Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

we will show you the tapes. but first, tonight, the ever struggling joe biden is finding new and creative ways to show just how out of touch, out of pocket, and frankly out of steam he really is. heading off to a billionaire's home this week for the thanksgiving holiday, exposing once again his outer disconnect from the middle class and disconnect from common sense americans all across the country. and get this, amid slumping approval, massive policy failures, and a never ending stream of baffling moments, still under the impression that "america is back." take a look. to speak a hold on, my phone is ringing. look at his calling! hello? hello mr. president? dr. biden -- mr. president, thank you so much but happy thanksgiving to you. >> that's right, we had a new york firefighter here. it is so good -- it's good for you calling. we thank you so much. what is your message to the american folks on this thanksgiving day? >> my messages after two years, we are back khmer americas back, there's nothing we are unable to overcome. >> tammy: there you go. but of course, the democrat agendas on a brutal attack. for example, look at this bizarre tweet from senator elizabeth warren blaming businesses for rising prices instead of her own party's reckless policies tweeted "americans are getting record high prices for their thanksgiving turkey while big poultry companies are paying billions in dividends giving ceos raises and earning huge profits." at that prompted a wave of mockery from the left and right alike. and meanwhile, the optimism this week ahead a decade low and the wall street fear index today, yes, we have one, had its highest level in ten months. add that to the rising gas prices and even a christmas tree shortage. as the american christmas tree association is warning that supply chain issues and whether problems means that some trees will be in short supply. so tonight, the biden-harris agenda is failing, literally on every front. inflation is surgeon, the border is still a mess. american adversaries are emboldened. all while democrats are still eager to have us walk off a reckless far left spending cliff. on their so-called build back better agenda. but ask yourself, is there one policy being pushed by the left that is actually focused on improving the lives of americans? rolling back energy independence means more pain at the gas pump. more government dependence and less optimism about finding work. and weak on crime policies are making communities less and less secure all across the country. it's dangerous and destructive, but unfortunately, all businesses the usual for the extreme democratic party. joining me now, we've got superstars here for a reaction american conservative union chairman along with rnc chair ronna mcdaniel and former fox news contributor, charlie hurt. not form or anything, charlie. thank you for joining us all tonight. >> great to be with you, tammy. >> tammy: you are the editor of the opinion section of "the washington times," immersed in the news all day long, we have a new cycle that shows americans the reality of the situation. and it seems like the democrats are either robust and they've been programs with -- but that they have no connection at all with what we are seeing in our everyday life. how do you explain that? >> i think it has a lot to do with the fact that i think they feel pretty helpless. i defy you to find one single -- just find one single issue, one area where joe biden's voters could say, the jota biden administration has improved my life. i don't take you can find a single example where anybody can say that whether it's the weakness of people spending power or through inflation, whether it's crime, whether it's the embarrassment around the world, whether it's illegal immigration. all of these things and many more that you just went through and more, we wouldn't have time to go through in an hour. i don't think you could find a single example of anything where someone's lives have been improved. the result of it is that the democrats and joe biden, they have no answers. they are out of any sort of hope that this is going to -- and it is going to get worse. and so what we are seen as full dilution on display now. >> tammy: this is what's happening. not everything -- not everything is always great. there's always problems. and yet the partisan skill is to admit that, explain it, acknowledge the problem, and that you are going to fix it. that is what donald trump did when he came into the office. it wasn't about ignoring the problem, it was about facing them head on. and what do you say when it comes to republican leadership? what's the difference? >> the contract is so clear, but let's look at it joe biden. a 30 million-dollar compound for thanksgiving as millions of americans pay more for thanksgiving, more for gas, 70% of americans say they're going to have to cut back on christmas spending. they are tone-deaf, but they have the same for the american people who are struggling. now they're going to try to pass the reconciliation bill. it's going to be a big tax cut to the rich. they don't pay attention, republican governors kept their economies open, kept their kids in school, and they've been driving this economic comeback that we've been seeing for this country. >> tammy: excellent point, because it got a recognition in this bill pay enough donors and favored industries. just pay off here and there. every single thing that the democrats have done -- you have to work hard at this. to have every single thing be wrong. by accident we do things right every now and then. what would you tell the american people when it comes to why things are so bad right now and if they could be deliberately this bad. >> i don't have any problem with the president of united states is saying that we wouldn't -- there at one of his billionaire buddies of they're going to talk about all the way the regulations are going to give him inside information to try to figure out where he could make investments. we know what that game is. it's what the elites are doing. they are making decisions that harm the forgotten men and women. think about it, i'm in the rural mountains of virginia. how much does it cost to fill up your truck? how much does it cost to get the fuel you need to run your tractor? how much does it cost to put food on the table? these are the staples, these are the daily stresses that normal americans have. what is happened is that the democrats have seated their previous connection to these voters and the republicans have a real chance to grab. i think the sad thing is with the bottom policy, and some ways i'm glad they are failing, because i was knew they would. the bad thing is there's a lot of pain out there. people are hurting. i would actually like that to stop. >> tammy: what i hate is the fact that we were right. democrats and republicans -- was a lot of people who are concerned about what the campaign was. and about with the left was up to and with the squad was up to you and what bernie sanders was doing. this was not going to end well. and i hate that we were right. from what you are seeing from your perspective as a journalist, is that the reaction? the reaction clearly we are seeing is that americans are saying wait, not only did they not vote for this, but they were bamboozled, they were lied to about what was going to happen. speak of course, you are exactly right for the sad part about all this is that those millions of people who are going to pay grievous prices for all of these policies and for all of the mistakes that joe biden is making. i think you are right about it too. it is not possible that this is accidental. all of it is very intentional. and i think -- what it is they are trying to get at is kind of hard to put your finger on it other than to assume that it has to do with government control over every aspect of our lives. what in the meantime, it is absolutely devastating for people. and more so for the people that voted for joe biden than the 70, 80 million of us who didn't. >> tammy: for the average person, and dependence on the democrats voted for biden, this is an extraordinary wake-up call. but it also tells us that things don't just operate automatically. policy matters. that suddenly we are realizing that theater in washington has an impact directly on our day-to-day lives and that is where these bills come up and all this massive spending. how would you tell the american people -- what can they do about that at this point? >> i spoke to somebody the other day that said my life was so much better under donald trump. my life was better. it was somebody who voted for biden and they didn't realize how bad it was going to be, how much policy affects their lives. when you see inflation, when you see gas prices, when you see people not able to hire people. if you can get the things that we need, you realize leadership matters. and a contrast between what donald trump did for our country and what joe biden is doing to destroy our country, it's giving a lot of people pause. seen a lot of democrats retire at the midterms. and while republicans are going to take back the health and the senate and the white house in 2024. >> there's a big underestimation about the american people. we saw that speaking in the last election. the mayor's race in buffalo, the squad won that primary for the democrats, right? they knocked out the democratic mayor from the primary. he had been the incumbent. and he ran as a right in. aoc standards campaign for the woman that they had helped get the nomination and he blew that person out of the water. he won in a big way. that was the people of buffalo saying, no, we don't want this. and i think that that's the significant descriptor here. and if you don't have a normal democrat on the ballot, republicans are going to win. and i think that's what we are going to see in 22. thank you so much and happy thanksgiving weekend to all of you. thank you for joining me. speak a happy thanksgiving. >> tammy: developing tonight, some democrats are in fact sounding the alarm about the party's implosion ahead of the 2022 midterm. a new focus group finds the democratic ran in shambles. surprise. with participants struggling to explain what the party stands for or what democrats have accomplished through these last, at least year, if not several years. are there any common sense voices left inside the democratic party? are there any voices left to actually focus on the issues that matter the most? the issues that affect our lives that we are experiencing now on this holiday weekend of every day americans, all of us, like safety, security, sovereignty, economic prosperity, national security. the safety in your own home. because so far, what we have seen from joe biden is an agenda focused more on division than unity. deliberately. focused more on appeasing and strengthening our allies. focusing more and trying to turn far left fantasies into reality. instead of easing the pain and working class americans, all across the country would argue directly because of his policies. joining me now for reaction, former democratic congresswoman and president joe candidate from hawaii, kelsey dabber. tulsi gabbard. i've spent most of my life as a democrat. there is a classical liberal understanding of things which now i see is the conservative ideal. you've been in the heat of those, in the mix of it. you see this meltdown, which is a disaster for americans as a whole because the democratic party has been an important party for this nation. with all that it is happening now, what you say to the american people about what they can do to help make a difference? especially your fellow democrats out there and independence. >> listen, listen to the american people. whether they are democrats, republicans, independents, regardless of party affiliation. people are struggling, people are frustrated with the fact that their government that is supposed to be serving them is ignoring their interest. when you look at the impact of inflation, it's affecting families all across the country. just surprised and shocked to see how expensive everything is getting. when you look at families that are looking at budgets and how much they can afford to spend, but the needs. i saw a gallon of milk was almost $8, a loaf of bread $7. can i afford this or that? but i can't buy both. it is just such a terrible thing when our families across the country are facing this. and when they look to washington, what do they see? they see another multitrillion dollar bill that the democratic leadership is pushing. and i'm not an economist, but i can tell you with common sense i know that dumping trillions of more dollars into our economy right now is only going to make this inflation crisis worse. >> we understand these things. we don't have to be an economist. you can just watch the news, read a few books, talk to your family. we can explain it to them. but you've worked with these people, these are adults. they felt the same experiences we have had. but they are doing it anyway. they know this is going to set things on fire even more. how do you explain -- is it just that the theory that they are invested in? this idea that if they want to have an accomplishment and that they are just as connected with the real impact of their action. >> the only explanation i can come up with is that they are out of touch with the reality of the lives of the american people across the country and are more interested in getting the political win, the political victory that may lead to more power, more money, or whatever it is rather than actually looking at hey, people are in pain. we are in a position of responsibility to do something about that, help work to make their lives better. and it got to be able to come together and work together in order to do that. that is exactly what we need right now from our leaders as a country. and unfortunately we are just not seen at. >> tammy: it's almost as though there's been this presumption that the american government and america itself is just a naturally fabulous, which we are. we are naturally fabulous, but all that great stuff that happened happens because of the bureaucracy, because of the civil class that is in there all the time and they never leave. they are the ones who run the country. i think they've actually believed that and that the good things that happen -- it's not about leadership, it's not about an individual person. wouldn't you say that this juxtaposition between trump and biden, regardless of what you think of both men, proves the fact that leadership matters and that individuals matter and decision making and power and optimism and inspiration? >> leadership is everything. you mentioned the belief in the powers of brey walker see. an example of this is this big build back better bill that they are pushing right now to try to get through the senate and the fact that the biden administration wants to spend a whole lot of money to hire 87,000 new irs agents to go out and try to get more money out of people's pockets, to take that money out of circulation in the economy, and to pay for what? a bigger bureaucracy. this -- this is going to be some kind of an answer to our inflation problem. it is such a harsh and abusive way to approach what is a very real problem. it does require leadership, but the answer is not more bureaucracy. who is going to suffer the most from that? we don't have enough super wealthy people to require 87,000. >> tammy: they're going to come up to the small business owners. >> exactly. they've lost us, we are the generation where the women who should naturally be still, you know, supporting it and enthused. but we have been lost. i suppose we've been found, at least for me, the conservative end of things. this is what so strange. this morphing into this kind of totalitarian framework that our generations in the 60s and even in the 50s would think now, all of our work has been to stop this kind of nonsense. and look, the democrats became the thing that they said they were fighting against. there is no doubt that now. >> tammy: it's this approach of saying, big government knows best, better for you than you do yourself that you are too stupid to make these decisions. it goes against the very fabric of the spirit of america and who we are, the freedoms that we appreciate and enjoy and the ability to make our own choices that can determine our future. >> tammy: i want to thank you for joining me tonight. another good reminder to americans. we very much like what you have to say. a good reminder that we can have differences, but the democratic party used to be a party that cared about americans in the country. it can get back to being that way, but they will have to be taught a lesson. thank you for joining me tonight. coming up, a new covid variant has the biden administration banning travel from eight african countries. dr. nicole saphier will react next as this special edition of "hannity" continues. (tiger) this is the dimension of imagination. ♪ ♪ >> tammy: breaking tonight, the biden administration has imposed a travel ban on eight african countries in response to speculation about the spread of a new covid variant. the variant has been found in travelers to hong kong, belgium, and israel and the southern africa. the team to variant of concern by the world health organization. fox news contributor points out, the world health organization appears to have noticeably skipped the greek letter, spelled exide, in the greek alphabet. just like the chinese leaders spelled his name in naming the variant. that was just to avoid any confusion with a very common last name. but does that perhaps our latest efforts to play bodyguard for china? and get this, it was joe biden himself who suggested that a similar trump travel ban was of course, racist. tweeting january 1st 2020 "trump further diminished the u.s. in the eyes of the world by expanding its travel ban. this new african band was designed to make it harder for black and brown people to emigrate to the united states. so what changed, joe? ask yourself, after all the lies over the last 18 months, is there any credibility left for the so-called expert? new fears about this variant be used as a pretext to change the definition of what fully vaccinated means? will lockdown liberals be back to their old tricks? as dr. fauci recently said in a conference, "right now, officially, fully vaccinated equals two shots of the nra and one shot of the j&j, but without a doubt that could change since the village troll." will the goalposts move once again? here to react to that and much more, dr. nicole saphier and former senior advisor to president trump. dr. nicole, really, when we think about this variant, i believe, correct me if i'm wrong, but there's thousands of variance already. we heard about the new environment. using the greek letter system. that is the last. we were supposed to be very afraid of. delta, in the meantime, as now the variant. 1% of our cases here in the united states. are you concerned about this new one are we at a point where it's just seeming like they dr. fauci that cried wolf and the w.h.o. that cried wolf? >> to make him of the latest variant is recently named earlier today -- it's thought to have originated from south africa, as you mentioned. as it has expanded to the surrounding nations also seen cases in the u.k. -- not the u.k., europe, israel, and even hong kong. they believe it is more widespread than originally thought. so what is it? we don't really know right now. it is very early, it's hard to say. it does seem to be highly transmissible. they are thinking it's a rise of cases in south africa, but we don't know at this time. does it cause more severe disease and is it able to escape immunity as well as our treatment. this is a very fluid situation. they are being very transparent, very open with us. very different experience than we had with the communist party nearly two years ago. i can tell you there's over 32 mutations. so that does make it interesting. it is possible that there may be a dampened effect from the vaccines, and from treatments. it is highly unlikely they will have an effect at all. what brings to light is the experience of global immunity. we look at the united states, we have about 70% of our population fully vaccinated and that's a wonderful thing. you look at south africa, they are about 25% to surrounding nations than 20%. rather than focusing on boosting our population, we need to be focusing on making sure vaccines and treatments are accessible and affordable to these lesser nations of these variants do not merge. >> this is a difficult thing, stephen. we have these vaccines, we know that as delta is now -- if not the singular cause here of the variant of the united states. these boosters are the same vaccines for the alpha version. if they weren't adjusted. we get our flu shots adjusted to the various strains. we wonder which flu is going to hit us. so it seems like we are rushing when we don't even know what this new variant is going to do. but really, a lot of this we can't deny, because it's so political. do you see politics in this? is this another dynamic about fear? >> politics everywhere. you asked a few brilliant questions there. he mentioned really great points. let me start with covid is becoming -- it's going to continue to mutate, it's going to continue to evolve. it is all around planet earth. if president trump was still in office, by the way, we would already have modified vaccines that deal with the new variance, which is a great point. president trump bought us vaccines and record times and -- just as importantly, president trump emphasized therapeutic treatment completely off the table. as you are seen variant after variant. at some point you have to put serious scientific effort into treating the illness, both with serious medications as well as more common over-the-counter medications that may be shown in clinical studies that have a positive affect. this administration is failing, and that is why more people died on carbide and then trump. one more point. a very important one. these travel ban's are not serious for the simple reason they don't apply to people who came illegally. what is a travel ban? if you can get around it just by coming to the border illegally and just as importantly in a human context, the disease spread is infinitely worse. it is a super spreader zone. so it is all politics, it is not science, and -- >> tammy: dr. nicole, we've got the olympics coming up in february in beijing. and it doesn't sound like they are going to ban these nations from attending. it seems like still, and this is been an argument for over a year, should we be going to the limbic's? are you concerned about the nature of our athletes and our athletes around the world going to the ground zero of this pandemic in just a few short months? >> lets a member, at this point the coronavirus is all over the globe. and i can tell you that as stephen mentioned that we are going to move forward with this virus and we need to -- we should not be canceling major events. we need to be taking proper precautions paired with that, that's comes testing, not just vaccine status. we know the fully vaccinated are still capable of having breakthrough infections. so it is important that we are having routine testing, surveillance testing, and making sure people are not sick and doing everything to lessen the spread at this point we know how to do that. but it is not the time to be canceling major events and it's time to move forward. and we are able to. >> stephen, as you noted, focusing on treatments. on the nature of how you handle this pandemic. both of you, thank you very much and have a great thanksgiving we can. i appreciate it. now coming up, the crime wave in california. wait until you hear what happen this time. ric grenell will join us when you 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left-wing crime policies are on full display tonight as an apple store in santa rosa, california, was ransacked on wednesday. according to authorities, four suspects stole over $20,000 worth of merchandise in broad daylight in just the last string of smash and grab lutein's across the golden state. and by the way, our local fog stationed in san francisco reports that black friday shoppers hardly turned out in the bay area today. the crime search scarring of shoppers? this is all the natural consequences of the left normalization of crime and property damage. but don't take my word for it. just look at these outrageous remarks. seth rogen tweeted in response, "dude, i lived here for over 20 years. you are nuts. it is lovely here. don't leave anything valuable in it, being the car, it's called living in a big city." right, yeah. that is just garbage. he struck enough crime, shrugging off the real-world harm of property crime and invasion and violation. here for a reaction former acting director ric grenell along with former trump campaign communications director, aaron perini. rick, let me start with you. you are also a southern californian as i am as well. what we are looking at, i mean, there's going to be crime. we know that. but this becomes almost like, i would argue, stockholm syndrome dynamic. where things are so awful, you have to pretend it is okay and that it is normal. is that what you think is happening here for some these people? >> to make me a note because he used to live here, ten or 12 years ago we started pushing this really nice thing called sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. it sounds so nice. but really it was the beginning of the democrats attack on the rule of law. because what a sanctuary city and a sanctuary state, which is really california now, it means that politicians tell law enforcement officials to not enforce certain laws that they don't like. and it started with immigration, but it's not to the point where we've got district attorneys all over california who are telling the police, led to certain situations go. and that of course is empowering so many other criminals. matt and i both in our first couple of months in los angeles had both of our cars stolen in los angeles. and the police, when we reported at, didn't even come. they didn't even want to come. they just said it happens all the time. so people move on. this is the result of left-wing politicians in california tried to make nice with sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. >> tammy: that is a great point. it just kind of moves on from there. we've also got things like regulation in northern california -- i think it was like around 47 or something. that literally does what rick is saying that if you feel below under $950, it is just a ticket. in other words, encouraging and saying this is normal, this is what you should be able to do. this is reparations. of course, that is racist in and of itself, the suggestion that people of color are going to be engaging in this and should be. california and new york really are the petri dishes for the left that send messages everywhere else. you see it that way as well? >> that is absolutely correct. on proposition 47, they reduced the charge on shoplifting, but increase the ability to charge for felony shoplifting, so they made it harder to make it a crime in california. you are seeing that across the country. it's unbelievable. they call that as safe neighborhoods and schools act. three of the top ten cities for retail theft in the united states are in california. you just heard the former police commissioner of philadelphia come out and say that what you are seeing in california will continue across the united states are at and why is that? it's because there's a concerted effort by the left wing in the united states to elect progressive prosecutors and district attorneys that will turn a blind eye to criminal behavior. but there's good news in this, right? what are we seeing? the american people are pushing back in seattle of all places. deep blue seattle. we saw in november of this year where law and order won on the ballot. it's going to be the city attorney in the top prosecutor in seattle because "law & order," safety, and security matter. if you want to continue to try and pursue policies that lessen the penalties and make it harder for prosecutors to make community safer by charging for felonies on things, you better believe the american people will push back and vote for republicans who stand for "law & order." >> tammy: rick, i don't know if the american people in certain voters in california didn't take certain people seriously like the d.a. and los angeles. he campaigned on this. people campaigned on these things. maybe they just think well, they say things during the campaign, that is so crazy, it will never happen. it's not normal and we can expect that. but clearly it seems like a new york him a lot of republicans got elected. things changed a bit in california. is that going to be enough when it comes to what we can do to make a change here or does there have to be a larger movement afoot? >> we do have a larger movement afoot. it's going to take a couple of years, but remember my organization found 1.4 million conservatives in california on registered to vote. because we've been so apathetic over the last ten years. tammy, you know this. you know so many conservatives are republicans in california who just aren't willing to fight. we've become an atm for the rest of the country when they are raising funds for their race in ohio or pennsylvania. they come through, take the money, and leave. we've got to change here in california are donors and activists have got to get involved. that is why been pushing this. go to fix, sign up, and help us. we think we could take four or five years entering the state around. but that means everybody's got to pull in the right direction. >> your timing is right. look what happened in 11 months. they shift from the attitude of the american people seeing what has occurred here. it got about 20 seconds here. don't you think this is now unstoppable? this movement? >> i certainly hope that they are electing strong "law & order" prosecutors, politicians, mayors, governors, continuing throughout the country. i'm hoping that in a state like new york or you saw bill reform that we will be able to see legislators get elected to be able to reverse the damage that has done for prosecutors and district attorneys in the state fair the republicans need to stand together. those who believe in safety, security, "law & order," and make a grassroots effort not to get these strong prosecutors elected in states like new york, california, and across the country. >> tammy: there is one example, right, i want a picture to go up about the nature of the american generation that is still with us, your grandfather, the people, the heroes, the greatest generation of world war ii. but it can be our generation as well, canted, right? >> i hope we have young people that want just stormed the beaches of the storefront of macy's and nordstrom, but that they realize that sacrifice for your country is still in fashion. and we have to think people like him who gave up so much for our country and still think this country is the greatest place in the world. >> 97 years old, he understands. he has a father for all of us. rick, they give so much. aaron, thanks for being with me. happy thanksgiving weekend. coming up after last week's holiday parade massacre in wisconsin, many are wondering if the democrats will continue to demonize law enforcement and push for radical bail laws? i guess we know what that's going to be. sean and rachel will join us to discuss next as the special edition of hannity continues. stay right there. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. omega-3 from fish oil is an important nutrient for heart health. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. qunol's ultra purified omega-3, is sourced only from wild caught ocean fish, not farm raised and comes in an easy to swallow mini pill. the brand i trust is qunol. >> tammy: welcome back everyone to the special edition of "hannity." the shocking attack at the waukesha, wisconsin, princess delmar christmas parade. and the dangers of letting violent criminals back on the street as one might think. and get this, a long string of democrat mayors, governors, legislators, prosecutors, and activists have been strangely silent about the massacre with many still pushing to eliminate cash bail altogether. and as kim strassel writes in "the wall street journal," left-wing policies are putting lives in danger. democrat allies in the media appear as dedicated as ever to denying this reality. for example, "the washington post" published a piece that said the six deaths and dozens of injuries were caused by "an suv." that coverage was so outrageous that even far left highwood actress debra messing slammed the press writing "it was not an accident, don't minimize, please." there you go. here now with reaction, former wisconsin congressman sean duffy and fox and friends weekend cohost rachel campbell stuffy. a fabulous apartment, even better together. they are both the authors of the new book "all-american christmas." right there in front of you. it is a huge best seller and you talk in the book about the christmas tradition of many of people's favorite fox talent. i want to talk with both of you about what i just described here, about the nature of -- it's dealt with at some degree about this refusal by the many people in the public eye to just be able to deal with reality. rachel, for you, you are a mom. things happen in life. we know bad things happen. parents, leadership. but you've got to be able to face what happens in order to make a plan. and to know what your future will look like. how can you explain this alternate reality that media has been in and that the democrats are in. >> it's outrageous, it is so callous. just think, these parents went to a christmas parade and watched their 8-year-old died because some crazy guy who shouldn't of been let out of prison was let out of prison. and there's a reason for it. their rdas come, as he talked about earlier in the program, they are communists, they've been funded by george soros. at that is why they are there and there's a reason. they absolutely ran on these policies and these policies are killing people. and again, i just want to mention another thing that the media is doing. it is a national tragedy that what happened and woke us all happened and sean, as a politician, -- at least he would be having at least three weeks of bad press. aoc face nothing for one of the most callous tweets you could ever imagine. >> tammy: that's a great point. we are looking at people who seem not just nonempathetic, but reason. and lives are at stake here. we are hoping that these kind of policies and up getting reversed. maybe americans believe the left, that this would make things better. but now it's obvious that they don't. >> tammy, there's a party that is criminal and there anti-parent. it's going to be a bloodbath for them. and it's not until they lose big time electorally that they will rethink their policies. i was a prosecutor for ten years in wisconsin at prosecutors and judges are good people, they want to be fair to the people that get involved or ensnared in the criminal justice system. so if you are steeling us whatever macy's, we're not going to throw cash bail at you. but if you are a repeat offender, we're going to ask for cash but you be locked up. good people in these offices know how to handle the criminal justice system. and protect 8-year-olds and dancing grannies in the street. when you have prosecutors who believe in letting people out of jail because -- as a socialist philosophy, people -- the d.a. in milwaukee, wisconsin, said that people will die. almost 70 people -- >> tammy: he said, you bet. >> you bet, that's right. now is back on his heels going, maybe the public doesn't want people to die because i want to let criminals out on a signature bond for more bail. >> tammy: this is where frankly, if you as parents, your experience, and your book. to be able to come back to what matters in life that we all agree on, not to get swamped with what the media doesn't what the evildoers are doing it explain what you feel the importance of your book is around christmas time and the importance of our traditions and faith. one minute. >> does a lot of negative things happening in the world right now. we have to come back to what is important as our families, our faith, and coming together and focusing on those really positive things that make our community and our culture isn't our family stronger, which is christmas. we share stories from the fox family of how they were raised to how they celebrate christmas. we share our stori, it's a great book, it's heartwarming, and by the way, it's black friday so it's a great black friday. >> tammy: that is why it is of course doing so well because no one is alone, we are all in this together. thank you both so much. and have a great thanksgiving weekend. thank you everyone. stay tuned, everybody. more of the special edition of "hannity" right after the break. - modern life, different schedules, different meals, different times, how do you keep everyone happy? with five cooking options the cuisinart griddler is the ultimate in versatility. it has a full griddle, a full grill a half grill, half griddle, a contact grill and a panini press, redesigned with a sleek look. the griddler has a sear function, digital adjustable temperature control, a count up and down timer for precise cooking times and non-stick removable and reversible dishwasher safe plates for easy cleanup. the cuisinart griddler, it's a real crowd pleaser. >> welcome back to this special edition of hannity. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for joining us and to sean and his team. i appreciate being here. before we go, check out get tammy bruce streaming on fox nation and find me on locals@tammy sean is back on monday. have a great weekend. the ingraham angle is up next. >> i'm jason in for laura ingram. this is a special edition of the ingraham angle. tonight, a school administrator says he was put on leave for exposing the district's critical race theory teachings. he's here to tell his story. and president biden forced to restart a trump era policy on illegal aliens. tom and brandy judd will join us with that on the border crisis. plus, the biden administration creates a task force investigating ufos. we'll talk with one

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Office , Border Security , Out , Sleep , Tucker , Self Respect , God Bless , 00 , 8 , Special Edition , Policies , Hannity , Sean Duffy , Tammy Bruce , America , Travel Restrictions , Eight , Covid Variant , Crime Policies , Countries , Speculation , Consequences , Coverage , Place , Show , Jota Biden , Billionaire , Touch , Ways , Pocket , Steam , Tapes , Country , Common Sense , Home , Disconnect , Policy Failures , Class , Holiday , Approval , Impression , Stream , Ringing , Phone , Calling , Take A Look , Hold On , President , Dr , New York , Mr , Firefighter , Back , Messages , Message , Nothing , Khmer Americas , Folks , Two , Example , Course , Democrat , Elizabeth Warren , Agendas , Attack , Tweet , Communist Party , Prices , Businesses , Billions , Dividends , Poultry Companies , Ceos , Raises , One , Left , Optimism , Wave , Profits , Mockery , Level , Low , Wall Street Fear Index , Yes , Ten , Gas Prices , Supply Chain Issues , Warning , Christmas Tree Shortage , American Christmas Tree Association , Inflation , Border , Failing , Agenda , Problems , Front , Mess , Trees , Surgeon , Supply , Adversaries , Lives , Policy , Build , Spending Cliff , Wall , Pain , Work , Communities , Energy Independence , Government Dependence , Gas Pump , Reaction , Superstars , American Conservative Union , Anything , Charlie Hurt , Ronna Mcdaniel , Editor , To Be With You , Chairman , Fox News , Tammy , Rnc , Reality , News , Situation , Cycle , The Washington Times , Programs , Opinion Section , Lot , Life , Fact , Connection , Single , Issue , Administration , Area , Voters , People , World , It , Crime , Power , Weakness , Embarrassment , Anybody , Things , We Wouldn T , More , Immigration , Result , Someone , Everything , Display , Answers , Sort , Hope , Dilution , Problem , Donald Trump , It Wasn T , Skill , Leadership , Difference , Contract , Compound , Republican , 30 Million , Spending , Gas , Same , Millions , 70 , Governors , Economies , Reconciliation Bill , School , Comeback , Tax Cut , Attention , Kids , Point , Thing , Donors , Bill , Industries , Recognition , Accident , Bad , Billionaire Buddies , Way , Decisions , Doing , Regulations , Game , Information , Elites , Investments , Men And Women , Food , Table , Fuel , Mountains , Truck , Staples , Virginia , Tractor , Democrats , Chance , Daily , Squad , Campaign , Bernie Sanders , Perspective , Journalist , Bamboozled , Mistakes , Part , Kind , Government Control , Aspect , Finger , Person , Didn T , Dependence , Wake Up Call , 80 Million , Impact , Bills , Washington , Theater , Policy Matters , Somebody , Leadership Matters , Contrast , Midterms , Mayor , Senate , Race , Health , Underestimation , Election , Speaking , Buffalo , White House , 2024 , Woman , Primary , Aoc Standards Campaign , Incumbent , Saying , Nomination , Water , Descriptor , Ballot , All Of You , 22 , Thanksgiving , Alarm , Implosion , Midterm , Focus Group , 2022 , Last , Participants , Ran , Shambles , Surprise , Issues , Most , All Of Us , Voices , Safety , Security , Prosperity , Division , Sovereignty , National Security , Allies , Appeasing , Unity , Working Class Americans , Fantasies , Joe , Congresswoman , Candidate , Kelsey Dabber , Hawaii , Tulsi Gabbard , Meltdown , Ideal , Understanding , Disaster , Liberal , Mix , Heat , Nation , Independence , Government , Independents , Party Affiliation , Struggling , Listen , Families , Interest , Bread , Budgets , Gallon , Needs , Milk , Loaf , 7 , , Both , Economist , Dollar Bill , Dumping Trillions , Economy , Books , Inflation Crisis , Experiences , Family , Adults , Action , Fire , Theory , Idea , Accomplishment , Victory , Explanation , Win , Money , Something , Help , Responsibility , Position , Leaders , Order , Bureaucracy , Stuff , Presumption , Ones , Trump , Matters , Decision Making , Men , Individuals , Inspiration , Juxtaposition , Powers , Belief , Brey Walker See , Agents , Pockets , Circulation , Irs , 87000 , Answer , Inflation Problem , Small Business Owners , Least , The Greatest Generation , Women , Enthused , Generations , Morphing , Framework , Nonsense , 60 , 50 , Look , Big Government , Approach , No Doubt , Fighting Against , Ability , Freedoms , Choices , Fabric , Spirit Of America , Reminder , Differences , Nicole Saphier , Lesson , Administration Banning Travel , Coming Up , Dimension , Tiger , Imagination , Response , Spread , Travel Ban , Breaking Tonight , Variant , Team , Travelers , Concern , Southern Africa , World Health Organization , Hong Kong , Israel , Belgium , Letter , Name , Alphabet , Points Out , Chinese , Spelled Exide , Efforts , Confusion , Trump Travel Ban , Bodyguard , Tweeting , Eyes , New African Band , 2020 , January 1st 2020 , 1 , Fears , Expert , Credibility , Pretext , Definition , 18 , Lockdown Liberals , Doubt , Shots , Conference , Tricks , Fauci , One Shot , Nra , J , Troll , Village , Goalposts , Senior Advisor , Variance , Thousands , System , Environment , Cases , Delta , Cried Wolf , Nations , South Africa , U K , Europe , Rise , Treatment , Disease , Immunity , Experience , 32 , Vaccines , Treatments , Effect , Mutations , Population , 25 , 20 , Variants , Stephen , Flu Shots , Weren T , Cause , Boosters , Alpha Version , Flu , Strains , Politics , Covid , Stockholm Syndrome , Everywhere , Points , Fear , Questions , Deal , Planet Earth , Times , Record , Medications , Studies , Over The Counter , Illness , Serious Scientific Effort Into , Reason , Carbide , Affect , Human Context , Science , Super Spreader Zone , Olympics , In Beijing , Nature , Athletes , Doesn T , Limbic , Argument , Pandemic , Coronavirus , Globe , Member , Ground Zero , Zero , Events , Testing , Vaccine Status , Precautions , Virus , Breakthrough Infections , Surveillance Testing , It S Time , Northern California , Crime Wave , Smile , Ric Grenell , Everyone , Plan , Exam , Budget , Smiles , Obligation , Patients , X Rays , Payment Solutions , Insurance , Book , Fried Foods , Taste , Narrator , Crunch , 800 , Cleanup , Meals , Technology , Air , Cuisinart , Airfryer Toaster Oven , Results , Multitasking Oven , Oil , Functions , Odors , Seven , 98 , Broils , Toasts , Convection Bakes , String , Apple Store , Authorities , Suspects , Merchandise , Santa Rosa , 20000 , Four , 0000 , Black Friday , Fog , Search Scarring , Bay Area , Smash And Grab Lutein , San Francisco , Shoppers , Property Damage , Normalization , Remarks , Don T Take My Word , Seth Rogen , City , Living , Car , Nuts , Don T Leave , Property Crime , Garbage , Acting Director , Violation , Harm , Invasion , Rick , Aaron Perini , Campaign Communications Director , Southern Californian , Sanctuary , States , Sanctuary Cities , Beginning , Note , 12 , Politicians , Sanctuary City , Sanctuary State , Law Enforcement Officials , Rule Of Law , District Attorneys , Police , Laws , Situations , Led , Criminals , Couple , Cars , Los Angeles , Moves , Ticket , Regulation , Words , 950 , 47 , Suggestion , Reparations , Color , Proposition , Dishes , Shoplifting , Felony Shoplifting , Charge , Police Commissioner , Cities , Three , Neighborhoods , Retail Theft , Philadelphia , Schools Act , Prosecutors , Effort , Wing , We Saw , Places , Criminal Behavior , Seattle , Eye , Deep Blue , Prosecutor , Law Order , Law , Security Matter , City Attorney , Vote , Community Safer , Felonies , Penalties , D A , Bit , Change , Movement , Organization , 1 4 Million , Conservatives , Aren T , Rest , Atm , Activists , Leave , Fix California Com , Sign Up , Funds , Go To , Pennsylvania , Ohio , State , Everybody , Direction , Timing , Attitude , 11 , Five , Mayors , Don T , Damage , Legislators , Bill Reform , Grassroots Effort , Picture , Generation , Grandfather , Well , Heroes , World War Ii , Canted , Storefront , Sacrifice , Beaches , Fashion , Macy S , Nordstrom , Thanks , Father , 97 , Many , Fox And Friends Weekend Cohost Rachel Campbell Stuffy , Holiday Parade Massacre In Wisconsin , Law Enforcement And Push For Radical Bail Laws , Parabens , Bond , Fragrances , Dyes , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Skin , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Brand , Heart Health , Nutrient , Fish Oil , Mini Pill , Omega 3 , Qunol , Ocean Fish , Ultra Purified , 3 , Delmar Christmas Parade , Wisconsin , Waukesha , Dangers , Massacre , The Street , Media , Cash , Bail , Danger , Wall Street Journal , Kim Strassel , Piece , Suv , Deaths , Injuries , Dozens , Washington Post , Highwood , Six , Debra Messing , Press , Writing , Former , All American Christmas , Best Seller , Authors , Apartment , Tradition , Degree , Favorite Fox Talent , Parents , Refusal , Mom , The Public Eye , Future , Prison , Guy , Shouldn T , Rdas Come , Communists , Program , George Soros , Tragedy , Politician , Tweets , Stake , Big Time , Bloodbath , Judges , Criminal Justice System , Whatever , Repeat Offender , Offices , Grannies , Dancing , Jail , Philosophy , You Bet , Milwaukee , Maybe The Public Doesn T , Heels , Media Doesn T , Importance , Evildoers , Faith , Traditions , Stori , Isn T , Stories , Community , The Fox Family , No One , Great Book , Heartwarming , Break , Griddle , Cuisinart Griddler , Cooking Options , Ultimate , Versatility , Schedules , Griddler , Count , Timer , Panini Press , Temperature Control , Contact Grill , Grill , Sear Function , Cooking , Half Griddle , Dishwasher , Safe Plates , Crowd Pleaser , Evening , Jason In For Laura Ingram , Weekend , Ingraham Angle , School Administrator , District , Story , Race Theory Teachings , Ufos , Judd , Crisis , Plus , Aliens , Task Force , Tom ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

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we will show you the tapes. but first, tonight, the ever struggling joe biden is finding new and creative ways to show just how out of touch, out of pocket, and frankly out of steam he really is. heading off to a billionaire's home this week for the thanksgiving holiday, exposing once again his outer disconnect from the middle class and disconnect from common sense americans all across the country. and get this, amid slumping approval, massive policy failures, and a never ending stream of baffling moments, still under the impression that "america is back." take a look. to speak a hold on, my phone is ringing. look at his calling! hello? hello mr. president? dr. biden -- mr. president, thank you so much but happy thanksgiving to you. >> that's right, we had a new york firefighter here. it is so good -- it's good for you calling. we thank you so much. what is your message to the american folks on this thanksgiving day? >> my messages after two years, we are back khmer americas back, there's nothing we are unable to overcome. >> tammy: there you go. but of course, the democrat agendas on a brutal attack. for example, look at this bizarre tweet from senator elizabeth warren blaming businesses for rising prices instead of her own party's reckless policies tweeted "americans are getting record high prices for their thanksgiving turkey while big poultry companies are paying billions in dividends giving ceos raises and earning huge profits." at that prompted a wave of mockery from the left and right alike. and meanwhile, the optimism this week ahead a decade low and the wall street fear index today, yes, we have one, had its highest level in ten months. add that to the rising gas prices and even a christmas tree shortage. as the american christmas tree association is warning that supply chain issues and whether problems means that some trees will be in short supply. so tonight, the biden-harris agenda is failing, literally on every front. inflation is surgeon, the border is still a mess. american adversaries are emboldened. all while democrats are still eager to have us walk off a reckless far left spending cliff. on their so-called build back better agenda. but ask yourself, is there one policy being pushed by the left that is actually focused on improving the lives of americans? rolling back energy independence means more pain at the gas pump. more government dependence and less optimism about finding work. and weak on crime policies are making communities less and less secure all across the country. it's dangerous and destructive, but unfortunately, all businesses the usual for the extreme democratic party. joining me now, we've got superstars here for a reaction american conservative union chairman along with rnc chair ronna mcdaniel and former fox news contributor, charlie hurt. not form or anything, charlie. thank you for joining us all tonight. >> great to be with you, tammy. >> tammy: you are the editor of the opinion section of "the washington times," immersed in the news all day long, we have a new cycle that shows americans the reality of the situation. and it seems like the democrats are either robust and they've been programs with -- but that they have no connection at all with what we are seeing in our everyday life. how do you explain that? >> i think it has a lot to do with the fact that i think they feel pretty helpless. i defy you to find one single -- just find one single issue, one area where joe biden's voters could say, the jota biden administration has improved my life. i don't take you can find a single example where anybody can say that whether it's the weakness of people spending power or through inflation, whether it's crime, whether it's the embarrassment around the world, whether it's illegal immigration. all of these things and many more that you just went through and more, we wouldn't have time to go through in an hour. i don't think you could find a single example of anything where someone's lives have been improved. the result of it is that the democrats and joe biden, they have no answers. they are out of any sort of hope that this is going to -- and it is going to get worse. and so what we are seen as full dilution on display now. >> tammy: this is what's happening. not everything -- not everything is always great. there's always problems. and yet the partisan skill is to admit that, explain it, acknowledge the problem, and that you are going to fix it. that is what donald trump did when he came into the office. it wasn't about ignoring the problem, it was about facing them head on. and what do you say when it comes to republican leadership? what's the difference? >> the contract is so clear, but let's look at it joe biden. a 30 million-dollar compound for thanksgiving as millions of americans pay more for thanksgiving, more for gas, 70% of americans say they're going to have to cut back on christmas spending. they are tone-deaf, but they have the same for the american people who are struggling. now they're going to try to pass the reconciliation bill. it's going to be a big tax cut to the rich. they don't pay attention, republican governors kept their economies open, kept their kids in school, and they've been driving this economic comeback that we've been seeing for this country. >> tammy: excellent point, because it got a recognition in this bill pay enough donors and favored industries. just pay off here and there. every single thing that the democrats have done -- you have to work hard at this. to have every single thing be wrong. by accident we do things right every now and then. what would you tell the american people when it comes to why things are so bad right now and if they could be deliberately this bad. >> i don't have any problem with the president of united states is saying that we wouldn't -- there at one of his billionaire buddies of they're going to talk about all the way the regulations are going to give him inside information to try to figure out where he could make investments. we know what that game is. it's what the elites are doing. they are making decisions that harm the forgotten men and women. think about it, i'm in the rural mountains of virginia. how much does it cost to fill up your truck? how much does it cost to get the fuel you need to run your tractor? how much does it cost to put food on the table? these are the staples, these are the daily stresses that normal americans have. what is happened is that the democrats have seated their previous connection to these voters and the republicans have a real chance to grab. i think the sad thing is with the bottom policy, and some ways i'm glad they are failing, because i was knew they would. the bad thing is there's a lot of pain out there. people are hurting. i would actually like that to stop. >> tammy: what i hate is the fact that we were right. democrats and republicans -- was a lot of people who are concerned about what the campaign was. and about with the left was up to and with the squad was up to you and what bernie sanders was doing. this was not going to end well. and i hate that we were right. from what you are seeing from your perspective as a journalist, is that the reaction? the reaction clearly we are seeing is that americans are saying wait, not only did they not vote for this, but they were bamboozled, they were lied to about what was going to happen. speak of course, you are exactly right for the sad part about all this is that those millions of people who are going to pay grievous prices for all of these policies and for all of the mistakes that joe biden is making. i think you are right about it too. it is not possible that this is accidental. all of it is very intentional. and i think -- what it is they are trying to get at is kind of hard to put your finger on it other than to assume that it has to do with government control over every aspect of our lives. what in the meantime, it is absolutely devastating for people. and more so for the people that voted for joe biden than the 70, 80 million of us who didn't. >> tammy: for the average person, and dependence on the democrats voted for biden, this is an extraordinary wake-up call. but it also tells us that things don't just operate automatically. policy matters. that suddenly we are realizing that theater in washington has an impact directly on our day-to-day lives and that is where these bills come up and all this massive spending. how would you tell the american people -- what can they do about that at this point? >> i spoke to somebody the other day that said my life was so much better under donald trump. my life was better. it was somebody who voted for biden and they didn't realize how bad it was going to be, how much policy affects their lives. when you see inflation, when you see gas prices, when you see people not able to hire people. if you can get the things that we need, you realize leadership matters. and a contrast between what donald trump did for our country and what joe biden is doing to destroy our country, it's giving a lot of people pause. seen a lot of democrats retire at the midterms. and while republicans are going to take back the health and the senate and the white house in 2024. >> there's a big underestimation about the american people. we saw that speaking in the last election. the mayor's race in buffalo, the squad won that primary for the democrats, right? they knocked out the democratic mayor from the primary. he had been the incumbent. and he ran as a right in. aoc standards campaign for the woman that they had helped get the nomination and he blew that person out of the water. he won in a big way. that was the people of buffalo saying, no, we don't want this. and i think that that's the significant descriptor here. and if you don't have a normal democrat on the ballot, republicans are going to win. and i think that's what we are going to see in 22. thank you so much and happy thanksgiving weekend to all of you. thank you for joining me. speak a happy thanksgiving. >> tammy: developing tonight, some democrats are in fact sounding the alarm about the party's implosion ahead of the 2022 midterm. a new focus group finds the democratic ran in shambles. surprise. with participants struggling to explain what the party stands for or what democrats have accomplished through these last, at least year, if not several years. are there any common sense voices left inside the democratic party? are there any voices left to actually focus on the issues that matter the most? the issues that affect our lives that we are experiencing now on this holiday weekend of every day americans, all of us, like safety, security, sovereignty, economic prosperity, national security. the safety in your own home. because so far, what we have seen from joe biden is an agenda focused more on division than unity. deliberately. focused more on appeasing and strengthening our allies. focusing more and trying to turn far left fantasies into reality. instead of easing the pain and working class americans, all across the country would argue directly because of his policies. joining me now for reaction, former democratic congresswoman and president joe candidate from hawaii, kelsey dabber. tulsi gabbard. i've spent most of my life as a democrat. there is a classical liberal understanding of things which now i see is the conservative ideal. you've been in the heat of those, in the mix of it. you see this meltdown, which is a disaster for americans as a whole because the democratic party has been an important party for this nation. with all that it is happening now, what you say to the american people about what they can do to help make a difference? especially your fellow democrats out there and independence. >> listen, listen to the american people. whether they are democrats, republicans, independents, regardless of party affiliation. people are struggling, people are frustrated with the fact that their government that is supposed to be serving them is ignoring their interest. when you look at the impact of inflation, it's affecting families all across the country. just surprised and shocked to see how expensive everything is getting. when you look at families that are looking at budgets and how much they can afford to spend, but the needs. i saw a gallon of milk was almost $8, a loaf of bread $7. can i afford this or that? but i can't buy both. it is just such a terrible thing when our families across the country are facing this. and when they look to washington, what do they see? they see another multitrillion dollar bill that the democratic leadership is pushing. and i'm not an economist, but i can tell you with common sense i know that dumping trillions of more dollars into our economy right now is only going to make this inflation crisis worse. >> we understand these things. we don't have to be an economist. you can just watch the news, read a few books, talk to your family. we can explain it to them. but you've worked with these people, these are adults. they felt the same experiences we have had. but they are doing it anyway. they know this is going to set things on fire even more. how do you explain -- is it just that the theory that they are invested in? this idea that if they want to have an accomplishment and that they are just as connected with the real impact of their action. >> the only explanation i can come up with is that they are out of touch with the reality of the lives of the american people across the country and are more interested in getting the political win, the political victory that may lead to more power, more money, or whatever it is rather than actually looking at hey, people are in pain. we are in a position of responsibility to do something about that, help work to make their lives better. and it got to be able to come together and work together in order to do that. that is exactly what we need right now from our leaders as a country. and unfortunately we are just not seen at. >> tammy: it's almost as though there's been this presumption that the american government and america itself is just a naturally fabulous, which we are. we are naturally fabulous, but all that great stuff that happened happens because of the bureaucracy, because of the civil class that is in there all the time and they never leave. they are the ones who run the country. i think they've actually believed that and that the good things that happen -- it's not about leadership, it's not about an individual person. wouldn't you say that this juxtaposition between trump and biden, regardless of what you think of both men, proves the fact that leadership matters and that individuals matter and decision making and power and optimism and inspiration? >> leadership is everything. you mentioned the belief in the powers of brey walker see. an example of this is this big build back better bill that they are pushing right now to try to get through the senate and the fact that the biden administration wants to spend a whole lot of money to hire 87,000 new irs agents to go out and try to get more money out of people's pockets, to take that money out of circulation in the economy, and to pay for what? a bigger bureaucracy. this -- this is going to be some kind of an answer to our inflation problem. it is such a harsh and abusive way to approach what is a very real problem. it does require leadership, but the answer is not more bureaucracy. who is going to suffer the most from that? we don't have enough super wealthy people to require 87,000. >> tammy: they're going to come up to the small business owners. >> exactly. they've lost us, we are the generation where the women who should naturally be still, you know, supporting it and enthused. but we have been lost. i suppose we've been found, at least for me, the conservative end of things. this is what so strange. this morphing into this kind of totalitarian framework that our generations in the 60s and even in the 50s would think now, all of our work has been to stop this kind of nonsense. and look, the democrats became the thing that they said they were fighting against. there is no doubt that now. >> tammy: it's this approach of saying, big government knows best, better for you than you do yourself that you are too stupid to make these decisions. it goes against the very fabric of the spirit of america and who we are, the freedoms that we appreciate and enjoy and the ability to make our own choices that can determine our future. >> tammy: i want to thank you for joining me tonight. another good reminder to americans. we very much like what you have to say. a good reminder that we can have differences, but the democratic party used to be a party that cared about americans in the country. it can get back to being that way, but they will have to be taught a lesson. thank you for joining me tonight. coming up, a new covid variant has the biden administration banning travel from eight african countries. dr. nicole saphier will react next as this special edition of "hannity" continues. (tiger) this is the dimension of imagination. ♪ ♪ >> tammy: breaking tonight, the biden administration has imposed a travel ban on eight african countries in response to speculation about the spread of a new covid variant. the variant has been found in travelers to hong kong, belgium, and israel and the southern africa. the team to variant of concern by the world health organization. fox news contributor points out, the world health organization appears to have noticeably skipped the greek letter, spelled exide, in the greek alphabet. just like the chinese leaders spelled his name in naming the variant. that was just to avoid any confusion with a very common last name. but does that perhaps our latest efforts to play bodyguard for china? and get this, it was joe biden himself who suggested that a similar trump travel ban was of course, racist. tweeting january 1st 2020 "trump further diminished the u.s. in the eyes of the world by expanding its travel ban. this new african band was designed to make it harder for black and brown people to emigrate to the united states. so what changed, joe? ask yourself, after all the lies over the last 18 months, is there any credibility left for the so-called expert? new fears about this variant be used as a pretext to change the definition of what fully vaccinated means? will lockdown liberals be back to their old tricks? as dr. fauci recently said in a conference, "right now, officially, fully vaccinated equals two shots of the nra and one shot of the j&j, but without a doubt that could change since the village troll." will the goalposts move once again? here to react to that and much more, dr. nicole saphier and former senior advisor to president trump. dr. nicole, really, when we think about this variant, i believe, correct me if i'm wrong, but there's thousands of variance already. we heard about the new environment. using the greek letter system. that is the last. we were supposed to be very afraid of. delta, in the meantime, as now the variant. 1% of our cases here in the united states. are you concerned about this new one are we at a point where it's just seeming like they dr. fauci that cried wolf and the w.h.o. that cried wolf? >> to make him of the latest variant is recently named earlier today -- it's thought to have originated from south africa, as you mentioned. as it has expanded to the surrounding nations also seen cases in the u.k. -- not the u.k., europe, israel, and even hong kong. they believe it is more widespread than originally thought. so what is it? we don't really know right now. it is very early, it's hard to say. it does seem to be highly transmissible. they are thinking it's a rise of cases in south africa, but we don't know at this time. does it cause more severe disease and is it able to escape immunity as well as our treatment. this is a very fluid situation. they are being very transparent, very open with us. very different experience than we had with the communist party nearly two years ago. i can tell you there's over 32 mutations. so that does make it interesting. it is possible that there may be a dampened effect from the vaccines, and from treatments. it is highly unlikely they will have an effect at all. what brings to light is the experience of global immunity. we look at the united states, we have about 70% of our population fully vaccinated and that's a wonderful thing. you look at south africa, they are about 25% to surrounding nations than 20%. rather than focusing on boosting our population, we need to be focusing on making sure vaccines and treatments are accessible and affordable to these lesser nations of these variants do not merge. >> this is a difficult thing, stephen. we have these vaccines, we know that as delta is now -- if not the singular cause here of the variant of the united states. these boosters are the same vaccines for the alpha version. if they weren't adjusted. we get our flu shots adjusted to the various strains. we wonder which flu is going to hit us. so it seems like we are rushing when we don't even know what this new variant is going to do. but really, a lot of this we can't deny, because it's so political. do you see politics in this? is this another dynamic about fear? >> politics everywhere. you asked a few brilliant questions there. he mentioned really great points. let me start with covid is becoming -- it's going to continue to mutate, it's going to continue to evolve. it is all around planet earth. if president trump was still in office, by the way, we would already have modified vaccines that deal with the new variance, which is a great point. president trump bought us vaccines and record times and -- just as importantly, president trump emphasized therapeutic treatment completely off the table. as you are seen variant after variant. at some point you have to put serious scientific effort into treating the illness, both with serious medications as well as more common over-the-counter medications that may be shown in clinical studies that have a positive affect. this administration is failing, and that is why more people died on carbide and then trump. one more point. a very important one. these travel ban's are not serious for the simple reason they don't apply to people who came illegally. what is a travel ban? if you can get around it just by coming to the border illegally and just as importantly in a human context, the disease spread is infinitely worse. it is a super spreader zone. so it is all politics, it is not science, and -- >> tammy: dr. nicole, we've got the olympics coming up in february in beijing. and it doesn't sound like they are going to ban these nations from attending. it seems like still, and this is been an argument for over a year, should we be going to the limbic's? are you concerned about the nature of our athletes and our athletes around the world going to the ground zero of this pandemic in just a few short months? >> lets a member, at this point the coronavirus is all over the globe. and i can tell you that as stephen mentioned that we are going to move forward with this virus and we need to -- we should not be canceling major events. we need to be taking proper precautions paired with that, that's comes testing, not just vaccine status. we know the fully vaccinated are still capable of having breakthrough infections. so it is important that we are having routine testing, surveillance testing, and making sure people are not sick and doing everything to lessen the spread at this point we know how to do that. but it is not the time to be canceling major events and it's time to move forward. and we are able to. >> stephen, as you noted, focusing on treatments. on the nature of how you handle this pandemic. both of you, thank you very much and have a great thanksgiving we can. i appreciate it. now coming up, the crime wave in california. wait until you hear what happen this time. ric grenell will join us when you 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left-wing crime policies are on full display tonight as an apple store in santa rosa, california, was ransacked on wednesday. according to authorities, four suspects stole over $20,000 worth of merchandise in broad daylight in just the last string of smash and grab lutein's across the golden state. and by the way, our local fog stationed in san francisco reports that black friday shoppers hardly turned out in the bay area today. the crime search scarring of shoppers? this is all the natural consequences of the left normalization of crime and property damage. but don't take my word for it. just look at these outrageous remarks. seth rogen tweeted in response, "dude, i lived here for over 20 years. you are nuts. it is lovely here. don't leave anything valuable in it, being the car, it's called living in a big city." right, yeah. that is just garbage. he struck enough crime, shrugging off the real-world harm of property crime and invasion and violation. here for a reaction former acting director ric grenell along with former trump campaign communications director, aaron perini. rick, let me start with you. you are also a southern californian as i am as well. what we are looking at, i mean, there's going to be crime. we know that. but this becomes almost like, i would argue, stockholm syndrome dynamic. where things are so awful, you have to pretend it is okay and that it is normal. is that what you think is happening here for some these people? >> to make me a note because he used to live here, ten or 12 years ago we started pushing this really nice thing called sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. it sounds so nice. but really it was the beginning of the democrats attack on the rule of law. because what a sanctuary city and a sanctuary state, which is really california now, it means that politicians tell law enforcement officials to not enforce certain laws that they don't like. and it started with immigration, but it's not to the point where we've got district attorneys all over california who are telling the police, led to certain situations go. and that of course is empowering so many other criminals. matt and i both in our first couple of months in los angeles had both of our cars stolen in los angeles. and the police, when we reported at, didn't even come. they didn't even want to come. they just said it happens all the time. so people move on. this is the result of left-wing politicians in california tried to make nice with sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. >> tammy: that is a great point. it just kind of moves on from there. we've also got things like regulation in northern california -- i think it was like around 47 or something. that literally does what rick is saying that if you feel below under $950, it is just a ticket. in other words, encouraging and saying this is normal, this is what you should be able to do. this is reparations. of course, that is racist in and of itself, the suggestion that people of color are going to be engaging in this and should be. california and new york really are the petri dishes for the left that send messages everywhere else. you see it that way as well? >> that is absolutely correct. on proposition 47, they reduced the charge on shoplifting, but increase the ability to charge for felony shoplifting, so they made it harder to make it a crime in california. you are seeing that across the country. it's unbelievable. they call that as safe neighborhoods and schools act. three of the top ten cities for retail theft in the united states are in california. you just heard the former police commissioner of philadelphia come out and say that what you are seeing in california will continue across the united states are at and why is that? it's because there's a concerted effort by the left wing in the united states to elect progressive prosecutors and district attorneys that will turn a blind eye to criminal behavior. but there's good news in this, right? what are we seeing? the american people are pushing back in seattle of all places. deep blue seattle. we saw in november of this year where law and order won on the ballot. it's going to be the city attorney in the top prosecutor in seattle because "law & order," safety, and security matter. if you want to continue to try and pursue policies that lessen the penalties and make it harder for prosecutors to make community safer by charging for felonies on things, you better believe the american people will push back and vote for republicans who stand for "law & order." >> tammy: rick, i don't know if the american people in certain voters in california didn't take certain people seriously like the d.a. and los angeles. he campaigned on this. people campaigned on these things. maybe they just think well, they say things during the campaign, that is so crazy, it will never happen. it's not normal and we can expect that. but clearly it seems like a new york him a lot of republicans got elected. things changed a bit in california. is that going to be enough when it comes to what we can do to make a change here or does there have to be a larger movement afoot? >> we do have a larger movement afoot. it's going to take a couple of years, but remember my organization found 1.4 million conservatives in california on registered to vote. because we've been so apathetic over the last ten years. tammy, you know this. you know so many conservatives are republicans in california who just aren't willing to fight. we've become an atm for the rest of the country when they are raising funds for their race in ohio or pennsylvania. they come through, take the money, and leave. we've got to change here in california are donors and activists have got to get involved. that is why been pushing this. go to fix, sign up, and help us. we think we could take four or five years entering the state around. but that means everybody's got to pull in the right direction. >> your timing is right. look what happened in 11 months. they shift from the attitude of the american people seeing what has occurred here. it got about 20 seconds here. don't you think this is now unstoppable? this movement? >> i certainly hope that they are electing strong "law & order" prosecutors, politicians, mayors, governors, continuing throughout the country. i'm hoping that in a state like new york or you saw bill reform that we will be able to see legislators get elected to be able to reverse the damage that has done for prosecutors and district attorneys in the state fair the republicans need to stand together. those who believe in safety, security, "law & order," and make a grassroots effort not to get these strong prosecutors elected in states like new york, california, and across the country. >> tammy: there is one example, right, i want a picture to go up about the nature of the american generation that is still with us, your grandfather, the people, the heroes, the greatest generation of world war ii. but it can be our generation as well, canted, right? >> i hope we have young people that want just stormed the beaches of the storefront of macy's and nordstrom, but that they realize that sacrifice for your country is still in fashion. and we have to think people like him who gave up so much for our country and still think this country is the greatest place in the world. >> 97 years old, he understands. he has a father for all of us. rick, they give so much. aaron, thanks for being with me. happy thanksgiving weekend. coming up after last week's holiday parade massacre in wisconsin, many are wondering if the democrats will continue to demonize law enforcement and push for radical bail laws? i guess we know what that's going to be. sean and rachel will join us to discuss next as the special edition of hannity continues. stay right there. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. omega-3 from fish oil is an important nutrient for heart health. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. qunol's ultra purified omega-3, is sourced only from wild caught ocean fish, not farm raised and comes in an easy to swallow mini pill. the brand i trust is qunol. >> tammy: welcome back everyone to the special edition of "hannity." the shocking attack at the waukesha, wisconsin, princess delmar christmas parade. and the dangers of letting violent criminals back on the street as one might think. and get this, a long string of democrat mayors, governors, legislators, prosecutors, and activists have been strangely silent about the massacre with many still pushing to eliminate cash bail altogether. and as kim strassel writes in "the wall street journal," left-wing policies are putting lives in danger. democrat allies in the media appear as dedicated as ever to denying this reality. for example, "the washington post" published a piece that said the six deaths and dozens of injuries were caused by "an suv." that coverage was so outrageous that even far left highwood actress debra messing slammed the press writing "it was not an accident, don't minimize, please." there you go. here now with reaction, former wisconsin congressman sean duffy and fox and friends weekend cohost rachel campbell stuffy. a fabulous apartment, even better together. they are both the authors of the new book "all-american christmas." right there in front of you. it is a huge best seller and you talk in the book about the christmas tradition of many of people's favorite fox talent. i want to talk with both of you about what i just described here, about the nature of -- it's dealt with at some degree about this refusal by the many people in the public eye to just be able to deal with reality. rachel, for you, you are a mom. things happen in life. we know bad things happen. parents, leadership. but you've got to be able to face what happens in order to make a plan. and to know what your future will look like. how can you explain this alternate reality that media has been in and that the democrats are in. >> it's outrageous, it is so callous. just think, these parents went to a christmas parade and watched their 8-year-old died because some crazy guy who shouldn't of been let out of prison was let out of prison. and there's a reason for it. their rdas come, as he talked about earlier in the program, they are communists, they've been funded by george soros. at that is why they are there and there's a reason. they absolutely ran on these policies and these policies are killing people. and again, i just want to mention another thing that the media is doing. it is a national tragedy that what happened and woke us all happened and sean, as a politician, -- at least he would be having at least three weeks of bad press. aoc face nothing for one of the most callous tweets you could ever imagine. >> tammy: that's a great point. we are looking at people who seem not just nonempathetic, but reason. and lives are at stake here. we are hoping that these kind of policies and up getting reversed. maybe americans believe the left, that this would make things better. but now it's obvious that they don't. >> tammy, there's a party that is criminal and there anti-parent. it's going to be a bloodbath for them. and it's not until they lose big time electorally that they will rethink their policies. i was a prosecutor for ten years in wisconsin at prosecutors and judges are good people, they want to be fair to the people that get involved or ensnared in the criminal justice system. so if you are steeling us whatever macy's, we're not going to throw cash bail at you. but if you are a repeat offender, we're going to ask for cash but you be locked up. good people in these offices know how to handle the criminal justice system. and protect 8-year-olds and dancing grannies in the street. when you have prosecutors who believe in letting people out of jail because -- as a socialist philosophy, people -- the d.a. in milwaukee, wisconsin, said that people will die. almost 70 people -- >> tammy: he said, you bet. >> you bet, that's right. now is back on his heels going, maybe the public doesn't want people to die because i want to let criminals out on a signature bond for more bail. >> tammy: this is where frankly, if you as parents, your experience, and your book. to be able to come back to what matters in life that we all agree on, not to get swamped with what the media doesn't what the evildoers are doing it explain what you feel the importance of your book is around christmas time and the importance of our traditions and faith. one minute. >> does a lot of negative things happening in the world right now. we have to come back to what is important as our families, our faith, and coming together and focusing on those really positive things that make our community and our culture isn't our family stronger, which is christmas. we share stories from the fox family of how they were raised to how they celebrate christmas. we share our stori, it's a great book, it's heartwarming, and by the way, it's black friday so it's a great black friday. >> tammy: that is why it is of course doing so well because no one is alone, we are all in this together. thank you both so much. and have a great thanksgiving weekend. thank you everyone. stay tuned, everybody. more of the special edition of "hannity" right after the break. - modern life, different schedules, different meals, different times, how do you keep everyone happy? with five cooking options the cuisinart griddler is the ultimate in versatility. it has a full griddle, a full grill a half grill, half griddle, a contact grill and a panini press, redesigned with a sleek look. the griddler has a sear function, digital adjustable temperature control, a count up and down timer for precise cooking times and non-stick removable and reversible dishwasher safe plates for easy cleanup. the cuisinart griddler, it's a real crowd pleaser. >> welcome back to this special edition of hannity. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for joining us and to sean and his team. i appreciate being here. before we go, check out get tammy bruce streaming on fox nation and find me on locals@tammy sean is back on monday. have a great weekend. the ingraham angle is up next. >> i'm jason in for laura ingram. this is a special edition of the ingraham angle. tonight, a school administrator says he was put on leave for exposing the district's critical race theory teachings. he's here to tell his story. and president biden forced to restart a trump era policy on illegal aliens. tom and brandy judd will join us with that on the border crisis. plus, the biden administration creates a task force investigating ufos. we'll talk with one

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Office , Border Security , Out , Sleep , Tucker , Self Respect , God Bless , 00 , 8 , Special Edition , Policies , Hannity , Sean Duffy , Tammy Bruce , America , Travel Restrictions , Eight , Covid Variant , Crime Policies , Countries , Speculation , Consequences , Coverage , Place , Show , Jota Biden , Billionaire , Touch , Ways , Pocket , Steam , Tapes , Country , Common Sense , Home , Disconnect , Policy Failures , Class , Holiday , Approval , Impression , Stream , Ringing , Phone , Calling , Take A Look , Hold On , President , Dr , New York , Mr , Firefighter , Back , Messages , Message , Nothing , Khmer Americas , Folks , Two , Example , Course , Democrat , Elizabeth Warren , Agendas , Attack , Tweet , Communist Party , Prices , Businesses , Billions , Dividends , Poultry Companies , Ceos , Raises , One , Left , Optimism , Wave , Profits , Mockery , Level , Low , Wall Street Fear Index , Yes , Ten , Gas Prices , Supply Chain Issues , Warning , Christmas Tree Shortage , American Christmas Tree Association , Inflation , Border , Failing , Agenda , Problems , Front , Mess , Trees , Surgeon , Supply , Adversaries , Lives , Policy , Build , Spending Cliff , Wall , Pain , Work , Communities , Energy Independence , Government Dependence , Gas Pump , Reaction , Superstars , American Conservative Union , Anything , Charlie Hurt , Ronna Mcdaniel , Editor , To Be With You , Chairman , Fox News , Tammy , Rnc , Reality , News , Situation , Cycle , The Washington Times , Programs , Opinion Section , Lot , Life , Fact , Connection , Single , Issue , Administration , Area , Voters , People , World , It , Crime , Power , Weakness , Embarrassment , Anybody , Things , We Wouldn T , More , Immigration , Result , Someone , Everything , Display , Answers , Sort , Hope , Dilution , Problem , Donald Trump , It Wasn T , Skill , Leadership , Difference , Contract , Compound , Republican , 30 Million , Spending , Gas , Same , Millions , 70 , Governors , Economies , Reconciliation Bill , School , Comeback , Tax Cut , Attention , Kids , Point , Thing , Donors , Bill , Industries , Recognition , Accident , Bad , Billionaire Buddies , Way , Decisions , Doing , Regulations , Game , Information , Elites , Investments , Men And Women , Food , Table , Fuel , Mountains , Truck , Staples , Virginia , Tractor , Democrats , Chance , Daily , Squad , Campaign , Bernie Sanders , Perspective , Journalist , Bamboozled , Mistakes , Part , Kind , Government Control , Aspect , Finger , Person , Didn T , Dependence , Wake Up Call , 80 Million , Impact , Bills , Washington , Theater , Policy Matters , Somebody , Leadership Matters , Contrast , Midterms , Mayor , Senate , Race , Health , Underestimation , Election , Speaking , Buffalo , White House , 2024 , Woman , Primary , Aoc Standards Campaign , Incumbent , Saying , Nomination , Water , Descriptor , Ballot , All Of You , 22 , Thanksgiving , Alarm , Implosion , Midterm , Focus Group , 2022 , Last , Participants , Ran , Shambles , Surprise , Issues , Most , All Of Us , Voices , Safety , Security , Prosperity , Division , Sovereignty , National Security , Allies , Appeasing , Unity , Working Class Americans , Fantasies , Joe , Congresswoman , Candidate , Kelsey Dabber , Hawaii , Tulsi Gabbard , Meltdown , Ideal , Understanding , Disaster , Liberal , Mix , Heat , Nation , Independence , Government , Independents , Party Affiliation , Struggling , Listen , Families , Interest , Bread , Budgets , Gallon , Needs , Milk , Loaf , 7 , , Both , Economist , Dollar Bill , Dumping Trillions , Economy , Books , Inflation Crisis , Experiences , Family , Adults , Action , Fire , Theory , Idea , Accomplishment , Victory , Explanation , Win , Money , Something , Help , Responsibility , Position , Leaders , Order , Bureaucracy , Stuff , Presumption , Ones , Trump , Matters , Decision Making , Men , Individuals , Inspiration , Juxtaposition , Powers , Belief , Brey Walker See , Agents , Pockets , Circulation , Irs , 87000 , Answer , Inflation Problem , Small Business Owners , Least , The Greatest Generation , Women , Enthused , Generations , Morphing , Framework , Nonsense , 60 , 50 , Look , Big Government , Approach , No Doubt , Fighting Against , Ability , Freedoms , Choices , Fabric , Spirit Of America , Reminder , Differences , Nicole Saphier , Lesson , Administration Banning Travel , Coming Up , Dimension , Tiger , Imagination , Response , Spread , Travel Ban , Breaking Tonight , Variant , Team , Travelers , Concern , Southern Africa , World Health Organization , Hong Kong , Israel , Belgium , Letter , Name , Alphabet , Points Out , Chinese , Spelled Exide , Efforts , Confusion , Trump Travel Ban , Bodyguard , Tweeting , Eyes , New African Band , 2020 , January 1st 2020 , 1 , Fears , Expert , Credibility , Pretext , Definition , 18 , Lockdown Liberals , Doubt , Shots , Conference , Tricks , Fauci , One Shot , Nra , J , Troll , Village , Goalposts , Senior Advisor , Variance , Thousands , System , Environment , Cases , Delta , Cried Wolf , Nations , South Africa , U K , Europe , Rise , Treatment , Disease , Immunity , Experience , 32 , Vaccines , Treatments , Effect , Mutations , Population , 25 , 20 , Variants , Stephen , Flu Shots , Weren T , Cause , Boosters , Alpha Version , Flu , Strains , Politics , Covid , Stockholm Syndrome , Everywhere , Points , Fear , Questions , Deal , Planet Earth , Times , Record , Medications , Studies , Over The Counter , Illness , Serious Scientific Effort Into , Reason , Carbide , Affect , Human Context , Science , Super Spreader Zone , Olympics , In Beijing , Nature , Athletes , Doesn T , Limbic , Argument , Pandemic , Coronavirus , Globe , Member , Ground Zero , Zero , Events , Testing , Vaccine Status , Precautions , Virus , Breakthrough Infections , Surveillance Testing , It S Time , Northern California , Crime Wave , Smile , Ric Grenell , Everyone , Plan , Exam , Budget , Smiles , Obligation , Patients , X Rays , Payment Solutions , Insurance , Book , Fried Foods , Taste , Narrator , Crunch , 800 , Cleanup , Meals , Technology , Air , Cuisinart , Airfryer Toaster Oven , Results , Multitasking Oven , Oil , Functions , Odors , Seven , 98 , Broils , Toasts , Convection Bakes , String , Apple Store , Authorities , Suspects , Merchandise , Santa Rosa , 20000 , Four , 0000 , Black Friday , Fog , Search Scarring , Bay Area , Smash And Grab Lutein , San Francisco , Shoppers , Property Damage , Normalization , Remarks , Don T Take My Word , Seth Rogen , City , Living , Car , Nuts , Don T Leave , Property Crime , Garbage , Acting Director , Violation , Harm , Invasion , Rick , Aaron Perini , Campaign Communications Director , Southern Californian , Sanctuary , States , Sanctuary Cities , Beginning , Note , 12 , Politicians , Sanctuary City , Sanctuary State , Law Enforcement Officials , Rule Of Law , District Attorneys , Police , Laws , Situations , Led , Criminals , Couple , Cars , Los Angeles , Moves , Ticket , Regulation , Words , 950 , 47 , Suggestion , Reparations , Color , Proposition , Dishes , Shoplifting , Felony Shoplifting , Charge , Police Commissioner , Cities , Three , Neighborhoods , Retail Theft , Philadelphia , Schools Act , Prosecutors , Effort , Wing , We Saw , Places , Criminal Behavior , Seattle , Eye , Deep Blue , Prosecutor , Law Order , Law , Security Matter , City Attorney , Vote , Community Safer , Felonies , Penalties , D A , Bit , Change , Movement , Organization , 1 4 Million , Conservatives , Aren T , Rest , Atm , Activists , Leave , Fix California Com , Sign Up , Funds , Go To , Pennsylvania , Ohio , State , Everybody , Direction , Timing , Attitude , 11 , Five , Mayors , Don T , Damage , Legislators , Bill Reform , Grassroots Effort , Picture , Generation , Grandfather , Well , Heroes , World War Ii , Canted , Storefront , Sacrifice , Beaches , Fashion , Macy S , Nordstrom , Thanks , Father , 97 , Many , Fox And Friends Weekend Cohost Rachel Campbell Stuffy , Holiday Parade Massacre In Wisconsin , Law Enforcement And Push For Radical Bail Laws , Parabens , Bond , Fragrances , Dyes , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Skin , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Brand , Heart Health , Nutrient , Fish Oil , Mini Pill , Omega 3 , Qunol , Ocean Fish , Ultra Purified , 3 , Delmar Christmas Parade , Wisconsin , Waukesha , Dangers , Massacre , The Street , Media , Cash , Bail , Danger , Wall Street Journal , Kim Strassel , Piece , Suv , Deaths , Injuries , Dozens , Washington Post , Highwood , Six , Debra Messing , Press , Writing , Former , All American Christmas , Best Seller , Authors , Apartment , Tradition , Degree , Favorite Fox Talent , Parents , Refusal , Mom , The Public Eye , Future , Prison , Guy , Shouldn T , Rdas Come , Communists , Program , George Soros , Tragedy , Politician , Tweets , Stake , Big Time , Bloodbath , Judges , Criminal Justice System , Whatever , Repeat Offender , Offices , Grannies , Dancing , Jail , Philosophy , You Bet , Milwaukee , Maybe The Public Doesn T , Heels , Media Doesn T , Importance , Evildoers , Faith , Traditions , Stori , Isn T , Stories , Community , The Fox Family , No One , Great Book , Heartwarming , Break , Griddle , Cuisinart Griddler , Cooking Options , Ultimate , Versatility , Schedules , Griddler , Count , Timer , Panini Press , Temperature Control , Contact Grill , Grill , Sear Function , Cooking , Half Griddle , Dishwasher , Safe Plates , Crowd Pleaser , Evening , Jason In For Laura Ingram , Weekend , Ingraham Angle , School Administrator , District , Story , Race Theory Teachings , Ufos , Judd , Crisis , Plus , Aliens , Task Force , Tom ,

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