Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

cause. there is a lot of news unfolding today as well. i'm live inside the industrial fire house for the toledo refining company as some fear the biden administration could halt another u.s. pipeline amid a global energy crisis. now, we'll be talking to a worker at this plant, this as biden's fight against oil and gas could cause irreparable damage. todd: alex hogan has more on the painful spike in the energy crisis. >> reporter: hi, carley and todd. in the last year, we've really seen price increases from everything from used car sales to groceries and of course energy. electricity bills are climbing to the greatest increase we've seen since 2009. of course, this is causing a lot of concern for families as they head into the winter months. among some of these spikes, gasoline is up 49% and fuel oil is up 59%. now, when it comes to these industries, the white house is facing some backlash over be president joe biden's nominee for the comptroller of the currency. she is under criticism for her previous comments when it comes to coal, oil and gas. >> and here what i'm thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry. a lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order, at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change. >> reporter: conversations continue at cop 26 where world leaders are writing the final draft of the climate change pledge that they will sign at the end of the week. advocates argue that inaca shun right now will leave disastrous effects for future generations. the united states and china yesterday making an unexpected agreement, vowing to work together to reduce methane emissions and limit deforestation. >> out of this cooperation, we expect acceleration of the rate of he reduction and the only way you get it is by sharing technology, working together, sharing climate technology, working together in an effort to do it. >> reporter: another big conversation that's making waves at cop 26 is the discussion to limit all vehicle sales that produce emissions by the year 2035. a lot of companies joined on vowing to do just that. but four out of the five largest automakers in the world say they will not sign it. carley, todd. todd: alex hogan live for us this morning in london. alex, thanks. carley: president biden's 31 year high inflation crisis is hitting hardest here in america's heartland. todd: this as senator joe manchin is reportedly considering delaying the be president's spending plans. griff jenkins joins us live from washington with more. >> reporter: good morning, todd and carley. you better get used to the high prices because they're here to stay, contrary to claims from the administration that an inflation spike would be transitory. the labor department announcing october consumer prices are up 6.2% from last yearnd a almost a full point from september. take a look at the map, americans getting hit hardest in the heartland, over 7% in he phoenix, this as president biden tried to calm fears from the port of baltimore yesterday, saying his massive social spending bill is the solution. >> we've got problems. many people remain unsettled about the economy and we all know why. everything from a gallon of gas to a loaf of bread costs more. we've got to build it back better. this bill is going to ease inflationary pressure. >> reporter: prices are skyrocketing from fuel to food. that's ahead of the holidays coming up and it's making some in the president's own party very uneasy about passing more legislation, senator joe manchin tweeting this, the threat posed by inflation is not transitory and is instead getting worse, from the grocery store to the gas pump, americans know the inflation tax is real and d.c. can no longer ignore the economic pain americans feel every day. white house chief of staff, ron klain, says things are improving. >> i think things are a lot better in this country than they were a year ago, with regard to covid, with regard to the economy. we have a lot of work left to do. i think voters are in a show me, don't tell me mode. >> reporter: show me is what the president plans to do on monday when he signs the infrastructure bill into law. when will the prices come down. the chairman of the federal reserve warns it could be well into next summer. todd and carley. carley: that's the big question. thank you, griff jenkins, live for us in washington. appreciate it. todd: the white house remaining silent after biden's national security advisor jake sullivan was referenced in john durham's indictment of a former hillary clinton campaign lawyer. .carley: the connection raising concerns of ethics violations in sullivan's family and the highest levels of the justice department. brook singman joins us with more on the latest controversy. brooke, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. that's right. president biden's national security advisor has been in the spotlight since the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan in august. since then, sullivan has been referred to as the foreign policy advisor to special counsel john durham's indictment of clinton campaign a lawyer, michael sussmann. sussmann is charged with lying to the fbi about the trump organization and russia. there is no indication sullivan played any role beyond receiving information from the clinton campaign lawyer or that he's the target of the durham probe but it is the first direct link we're seeing between the investigation into the origins of the russia probe and the biden white house. and as this new connection comes to light, so have sullivan's deep family ties to the biden administration including his wife who served as counsel to attorney general merrick garland. now, garland has oversight of durham's probe into the origins of the fbi investigation into whether trump's 2016 campaign colluded with russia. now, the founder of the american accountability foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing transparency to government, calls that relationship troubling. the organization plans to recommend to congress that they investigate garland's ties to the sullivan's for possible ethics violations. carley, todd. todd: brooke, thanks. carley: and this morning the tunnel to towers foundation will honor those lost in the u.s. military response to 9/11 by reading the names of the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. >> there was over 7,000 americans that have given their lives for our country to protect us here but it's never been done, read all the names who gave their lives ever since. i felt after 20 years it's time, it's past time. it should have been done every single year, recognizing these heroes. carley: it is about time. and the event which is open to the public will take place on the steps of the lincoln memorial, active duty military families, gold star families and veterans from across the u.s. will participate in the reading. frank siller will join us live later this morning on "fox & friends." can't wait for that interview. todd: without him, so many people wouldn't have a lot. he does such great work. time now, eight minutes after the hour. attorneys for kyle rittenhouse want his case thrown out after he takes the stand during a dramatic day in court. that's an understatement. we'regoing to speak with a grouf fee mall veterans who want to serve their country in congress. can't wait for that. we're also sharing your photos all morning long in honor of veterans day. here is air force veteran ken cowen, he's the uncle of our associate producer corey. and this photo sent to us by "fox & friends first" writer elli. it's her grandfather who served in the bomber squad during world war ii. awesome photos. thank you for your service. ♪ we're all americans. ♪ car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. 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may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rinvoq. >> it's not going to leak. carley: we are back with the trial of kyle rittenhouse, his attorneys seeking a mistrial, asking the judge to throw out the homicide case against him. todd: ashley strohmier live now as rittenhouse breaks down in tears on the stand. >> reporter: rittenhouse's lawyers asked for a mistrial after the line of questioning directed at him. the lead prosecutors was reprimanded for bringing banned tiktok information the trial. if a mistrial is granted you prosecutors could be barred from bringing a new trial. >> don't get brazen with me. you know very well an attorney can't go into these types of areas when the judge already ruled without asking outside the presence of the jury to do so. so don't give me that. >> reporter: rittenhouse taking the stand to make his case for self-defense, saying he didn't go to kenosha for trouble and would not have shot joseph rosenbaum if he hadn't tried to take his gun. listen. >> mr. rosenbaum was chasing me. i pointed my gun at him and that did not deter him. he could have run away instead of trying to take my gun from me. but he kept chasing me. it didn't stop him. >> mr. rittenhouse, you're telling us that you felt like you were about to die, right? >> yes. >> reporter: at one point while on the stand rittenhouse broke down in tears, he went into detail about the events of that night and the threats against his life. >> he was screaming. he said i'm going to cut your [bleep] parts out, i'm not going to repeat the second worse but kill you and worse. >> reporter: this as a spokesperson for rittenhouse on the ingram angle says the charges should have never been brought up in the first place. >> it is clear that this district attorney's office should have never brought charges. i mean, they did without any meaningful investigation. i think what the nation has learned was the state still doesn't know what version of events they want to go with. >> reporter: and as far as that mistrial is concerned, the judge said he would consider it. back to you guys. todd: all right, ashley. thanks very much. let's bring in brett tulman, former federal prosecutor. let's back up. the strategy worked from the defense. how gutsy of a call to put kyle rittenhouse on the stand in the first place. >> there are some shocking things in this trial so far. one of them certainly is that they put him on the stand. i think they boxed themselves in, though. they had told the jury early on that they would hear from him so the trial went very well for them. they might have second-guessed that but for that promise early in the trial. todd: let's get to the thing everybody is talking about today, the line of improper questioning from the prosecutor. what's your take on this? was this a back door event at getting a mistrial without prejudice which would allow them to try this thing all over again, basically get a do-over or something else? >> you know, it was very hard to watch for many of us that have been in the courtroom and we've tried cases and certainly it gets tough while you're in there and you don't always say what you wish you would have said in a case but this was right out of the gate, todd, and i was shocked to hear it. he started to reference the fact that kyle rittenhouse had not made any statements prior to getting on the stand. that a was a direct implication of his right to remain silent in front of the jury and everybody knows it's law 101, you do that, you're at risk of a mistrial. i was surprised the judge didn't grant it right then and there. todd: he does have it in the back pocket, if the situation doesn't resolve itself with the jury as maybe the judge thinks it could. based upon the facts as you know them as a prosecutor, would you have brought this case in the first place? >> i would not. i think you're going to see 99 out of 100 would not have brought this case. you have too many facts that were consistent with the self-defense that they've outlined and the evidence and testimony and videos has been nothing but consistent. either they didn't have enough investigation or they didn't care about what the facts were and decided to plow forward, regardless. todd: key player in the steele dossier shenanigans if you will gave thousands of dollars to hillary clinton and other democrats, his name is charles dolan. $60,000 i believe donated to democrats by mr. dolan. i guess my question is, no shocker that we now know this information. but looking into the chess match that john durham is playing, what is he doing and where does this all end up? >> well, thank goodness that john ratcliffe, the director of national -- the dni national intelligence gave over to durham thousands of pages of documents that were declassified. otherwise, we wouldn't know that what durham is doing is actually getting the low level people that he can leverage, interview and hopefully gain more insight into who at the higher levels in the campaign were involved. once he has that, he'll be doing interviews and bringing more charges. todd: i think there's been a question throughout this, why is this taking so long. this kind of an intricate chess match seems like it takes a of lot of time. i've never done it. i know you have. it shows some major big-time lawyering. we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. >> thanks, todd. todd: all right. carley. carley: todd, there's been a lot of talk about the fate of the line 5 pipeline. it's still unclear whether or not the white house plans to shut it down. if they do, the impact will be felt by workers across several states, including right here in ohio. i'll be talking with a manager here at the toledo refining company about what it would mean for him and his family, coming up. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. ♪♪ this flag isn't backwards. it's facing this way because it's moving forward.aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. ♪♪ just like the men and women who wear it on their uniforms and the country it represents. they're all only meant to move one direction which is why we fly it this way on the flanks of the all-new grand wagoneer. moving boldly and unstoppably forward. (tiger) this is the dimension of imagination. ♪ ♪ todd: welcome back. florida governor ron de santis says if joe biden won't secure the border, he will send illegal immigrants to the president's home state of delaware. watch. >> if they're going to come here, we'll provide busses and provide them. i will send them to delaware and do that. i mean, if he's not going to support the border being secured, then he should be able to have everyone there. todd: de santis' fiery remarks come in response to reports that immigrants have been flown into florida from the southern border. the republican governor says he is working with texas governor greg abbott to enforce the law at the border but the president's policies are making it impossible to stop the flow of illegal immigrants. the biden administration will have to depend on whistleblowers to report on private companies who violate the vaccine mandate. osha's acting chief says there are not enough inspectors for this massive operation, companies that fail to comply will face fines starting at $13,000 per violation. more than 80 of million americans will be impacted by the vaccine rule in the new year, as a group of 10 unions along with a small business nonprofit are suing the president over his vaccine mandate. they call it a, quote, clear administrative overreach. they claim the proper procedure was not followed. the administration says it was an emergency rule so it did not have to follow usual standards. carl. carley.carley: as energy prices the nation soar to levels not seen in more than a decade, industry officials are sounding the alarm over what another pipeline shutdown could mean for you and your wallet. here with me now, scott hayes, affairs manager at the toledo refining company. thank you so much for letting us be here this morning. >> thanks for coming to the city i love and talking about this morning issue. carley: you have a vested interest in this topic because the oil that runs through line 5 runs directly to the toledo refining company and it creates a lot of jobs. so what happens if the pipeline gets shut down? >> well, first of all, it sets a horrible precedent. when you shut down pipelines, you're taking away the safest way to transport the fuels we need to move around the products that we use in everyday life. if you shut down refineries, because you shut down the pipelines, that production's going to move overseas and we're already seeing it. we've lost nine refineries in this country just in the last couple of years. and they're building them in china, india, other markets, and they're not doing it as cleanly as we do it here. carley: is that why gas prices are so high right now, because some of the refineries are being shut down. >> i think that's part of it. i think the threat of shutting down pipelines does not help. i think the way that you pull it out of the ground affects the price. it's a very complex geopolitical formula. but it is certainly not helping when you shut down refining capacity. carley: but president biden says the only way to lower gas prices would be to turn to opec and have them pump more oil, produce more oil, give us more oil. >> well, i don't know that i agree with the that. i think that domestically there's room for production. but i believe that the president is going to side on our side of this issue for line 5. i can't believe that the president would want to lose good paying union jobs that we have here, that we depend on and manufacturing cities that have lost a lot of manufacturing like toledo, ohio. carley: it's not just president biden. it's also michigan governor gretchen whitmer and the reason she and a group of environmentalists want to shut down line 5 is because there's a section of it that she says is dangerous, it's under the great lakes and she is worried about an oil spill. is there any merit to that concern? >> we don't believe so and the science says that is just not well-founded. the pipeline is safe. federal authorities have ruled that a it's safe. i happen to agree with secretary of energy granholm who was the governor of michigan, never had a problem with this stretch of line and has repeatedly said that pipelines are the safest, most effective and cleanest way to move fuels around. carley: toledo refining company employs, what, 1100 people? so how concerned are the workers here and what would happen if this pipeline were to shut down, what would happen to their jobs. >> we would be calling you, looking for jobs at fox. carley: so no jobs for any of these people anymore. >> it would be very, very difficult. carley: what would happen to the town? this place is like a city in and of itself. it's massive. you can imagine without this, it would affect other things in toledo as well. >> there was a study done that said that this refinery here in northwest ohio contributes $5.4 billion annually to the economic growth of the region. because not only do you have all the employees that work here, you're taxing the product in and out, millions of dollars a day. you have so many support organizationings, specialists that come in here, all the building trades and all of the collateral businesses that depend on it like the bakery. carley: yes. for those people -- he brought us donuts. so that bakery i also depends on this business as well. for those people who don't live in toledo and are listening right now, does this pipeline matter to them and gas prices that they're paying for as well? >> oh, yeah. absolutely it matters. if you shut down this pipeline or other pipelines, you lose refineries, everyone is going to pay. when the price of transportation goes up, the price of everything goes up. carley: scott, thank you so much for joining us they this morning, making your case. we so appreciate it. todd, back to you in in the studio. todd: scott knows the way to carley and producer anthony's call there with a donut. that was a smart call. carley: you're absolutely right. it was very exciting when he arrived with them this morning. todd: the pentagon says china and climate change are equally important national security threats. is that true? retired army general don boldok joins us to share his thoughts on that. and moderate democrats may be looking to change their image, how they look to rebrand themselves after biden's agenda fails to resonate with voters. ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 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...right here? ohhh my god. where? discovering things that were a mystery, that's what ancestry® did for our family. >> what is a bigger threat, the climate or china. >> both are equally important. both are challenges that the secretary wants the senior leadership of the pentagon to be focused on, as well as many others too. todd: you heard that right, the pentagon calling china and climate change equally important threats to u.s. national security. here to react, retired u.s. army general and u.s. senate candidate in new hampshire, don boltik. as someone who served, who understands what it means to be in the military, to fight and the threats that we face, how dangerous is it to our national security that the pentagon of all places puts china and climate change on the same plane? >> well, i think it's very dangerous and i think it's a miscalculation to get involved in politics. they should be focused on training, organizing service members for the defense of this nation. we have seen had they haven't done that. we watched the afghanistan debacle, we watched how that empowered china and china continues to push closer and closer to an invasion of taiwan which is very dangerous for us and for the security in asia and across the world and to combine those two as the department of defense is way off track. todd: you mentioned afghanistan. americans as we know still trapped in afghanistan and now there is a mad dash to get them out before the brutal winter cold sets in. we talked to alex plitsas yesterday, he's doing the work on the ground, trying to get people out. here's what he had to say. >> we need to increase our operations there and so we need more folks moved basically to lilly pads where the u.s. military base is a transit point between afghanistan and the united states. so we're working to try to expedite that but it's a race against the clock right now for the weather. todd: how big of a humanitarian crisis are we about to have on our hands? >> well, it's going to be a huge humanitarian crisis. we predicted it and of course it was common sense. you could see there was a refugee situation and the way the taliban governs and the law and how tragic it is for people. obviously, we're going to -- we're having one. it's been there. it's been there for a while. the taliban have been in charge of the rural areas there well before the withdrawal. it was a poor decision to do it the way they did it. and this is -- we're going to see ourselves going back to afghanistan, unfortunately. do i want to do that? no, i don't. but when you don't do the right things, you're going to have to revisit the problems that you caused. todd: finally, sir, today is veterans day. please, share your veterans day message with us. >> well, you know, for me every day is veterans day and it should be for all americans, but in particular veterans are reflecting on what they're seeing our national leaders do to our military. the vaccination shot mandate that's negatively affecting our service members, he the social, emotional learning, crt training that's interfering with our military's focus and training and the poor decisions of our senior leaders, everywhere i go in the state, the u.s. senate candidate for new hampshire and everywhere i go it is a question from everybody. and so today we need to reflect, we need to thank our veterans in our community, we need to be grateful that we have young men and women and families that raise young men and women that will go and serve our country, answer the call, sacrifice, give the ultimate sacrifice if necessary for the protection of our families and for god, family, community and this great country that we have the honor to live in. todd: we thank you for your service and we thank you for your time this morning. carley, over to you. carley: did you hear about this? hunter biden making an appearance at a flashy new york city art gallery where his paintings are on display. the new york post is reporting about 60 people attended the showing but hunter's evening took a turn when the post asked him if he had gotten his infamously lost laptop back to which hunter responded, quote, there's always a smart [bleep] in the bunch. vice president kamala harris under fire for appearing to use what critics describe as a french accent while touring a covid lab in paris. watch. >> we campaigned with the plan, upper case t, upper case p, the plan. we're expected to defend the plan. carley: yeah. harris appearing to change her accept when saying the phrase, the plan, the moment going viral online with many calling it, quote, cringe. indeed, it was. todd: senior meteorologist mad mademoiselle janice dean is here with our weather forecast. >> i took french in school. i can appreciate la francais. there's a lot of parades happening in new york city, happening around the noon hour and thankfully really nice weather. we have a storm system that will move in tomorrow. that is bringing not so great weather across the upper midwest. you can see the cold air across the west. that will make its way towards the central u.s. and the east. the warmup that we experienced in the east, that's going to end over the next couple days. just be prepared. so the area of low pressure across the upper midwest and the trailing cold front moving over the mississippi valley, that could bring showers and thunderstorms, maybe the potential for severe weather as well including hail and damaging winds but this is the big storm that we are talking about, the first official snowfall of the season and first official blizzard warning for south dakota. that means not only the show but the blowing snow and that's going to cause reduced visibility as well as really dangerous travel over the next 12 to 24 hours. snow forecast, yep, over a foot of snow for parts of the dakotas, in towards medicine sew the take and then of course the blizzard conditions is what we're going to watch throughout the day today. so that's going to be dangerous. there's your national forecast for veterans day, of course we thank everyone for their service. we're going to watch that trailing cold front bring the potential for showers and thunderstorms. we will be good here in new york city but be prepared for some wet weather tomorrow. todd: we thank you very much, jd, as well. >> thank you, my friend. todd: carley, over to you. carley: coming up, these two women proudly served our country in the military and now they're hoping to continue that service in congress. we're talking to both of them coming up. we'll also be checking in with will cane who is live at the first ever folds of honor cup. can't wait to hear about it. todd: first, we are celebrating veterans day by honoring the men and women who served our great land including army sergeant and vietnam veteran ralph eagle. and scott grebek who served in the k-9 unit during operation desert storm. we thank them and all of our american heroes for their service. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. brushing only reaches 25% of your mouth. listerine® cleans virtually 100%. helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. never settle for 25%. always go for 100. bring out the bold™ with xfinity home, you can keep your home and everything in it more protected. i can wrangle all my deliveries. thanks, hoss! and i help walk the dog from wherever. *door unlocks* ♪ ♪ well, i can bust curfew-breakers in an instant. well, you all have xfinity home, with cameras to home security monitored by the pros. *laughs* learn more about home security or get our self-monitored solution starting at just $10 per month. carley: two female military veterans now running for congress say their drive to run is fueled by their belief that the biden administration is failing to protect our national security. here to explain, u.s. senate candidate in north carolina, marjorie eastman and virginia state senator and congressional candidate, jen higgins. good morning to you both. jen, i'll start with you. because you are a navy veteran, nurse practitioner and state senator. you also have four kids. you woke up and said let me add one more thing to my to do list and run for congress. what motivated you to run. >> thank you, carley. so my life has always been about service as you mentioned. first, i served my country as navy pilot, and got out, used my gi bill and went to school for a nurse practitioner so i served patients and their families, then i served my family as a mother and military spouse. then i decided to run for state stat and a i serve my constituents. that life of service i hope to continue that on the national level where we really need the help right now. carley: marjorie, you served in both iraq and often afghanistan. you signed up after the 9/11 terror attacks. you say witnessing president biden's disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan is what motivated you to run for senate in north carolina. >> that's correct. i mean, i'll just start with 9/11 20 years ago. when that happened to our country, i asked myself how could i help. because no one does this to my country. and you fast forward today with all the crises that we're surrounded with, the disastrous fall of afghanistan was the tipping point for me because i asked myself, again, how can i help. because no one does this to my country. and afghanistan's personal to he me. i saw that war firsthand. i know people that died over there and i held the hands of little afghan girls when we would deliver goodwill supplies from generous americans. so, yes, the biden administration failed us and that is why i'm running for u.s. senate. carley: jen, you know, last month a pentagon official said isis-k would have the capacity to attack the united states in six months. a story that i don't think has gotten enough attention. what can be done to reverse that? >> we need to prioritize our national security right now. we have not. the american military feels like the administration does not have their backs and i worry about our retention, our recruitment for our military, i worry about families, the impression that leaves with families. we feel vulnerable. we feel congress isn't looking out for us, we feel the current president isn't looking out for us. there's nothing more important than national security and making sure the world is a safe place for our families and for our country. carley: yeah. and you know, marjorie, playing off that, it sort of feels like the country's spinning of out of control. you have the crime rate going up in cities across the country, the southern border, no protection there. like you said, the afghanistan withdrawal, which is still on everybody's mind today. how does one reverse all that, tackle all of those challenges and put us back on track? >> well, it starts by sending battle-tested leaders like jen and me to congress. we've got to stop sending career politicians who are not viewing it as a tour of duty. i view this as a tour of duty and i took a public pledge for term limits. carley: thank you both so much for your service on this veterans day and best of luck in your next tour of duty which would be political careers to come as you both win your respective elections, best of luck on that front as well. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and happy veterans day. >> thank you, carley. >> happy veterans day to both of you too. appreciate it. carley: all right. and now we're taking you to orlando, florida for the first ever folds of honor cup. todd: "fox & friends weekend" host will cain joins us now along with the widow of master sergeant aaron torent and their daughter, bella. will, take it away. >> todd, carley. good morning to you. it's the inaugural folds of honor cup, a charity which everybody watching fox is very familiar with. donate to the families of veterans, most of whom have lost their lives, help set up scholarships for their children. i've got jurlie and laura a bell torian. . tell me about your husband. >> aaron was just a leader, a leader in our family, a leader at work. he was strong, a strong person, and he's missed every day. >> so todd, carley, the sun's not up as you can see but i've got to -- this is not gray you is notgratuitous. when laura bell came in, her smile lit up the entire golf club. can you tell us about your dad. what do you remember? what do you miss? >> he's definitely a superhero in my book. we were planning on building a garden together. we always did yard work and stuff, just outdoors all the time. >> and now let's talk about folds of honor. tell me what this charity has done for you and your family. >> so folds has been great. i mean, they remind us every day that my husband's fight hasn't been forgotten, that it was important, the donors that give to folds around this country just that keep the organization going, it'ses just -- it feels good to know that people haven't forgotten what happened. it's not just because it was seven years ago, doesn't mean it's over. >> you have three children. >> three children, all in private school. >> and they're recipients of folds of honor color shapes. scholarships.>> yes. >> it's been 35,000 scholarships given out over the 14-year history of folds of honor. he everyone watching, if you want to support, it's an incredible charity. on this veterans day, we're grateful to not just those who lost their lives but the families who sacrificed so much. you can donate now, sign up for a subscription, you get a free t-shirt i'm not wearing but i will later today. it will be a great day of golf. there will be a host of celebrities and also bret baier will be here participating here in orlando. todd, carley, back to you. todd: $13 a monday, it's an amazing cause. thank you so much. an you amacing cause. we appreciate it. 51 minutes after the hour. inflation hitting a 30 year high as we enter the holiday season. what does that mean for your bank account? who else to ask but brian brenberg, he's here to help us crunch the numbers right now. ♪ deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. trying this. doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain,discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. . . c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! help me with scheduling? sure thing. up top. high thryv! payments? high thryv! promotions? high thryv! email marketing? almost there, hold on. wait for it. high thryv! manage my customer list? can do. will do. high thryv! post on social media? hash-tag high thryv my friend! get a free demo at some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. ♪ ♪ be. todd: welcome back. inelflation hitting a 30-year high just as we enter the holiday season. experts predicting the president's $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan are going to push up your costs even more. here to react brian brenberg, fox news conservative. king executive vice president and associate professor of business. that means he knows money. great to see you double b. inflation from october of 20 to october 2021, this is not good at all. fuel up 59%. used cars up 26%. steak up 24%. we have seen some steak up by 100 percent. bacon 20%. furniture up 12. of all the negative data points have seen recently why is this one the most concerning. >> look, we are talking about all the food prices that hit families. if you have a big family. especially lower income family, food is a bigger percentage of your spending. if you are higher income family this is a regressive tax. it hit the least a lot hardest. but it's the energy prices that really concern me here. that bakes into every single thing that you buy. anything that moves on the roads, gas, heating oil for issue with the time. we have snow coming in the upper midwest. that's a huge problem, todd. and the biggest issue of all is we have got nobody doing anything about it the administration has not shown us that they care bus. they are talking about it but they haven't shown us they are willing to do about anything to get fund control. ed ited to with that lack of action how long do you near thinflationary period is going to last. >> i think we are talking well into 2022 most of the experts watching this honestly are saying it's going to keep going, folks, buckle up. which, again, is why we have got to do things like get energy markets back. get people back to, wouldenned a stop the spending. todd: some democrats realize it is the economy, stupid. as i believe a famous democrat so as a result some democrats want to rebrand as quote normal democrats. here is one of them. congressman conor lamb, democrat from pennsylvania. he tweeted following: if you want a senator who unares as a socialist feeds the g.o.p. attack ads and didn't help with infrastructure, i'm not your guy. that's not how you beat republicans. i know because i have actually done it and will again. i'm a normal draft who supports jobs and wins elections. how scared should she's so-called normal democrats be that the red wave is going to watch over them as well nothing they do will change that. >> had these are pocketbook issues. you see it when you go to the store. if i was a moderate democrat getting steam rolled by the left right now, i would be yelling and screaming and saying stop it. you are killing our party. these policies are killing our prospects. i don't care if you are left, right, center where you are ideologically. when prices start to rise like this and you see your paycheck actually going down on a real basis i don't care what party you are in. i want you to fix this. if the guys in office can't do it, ask somebody else. todd: democrats have less than a year to figure it out. i don't know if they will. >> they are not showing it. todd: brian brenberg appreciate your time this morning as always. bring in carley. great job there in toledo. carley: thank you so much. yeah. there is so everywhere going on today. some good. some bad. i'm going to be at the toledo refining company all morning long. tomorrow as well. talking to people about how the president's policies are affecting folks here. of the energy policies are affecting folks here and across the country as well. it's veterans day. todd: thank the veterans in your lives and all across america that allowed us to be where we are today with the freedoms that we have. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ carley: president biden 31 year high inflation crisis is hitting hardest in america's heartland. >> not transitory getting worse. >> looking like the 1970s. i actually think it could be worse. >> kyle rittenhouse breaks down on the witness stand. >> the judge slamming the prosecutor. >> don't get brazen with me. that's basic law. it's been basic law in this country for 40 years. >> that's why the prosecution is desperate right now. they are on the ropes. >> governor ron desantis promising to push back against biden's agenda. >>

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26 , Sharing Climate Technology , Rate , Effects , China , Generations , Agreement , Methane Emissions , Deforestation , Cooperation , Way , Conversation , Technology , Effort , Working Together , Making Waves , Companies , Discussion , Vehicle Sales , Emissions , 2035 , Four , Five , Biden S , Crisis , World , Automakers , London , 31 , Joe Manchin , Heartland , Spending Plans , More , In Washington , Griff Jenkins , Prices , Take A Look , Point , Consumer , Inflation Spike , Stay , Claims , Map , Labor Department , September , 6 2 , President , Hit , Fears , Port Of Baltimore , Phoenix , 7 , People , Bill , Economy , Solution , Problems , Spending , Know , Bread , Gallon , Loaf , Pressure , Party , Food , Fuel , Holidays , Threat , Inflation , Grocery Store , Inflation Tax , Legislation , Gas Pump , D C , This , Work , Things , Pain , Regard , Ron Klain , Covid , Law , Don T , Plans , Reserve , Voters , Infrastructure Bill , Chairman , Show Me , Tell Me Mode , John Durham , Jake Sullivan , Indictment , Carley , National Security Advisor , Big Question , Hillary Clinton , Family , Michael Sussmann , Levels , Concerns , Ethics Violations , Justice Department , Brook Singman , Afghanistan , Withdrawal , Controversy , Foreign Policy Advisor , Spotlight , Brooke , Guys , Indication , Clinton , Russia , Campaign A , Fbi , Trump Organization , Role , Investigation , Information , Campaign Lawyer , Target , Origins , Probe , Connection , Link , Light , Wife , Merrick Garland , Counsel , Oversight , Family Ties , Campaign Colluded , Investigation Into Whether Trump , 2016 , Organization , Congress , Government , Nonprofit , Founder , Transparency , Relationship , The American Accountability Foundation , Ties , U S Military , Tunnel To Towers Foundation , Lives , Names , Sacrifice , 9 11 , 7000 , Heroes , Single , 20 , Place , Veterans , Event , Military , Public , Reading , Steps , Active Duty , Gold Star , Lincoln Memorial , Case , Stand , Interview , Kyle Rittenhouse , Attorneys , Him , Frank Siller , Eight , Grouf Fee Mall Veterans , Photos , Court , Understatement , We Regoing , Veterans Day , Honor , Ken Cowen , Elli , Corey , Uncle , Photo , Air Force , Service , Grandfather , Bomber Squad , World War Ii , Estimate , Liberty , Helicopter , Pay , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Woooooooooooooo , Demo , Office , High Thryv , Small Business , Management Software , Mission , Thryv , Yep , All In One , Ow , One , Cringe , Rinvoq , Swelling , Symptoms , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Pill , Stiffness , Infections , Joints , Attack , Ra , Immune System , Fatigue , Tuberculosis , Ability , Rinvoq Relief , Doctor , Changes , Tears , Intestines , Bloodwork , Stomach , Lab Results , Cancers , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Rheumatologist , Mistrial , Judge , Trial , Rittenhouse , Ashley Strohmier , Homicide , Line , Questioning , Prosecutors , Lawyers , Tiktok Information The Trial , Jury , Presence , Types , Attorney , Areas , Mr , He Hadn T , Self Defense , Gun , Joseph Rosenbaum , Trouble , Rittenhouse Taking The Stand , He Didn T Go To Kenosha , It Didn T Stop Him , Threats , Events , Yes , Life , Stand Rittenhouse , Detail , Bleep , Worse , Spokesperson , Rittenhouse On The Ingram Angle , Charges , Nation , State , District Attorney , Brett Tulman , Thanks , Doesn T , Version , Call , Defense , Strategy , The Stand In First , Thing , Everybody , Promise , Do Over , Something Else , Prejudice , Back Door , Cases , Courtroom , Many , Statements , Fact , Gate , Implication , Right , Risk , Front , Silent , Didn T Grant , 101 , Facts , Back Pocket , Situation Doesn T , 99 , Nothing , Evidence , Testimony , Videos , 100 , Thousands , Dossier Shenanigans , Key Player In The Steele , Question , Democrats , Chess Match , Name , Charles Dolan , Shocker , 60000 , 0000 , John Ratcliffe , Playing , Dni , Doing , Intelligence , Documents , Pages , Declassified , Kind , Interviews , Taking , Insight , Sir , Lawyering , Workers , Manager , States , Line 5 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Shutdown , Issue , City , Scott Hayes , Topic , Wall , Pipelines , Jobs , Precedent , Production , Refineries , Fuels , Products , Gas Prices , Markets , India , Nine , Price , Ground , Part , Refining Capacity , Formula , Room , Opec , Cities , Side , Union , Manufacturing , Gretchen Whitmer , Toledo , Reason , Section , Environmentalists , Michigan , Safe , Secretary Of Energy Granholm , Science , Merit , Oil Spill , Authorities , Great Lakes , Problem , Safest , Stretch , Jobs At Fox , What , 1100 , Study , Refinery , City In , Town , Support Organizationings , Product , Growth , Region , Millions , Employees , 4 Billion , 5 4 Billion , Bakery , Businesses , Business , Donuts , Specialists , All The Building Trades , Don T Live In Toledo , Pipeline Matter , Transportation , Studio , Security , Producer , Donut , Pentagon , Anthony , Don Boldok , Thoughts , Image , Retired , Agenda , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , 2 , Weight , Cv Risk , Game , Adults , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Stroke , 12 , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Death , Pens , Needles , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Help , Side Effects , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Stop Ozempic , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Prescription , Learning , Ancestrydna , History , Culture , 3 , 25 , Mystery , My God , That S What Ancestry , Both , Challenges , Leadership , Climate , On , Secretary , Others , Someone , Candidate , U S Senate , General , U S National Security , New Hampshire , U S Army , React , Don Boltik , Plane , Places , Training , Service Members , Politics , Haven T , Miscalculation , Invasion , Debacle , Asia , Taiwan , Track , Dash , Department Of Defense , Two , Folks , Operations , Winter Cold Sets , Alex Plitsas , Weather , Lilly Pads , Transit Point , Race , Clock , U S Military Base , Taliban , Hands , Refugee Situation , Common Sense , Charge , Decision , Veterans Day Message , Leaders , Vaccination , Mandate , Everywhere , Social , Decisions , Focus , Crt , Community , Protection , God , Hunter Biden , Appearance , Paintings , Display , New York City Art Gallery , New York Post , 60 , Showing , Kamala Harris , Laptop , Evening , Smart , Post , Plan , Critics , Accent , Under Fire , Touring A Covid Lab , French , Paris , Calling , Phrase , Upper Case P , Janice Dean , Weather Forecast , Storm System , Parades , New York City , In School , La Francais , East , Upper Midwest , Warmup , Air , West , Potential , Cold Front , Showers , Thunderstorms , Area , Mississippi Valley , Storm , Snowfall , Show , Season , Winds , Blizzard Warning , Hail , Blowing Snow , South Dakota , Snow , Parts , Conditions , Visibility , Medicine , Travel , Foot , Snow Forecast , The Dakotas , 24 , Forecast , Friend , Jd , Honor Cup , Land , Will Cane , Scott Grebek , Vietnam Veteran , Army Sergeant , Operation Desert Storm , K 9 Unit , Ralph Eagle , 9 , Breath , Gum Disease , Mouth , Brushing , Listerine , Home , Tm , Bold , Xfinity , Wherever , Hoss , Dog , Unlocks , Deliveries , Home Security , Pros , Curfew Breakers , Instant , Cameras , Xfinity Home , Belief , Drive , 0 , Jen Higgins , Virginia State Senator , Marjorie Eastman , North Carolina , Nurse Practitioner , Navy , Veteran , State Senator , List , Kids , First , Gi Bill , Pilot , Got Out , Patients , State Stat , Ai , Constituents , Level , Spouse , Mother , Terror Attacks , Iraq , Senate , Crises , Tipping Point , Supplies , War , Girls , Story , Official , Capacity , Attention , Isis K , Six , Backs , Retention , Recruitment , Isn T Looking Out , Impression , Marjorie , Crime Rate , Feels , Spinning , Out Of Control , Mind , Reverse , Back On Track , Career Politicians , Tour Of Duty , Tour , Duty , Luck , Pledge , Term Limits , Best , Elections , Careers , Win , Aaron Torent , Widow , Orlando , Will Cain , Charity , Folds , Will , Fox , Daughter , Bella , Children , Most , Leader , Husband , Laura Bell , Bell Torian , Jurlie , The Sun , Person , Dad , Superhero , Book , Notgratuitous , Golf Club , Garden , Stuff , Donors , Fight Hasn T , People Haven T , It Ses , Private School , Recipients , Honor Color Shapes , Scholarships , Three , Seven , Scholarships , Support , 35000 , 14 , T Shirt , Golf , Subscription , Host , Back To You , Celebrities , You Amacing Cause , Bret Baier , 13 , 51 , Brian Brenberg , Holiday Season , Bank Account , Inflation Hitting , Crunch , Who , 30 , Belly Pain , Discomfort , Constipation , Numbers , Deb , Linzess , Bloating , Yess , Laxative , Feelings , Coating , Signs , Ibs C , Symptoms Belly Pain , Bowel Movements , Bowel Blockage , 18 , Stools , C , Hold On , Email Marketing , Customer List , Promotions , Payments , Social Media , Up Top , Inelflation , Executive Vice President , Experts , Of Business , Infrastructure Plan , Costs , 2 Trillion , 1 2 Trillion , Money , Cars , B Inflation , October 2021 , 2021 , Hit Families , Food Prices , Data Points , Concerning , Furniture Up , Percentage , Tax , Least , Heating Oil , Roads , Nobody , Fund Control , Action , Bus , Lack , Ed Ited , Energy Markets , Which , Wouldenned A , Buckle Up , 2022 , Quote Normal Democrats , Result , Pennsylvania , Congressman Conor Lamb , Unares , Senator , Didn T , Socialist , Infrastructure , Guy , Attack Ads , Red Wave , Well Nothing , Wins , Stop It , Store , Steam , Issues , Pocketbook , Left , Care , Prospects , Paycheck , Basis , Job , Good , Bad , Energy Policies , America , Freedoms , Biden 31 , Witness Stand , America S Heartland , 1970 , Prosecution , Ropes , 40 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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cause. there is a lot of news unfolding today as well. i'm live inside the industrial fire house for the toledo refining company as some fear the biden administration could halt another u.s. pipeline amid a global energy crisis. now, we'll be talking to a worker at this plant, this as biden's fight against oil and gas could cause irreparable damage. todd: alex hogan has more on the painful spike in the energy crisis. >> reporter: hi, carley and todd. in the last year, we've really seen price increases from everything from used car sales to groceries and of course energy. electricity bills are climbing to the greatest increase we've seen since 2009. of course, this is causing a lot of concern for families as they head into the winter months. among some of these spikes, gasoline is up 49% and fuel oil is up 59%. now, when it comes to these industries, the white house is facing some backlash over be president joe biden's nominee for the comptroller of the currency. she is under criticism for her previous comments when it comes to coal, oil and gas. >> and here what i'm thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry. a lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order, at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change. >> reporter: conversations continue at cop 26 where world leaders are writing the final draft of the climate change pledge that they will sign at the end of the week. advocates argue that inaca shun right now will leave disastrous effects for future generations. the united states and china yesterday making an unexpected agreement, vowing to work together to reduce methane emissions and limit deforestation. >> out of this cooperation, we expect acceleration of the rate of he reduction and the only way you get it is by sharing technology, working together, sharing climate technology, working together in an effort to do it. >> reporter: another big conversation that's making waves at cop 26 is the discussion to limit all vehicle sales that produce emissions by the year 2035. a lot of companies joined on vowing to do just that. but four out of the five largest automakers in the world say they will not sign it. carley, todd. todd: alex hogan live for us this morning in london. alex, thanks. carley: president biden's 31 year high inflation crisis is hitting hardest here in america's heartland. todd: this as senator joe manchin is reportedly considering delaying the be president's spending plans. griff jenkins joins us live from washington with more. >> reporter: good morning, todd and carley. you better get used to the high prices because they're here to stay, contrary to claims from the administration that an inflation spike would be transitory. the labor department announcing october consumer prices are up 6.2% from last yearnd a almost a full point from september. take a look at the map, americans getting hit hardest in the heartland, over 7% in he phoenix, this as president biden tried to calm fears from the port of baltimore yesterday, saying his massive social spending bill is the solution. >> we've got problems. many people remain unsettled about the economy and we all know why. everything from a gallon of gas to a loaf of bread costs more. we've got to build it back better. this bill is going to ease inflationary pressure. >> reporter: prices are skyrocketing from fuel to food. that's ahead of the holidays coming up and it's making some in the president's own party very uneasy about passing more legislation, senator joe manchin tweeting this, the threat posed by inflation is not transitory and is instead getting worse, from the grocery store to the gas pump, americans know the inflation tax is real and d.c. can no longer ignore the economic pain americans feel every day. white house chief of staff, ron klain, says things are improving. >> i think things are a lot better in this country than they were a year ago, with regard to covid, with regard to the economy. we have a lot of work left to do. i think voters are in a show me, don't tell me mode. >> reporter: show me is what the president plans to do on monday when he signs the infrastructure bill into law. when will the prices come down. the chairman of the federal reserve warns it could be well into next summer. todd and carley. carley: that's the big question. thank you, griff jenkins, live for us in washington. appreciate it. todd: the white house remaining silent after biden's national security advisor jake sullivan was referenced in john durham's indictment of a former hillary clinton campaign lawyer. .carley: the connection raising concerns of ethics violations in sullivan's family and the highest levels of the justice department. brook singman joins us with more on the latest controversy. brooke, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. that's right. president biden's national security advisor has been in the spotlight since the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan in august. since then, sullivan has been referred to as the foreign policy advisor to special counsel john durham's indictment of clinton campaign a lawyer, michael sussmann. sussmann is charged with lying to the fbi about the trump organization and russia. there is no indication sullivan played any role beyond receiving information from the clinton campaign lawyer or that he's the target of the durham probe but it is the first direct link we're seeing between the investigation into the origins of the russia probe and the biden white house. and as this new connection comes to light, so have sullivan's deep family ties to the biden administration including his wife who served as counsel to attorney general merrick garland. now, garland has oversight of durham's probe into the origins of the fbi investigation into whether trump's 2016 campaign colluded with russia. now, the founder of the american accountability foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing transparency to government, calls that relationship troubling. the organization plans to recommend to congress that they investigate garland's ties to the sullivan's for possible ethics violations. carley, todd. todd: brooke, thanks. carley: and this morning the tunnel to towers foundation will honor those lost in the u.s. military response to 9/11 by reading the names of the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. >> there was over 7,000 americans that have given their lives for our country to protect us here but it's never been done, read all the names who gave their lives ever since. i felt after 20 years it's time, it's past time. it should have been done every single year, recognizing these heroes. carley: it is about time. and the event which is open to the public will take place on the steps of the lincoln memorial, active duty military families, gold star families and veterans from across the u.s. will participate in the reading. frank siller will join us live later this morning on "fox & friends." can't wait for that interview. todd: without him, so many people wouldn't have a lot. he does such great work. time now, eight minutes after the hour. attorneys for kyle rittenhouse want his case thrown out after he takes the stand during a dramatic day in court. that's an understatement. we'regoing to speak with a grouf fee mall veterans who want to serve their country in congress. can't wait for that. we're also sharing your photos all morning long in honor of veterans day. here is air force veteran ken cowen, he's the uncle of our associate producer corey. and this photo sent to us by "fox & friends first" writer elli. it's her grandfather who served in the bomber squad during world war ii. awesome photos. thank you for your service. ♪ we're all americans. ♪ car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! ow. get a free demo at your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. ow. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred... have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. tell your doctor about any infections... and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra. talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rinvoq. >> it's not going to leak. carley: we are back with the trial of kyle rittenhouse, his attorneys seeking a mistrial, asking the judge to throw out the homicide case against him. todd: ashley strohmier live now as rittenhouse breaks down in tears on the stand. >> reporter: rittenhouse's lawyers asked for a mistrial after the line of questioning directed at him. the lead prosecutors was reprimanded for bringing banned tiktok information the trial. if a mistrial is granted you prosecutors could be barred from bringing a new trial. >> don't get brazen with me. you know very well an attorney can't go into these types of areas when the judge already ruled without asking outside the presence of the jury to do so. so don't give me that. >> reporter: rittenhouse taking the stand to make his case for self-defense, saying he didn't go to kenosha for trouble and would not have shot joseph rosenbaum if he hadn't tried to take his gun. listen. >> mr. rosenbaum was chasing me. i pointed my gun at him and that did not deter him. he could have run away instead of trying to take my gun from me. but he kept chasing me. it didn't stop him. >> mr. rittenhouse, you're telling us that you felt like you were about to die, right? >> yes. >> reporter: at one point while on the stand rittenhouse broke down in tears, he went into detail about the events of that night and the threats against his life. >> he was screaming. he said i'm going to cut your [bleep] parts out, i'm not going to repeat the second worse but kill you and worse. >> reporter: this as a spokesperson for rittenhouse on the ingram angle says the charges should have never been brought up in the first place. >> it is clear that this district attorney's office should have never brought charges. i mean, they did without any meaningful investigation. i think what the nation has learned was the state still doesn't know what version of events they want to go with. >> reporter: and as far as that mistrial is concerned, the judge said he would consider it. back to you guys. todd: all right, ashley. thanks very much. let's bring in brett tulman, former federal prosecutor. let's back up. the strategy worked from the defense. how gutsy of a call to put kyle rittenhouse on the stand in the first place. >> there are some shocking things in this trial so far. one of them certainly is that they put him on the stand. i think they boxed themselves in, though. they had told the jury early on that they would hear from him so the trial went very well for them. they might have second-guessed that but for that promise early in the trial. todd: let's get to the thing everybody is talking about today, the line of improper questioning from the prosecutor. what's your take on this? was this a back door event at getting a mistrial without prejudice which would allow them to try this thing all over again, basically get a do-over or something else? >> you know, it was very hard to watch for many of us that have been in the courtroom and we've tried cases and certainly it gets tough while you're in there and you don't always say what you wish you would have said in a case but this was right out of the gate, todd, and i was shocked to hear it. he started to reference the fact that kyle rittenhouse had not made any statements prior to getting on the stand. that a was a direct implication of his right to remain silent in front of the jury and everybody knows it's law 101, you do that, you're at risk of a mistrial. i was surprised the judge didn't grant it right then and there. todd: he does have it in the back pocket, if the situation doesn't resolve itself with the jury as maybe the judge thinks it could. based upon the facts as you know them as a prosecutor, would you have brought this case in the first place? >> i would not. i think you're going to see 99 out of 100 would not have brought this case. you have too many facts that were consistent with the self-defense that they've outlined and the evidence and testimony and videos has been nothing but consistent. either they didn't have enough investigation or they didn't care about what the facts were and decided to plow forward, regardless. todd: key player in the steele dossier shenanigans if you will gave thousands of dollars to hillary clinton and other democrats, his name is charles dolan. $60,000 i believe donated to democrats by mr. dolan. i guess my question is, no shocker that we now know this information. but looking into the chess match that john durham is playing, what is he doing and where does this all end up? >> well, thank goodness that john ratcliffe, the director of national -- the dni national intelligence gave over to durham thousands of pages of documents that were declassified. otherwise, we wouldn't know that what durham is doing is actually getting the low level people that he can leverage, interview and hopefully gain more insight into who at the higher levels in the campaign were involved. once he has that, he'll be doing interviews and bringing more charges. todd: i think there's been a question throughout this, why is this taking so long. this kind of an intricate chess match seems like it takes a of lot of time. i've never done it. i know you have. it shows some major big-time lawyering. we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. >> thanks, todd. todd: all right. carley. carley: todd, there's been a lot of talk about the fate of the line 5 pipeline. it's still unclear whether or not the white house plans to shut it down. if they do, the impact will be felt by workers across several states, including right here in ohio. i'll be talking with a manager here at the toledo refining company about what it would mean for him and his family, coming up. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. ♪♪ this flag isn't backwards. it's facing this way because it's moving forward.aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. ♪♪ just like the men and women who wear it on their uniforms and the country it represents. they're all only meant to move one direction which is why we fly it this way on the flanks of the all-new grand wagoneer. moving boldly and unstoppably forward. (tiger) this is the dimension of imagination. ♪ ♪ todd: welcome back. florida governor ron de santis says if joe biden won't secure the border, he will send illegal immigrants to the president's home state of delaware. watch. >> if they're going to come here, we'll provide busses and provide them. i will send them to delaware and do that. i mean, if he's not going to support the border being secured, then he should be able to have everyone there. todd: de santis' fiery remarks come in response to reports that immigrants have been flown into florida from the southern border. the republican governor says he is working with texas governor greg abbott to enforce the law at the border but the president's policies are making it impossible to stop the flow of illegal immigrants. the biden administration will have to depend on whistleblowers to report on private companies who violate the vaccine mandate. osha's acting chief says there are not enough inspectors for this massive operation, companies that fail to comply will face fines starting at $13,000 per violation. more than 80 of million americans will be impacted by the vaccine rule in the new year, as a group of 10 unions along with a small business nonprofit are suing the president over his vaccine mandate. they call it a, quote, clear administrative overreach. they claim the proper procedure was not followed. the administration says it was an emergency rule so it did not have to follow usual standards. carl. carley.carley: as energy prices the nation soar to levels not seen in more than a decade, industry officials are sounding the alarm over what another pipeline shutdown could mean for you and your wallet. here with me now, scott hayes, affairs manager at the toledo refining company. thank you so much for letting us be here this morning. >> thanks for coming to the city i love and talking about this morning issue. carley: you have a vested interest in this topic because the oil that runs through line 5 runs directly to the toledo refining company and it creates a lot of jobs. so what happens if the pipeline gets shut down? >> well, first of all, it sets a horrible precedent. when you shut down pipelines, you're taking away the safest way to transport the fuels we need to move around the products that we use in everyday life. if you shut down refineries, because you shut down the pipelines, that production's going to move overseas and we're already seeing it. we've lost nine refineries in this country just in the last couple of years. and they're building them in china, india, other markets, and they're not doing it as cleanly as we do it here. carley: is that why gas prices are so high right now, because some of the refineries are being shut down. >> i think that's part of it. i think the threat of shutting down pipelines does not help. i think the way that you pull it out of the ground affects the price. it's a very complex geopolitical formula. but it is certainly not helping when you shut down refining capacity. carley: but president biden says the only way to lower gas prices would be to turn to opec and have them pump more oil, produce more oil, give us more oil. >> well, i don't know that i agree with the that. i think that domestically there's room for production. but i believe that the president is going to side on our side of this issue for line 5. i can't believe that the president would want to lose good paying union jobs that we have here, that we depend on and manufacturing cities that have lost a lot of manufacturing like toledo, ohio. carley: it's not just president biden. it's also michigan governor gretchen whitmer and the reason she and a group of environmentalists want to shut down line 5 is because there's a section of it that she says is dangerous, it's under the great lakes and she is worried about an oil spill. is there any merit to that concern? >> we don't believe so and the science says that is just not well-founded. the pipeline is safe. federal authorities have ruled that a it's safe. i happen to agree with secretary of energy granholm who was the governor of michigan, never had a problem with this stretch of line and has repeatedly said that pipelines are the safest, most effective and cleanest way to move fuels around. carley: toledo refining company employs, what, 1100 people? so how concerned are the workers here and what would happen if this pipeline were to shut down, what would happen to their jobs. >> we would be calling you, looking for jobs at fox. carley: so no jobs for any of these people anymore. >> it would be very, very difficult. carley: what would happen to the town? this place is like a city in and of itself. it's massive. you can imagine without this, it would affect other things in toledo as well. >> there was a study done that said that this refinery here in northwest ohio contributes $5.4 billion annually to the economic growth of the region. because not only do you have all the employees that work here, you're taxing the product in and out, millions of dollars a day. you have so many support organizationings, specialists that come in here, all the building trades and all of the collateral businesses that depend on it like the bakery. carley: yes. for those people -- he brought us donuts. so that bakery i also depends on this business as well. for those people who don't live in toledo and are listening right now, does this pipeline matter to them and gas prices that they're paying for as well? >> oh, yeah. absolutely it matters. if you shut down this pipeline or other pipelines, you lose refineries, everyone is going to pay. when the price of transportation goes up, the price of everything goes up. carley: scott, thank you so much for joining us they this morning, making your case. we so appreciate it. todd, back to you in in the studio. todd: scott knows the way to carley and producer anthony's call there with a donut. that was a smart call. carley: you're absolutely right. it was very exciting when he arrived with them this morning. todd: the pentagon says china and climate change are equally important national security threats. is that true? retired army general don boldok joins us to share his thoughts on that. and moderate democrats may be looking to change their image, how they look to rebrand themselves after biden's agenda fails to resonate with voters. ♪ is struggling to manage your type 2 diabetes knocking you out of your zone? lowering your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 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...right here? ohhh my god. where? discovering things that were a mystery, that's what ancestry® did for our family. >> what is a bigger threat, the climate or china. >> both are equally important. both are challenges that the secretary wants the senior leadership of the pentagon to be focused on, as well as many others too. todd: you heard that right, the pentagon calling china and climate change equally important threats to u.s. national security. here to react, retired u.s. army general and u.s. senate candidate in new hampshire, don boltik. as someone who served, who understands what it means to be in the military, to fight and the threats that we face, how dangerous is it to our national security that the pentagon of all places puts china and climate change on the same plane? >> well, i think it's very dangerous and i think it's a miscalculation to get involved in politics. they should be focused on training, organizing service members for the defense of this nation. we have seen had they haven't done that. we watched the afghanistan debacle, we watched how that empowered china and china continues to push closer and closer to an invasion of taiwan which is very dangerous for us and for the security in asia and across the world and to combine those two as the department of defense is way off track. todd: you mentioned afghanistan. americans as we know still trapped in afghanistan and now there is a mad dash to get them out before the brutal winter cold sets in. we talked to alex plitsas yesterday, he's doing the work on the ground, trying to get people out. here's what he had to say. >> we need to increase our operations there and so we need more folks moved basically to lilly pads where the u.s. military base is a transit point between afghanistan and the united states. so we're working to try to expedite that but it's a race against the clock right now for the weather. todd: how big of a humanitarian crisis are we about to have on our hands? >> well, it's going to be a huge humanitarian crisis. we predicted it and of course it was common sense. you could see there was a refugee situation and the way the taliban governs and the law and how tragic it is for people. obviously, we're going to -- we're having one. it's been there. it's been there for a while. the taliban have been in charge of the rural areas there well before the withdrawal. it was a poor decision to do it the way they did it. and this is -- we're going to see ourselves going back to afghanistan, unfortunately. do i want to do that? no, i don't. but when you don't do the right things, you're going to have to revisit the problems that you caused. todd: finally, sir, today is veterans day. please, share your veterans day message with us. >> well, you know, for me every day is veterans day and it should be for all americans, but in particular veterans are reflecting on what they're seeing our national leaders do to our military. the vaccination shot mandate that's negatively affecting our service members, he the social, emotional learning, crt training that's interfering with our military's focus and training and the poor decisions of our senior leaders, everywhere i go in the state, the u.s. senate candidate for new hampshire and everywhere i go it is a question from everybody. and so today we need to reflect, we need to thank our veterans in our community, we need to be grateful that we have young men and women and families that raise young men and women that will go and serve our country, answer the call, sacrifice, give the ultimate sacrifice if necessary for the protection of our families and for god, family, community and this great country that we have the honor to live in. todd: we thank you for your service and we thank you for your time this morning. carley, over to you. carley: did you hear about this? hunter biden making an appearance at a flashy new york city art gallery where his paintings are on display. the new york post is reporting about 60 people attended the showing but hunter's evening took a turn when the post asked him if he had gotten his infamously lost laptop back to which hunter responded, quote, there's always a smart [bleep] in the bunch. vice president kamala harris under fire for appearing to use what critics describe as a french accent while touring a covid lab in paris. watch. >> we campaigned with the plan, upper case t, upper case p, the plan. we're expected to defend the plan. carley: yeah. harris appearing to change her accept when saying the phrase, the plan, the moment going viral online with many calling it, quote, cringe. indeed, it was. todd: senior meteorologist mad mademoiselle janice dean is here with our weather forecast. >> i took french in school. i can appreciate la francais. there's a lot of parades happening in new york city, happening around the noon hour and thankfully really nice weather. we have a storm system that will move in tomorrow. that is bringing not so great weather across the upper midwest. you can see the cold air across the west. that will make its way towards the central u.s. and the east. the warmup that we experienced in the east, that's going to end over the next couple days. just be prepared. so the area of low pressure across the upper midwest and the trailing cold front moving over the mississippi valley, that could bring showers and thunderstorms, maybe the potential for severe weather as well including hail and damaging winds but this is the big storm that we are talking about, the first official snowfall of the season and first official blizzard warning for south dakota. that means not only the show but the blowing snow and that's going to cause reduced visibility as well as really dangerous travel over the next 12 to 24 hours. snow forecast, yep, over a foot of snow for parts of the dakotas, in towards medicine sew the take and then of course the blizzard conditions is what we're going to watch throughout the day today. so that's going to be dangerous. there's your national forecast for veterans day, of course we thank everyone for their service. we're going to watch that trailing cold front bring the potential for showers and thunderstorms. we will be good here in new york city but be prepared for some wet weather tomorrow. todd: we thank you very much, jd, as well. >> thank you, my friend. todd: carley, over to you. carley: coming up, these two women proudly served our country in the military and now they're hoping to continue that service in congress. we're talking to both of them coming up. we'll also be checking in with will cane who is live at the first ever folds of honor cup. can't wait to hear about it. todd: first, we are celebrating veterans day by honoring the men and women who served our great land including army sergeant and vietnam veteran ralph eagle. and scott grebek who served in the k-9 unit during operation desert storm. we thank them and all of our american heroes for their service. ♪ hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. brushing only reaches 25% of your mouth. listerine® cleans virtually 100%. helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. never settle for 25%. always go for 100. bring out the bold™ with xfinity home, you can keep your home and everything in it more protected. i can wrangle all my deliveries. thanks, hoss! and i help walk the dog from wherever. *door unlocks* ♪ ♪ well, i can bust curfew-breakers in an instant. well, you all have xfinity home, with cameras to home security monitored by the pros. *laughs* learn more about home security or get our self-monitored solution starting at just $10 per month. carley: two female military veterans now running for congress say their drive to run is fueled by their belief that the biden administration is failing to protect our national security. here to explain, u.s. senate candidate in north carolina, marjorie eastman and virginia state senator and congressional candidate, jen higgins. good morning to you both. jen, i'll start with you. because you are a navy veteran, nurse practitioner and state senator. you also have four kids. you woke up and said let me add one more thing to my to do list and run for congress. what motivated you to run. >> thank you, carley. so my life has always been about service as you mentioned. first, i served my country as navy pilot, and got out, used my gi bill and went to school for a nurse practitioner so i served patients and their families, then i served my family as a mother and military spouse. then i decided to run for state stat and a i serve my constituents. that life of service i hope to continue that on the national level where we really need the help right now. carley: marjorie, you served in both iraq and often afghanistan. you signed up after the 9/11 terror attacks. you say witnessing president biden's disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan is what motivated you to run for senate in north carolina. >> that's correct. i mean, i'll just start with 9/11 20 years ago. when that happened to our country, i asked myself how could i help. because no one does this to my country. and you fast forward today with all the crises that we're surrounded with, the disastrous fall of afghanistan was the tipping point for me because i asked myself, again, how can i help. because no one does this to my country. and afghanistan's personal to he me. i saw that war firsthand. i know people that died over there and i held the hands of little afghan girls when we would deliver goodwill supplies from generous americans. so, yes, the biden administration failed us and that is why i'm running for u.s. senate. carley: jen, you know, last month a pentagon official said isis-k would have the capacity to attack the united states in six months. a story that i don't think has gotten enough attention. what can be done to reverse that? >> we need to prioritize our national security right now. we have not. the american military feels like the administration does not have their backs and i worry about our retention, our recruitment for our military, i worry about families, the impression that leaves with families. we feel vulnerable. we feel congress isn't looking out for us, we feel the current president isn't looking out for us. there's nothing more important than national security and making sure the world is a safe place for our families and for our country. carley: yeah. and you know, marjorie, playing off that, it sort of feels like the country's spinning of out of control. you have the crime rate going up in cities across the country, the southern border, no protection there. like you said, the afghanistan withdrawal, which is still on everybody's mind today. how does one reverse all that, tackle all of those challenges and put us back on track? >> well, it starts by sending battle-tested leaders like jen and me to congress. we've got to stop sending career politicians who are not viewing it as a tour of duty. i view this as a tour of duty and i took a public pledge for term limits. carley: thank you both so much for your service on this veterans day and best of luck in your next tour of duty which would be political careers to come as you both win your respective elections, best of luck on that front as well. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and happy veterans day. >> thank you, carley. >> happy veterans day to both of you too. appreciate it. carley: all right. and now we're taking you to orlando, florida for the first ever folds of honor cup. todd: "fox & friends weekend" host will cain joins us now along with the widow of master sergeant aaron torent and their daughter, bella. will, take it away. >> todd, carley. good morning to you. it's the inaugural folds of honor cup, a charity which everybody watching fox is very familiar with. donate to the families of veterans, most of whom have lost their lives, help set up scholarships for their children. i've got jurlie and laura a bell torian. . tell me about your husband. >> aaron was just a leader, a leader in our family, a leader at work. he was strong, a strong person, and he's missed every day. >> so todd, carley, the sun's not up as you can see but i've got to -- this is not gray you is notgratuitous. when laura bell came in, her smile lit up the entire golf club. can you tell us about your dad. what do you remember? what do you miss? >> he's definitely a superhero in my book. we were planning on building a garden together. we always did yard work and stuff, just outdoors all the time. >> and now let's talk about folds of honor. tell me what this charity has done for you and your family. >> so folds has been great. i mean, they remind us every day that my husband's fight hasn't been forgotten, that it was important, the donors that give to folds around this country just that keep the organization going, it'ses just -- it feels good to know that people haven't forgotten what happened. it's not just because it was seven years ago, doesn't mean it's over. >> you have three children. >> three children, all in private school. >> and they're recipients of folds of honor color shapes. scholarships.>> yes. >> it's been 35,000 scholarships given out over the 14-year history of folds of honor. he everyone watching, if you want to support, it's an incredible charity. on this veterans day, we're grateful to not just those who lost their lives but the families who sacrificed so much. you can donate now, sign up for a subscription, you get a free t-shirt i'm not wearing but i will later today. it will be a great day of golf. there will be a host of celebrities and also bret baier will be here participating here in orlando. todd, carley, back to you. todd: $13 a monday, it's an amazing cause. thank you so much. an you amacing cause. we appreciate it. 51 minutes after the hour. inflation hitting a 30 year high as we enter the holiday season. what does that mean for your bank account? who else to ask but brian brenberg, he's here to help us crunch the numbers right now. ♪ deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. trying this. doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain,discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. . . c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! help me with scheduling? sure thing. up top. high thryv! payments? high thryv! promotions? high thryv! email marketing? almost there, hold on. wait for it. high thryv! manage my customer list? can do. will do. high thryv! post on social media? hash-tag high thryv my friend! get a free demo at some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. ♪ ♪ be. todd: welcome back. inelflation hitting a 30-year high just as we enter the holiday season. experts predicting the president's $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan are going to push up your costs even more. here to react brian brenberg, fox news conservative. king executive vice president and associate professor of business. that means he knows money. great to see you double b. inflation from october of 20 to october 2021, this is not good at all. fuel up 59%. used cars up 26%. steak up 24%. we have seen some steak up by 100 percent. bacon 20%. furniture up 12. of all the negative data points have seen recently why is this one the most concerning. >> look, we are talking about all the food prices that hit families. if you have a big family. especially lower income family, food is a bigger percentage of your spending. if you are higher income family this is a regressive tax. it hit the least a lot hardest. but it's the energy prices that really concern me here. that bakes into every single thing that you buy. anything that moves on the roads, gas, heating oil for issue with the time. we have snow coming in the upper midwest. that's a huge problem, todd. and the biggest issue of all is we have got nobody doing anything about it the administration has not shown us that they care bus. they are talking about it but they haven't shown us they are willing to do about anything to get fund control. ed ited to with that lack of action how long do you near thinflationary period is going to last. >> i think we are talking well into 2022 most of the experts watching this honestly are saying it's going to keep going, folks, buckle up. which, again, is why we have got to do things like get energy markets back. get people back to, wouldenned a stop the spending. todd: some democrats realize it is the economy, stupid. as i believe a famous democrat so as a result some democrats want to rebrand as quote normal democrats. here is one of them. congressman conor lamb, democrat from pennsylvania. he tweeted following: if you want a senator who unares as a socialist feeds the g.o.p. attack ads and didn't help with infrastructure, i'm not your guy. that's not how you beat republicans. i know because i have actually done it and will again. i'm a normal draft who supports jobs and wins elections. how scared should she's so-called normal democrats be that the red wave is going to watch over them as well nothing they do will change that. >> had these are pocketbook issues. you see it when you go to the store. if i was a moderate democrat getting steam rolled by the left right now, i would be yelling and screaming and saying stop it. you are killing our party. these policies are killing our prospects. i don't care if you are left, right, center where you are ideologically. when prices start to rise like this and you see your paycheck actually going down on a real basis i don't care what party you are in. i want you to fix this. if the guys in office can't do it, ask somebody else. todd: democrats have less than a year to figure it out. i don't know if they will. >> they are not showing it. todd: brian brenberg appreciate your time this morning as always. bring in carley. great job there in toledo. carley: thank you so much. yeah. there is so everywhere going on today. some good. some bad. i'm going to be at the toledo refining company all morning long. tomorrow as well. talking to people about how the president's policies are affecting folks here. of the energy policies are affecting folks here and across the country as well. it's veterans day. todd: thank the veterans in your lives and all across america that allowed us to be where we are today with the freedoms that we have. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ carley: president biden 31 year high inflation crisis is hitting hardest in america's heartland. >> not transitory getting worse. >> looking like the 1970s. i actually think it could be worse. >> kyle rittenhouse breaks down on the witness stand. >> the judge slamming the prosecutor. >> don't get brazen with me. that's basic law. it's been basic law in this country for 40 years. >> that's why the prosecution is desperate right now. they are on the ropes. >> governor ron desantis promising to push back against biden's agenda. >>

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Sullivan , Indictment , Carley , National Security Advisor , Big Question , Hillary Clinton , Family , Michael Sussmann , Levels , Concerns , Ethics Violations , Justice Department , Brook Singman , Afghanistan , Withdrawal , Controversy , Foreign Policy Advisor , Spotlight , Brooke , Guys , Indication , Clinton , Russia , Campaign A , Fbi , Trump Organization , Role , Investigation , Information , Campaign Lawyer , Target , Origins , Probe , Connection , Link , Light , Wife , Merrick Garland , Counsel , Oversight , Family Ties , Campaign Colluded , Investigation Into Whether Trump , 2016 , Organization , Congress , Government , Nonprofit , Founder , Transparency , Relationship , The American Accountability Foundation , Ties , U S Military , Tunnel To Towers Foundation , Lives , Names , Sacrifice , 9 11 , 7000 , Heroes , Single , 20 , Place , Veterans , Event , Military , Public , Reading , Steps , Active Duty , Gold Star , Lincoln Memorial , Case , Stand , Interview , Kyle Rittenhouse , Attorneys , Him , Frank Siller , Eight , Grouf Fee Mall Veterans , Photos , Court , Understatement , We Regoing , Veterans Day , Honor , Ken Cowen , Elli , Corey , Uncle , Photo , Air Force , Service , Grandfather , Bomber Squad , World War Ii , Estimate , Liberty , Helicopter , Pay , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Woooooooooooooo , Demo , Office , High Thryv , Small Business , Management Software , Mission , Thryv , Yep , All In One , Ow , One , Cringe , Rinvoq , Swelling , Symptoms , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Pill , Stiffness , Infections , Joints , Attack , Ra , Immune System , Fatigue , Tuberculosis , Ability , Rinvoq Relief , Doctor , Changes , Tears , Intestines , Bloodwork , Stomach , Lab Results , Cancers , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Rheumatologist , Mistrial , Judge , Trial , Rittenhouse , Ashley Strohmier , Homicide , Line , Questioning , Prosecutors , Lawyers , Tiktok Information The Trial , Jury , Presence , Types , Attorney , Areas , Mr , He Hadn T , Self Defense , Gun , Joseph Rosenbaum , Trouble , Rittenhouse Taking The Stand , He Didn T Go To Kenosha , It Didn T Stop Him , Threats , Events , Yes , Life , Stand Rittenhouse , Detail , Bleep , Worse , Spokesperson , Rittenhouse On The Ingram Angle , Charges , Nation , State , District Attorney , Brett Tulman , Thanks , Doesn T , Version , Call , Defense , Strategy , The Stand In First , Thing , Everybody , Promise , Do Over , Something Else , Prejudice , Back Door , Cases , Courtroom , Many , Statements , Fact , Gate , Implication , Right , Risk , Front , Silent , Didn T Grant , 101 , Facts , Back Pocket , Situation Doesn T , 99 , Nothing , Evidence , Testimony , Videos , 100 , Thousands , Dossier Shenanigans , Key Player In The Steele , Question , Democrats , Chess Match , Name , Charles Dolan , Shocker , 60000 , 0000 , John Ratcliffe , Playing , Dni , Doing , Intelligence , Documents , Pages , Declassified , Kind , Interviews , Taking , Insight , Sir , Lawyering , Workers , Manager , States , Line 5 , Impact , Northwest Ohio , Fate , Talk , 5 , Interest , Hello , Obsessed , Company , Toledo Refining , Coming Up , Big Idaho Potato Truck , High Blood Pressure , Anything , Joint Pain , Heart , Cooking , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Blood Pressure , Trust Tylenol , Doctors , Isn T Backwards , Tylenol , Forward Aleve , Motrin , One Direction , Uniforms , Flanks , Grand Wagoneer , Forward , Dimension , Imagination , Tiger , Ron De Santis , Florida , Border , Immigrants , Watch , Delaware , Home State Of Delaware , Busses , The Border , Everyone , Governor , Remarks , Response , Republican , Texas , Greg Abbott , Policies , Vaccine Mandate , Inspectors , Acting Chief , Flow , Whistleblowers , Osha , Group , Operation , Violation , Small Business Nonprofit , Unions , Vaccine Rule , Fines , 3000 , 13000 , 80 , 10 , Quote , Clear Administrative Overreach , Standards , Emergency Rule , Procedure , Energy Prices , Carl , Industry Officials , Soar , Wallet , Alarm , Pipeline Shutdown , Issue , City , Scott Hayes , Topic , Wall , Pipelines , Jobs , Precedent , Production , Refineries , Fuels , Products , Gas Prices , Markets , India , Nine , Price , Ground , Part , Refining Capacity , Formula , Room , Opec , Cities , Side , Union , Manufacturing , Gretchen Whitmer , Toledo , Reason , Section , Environmentalists , Michigan , Safe , Secretary Of Energy Granholm , Science , Merit , Oil Spill , Authorities , Great Lakes , Problem , Safest , Stretch , Jobs At Fox , What , 1100 , Study , Refinery , City In , Town , Support Organizationings , Product , Growth , Region , Millions , Employees , 4 Billion , 5 4 Billion , Bakery , Businesses , Business , Donuts , Specialists , All The Building Trades , Don T Live In Toledo , Pipeline Matter , Transportation , Studio , Security , Producer , Donut , Pentagon , Anthony , Don Boldok , Thoughts , Image , Retired , Agenda , Don T Take Ozempic , A1c , Type 2 Diabetes , Zone , 2 , Weight , Cv Risk , Game , Adults , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Stroke , 12 , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Death , Pens , Needles , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Help , Side Effects , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Stop Ozempic , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Prescription , Learning , Ancestrydna , History , Culture , 3 , 25 , Mystery , My God , That S What Ancestry , Both , Challenges , Leadership , Climate , On , Secretary , Others , Someone , Candidate , U S Senate , General , U S National Security , New Hampshire , U S Army , React , Don Boltik , Plane , Places , Training , Service Members , Politics , Haven T , Miscalculation , Invasion , Debacle , Asia , Taiwan , Track , Dash , Department Of Defense , Two , Folks , Operations , Winter Cold Sets , Alex Plitsas , Weather , Lilly Pads , Transit Point , Race , Clock , U S Military Base , Taliban , Hands , Refugee Situation , Common Sense , Charge , Decision , Veterans Day Message , Leaders , Vaccination , Mandate , Everywhere , Social , Decisions , Focus , Crt , Community , Protection , God , Hunter Biden , Appearance , Paintings , Display , New York City Art Gallery , New York Post , 60 , Showing , Kamala Harris , Laptop , Evening , Smart , Post , Plan , Critics , Accent , Under Fire , Touring A Covid Lab , French , Paris , Calling , Phrase , Upper Case P , Janice Dean , Weather Forecast , Storm System , Parades , New York City , In School , La Francais , East , Upper Midwest , Warmup , Air , West , Potential , Cold Front , Showers , Thunderstorms , Area , Mississippi Valley , Storm , Snowfall , Show , Season , Winds , Blizzard Warning , Hail , Blowing Snow , South Dakota , Snow , Parts , Conditions , Visibility , Medicine , Travel , Foot , Snow Forecast , The Dakotas , 24 , Forecast , Friend , Jd , Honor Cup , Land , Will Cane , Scott Grebek , Vietnam Veteran , Army Sergeant , Operation Desert Storm , K 9 Unit , Ralph Eagle , 9 , Breath , Gum Disease , Mouth , Brushing , Listerine , Home , Tm , Bold , Xfinity , Wherever , Hoss , Dog , Unlocks , Deliveries , Home Security , Pros , Curfew Breakers , Instant , Cameras , Xfinity Home , Belief , Drive , 0 , Jen Higgins , Virginia State Senator , Marjorie Eastman , North Carolina , Nurse Practitioner , Navy , Veteran , State Senator , List , Kids , First , Gi Bill , Pilot , Got Out , Patients , State Stat , Ai , Constituents , Level , Spouse , Mother , Terror Attacks , Iraq , Senate , Crises , Tipping Point , Supplies , War , Girls , Story , Official , Capacity , Attention , Isis K , Six , Backs , Retention , Recruitment , Isn T Looking Out , Impression , Marjorie , Crime Rate , Feels , Spinning , Out Of Control , Mind , Reverse , Back On Track , Career Politicians , Tour Of Duty , Tour , Duty , Luck , Pledge , Term Limits , Best , Elections , Careers , Win , Aaron Torent , Widow , Orlando , Will Cain , Charity , Folds , Will , Fox , Daughter , Bella , Children , Most , Leader , Husband , Laura Bell , Bell Torian , Jurlie , The Sun , Person , Dad , Superhero , Book , Notgratuitous , Golf Club , Garden , Stuff , Donors , Fight Hasn T , People Haven T , It Ses , Private School , Recipients , Honor Color Shapes , Scholarships , Three , Seven , Scholarships , Support , 35000 , 14 , T Shirt , Golf , Subscription , Host , Back To You , Celebrities , You Amacing Cause , Bret Baier , 13 , 51 , Brian Brenberg , Holiday Season , Bank Account , Inflation Hitting , Crunch , Who , 30 , Belly Pain , Discomfort , Constipation , Numbers , Deb , Linzess , Bloating , Yess , Laxative , Feelings , Coating , Signs , Ibs C , Symptoms Belly Pain , Bowel Movements , Bowel Blockage , 18 , Stools , C , Hold On , Email Marketing , Customer List , Promotions , Payments , Social Media , Up Top , Inelflation , Executive Vice President , Experts , Of Business , Infrastructure Plan , Costs , 2 Trillion , 1 2 Trillion , Money , Cars , B Inflation , October 2021 , 2021 , Hit Families , Food Prices , Data Points , Concerning , Furniture Up , Percentage , Tax , Least , Heating Oil , Roads , Nobody , Fund Control , Action , Bus , Lack , Ed Ited , Energy Markets , Which , Wouldenned A , Buckle Up , 2022 , Quote Normal Democrats , Result , Pennsylvania , Congressman Conor Lamb , Unares , Senator , Didn T , Socialist , Infrastructure , Guy , Attack Ads , Red Wave , Well Nothing , Wins , Stop It , Store , Steam , Issues , Pocketbook , Left , Care , Prospects , Paycheck , Basis , Job , Good , Bad , Energy Policies , America , Freedoms , Biden 31 , Witness Stand , America S Heartland , 1970 , Prosecution , Ropes , 40 ,

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