Neil amazing reaction to his sons First Major League Fox And Friends First starts right now. I can make your hands clap too many troubles todd just dancing. Jillian you are watching Fox And Friends First wednesday morning. Todd President Biden set to unveil a plan for a rise in Violent Crime across the nation. Jillian what can we expect . The president will lay out a plan to deal with increasing crime across the country in a speech this afternoon going into of the American Administration believes could be a violent summer, the president s proposal will include Police Reform and ways to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, he will make a series of Executive Orders and call on congress to pass gun legislation, House Past Two bill the background checks less likely to get through the senate. The white house wants more. We believe any sensual driver of violence is gun violence. We see that statistically in a lot of areas and also need to ensure state and local governments supporting community policing. Reporter the white house is worried about potentially violent summer, shootings are on the rise in a number of major us cities, new york up 64 . Chicago up 15 and an eyepopping number of portland with shooting incidents up 126 . Watch as an officer in flint, michigan tumbles to the ground overcome with emotion after shooting or killing a woman, the woman fire at the officer, yelled for her to drop her weapon and the officer returned fire. Another incident, a cop was targeted, ambushed because he was a Law Enforcement officer. The suspect was also killed was before the president s announcement he is scheduled to meet with democratic and republican mayor and community activists, the Attorney General details on the president s new plan in the next hour. Neil who knows if that is the answer. Jillian the spike in crime has never been later. The black community bearing the brunt of the spike in murder. If you discussed Police Reform said they might impact crime. In terms of that horrible rise we have seen in murder, 12 of the popula people impacted by this rise in murder and it is personal for the black community and something is going on. This will be tough to tackle given the nationwide shortage of Police Officers in big cities. In Georgia Deputies were trying to find a wanted man when the suspect barricaded himself inside, opened fire after authorities got him out of the home. Deputies exchanged fire killing the suspect at the scene. Eric adams taking the lead in the democratic primary for the mayoral race, preliminary results show 31 of the vote, this election seems like it is complicated. Rifle captain garcia, weeks before we know the winner is. The little guy won today. We are on the precipice of gaining the keys to the prosperity of our city. This is going to be about not only the one but the 2s and 3s. Time for a woman to leave the city. Jillian The Field Thinning after andrew yang conceded. He was in fourth place. Curtis took the gop nomination with 70 of the vote. Turning to the border crisis the Biden Administration will allow thousands of the port of asylumseekers to return to the us to process their claims. Todd the Texas Border Wall reaches 500 in public donations. Marianne rafferty joins us with more. Jillian asylumseekers who had their claims denied after the remain in mexico policy may return to the us to appear in court, the dhs statement says it is about making immigration less dangerous saying, quote, as part of continued effort to restore safe, orderly and humane processing at the Southwest Border Dhs will expand the pool of mvp enrolled individuals eligible for processing into the United States. This comes as the southern border continues to be overrun, the Rio Grande Valley patrol chief saying, quote, with three months remaining in the fiscal year, they matched the total number of large groups apprehended in the previous two fiscal years combined. President biden and Kamala Harris have yet to visit the border leaving up Bipartisan Group to extend an invitation in an oped in the Dallas Morning News with the Headline Texas Congressman To Biden and harris learn about the border. Texas Governor Greg Abbott continuing to take border matters into his own hands with public donations to help finish the wall now totaling 400, 000 and other states pitching in. Tden administration failing so miserably at the southern border for greg abbott, governor of texas feels like he has help from the other cities to help in the situation under control. Theres talk of recent article 42 that was put in place to prevent the spread of covid by turning migrant families back. A move Border Regions say will lead to more illegal crossings and collectivity by cartels. Jillian the president will attend and deliver remarks at the funeral of former virginia senator john warner. The service will be held at Washington National cathedral in dc. Warner fought in world war ii and the korean war, he went on to serve as the secretary of the navy and the commonwealth senator from 1979 to 2009. Warner passed away from Heart Failure last month. He was 94 years old. Neil Republicans Block Advancement of the democrats backed for the people act, democrats had plenty to say about the failure of their signature voting bill, President Biden saying it would be suppression of a bill to end voter suppression. Vice president harasses the fight continues. The issue here, is their actual access to the Voting Process or is it being impeded . The bottom line is the president and i are clear we support the john lewis Voting Rights act and the fight is not over. Republicans say voting laws should follow the state and this bill created undo federal power. The bill we have in front of us is not so much about Voting Rights as it is a federal takeover of the election system. The way the bill is being advertised so we cant count on states to do elections right or fairly is the premise i have a problem with. The fee calling the block a win for the citizens of the United States and a win for election integrity. Senator mike lee says Blocking Book for the people act as a major win for the American People. A victory for the angels, this was held by the devil himself, this bill will make it easier to vote, it would make it easier to vote illegally. This is the corrupt politicians act and im glad we defeated. We have to remember, federal taxpayer dollars to fund campaigns. Several of my colleagues pointed out to me in the last few days in their campaigns if this bill had been law they would have been entitled to Tens Of Millions of dollars of federal taxpayer subsidies into their campaign. There is one thing the American People do not want and that is for the federal government to run Politicians Campaigns and im thrilled we stopped it. Before the vote, Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell called the transparently partisan plan. Mlb first home run but his dad is stealing the show. Check it out. Wouldnt you do the same thing . Going nuts in the stands, 3run blast to tie the game, Reaction Lighting up the internet. This kid is going to be a foreign in my side in 10 to 15 years, the yankee fan in the division. That is what it is all about. Kids doing Something Like that, in his first game. 11 minutes after the hour gavin newsom will pass 5 billion for tennis, failing to pay rent. What about the other businesses forced to endure lockdowns . We will talk to Business Owners who say hes just trying to buy voters. A slamdunk surprise for these kids . See the biggest its from the chicago cops. Im sure youve heard how grammarly improves your writing, but let me tell you how Grammarly Business helped my sales team. Look at simon. Since simons team started using Grammarly Business, weve closed more deals. With suggestions to sharpen his writing clarity and overall confidence, simons pitches always stick the landing, which leads to more of these and these. Learn more at grammerly. Com business. California looking to bailout those who failed to and during the pandemic, gavin newsom promising California Planning Friends Forgiveness on a scale never before seen in the us. What about landlords and other businesses . Here to discuss keith becker, the owner and distiller catalyzed spirits, good morning. Lets pull up this number, 5. 2 billion for federal aid packages will pay california residents unpaid rent. The question i have, 100, 000 behind in rent so you get this conversation. Will that go to the landlord . Ive been a tenant and a landlord, i have cute attendant who cant pay their rent that falls on the landlord, the mortgage has to be paid by someone. The way this program is supposed to work, the answer is yes. The money will go to the landlord. Of those 14 tenants who are in arrears, i got a free check delivered to me, they did not go to the tenants per se but to me. What the governor is attempting to do . Owners and Housing Provider struggling 15 months. What we have right now has so far not worked, and some of them, for 15 months or more. The system in place, is not quite working well. If this program, extended with some revisions and improvements. Jillian the evictions are there as well. The owner of the distillery for 5 years, money and hard work, sweat and blood, trying to build this company. Im curious what the last year and a half has been like, what the governor is trying to do now in your state . I will tell you one thing for Business Owners. Buying votes and the recall. Of 600 stimulus check, millions of dollars to get vaccinated and in the meantime Business Owners like me were offered a pittance, 15, 000 grant at best. Jillian have businesses like yours gotten the shaft to this whole time . Without question. We still are. They have not recovered to where they were because of the pandemic and Supply Chains are messed up, Domino Effect and Snowball Effect continue to proceed and the Supply Chains and employment issues. Jillian 10 seconds to each of you. Your message to your governor . Make sure, 100 compensation, make sure it gets to them quickly and without a lot of red tape. Jillian we need more real solutions, we cant slap temporary bandaids on the problem and hope they go away. With those lockdowns happening for so long, thank you so much, keep us updated. 19 after the hour. House democrats warns the Catholic Church could be stripped of taxexempt status if President Biden or other politicians are denied communion. Jonathan morris has that next. Bill clinton right now, the covid19 vaccines are available to millions of americans. George bush so, we urge you to get vaccinated when its available to you. Barack obama thats the first step to ending the pandemic and moving our country forward. Its up to you. Talk to me. What do we got . When you have xfinity xfi, with blazing speed. [ screaming ] a powerful connection. Thats another level. And ultimate control. Power us up. You can do more than you ever thought possible. Yes hold on. Get a powerful and secure connection you can count on. Only with xfinity xfi. And see f9 only in theaters. Discuss hard inflammation when young adults who got the vaccine, young people reported inflammation after receiving a dose of the pfizer or moderna vaccine. The cdc estimates the Reaction Effect is 0. 00 one of young adult that most. It is recommending everyone over the age of 12 get vaccinated. Meanwhile the white house says President Bidens goal of getting 70 of adults vaccinated by july 4th will not be met. The ambitious goal was set last month and Vaccine Access opened up and demand plummeted. With the administration barely missed its mark as 65 of adults have gotten at least one shot. 56 are fully vaccinated. The white house as adults between the age of 18 and 26 are the toughest age group to convince to get the shot. Todd a political debate, contemplate whether priests can deny communion to prochoice politicians like President Biden. The Catholic Church could lose its taxexempt status if the band were to take effect. Joining us to discuss Fox News Contributor and our friend jonathan morris. Great to see you. This representative in effect is accusing the Catholic Church of discriminating by political party. That is what he is accusing them of. Why is that Accusation Falls . Has nothing to do with a political party, one party sadly i would say leaves no room whatsoever for any other view besides abortion without restriction. That is the democratic party. I would love there to be a multiparty system in the United States of america Where Respect For Life World Real Option for politicians. That is one thing. What is happening, not a question whether there see who is coming down the aisle should be rejected this force are that person. That is not it. What is happening as we have a president in the white house one Sunday Morning makes a very public show in a very positive way, nothing against it, i would respect him for doing it, goes to church and says i am a deeply committed catholic and then on Monday Morning goes to the halls of congress and his own oval office and write Executive Orders the go exactly contrary to our most fundamental teaching of his own church, that is respect for life at all stages. The bishops are saying what do we do . It is so confusing for politicians to get involved in such a direct way. Politicians getting involved and not religion getting involved in politics. The Code Of Canon Law states those who are Obstinately Persevering in a manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion. The point you just made, isnt this ineffective government forcing churches to admit people . Isnt that a violation of Separation Of Church And State . Cant believe i just heard Todd Quote Canon Law at 4 00 in the morning. I love it. Looking forward to dancing at the fox and friends christmas party. You are exactly right. Bishops are contemplating not a change in policy, just clarifying saying again that nobody should be going to communion as a catholic if they are in disagreement with the churchs fundamental teaching or living contrary to it. The situation the president has put the bishop in his very unique. Kristen the 7yearold i had to swear bunch of votes to receive my first holy communion, this doesnt seem different, the church has rules, you have to follow those rules if you want to receive the eucharist, i did it, President Biden did it, he should do it now. This is what the breakdown looks like, 160 bishops in favor, 55 against. Does the church ultimately go through with this . I would like pope francis to step in and clarify. The bishops are in a tough position. They dont want to get involved in politics and making it look or even to the point of saying the person to receive for that person cant receive. Pope francis should say clearly this is what we should do. Todd we appreciate it and we will dance and sing at the Holiday Party if it comes back. Have a great one. Jillian no one should miss out on todds dancing. 27 minutes after the hour. Hotels are among the many businesses facing a Staffing Shortage and some offering vip perks like beach houses and free stuff to get people back to work, talking to the president and founder of hotel groups after the break. Was the same old story for years. Trying this. Doing that. Spending countless days right here. Still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. Awful feelings she kept sugarcoating. Finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. That her symptoms were all signs of ibsc. And thats why she said yes to adding linzess. Linzess is not a laxative. It helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. And is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptomsbelly pain, discomfort, and bloating. Do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. Do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. Could your story also be. About ibsc . Talk to your doctor and say yes to linzess. Jillian Police Looking for a man who shoved the woman at a florida smoothie king, the man ripping the womans mask off before aggressively shoving her to the ground. It is unclear what caused that altercation. Anyone with information is asked to call police. Portland police no longer make minor traffic stops for things like broken headlights act expired plates, they will focus on immediate safety threats like reckless driving. Offices must clearly inform people of their right to refuse Vehicle Searches and prefer their exchange. Mayor ted wheeler said the goal is to stop women of color from being disproportionately pulled over. The police chief says the changes are due to an officer shortage. Americas nightly scoreboard entered on kenny introducing a bill to save afghan translators and other allies who helped us forces as our troops withdraw from afghanistan. It is unthinkable the us would leave them in the hands of the merciless telegram. This bill aims to relocate those allies or give them safe haven in the us. It comes as the white house is set to remove all 2500 remaining us troops from afghanistan by september 11th. Debate over dc statehood gets heated. Ron johnson sparring with Muriel Bowser on a bill to make the district of columbia the 50 first state. 2020, 92. 2 of dc votes went to the democratic candidate, 5. 4 went to the republican candidate. This seems like a naked power grab. 700,000 people, hardworking individuals who educate their children, start businesses and work in the district. It would be incorrect to say that dc residents had more interest in the federal government than other americans. Todd the Statehood Bill unlikely to get enough republican support to clear a 60 vote threshold for passage. Jillian as we discussed, many industry struggling with a post Pandemic Labor shortage but one chain of hotels has come up with a way to lure employees back. Luxury perks. Joining me to talk about it, michael, thank you, appreciate your time. Tell me the struggle you have had getting people back into the office so far. A lot of people are not returned or being unprofessional when they do return or when they do return they literally walk out and not show on a day so it has been quite challenging. Jillian did you expect to have challenges like this . There have been a lot of people who made decisions to leave the industry especially on the lower pay scale. On the senior side you see some people who got used to roadwork and made the decision to change industries outright to where they could stay at home. One of the things we have gone on to do is find unique ways to come back and for some of the senior staff, you are used to remote living and renovation, we put the mirror to each of the guest rooms and so we thought that would be an interesting way to appreciate and respect your dedication so we offered it to our senior employees, there has been a change of lifestyle. To tie back to the hotel. For those at home watching like youve got a mirror, it is not just the mirror but a piece of work out equipment. It is expensive. All these classes in this mirror. You are giving this to senior Staff Members but what about those who are not senior . What about us . This was done just for the senior teams. We made a real effort to be flexible with our junior staff and to give some bumps where necessary and work with the team. There is also a point at which you can tougher additional flex ability, people are going to respect that. In mind, with flexibility and offering perks and things that set a precedent that is hard to keep up in the future or is your main focus we got to do what we got to do right now and provide the best staffing and experience for our hotel guests and get everyone back in . New york has been a different business model. Look at florida and the surge in business where new york is building up so that gives us the opportunity to train people properly as spaces fill more and more. Right now we are 60 Staffing Levels that we eventually will be because occupancy has been held down but as that comes back we are taking the opportunity to train up the people we are bringing in and build up staff. Jillian you would think after so much time staying home people would be excited to get back to work and get back out there again but to each their own. You have a Wonderful Group of hotels, check them out if youre in the new york city area. In the meatpacking rooftop bar, wish you nothing but the best, thank you so much. I feel like Business Owners, you have to do what you have to do to get your employees back because we spent time talking about this and i heard this net experience to restaurants like there were so many shortages when it comes to restaurant staffing, price of goods going up, that people are dealing with. Youve got is look in your eye but at the end of the day if you dont have the employees back that you need your product is going to suffer because your service will be slower and not enough people get the job done and the world is opening up, at the end of the day it is important to have their product be the best. Neil three comments. They are pretty awesome hotels. Is there no Thought Process as to what the Employment World will be like when things are not as good for employees . Dont you want to build up a little Political Capital with your employer by not holding their feet to the fire in a situation when they are desperate . At some point the tide will turn into and he wants to be the one that steps up to help your employer . When they are looking to cut half of the staff dont you want to be on the staff that stepped up to help . Jillian that is why i asked about what is going forward. Todd all the politicians who say nothing to do with unemployment, dont know how many people on our show, it is because of that, having trouble getting workers. Jillian not just how many people on the show saying that but a very different job across the border. Heather thanks for teaching me about the mirror. I had no idea what you were talking about in the break. They give you mirrors . Didnt know this was a big thing. Jillian lets talk about this. Chicago police with a new Basketball Hoop after seeing them playing with a milk crate. Watch this. Thank you. Are you cool with that . Todd that is awesome. The officers stuck around to assemble and shoot some hoops. Police superintendent tweeted this photo saying not only did make the kids happy but made my day too. It made all of our day. 39 after the hour. Chaos allowed in county, parents left the School Board Meeting in handcuffs. They didnt come in handcuffs. We tell you what happened to make it go off the rails. Jillian download the fox that super 6 apps and win 10, 000. I you need to do is predict six outcomes in the super 6 quiz show. Topics range from entertainment to sports. It is free to play. Download the super 6 apps now. , their biggest breakthrough yet. Advanced engineering promotes Healthy Posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. Visit tommiecopper. Com to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. They have you covered from head to toe. Tommie supports my back and my life. [narrator] go to tommiecopper. Com right now and save 25 . Life hurts, feel better. Senate narrowly confirms the office of personnel management. Republicans were staunchly opposed to the nomination sanitized to supporting critical race theory. Seconds of Critical Theory tell us we have to dismantle our culture, our history, our families, our beliefs. It is the impression that defined the american story. It is hoped. The controversial that came to a 50 50 split with vp harris casting the vibrator. Florida governor Rhonda Santos signed a bill that would require High School Students learn about the, quote, evils of communism. This will show the affect these policies have on peoples freedom of livelihood and their families, many in South Florida lost Family Members to communism. They will provide an honest assessment of what this totalitarian ideology has done for 100 years. State College Students take a Civic Literacy course and for been School Boards from limiting certain speech. Jillian you got to see this, the battle over education turning one scoreboard meeting into an allout brawl. Lawrence out in county, virginia ground 0 for this, screaming, fighting arrests. Carley shimkus with how things got out of control. Carley a fiery School Board Meeting as some residents demanded Board Members resign over their support for critical race theory. The Western Culture and values that brought Forth Christianity and the founding documents are being called evil and racist. We will return most of you to the private sector very soon. Change as long as you marxists push your unconstitutional agenda on my child he will not be returning to Loudoun County. [cheers and applause] jillian a whopping 259 concerned parents signed up to make Public Comment. One of the major issues affecting transgender students. It would require teachers to use a different pronoun and allow trends students to use bathrooms corresponding to their gender identity. Things getting so heated a 5 minute recess was quickly called to let things cool off and the board voted to end Public Comment altogether. Parents chanted shame on you as Board Members filed out, two people were arrested after deputies were brought in, one man resisting arrest to strain and tackle him to the floor. Our School Board Meeting on steroids but it has been like this all year. And try to write emails and dont answer us. It erupted and emotions were high for sure. Jillian of the 259 people who signed up only 51 were allowed to speak. Loudoun county has become the epicenter of the battle over critical race theory, two parents will be on fox and friends later this morning to discuss all that went down yesterday. Jillian you know who was in the toughest position, the police department. Carley they had to come in, made two arrests. One guy was arrested for resisting arrest. Tempers were flaring. Todd it is not the end of the story. Carley i am sure. Neil Oral Hubbard Findings support after becoming the first transgender athlete to qualify for an olympic team. New zealands Prime Minister set all parties followed thes, that is the case for laurel but the team in new zealand, hubbards opponents, and australian weightlifters said, quote, i have so much respect for her and wish her and the other lifters the best, hope we can all come together and enjoy the olympics, stark contrast to the individual report filed from belgium who did not agree with the decision. Hubbard will compete in the super heavyweight division. California gubernatorial candidate and olympic Gold Medalist Caitlin Jenner on gutfeld. Take a listen. I would have won the game which i did and then four years later because in this case this athlete was four years ago transitions, what if i had said i will transition right after the games and come back four years later and won in the womens . Would that be fair . I dont think it would be. Neil and her won the decathlon gold 111976 alex in montreal. Jillian 22 states asking congress to restore the Hyde Amendment. Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall joins us live. Todd britney, remember the story . It is not going away, Britney Spears getting her day in court, documents revealing the pop stars conservatorship status. Another day, another chance. It could be the day you break the sales record, or the day theres appointments nonstop. With comcast business, you get the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses, and you can get the advanced Cybersecurity Solutions you need with comcast business securityedge. Every day in business is a big day. Well keep you ready for whats next. Get started with a great offer, and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. Plus, for a limited time,ask how to get a 500 prepaid card when you upgrade. Call today. Vanessa bryant, the Helicopter Company involved in the crash that killed her husband, kobe bryant, her daughter and others, a judge needs to approve the agreement, bryant and the families of the other victims claimed the pilot flew at a high speed and the chopper wasnt safe to fly. The ntsb released a report in february saying the crashed was caused by several poor decisions made by the pilot. For the first time in nearly two years Britney Spears will speak in court over the ongoing Battle Of Her conservatorship. Newly leaked Court Documents show she has been pushing to end the arrangement for years. The New York Times reports fears call the, quote, the president controlling tool against her adding she is sick of being taken advantage of. Todd 22 republican Attorneys General demanding Congress Restore the Hyde Amendment moving to stop talks prayer funded abortions. Leaving the charges, Alabama Attorney general Steve Marshall. Basically bipartisan Standard Operating Procedure to where we are now. What we see is the administration playing politics with the lives of unborn children. This was the bipartisan effort initiated in 1980. Weve seen it save 2. 5 million lives since its inception and be fiscally responsible with regard to not compelling taxpayers who morally and ethically object to abortion to know their taxpayer dollars are being spent to fund abortions. Todd here is the crux of your letter, quote, there would be nowhere for prolife or moderately prochoice american to go to avoid violating a moral religious conviction their hardearned dollars deny the used to fund abortions. He is hide by the numbers, 2. 5 million babies saved since 1976 according to the institute study. How do democrats react when you show them that number . Many democrats believe what President Biden believes in the 90s, that this was an appropriate policy to implement, to be able to allow for individuals to morally and ethically have the ability to say this is not something we want our tax dollars to be part of but the reality is the Biden Administration playing politics over principle. Weve seen with regard to the National Crime policy and court packing, this is another effort for this administration to bow to the left in ways that are fiscally and appropriately are responsible. Todd Repealing Hyde will be tough for the democrats that are trying to do it. 2022 is right ahead of us. They dont want to get on record doing anything to upset potentially some of their voters but with that in mind how worried are you that this is even a topic of discussion right now . What im encouraged by is the leadership in the house and senate from the Republican Party are clear they support the Hyde Amendment. The 2022 will be an opportunity for us to evaluate the leadership in congress. Nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumers leadership taking us down the path this country shouldnt be. This challenge and this test is one that will clearly show where the democrats are and allow republicans to sound the alarm about their leadership the last two years. Todd we lost your picture but did not lose your words. We appreciate the words you gave us, thanks for getting up with us. Jillian public donations pouring in to help texas build the border wall as the Biden Administration says 10,000 asylumseekers no longer have to wait in mexico. Todd you know these faces and we will have them for you at 5 00 am, joe conchand sean duffy on deck, dont go anywhere. You aint seen nothing yet baby you aint seen nothing yet jillian breaking right now, details the President Bidens plan to address the Violent Crime wave just released but with the Focus On Gun Control the white house proposal be effective . Todd Loudoun County every kenya, a School Board Meeting descended into chaos. Two arrested, one tackled to the ground, the footage you wont believe. Jillian changing this mans life after learning he walked 7 miles to work every single day, the inspirational road that lies ahead. Fox and friends first continues right now

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