates, vernallingly you may end up with a mutation that makes it more contagious, makes it more lethal, makes it have more severe disease or could potentially evade the immune responses general rated by the vaccines and also reduce the effectiveness of treatments like monoclonal antibodies. so we really need to monitor this and get these cases down. fewer cases we have, the less opportunity we're giving this virus to be able to replicate, mutate and end up with new variants that can give cuts headaches like this one in particular. arthel: this one is bothersome. so your vaccines, your boosters and wear the masks. dr. anne, really glad to talk to you. take care. >> nice to be here. molly: a week after a loaded gun in a passenger's bag set off a panic at a busy atlanta airport, officials in boston announcing they stopped a woman with a loaded gun tucked into her carry-on bag. they say it happened at logan airport day before thanksgiving, one of the busiest travel days of the year. and it is not just atlanta or boston. alexandria hoff is live in washington with more on this. >> reporter: yeah, this is happening all over. the tsa is reporting a 20-year high in the number of weapons con first candidated with atlanta's hartfield jackson airport holding the record now with more than 450 guns found this year. we mentioned last saturday holiday travelers were scrambling when a passenger was pulled aside for a secondary screening and lunged for the loaded gun inside if, causing it to discharge. three people were injured, and that man is still at large. on tuesday the tsa in idaho found two load guns. in pittsburgh on wednesday, 3 2nd gun of year was found there complete with 3 -- six bullets and one in the chamber. new england posted this tweet with the loading they found this loaded .357 magnum inside of a woman's carry-on bag wednesday. they've detected 16 firearms at boston's logan airport so far this year. it's taxing an already covid-strained industry. the past is warning passengers they need to know these policies before heading to the airport. >> if you are traveling, for example, with items that are not allowed in carry-on luggage, that includes things like self-defense items, knives, tools over 7 inches, we see those all the time. those belong in your checked baggage. >> reporter: in order to fly with a firearm, it must be checked in a locked hard container and, of course, can never be loaded. molly? molly: goes to show you those tsa agents are doing a lot of work out there in catching a lot of dangerous items. alexandria hoff, thanks very much. arthel: why are you carrying a load gun on a plane? don't get it. california's crack coupe on smash and grabs is not going as some officials hoped. los angeles saw more grab and go robberies on black friday, and the city and state continues to combat a rise in brazen looting and other crimes. we'll talk about that coming up next. ♪ ♪ and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. 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[background sounds] molly: police say the 10-year-old child is at a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries after being struck by a bullet that ricocheted. a mall worker describing the chaos. >> i heard, like, three, four hots, you know what i'm saying? and i saw people just start running toward me, about to trample me. i grabbed my girl, e and we just went straight to the emergency room. molly: and across country in washington, one person hospitalized with serious injuries. law enforcement still looking for the shooter. arthelsome. arthel: molly, thank you. smash and grab thieves struck again hitting a home depot time in southern california and other area stores just yesterday. this wave of looting has also been hitting north northern california. police at both ends of state are stepping up patrols, and stores are looking to increase security. christina coleman is hive in los angeles with more. -- live in los angeles with more. >> reporter: hi, arthel. speaking of security, we have a tragic update to one of those crimes. oakland pd has confirmed the security guard who was shot wednesday has died. the security firm that he worked for has identified him as kevin nishi, a, he is a retired police officer with a wife, two kids and three grandchildren. no arrests were made in the downtown oakland shooting. now, this happened after a week of rampant flash mob thefts and smash and grab robberies in multiple locations up and down the state. in southern california last night, a group of 15-20 the suspects stole crowbars, mall especiallies and sledgehammers before jumping into getaway vehicles. and in los angeles, groups of robbers have been targeting nordstroms and cvs pharmacies. a large group entered a store on black friday near beverly hills and got away with items adding to the tens of thousands in stolen merchandise this week. critics say a reference couple for stolen items worth a value of $950 or less is leading to the surge in organized retail crime. >> i think the other thing that's going on is we see a lot of prosecutors who don't necessarily make sensible charging decisions. i think when people lose respect for the law, they don't fear capture or punishment, this is sort of thing that we see. so i think all politicians would be well advised to make sure we have stiff sentences in place, and prosecutors would be well advised to take these crimes seriously. >> reporter: law enforcement has beefed up patrols at some shopping centers, but at this point dozens of smash and grab robbery suspects are still on the loose with no sign of this crime slowing down. arthel? arthel: it really breaks my heart about the security guard. very sorry for his family. christina coleman, thank you. molly. molly: white house standing by its push to end cash bail after the waukesha massacre pushed that back into the spotlight. darrell brooks jr. is accused of running his suv through a holiday parade just two weeks after his $1,000 bail for allegedly trying to run over his ex-girlfriend. a criminal defense attorney joins us now, former assistant u.s. attorney. thank you so much for a few minutes on holiday weekend. you've seen both sides as defense attorney and prosecutor, so it'll be great to get your insight on this issue. essentially talking about bail reform. there are activists, the aclu, white house, that have argued that cash bail can be done without. white house official telling fox news it just means that whether you get bail should be based on the threat you pose and not how much money you have in your bank account. your thoughts. >> yeah, and i think that's really the answer. if you look at what happened with this horrible tragedy at parade in wisconsin, there's no reason there should have been $1,000 cash bail. the issue was he was a security threat, and this is maybe another example of prosecutors take domestic violence not seriously enough. folks who commit violence in the home are much more likely to commit it elsewhere. and so if he'd had a system that wasn't just focused on whether you could pay money to get out of jail, but on whether or not he was a security threat and should be detained, the outcome is much more likely to protect the public. that's what the white house is arguing for here. molly: when we talk waukesha, this horrific, heart-breaking crime happening right before the holidays, and it's garnered all the focus back on to bail reform, but we've seen violent crimes across the country increasing. fbi data showing a rise in murders by nearly 30%, the overall violent crime rate is up as well, robbery, rape, between 2019-2020. is there the political will right now to make a big change when it comes to cash bail and end bail reform overall? >> i think difference between political question and the practical question is if you look at how the federal system operates, and the fbi goes and takes out international terrorists or drug traffickers and they go into federal court, federal court uses a system that looks at two questions; is this person dangerous that they release into the community, and will they come back to count. so focusing on those questions has allowed at least in the federal system that process to work pretty well. states don't do that. it's run in a very haphazard fashion, and when you see tragedies like this where people who longer than just putting a dollar sign on that bond, if they looked at their prior history and say, wait a minute, this is not someone who should be out on bail. i think if the discussion becomes around what steps are you taking to keep the community safe beyond just a dollar sign, i think ultimately there might be political will to do that. molly: yeah. there are a lot of people who argue that this is basically a big moneymaker, that's what cash bail is. hundreds of thousands of people are sitting in jail all across country not yet proven guilty, so they're still awaiting trial, but they argue that the system has, quote, forced into widespread incarceration. so what can be done about inequity in the system and also to insure that people who are truly dangerous to the public remain behind barsesome. >> i think it's, you know, the first i'm i had a client or family member who wanted their cousin or someone gets in trouble and they realize the question of whether or not they stay in jail has nothing to do with the crime they committed, it has to do with the amount of money that family can put up through a bail bondsman. and hose families are make huge amounts of money off this question, and may take ma -- they make that whether or not someone is kept out of jail or in jail. so transitioning to purely your pocketbook determines whether you get out to a system that says are you someone who is a danger to this community is, i think, going to ultimately help public safety. molly: a lot of critics will push back because we've seen this rise in crime, so that's why i'm talking about sort of politics and how things get done. you know, what -- how do you find and push for change when you're facing sort of all these different kind of challenges and different policies when it comes to defund police? you know, we're in this very strange time where there's a lot of head butting. >> i think anytime you talk about public safety in the context of the criminal justice system, you have to figure out where to put those resources. and if we're putting resources on people who don't need to be in jail because they don't serve as a risk and at the same time we're neglecting to put people in jail who need to be, that's a misallocation of those resources. so we have to recognize that if we focus on dangerousness to the community, keep those people locked up pending rile, the community's much better off in the end. molly: alex little, your experience is appreciated, and we thank you for your insight. >> thank you. molly: arthel? arthel: i want to make a correction. i had name of the officer wrong. his name is officer kevin nishita, a former police officer who died after having been shot many one of those horrible smash and grab robberies. so we wish the best to officer's family. meanwhile, consumers feeling the squeeze from inflation every time they see prices at gas pump and the grocery store, but there's also shrink-flation. our next guest is going to explain what that is coming up next. ♪ ♪ men, you need to get off the couch and get with the program. with golo, i lost 50 pounds. it feels really good to be able to button your jacket and not worry about it blowing up. -(laughs) -go to to lose weight and get healthier. ♪ arthel: moneyed to state the obvious, but here we go from gas to groceries and everything in between, prices are up, and americans are feeling the country. the labor department reports the annual inflation rate surged to 6.2% in october. this is biggest monthly rise in more than 30 years. many economists say it's likely to get worse before it gets better. and ebb then there's what our -- and then there's what our next guest calls shrink flation. charles, explain. >> great to be with you, arthel. yes, it's this idea -- or it's actually happened across the country where manufacturers are giving less product for the same price. and so when you look at different products whether they're bounty paper towels, toilet paper, cereal, you're seeing a decreased product size, but you're paying the same price and it's unfortunate because, as you mentioned, you see it at the gas pump, but you don't see. the shrink-fla,jtion really sneaks you want on them -- sneaks up on them just because product you're used to buying is reduced in size. arthel: listen, president biden and some economists say this pandemic will continue to drive inflation. so how does this new variant, omicron, factor in? >> well, i think, you know, what we saw during the kind of height of the pandemic was a lot of people staying home, and we saw the shutdowns. unfortunately, i cothink that -- i heard an analogy that said the world was at a red light, and once we opened back up, it was a green light, everybody came rushing in. and that furthered this problem when it comes to the supply chain and demand. we might see that again. that's why we hope to see things change, some of the regulation's change. we often see the ships waiting outside in the water, let's bring them to texas, elsewhere to continue the flow of supply chain to reduce the burden, reduce the pressure and reduce the cost. arthel: i get it. i'm all for bringing it to texas and louisiana, for that matter, but then you've got the shortage of drivers. so you bring the stuff into those ports, how does it get to other parts of the country? >> you know, you exactly right, and i think we need to start encouraging work again. a lot of what we've seen, we saw $6 trillion up until this point of government spending. some of it was necessary, some people argue that some of it was not, but what we have seen is that, you know, we've seen growth of guaranteed the basic income in cities, other spending such as the stimulus checks coming out. we need to really be encouraging able-bodied adultso get back to work. we've seen the unemployment rate decline, but we still have a lot of able-bodied adults who are not employed. filling these jobs, i think, is exactly what we need to further reduce that burden, and that will bring back the truck drivers and folks at grocery stores. here in houston you often see on the news there's short supply for waiters and waitresses, so waits at restaurants are longer, so it's the encouraging those people to come back to work. arthel: is there any sector or the country or business that's feeling it more than otherses? besides getting people to work, is there another work-around, charles? >> well, one note i did want to make is that recently there was a story here in, about central texas food bank which has seen a heavy burden because of the increase in inflation. and what they've been doing, obviously, is serving folks who are in need, and in the region that they serve, 1 in 5 children are food insecure. so they were saying they're seeing $1 million per month in spending to try to feed these familiesings and that's up from $100,000 per month prior to the pandemic. and they associate a lot of these costs to inflation and having to pay more to assemble these food, the food trays to give out to folks. so you are seeing i think largely in the food sector that's where a lot of the burden is. arthel: yeah. and, listen, the holidays always a good time to give to food banks but especially now because there are a lot of people who are really dependent on them and many times often for the first time. how long do you think this is going to last, charles? >> well, doesn't look like an end is in immediate sight. general mills released a report in june where they expected it to continue to increase through 2022 and to combat that, they made note that they were doing pricing restructuring, some of their cereal, they were going to decrease the size to still maintain supply and not increase the cost on folks. so it seems like we're in for a long haul, and unfortunately for a lot of people, it's eroding savings, eroding financial gains they may have made. so i think we're going to be in for a tough time, but hopefully we can start to see some things turn around when supply chain starts to gear up and we start seeing these ships go to texas and elsewhere, but for the time being, it seems like we're in for a long haul. arthel: oh, boy. i guess we'll have to leave it there. charles blaine, i was hoping to end it on a better note, but it is what it is, as they say. you take care, you and your family. thanks, charles. mollyily. molly: the star of afghan traditional music reuniting with his family here in america after threats from the taliban forced him to go into hiding. he escaped afghanistan with the help of fox news, and he arrived in the u.s. in october. bryan llenas got a chance to sit down with him and one of his sons, a musician himself, to discuss the journey and their hopes for the future. >> reporter: we were there when ahmad reunite with his son here in new york. the family believes as long as afghan music continues, there is hope for a better future in afghanistan. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: he's one of afghanistan's most famous musicians. >> it's my life and my love. music is my love. ♪ ♪ >> he was a judge on the tv singing competition store afghan star. >> he is pretty famous, i would say. >> reporter: ahmad's son is himself a renowned classical pianist who's been studying in the u.s. for six years. they reunited in new york city after five years apart. >> for me, it was unbelievable. i couldn't believe that i was hugging him. >> i was very excited to see my son after five years. >> reporter: ahmad fled afghanistan in august after the taliban left a threatening note on his instrument case. >> did you believe the taliban was going to kill you? >> maybe, maybe. >> reporter: the last time taliban ruled afghanistan, music was illegal. >> it was extremely difficult for us to even practice. so my tad was practicing very privately. >> reporter: scared, the family contact canned leslie rosenning that would, the coo of julliard school. she reached out to fox corporation which was able to get ahmad, his daughter, son-in-law and three grandkids out of the country. >> for afghan music to be safe in exile in other countries means that afghan music will continue. ♪ >> days after reuniting, ahmad watched his son perform at a fundraiser for afghan refugees in new york. ♪ ♪ >> when i listen to him, it gives me chills. he sings with love, and i think that's the most important part of him. >> reporter: he's especially grateful to u.s. veterans. his message to them is don't lose hope, don't think you did nothing. he says thanks to u.s. troops his family and afghan music have hope for that better future. molly? molly: bryan, i love this story. thank you so much for getting out there and doing this on thanksgiving weekend. it reminds me how lucky i feel, and i'm glad the family is here safe as well. >> reporter: thank you, molly. i feel the same way. thank you so much. molly: arthel? arthel: preserve the music. we have some unfortunate and sad news now. former maryland police chief charles moose, known for his role in the washington, d.c. sniper attacks, has died at the age of 68. he passed away at his home on thanksgiving day. charles moose was portland, oregon's, first black police chief. he later became chief of the montgomery county police department where he led a mull i agency task force during that especially challenging time. you may remember two snipers terrorized the nation's capital for three weeks in the fall of 2002, killing ten people in ran done shootings. colleagues described charles moose as a great leader with a servant's heart. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. my go to toothpaste thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. ♪ ♪ ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused, you want it, say so♪ ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ new cheetos boneless wings exclusively at applebee's for a limited time. muck. arthel: the family of a missing ohio army national guard specialist is now pleading for her safe return. michaela nelson last spoke with family members on october 26th in a text exchange with her grandmother. melson had completed training weeks earlier at fort jackson in south carolina, but she failed to return to her daytona-based unit. so anyone with information on michaela nelson's whereabouts is asked to call the columbus police department, and here's the number for you to call. it's 614-645-4545. molly: well, senators heading back to washington after this thanksgiving break, they are ready to debate the president's build back better plan. senate majority leader chuck schumer has said he wants to see this big social spending bill passed before christmas, but several things still need to be hashed out. we have podcast host jamie weinstein joining us on likelihood of all of this happening. jamie, it's great to be with you on this thanksgiving weekend. we appreciate you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. molly: what are your thoughts? is there a chance this gets done before christmas? >> well, you know, i would have thought there was a better chance before yesterday, frankly. i think omicron, this variant, could potentially change things. obviously, you got huge voters mt. senate, joe manchin and key stint cinema -- kyrsten sinema, senator manchin has been wary of this bill to begin with. he's called for a pause at times worried about inflation, worried about the debt. of course, the department was high before the pandemic, then $5.a 5 trillion almost $4 trillion bipartisan making the debt higher, so he was worried about that. and then you throw this in omicron, and i do think it might give him the out that he might be looking for because it raises the specter that, you know, whether it's omicron, maybe that turns out not to be as dangerous as some are afraid it might be, but it raises the specter that there might be a variant that emerges that puts us into lockdown for a period of time and the congress and senate having to come back and spend more money to keep the economy afloat. and i think that might give joe manchin a pause, whether he wants new spending when there's still this risk that perhaps congress is going to have to spend more like they did during the pandemic. molly: i think you answered half of the questions that the i had here on my notes that i wanted to be sure to hit. you mentioned the two famous names, joe manchin and kirstin sin marx of course, uniquely powerful moderates. there's a lot of give and take that goes on sometimes in these associations could be in washington, but there are a few things that have high hopes for democrats, they'd like to see immigration, climate initiatives, so there are some chips that might be bargained back and forth. what are some of the hurdles that some of the democrats leaning to the left will have to get over in order to keep or drop some of these things going forward? what gets slashed? >> the problem is the conflicting agendas and conflicting goals, that even as this moves forward -- forget about omicron for a second -- that they would have to overcome. kyrsten sinema likes kind of the initiatives to fight climate change. joe manchin doesn't like those initiatives. so the vote with these senators who are difficult to get over the line, they also have competing, different agendas. so if you ameliorate some of joe manchin's concerns, that might upset kyrsten sinema, so it's a balancing act where you have different priorities for different senators to get their vote, and how to you balance it all as you get all 50 democrat senators to vote on it. molly: i'm from west virginia, so it's fascinating to see how powerful our senators at least in recent history have been. i do want to hit the coronavirus, and you brought up the new variant, its potential impact on the economy and what that could mean for this build back better plan, for the hopes there, because it could be a conflicting situation, you know? you see a lot of fear in the economy that could change what people are willing to do when it comes to this new plan. so how big of an impact could it potentially have? >> yeah, i'll be interested to see what joe manchin says this week. because i really do think that could change everything entirely. whether this becomes worrisome variant that some believe or not, it raises that specter that, you know, there could be a variant that emerges where it puts economy on lockdown again. congress needs to spend money, and they're spending another $1.a 5 trillion here, you know, that's less firepower than they actually have to help prop up the economy if it merges, and i think that's something that joe manchin seems particularly concerned about. so i'd be interested to hear how he responds to omicron variant. molly: yeah, we're talking about what it could potentially mean if health wise but also politically, economyically. jamie weinstein, we appreciate your insight tonight. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. molly: arthel? arthel: molly, thank you. jamie, thank you as well. well, u.s. is keeping a close eye on ukraine as russia masses troops near border, and new president there is calling for a coup. claiming a coup planned against his government. that's what he's saying. we're going to find out all the latest on this developing and concerning situation. ♪ ♪ my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward. they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement. ♪ arthel: ukraine's president says his intelligence officers have uncovered a plot to overthrow his government and that russia and the richest man in ukraine are behind it. moscow and that oligarch denying any involvement is. kitty logan is live in london with more. kitty? >> reporter: hi, arthel. well, the ukrainian president offered no evidence to back his claims that the coup is in the planning, but nato says it is very concerned about this russian military buildup close to the ukrainian border. in recent weeks, there has been a noticeable increase in the movement of russian troops and heavy weaponly bordering territory held by russian-backed rebels in eastern ukraine. russia's intention is not clear. they say its military movements on it owner story is completely normal, but of course we all remember when russia forcibly annexed crimea in 2014, the international community then responded with sanctions, but it was powerless to prevent happening and not long afterwards we saw russian-backed rebels seizing power in parts of eastern ukraine leading to this ongoing conflict with the ukrainian military. it's cost 14,000 lives to date, and despite an official ceasefire, recent reports indicate rising techs and repeatedded violations of that peace deal. now, u.s. supports the yea croon -yard line military with equipment and training, but it has stopped short of more direct involvement. nato says monitoring situation very closely, but the question is what can or would nato coin the face of further russian moves. arthel? arthel: that is question. kitty logan live in london, thank you very much, kitty. we'll be right back. t over yet. this cyber monday is your last chance to score big online starting sunday night. don't miss out on walmart's deals for days. ♪ ♪ going to tell you about exciting medicare advantage plans that can provide broad coverage, and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits. but you have to meet a deductible for each, and then you're still responsible for 20% of the cost. next, let's look at a medicare supplement plan. as you can see, they cover the same things as original medicare, and they also cover your medicare deductibles and co-insurance. but, they often have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. now, let's take a look at humana's medicare advantage plans. with a humana medicare advantage plan, hospital stays, doctor office visits and your original medicare deductibles are covered. and of course, most humana medicare advantage plans include prescription drug coverage. in fact, in 2020 humana medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved an estimated $8,400 on average on their prescription costs. most humana medicare advantage plans include a silversneakers fitness program at no extra cost. dental, vision and hearing coverage is included with most humana medicare advantage plans and, you get telehealth coverage with a $0 copay. you get all this for as low as a $0 monthly plan premium in many areas. and your doctor and hospital may already be a part of humana's large network. if you want the facts, call right now for the free decision guide from humana. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network, to find out if you can save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare. to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪♪ >> really is the best and legendary singer tina turner is being in a comic book. her incredible life story of her childhood as a daughter of tennessee sheriff robert to her struggles with former husband in the superstar she achieved on her own, the tidal wave series which is featured in dolly parton. she turned 82 yesterday. happy birthday. she is the best, amazing. >> she is. journal editorial report up next. ♪♪ >> welcome to the journal editorial time. i am paul gigot. inflation remains a top worry for many americans. groceries to gasoline on the rise, the biden administration's gambling to respond to consumer concerns with the white house this week and announcing the u.s. would release 50 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve in an effort to bring down prices at the pump. president biden saying he will reappoint jerome powell of chair of

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Arthel Neville , News , Molly Line , Fox News Live , Conversation , Griff Jenkins , Alicia , U S , Thanks , World , Washington , Safe , Nations , Everyone , Countries , Restrictions , Covid Variant , State Department , Emergence , Cdc , South African , Hello , Variant , In Omicron , Molly , Cases , Country , Concern , Quote , Eric Shawn , U K , Kathy Hoe Cull , Emergency Hospital Order , New York , Belgium , Israel , Hong Kong , Lot , President , Strain , Caution , Surgeries , Case , Words , Reporter , Jonathan Serrie , Weapons Con First Candidated With Atlanta , Home , Jacqui Heinrich , We Have Live Fox News , Team Coverage , Hi There , Hospitals , State , Sign , Governor , Move , Surge , Executive Order , Patients , Hospital Space , Capacity , Elective Searchings , 19 , Omicron Variant , Value , January 15th , 15 , 3 , 43 , Wouldn T , Dr , Anthony Fauci , It , It S Coming , New York State , Virus , Places , Transmissibility , Degree , Masks , Over , Coronavirus , Strategies , Settings , Distancing , Versions , Boosters , Moderna , Vaccine , Communities , Health Experts , Rates , Vaccinations , Availability , Covid , Booster , Point , Dose Booster , Company , Human Trials , Anywhere , 2 , People , Booster Shots , Biden , Addition , Massachusetts , Markets , Nantucket , Vaccines , Rise , Response , Stock Market , Two , Booster Shot , Inaudible , Freedom , Pate , Responsibility , Decision , Down Travel , Abundance , Toll , Seven , Concerns , Effect , Experts , Benefit , Cay , Don T Take , One , Course , Wasn T , Sound Bite , Indication , Mistake , Looks , Variants , Surveillance System , Ckc , Gas Prices , Administration , Effort , Efforts , News Breaks , Order , Message , Nation , Oil , Shoppers , Shopping , Barrels , Emergency Stockpile , Importance , 50 Million , Inflation , Way , Relief , Jack Key Hine , Doctor , Professor , End Epidemiology , Ucra Department The , Ucla , Wall , Questions , Big Question , Hi , Answer , Reason , Evidence , Data , Scientists , Reinfect , Some , Mutations , Protein , Spike Protein , Cause , Cells , Situation , Information , Threat , Scope , Ms , Forearmed , Forewarned , 30 , Spikes , C Fauci , Something , Likelihood , Millions , Flashlight , Mean , Probability , Tools , Terms , Mask , Things , Difference , Area , Household , Protections , Aren T , Line , Another , Front , Airplanes , Mouth , Quality , Cloth Masks , Nose , Democratic Republic Of Congo , Nothing , Idea , Proximity , Variety , Layers , Protection , Europe , Travel Thed , Thing , Listen , Viruses , Potential , Spread , Delta , Mutation , Opportunity , It Mutates , Vernallingly , Responses , Disease , Monoclonal Antibodies , Treatments , Effectiveness , Particular , Cuts , Passenger , Gun , Bag Set , Take Care , Anne , Boston , Woman , Bag , Officials , Logan Airport , Panic , Busy Atlanta Airport , Number , Alexandria Hoff , Tsa , High , 20 , Guns , Record , Screening , Hartfield Jackson Airport , Travelers , 450 , Man , Load Guns , Loaded Gun Inside If , Idaho , On Tuesday , Pittsburgh , Three , Loading , Bullets , Chamber , Tweet , 2nd Gun , New England , Six , 57 , Policies , Passengers , Airport , Firearms , Industry , Warning , 16 , Items , Example , Self Defense Items , Traveling , Knives , Luggage , 7 , Work , Agents , Container , Firearm , Baggage , States Don T , Los Angeles , Grab , Plane , Load Gun , Grabs , Smash , Crack Coupe , Saw , California S , Crimes , Challenges , Ride , Robberies , Looting , City , Black Friday , Advisor , Tech Solutions , Customers , Technologies , Dell , Music , Vacations , Diabetes , Dream , Fly Away , Everything , Glucose Levels , No , Ray , Libre 2 , Mission , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Mystery , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Rinvoq , Ra , Pill , Symptoms , Pain , Stiffness , Swelling , Fatigue , Rinvoq Relief , Infections , Immune System , Joints , Attack , Blood Clots , Ability , Tuberculosis , Changes , Intestines , Bloodwork , Lab Results , Stomach , Tears , Cancers , Lymphoma , Rheumatologist , Insulin Resistance , Weight , Starvation , Most , At Last , They Don T Work , Release , Eating , Stress , Fat , Golo , Sugar Cravings , Hospital , Police , Child , Injuries , Background Sounds , North Carolina Mall Shooting On Black Friday , 10 , Mall Worker , Chaos , Bullet , Ricocheted , My Girl , Four , Law Enforcement , Person , Arthelsome , Shooter , Smash And Grab , Emergency Room , Thieves , Patrols , Stores , Wave , Ends , Southern California , Northern California , Home Depot , Security , Christina Coleman , Hive , Update , Oakland Pd , Security Guard , Police Officer , Grandchildren , Arrests , Kids , Security Firm , Wife , Downtown Oakland Shooting , Kevin Nishi , Group , Locations , Flash Mob Thefts , Southern California Last Night , Robbers , Groups , Suspects , Sledgehammers , Pharmacies , Crowbars , Mall Especiallies , Getaway Vehicles , Nordstroms , Cvs , Merchandise , Store On Black Friday , Tens Of Thousands , Beverly Hills , Prosecutors , Critics , Organized Retail Crime , 950 , 50 , Respect , Politicians , Law , Place , Charging Decisions , Capture , Punishment , Sentences , Crime , Shopping Centers , Robbery Suspects , Loose , Point Dozens Of Smash And Grab , Family , Cash Bail , Push , Heart , Thank You , White House , Bail , Spotlight , Suv , Waukesha Massacre , Darrell Brooks Jr , 000 , 1000 , Criminal Defense Attorney , Ex Girlfriend , Assistant U S Attorney , Insight , Issue , Sides , Prosecutor , Defense Attorney , Activists , Bail Reform , Aclu , Money , Thoughts , Tragedy , Parade , Bank Account , Wisconsin , Folks , System , Security Threat , Violence , Domestic Violence , Jail , Whether , Public , Outcome , Wasn T Just , Holidays , Reform , Waukesha , Focus , Fbi , Crime Rate , Robbery , Murders , Rape , Question , Change , 2020 , 2019 , Community , Terrorists , Federal Court , Drug Traffickers , Tragedies , Least , Run , Fashion , Someone , History , Dollar Sign , Steps , Bond , Say , Discussion , Moneymaker , Thousands , Community Safe , Cash , Will , Hundreds , Trial , Incarceration , Guilty , Inequity , First , Family Member , Cousin , Client , Barsesome , Families , Amount , Hose , Amounts , Bail Bondsman , Danger , Transitioning , Pocketbook , Politics , Public Safety , What , Kind , Sort , Head Butting , Risk , Resources , Criminal Justice System , Safety , Context , Don T Need , Experience , Dangerousness , Misallocation , Little , The End , Pending Rile , Officer , Kevin Nishita , Name , Horrible Smash And Grab , Correction , Prices , Gas Pump , Best , Grocery Store , Consumers , Squeeze , Flation , Guest , Jacket , Couch , Program , Men , Laughs , Go To Golo Com , Gas , Groceries , Inflation Rate , Obvious , Labor Department , 6 2 , Guest Calls , Ebb , Economists , Charles Blaine , Price , Product , Products , To Be With You , Manufacturers , Yes , Cereal , Product Size , Toilet Paper , Because , Bounty Paper Towels , Size , Buying , Fla , Jtion , Pandemic , Height , Problem , Supply Chain , Analogy , Everybody , Light , Red Light , Shutdowns , Rushing , Ships , Elsewhere , Central Texas , Demand , Regulation , Water , Cost , Burden , Pressure , Drivers , Ports , Flow , Shortage , Matter , Stuff , Louisiana , Parts , Government Spending , 6 Trillion , Trillion , Spending , Growth , Adultso , Stimulus , Cities , Income , Unemployment Rate Decline , Adults , Grocery Stores , Jobs , Truck Drivers , Supply , Sector , Restaurants , Waitresses , Waiters , Business , Houston , Otherses , Note , Story , Food Bank , Children , Increase , Need , Doing , Region , Food Insecure , 1 , 5 , Million , 1 Million , Costs , Food , Familiesings , Food Trays , 00000 , 100000 , Food Sector , Food Banks , Times , Doesn T , Report , General Mills , Time , End , Sight , Pricing Restructuring , 2022 , Haul , Gains , Eroding Savings , Boy , Mollyily , Care , The Star Of Afghan Traditional Music , Chance , Afghanistan , Threats , Taliban , Hiding , Help , Bryan Llenas , Hopes , Hope , Journey , Son , Afghan Music , Musician , Sons , Love , It S My Life , Musicians , My Love , Ahmad , Classical Pianist , Tv Singing Competition Store , Judge , Afghan Star , Him , Five , Instrument Case , The Last Time Taliban , Ahmad Fled Afghanistan In August , Family Contact , Tad , Coo , Julliard School , Scared , Leslie Rosenning , Grandkids , Son In Law , Exile , Fox Corporation Which , Part , Chills , Fundraiser , Afghan Refugees , Afghan Music Have Hope , Troops , Veterans , Bryan , Charles Moose , Sniper Attacks , Role , Age , Washington D C , Maryland , 68 , Montgomery County Police Department , Chief , Mull I Agency Task Force , Thanksgiving Day , First Black Police Chief , Oregon S , Portland , Shootings , Snipers , Capital , 2002 , Ten , Enamel , Colleagues , Repair Toothpaste , Servant , Great Leader , Pronamel , Toothpaste , Pronamel Repair , Causes , Suffering , Surgery , Toothpaste Thousands , Narrator , Five Billion , Healing , Mercy Ships , 40 , Give Today , Why Don T , Didn T , Punches , Cheetos Boneless Wings , Applebee S , Muck , Melson , Michaela Nelson , Grandmother , Specialist , Family Members , Exchange , Text , Fort Jackson , Ohio Army National Guard , Safe Return , October 26th , 26 , Unit , Anyone , Whereabouts , Columbus Police Department , South Carolina , 614 645 4545 , 645 , 614 , 4545 , Senators , Break , Plan , Senate , Bill , Podcast Host Jamie Weinstein , Build , Chuck Schumer , Has , Happening , Joe Manchin , Voters , Pause , Department , Debt , Stint Cinema , Senator Manchin , Kyrsten Sinema , Debt Higher , 4 Trillion , , 5 Trillion , Omicron , Specter , Lockdown , Economy , Congress , Notes , Names , Kirstin Sin Marx , Climate Initiatives , Give , Immigration , Associations , Democrats , Powerful Moderates , Hurdles , Forth , Left , Moves , Agendas , Initiatives , Climate Change , Second , Goals , Vote , Competing , Balancing Act , Priorities , West Virginia , Impact , Fear , Firepower , Prop , It Merges , Health , Ukraine , Economyically , Eye , Russia Masses , Coup , Government , Border , Latest , Calling , Granddaughter , Retirement Plan , Grandpa , Confidence , Voya , Retirement , Intelligence Officers , Eastern Ukraine , Plot , Russia , Involvement , Kitty Logan , More , Kitty , Ukrainian , London , Moscow , Military , Planning , Movement , Buildup , Nato , Rebels , It Owner Story , Movements , Intention , Territory , Power , Crimea , Sanctions , 2014 , Reports , Techs , Violations , Conflict , Ceasefire , Repeatedded , 14000 , Line Military , Peace Deal , Training , Equipment , Yea Croon , Coin , Face , Exciting Medicare Advantage , Miss , Deals , Sunday Night , On Walmart , Doctor Office Visits , Coverage , Premiums , Prescription Drugs , Original Medicare , Deductible , Each , Deductibles , Medicare Supplement Plan , Co Insurance , Plans , Prescription Drug Coverage , Take A Look At Humana S Medicare Advantage , Hospital Stays , Members , Prescription Drug , Fact , 400 , 8400 , Prescription Costs , Hearing , Vision , Fitness Program , Average , Dental , Silversneakers , Humana , Network , Telehealth Coverage , Areas , Low , Copay , 0 , Decision Guide , Prescriptions , Obligation , Facts , Screen , Human Way , Healthcare , Growing Business , Surprises , Tina Turner , Life Story , Childhood , Comic Book , Sheriff , Tennessee , Series , Husband , Superstar , Dolly Parton , Tidal Wave , Journal , Journal Editorial Report , Birthday , 82 , Consumer Concerns , Worry , Gambling , Paul Gigot , Chair , Pump , Petroleum Reserve , Jerome Powell ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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of omicron which has also surfaced in belgium, israel and hong kong. no cases have yet been reported in the u.s. new york governor kathy hoe cull has issued an emergency hospital order limiting elective surgeries just in case. president biden with these words of caution as he and the world await more answers on the new strain. >> we don't know a lot about the variant except that it is of great concern, seems to spread rapidly. arthel: we have live fox news team coverage. jacqui heinrich, she's with the president, and we're going to first start with jonathan serrie who is live in atlanta, home of the cdc. jonathan, what do you have for us? >> reporter: hi there, arthel. the governor of new york did sign that executive order postponing elective searchings at hospitals -- surgeries at hospitals that have limited capacity in her state. the move was designed to free up hospital space for a potential surge in covid-19 patients in the coming weeks. it takes effect december 43rd and will be concern 3rd and will be value waited-- reevaluated january 15th. while the new omicron variant has yet to be detected in new york state, it's coming. so far the u.s. has reported no cases of this new variant first identified in south africa, but dr. anthony fauci says he wouldn't be surprised if it's the already here. >> we have not detect thed it yet, but when you have a virus that is showing this degree of transmissibility and you're already having travel-related cases that they've noted in israel, belgium and in other places, when you have a virus like this, it almost invariably, ultimately, is going to go essentially all over. >> reporter: to protect yourself against omicron, cdc recommends the same strategies for earlier versions of the coronavirus such as physical distancing, wearing masks in public indoor settings in communities with high transmission rates. health experts also recommend vaccinations and boosters for those who are eligible. moderna has announced it's already testing the availability of its current covid vaccine to neutralize the omicron variant. the company is also evaluating a higher dose booster as well as developing a my booster that -- new booster that specifically targets the new variant. a new booster would likely take anywhere from 2-3 months to get to the point of human trials, arthel. arthel: jonathan serrie there live many atlanta, thank you. molly? molly: in addition to travel restrictions, president biden is calling for more people in the u.s. to get vaccinated and follow up with booster shots to protect against the new strain. the president is also reacting to the markets tanking yesterday on news of omicron variant. jacqui heinrich is live on nantucket in massachusetts where the president is spending the holiday weekend. >> reporter: hey, molly. president biden said that he was not concerned or surprised to see the response in the stock market, also saying that this is what typically happens when covid is on the rise. but he encouraged americans to get their vaccines and those who have already had them to get their booster shots saying that there's just a lot we don't know about this variant. >> every american that's not been vaccinated should be responsible and get vaccinated. number two, everyone eligible for the booster shot should get the booster shot. [inaudible] that is minimum that everyone should be doing. i don't think this is about freedom, i think it's a pate to rottic responsibility. -- patriotic responsibility. >> reporter: whether vaccines are effective, the president made the decision to shut down travel from south africa and seven neighboring countries, we are toll, out of an abundance of caution. the restrictions were announced quickly but don't take effect until monday. some medical experts say that will considerably lessen their benefit, and just one cay after dr. fauci tried to quell concerns saying there's no indication it's in the u.s., one day later, today, he appeared to reverse course saying he would be surprised if it wasn't here already. looks like we don't have that sound bite there, my mistake. centers for disease control said today no cases of the variant have been identified in the united states. the ckc is continuously working to monitor variants and surveillance system that has detected variants in the country will likely detect omicron as it appears here. the president also making sure to, as this news breaks, talk about the rising gas prices and efforts the administration is taking to bring them down. he referred to an effort to make last week, releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the nation's emergency stockpile in order to bring down gas prices. and in a message to holiday shoppers about importance of shopping small despite all this inflation saying that there is some relief on way for gas prices hopefully to come down soon, molly? molly: jack key hine -- jacqui heinrich, we appreciate it. thanks. arthel? arthel: all right, thank you. for more on omicron variant, let's bring in a professor at ucra department the of end epidemiology. -- ucla. i'm so glad to to speak to you, doctor. it appears to be highly contagious among young people. how young, i ask, and when will we know if our current vaccine will protect us from this new variant? >> well, hi, arthel, thanks for having me here and, of course, this is a big question. all of these questions you just asked are really important. how concerned should we be, the answer is we don't actually know at this point. we should be concerned but we shouldn't be panicking. we know that there's a variant that has been identified now, and it does appear to be spreading somewhat rapidly from the data that we have from south africa. and it does have evidence that it cannot only affect vaccinated, but reinfect people who have had virus previously. the reason scientists are are particularly concerned because what they've seen is that there's several mutations on the spike protein. and it's that the spike protein that allows the virus to get into the cells. so there's some, there's a cause for concern. but we don't have enough information yet to be able to truly understand the scope of the threat. this is a situation where forewarned is forearmed. arthel: in early reports, and you're expert here, saying there may be a ms. as 30 of -- as many as 30 of those spikes on omicron. i was boeing to ask you, doctor -- going to ask you if we should assume it's already in the u.s., but we see c. fauci saying he wouldn't be surprised if it already is here. what does this mean for the millions of people traveling this weekend and through christmas and new year's? >> listen, i agree with dr. fauci. likelihood is the virus is already here. we're starting to see wherever you shine a flashlight, you're likely going to find something out there. in terms of what it means right here, listen, we have the tools to be able to prevent virus from spreading. people should get vaccinated if they're not. it's a great way to reduce the probability of getting this virus. you should also get boosted if you are eligible for that booster right now. you can also put in all of these other protections that we know make a difference. wear a mask if you're in a crowded area. stay distant from people that aren't from your own household. move outdoors where you can. there's so many things that we know how to do already, and those things will make a difference whether it's this variant or another. but the bottom line is we still need to learn a lot more about this variant, do what we can to get in front of it so we're not constantly chasing behind it like we've done with every other variant. arthel: yeah. and you mentioned wearing masks. remind people the correct way to wear a mask and exactly, you know, you've got all these people acting absolutely crazy on airplanes because they're being told to wear a mask. remind us, again, how to wear it and really do the masks work. >> so the best way to wear a mask, the correct way, is to make sure that it is covering your nose and your mouth. and, of course, surgical masks and those kn95 masks are much more effective than cloth masks. so the higher the quality, the better you are, but it's got to cover your nose and your mouth. i just recently traveled, i was just back in the democratic republic of congo, travel thed through europe, so there was a wide variety of people wearing masks on airplanes. you're in close proximity, so it's a good idea to have extra layers of protection. there's nothing like added layers to prevent potential of spread. arthel: absolutely. and, listen, there have been other variants in between delta and omicron. explain why these different variants continue to crop up. >> well, the thing is about this virus just like other viruses, the more opportunity it has to spread, the more opportunity it has to replicate. and when it replicates, it mutates. when it mutates, vernallingly you may end up with a mutation that makes it more contagious, makes it more lethal, makes it have more severe disease or could potentially evade the immune responses general rated by the vaccines and also reduce the effectiveness of treatments like monoclonal antibodies. so we really need to monitor this and get these cases down. fewer cases we have, the less opportunity we're giving this virus to be able to replicate, mutate and end up with new variants that can give cuts headaches like this one in particular. arthel: this one is bothersome. so your vaccines, your boosters and wear the masks. dr. anne, really glad to talk to you. take care. >> nice to be here. molly: a week after a loaded gun in a passenger's bag set off a panic at a busy atlanta airport, officials in boston announcing they stopped a woman with a loaded gun tucked into her carry-on bag. they say it happened at logan airport day before thanksgiving, one of the busiest travel days of the year. and it is not just atlanta or boston. alexandria hoff is live in washington with more on this. >> reporter: yeah, this is happening all over. the tsa is reporting a 20-year high in the number of weapons con first candidated with atlanta's hartfield jackson airport holding the record now with more than 450 guns found this year. we mentioned last saturday holiday travelers were scrambling when a passenger was pulled aside for a secondary screening and lunged for the loaded gun inside if, causing it to discharge. three people were injured, and that man is still at large. on tuesday the tsa in idaho found two load guns. in pittsburgh on wednesday, 3 2nd gun of year was found there complete with 3 -- six bullets and one in the chamber. new england posted this tweet with the loading they found this loaded .357 magnum inside of a woman's carry-on bag wednesday. they've detected 16 firearms at boston's logan airport so far this year. it's taxing an already covid-strained industry. the past is warning passengers they need to know these policies before heading to the airport. >> if you are traveling, for example, with items that are not allowed in carry-on luggage, that includes things like self-defense items, knives, tools over 7 inches, we see those all the time. those belong in your checked baggage. >> reporter: in order to fly with a firearm, it must be checked in a locked hard container and, of course, can never be loaded. molly? molly: goes to show you those tsa agents are doing a lot of work out there in catching a lot of dangerous items. alexandria hoff, thanks very much. arthel: why are you carrying a load gun on a plane? don't get it. california's crack coupe on smash and grabs is not going as some officials hoped. los angeles saw more grab and go robberies on black friday, and the city and state continues to combat a rise in brazen looting and other crimes. we'll talk about that coming up next. ♪ ♪ and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. 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[background sounds] molly: police say the 10-year-old child is at a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries after being struck by a bullet that ricocheted. a mall worker describing the chaos. >> i heard, like, three, four hots, you know what i'm saying? and i saw people just start running toward me, about to trample me. i grabbed my girl, e and we just went straight to the emergency room. molly: and across country in washington, one person hospitalized with serious injuries. law enforcement still looking for the shooter. arthelsome. arthel: molly, thank you. smash and grab thieves struck again hitting a home depot time in southern california and other area stores just yesterday. this wave of looting has also been hitting north northern california. police at both ends of state are stepping up patrols, and stores are looking to increase security. christina coleman is hive in los angeles with more. -- live in los angeles with more. >> reporter: hi, arthel. speaking of security, we have a tragic update to one of those crimes. oakland pd has confirmed the security guard who was shot wednesday has died. the security firm that he worked for has identified him as kevin nishi, a, he is a retired police officer with a wife, two kids and three grandchildren. no arrests were made in the downtown oakland shooting. now, this happened after a week of rampant flash mob thefts and smash and grab robberies in multiple locations up and down the state. in southern california last night, a group of 15-20 the suspects stole crowbars, mall especiallies and sledgehammers before jumping into getaway vehicles. and in los angeles, groups of robbers have been targeting nordstroms and cvs pharmacies. a large group entered a store on black friday near beverly hills and got away with items adding to the tens of thousands in stolen merchandise this week. critics say a reference couple for stolen items worth a value of $950 or less is leading to the surge in organized retail crime. >> i think the other thing that's going on is we see a lot of prosecutors who don't necessarily make sensible charging decisions. i think when people lose respect for the law, they don't fear capture or punishment, this is sort of thing that we see. so i think all politicians would be well advised to make sure we have stiff sentences in place, and prosecutors would be well advised to take these crimes seriously. >> reporter: law enforcement has beefed up patrols at some shopping centers, but at this point dozens of smash and grab robbery suspects are still on the loose with no sign of this crime slowing down. arthel? arthel: it really breaks my heart about the security guard. very sorry for his family. christina coleman, thank you. molly. molly: white house standing by its push to end cash bail after the waukesha massacre pushed that back into the spotlight. darrell brooks jr. is accused of running his suv through a holiday parade just two weeks after his $1,000 bail for allegedly trying to run over his ex-girlfriend. a criminal defense attorney joins us now, former assistant u.s. attorney. thank you so much for a few minutes on holiday weekend. you've seen both sides as defense attorney and prosecutor, so it'll be great to get your insight on this issue. essentially talking about bail reform. there are activists, the aclu, white house, that have argued that cash bail can be done without. white house official telling fox news it just means that whether you get bail should be based on the threat you pose and not how much money you have in your bank account. your thoughts. >> yeah, and i think that's really the answer. if you look at what happened with this horrible tragedy at parade in wisconsin, there's no reason there should have been $1,000 cash bail. the issue was he was a security threat, and this is maybe another example of prosecutors take domestic violence not seriously enough. folks who commit violence in the home are much more likely to commit it elsewhere. and so if he'd had a system that wasn't just focused on whether you could pay money to get out of jail, but on whether or not he was a security threat and should be detained, the outcome is much more likely to protect the public. that's what the white house is arguing for here. molly: when we talk waukesha, this horrific, heart-breaking crime happening right before the holidays, and it's garnered all the focus back on to bail reform, but we've seen violent crimes across the country increasing. fbi data showing a rise in murders by nearly 30%, the overall violent crime rate is up as well, robbery, rape, between 2019-2020. is there the political will right now to make a big change when it comes to cash bail and end bail reform overall? >> i think difference between political question and the practical question is if you look at how the federal system operates, and the fbi goes and takes out international terrorists or drug traffickers and they go into federal court, federal court uses a system that looks at two questions; is this person dangerous that they release into the community, and will they come back to count. so focusing on those questions has allowed at least in the federal system that process to work pretty well. states don't do that. it's run in a very haphazard fashion, and when you see tragedies like this where people who longer than just putting a dollar sign on that bond, if they looked at their prior history and say, wait a minute, this is not someone who should be out on bail. i think if the discussion becomes around what steps are you taking to keep the community safe beyond just a dollar sign, i think ultimately there might be political will to do that. molly: yeah. there are a lot of people who argue that this is basically a big moneymaker, that's what cash bail is. hundreds of thousands of people are sitting in jail all across country not yet proven guilty, so they're still awaiting trial, but they argue that the system has, quote, forced into widespread incarceration. so what can be done about inequity in the system and also to insure that people who are truly dangerous to the public remain behind barsesome. >> i think it's, you know, the first i'm i had a client or family member who wanted their cousin or someone gets in trouble and they realize the question of whether or not they stay in jail has nothing to do with the crime they committed, it has to do with the amount of money that family can put up through a bail bondsman. and hose families are make huge amounts of money off this question, and may take ma -- they make that whether or not someone is kept out of jail or in jail. so transitioning to purely your pocketbook determines whether you get out to a system that says are you someone who is a danger to this community is, i think, going to ultimately help public safety. molly: a lot of critics will push back because we've seen this rise in crime, so that's why i'm talking about sort of politics and how things get done. you know, what -- how do you find and push for change when you're facing sort of all these different kind of challenges and different policies when it comes to defund police? you know, we're in this very strange time where there's a lot of head butting. >> i think anytime you talk about public safety in the context of the criminal justice system, you have to figure out where to put those resources. and if we're putting resources on people who don't need to be in jail because they don't serve as a risk and at the same time we're neglecting to put people in jail who need to be, that's a misallocation of those resources. so we have to recognize that if we focus on dangerousness to the community, keep those people locked up pending rile, the community's much better off in the end. molly: alex little, your experience is appreciated, and we thank you for your insight. >> thank you. molly: arthel? arthel: i want to make a correction. i had name of the officer wrong. his name is officer kevin nishita, a former police officer who died after having been shot many one of those horrible smash and grab robberies. so we wish the best to officer's family. meanwhile, consumers feeling the squeeze from inflation every time they see prices at gas pump and the grocery store, but there's also shrink-flation. our next guest is going to explain what that is coming up next. ♪ ♪ men, you need to get off the couch and get with the program. with golo, i lost 50 pounds. it feels really good to be able to button your jacket and not worry about it blowing up. -(laughs) -go to to lose weight and get healthier. ♪ arthel: moneyed to state the obvious, but here we go from gas to groceries and everything in between, prices are up, and americans are feeling the country. the labor department reports the annual inflation rate surged to 6.2% in october. this is biggest monthly rise in more than 30 years. many economists say it's likely to get worse before it gets better. and ebb then there's what our -- and then there's what our next guest calls shrink flation. charles, explain. >> great to be with you, arthel. yes, it's this idea -- or it's actually happened across the country where manufacturers are giving less product for the same price. and so when you look at different products whether they're bounty paper towels, toilet paper, cereal, you're seeing a decreased product size, but you're paying the same price and it's unfortunate because, as you mentioned, you see it at the gas pump, but you don't see. the shrink-fla,jtion really sneaks you want on them -- sneaks up on them just because product you're used to buying is reduced in size. arthel: listen, president biden and some economists say this pandemic will continue to drive inflation. so how does this new variant, omicron, factor in? >> well, i think, you know, what we saw during the kind of height of the pandemic was a lot of people staying home, and we saw the shutdowns. unfortunately, i cothink that -- i heard an analogy that said the world was at a red light, and once we opened back up, it was a green light, everybody came rushing in. and that furthered this problem when it comes to the supply chain and demand. we might see that again. that's why we hope to see things change, some of the regulation's change. we often see the ships waiting outside in the water, let's bring them to texas, elsewhere to continue the flow of supply chain to reduce the burden, reduce the pressure and reduce the cost. arthel: i get it. i'm all for bringing it to texas and louisiana, for that matter, but then you've got the shortage of drivers. so you bring the stuff into those ports, how does it get to other parts of the country? >> you know, you exactly right, and i think we need to start encouraging work again. a lot of what we've seen, we saw $6 trillion up until this point of government spending. some of it was necessary, some people argue that some of it was not, but what we have seen is that, you know, we've seen growth of guaranteed the basic income in cities, other spending such as the stimulus checks coming out. we need to really be encouraging able-bodied adultso get back to work. we've seen the unemployment rate decline, but we still have a lot of able-bodied adults who are not employed. filling these jobs, i think, is exactly what we need to further reduce that burden, and that will bring back the truck drivers and folks at grocery stores. here in houston you often see on the news there's short supply for waiters and waitresses, so waits at restaurants are longer, so it's the encouraging those people to come back to work. arthel: is there any sector or the country or business that's feeling it more than otherses? besides getting people to work, is there another work-around, charles? >> well, one note i did want to make is that recently there was a story here in, about central texas food bank which has seen a heavy burden because of the increase in inflation. and what they've been doing, obviously, is serving folks who are in need, and in the region that they serve, 1 in 5 children are food insecure. so they were saying they're seeing $1 million per month in spending to try to feed these familiesings and that's up from $100,000 per month prior to the pandemic. and they associate a lot of these costs to inflation and having to pay more to assemble these food, the food trays to give out to folks. so you are seeing i think largely in the food sector that's where a lot of the burden is. arthel: yeah. and, listen, the holidays always a good time to give to food banks but especially now because there are a lot of people who are really dependent on them and many times often for the first time. how long do you think this is going to last, charles? >> well, doesn't look like an end is in immediate sight. general mills released a report in june where they expected it to continue to increase through 2022 and to combat that, they made note that they were doing pricing restructuring, some of their cereal, they were going to decrease the size to still maintain supply and not increase the cost on folks. so it seems like we're in for a long haul, and unfortunately for a lot of people, it's eroding savings, eroding financial gains they may have made. so i think we're going to be in for a tough time, but hopefully we can start to see some things turn around when supply chain starts to gear up and we start seeing these ships go to texas and elsewhere, but for the time being, it seems like we're in for a long haul. arthel: oh, boy. i guess we'll have to leave it there. charles blaine, i was hoping to end it on a better note, but it is what it is, as they say. you take care, you and your family. thanks, charles. mollyily. molly: the star of afghan traditional music reuniting with his family here in america after threats from the taliban forced him to go into hiding. he escaped afghanistan with the help of fox news, and he arrived in the u.s. in october. bryan llenas got a chance to sit down with him and one of his sons, a musician himself, to discuss the journey and their hopes for the future. >> reporter: we were there when ahmad reunite with his son here in new york. the family believes as long as afghan music continues, there is hope for a better future in afghanistan. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: he's one of afghanistan's most famous musicians. >> it's my life and my love. music is my love. ♪ ♪ >> he was a judge on the tv singing competition store afghan star. >> he is pretty famous, i would say. >> reporter: ahmad's son is himself a renowned classical pianist who's been studying in the u.s. for six years. they reunited in new york city after five years apart. >> for me, it was unbelievable. i couldn't believe that i was hugging him. >> i was very excited to see my son after five years. >> reporter: ahmad fled afghanistan in august after the taliban left a threatening note on his instrument case. >> did you believe the taliban was going to kill you? >> maybe, maybe. >> reporter: the last time taliban ruled afghanistan, music was illegal. >> it was extremely difficult for us to even practice. so my tad was practicing very privately. >> reporter: scared, the family contact canned leslie rosenning that would, the coo of julliard school. she reached out to fox corporation which was able to get ahmad, his daughter, son-in-law and three grandkids out of the country. >> for afghan music to be safe in exile in other countries means that afghan music will continue. ♪ >> days after reuniting, ahmad watched his son perform at a fundraiser for afghan refugees in new york. ♪ ♪ >> when i listen to him, it gives me chills. he sings with love, and i think that's the most important part of him. >> reporter: he's especially grateful to u.s. veterans. his message to them is don't lose hope, don't think you did nothing. he says thanks to u.s. troops his family and afghan music have hope for that better future. molly? molly: bryan, i love this story. thank you so much for getting out there and doing this on thanksgiving weekend. it reminds me how lucky i feel, and i'm glad the family is here safe as well. >> reporter: thank you, molly. i feel the same way. thank you so much. molly: arthel? arthel: preserve the music. we have some unfortunate and sad news now. former maryland police chief charles moose, known for his role in the washington, d.c. sniper attacks, has died at the age of 68. he passed away at his home on thanksgiving day. charles moose was portland, oregon's, first black police chief. he later became chief of the montgomery county police department where he led a mull i agency task force during that especially challenging time. you may remember two snipers terrorized the nation's capital for three weeks in the fall of 2002, killing ten people in ran done shootings. colleagues described charles moose as a great leader with a servant's heart. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. my go to toothpaste thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. ♪ ♪ ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused, you want it, say so♪ ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ new cheetos boneless wings exclusively at applebee's for a limited time. muck. arthel: the family of a missing ohio army national guard specialist is now pleading for her safe return. michaela nelson last spoke with family members on october 26th in a text exchange with her grandmother. melson had completed training weeks earlier at fort jackson in south carolina, but she failed to return to her daytona-based unit. so anyone with information on michaela nelson's whereabouts is asked to call the columbus police department, and here's the number for you to call. it's 614-645-4545. molly: well, senators heading back to washington after this thanksgiving break, they are ready to debate the president's build back better plan. senate majority leader chuck schumer has said he wants to see this big social spending bill passed before christmas, but several things still need to be hashed out. we have podcast host jamie weinstein joining us on likelihood of all of this happening. jamie, it's great to be with you on this thanksgiving weekend. we appreciate you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. molly: what are your thoughts? is there a chance this gets done before christmas? >> well, you know, i would have thought there was a better chance before yesterday, frankly. i think omicron, this variant, could potentially change things. obviously, you got huge voters mt. senate, joe manchin and key stint cinema -- kyrsten sinema, senator manchin has been wary of this bill to begin with. he's called for a pause at times worried about inflation, worried about the debt. of course, the department was high before the pandemic, then $5.a 5 trillion almost $4 trillion bipartisan making the debt higher, so he was worried about that. and then you throw this in omicron, and i do think it might give him the out that he might be looking for because it raises the specter that, you know, whether it's omicron, maybe that turns out not to be as dangerous as some are afraid it might be, but it raises the specter that there might be a variant that emerges that puts us into lockdown for a period of time and the congress and senate having to come back and spend more money to keep the economy afloat. and i think that might give joe manchin a pause, whether he wants new spending when there's still this risk that perhaps congress is going to have to spend more like they did during the pandemic. molly: i think you answered half of the questions that the i had here on my notes that i wanted to be sure to hit. you mentioned the two famous names, joe manchin and kirstin sin marx of course, uniquely powerful moderates. there's a lot of give and take that goes on sometimes in these associations could be in washington, but there are a few things that have high hopes for democrats, they'd like to see immigration, climate initiatives, so there are some chips that might be bargained back and forth. what are some of the hurdles that some of the democrats leaning to the left will have to get over in order to keep or drop some of these things going forward? what gets slashed? >> the problem is the conflicting agendas and conflicting goals, that even as this moves forward -- forget about omicron for a second -- that they would have to overcome. kyrsten sinema likes kind of the initiatives to fight climate change. joe manchin doesn't like those initiatives. so the vote with these senators who are difficult to get over the line, they also have competing, different agendas. so if you ameliorate some of joe manchin's concerns, that might upset kyrsten sinema, so it's a balancing act where you have different priorities for different senators to get their vote, and how to you balance it all as you get all 50 democrat senators to vote on it. molly: i'm from west virginia, so it's fascinating to see how powerful our senators at least in recent history have been. i do want to hit the coronavirus, and you brought up the new variant, its potential impact on the economy and what that could mean for this build back better plan, for the hopes there, because it could be a conflicting situation, you know? you see a lot of fear in the economy that could change what people are willing to do when it comes to this new plan. so how big of an impact could it potentially have? >> yeah, i'll be interested to see what joe manchin says this week. because i really do think that could change everything entirely. whether this becomes worrisome variant that some believe or not, it raises that specter that, you know, there could be a variant that emerges where it puts economy on lockdown again. congress needs to spend money, and they're spending another $1.a 5 trillion here, you know, that's less firepower than they actually have to help prop up the economy if it merges, and i think that's something that joe manchin seems particularly concerned about. so i'd be interested to hear how he responds to omicron variant. molly: yeah, we're talking about what it could potentially mean if health wise but also politically, economyically. jamie weinstein, we appreciate your insight tonight. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. molly: arthel? arthel: molly, thank you. jamie, thank you as well. well, u.s. is keeping a close eye on ukraine as russia masses troops near border, and new president there is calling for a coup. claiming a coup planned against his government. that's what he's saying. we're going to find out all the latest on this developing and concerning situation. ♪ ♪ my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward. they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement. ♪ arthel: ukraine's president says his intelligence officers have uncovered a plot to overthrow his government and that russia and the richest man in ukraine are behind it. moscow and that oligarch denying any involvement is. kitty logan is live in london with more. kitty? >> reporter: hi, arthel. well, the ukrainian president offered no evidence to back his claims that the coup is in the planning, but nato says it is very concerned about this russian military buildup close to the ukrainian border. in recent weeks, there has been a noticeable increase in the movement of russian troops and heavy weaponly bordering territory held by russian-backed rebels in eastern ukraine. russia's intention is not clear. they say its military movements on it owner story is completely normal, but of course we all remember when russia forcibly annexed crimea in 2014, the international community then responded with sanctions, but it was powerless to prevent happening and not long afterwards we saw russian-backed rebels seizing power in parts of eastern ukraine leading to this ongoing conflict with the ukrainian military. it's cost 14,000 lives to date, and despite an official ceasefire, recent reports indicate rising techs and repeatedded violations of that peace deal. now, u.s. supports the yea croon -yard line military with equipment and training, but it has stopped short of more direct involvement. nato says monitoring situation very closely, but the question is what can or would nato coin the face of further russian moves. arthel? arthel: that is question. kitty logan live in london, thank you very much, kitty. we'll be right back. t over yet. this cyber monday is your last chance to score big online starting sunday night. don't miss out on walmart's deals for days. ♪ ♪ going to tell you about exciting medicare advantage plans that can provide broad coverage, and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits. but you have to meet a deductible for each, and then you're still responsible for 20% of the cost. next, let's look at a medicare supplement plan. as you can see, they cover the same things as original medicare, and they also cover your medicare deductibles and co-insurance. but, they often have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. now, let's take a look at humana's medicare advantage plans. with a humana medicare advantage plan, hospital stays, doctor office visits and your original medicare deductibles are covered. and of course, most humana medicare advantage plans include prescription drug coverage. in fact, in 2020 humana medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved an estimated $8,400 on average on their prescription costs. most humana medicare advantage plans include a silversneakers fitness program at no extra cost. dental, vision and hearing coverage is included with most humana medicare advantage plans and, you get telehealth coverage with a $0 copay. you get all this for as low as a $0 monthly plan premium in many areas. and your doctor and hospital may already be a part of humana's large network. if you want the facts, call right now for the free decision guide from humana. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network, to find out if you can save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare. to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪♪ >> really is the best and legendary singer tina turner is being in a comic book. her incredible life story of her childhood as a daughter of tennessee sheriff robert to her struggles with former husband in the superstar she achieved on her own, the tidal wave series which is featured in dolly parton. she turned 82 yesterday. happy birthday. she is the best, amazing. >> she is. journal editorial report up next. ♪♪ >> welcome to the journal editorial time. i am paul gigot. inflation remains a top worry for many americans. groceries to gasoline on the rise, the biden administration's gambling to respond to consumer concerns with the white house this week and announcing the u.s. would release 50 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve in an effort to bring down prices at the pump. president biden saying he will reappoint jerome powell of chair of

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