Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

this polling. this is a pretty stunning turn around. we'll see if it holds up come tuesday. likely to be a slugfest tuesday evening. both sides have started lawyering up. the mcauliffe campaign hired the first of mark alias. he's the attorney behind the 2020 election law fight. his attorney was involved in the hiring of the group that did the steele dossier. a lot of background here with the story. fox news producers reached out to the mcauliffe campaign to get a comment about the hiring of mark elias and what that might mean. they got an e-mail back from the spokesperson saying, can we try to kill this? she later followed up writing to dispute the challenges of the election. an untangle here about who that e-mail was supposed to go to. jonathan turley is here and fox news political analyst, juan williams. great to have you with us today. the hiring of marc elias and the e-mail that went back, jonathan, can we kill this? it's parlance for can anybody stop this story from moving forward. >> right. very twitteresque. that's what happened with the hunter biden story before the last presidential election. it was astonishing to me, which is why i wrote that original column that they picked up marc elias. he's a special prosecutor in the field looking at his role in the russian collusion scandal, his partner from perkins was just indicted recently. he was also representing the clinton campaign in that firm. both of them have left the firm. it was a mystery to me why they would pick him up. now, marc elias has challenged elections in the past. he's not been successful. he's challenged republican victories. what i wrote is why would you do this in the midst of this special counsel investigation? also, is he part of a contingency of a possible post election challenge. so that question was put to the campaign. they came back with this astonishing statement. then later, i think it was early today, they said, well, we did succeed in killing the story, which made things worse. >> martha: jonathan, he went after you on twitter with all kinds of insulting comments and, you know, all fired up about the stuff that you said. the nicest things he said were seeing all the attacks on me is confirmation that they know that the fate of our democracy is on the docket. so he professes to be saving democracy. final comment on this part of the story from you. >> sandra: >> well, we have actually been critical of each other a long time. i've been focusing on his role with the steele dossier. he was accused by media of lying as was this clinton campaign about their funding of the steele dossier. he was present in congress, according to reports, when john podesta denied to staffers that the clinton campaign was involved in funding the dossier. >> martha: so juan, let me bring you in on this. is it a mistake to hire him, to get involved in this campaign on terry mcauliffe's part given all of that baggage? >> i don't think so. i think jonathan, even with all the back and forth between the two of them will acknowledge, marc elias is highly respected as an election lawyer. you think about larry tribe and constitutional law. marc elias is that kind of iconic figure in terms of election law in the united states. so this story is about why would the mcauliffe campaign be hiring anybody with a connection to election law at this point? any democrat with a brain, knowing that mcauliffe's opponent is endorsed by donald trump thinks, oh, that means mcauliffe is likely if he loses to challenge the election outcome and you'll need a good election lawyer. i don't think anybody is going to challenge the idea that marc elias is a great election lawyer. >> martha: he had a lot of -- let me say that he had a lot of success -- juan, i don't know if you can hear me. he had a lot of success in sort of engraining the covid voting rules, which were like everybody gets a ballot in the mail. he did a lot of cases that were successful in keeping those covid voting rules baked into the cake for the time to come. i have to go. i need a quick answer from you, if i may. on the flip in these polls and the fact that this poll shows youngkin ahead. quick thought if you can. >> well, it's very daunting for democrats because the idea is that, you know, mcauliffe could lose. i don't think there's any question this is a fight to the finish. we had not seen a poll with youngkin ahead until this one. >> martha: yeah. thank you very much. thanks to both of you. juan, sorry you couldn't hear me earlier. thanks, gentlemen. we're going to head to virginia monday. we'll be there to cover all of this live. the big race for governor there. the whole country is going to be watching this one. as i said, it's sort of a bellwether race as we have an eye towards 2022 and how those races go. we'll see you in new york monday and from there, tuesday, wednesday will be in virginia and d.c. brett and i will be here tuesday night with the election coverage as the numbers come in. still ahead today, an interview that you don't want to miss. one of the central figures in the u.s. exit from afghanistan. someone that knows all about the internals of the decisions that were made and who made them. he stepped down from the biden administration last week. now he's free to discuss what happened. that's coming up. and needan, own a h, money for your family? newday usa can help. we earned a lot of va benefits with our service, but the va home loan benefit is a big one. by refinancing up to 100% of your home's value, you could take out $50,000 or more. you could use that money to pay credit card debt and other expenses, plan for retirement, and get back on your feet financially. call newday usa right now. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering 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and cuomo's attorney as well, things he said don't always work out as planned. >> we have a solid case. our investigative staff does a marvelous job. very proud of the work they did. they took a very high profile investigation and broke it down. i couldn't be more proud of them. they executed a lot of search warrants. >> we learned today the former governor will be spared a perp and be handcuffed. the criminal complaint was filed by a police investigator with the court in albany. this all took a few key players off guard including the district attorney's office. the summons that charges cuomo with forcible touching was filed prematurely after a sheriff investigator submitted the summary of their investigation and was looking to begin the process of obtaining a criminal complaint. the alleged sex crime took place december 2020 in the governor's mansion. the complaint said that cuomo did for no purpose forcibly place his hand under the blouse shirt of the victim and on to her intimate body part. specifically the victim's left breast for the purpose of degrading and satisfying his sexual desire, it adds. the document doesn't name the alleged victim. cuomo has been accused of groping a woman at the governor's mansion. cuomo's lawyer said he was innocent and questioned the sheriff's handling of the case saying he didn't tell the district attorney what he's doing, this is not professional law enforcement. it's politics. he's been order to appear in court november 17 to be charged with the misdemeanor sex crime. >> martha: thanks, laura. coming up, our exclusive interview with the man that negotiated the united states exit from afghanistan under both the trump and then the biden administration. he stepped down from his post recently and is now free to share what happened next. >> i want to thank -- there's zal. thanks for coming. zal khalizad is involved with our efforts in afghanistan. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized 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weapon." it goes on to say a more definitive explanation cannot be reached unless new information comes to light that is the very latest after that 90-day review and a lot of questions still out there about all of that. a lot of reaction today to the story that broke here yesterday that the biden administration is reportedly considering payments to immigrant families separated at the border during the trump administration that could be in the neighborhood of $450,000 per individual. the "wall street journal" reports the feds are trying to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of families and the total output could be in the nature of a billion dollars. so in a moment, michael mccaul, texas congressman, reacts to this. first to jan springer reporting live from the border in la jolla, texas. hi, dan. >> yeah, hi, martha. if the payments go out, it would end about 1,000 lawsuits filed against the u.s. government filed by families that were separated, families with young children that were separated at the u.s. border after crossing in to the united states. it happened for two months during 2018. it was stopped by the trump administration under withering bipartisan criticism. at the time dhs officials defended the policy saying there were many unaccompanieded minors and they couldn't tell if parents were with them or not. they removed the adults and put kid in detention facilities. lasting psychological damage was done. since then, families have been kept together. this report of huge payments going to illegal migrants has angered many. >> it's just hard to imagine that a president would have this much disrespect for the rule of law and our border problem will only get worse. if you're incentivizing people to come over here with ridiculous sums of money -- we haven't seen anything yet. >> the report surfaces as the surge of migrants as the southern border shows know signs of letting up and authorities are gearing up for the large caravan in southern mexico and heading north. 173 illegals were caught overnight. we spoke with a rancher who has his ranch on the border. he says these payments will act as a larger magnet for illegal immigration. >> martha: you can see it happening. thanks. let's bring in michael mccaul, top republican on the house foreign affairs committee and a member of the homeland security committee. a lot of contact with this issue across the board and you're from texas as well. good to see you today. what is your reaction when you read the thought of $450,000 per individual who crossed during the trump administration and were separated from their families? >> well, i think my reaction is one of outrage. to the points that have been made, this does not send a message of deterrence. if you can come in this country, break our laws and win the lottery system, this could be up to a million dollars per family that they could get. what kind of message is that going to send to an already wide open border that is causing not only human trafficking, drug traffics, national security event down there, that the trump administration created on its own, self-inflicted but now we're telling them, we're going to give you up to a million dollars per family. the magnet has just intensified. the fact is while we're passing the massive tax and spending bills in congress, taking money out of the pockets of the american people and giving those that broke our laws illegal immigrants millions of dollars, it just doesn't make any sense to me. >> martha: you know, your colleague dan crenshaw points out if you have a in action, the family gets $400,000. so less than each of these individuals would get, $450,000. the white house has not responded to our outreach on this. there's some suggestion that this whole thing isn't quite -- still coming together. i think it has really prompted a lot of concern. you think about the 9-11 comparison as well. families that lost people there, that got less than that amount. the thing that comes to my mind, congressman, you know, this was the policy at the time. right or wrong, it was the policy that if you crossed, you will be separated. so i'm just wondering legally how you can make a claim when that policy was in effect, you knowingly crossed knowing that this could be the outcome. >> right. you know, there's many of us that criticized the policy but the fact is, it's within the president's prerogative to do this. so i don't know -- i'm not an attorney. these claims are -- i'm not sure about them. the fact that they broke our laws coming in and now trying to get up to a million dollars per family when they broke our laws, most americans don't understand that at all. it's not fair. just a couple of hours ago, martha, the administration filed court documents to basically reinstate their position on the migrant protection policy protocols remain in mexico to terminate this program. even though the courts said you have to put this policy in place, now they filed their documents say, no, we're going to terminate remain in mexico. the very thing that brought migration down to a halt under the trump administration. >> martha: this president said they should come and boy did they listen. we have the largest number of crossings that we've seen in decades across your border and others in your area. representative mccaul, good to see you, sir. thanks very much. >> thanks so much. >> martha: so coming up, the former special envoy to afghanistan who negotiated the deal with the taliban reflects now on what happens, the messy exit from afghanistan. he has had a decades long career spanning several administrations to broker peace in that area. we'll speak with him live next. >> prior to serving in iraq, zal was the ambassador to afghanistan where he helped people to step out of the shadows of conflict and to begin building a new future of hope. og portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. it's walmart's black friday deals for days. get $87 chromebooks and 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director will make the final decision. that seems to be heading in that direction for now. and the crew member in charge of the gun on alec baldwin's movie set says she has "no idea" how live rounds of ammo ended up in that colt 45 handgun. lawyers for hannah gutierrez says safety is number 1 for hannah. ultimately this set would have never been compromised if the live ammo were not introduced. baldwin has called the shooting death of halyna hutchins a tragic accident. the sheriff of santa fe says no so fast. let's bring in tine brian claypool. i want to play that piece of sound fro think. >> i'd be careful using the "accident." it was a tragedy and it was avoidable. so right now it's a criminal investigation. >> just to back up to what you just said. are you saying it's too early to call it an accident? >> as of right now, i wouldn't call it an accident at all. it's a criminal investigation. >> martha: brian, what do you make of that? >> yeah, nice to see you again. this is absolutely a criminal investigation. make no mistake about it, i would be shocked that after this investigation if there were not criminal charges brought against several people. your viewers should know, this is a unique case. you're potentially going to charge somebody that didn't shoot the gun with criminal negligence or possibly negligent homicide. let's look at the facts here. criminal negligence, martha, in new mexico is defined as you knew or should have known of a danger and acted with reckless disregard. irrespective of the armorer, and she said she didn't know there was live ammunition, she should have known. there was prior reports of an accidentsal discharge. she should have checked the gun before given to an assistant producer, dave halls. this guy will be implicated as well. he told investigators, i handed the gun to alec baldwin and i didn't even look in the gun. minimally, that is criminal negligence. potentially negligent homicide. >> martha: so the attorney in this case will be joining us exclusively monday. i want to show you pictures that were taken of alec baldwin. it's also interesting. he's with his family in new england. i thought it was interesting during the news conference the other day, they said do you know where he is. he said no but he's cooperating. does anything of that seem unusual to you? >> no, i don't think it's unusual, martha. he's taking a low profile right now. he's tweeted about how heart broken he is about halyna and her death. we have to have criminal justice here. i like alec baldwin. he might be facing culpability too. he could be facing criminal negligence. dave halls hands him the gun. he's a director. alec baldwin is a director on the set. he owe as duty to look -- common sense -- to look inside the gun to see if there's live ammunition. i don't see how he walks away from this as well. one other point your viewers should know. there were alleged complaints about this gentleman, dave halls and the other young lady, the armorer on another set filmed in georgia. there were serious allegations in that filming that they didn't clear the freeway before a dangerous scene was done that will also weigh into the investigation. i can't imagine no criminal charges in this. >> martha: there's another woman that have surfaced, sarah zachary a prop master, the fourth person according to what we're learning so far that might have handled the gun. so that chain of custody of the gun and who had it, how many people touched it is obviously going to be very important here. there was -- there were people that were not happy about the way safety was being handled on the set. this is actor ian hudson that spoke to tmz. he said he was concerned. it was one of his first jobs as an actor. he didn't want to speak up. >> i held my tongue for a lot of it. but some of the other actors that had worked on more sets than i had as principal characters, they were double and triple checking our weapons after the armorer gave them to us. whether they were cold or hot. >> martha: so that makes me think, brian, that also would be a responsibility for alec baldwin. he's a very experienced actor. just to take someone's world that it was a cold gun, wouldn't it be routine for him to also take a look? >> absolutely, martha. a great sound bite. other sets are looking at the gun two and three times. ignorance is not a defense here. no law no, regulation replaces common sense. the young lady should have looked at it, the armorer should have checked for live ammunition. alec baldwin should have checked for live ammunition. when i hear the santa fe district attorney saying, oh, well, the lynchpin of this investigation is who brought the live ammunition on the set? i beg to differ with her. the focus of this investigation should be on what you just said is what happened on the chain of custody with the revolver that was handling it and who said what and why they failed to look to see whether there's live ammunition. that should be the focus of the investigation. >> martha: in a lot of situations they have a shield in front of the camera. the people in the line of fire with prop guns. it doesn't appear that that happened either. we'll learn more. thanks, brian. >> thank you. >> martha: so coming up, a big interview with the ambassador who negotiated the united states withdrawal agreement with president trump. zal khalizad joins us. he's next. homeowners. an newday's refi rate is the lowest in their history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. one call can save you thousands every year. and it's easy. there's no money out of pocket and no upfront fees. and while some banks are raising their rates, newday is holding the line for veterans. lock in your rate. >> martha: now since the end of america's longest war, zal khalizad signed the peace deal for the trump administration and stayed on during the biden administration. he will join us in just a moment. first to national security correspondent jennifer griffin live with more. hi, jennifer. >> hi, martha. until last week, ambassador khalizad was the special envoy for afghanistan and talked to the taliban. one of the few trump appointees to remain in the biden administration. zal khalizad was born in afghanistan and talked to george bush about how to overthrow the taliban and negotiated with the taliban leading to the american withdrawal. appointed by president trump to lead peace talks with the taliban. former u.s. ambassador to afghanistan from 2003 to 2005 and to iraq from 2005 to 2007. he headed the bush-cheney transition team for the defense department. he grew up in kabul. he received a ph.d. from the university of chicago. khalizad and mike pompeo signed a peace agreement with the taliban paving the way for the full withdrawal of american troops. if certain conditions were met, including "guarantees and enforcement mechanisms that would prevent the use the soil of afghanistan by any group or individual against the security of the united states and its allies." critics of the deal have called it a surrender document because it left out the afghan government. when the taliban broke its commitments, the u.s. did not pause the agreement. under president obama's envoy, richard holbrook first broached the idea of an end to the conflict, which would have involved dealing with the taliban. he said it was secret and never brother fruit. in 2012, the taliban were allowed to open a political office in qatar and paved the way for future talks. in his resignation letter to secretary of state antony blinken last week, khalizad admitted shortcomings. he said the political arrangement with the afghan government and the taliban government did not go forward as envisioned. that was an understatement. 20 years after 9-11, the withdrawal of all u.s. troops has allowed the taliban to return to power, martha. >> martha: thanks very much. let's bring in ambassador khalizad, former u.s. representative for afghanistan reconciliation and the author of the book "envoy." sir, thanks for being here. good to have you with us today. thanks for joining me. >> a great pleasure to be with you, martha. >> martha: thank you very much. in an interview you talked about your decision to leave under the biden administration. you said that some of what was going on there was not based in reality. what did you mean by that? >> what i meant was, we still had unfinished the business in afghanistan. the agreement that we made, which was conditions based under the trump administration, some of those conditions did not materialize. the taliban have not implemented those. we want to hold the taliban accountable for those agreements. i advocated that rather than disengaging, we need to press the taliban to negotiate and reach an agreement on the implementation of the remaining parts dealing with terrorism, dealing with the establishment of a broad-based government. my worry was that we were turning our back and not doing kwha -- what we needed to do to protect the american interests in afghanistan. >> martha: that's a big charge. you're saying the biden administration and antony blinken, the secretary state, are not interested in continues to make sure that the taliban is held to the agreement, for example, that they would not allow al-quaida or isis to form there as a base to attack americans? that they're not concerned with that? they don't want to follow-through? >> they're concerned about the terrorism part. but in order for terrorism interests to be protected, we need to make sure that we have an afghanistan that does not collapse. if afghanistan collapses, there will be ungoverned spaces where terrorism will find a place. for reasons of politics, because the taliban are perceived as a terrorist group widely, that it will cost the administration their resisting and engagement negotiations with the taliban on a comprehensive agreement with regard to factors or issues that the agreement -- the conditions based agreement of the previous administration had dealt with but remain unfulfilled. a similar approach to the approach of the trump administration to negotiate the details of the implementation with regard to reaching an agreement of what is required. but politically that is adjudged to be not acceptable and costly. i believe they're mistaken. if they don't do what i have stated, i think the cost politically will be much larger than the road if afghanistan collapses and terrorists find a home in afghanistan, which would be likely. >> martha: all right. let me ask you this. in terms of your desire to see a stable afghanistan, does that involve a lot of financial support and were those financial support promises made by you during the exit from afghanistan? >> yes. the agreement is that the taliban was not allow the territory of afghanistan to be used by al-quaida or any other terrorist group or individual. they would establish a broad-based government based on negotiations with the republic, a cease fire will take place. with terrorism, we still have issues, that they need to take steps that they need to take. we have issued with regard to the government respecting the rights of the afghan people. but they want normalcy in relations with us. they want the funds of afghanistan in the united states to be unfrozen. i think we need a detailed agreement and an exchange for what steps by them what it is we'll be prepared to do. >> martha: all right. there's reluctance on the money side in terms of where that would go. but i want to ask you specific questions about the exit from afghanistan. general mckenzie said in a meeting in doha that the proposal was made by the taliban that the united states could secure all of kabul as part of the exit agreement. he said you were there and you heard that offer as well. is that accurate? did you tell president biden or antony blinken or the secretary of defense often, did you tell them, look, they're saying we can hold all of kabul as part of this exit? >> the offer is accurate. general mckenzie said in that meeting that that was not his mandate, to security kabul. that his mandate was to evacuate the remaining american forces, 2,500, that we would bring more forces in. all of the senior decision makers became aware of that offer and mckenzie's response. >> martha: so the president was aware there was an offer that would allow us to secure kabul while we were getting out. don't think if we had done that, we might have had a more orderly exit and less loss of life outside that airport? >> well, there's a lot of things that could have happened, should have happened. i think we need to do a thorough examination of what exactly happened and why and what we did that worked and what didn't work. we need to do in a nonpartisan way and to learn lessons without bringing politics into it. the politics will have a distorting effect on diplomacy. i advocated a bipartisan approach to examining in detail exactly what happened and what should have happened. >> martha: so let me ask you this. we saw all of the generals testify on afghanistan that they recommended leaving 4 to 6,000 troops on the ground. that they thought that would continue to provide the stability that would help this negotiation process move forward. did you also advocate for that and did you advocate for that with the biden administration as well? >> i did advocate that the preferred approach to a withdrawal from afghanistan was that it it was condition based as the agreement did. the agreement that was signed under president trump. but president biden decided to have a calendar-based withdrawal, not a condition-based withdrawal. >> martha: so with recall to al-quaida and isis and the assurances that we were given, that looks like it's off at this point. we see that china and russia have filled some of the void. tell me what you believe about the new timeline that al-quaida could be operable to attack the united states in two years and isis in just six months. how do you think it is after all of your years of being so close to this situation that four intelligence agencies didn't see this coming? >> well, that also needs to be examined, why we missed some of the developments that did occur. but i believe that with regard to the terrorism, the taliban so far have maintained the commitment to not allow the plotting and planning by al-quaida and other groups against the united states. those predictions are based on the assumption that the taliban would be unwilling to prevent that or unable to prevent that. >> martha: excuse me for interrupting. how would we know if they're plotting or planning? we can't get anybody to give us a base for eyes and ears and we know the attacks that happened is over the horizon is not functioning as it should? >> the withdrawal no doubt will diminish our capability to know what's going on and to respond as quickly as we could if we had stayed in afghanistan. but at the present time, we still have systems, global systems as well as we have flights over afghanistan, that they're occurring from doha. we have predators, we have planes that overfly. although not as good as if we stayed there, but we still have an awareness, we observe what is going on and that needs to be maintained and strengthened by pursuing agreements with the neighborhooding state, some of them are more willing. at the same time, we need to press them to allow for more cooperation, more access with regard to being situationally aware of what is going on there. >> martha: i only have about 45 seconds left. we have not retaliated against the isis-k attack that took 13 service members from us and we also have this syria attack and no retaliation from that. if we do not retaliate, you believe these terrorist groups will keep pushing us further? >> i do believe that. terrorism is a problem. we have other big challenges like the rise of china. that's why we needed to free resources from afghanistan to focus on the changing environment. but terrorism is a problem and when we have the information and the targets, we should respondif the locals don't do the job. >> martha: zalmay khalizad, thank you, sir. we have more questions but we're out of time. thanks for being here today. >> thank you. good to be with you. >> martha: we'll take a quick break and be right back. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> martha: queen elizabeth following doctors orders to take it easy. she's been receiving medical advice to get rest. now she's been taking light engagements for an additional two weeks. that announcement comes a week after england's longest reigning monarch spent the night at the hospital. that's "the story" for this friday. wish you a good weekend and see you back here monday. >> neil: more tricks than treats for shoppers with blood curdling price hikes. all of this ahead of halloween. shippers screaming to get goods to markets. we have all of the gory details. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. this is your scary world. first after, susan li on the scare for shoppers and william la jeunesse in california and

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

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this polling. this is a pretty stunning turn around. we'll see if it holds up come tuesday. likely to be a slugfest tuesday evening. both sides have started lawyering up. the mcauliffe campaign hired the first of mark alias. he's the attorney behind the 2020 election law fight. his attorney was involved in the hiring of the group that did the steele dossier. a lot of background here with the story. fox news producers reached out to the mcauliffe campaign to get a comment about the hiring of mark elias and what that might mean. they got an e-mail back from the spokesperson saying, can we try to kill this? she later followed up writing to dispute the challenges of the election. an untangle here about who that e-mail was supposed to go to. jonathan turley is here and fox news political analyst, juan williams. great to have you with us today. the hiring of marc elias and the e-mail that went back, jonathan, can we kill this? it's parlance for can anybody stop this story from moving forward. >> right. very twitteresque. that's what happened with the hunter biden story before the last presidential election. it was astonishing to me, which is why i wrote that original column that they picked up marc elias. he's a special prosecutor in the field looking at his role in the russian collusion scandal, his partner from perkins was just indicted recently. he was also representing the clinton campaign in that firm. both of them have left the firm. it was a mystery to me why they would pick him up. now, marc elias has challenged elections in the past. he's not been successful. he's challenged republican victories. what i wrote is why would you do this in the midst of this special counsel investigation? also, is he part of a contingency of a possible post election challenge. so that question was put to the campaign. they came back with this astonishing statement. then later, i think it was early today, they said, well, we did succeed in killing the story, which made things worse. >> martha: jonathan, he went after you on twitter with all kinds of insulting comments and, you know, all fired up about the stuff that you said. the nicest things he said were seeing all the attacks on me is confirmation that they know that the fate of our democracy is on the docket. so he professes to be saving democracy. final comment on this part of the story from you. >> sandra: >> well, we have actually been critical of each other a long time. i've been focusing on his role with the steele dossier. he was accused by media of lying as was this clinton campaign about their funding of the steele dossier. he was present in congress, according to reports, when john podesta denied to staffers that the clinton campaign was involved in funding the dossier. >> martha: so juan, let me bring you in on this. is it a mistake to hire him, to get involved in this campaign on terry mcauliffe's part given all of that baggage? >> i don't think so. i think jonathan, even with all the back and forth between the two of them will acknowledge, marc elias is highly respected as an election lawyer. you think about larry tribe and constitutional law. marc elias is that kind of iconic figure in terms of election law in the united states. so this story is about why would the mcauliffe campaign be hiring anybody with a connection to election law at this point? any democrat with a brain, knowing that mcauliffe's opponent is endorsed by donald trump thinks, oh, that means mcauliffe is likely if he loses to challenge the election outcome and you'll need a good election lawyer. i don't think anybody is going to challenge the idea that marc elias is a great election lawyer. >> martha: he had a lot of -- let me say that he had a lot of success -- juan, i don't know if you can hear me. he had a lot of success in sort of engraining the covid voting rules, which were like everybody gets a ballot in the mail. he did a lot of cases that were successful in keeping those covid voting rules baked into the cake for the time to come. i have to go. i need a quick answer from you, if i may. on the flip in these polls and the fact that this poll shows youngkin ahead. quick thought if you can. >> well, it's very daunting for democrats because the idea is that, you know, mcauliffe could lose. i don't think there's any question this is a fight to the finish. we had not seen a poll with youngkin ahead until this one. >> martha: yeah. thank you very much. thanks to both of you. juan, sorry you couldn't hear me earlier. thanks, gentlemen. we're going to head to virginia monday. we'll be there to cover all of this live. the big race for governor there. the whole country is going to be watching this one. as i said, it's sort of a bellwether race as we have an eye towards 2022 and how those races go. we'll see you in new york monday and from there, tuesday, wednesday will be in virginia and d.c. brett and i will be here tuesday night with the election coverage as the numbers come in. still ahead today, an interview that you don't want to miss. one of the central figures in the u.s. exit from afghanistan. someone that knows all about the internals of the decisions that were made and who made them. he stepped down from the biden administration last week. now he's free to discuss what happened. that's coming up. and needan, own a h, money for your family? newday usa can help. we earned a lot of va benefits with our service, but the va home loan benefit is a big one. by refinancing up to 100% of your home's value, you could take out $50,000 or more. you could use that money to pay credit card debt and other expenses, plan for retirement, and get back on your feet financially. call newday usa right now. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering 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in the country to have a universal recycling and composting program for residents and businesses. but it all starts with you. let's keep making a differene together. >> martha: an overwhelming amount of evidence. that moments ago from the albany county sheriff that filed a criminal complaint against former governor andrew cuomo of new york. he's charged with groping a former aide. if convicted, could spend a year in jail. it was two months ago that cuomo resigned ending a governorship that saw him win an emmy and write a book about leadership during covid. he was floated as a 2024 presidential contender. he's a long way from that today. laura ingle on this story from the start reporting now. hi, laura. >> hi, martha. stunning developments as the sheriff announced the criminal complaint was filed yesterday hitting the internet in minutes. surprising all parties. the sheriff holding a press conference moments ago saying while he would have liked to talked to the district attorney first and cuomo's attorney as well, things he said don't always work out as planned. >> we have a solid case. our investigative staff does a marvelous job. very proud of the work they did. they took a very high profile investigation and broke it down. i couldn't be more proud of them. they executed a lot of search warrants. >> we learned today the former governor will be spared a perp and be handcuffed. the criminal complaint was filed by a police investigator with the court in albany. this all took a few key players off guard including the district attorney's office. the summons that charges cuomo with forcible touching was filed prematurely after a sheriff investigator submitted the summary of their investigation and was looking to begin the process of obtaining a criminal complaint. the alleged sex crime took place december 2020 in the governor's mansion. the complaint said that cuomo did for no purpose forcibly place his hand under the blouse shirt of the victim and on to her intimate body part. specifically the victim's left breast for the purpose of degrading and satisfying his sexual desire, it adds. the document doesn't name the alleged victim. cuomo has been accused of groping a woman at the governor's mansion. cuomo's lawyer said he was innocent and questioned the sheriff's handling of the case saying he didn't tell the district attorney what he's doing, this is not professional law enforcement. it's politics. he's been order to appear in court november 17 to be charged with the misdemeanor sex crime. >> martha: thanks, laura. coming up, our exclusive interview with the man that negotiated the united states exit from afghanistan under both the trump and then the biden administration. he stepped down from his post recently and is now free to share what happened next. >> i want to thank -- there's zal. thanks for coming. zal khalizad is involved with our efforts in afghanistan. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized 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weapon." it goes on to say a more definitive explanation cannot be reached unless new information comes to light that is the very latest after that 90-day review and a lot of questions still out there about all of that. a lot of reaction today to the story that broke here yesterday that the biden administration is reportedly considering payments to immigrant families separated at the border during the trump administration that could be in the neighborhood of $450,000 per individual. the "wall street journal" reports the feds are trying to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of families and the total output could be in the nature of a billion dollars. so in a moment, michael mccaul, texas congressman, reacts to this. first to jan springer reporting live from the border in la jolla, texas. hi, dan. >> yeah, hi, martha. if the payments go out, it would end about 1,000 lawsuits filed against the u.s. government filed by families that were separated, families with young children that were separated at the u.s. border after crossing in to the united states. it happened for two months during 2018. it was stopped by the trump administration under withering bipartisan criticism. at the time dhs officials defended the policy saying there were many unaccompanieded minors and they couldn't tell if parents were with them or not. they removed the adults and put kid in detention facilities. lasting psychological damage was done. since then, families have been kept together. this report of huge payments going to illegal migrants has angered many. >> it's just hard to imagine that a president would have this much disrespect for the rule of law and our border problem will only get worse. if you're incentivizing people to come over here with ridiculous sums of money -- we haven't seen anything yet. >> the report surfaces as the surge of migrants as the southern border shows know signs of letting up and authorities are gearing up for the large caravan in southern mexico and heading north. 173 illegals were caught overnight. we spoke with a rancher who has his ranch on the border. he says these payments will act as a larger magnet for illegal immigration. >> martha: you can see it happening. thanks. let's bring in michael mccaul, top republican on the house foreign affairs committee and a member of the homeland security committee. a lot of contact with this issue across the board and you're from texas as well. good to see you today. what is your reaction when you read the thought of $450,000 per individual who crossed during the trump administration and were separated from their families? >> well, i think my reaction is one of outrage. to the points that have been made, this does not send a message of deterrence. if you can come in this country, break our laws and win the lottery system, this could be up to a million dollars per family that they could get. what kind of message is that going to send to an already wide open border that is causing not only human trafficking, drug traffics, national security event down there, that the trump administration created on its own, self-inflicted but now we're telling them, we're going to give you up to a million dollars per family. the magnet has just intensified. the fact is while we're passing the massive tax and spending bills in congress, taking money out of the pockets of the american people and giving those that broke our laws illegal immigrants millions of dollars, it just doesn't make any sense to me. >> martha: you know, your colleague dan crenshaw points out if you have a in action, the family gets $400,000. so less than each of these individuals would get, $450,000. the white house has not responded to our outreach on this. there's some suggestion that this whole thing isn't quite -- still coming together. i think it has really prompted a lot of concern. you think about the 9-11 comparison as well. families that lost people there, that got less than that amount. the thing that comes to my mind, congressman, you know, this was the policy at the time. right or wrong, it was the policy that if you crossed, you will be separated. so i'm just wondering legally how you can make a claim when that policy was in effect, you knowingly crossed knowing that this could be the outcome. >> right. you know, there's many of us that criticized the policy but the fact is, it's within the president's prerogative to do this. so i don't know -- i'm not an attorney. these claims are -- i'm not sure about them. the fact that they broke our laws coming in and now trying to get up to a million dollars per family when they broke our laws, most americans don't understand that at all. it's not fair. just a couple of hours ago, martha, the administration filed court documents to basically reinstate their position on the migrant protection policy protocols remain in mexico to terminate this program. even though the courts said you have to put this policy in place, now they filed their documents say, no, we're going to terminate remain in mexico. the very thing that brought migration down to a halt under the trump administration. >> martha: this president said they should come and boy did they listen. we have the largest number of crossings that we've seen in decades across your border and others in your area. representative mccaul, good to see you, sir. thanks very much. >> thanks so much. >> martha: so coming up, the former special envoy to afghanistan who negotiated the deal with the taliban reflects now on what happens, the messy exit from afghanistan. he has had a decades long career spanning several administrations to broker peace in that area. we'll speak with him live next. >> prior to serving in iraq, zal was the ambassador to afghanistan where he helped people to step out of the shadows of conflict and to begin building a new future of hope. og portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. it's walmart's black friday deals for days. get $87 chromebooks and 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director will make the final decision. that seems to be heading in that direction for now. and the crew member in charge of the gun on alec baldwin's movie set says she has "no idea" how live rounds of ammo ended up in that colt 45 handgun. lawyers for hannah gutierrez says safety is number 1 for hannah. ultimately this set would have never been compromised if the live ammo were not introduced. baldwin has called the shooting death of halyna hutchins a tragic accident. the sheriff of santa fe says no so fast. let's bring in tine brian claypool. i want to play that piece of sound fro think. >> i'd be careful using the "accident." it was a tragedy and it was avoidable. so right now it's a criminal investigation. >> just to back up to what you just said. are you saying it's too early to call it an accident? >> as of right now, i wouldn't call it an accident at all. it's a criminal investigation. >> martha: brian, what do you make of that? >> yeah, nice to see you again. this is absolutely a criminal investigation. make no mistake about it, i would be shocked that after this investigation if there were not criminal charges brought against several people. your viewers should know, this is a unique case. you're potentially going to charge somebody that didn't shoot the gun with criminal negligence or possibly negligent homicide. let's look at the facts here. criminal negligence, martha, in new mexico is defined as you knew or should have known of a danger and acted with reckless disregard. irrespective of the armorer, and she said she didn't know there was live ammunition, she should have known. there was prior reports of an accidentsal discharge. she should have checked the gun before given to an assistant producer, dave halls. this guy will be implicated as well. he told investigators, i handed the gun to alec baldwin and i didn't even look in the gun. minimally, that is criminal negligence. potentially negligent homicide. >> martha: so the attorney in this case will be joining us exclusively monday. i want to show you pictures that were taken of alec baldwin. it's also interesting. he's with his family in new england. i thought it was interesting during the news conference the other day, they said do you know where he is. he said no but he's cooperating. does anything of that seem unusual to you? >> no, i don't think it's unusual, martha. he's taking a low profile right now. he's tweeted about how heart broken he is about halyna and her death. we have to have criminal justice here. i like alec baldwin. he might be facing culpability too. he could be facing criminal negligence. dave halls hands him the gun. he's a director. alec baldwin is a director on the set. he owe as duty to look -- common sense -- to look inside the gun to see if there's live ammunition. i don't see how he walks away from this as well. one other point your viewers should know. there were alleged complaints about this gentleman, dave halls and the other young lady, the armorer on another set filmed in georgia. there were serious allegations in that filming that they didn't clear the freeway before a dangerous scene was done that will also weigh into the investigation. i can't imagine no criminal charges in this. >> martha: there's another woman that have surfaced, sarah zachary a prop master, the fourth person according to what we're learning so far that might have handled the gun. so that chain of custody of the gun and who had it, how many people touched it is obviously going to be very important here. there was -- there were people that were not happy about the way safety was being handled on the set. this is actor ian hudson that spoke to tmz. he said he was concerned. it was one of his first jobs as an actor. he didn't want to speak up. >> i held my tongue for a lot of it. but some of the other actors that had worked on more sets than i had as principal characters, they were double and triple checking our weapons after the armorer gave them to us. whether they were cold or hot. >> martha: so that makes me think, brian, that also would be a responsibility for alec baldwin. he's a very experienced actor. just to take someone's world that it was a cold gun, wouldn't it be routine for him to also take a look? >> absolutely, martha. a great sound bite. other sets are looking at the gun two and three times. ignorance is not a defense here. no law no, regulation replaces common sense. the young lady should have looked at it, the armorer should have checked for live ammunition. alec baldwin should have checked for live ammunition. when i hear the santa fe district attorney saying, oh, well, the lynchpin of this investigation is who brought the live ammunition on the set? i beg to differ with her. the focus of this investigation should be on what you just said is what happened on the chain of custody with the revolver that was handling it and who said what and why they failed to look to see whether there's live ammunition. that should be the focus of the investigation. >> martha: in a lot of situations they have a shield in front of the camera. the people in the line of fire with prop guns. it doesn't appear that that happened either. we'll learn more. thanks, brian. >> thank you. >> martha: so coming up, a big interview with the ambassador who negotiated the united states withdrawal agreement with president trump. zal khalizad joins us. he's next. homeowners. an newday's refi rate is the lowest in their history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. one call can save you thousands every year. and it's easy. there's no money out of pocket and no upfront fees. and while some banks are raising their rates, newday is holding the line for veterans. lock in your rate. >> martha: now since the end of america's longest war, zal khalizad signed the peace deal for the trump administration and stayed on during the biden administration. he will join us in just a moment. first to national security correspondent jennifer griffin live with more. hi, jennifer. >> hi, martha. until last week, ambassador khalizad was the special envoy for afghanistan and talked to the taliban. one of the few trump appointees to remain in the biden administration. zal khalizad was born in afghanistan and talked to george bush about how to overthrow the taliban and negotiated with the taliban leading to the american withdrawal. appointed by president trump to lead peace talks with the taliban. former u.s. ambassador to afghanistan from 2003 to 2005 and to iraq from 2005 to 2007. he headed the bush-cheney transition team for the defense department. he grew up in kabul. he received a ph.d. from the university of chicago. khalizad and mike pompeo signed a peace agreement with the taliban paving the way for the full withdrawal of american troops. if certain conditions were met, including "guarantees and enforcement mechanisms that would prevent the use the soil of afghanistan by any group or individual against the security of the united states and its allies." critics of the deal have called it a surrender document because it left out the afghan government. when the taliban broke its commitments, the u.s. did not pause the agreement. under president obama's envoy, richard holbrook first broached the idea of an end to the conflict, which would have involved dealing with the taliban. he said it was secret and never brother fruit. in 2012, the taliban were allowed to open a political office in qatar and paved the way for future talks. in his resignation letter to secretary of state antony blinken last week, khalizad admitted shortcomings. he said the political arrangement with the afghan government and the taliban government did not go forward as envisioned. that was an understatement. 20 years after 9-11, the withdrawal of all u.s. troops has allowed the taliban to return to power, martha. >> martha: thanks very much. let's bring in ambassador khalizad, former u.s. representative for afghanistan reconciliation and the author of the book "envoy." sir, thanks for being here. good to have you with us today. thanks for joining me. >> a great pleasure to be with you, martha. >> martha: thank you very much. in an interview you talked about your decision to leave under the biden administration. you said that some of what was going on there was not based in reality. what did you mean by that? >> what i meant was, we still had unfinished the business in afghanistan. the agreement that we made, which was conditions based under the trump administration, some of those conditions did not materialize. the taliban have not implemented those. we want to hold the taliban accountable for those agreements. i advocated that rather than disengaging, we need to press the taliban to negotiate and reach an agreement on the implementation of the remaining parts dealing with terrorism, dealing with the establishment of a broad-based government. my worry was that we were turning our back and not doing kwha -- what we needed to do to protect the american interests in afghanistan. >> martha: that's a big charge. you're saying the biden administration and antony blinken, the secretary state, are not interested in continues to make sure that the taliban is held to the agreement, for example, that they would not allow al-quaida or isis to form there as a base to attack americans? that they're not concerned with that? they don't want to follow-through? >> they're concerned about the terrorism part. but in order for terrorism interests to be protected, we need to make sure that we have an afghanistan that does not collapse. if afghanistan collapses, there will be ungoverned spaces where terrorism will find a place. for reasons of politics, because the taliban are perceived as a terrorist group widely, that it will cost the administration their resisting and engagement negotiations with the taliban on a comprehensive agreement with regard to factors or issues that the agreement -- the conditions based agreement of the previous administration had dealt with but remain unfulfilled. a similar approach to the approach of the trump administration to negotiate the details of the implementation with regard to reaching an agreement of what is required. but politically that is adjudged to be not acceptable and costly. i believe they're mistaken. if they don't do what i have stated, i think the cost politically will be much larger than the road if afghanistan collapses and terrorists find a home in afghanistan, which would be likely. >> martha: all right. let me ask you this. in terms of your desire to see a stable afghanistan, does that involve a lot of financial support and were those financial support promises made by you during the exit from afghanistan? >> yes. the agreement is that the taliban was not allow the territory of afghanistan to be used by al-quaida or any other terrorist group or individual. they would establish a broad-based government based on negotiations with the republic, a cease fire will take place. with terrorism, we still have issues, that they need to take steps that they need to take. we have issued with regard to the government respecting the rights of the afghan people. but they want normalcy in relations with us. they want the funds of afghanistan in the united states to be unfrozen. i think we need a detailed agreement and an exchange for what steps by them what it is we'll be prepared to do. >> martha: all right. there's reluctance on the money side in terms of where that would go. but i want to ask you specific questions about the exit from afghanistan. general mckenzie said in a meeting in doha that the proposal was made by the taliban that the united states could secure all of kabul as part of the exit agreement. he said you were there and you heard that offer as well. is that accurate? did you tell president biden or antony blinken or the secretary of defense often, did you tell them, look, they're saying we can hold all of kabul as part of this exit? >> the offer is accurate. general mckenzie said in that meeting that that was not his mandate, to security kabul. that his mandate was to evacuate the remaining american forces, 2,500, that we would bring more forces in. all of the senior decision makers became aware of that offer and mckenzie's response. >> martha: so the president was aware there was an offer that would allow us to secure kabul while we were getting out. don't think if we had done that, we might have had a more orderly exit and less loss of life outside that airport? >> well, there's a lot of things that could have happened, should have happened. i think we need to do a thorough examination of what exactly happened and why and what we did that worked and what didn't work. we need to do in a nonpartisan way and to learn lessons without bringing politics into it. the politics will have a distorting effect on diplomacy. i advocated a bipartisan approach to examining in detail exactly what happened and what should have happened. >> martha: so let me ask you this. we saw all of the generals testify on afghanistan that they recommended leaving 4 to 6,000 troops on the ground. that they thought that would continue to provide the stability that would help this negotiation process move forward. did you also advocate for that and did you advocate for that with the biden administration as well? >> i did advocate that the preferred approach to a withdrawal from afghanistan was that it it was condition based as the agreement did. the agreement that was signed under president trump. but president biden decided to have a calendar-based withdrawal, not a condition-based withdrawal. >> martha: so with recall to al-quaida and isis and the assurances that we were given, that looks like it's off at this point. we see that china and russia have filled some of the void. tell me what you believe about the new timeline that al-quaida could be operable to attack the united states in two years and isis in just six months. how do you think it is after all of your years of being so close to this situation that four intelligence agencies didn't see this coming? >> well, that also needs to be examined, why we missed some of the developments that did occur. but i believe that with regard to the terrorism, the taliban so far have maintained the commitment to not allow the plotting and planning by al-quaida and other groups against the united states. those predictions are based on the assumption that the taliban would be unwilling to prevent that or unable to prevent that. >> martha: excuse me for interrupting. how would we know if they're plotting or planning? we can't get anybody to give us a base for eyes and ears and we know the attacks that happened is over the horizon is not functioning as it should? >> the withdrawal no doubt will diminish our capability to know what's going on and to respond as quickly as we could if we had stayed in afghanistan. but at the present time, we still have systems, global systems as well as we have flights over afghanistan, that they're occurring from doha. we have predators, we have planes that overfly. although not as good as if we stayed there, but we still have an awareness, we observe what is going on and that needs to be maintained and strengthened by pursuing agreements with the neighborhooding state, some of them are more willing. at the same time, we need to press them to allow for more cooperation, more access with regard to being situationally aware of what is going on there. >> martha: i only have about 45 seconds left. we have not retaliated against the isis-k attack that took 13 service members from us and we also have this syria attack and no retaliation from that. if we do not retaliate, you believe these terrorist groups will keep pushing us further? >> i do believe that. terrorism is a problem. we have other big challenges like the rise of china. that's why we needed to free resources from afghanistan to focus on the changing environment. but terrorism is a problem and when we have the information and the targets, we should respondif the locals don't do the job. >> martha: zalmay khalizad, thank you, sir. we have more questions but we're out of time. thanks for being here today. >> thank you. good to be with you. >> martha: we'll take a quick break and be right back. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> martha: queen elizabeth following doctors orders to take it easy. she's been receiving medical advice to get rest. now she's been taking light engagements for an additional two weeks. that announcement comes a week after england's longest reigning monarch spent the night at the hospital. that's "the story" for this friday. wish you a good weekend and see you back here monday. >> neil: more tricks than treats for shoppers with blood curdling price hikes. all of this ahead of halloween. shippers screaming to get goods to markets. we have all of the gory details. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. this is your scary world. first after, susan li on the scare for shoppers and william la jeunesse in california and

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