Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240709

stunned and shocked. we saw that coming and democrats make it happen. people forced to quit over the vaccine mandate nationwide, governor ron desantis to show us all how to fight back. byron donald's is here to talk about the sunshine state showdown. are you a second-class citizen in your own country? a serious question, don't laugh it off. think about how rules and restrictions you are embarking, pick taxpaying citizens in this country, rules you are forced to abide by and others on the left and noncitizens, not even in the country legally get a free pass. what about vaccine mandates? i'll have more on this later. you know the ones forcing people to quit their jobs all over the country? check out this headline. white house tries to finalize vaccine mandates, dozens of groups in a meeting. you know one of the groups that doesn't feet a last-minute meeting because i don't meet the request of exemption? illegal immigrants. they used to break the law because they are already exempt. how does that make you feel? second, you are an illegal immigrant, feel free to hop on facebook and share with your friends how to get across the border illegally. don't drop that all. you see this? facebook users sharing tips on crossing the border illegally but if you are a citizen, you go to work everyday, take them off, get a little dirt under the fingernails and not only are you subjected to the vaccine mandate the biden a ministration, you can't even ask questions about the vaccine on facebook. check out this headline, covid vaccine, cracking down on lies but is it enough to crackdown on activists? don't dare ask questions about the vaccine. here is a small sampling on free speech, it never seems to stop. you can see the headlines everywhere. to recap here, you are an illegal immigrant, you can post way how to sneak back and forth across the u.s. border illegally, no problem at all but if you are a citizen in this country, don't you dare challenge the official state media narrative on vaccine. any questions are forbidden, you understand? sit in the corner and keep your mouth shut. they can still tell you from often they will. third, you have to wear face masks but the people demanding you to wear them, aren't actually wearing them themselves so you know the money will if masks work, why aren't they working? is joe biden, you see him strolling through a restaurant in d.c. without a mask, no problem there. here's chicago mayor basketball game, she didn't have a mask either. i note the masks work but what, she's not in danger? even worse than formal, caught again without a mask. i thought they work, i thought that's how we stop this big. to be clear, you again the hard-working citizen, your subjected to mask mandates by totalitarian tyrants but some of those same pirates ignore the rules and mandates, you got it? assets, that's what they think of us. happy former telling us to go sit in the corner and shut up. don't plan on doing that. the old mature citizen in the rest from the young ones who already may be vaccinated were also must comply with second-class citizens such a place but not joe biden, joe is actually high-risk. i know, he's actually high risk according to the sides. remember this jump? usa letting illegal immigrants boarding a plane without proper id. you however, show up without an id, they will kick you straight out of line you got to robert cooper or taxi outside. you could take a private plane or something if you are a rich guy or you can walk or drive but you're not getting on our planes. maybe that's why they won't tell us late night lights of illegal immigrants around the country. maybe they don't know themselves. i secretly flying under age migrants in new york in the dead of night in? if not, you should. so no id for illegal immigrants, no problem at all. i doesn't apply to you. for you, it no id, no flight to your destination. then there is this, our attorney general who suddenly can't seem to figure out what qualifies as a domestic terror. check this out. >> do you believe these environmental extremists who force their way into the department of interior are also domestic terrorists? >> i'm not going to be after reference that specific instance since it's the first i know about it. >> to pictures of infidels forcing them out into government building in washington d.c. and one as i laid out very well me quote domestic terrorist but refusing to call groups like this who commit the same atrocities are in washington d.c. domestic terrorists. >> when i know the facts but i don't know the facts of it. >> you showed up january 6 for a rally, we definitely don't condone that but you showing up, you are definitely a domestic terrorist, public enemy number one. treason, insurrectionist, all of you insurrectionist you are a liberal environmental activist forcing your way into a government building, you are some kind of a hero. you burned down a city or blm or another big city, still a bunch of stuff and assault people, you are a national hero. attorney general can't see that. who sets the rules? show up at a trump rally, you are in trouble. burned down a building in new york city, no problem at all. i tell you a lot on this show you will never be treated like second-class citizens, you won't. we're not going to waste your time, we're not going to talk to you like children, you deserve better. we respect you on this show. you know proving that, this morning about the facebook whistleblower, listen to me, facebook whistleblower, it's obviously are trapped. media, facebook, a whistleblower and the d.o.j. offsetting censorship narrative vertically. it's obvious. democrats are on the narrative, evidence is everywhere. great in a little blue but we told you back then, a week or two ago, i don't even remember, it's blending it. we told you there were three hallmarks of the left-wing trap. you've got the media, got to have the media. you got to have a congressional hearing to have a liberal activist group behind it so we have to media, whistleblower story, you have all three. media, 50 minute story, congressional hearing, the only open question at the time you see the trap a mile away, who were the liberal activist behind the whistleblower? check it out, now you know, i want you, it was a trap, not self praise moments, god rest her soul, it's true, i don't ever want to waste your time. i'm at are, who the heck is that? political story this week about being behind the whistleblower. here's a little breakdown of what ours enough. he gave 150k12 whistleblower aid representing facebook, donated to the democrat committee as well, democrat congressman and donated 100k as well. the grant to the foundation and george soros foundation. shocker my son's name. got it? just like my other things. i have the face for radio but sometimes we do. i want to conclude on a serious note because it matters to me personally and a lot. vaccine mandate fight nationwide is about and what is not about, it's not about protocol, a dangerous virus, of course there will be protocols but surprisingly, it's not even about the vaccine, dan, that's crazy, how is it not about the vaccine? if it was about the vaccine and bond with liberals put out on twitter facebook and everywhere else, are they putting donald trump poisoning us with the vaccine, where was kamala harris and joe biden against the programs donald trump was building in their backyard? if it was about the vaccine, why did they change their mind? here's what it's about. we built this place. we outnumber them, this is our country. don't tell us what the put in our body. we believe an individual liberty, body sovereignty. you have sovereignty over your own body given to you by god. once we fix that, it's all over. all other arguments lost. the second amendment, all of it, he'll have sovereignty over your own body, nothing else matters, nothing. the left is terrified. the vaccine mandate across the redline, they've got a breach. once they teach you conservative to sit in the corner and they teach you you don't have control over your own body, or something else. as for the left strongman argument, what about abortion from of my body, my choice? according to science, since we do follis signs on the show, there are two separate sets of dna between the mother and child so it's not really your body. there is two bodies and one is not yours. folks, fast, don't be afraid. speak up, you're not in this alone. sooner or later when you stand, you're going to realize other people dealing are going to stand with you and wonder why you are healing and 55% of the people eventually will get up and stand and the kneelers are going to wonder why they are in the minority. you're not alone, people are with you and we are willing to fight this fight. don't be afraid, do not want to leave you out on your own, speak up. i am with you. coming up, joe biden failed almost everything he's done in right now independent voters, wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (sfx: video game vehicle noises, horns beeping,) (engines revving, cars hitting one another.) 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just ask your asthma specialist about dupixent. welcome back to "unfiltered". time for hotcakes, three ridiculous outrageous stories you may have missed this week but you need to hear about running me now with her hotcakes, fox news could do better, my friend, lisa boothe, thank you for joining me. appreciate it. >> great to see you, my friend. dan: topic one from joe biden, everyone knows it but now everybody is starting to figure it out, even the people who didn't think he sucked. approval ratings are in the tank. democrats, independents, he's dropping like a rock. we want them, didn't we? everybody that you and i after you elect the sky, things will get ugly quick, they are finally catching up. >> i hate to say i told you so but we did tell them so. they didn't listen to us and how could you support this and outside of just being a blind loyalist activist, how could you support this man? everything is gone to help if you look at these things we are facing, each one is a crisis of joe biden's making. go down the list, or prices, inflation, supply chain, worker shortage, all of it is joe biden's making but the biggest issue, the biggest concern i have trampling of liberties in america, trampling of freedom in america, how will we get to freedom box. dan: what bothers me about biden as a critic but a guy who genuinely like you loves the country, you'd like him to by mistake, get something right once in a while so we don't have to suffer but that's not happening. the guy's ability to screw things up is incredible, one 100% success rate of failing, i've never seen anything like it but let me move on to topic number two. he surrounded himself with failures as well including attorney general merrick garland up on congress this week on the hill and basically admitted his letter targeting schoolboard parents was a disaster. check this out. >> when did you first review data showing so-called disturbing uptick? >> i read the letter and we've been seeing over time -- >> i didn't ask you -- you read the letter, that's your story? >> national schoolboard association that represents thousands of schoolboard member success are these kinds of threats when we read in the newspapers, threats of violence and that's in the context of threat -- >> for the very first line -- >> judgment time has expired. dan: you see what i see, he's trying to be cute about it but you can see stammering through it because he knows he got busted trying to the d.o.j. and fbi on parents concerned about their kids education. >> it is discussing and look at the enemies of this administration. first of all, us, we are on that list but it's freedom loving americans, police and firefighters don't want or need to get vaccinated, hardening pod opposition against this administration because ultimately what it comes down to is the desire for joe biden to control, to force opponents to submit to him and what he doesn't like or doesn't like saying his parents standing up for freedom people leaving freedom it's going to have a hardening affect. if i'm not vaccinated before wasn't getting vaccinated because of the 36-year-old woman with no underlying conditions, 99.97% chance of survival against covid so i was on the print because it didn't make sense to get vaccinated for of virus not a threat to my life nor one i fear but now i'm doubling down as a giant middle finger to joe biden's security because now it's a fight for freedom, a fight against tierney in america and that's what it's about we are literally fighting right now for the future of this country. are we going to be a free or miracle or not? that's ultimately what it comes down to. you take a strong stance on vaccine mandates encouraging people like me as well, it's such a fight and you know it. the audience knows it. dan: i know it. i'm glad you're giving the middle finger. i want to recommend the double-barreled, seriously. >> i would but my parents are probably watching. dan: topic number three, the most absurd topic. a photo from a college lecture, this is not a joke. right hand of privilege about what viral. is this the latest oppression tactic on college campuses, right-handed privilege, this is nothing now. >> being oppressed is invoked so if you have to be aggrieved, that's what's stylish these days. i'm right-handed, i am not ashamed of it. i stand firm on being of right-handed american. >> we do facts on this show, it's only appropriate to talk to someone who's actually oppressed. joe concha, you are left-handed and me and lisa are here to help, what can we do to help you overcome on this oppression? you clearly look like you could be assisted. >> i need positive reinforcement at this time because i am oppressed. what we talking about here? critical hand theory? the professor is actually teaching this. thirty grand a year to send your kid to a will to hire a professor like this? if i was paid that, i would like to actually prepare them for real life because you've got to look out, don't do number two but now instead focus on who has advantages and disadvantages, left-hand superiority or right-hand superiority, if you are a lefty, not ideology here, you have a great chance of being president of united states despite being outnumbered 921. you are a tough guy but you are like patrick swayze and roadhouse. well right but lethal. i know you know this, but reagan, george, h.w. bush, clinton and obama, how do they overcome the obstacles? rocky balboa or phil mickelson or how did they ever succeed? that's what i want to know. dan: i knew he would come through. >> we need a good support group for joe. dan: i agree. i'll text you. lisa, joe, i knew you guys would be great. thanks for joining me, appreciate it. >> you are 36? i did know that. [laughter] dan: you've heard of nostradamus? have you heard of trump sir thomas? >> how about thomas jefferson? you like him? good, are we going to take down his statue, here's a major slave owner. you know what? it's fine. it's fine. you are changing culture. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ it's a new dawn... ♪ if you've been taking copd sitting down, it's time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at do you take aspirin? plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. new vazalore is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. vazalore is designed to help protect... releasing aspirin after it leaves your stomach... where it is absorbed to give you the benefits of life saving aspirin... to help prevent another heart attack or stroke. heart protection with your stomach in mind. try new liquid-filled vazalore. aspirin made amazing! ashley: welcome to fox news live i'm ashley strohmier. tragedy at a drag racing event in texas. two young boys were killed after a driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed up to spectators. the events called airport case was held at the county airport. the removal of some 10,000 trees are being removed in sequoia, california. they are concerned the damaged trees could fall and injure people. three rivers will be closed to tourists who wish to visit the largest sequoia trees in the world. january 26, 2020. i am ashley strohmier, back to "unfiltered" with dan bongino. ♪♪ dan: walk back to "unfiltered", you probably heard about what about trump start on? every few weeks, he see the # trending on social media. trump was right, the evidence is not a direct let's go to a prediction theory. here is number one, thomas jefferson statute is next. >> how about thomas jefferson? what you think of thomas jefferson? you like him? are we going to take down the statue? is a major slave owner. i was going to take down his statue? you know what? it's fine. your changes . dan: we can see that is going to be removed. there you go, nailed that one. here's prediction number two in china. check this out. >> they spent effective. the data show the tariffs have been effective. dan: we can see the headline, the biden team has knowledge many of the trump tariffs are going to keep them in place. china hypersonic weapons trying to destroy fist, they want to rethink that. here is a prediction number three, the remain and mexico policy, and effective one on illegal immigration. joe biden should have listened to trump. donald trump remain in policy made a mexico current against everything we stand for. the nation of immigrants, my administration. there's uncle joe right there. now the dhs is acknowledging restarting remain in mexico policy. in november, they are rebuilding headquarters. could have listened. prediction number four. you didn't even need it for this one. it's kind of obvious. >> these are just dishonest terrible people, i am telling you. [cheering] honestly, not all of them. i would say 85%. dan: i don't know where he got that number. it's not just that they are dishonest from as trent 18, they said there dishonest by omission, too. it's not just the things they say but it's the things they don't say. >> how did you justify that? it violates a cardinal journalism. >> what people don't realize is we make decisions like that all the time. dan: finally, trumpstradamus number 14. trump predicted dynamics. >> biden promised to abolish production of american oil, coal and natural gas, feelings of jobs lost and energy prices restored. dan: sadly, trump. it's a joke. trump's words were precious. i wish they weren't sometimes. he uses humor to get the.across. sometime humor is the only way. coming up next, americans are quitting their jobs in droves because they refuse to be told what they should put in their own body. florida is fighting back, fighting for their work. ♪♪ (man 1) oh, this looks like we're in a screen saver. 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can you think of anything worse to do to get people to go back to work? i don't blame them. >> i can't think of anything worse to do but that's the joe biden way. were talking about somebody who's always wrong. he's been wrong every step of the way throughout his entire political career, nothing has changed so of course this is what he would do. you people who have been first responders and have been through our pandemic, they've done a fantastic job, we celebrated them. you have people who have flown our planes and served an airline stewardess is for months. over a year now they've done a fantastic job and these are the people who are now saying must get vaccinated or they have to be fired? it's ridiculous, only joe biden would think this is a good thing to do. but he's always been wrong, nobody should be listening to him. dan: i am so glad you said that. people who risk their lives early on celebrate and get through, now this is what they are going through. your familiar with florida policy but for covid numbers are plunging dramatically, thank god. sadly new york's are going up. you notice congressman, nobody in the media like they went after want to santos is going after new york's governor even though they have this odds. >> didn't go after andrew cuomo when he was governor, is falsifying data and lying to the american people, they are definitely not going to go after her because she's not the story. therefore do go after ron desantis from america's governor who let our state the appropriate way, he's the one brought regeneron into the lexicon of the american people to find treatment to help combat those numbers and not our numbers are dropping which was easily predicted and of course the numbers are going to rise because i started to get chilly, people are moving indoors. the delta variant is aerosolized so when people are in close contact, numbers will rise. what we should do is make sure people have access to all treatments available thanks to america's governor ron desantis, they know of a product treatment, that's what we should be focused on. the liberal media always backs ms. wrote, they don't care about the facts. dan: congressman's just figuring out when it's not summer, people go inside. there is your encyclopedia. order numbers congressman, are out of control, 1.7 million apprehensions at the border, totally unsustainable. >> i know it well, i guess i should go down but the whole thing is i haven't had a lot of time to get done. >> he does not need a visit to the border to know what mess was left by the last administration. dan: visit congressman up to virginia to help get the candidate elected government up there but doesn't have time for the national security crisis of our time. >> let's be clear, he doesn't know what he's doing, he can't go to the border even though i've been twice because he would be faced with the reality of his own failure. joe biden does not want to secure the border, ladies and gentlemen, he wants this to happen. he doesn't want to 1.7 million entrance, he wants over 2 million because this is what the democrat party has always wanted. open borders with no enforcement but it's a disaster for our economy, a disaster for our country, it doesn't protect our sovereignty but when you deal with marxist more interested in their legacy, those following the law and governing our country to the benefit of the american people, this is what you get, somebody hasn't taken enough questions for more than four months you never ever see in they've got no time to go to the border, he could bring to the ice cream shop anytime he wants in delaware, is a flat out joke. dan: we love you. thanks for fighting the good fight, thanks for going out there, appreciate it. >> anytime. dan: humming up on "unfiltered", china watching a missile backup threaten the u.s. and democrats are stunned, shocked. leftists do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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how is everyone so surprised by russia and china's sudden burst of military capability? we knew this would happen, the air force even said it would happen in 2016. here, from their air force report, republican china and russian federation are flight testing maneuvering weapons that make endanger u.s. forces in the continental u.s. how does hilary know about that? trump administration recognized the growing threat so they reacted remember the of space force? >> foreign competitors and adversaries have begun weapon isaac space. china launched a new military division to oversee war fighting programs in space. just like the air, the land, the sea, space has become a war fighting domain. dan: the left thought this was hilarious space force. there's a late-night comedian with dreaded airport. >> there's no threat in space, who are we fighting part satellites? frozen monkeys? seriously though, space force? he's not even done with wars on earth and he wants to fight in space? >> we've the space force, buzz light year. >> did trump stop at a we dispenser in california? >> the air force. dan: here is jen psaki weeks after to biden took office. >> scope of the space force. >> wow, space force. it's the plaintiff today. it's an interesting question, i am happy to check with they continue to pursue, we welcome this competition but we do not affect competition to parent of conflict. dan: why does this matter? were not talking about competition, we're talking mobile prescription. are these people ever going to get serious? china is a serious threat. must we have gain of function in this week's show unfortunately, hypersonic nuclear weapons. it is the heritage foundation was on earlier in the week, this caught my attention. >> what that means is we have to look at every chinese satellite as a possible nuclear delivery system chinese system they've tested, if it's correct gone into orbit before coming down, it's a game changer in the sense that now we have a much less stable world is much more potential threat. >> the chinese are pushing against all neighbors, tran11, and america seems to be in retreat. dan: a nuclear delivery system? is a penetration focus on the terrible comedy act and the real threat staring us in the face right now. coming up on "unfiltered", time for a lightning rod. fast food, algae, facebook. >> should be fired, we need to make it shoulders more options. >> we should defund weapons like >> we should defund weapons like regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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what you think the hatred is coming from? what hatred would you have in your heart to attack someone with a uniform? this came from somewhere and not just a few people. didn't take us long are on the street to find people who still aren't convinced police are the good effect. this is where happens when we asked police -- >> police officers should be fired, we need to make more options than just people with guns to show up. >> defund weapons like guns. >> i do think officers and police establishment should be abolished. >> we need to completely dismantle the police department. >> they are taking their job to serious. >> i don't like the word or association with police, i want to say there's a delicate interplay between the social report. >> it's context -based community, even violent situations. ♪♪ >> social workers would probably be good because it's a lot of mental people who need help. >> audit comes from disparity of energy and people being trapped in these systems the state of not having what they need and therefore they have these. >> if you get caught in say ice put the stuff back -- and what. >> shouldn't be punished at all. dan: there you go, folks. coming to an end. now that we are worried about this, kat she doesn't seem worried at all. everybody is getting a nasty cold, remember this from last week? we have doctor when he told us what they were working on in wuhan. >> fifty to 80% lethal, we found about a third of the virus in effector, a tool scientists using the laboratory from a smoking gun for the virus. dan: for viruses, people virus but don't worry, they were working on gain of function at the wuhan bible. >> you can give money to the wuhan lab to do gain of function research? >> that is correct. dan: >> do you still support funding of the nih funding of the lab wuhan? >> the wuhan lab, the nih has not and has never funded gain of function research. i will repeat, the nih and iad categorically has not funded gain of function research again, we have not done gain of function research, i don't know how many times i can say it. we did not fund gain of function research. dan: what's. turns out the fbi had to come up that they kind of screwed up. when is psaki going to resign? enough of the dark and gloomy stuff. i'm getting hungry, i don't know about you i am a huge believer, nothing like no nutritional nutritional value but i'm not really into sugar. love a good burger, a fan of five guys and whataburger but ideology can change my mind and it's stories like this that get me thinking san francisco with the covid vaccine, fantastic. finally, we love audience interaction, this is for you so we thought it would be a good idea to proud source, facebook is looking to repent. we took a poll to see what facebook should change its name to. number one recommendation, honorable mentions include face grub, fake book. ♪ rsh jesse: welcome to "watters' world," i'm jesse watters. problems aren't progress. inflation, hostage crisis, gas crisis. empty shelves. labor shortage, high crime. pandemic. chinese missiles and a stalled agenda. the biden presidency is facing all these things at the same time.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered With Dan Bongino 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Unfiltered with Dan Bongino 20240709

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stunned and shocked. we saw that coming and democrats make it happen. people forced to quit over the vaccine mandate nationwide, governor ron desantis to show us all how to fight back. byron donald's is here to talk about the sunshine state showdown. are you a second-class citizen in your own country? a serious question, don't laugh it off. think about how rules and restrictions you are embarking, pick taxpaying citizens in this country, rules you are forced to abide by and others on the left and noncitizens, not even in the country legally get a free pass. what about vaccine mandates? i'll have more on this later. you know the ones forcing people to quit their jobs all over the country? check out this headline. white house tries to finalize vaccine mandates, dozens of groups in a meeting. you know one of the groups that doesn't feet a last-minute meeting because i don't meet the request of exemption? illegal immigrants. they used to break the law because they are already exempt. how does that make you feel? second, you are an illegal immigrant, feel free to hop on facebook and share with your friends how to get across the border illegally. don't drop that all. you see this? facebook users sharing tips on crossing the border illegally but if you are a citizen, you go to work everyday, take them off, get a little dirt under the fingernails and not only are you subjected to the vaccine mandate the biden a ministration, you can't even ask questions about the vaccine on facebook. check out this headline, covid vaccine, cracking down on lies but is it enough to crackdown on activists? don't dare ask questions about the vaccine. here is a small sampling on free speech, it never seems to stop. you can see the headlines everywhere. to recap here, you are an illegal immigrant, you can post way how to sneak back and forth across the u.s. border illegally, no problem at all but if you are a citizen in this country, don't you dare challenge the official state media narrative on vaccine. any questions are forbidden, you understand? sit in the corner and keep your mouth shut. they can still tell you from often they will. third, you have to wear face masks but the people demanding you to wear them, aren't actually wearing them themselves so you know the money will if masks work, why aren't they working? is joe biden, you see him strolling through a restaurant in d.c. without a mask, no problem there. here's chicago mayor basketball game, she didn't have a mask either. i note the masks work but what, she's not in danger? even worse than formal, caught again without a mask. i thought they work, i thought that's how we stop this big. to be clear, you again the hard-working citizen, your subjected to mask mandates by totalitarian tyrants but some of those same pirates ignore the rules and mandates, you got it? assets, that's what they think of us. happy former telling us to go sit in the corner and shut up. don't plan on doing that. the old mature citizen in the rest from the young ones who already may be vaccinated were also must comply with second-class citizens such a place but not joe biden, joe is actually high-risk. i know, he's actually high risk according to the sides. remember this jump? usa letting illegal immigrants boarding a plane without proper id. you however, show up without an id, they will kick you straight out of line you got to robert cooper or taxi outside. you could take a private plane or something if you are a rich guy or you can walk or drive but you're not getting on our planes. maybe that's why they won't tell us late night lights of illegal immigrants around the country. maybe they don't know themselves. i secretly flying under age migrants in new york in the dead of night in? if not, you should. so no id for illegal immigrants, no problem at all. i doesn't apply to you. for you, it no id, no flight to your destination. then there is this, our attorney general who suddenly can't seem to figure out what qualifies as a domestic terror. check this out. >> do you believe these environmental extremists who force their way into the department of interior are also domestic terrorists? >> i'm not going to be after reference that specific instance since it's the first i know about it. >> to pictures of infidels forcing them out into government building in washington d.c. and one as i laid out very well me quote domestic terrorist but refusing to call groups like this who commit the same atrocities are in washington d.c. domestic terrorists. >> when i know the facts but i don't know the facts of it. >> you showed up january 6 for a rally, we definitely don't condone that but you showing up, you are definitely a domestic terrorist, public enemy number one. treason, insurrectionist, all of you insurrectionist you are a liberal environmental activist forcing your way into a government building, you are some kind of a hero. you burned down a city or blm or another big city, still a bunch of stuff and assault people, you are a national hero. attorney general can't see that. who sets the rules? show up at a trump rally, you are in trouble. burned down a building in new york city, no problem at all. i tell you a lot on this show you will never be treated like second-class citizens, you won't. we're not going to waste your time, we're not going to talk to you like children, you deserve better. we respect you on this show. you know proving that, this morning about the facebook whistleblower, listen to me, facebook whistleblower, it's obviously are trapped. media, facebook, a whistleblower and the d.o.j. offsetting censorship narrative vertically. it's obvious. democrats are on the narrative, evidence is everywhere. great in a little blue but we told you back then, a week or two ago, i don't even remember, it's blending it. we told you there were three hallmarks of the left-wing trap. you've got the media, got to have the media. you got to have a congressional hearing to have a liberal activist group behind it so we have to media, whistleblower story, you have all three. media, 50 minute story, congressional hearing, the only open question at the time you see the trap a mile away, who were the liberal activist behind the whistleblower? check it out, now you know, i want you, it was a trap, not self praise moments, god rest her soul, it's true, i don't ever want to waste your time. i'm at are, who the heck is that? political story this week about being behind the whistleblower. here's a little breakdown of what ours enough. he gave 150k12 whistleblower aid representing facebook, donated to the democrat committee as well, democrat congressman and donated 100k as well. the grant to the foundation and george soros foundation. shocker my son's name. got it? just like my other things. i have the face for radio but sometimes we do. i want to conclude on a serious note because it matters to me personally and a lot. vaccine mandate fight nationwide is about and what is not about, it's not about protocol, a dangerous virus, of course there will be protocols but surprisingly, it's not even about the vaccine, dan, that's crazy, how is it not about the vaccine? if it was about the vaccine and bond with liberals put out on twitter facebook and everywhere else, are they putting donald trump poisoning us with the vaccine, where was kamala harris and joe biden against the programs donald trump was building in their backyard? if it was about the vaccine, why did they change their mind? here's what it's about. we built this place. we outnumber them, this is our country. don't tell us what the put in our body. we believe an individual liberty, body sovereignty. you have sovereignty over your own body given to you by god. once we fix that, it's all over. all other arguments lost. the second amendment, all of it, he'll have sovereignty over your own body, nothing else matters, nothing. the left is terrified. the vaccine mandate across the redline, they've got a breach. once they teach you conservative to sit in the corner and they teach you you don't have control over your own body, or something else. as for the left strongman argument, what about abortion from of my body, my choice? according to science, since we do follis signs on the show, there are two separate sets of dna between the mother and child so it's not really your body. there is two bodies and one is not yours. folks, fast, don't be afraid. speak up, you're not in this alone. sooner or later when you stand, you're going to realize other people dealing are going to stand with you and wonder why you are healing and 55% of the people eventually will get up and stand and the kneelers are going to wonder why they are in the minority. you're not alone, people are with you and we are willing to fight this fight. don't be afraid, do not want to leave you out on your own, speak up. i am with you. coming up, joe biden failed almost everything he's done in right now independent voters, wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (sfx: video game vehicle noises, horns beeping,) (engines revving, cars hitting one another.) (sfx: continued vehicle calamity.) just think, he'll be driving for real soon. every new chevy equinox comes standard with chevy safety assist, including automatic emergency braking. find new peace of mind. find new roads. chevrolet. what can i du with less asthma? with dupixent i can du more... yardwork... teamwork... long walks.... that's how you du more, with dupixent, which helps prevent asthma attacks. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on-treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. and can reduce, or even eliminate, oral steroids. and here's something important. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. are you ready to du more with less asthma? just ask your asthma specialist about dupixent. welcome back to "unfiltered". time for hotcakes, three ridiculous outrageous stories you may have missed this week but you need to hear about running me now with her hotcakes, fox news could do better, my friend, lisa boothe, thank you for joining me. appreciate it. >> great to see you, my friend. dan: topic one from joe biden, everyone knows it but now everybody is starting to figure it out, even the people who didn't think he sucked. approval ratings are in the tank. democrats, independents, he's dropping like a rock. we want them, didn't we? everybody that you and i after you elect the sky, things will get ugly quick, they are finally catching up. >> i hate to say i told you so but we did tell them so. they didn't listen to us and how could you support this and outside of just being a blind loyalist activist, how could you support this man? everything is gone to help if you look at these things we are facing, each one is a crisis of joe biden's making. go down the list, or prices, inflation, supply chain, worker shortage, all of it is joe biden's making but the biggest issue, the biggest concern i have trampling of liberties in america, trampling of freedom in america, how will we get to freedom box. dan: what bothers me about biden as a critic but a guy who genuinely like you loves the country, you'd like him to by mistake, get something right once in a while so we don't have to suffer but that's not happening. the guy's ability to screw things up is incredible, one 100% success rate of failing, i've never seen anything like it but let me move on to topic number two. he surrounded himself with failures as well including attorney general merrick garland up on congress this week on the hill and basically admitted his letter targeting schoolboard parents was a disaster. check this out. >> when did you first review data showing so-called disturbing uptick? >> i read the letter and we've been seeing over time -- >> i didn't ask you -- you read the letter, that's your story? >> national schoolboard association that represents thousands of schoolboard member success are these kinds of threats when we read in the newspapers, threats of violence and that's in the context of threat -- >> for the very first line -- >> judgment time has expired. dan: you see what i see, he's trying to be cute about it but you can see stammering through it because he knows he got busted trying to the d.o.j. and fbi on parents concerned about their kids education. >> it is discussing and look at the enemies of this administration. first of all, us, we are on that list but it's freedom loving americans, police and firefighters don't want or need to get vaccinated, hardening pod opposition against this administration because ultimately what it comes down to is the desire for joe biden to control, to force opponents to submit to him and what he doesn't like or doesn't like saying his parents standing up for freedom people leaving freedom it's going to have a hardening affect. if i'm not vaccinated before wasn't getting vaccinated because of the 36-year-old woman with no underlying conditions, 99.97% chance of survival against covid so i was on the print because it didn't make sense to get vaccinated for of virus not a threat to my life nor one i fear but now i'm doubling down as a giant middle finger to joe biden's security because now it's a fight for freedom, a fight against tierney in america and that's what it's about we are literally fighting right now for the future of this country. are we going to be a free or miracle or not? that's ultimately what it comes down to. you take a strong stance on vaccine mandates encouraging people like me as well, it's such a fight and you know it. the audience knows it. dan: i know it. i'm glad you're giving the middle finger. i want to recommend the double-barreled, seriously. >> i would but my parents are probably watching. dan: topic number three, the most absurd topic. a photo from a college lecture, this is not a joke. right hand of privilege about what viral. is this the latest oppression tactic on college campuses, right-handed privilege, this is nothing now. >> being oppressed is invoked so if you have to be aggrieved, that's what's stylish these days. i'm right-handed, i am not ashamed of it. i stand firm on being of right-handed american. >> we do facts on this show, it's only appropriate to talk to someone who's actually oppressed. joe concha, you are left-handed and me and lisa are here to help, what can we do to help you overcome on this oppression? you clearly look like you could be assisted. >> i need positive reinforcement at this time because i am oppressed. what we talking about here? critical hand theory? the professor is actually teaching this. thirty grand a year to send your kid to a will to hire a professor like this? if i was paid that, i would like to actually prepare them for real life because you've got to look out, don't do number two but now instead focus on who has advantages and disadvantages, left-hand superiority or right-hand superiority, if you are a lefty, not ideology here, you have a great chance of being president of united states despite being outnumbered 921. you are a tough guy but you are like patrick swayze and roadhouse. well right but lethal. i know you know this, but reagan, george, h.w. bush, clinton and obama, how do they overcome the obstacles? rocky balboa or phil mickelson or how did they ever succeed? that's what i want to know. dan: i knew he would come through. >> we need a good support group for joe. dan: i agree. i'll text you. lisa, joe, i knew you guys would be great. thanks for joining me, appreciate it. >> you are 36? i did know that. [laughter] dan: you've heard of nostradamus? have you heard of trump sir thomas? >> how about thomas jefferson? you like him? good, are we going to take down his statue, here's a major slave owner. you know what? it's fine. it's fine. you are changing culture. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ it's a new dawn... ♪ if you've been taking copd sitting down, it's time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at do you take aspirin? plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. new vazalore is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. vazalore is designed to help protect... releasing aspirin after it leaves your stomach... where it is absorbed to give you the benefits of life saving aspirin... to help prevent another heart attack or stroke. heart protection with your stomach in mind. try new liquid-filled vazalore. aspirin made amazing! ashley: welcome to fox news live i'm ashley strohmier. tragedy at a drag racing event in texas. two young boys were killed after a driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed up to spectators. the events called airport case was held at the county airport. the removal of some 10,000 trees are being removed in sequoia, california. they are concerned the damaged trees could fall and injure people. three rivers will be closed to tourists who wish to visit the largest sequoia trees in the world. january 26, 2020. i am ashley strohmier, back to "unfiltered" with dan bongino. ♪♪ dan: walk back to "unfiltered", you probably heard about what about trump start on? every few weeks, he see the # trending on social media. trump was right, the evidence is not a direct let's go to a prediction theory. here is number one, thomas jefferson statute is next. >> how about thomas jefferson? what you think of thomas jefferson? you like him? are we going to take down the statue? is a major slave owner. i was going to take down his statue? you know what? it's fine. your changes . dan: we can see that is going to be removed. there you go, nailed that one. here's prediction number two in china. check this out. >> they spent effective. the data show the tariffs have been effective. dan: we can see the headline, the biden team has knowledge many of the trump tariffs are going to keep them in place. china hypersonic weapons trying to destroy fist, they want to rethink that. here is a prediction number three, the remain and mexico policy, and effective one on illegal immigration. joe biden should have listened to trump. donald trump remain in policy made a mexico current against everything we stand for. the nation of immigrants, my administration. there's uncle joe right there. now the dhs is acknowledging restarting remain in mexico policy. in november, they are rebuilding headquarters. could have listened. prediction number four. you didn't even need it for this one. it's kind of obvious. >> these are just dishonest terrible people, i am telling you. [cheering] honestly, not all of them. i would say 85%. dan: i don't know where he got that number. it's not just that they are dishonest from as trent 18, they said there dishonest by omission, too. it's not just the things they say but it's the things they don't say. >> how did you justify that? it violates a cardinal journalism. >> what people don't realize is we make decisions like that all the time. dan: finally, trumpstradamus number 14. trump predicted dynamics. >> biden promised to abolish production of american oil, coal and natural gas, feelings of jobs lost and energy prices restored. dan: sadly, trump. it's a joke. trump's words were precious. i wish they weren't sometimes. he uses humor to get the.across. sometime humor is the only way. coming up next, americans are quitting their jobs in droves because they refuse to be told what they should put in their own body. florida is fighting back, fighting for their work. ♪♪ (man 1) oh, this looks like we're in a screen saver. (man 2) yeah, but we need to go higher. (man 1) higher. (man 2) definitely higher. (man 1) we're like yodeling high. [yodeling] yo-de-le-he... (man 2) hey, no. uh-uh, don't do that. (man 1) we should go even higher! (man 2) yeah, let's do it. (both) woah! (man 2) i'm good. (man 1) me, too. (man 2) mm-hm. (vo) adventure has a new look. (man 1) let's go lower. (man 2) lower, that sounds good. (vo) discover more in the all-new subaru outback wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you whether you need a single line or lines for family members, you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. that's our everyday price. plus, our plans always come with unlimited talk, text and data included. so, switch to t-mobile and get 2 lines of unlimited for only $27.50 a line. that's half the price of verizon or at&t. only at t-mobile. the leader in 5g. with directv stream, i can get live tv and on demand together. watch: serena williams... wonder woman.... serena... wonder woman... serena... wonder woman... ♪ ♪ ace. advantage! you cannot be serious! ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. welcome back to "unfiltered". vaccine mandates forcing first responders to quit nationwide. americans are fed up, not having it but in florida governor ron desantis is holding a special session to keep business from forcing workers to take the job. joining me now, byron donald. thank you for joining us, appreciate for taking the time. >> anytime, good to be with you. dan: you as well. congressman, can you think of anything more unproductive right now to get us through this inflation economic crisis and forcing people in an unscientific impersonal manner to take a vaccine they may or may not need to take depending on their infection? can you think of anything worse to do to get people to go back to work? i don't blame them. >> i can't think of anything worse to do but that's the joe biden way. were talking about somebody who's always wrong. he's been wrong every step of the way throughout his entire political career, nothing has changed so of course this is what he would do. you people who have been first responders and have been through our pandemic, they've done a fantastic job, we celebrated them. you have people who have flown our planes and served an airline stewardess is for months. over a year now they've done a fantastic job and these are the people who are now saying must get vaccinated or they have to be fired? it's ridiculous, only joe biden would think this is a good thing to do. but he's always been wrong, nobody should be listening to him. dan: i am so glad you said that. people who risk their lives early on celebrate and get through, now this is what they are going through. your familiar with florida policy but for covid numbers are plunging dramatically, thank god. sadly new york's are going up. you notice congressman, nobody in the media like they went after want to santos is going after new york's governor even though they have this odds. >> didn't go after andrew cuomo when he was governor, is falsifying data and lying to the american people, they are definitely not going to go after her because she's not the story. therefore do go after ron desantis from america's governor who let our state the appropriate way, he's the one brought regeneron into the lexicon of the american people to find treatment to help combat those numbers and not our numbers are dropping which was easily predicted and of course the numbers are going to rise because i started to get chilly, people are moving indoors. the delta variant is aerosolized so when people are in close contact, numbers will rise. what we should do is make sure people have access to all treatments available thanks to america's governor ron desantis, they know of a product treatment, that's what we should be focused on. the liberal media always backs ms. wrote, they don't care about the facts. dan: congressman's just figuring out when it's not summer, people go inside. there is your encyclopedia. order numbers congressman, are out of control, 1.7 million apprehensions at the border, totally unsustainable. >> i know it well, i guess i should go down but the whole thing is i haven't had a lot of time to get done. >> he does not need a visit to the border to know what mess was left by the last administration. dan: visit congressman up to virginia to help get the candidate elected government up there but doesn't have time for the national security crisis of our time. >> let's be clear, he doesn't know what he's doing, he can't go to the border even though i've been twice because he would be faced with the reality of his own failure. joe biden does not want to secure the border, ladies and gentlemen, he wants this to happen. he doesn't want to 1.7 million entrance, he wants over 2 million because this is what the democrat party has always wanted. open borders with no enforcement but it's a disaster for our economy, a disaster for our country, it doesn't protect our sovereignty but when you deal with marxist more interested in their legacy, those following the law and governing our country to the benefit of the american people, this is what you get, somebody hasn't taken enough questions for more than four months you never ever see in they've got no time to go to the border, he could bring to the ice cream shop anytime he wants in delaware, is a flat out joke. dan: we love you. thanks for fighting the good fight, thanks for going out there, appreciate it. >> anytime. dan: humming up on "unfiltered", china watching a missile backup threaten the u.s. and democrats are stunned, shocked. leftists do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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how is everyone so surprised by russia and china's sudden burst of military capability? we knew this would happen, the air force even said it would happen in 2016. here, from their air force report, republican china and russian federation are flight testing maneuvering weapons that make endanger u.s. forces in the continental u.s. how does hilary know about that? trump administration recognized the growing threat so they reacted remember the of space force? >> foreign competitors and adversaries have begun weapon isaac space. china launched a new military division to oversee war fighting programs in space. just like the air, the land, the sea, space has become a war fighting domain. dan: the left thought this was hilarious space force. there's a late-night comedian with dreaded airport. >> there's no threat in space, who are we fighting part satellites? frozen monkeys? seriously though, space force? he's not even done with wars on earth and he wants to fight in space? >> we've the space force, buzz light year. >> did trump stop at a we dispenser in california? >> the air force. dan: here is jen psaki weeks after to biden took office. >> scope of the space force. >> wow, space force. it's the plaintiff today. it's an interesting question, i am happy to check with they continue to pursue, we welcome this competition but we do not affect competition to parent of conflict. dan: why does this matter? were not talking about competition, we're talking mobile prescription. are these people ever going to get serious? china is a serious threat. must we have gain of function in this week's show unfortunately, hypersonic nuclear weapons. it is the heritage foundation was on earlier in the week, this caught my attention. >> what that means is we have to look at every chinese satellite as a possible nuclear delivery system chinese system they've tested, if it's correct gone into orbit before coming down, it's a game changer in the sense that now we have a much less stable world is much more potential threat. >> the chinese are pushing against all neighbors, tran11, and america seems to be in retreat. dan: a nuclear delivery system? is a penetration focus on the terrible comedy act and the real threat staring us in the face right now. coming up on "unfiltered", time for a lightning rod. fast food, algae, facebook. >> should be fired, we need to make it shoulders more options. >> we should defund weapons like >> we should defund weapons like regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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what you think the hatred is coming from? what hatred would you have in your heart to attack someone with a uniform? this came from somewhere and not just a few people. didn't take us long are on the street to find people who still aren't convinced police are the good effect. this is where happens when we asked police -- >> police officers should be fired, we need to make more options than just people with guns to show up. >> defund weapons like guns. >> i do think officers and police establishment should be abolished. >> we need to completely dismantle the police department. >> they are taking their job to serious. >> i don't like the word or association with police, i want to say there's a delicate interplay between the social report. >> it's context -based community, even violent situations. ♪♪ >> social workers would probably be good because it's a lot of mental people who need help. >> audit comes from disparity of energy and people being trapped in these systems the state of not having what they need and therefore they have these. >> if you get caught in say ice put the stuff back -- and what. >> shouldn't be punished at all. dan: there you go, folks. coming to an end. now that we are worried about this, kat she doesn't seem worried at all. everybody is getting a nasty cold, remember this from last week? we have doctor when he told us what they were working on in wuhan. >> fifty to 80% lethal, we found about a third of the virus in effector, a tool scientists using the laboratory from a smoking gun for the virus. dan: for viruses, people virus but don't worry, they were working on gain of function at the wuhan bible. >> you can give money to the wuhan lab to do gain of function research? >> that is correct. dan: >> do you still support funding of the nih funding of the lab wuhan? >> the wuhan lab, the nih has not and has never funded gain of function research. i will repeat, the nih and iad categorically has not funded gain of function research again, we have not done gain of function research, i don't know how many times i can say it. we did not fund gain of function research. dan: what's. turns out the fbi had to come up that they kind of screwed up. when is psaki going to resign? enough of the dark and gloomy stuff. i'm getting hungry, i don't know about you i am a huge believer, nothing like no nutritional nutritional value but i'm not really into sugar. love a good burger, a fan of five guys and whataburger but ideology can change my mind and it's stories like this that get me thinking san francisco with the covid vaccine, fantastic. finally, we love audience interaction, this is for you so we thought it would be a good idea to proud source, facebook is looking to repent. we took a poll to see what facebook should change its name to. number one recommendation, honorable mentions include face grub, fake book. ♪ rsh jesse: welcome to "watters' world," i'm jesse watters. problems aren't progress. inflation, hostage crisis, gas crisis. empty shelves. labor shortage, high crime. pandemic. chinese missiles and a stalled agenda. the biden presidency is facing all these things at the same time.

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Laughter , Nostradamus , Trelegy , Statue , Slave Owner , Copd , Good , Culture , Stand , It S Time , Dawn , Down , High , Birds Flyin , Medicines , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Flare Ups , Power , Ways , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Vision Changes , Pain , Eye , Mouth , Save , Trelegy Com , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Swelling , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Ulcers , Heart Protection , Stroke , Heart Attack , Benefits , Ashley Strohmier , Fox News Live , Driver , Control , Spectators , Vehicle , Drag Racing Event , Tragedy , Boys , Texas , Trees , Events , Airport Case , Removal , County Airport , Sequoia , 10000 , Tourists , California , Three Rivers , World , Sequoia Trees , 26 , January 26 2020 , 2020 , Social Media , Thomas Jefferson Statute , Prediction Theory , Let S Go , Changes , Data , Republican China , Tariffs , Headline , Knowledge , Many , Biden Team , Policy , Weapons , Prediction , Immigration , Fist , Policy Made A Mexico , Uncle Joe , Nation , Dhs , Rebuilding Headquarters , Four , I Don T Know , Trent 18 , Cheering , 18 , 85 , Omission , Cardinal , Realize , Trumpstradamus , Journalism , Dynamics , Decisions , Joe Biden Way , 14 , Energy , Feelings , Natural Gas , Production , Oil , Coal , Sometime Humor , Humor , Words , Fighting Back , Work , Droves , Florida , Yo De Le He , Screen Saver , Looks , Yodeling High , 2 , 1 , Vo , Adventure , Look , Lower , Both , Love , Let S Go Lower , Sounds Good , Uh , Hm , Subaru Outback Wilderness , Lines , Value , Plans , Family Members , 5g Network , T Mobile , 5 , 7 50 , 27 50 , Price , Text , Talk , 5g , Leader , At T , Verizon , Stream , Demand , Tv , Watch , Ace , Wonder Woman , Serena Williams , Directv , Advantage , Best , Responders , Governor , Job , Workers , Special Session , Right , Manner , Somebody , Step , Pandemic , Career , Airline Stewardess , Thing , Nobody , Lives , Wrong , Santos , Andrew Cuomo , Didn T Go , Falsifying , Odds , State , Lexicon , Regeneron , Dropping , Combat , Product Treatment , Treatments , Contact , Delta Variant , They Don T , Care , Ms , Summer , People Go Inside , Order Numbers , Encyclopedia , Apprehensions , The Border , 1 7 Million , Mess , Haven T , Visit , Government , Candidate , Virginia , He Doesn T , Failure , Reality , Doing , Ladies And Gentlemen , Borders , Enforcement , Entrance , Marxist , Legacy , Economy , 2 Million , Hasn T , Benefit , Ice Cream Shop , Flat Out , We Love You , Delaware , Life Insurance Policy , Leftists , Missile Backup , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Retirement , Cash Payment , Income , 00000 , 100000 , Insurance , Screen , Finding Out , Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Russia , Probe , Weapon , Deal , Lunch , Weight , Iran , Article , Intelligence Community , Companies , Donors , Russian Technology , 2017 , March Of 2017 , Missile , Part , Clinton Foundation , Seventeen , 28 , Problems , Aggression Project Foundation , Report , Membership , Coincidence , Flow , Army , 2012 , Hypersonic Cruise Missile , Department , Defense , 2011 , December Of 2011 , Air Force , Burst , Military Capability , 2016 , Forces , Maneuvering Weapons , Flight Testing , Space , Competitors , Adversaries , Weapon Isaac , Air , War Fighting Programs , Military Division , Land , Sea , War Fighting Domain , Space Force , Comedian , Airport , Buzz Light Year , Satellites , Monkeys , Wars , Earth , We Dispenser , Jen Psaki , Plaintiff , Scope , Wow , Competition , Prescription , Matter , Conflict , Gain , Function , Heritage Foundation , System , Satellite , Delivery , Attention , Nuclear Weapons , Game Changer , Potential Threat , Orbit , Delivery System , Focus , Retreat , Neighbors , Penetration , Comedy Act , Tran11 , Options , Fast Food , Lightning Rod , Classical Music Plays , Cadillac Lyriq , Um Uh , Regina , New Orleans , Brass Band , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , Chewable , Simparica Trio , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Heartworm Disease , Dogs , Protection , Hookworms , Ticks , Fleas , Round , Drug , Use , Seizures , Disorders , History , Caution , Skin , Eczema , Heart , Under Control , Atopic Dermatitis , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Relief , Itch , Adults , Eye Problems , Change , Eye Pain , Feels , Asthma Medicines Don T Change , Eczema Specialist , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Lightning Rods , Sapping Numbers , Law Enforcement Officers , 7 , 60000 , Hatred , Somewhere , Uniform , Accident , Police , Police Officers , Street , Effect , Guns , Officers , Police Establishment , Defund , Word , Association , Police Department , Interplay , Community , Situations , Social Workers , Audit , Disparity , Systems , Stuff Back , Ice , Shouldn T , End , Cold , In Wuhan , Kat She Doesn T , Fifty , 80 , Viruses , Laboratory , Tool Scientists , Effector , Third , Smoking Gun , Don T Worry , Research , Lab , Funding , Nih Funding , Money , Wuhan Bible , Nih , Gain Of Function Research , Times , Iad Categorically , Turns , Burger , Sugar , Believer , Fan , Whataburger , Five Guys , San Francisco , Five , Audience Interaction , Recommendation , Poll , Source , Idea , Mentions , Face Grub , Book , Hostage Crisis , Labor Shortage , Shelves , Crime , Watters World , Problems Aren T Progress , Rsh Jesse , Jesse Watters , Missiles , Presidency , Agenda ,

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