Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith

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the el paso border sector. the biden administration still getting hit over a lack of transparency. >> sandra: to "the new york post" covered today showing migrants of the border with the headline "divide and said help." and a rise in crime. >> john: but first let's get to griff jenkins, he's on the border in sunland park new mexico. chris, you've been doing some amazing work. >> that's what the dhs and biden administration doesn't want you to see, and that's access as to what writer lungs are like. and that's, that's where we were with senator rob portman of ohio. he is the homeland security committee and he's getting a tour from the national border patrol council. that's the union, and we encountered a lot of traffic here. this is the wall area where we were, and i've been talking to him. and you can see that stretches for miles, that's one of the heaviest traffic areas of the el paso sector, and alexander mallorca's is making it visit and being a tight-lipped about it. details of exactly where he's going and when he's going to be there are not clear at this moment. there's no indication, he's telling me that the visit he's having would be with him and addressing specific issues. here's what he said. >> it's one thing after another, it's nonstop. he saw the agent running out there, and he said, hey, how are you. he's out of breath, and he's got another group coming through. and that's what we get around here, individuals who just run. they don't want to come through. >> john and sandra, what a telling information we got when we spoke to some of the migrants. an individual said he spent most of his life in chicago, was supported and came back and got nabbed. is what he had to say when i asked him whether or not the migrants are heeding the message of the white house not to come. watch this. >> do you think more will come under the new administration? >> [speaking in foreign language] >> so as we wait to see whether or not secretary sey mayorkas says, there were 635 apprehensions in the last 24 hours, this sector up 141%. john and sandra. >> sandra: that is really quite a scene playing out there. i just wonder what sense you get being on the ground they are on all of your travels along the border. the sense that you are getting as far as this crisis getting worse. >> that's a great question. the sense i get talking to every border patrol agents i've talked to from texas to rio grande valley to hear and beyond is that they are simply overwhelmed. the numbers prove it. but if you look at the line, they have to transport them to places and they have to care for them, and that's making these areas very vulnerable. and please talk about the ones that got away. talk about the drugs they got across that they didn't know came across, they are headed for the interior. senator portman saying sentinel is a huge spike increase in his home state of ohio. and as you know lest we checked, ohio is not on the border. >> john: it looks like most of the people you encountered last night were of the single adult demographic. we understand that that's the majority of what they are seeing. how does that compare to what we see along the rio grande valley? are there more families or unaccompanied children coming across the rio grande border between texas and mexico? >> quite a different picture. we see these massive numbers of family units and unaccompanied children. in fact there were more than 2100 encounters in the rio grande valley in the last 24 hours. here are of the last 625, you mentioned many of them single adult males and that is a group, single adult males here in the el paso sector is up 231%. that is certainly a higher number than they witnessed in 2019 and that is why they are very alarmed. >> john: griff jenkins continuing his reporting there along the border. we will see you again soon. a >> sandra: or next guest is a business owner in texas which has sina 339 in the border last year. rebecca bullard joins us now. rebecca, thank you and thanks for sharing your story here on "america reports." what is it that you are saying and why do you feel you and your business are being threatened by the rising crime rate? >> we are seeing a lot. i'm here and we are seeing busloads of people every morning. we are seeing numerous traffic accidents, we are having tons and tons of a lot of illegal activity. our sheriff's department is doing a really good job of keeping us updated where our city officials have kind of dropped the ball with letting us know why we are seeing this, and it's terrific comic crickets. i thought this was a good way to bring some national attention to it and start to get some of the answers that we are desperately seeking in the community. >> sandra: to put some stats up on the screen, what you're saying is showing up in the crime statistics are being provided as well as they assault in the del rio sector. this is a fiscal year looks so as the update was as of february, just as february alone, we've already seen 12 assaults. the use of force incidents in the del rio sector, this is a fiscal year looks but already as of february 2021, that number at 276 is also on pace to rise above previous years. then, you have a border rancher. this is an important bubble voice, this is russell johnson talking about biden's policy is making him and the people around him and his community feel less safe. >> the way it's going nowadays with new policies put forth by this administration, it's making it a lot more difficult and a lot more unsafe. we rely heavily on our border patrol. these borders are stretched pretty thin with the influx of illegal activity. >> sandra: it would sound as though the point about the leaders, are you not hearing from them and are you not getting updates, are you not trying to take you through this? >> we have not heard anything from them. the people that have come together and are starting to talk about it, we are putting together the numbers and the buses and chases that we are seeing, but our city council members and the city of carrizo springs is not informing us as to why we are having busloads of people through the town, why are city water is being filled up down the street from our house with tanker trucks that's being hauled over there with no explanation. it seems there is all this talk about transparency which is everything but transparent. >> sandra: not to mention there is concern about the spread of covid with these migrants coming in. here is governor abbott. >> one of the so-called red zones in hot zones is mexico. many of these people are not from mexico but they travel to mexico and would be exposed. what the biden administration is doing is on one hand trying to solve the pandemic but on the other hand import more of the pandemic into the country. >> is that also a fear? >> 100%. people are coming into this community and how are we being reassured that we are being kept safe? we are absently not so it's definitely a concern with myself and with the community that i keep hearing. we also keep us having our oilfield workers working nights on these branches and they have to make a living for their families but they are terrified going out there in the dark and there are groups of people watching us. it's a real, real problem. and it's time that really be addressed. >> sandra: your voice is incredibly important in all this. thanks for sharing it here, rebecca. our best to you. coming up, midland, texas, mayor patrick payton will be joining us next hour, of a couple of hours coming up. lots of news to cover as the situation at the border and we cover this on a week by week basis, day-by-day basis, it changes. >> john: it does. as griff was reporting, alejandro mayorkas is down there on the border, we don't know where but he will be joining chris wallace on "fox news sunday" and chris will be coming up but not in our program but he will be up in the 3:00 eastern hour with trace gallagher on "the story." it the fbi investigating the push by andrew cuomo's administration to protect nursing homes from lawsuits early in the pandemic. this adds fox news is getting brand-new reaction from the whistle-blower on what exactly is going on in nursing homes when the governor forced them to take in covid positive patients. aishah hasnie is live with this exclusive story. >> good afternoon to you. this morning are whistle-blower michael krause reached out to me and he said he simply tired of all of the misinformation coming from this state of new york. krause is the administrator of a nursing home on staten island, and he said many administrators were petrified by the department of health. and. >> are suppliers that normally sent us rpp were not allowed to send us the full order. >> why? >> if they were guided that they must sell to the hospital first. so we were rationed. if we ordered a large order, they would maybe give us 20%. >> in the meantime "the wall street journal" is reporting that prosecutors are not just looking into cuomo's handling of nursing home data but also why the governor included an immunity provision into that state budget. it came shortly after his controversial march 25th order. several lawmakers were baffled by it because it essentially protected nursing homes and hospitals from lawsuits and criminal prosecution. also on the sexual-harassment front, accuser anna lift told them that the administration wasn't "a toxic verbally abusive and retaliatory workplace. ." and investigators are looking into how cuomo's top staff handled of their and whether they took any -- whether they were retaliating in return. john? >> john: another big div element in that nursing home story. sandra, you keep peeling back the layers of this onion, and underneath every layer, there's something else is equally as significant as the layer before. >> sandra: that's an incredibly important interview from this program yesterday without whistle-blower, we will keep watching all those details as they break. and while come at the cdc has begun breaking details and just gave brand-new guidance on getting our kids back in the classroom. the brand-new guidance just out to do just that. >> john: parents are going to want to hear about that. plus, cancel culture claiming "teen vogue"'s new editor before she even started the job. what we are learning about that. joe concha standing by live. ♪ ♪ with mortgage rates at their lowest in history, it's time to refi. but if you're a veteran homeowner and need cash, here's big news. introducing refiplus from newday usa. it lets you refi at all-time low rates plus you could take out $50,000 or more. money for security today, money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus. it's only for veterans and it's only from newday usa. alright, i brought in ensure max protein... give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't (grunting noise) i'll take that. yeeeeeah! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar drink, play, and win big in the powered by protein challenge! ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen, painful. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™. janssen can help you explore cost support options. when you buy this plant at walmart, they can buy more plants from metrolina greenhouses so abe and art can grow more plants. so they can hire vilma... and wendy... and me. so, more people can go to work. so, more days can start with kisses. when you buy this plant at walmart. ♪♪ not everybody wants the same thing. whthat's why i go witht liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 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>> alexi mccammond says her past tweets overshadow the work she has done so she and conde nast have decided to part ways. before all of this backlash of a set to start her official role as editor in chief next week. sandra? >> sandra: more on that coming up, christina coleman in l.a. with us. >> john: for more let's bring on joe concha, the median columnist for the hill and fox news contributor. let's remind folks at home what it actually was that she tweeted back in 2011. alexi mccammond tweeted it "outdone by an asian" hashtag what's new. now googling out not to wake up with swollen asian eyes, got a , takes a lot stupid asian teaching assistant, you're great. is this an example of cancel culture going too far or as an appropriate disqualification for someone who would take on the position she was looking to take on? >> let's look at what 2011 was, that was a first term of the obama administration. raise your hand if, as a teenager you said something that you later, as an adult, would regret? alexi mccammond kump was happening to her here john is criminal. this is an accomplished journalist. just two years ago the national association for black journalist named her emerging journalist of the year, she deserved this job as editor in chief of "teen vogue." remember during her interview with "teen vogue" she said it, look. there are these tweets that you may hear about and i apologize for them years ago. these are things that i own, i accept and i know they are wrong, will this be a problem, "teen vogue"? and they said no, it won't be a problem at all. this reminds me, f couple of years ago, a kid named carson king. he holds up a sign basically soliciting beer donation and puts his venmo address below it. he ends up getting a million dollars in donations so, what does the 24-year-old do? he donates it to a children's hospital for cancer. you think that's a feel-good story of the year until a reporter from "the des moines register" went back and looked at present kings tweets going back to when he was a high a sophomore in high school at 16 years old and found something that was offensive. so this is the thing now that from ten years ago, when you are in high school come before you get your driver's license, you are as responsible for your words then as an adult now and this is a whole bowl of wrong and it's why a poll came out recently that found 64%, nearly two-thirds of americans think that cancel culture is a threat to freedom in the u.s. it certainly is, and on a daily basis we seem to be talking about this. >> john: let me put a couple of things up on the screen. this is her on her breath drawing. my past work overshadows the work that i've done, issues that "teen vogue" has worked tirelessly to bring to the world. i should not have tweeted what i did and i take full responsibility for that. then this article in "the new york post." no sin is ever forgiven in the brave new woke world. we suspect the radical kids will come to aid the world he created, the cancel monsters that no one is pure enough and no one can change and they will burn everything and everyone down. alexi mccammond has not been branded a racist and homophobic for all the world to see. is this going to stay with her for the rest of her life? >> it better not. and kudos to my old friend jonathan swan who used to work together at the hill for sticking up for alexi mccammond. i hope other journalist come up that have worked with her and say my experience with her at axios when she was covering the 2018 midterms or the 2020 presidential campaign of joe biden, i didn't see any hint of any behavior that could be deemed racist even once. and by the way, she did a great job. i hope another publication steps up and hires to be and alexi mccammond not based on what she wrote when she was a teenager but based on her body of work and the way she has conducted herself as an adult. >> john: joe concha as always, we perceive your thoughts. thanks for joining us. this is another example to young people that the internet lives forever and you have to be very, very careful what you post no matter how angry you are at that particular moment, or how immature you want to be. just be very, very helpful. >> sandra: and of course her parents that are raising kids it's important to remind them of that daily. "america reports" next hour, we are going to have a special hour coming up on just that, the rise of cancel culture. what you need to know, and alyssa fara, formally of the trump white house will be bringing us at the top of the hour. >> john: she has some interesting thoughts on what happened to alexi mccammond. >> sandra: meanwhile a show of patriotism. have you seen this? it could cost one man a lot of money for doing just that. he's being told to take that american flag down or he will pay a daily fine. >> john: 200 bucks per day. and president biden's pledge to not tax americans making less than $400,000 may be a promise he cannot keep. but that could be for the middle class during a recovering economy. much more on that, stay with us. >> after we saw the pelosi payoff and the biden bailout we know exactly were democratic values are, they are coming after average americans to pay for their aggressive liberal agenda. ♪ ♪ ♪ you come and go ♪ ♪ you come and go-o-o ♪ ♪ loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams ♪ ♪ red, gold -- ♪ [ tires screech ] [ crickets chirping ] for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. ♪ karma-karma-karma-karma-karma chameleon... ♪ so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. start your day with secret. secret stops sweat 3x more than ordinary antiperspirants. the new provitamin b5 formula is gentle on skin. with secret, outlast anything! no sweat. secret out here, you're a landowner, a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. 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nation schools open as quickly and safely as possible. >> some of those conditions that the schools observed, universal mask wearing and properly in the ventilation at this change comes out the cdc has released a report about the toll that remote learning has taken across the country on the mental and emotional health both of students and their parents. we are waiting here at the cdc for the president and vice president who will get debriefed on the pandemic as well as marking 100 million shots in the past 50 days. right now the u.s. is averaging 2.5 million vaccinations each day and some really positive news. two out of every american the age of 65 or older has gotten at least one shot of the vaccine. >> john: if that's good news. i think a lot of parents across the nation are going to be shaking their heads thing we knew at least six month ago the 3 feet of distancing was fine. for younger students, why are you just telling us this now? >> sandra: any schools that try to remain closed after this, shame on them. cdc says it safe to be back in the classroom. we will be back with more on that, while americans making $200,000 or more per year learning their taxes could go up? the biden tax plan could hit the shrinking middle class. grover, it really struck me the work that you guys did over on americans for tax reform and on your website, all of the many times that you counted them, 56 times that biden pledged that no one making under $400,000 per year would see their taxes go up. is that still the indication we are getting, is he following through on that promise? >> he never meant to keep that promise. when he ran with obama they together promised to never text anyone who made less than $250,000 per year but they broke that in the last two months. in the taxes that went for that. he knows that the press won't look at your tax plans other than to say that you won't tax almost anyone. then when you get in, you do differently. he's already tax people who make less than 400,000 or 200,000 in the bill that congress just passed. it was a $67 billion tax increase stuck in there that the cbo will say will hit more middle income as well. and that's not 200,000 or 400,000, just about everybody. when he takes the corporate rate, he wants to whether it's 28 which is what his staff says, both of those are higher than communists time to ride the way to make it less competitive but also higher taxes on business income reduce the value of the business itself. a >> sandra: i want to drill down, and as you know that might be a lot of money in some parts of the country but on the west coast and east coast it doesn't play out the same, that level of income. but when i went to your website you very clearly laid out the verbatim of the president, campaigning saying nobody under 400,000 bucks would have their taxes raised. , bingo. said biden. he went on to say i won't raise taxes on anyone else making more than 400,000. jen psaki was asked to clarify, make the distinction whether he's talking individuals or families making 400,000 and here's how she responded. >> set up on taxes, anyone making more than 400,000 will see a small to significant tax increase. to clarify, do you mean individuals or households? >> families. >> and you are saying they may never make that distinction before so grover, took clearly lay that out, that means a household or couple where mom makes 200,000, that makes 200,000, their taxes could definitely go up because as a household they are making $400,000. both parents having to make that, and nannies and day care, you may have a whole lot more expenses. with their taxes go up? >> yes, taxes will go up, and that's 53% of americans which you will see the value of the life savings produced by that tax. because of corporate income tax on people's utilities gets directly put into your utility belt. every american's utility bill for water, gas and heating oil will go up by the value of the billions of dollars in corporate income taxes paid by public utilities. gasoline taxes everybody. he's going to bring back the obamacare penalty tax which is where 5 billion americans were hit, three quarters of them were making less than 50,000 per year. >> these are a lot of american families and that's an important process that will affect millions of americans. grover, thank you for coming, we will have you back. so john, these are big differences that need to be carried clarified. >> john: the devil is always in the details, and when you start putting these extra taxes on my gasoline tax and things like that, it hits everyone. they don't ask you for your income when you go to the gas station. tense moments as the biden administration and chinese leaders meet leaders meet face-to-face for the very first time. what the two sides had to say to each other and about each other coming up. >> sandra: big deal there. and as lawmakers debate the issue on capitol hill, one state has banned transgender athletes competing in girl sports altogether. mississippi governor kate reed who signed that order will join us live, straight ahead. ♪ ♪ en. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa. struggling to manage my type 2 diabetes was knocking me out of my zone, but lowering my a1c with once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to the show. ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop 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"inhospitable." let's bring in marc thiessen who's also a "washington post" columnist on fox news contributor. for the moment, the biden administration seems to be holding the trump administration line of a hard line against china with tony blinken city and he thinks that's the one policy the trunk out right. >> so far, so good. it's a good opening at a pretty contentious initial meeting. tony blinken started the meeting with a statement listing all the problems they have with what china is doing with the cyber attacks and cracking down on hong kong to its threats against taiwan, and they come back in them and when the assure the reporters out the chinese called them back to say how condescending americans had been. china wants the biden administration to rollback all the sanctions to put on chinese entities and individuals and so that biden administration is on the opposite, they just impose new sanctions on senior chinese legislatures for passing that national security law that removed hong kong's autonomy. so we will keep it up. >> john: and so the default of the chinese negotiators is to accuse the united states have been responsible for everything and being and being inhospitable and being nasty and mean. here is what the foreign minister said. >> we believe it is important for the united states to change its own image to stop, advancing its own democracy and the rest of the world. many people within the united states actually have little confidence in the democracy of the united states. >> john: of course that is the voice of a translator, the foreign minister's voice is not quite that high. even though the united states has a hard line going against it now, they might have a get out of jail free card. >> here's the big worried. the chinese know they have a get out of jail free card because they have biden don't like something that biden administration wants. the chinese know that secretary of state john kerry who is the most gullible and pompous man in washington and the guy who gave us the iran nuclear deal desperately wants a climate deal. so they will dangle the deal and the price will be giving up some of these tough measures that the trump administration and now the biden administration is put in place. they are doing that, that's the carrot. the stick is that right after trump left they impose sanctions on mike pompeo, robert o'brien, and the message to the biden administration said if you want to do business in china, you better play along. be good boys and girls and you will get a climate deal and be bad boys and girls and you will lose your business opportunities one day. that's the advice they are trying to put around the biden administration. >> john: is also the investigation, we will see if it can be a credible negotiator. it's always good to see you, have a great weekend. so sandra, tough line against china for the moment and we will see how long it takes. >> sandra: if you go back to our conversation we had with secretary of state mike pompeo, he said he's glad he's meeting with him but he needs to be tough all around. meanwhile, more hypocrisy from the golden state. california. i get this, as allowing the to go on in person while some children in that state haven't even fully returned to the classroom. >> john: plus, letting freedom ring but not too loudly, at least that's what one man in north dakota says is happening to him. carley shimkus breaks it all down coming up for us next. ♪ ♪ thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. keeping your oysters business growing is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at will >> john: oh, yeah, he knows all about it. now the world happiness report naming finland the happiest country on earth once again. the fins of winning the honor for the fourth straight year, this year's ranking live not only on gallup world polling but a separate survey to track the pandemic effects on happiness. rounding out the top three happiest nations are iceland, denmark, u.s. coming in the 14th off the list. sandra spent some time in finland and i got to know the finish ambassador. and i know the secret. the sauna. you talk to the fins about anything and they are like, yes, yes. you talk to them about the sauna and a light up, with a smile across her face. >> sandra: it could be because of the lockdown. i love it. i'm going to have to read more about that. how was your sauna experience by the way? >> john: i didn't take one while i was there. >> sandra: it's hard to leave you speechless john. some folks meanwhile, and john, we will bring you back in on this one as well. some folks in california might have an easier time going back to the oscars then back to school. the state is allowing this year's academy awards to have been in person and the attendees will even have the option to participate remotely. in the meantime, the state hasn't fully started in person learning after a year of keeping their kids at home. this just does not seem right. so they can go party but we haven't figured out a way that those kids in california can get back in the classroom? >> you said it. so the 2021 oscars will take place on august 21st, it will be completely in person, no zoom. big ball gowns and there will be a 90 minute preceremony with all the celebs mingling. people quickly said, wait a minute, if things are so normal now that we can have an awards show even with all the precautions that they are taking, then certainly we can have in person school once again with millions of dollars that have been pumped into schools. the priority seem to be a bit off and it's always been that way especially in los angeles. remember angela marsden who was sobbing out of frustration because a restaurant was shut down right next to a tv set that was wide open and serving food? >> sandra: this letter was written by producers basically saying, don't worry, we are going to great links, they said to come up to provide a safe and enjoyable evening for all of you in person as well as millions of film fans around the world and we feel that the virtual thing will diminish those efforts. well, i wonder what it's doing to all those kids who are still staring at their computers at home because they are told it's not safe for them to be back in the classroom. i have to move on to the story because we teased it so many times. this north dakota man, god bless him, he wants to fight his american flag. there were complaints that it was flapping to loudly in the wind and now they want to slap him with a daily fine in his town of $200 for making noise. speak of the condo association told him you have to take down your american flag. my initial thought was, maybe it was clicking loudly and disturbing the neighbors. it was flying in the breeze. so andrew ulmer, he seems like such a nice man. he said i always wanted to own a house and put an american flag out front because that seems like the american dream. so this is happening to him now. i don't understand it. he said he will pay the fines. >> sandra: this is a remarkable story because he was renting this condo, and he always wanted homeownership's. so three years and he was able to purchase the condo. and i will quote him as saying, "it's something i always wanted to do, owning my own home. having an american flag in the yard is just its own thing, that pride to have." >> john: north dakota can be windy but if you're flag is flapping in the wind to come up that's the flying loud and long. >> he did suggest that this might have something to do with a bit of a personal vendetta with the condo association president. but i sure hope he doesn't have to pay that fine to give us flag up. >> sandra: can you imagine multiple threatening letters from the condo association to take that down? >> john: and its $200 per day. >> sandra: i hope more people see their story and show their support for mr. andrew ulmer of north dakota. >> has story has gone national now. i headed, another look at the border crisis. we will talk to the texas mayor hood says the influx of migrants has led to utter chaos. >> sandra: and brand-new at two, "america reports" takes an in-depth look at the rise of cancel culture and pc overload. have you had enough of it? a list of fear i will react to that lives, all of that and a whole lot more coming up in a brand-new hour. ♪ ♪ on freshly baked bread! so, let's get out there and get those footlongs. now on grubhub, buy one 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americans believe cancel culture process the threat to their very freedoms. from what we can read it, what we can think and what our kids are taught in school. cancel culture also cause people jobs or even athletic scholarships as is the situation now with girl sports. that's a story that we have been covering for some time now and it seems to be escalating to certain levels. we seen cases pop up across the country, the republicans in the house taking that on now even in the senate. the disagreement with whether or not transgender athletes should be in girl sports and the uneven playing field that many have made the case that they see when that happens. discussion is happening across america. >> john: the state of mississippi just recently passed a law which would exclude transgender athletes from participating in girls or women sports. the state of idaho try to do the same thing last year but a federal judge overruled dad. we will talk with mississippi's governor tate reeves about what he's doing in the state, and whether or not that's even enforceable. then, there is the navy which will not remove some controversial books the republicans they are clearly anti-american. books like how to be an antiracist, the new jim crow, minorities and politics all suggested reading for new sailors. we will talk with congressman jim banks, but the chief of the navy says they are not budging. >> sandra: something we all care about right now, right? the cancel culture that's happening with minis historic novels that have been taught in basic education for this country for quite some time been canceled and now, you take it to the navy and our military and what's happening here. then there is this big talker today, "teen vogue." you have now have the newly decided on "teen vogue" editor being canceled over tweets that she put out over ten years ago. so when she was 17, 18, 19 years old. some in high school and some in college. various tweets that were seen as offensive, offensive enough that vogue decided it was time for her to go and that she could not lead the company. that calls into question as to whether or not you should be canceled to his stomach for something you say or write as a teenager, something that happened ten years ago. she wrote that those views do not stand by her today and do not define her. >> john: that something that she's apologized for profusely several times. to get cross off this hour, alyssa has some thoughts on what's going on. >> john and sandra, great to be with you. this proves to us at the woke mob of cancel culture will come to anyone. no one is immune from it. by all accounts, alexi mccammond is both a qualified journalist but also left of center and an african-american woman who made a name for himself kind of weighing in on some of the social justice issues in the last year or so. so for then they canceled mob to come for her because of things she said as a teenager shows it could come from anyone. this is a problem of liberals own making and it's coming back to rear its ugly head. we don't punish teens as adults and i would hope we don't in the workplace either. >> sandra: alyssa, obviously as a young woman yourself, someone who is just inside of the trump white house, you look at this happening and i'm sure you've probably had this conversation with people that you worked with. it is also concerned that the parental level as well, when you are raising young kids and you fear that you might have a thought in a moment where they might not want to be responsible for that thought ten or 15 years down the road, but parents also have to be concerned about watching their kids and what they say and how that could affect their job in the future because that could have happened here. >> absolutely. it's becoming harder for this generation where on social media they post every thought. i would say for adults alike, i actually saw an outpouring of condemnation of the decision to have alexi let go by "teen vogue." and its liberal journalists, and i wonder if it's because they know that everyone of us has something we said that was not -- you have to have room for forgiveness and room for redemption. >> john: you suggested there might be a little bit of jealousy at work here? >> i spoke to some friends within the industry, and there was a lot of frustration and that vogue looked externally to hire alexia so what i'm hearing is the internal squabble led to folks resurrecting her old tweets that she had apologize for years ago that axios, her previous employer had forgiven her for an weaponized her again to take her down because they didn't get a position and she got it. "teen vogue" has published articles praising the saudi government, they go on all sorts of directions with various different things that are just ridiculous that they've published, but these are things that they are not drawing a line on. this is an accomplished black female journalist who may be made some mistakes in her team. >> sandra: it's really interesting to hear his reaction based on your point there. >> i was just really sad to see this happen. i worked with her for four years and she doesn't have a racist bone in her body. if we can't as an industry except somebody's sincere and repeated apologies for something they tweeted when they were 17 years old, what are we doing? >> it's stunning. in this particular case she had already been publicly flogged for the statements and apologized, and i think it's genuine. i think this is again a woman who has been an active voice and movement for social justice so the idea to try to portray her as a racist -- we all have to criticize it and say this is a problem of the left's own making and now their owner is falling victim to it. >> john: we will see how long that stays with her, too. that's a real consideration here as well. >> sandra: we want to move onto this other culture war battle that's happening that we first brought to you right here. a former high school football coach was fired after praying on the field has lost his latest court battle. joe kennedy was a coach at a school outside of seattle before losing his job. was fighting the district's ban on post-game prayers, you might remember. he shared his fight with us last month. >> the first amendment really means a lot to me and it's really terrible today in america that somebody could be fired for expressing their faith. so i'm just fighting so no one else has to ever go through this and it doesn't to choose between a job and their faith. >> sandra: a judge seem to suggest that kennedy was focused more on publicity and not private prayer. the coach tells us his fight is not over and he says the opinion threatens the rights of millions of americans who simply want to be able to exercise their faith without fear of losing their job. john, incredibly important case we've been following. >> john: that decision from the ninth circuit court of appeals to rule against kennedy wasn't exactly as a prize but it might be something he could take to the supreme court if he could find a sponsor. >> sandra: he promises to continue to fight it. >> john: now another big push from progressives make it this way coast-to-coast to schools is called critical race theory. basically critics argue racist part of everything and it's in an attempt to cancel huge parts. >> after years of debate, california school board talking about racism and ethnic studies right along with reading, writing and math. it's up to each school district to decide but education officials say kids do need to learn about discrimination in professions that textbooks are often overlooked. the historic action and they achieve racial justice and create lasting change. we look across the country to bring race and deficit ethnicity classroom. >> our schools are supposed to give people the foundations of knowledge, and let me be clear, there is no room in our classrooms for things like critical race theory, teaching kids to hate their country and is to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money. >> and there is more debate to come over proposed legislation that would make high school ethnic studies a graduation requirement here in california. >> john: it claudia cowan us, thank you. >> sandra: this is a fox news alert. president biden is touring the cdc after arriving in atlanta, and just a short time ago they will take their tour there as the cdc just released a brand-new guidance on getting kids back into the classroom. the cdc is saying it's safe to o do so, and also we will see the president and vice president make their way to the meeting with the asian-american after the horrific situation with the salon there. the president and the vice president will continue their tour in atlanta and we will be following it for you. >> john: the emergency operations center is quite the place but a lot of people will be critical over why it took so long for them to say that 3 feet is okay and it doesn't have to be six. we have a packed hour ahead including the navy not backing down over some books on its reading lists. congressman jim banks is leading the charge and as an officer himself, he's got a lot to say. >> sandra: put up next, the push from the left to let transgender athletes compete in girl sports. governor kate reed has some strong feelings on that and just signed up ban on that very issue. he will join us live, next. ♪ ♪ with mortgage rates low and home values high refiplus can help you lower your rate plus turn your home equity into an average of $50,000. money for security today. money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus from 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recorded history, no woman has ever run faster than flow joe. you know who has run faster? 76 high school boys in america in 2019 alone. high school boys, not grown men. >> sandra: to the battle over school sports, americans from coast to coast on both sides of the political i'll are fired up on this issue. >> john: and they all believe it comes back to basic fairness. they believe the senate is taking up a bill to end discrimination of lgbtq individuals but republicans say it would force schools to let transgender students who were born male play on women's sports teams giving them an unfair advantage. >> sandra: and just this month mississippi became the second ever to ban transgender students. governor pete reeves is standing by with his response to those who say the ban is unfair. >> john: but first that bill already in congress, jacqui heinrich on capitol hill. >> doug house passed the act to expand antidiscrimination laws and republicans argue if transgender people are allowed to compete on girl sports teams that will place female athletes at an unfair advantage. in the committee hearing, g.o.p. senators raise the alarm over possible impact. they compete on a fair and equal basis and it will be severely impacted by this law. >> recent politico poll showed 53% of registered voters promoting a ban on transgendered athletes in women's sports but democrats worried that a conservative will chip away at the rights of the lgbt community and at least 37 bills have been introduced in at least 27 states this year aiming to regulate transgender athletes in school sports. john and sandra? >> thank you so much. >> let's bring in mississippi governor kate reeves. and we feel very strongly on this, what's your position? >> thanks, sandra. i want to point out, i got elected about 18 months ago. and joe biden signed an executive order about some of the things he chose to do in the far left movement. the reason i'm so passionate about it is because i have a 16-year-old daughter come a 14-year-old daughter and a 9-year-old daughter. my two oldest particularly play very competitive sports and i don't believe they should be forced to compete for opportunities with biological males and that's what the mississippi fairness act ensures, they are not forced to have that competition. >> sandra: we are going to dip in here for a listen to president biden. >> president biden: science. science was viewed as dependence, and the whole team writ large was committed. but the american people have moved. the american people have moved, this is a bipartisan effort now. it isn't showing itself in the way senators and congressman boat, but the public is talking about it on the airplane. we came up with this $1.9 billion, and we are told it could never pass. we didn't get any help in the senate or the house, but we have 55% of republicans in america supporting it. 90 some percent of the democrats, 80 some. the point is the public is thankful to you because it's about science and that's what they understand. they understand, we are not going back to the old days. even if tomorrow the whole administration changed, you change things and you've changed them in a way that is going to make everybody healthier in this country and when you have a crisis, you are prepared to meet it because you speak truth and science to power and that that is the power. all the folks listening, i guess you said there are hundreds if not thousands of people listening, thank you, thank you, thank you. i don't just mean learning about how to deal with the virus, learning about it makes a difference to tell the truth and wherever it takes you. so we owe you a debt of gratitude and all the lives that you've saved. i know on the back of my schedule, i've listed every single day the exact number of people that have died from covid the week before. 535,217 dead as of yesterday, last night. it's got to stop, but you are slowing it. and it really, really matters. that's more people that have died, americans, then all of world war i, world war ii, the vietnam war and 9/11 combined in a year. in a year. and i really mean it, this is a war. you are the front line of troops. just think about it. finally, he got the vaccines but didn't have the wherewithal to produce all the vaccines. so it's called the defense production act. as president, i am allowed to enforce it. so i had people say stop making that and start making these. did you think you would ever see the day because you've all been involved with medicine, see two major drug companies cooperate for the good of the country? one will come up with the drug and we will manufacture it. what we are doing really, really matters. changing the mind-set of the country, changing the mind-set of the country. it's affected everything, not just affected people's health. it affected their attitude. their attitude about what we can do as a country. everyone -- people didn't quite understand when i announced that we had over 100 million shots, i set my goal was to have a 100 million shots in people's arms and my first 100 days as president. well, why didn't they say more? but here's the point. the point is, it's changing the way we look at a whole range of things. and when i announced that everybody and the vice president pointed out, this is the united states of america, for god sake. there is nothing, nothing if we are doing it together. so i have a whole lot of nice notes out here, but i came here to say thank you. you are saving lives. but you are changing the psyche of our country. at this as i said, i don't think we are being chauvinistic about our country but, think about it. the only country in the world that every time we gone into a crisis, and think about it, that's who we are. closing comments. xi jinping in china, i spent more time with him untold than any world leader because he was vice president and i was vice president. his president and mine, ice traveled 17,000 miles, and i met with them i guess. and he is an interpreter. by the way, i handed in all my notes. minor point. but all kidding aside, can you define america for me? and i said, yes. one word. one word, possibilities. possibilities with hard data. so not only your intellectual skills but your heart and determination. thank you, thank you. and i shouldn't have done that because i wanted to yield to my vice president who is smarter than i am. >> john: the president is speaking there, governor, we want to talk to about the fact that you are now making the vaccine available to everyone in your state but let's get back to the issue we begin with. whether or not transgender athletes should be up allowed to participate in women's sports. just to refresh people, he signed a bill last week that would ban that. alfonso david of the human rights campaign said in response, this law is it in search of a problem and the legislatures in mississippi have not provided any examples of mississippi transgender athletes gaming the system for a competitive advantage because none exist, is that true? none exist? >> the reason this was necessary is because president biden and his march to the left, one of his first actions out of the executive order made this necessary to deal with. i think our legislators made a smart decision to protect young girls to ensure that biological males are not competing with them for athletic opportunities. >> sandra: because you make the case that that on levels the playing field. so some parents are loudly speaking out against this band. he said i didn't get it either for years, he said he just didn't get it and here's a bit of what he had to say. i'll get your reaction. >> support is like to support the situation out there. and those men behind me are out there playing on girls teams and trampling girls on the field. those aren't the folks in the real world. in the real world transgender kids are taking hormone blockers, reducing the testosterone in their body, giving them no advantage over their female peers. >> sandra: i want to get your reaction to that and i was reminded of a piece that i referenced throughout this period it was published in "the new york times" several weeks ago, a couple months ago actually and asked the question, who should compete in women's sports. it came up with two almost irreconcilable positions on this. so do you hear that dad and do you hear his concerns and how do you respond to that? >> i have empathy for any father who is fighting for his kids. i really do. this is a pretty clear issue to me. biological males should be able to compete with biological males. biological females should be able to compete with biological females. we should not put biological females at a disadvantage by forcing them to compete, that would take away opportunities for our young girls across america. many in this country have been fighting for for years and years, and i believe the mississippi fairness act helps us address that in our state. >> john: governor reeves, we mentioned when we came back from president biden that you are working to make the code vaccine available to everyone in your estate? >> we certainly don't have enough supply. we are continuing to push the biden administration to increase supply and making decisions to push supplies through other avenues outside of the states and we certainly don't think that's a good idea. the fact is, president biden when he says things like 100 million doses in 100 days and acts as if some great accomplishment of his administration, he completely ignores the fact that when he came into office we were on pace on a daily basis to exceed that before he ever even came into office. so it's one of those things where he can say whatever he wants to, that certainly 1 million shots and an arm this weekend, and we have approximately 700,000 individuals under the age of 18. that's more left and not eligible for the vaccine, and we put a million shots in arms, and that's a population that's most at risk. that's where the supply actually exceeds demand and we have to do everything we can to address that. >> john: hesitancy has declined in that state as well. and that's good news. >> thank you all. >> sandra: up next, the battle over books is raging in the navy. the congressman is urging to have them removed from the reading list. >> john: and coming up, we are getting word of some breaking news at the border, texas governor greg abbott will be joining us live exclusively, stay with us. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me 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(vo) ideas exist inside you, electrify you. ancestry helped connect us to our ancestors they grow from our imagination, but they can't be held back. they want to be set free. to make the world more responsible, and even more incredible. ideas start the future, just like that. >> sandra: fox news alert, breaking news at the border. house speaker nancy pelosi is saying that the biden administration has it all under control, and her words. >> john: the texas governor joins us now, and you have some news about the carrizo springs, texas, tent facility down there that's housing unaccompanied minors? >> this is a crisis. what i've learned in just the past hour shows me that we are now dealing with a humanitarian disaster. the migrants are being held in texas, and you know about the dallas location but in addition, there is the location and carrizo springs which is in south texas and also midland. what we learned in midland in the past hour is two things. one is they have no proven clean and running water at the location. they were using well water that a texas commission on environmental quality has informed on the federal government and has not been proven to be safe. there's no telling what could be in there including the possibility of arsenic. the running water, so there is no viable, usable running water at a location in midland. then on top of that, more than 10% of the migrants at the midland location have now been tested positive for covid-19. in addition to that, you mentioned the carrizo springs location, we also learned in the past hour that more than 10% of the migrant population at that location is tested positive for covid-19. so know this, that's any time we are dealing with a massive amount of influx, and that would be a humanitarian crisis with a big challenge. now knowing the magnitude and this is during the course of a pandemic and endangering life as we speak. >> sandra: we appreciate the update. can we dig in to these details no clean running water for the migrants being housed there. that's being labeled a disaster at this hour. what took medication at the white house at this hour as we see joe biden is currently visiting the atlanta, georgia, cdc right now? >> the state agencies have been in contact with federal health and human services as well as with fema, working with them in responding to this. but sandra, you brought up some very important and that is that the biden administration is showing they were completely unprepared for this massive influx. we've also heard that they are looking at other locations in dallas to do a consequence as do not yet know. and that's the size and amount of people coming in as a result of the health challenges and totals of disaster by the biden administration. >> john: the sheriff of hidalgo county which is south of mcallen, in the heart of the rio grande valley in one of the worst sectors for cross border crossings, telling "the new york post" about the border "is basically open" and that the new administration came in and change policy, and i don't think our federal government was prepared to have the adequate resources and erasing the result of that right now. we should point out that sheriff guerra is a democrat and he blame squarely the biden administration, for as you say, not being prepared here. one of the consequences not just across the town center right there on the border, and held all go is right there on the border. midland is 150 miles inland. >> right, there were seven consequences, open border policies will always be a disaster. and there are workers in these facilities who believe they are and go back into their communities. how might they be testing positive or might they be testing covid in their facilities? these are facts we need to know. did biden administration need to tell all of us wear these kids are from. they could be transmitting the state department health services and so many questions that the biden administration is simply not answering that leads to greater danger. all of these kids have been subjected to human trafficking on the pathway to the texas border. and the border, that we are dealing with right now, they will be taking his kids right now and flying them to other states across america. >> sandra: can you expand on that and update us on that? we know you've been feeling that dallas facility with migrant teen boys, are you overflowing that facility yet? >> so i'm just going to tell you what i've been told and that is i've been told that at each of these holding facilities that exist, the three holding facilities in texas, they are expected to be there no longer than 21 days and anticipate transporting them from those locations to other locations across united states. >> sandra: very quickly, we have to move on but really quickly, one last question. we had a south texas business owner on at the top of the hour expressing concern that her community and other business owners are talking about our rising crime rate specifically with those that are crossing the border illegally. can give us an update on the statistics that you are seeing and hearing on that, governor? >> as far as the stats themselves are concerned, i would need to refer to the texas department of public safety. i can tell you that i have received an increased number of phone calls from ranchers in the region, talking about the way that the ranchers, their homes and their vehicles and other things have been completely destroyed. we expect to see that going forward, that's a national guard to that region two's resource safety and security in that region. >> sandra: governor, we appreciate you coming to us with the update. >> john: joining us now is the mayor of midland, texas. patrick payton. i don't know if your ears were burning or not but the governor was talking about midland. what do you know about that facility there in midland where there are several hundred, it is my understanding, teenagers, between the ages of 13 and 17 that have crossed the border illegally being held. >> what we know about the facility and, we found out about this facility on monday and by 11:30 sunday night, they started shipping young people into that facility. we were not contacted, and fast forward to today, something the governor was speaking about, we already know we are moving 25 of those children and loading them on an airplane with resettlement location somewhere in the country. we don't know if that's texas or what states they are so they are already relocating them from our facility in the country, and it is utter chaos. you can't get details and the facility is up and running, they are putting a 10-foot fence around it even as we speak. so it's chaos. there is no overstating, then they give us very scant answers to the questions i ask and the details they ask that we are not getting response from. we are very concerned about what's happening, deeply concerned about what's happening to these kids but also deeply concerned about the overreach and abuse by the federal government. >> sandra: mayor, listening to all that, it feels like you are saying your hands are tied to, there's not much you can do when you are asking for help and you are not getting it. >> absolutely. we have communities out here, midlantic and odessa combined, they understand the seriousness of what's happening to those kids. many who have been traffic and abused, how can we give them clothing and how can we support them, we are being told by the government, we don't need their help. it's another one of those issues where we can't even help with a crisis that's unfolding within our borders. and will you be bringing more kids in. once again, as you said this is 100% true. we are just scrambling as we are watching this crisis start migrating into texas and the country. >> sandra: mayor, it's powerful to hear that. with the biden administration, if you had their ear, we could hear you now. what are you saying, what are they telling you and what do you need? >> i would tell you what priorities are unleashing on this country because the symbolism over what they believe about immigration is translating into a crisis down here at the border. and families are being abused, children are being abused and administration policies make no sense coming out of washington, d.c. but we have to live with that and the rest of the country has to live with that as well. >> sandra: mayor, thank you for joining us. >> john: coming up next, the first woman to sit on the supreme court is sandra day o'connor. >> sandra: and we look at the legacy of the legend on the bench. some people say our trade-in process feels too easy. they can't believe it's 100% online and gives them a competitive offer that won't change for 7 days. an offer that they can put toward their new car. some people can't believe our friendly advocate will come to them as soon as tomorrow. drop off their new ride and whisk their old one away. because we make 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not want to be the last. >> sandra day o'connor dentist succeeded, a history making woman, a westerner. i'd met a conservative, grandmother and first woman on the nation's highest court. ruth mcgregor was justice o'connor's first law clerk who herself later became chief justice on the arizona supreme court. she says her one-time boss took experience as a prosecutor and later a state senator to forge a consensus minded strategy to deciding tough cases. >> it was a practical approach and one that was really grounded in legal principles and respect for what the judiciary needs, our form of democratic government. >> she called it sensible solutions. gun control, abortion access, civil and voting rights, that restrained and flexible approach was shaped by her upbringing in high desert arizona. >> we were 35 miles from the nearest town. >> is a girl she could brand cattle, fire a rifle and herd cattle. >> i grew up on the back of a horse. >> she led to her 1991 nomination. 40 years ago women were all but invisible in the front lines of american law, just 5% of federal judges were female. >> it's been something that has opened so many doors for other women. >> in a quarter-century, sandra day o'connor was a force on and off the bench. often the key swing vote for off button cases, or independent-minded rulings keeping the vision. she founded the sandra day o'connor institute for american democracy to promote civic education at civic engagement. the director says her impact is still felt today. >> she shuttered the gas ceiling of the judicial branch, think about how profound that is. >> for a democracy such as ours to function, we have to have system to understand the process. >> sandra: justice o'connor retired from public life in 2018 which he publicly announced she was in the early stages of dementia. she said the more that you are out there doing the job and people see women rising to the occasion, the better it is for everyone. >> sandra: at a wonderful person to tell her story. while it is women's month, tell us about the women of the bible speak. this is the book that you have just written, spectacular by the way. >> i was so encouraged and inspired by these women. others are a little bit more obscure. and so we wanted to include a good cross-section of women from all walks of life on some very humble and some very brave, but some of them got off track. god still worked through all of their stories but i hope people will be encouraged because we all need a little bit of that now. you can get it now at >> sandra: fantastic, thank you so much. read the book, shannon, thank you. >> john: we will be right back after this, good to see you, shannon. old. meaning, you. you're the one we made mywalgreens for. join and get 30 minute pickup at it's a new day for veteran homeowners. with home values high and mortgage rates join and get 30 minute pickup at all time lows. great news for veterans who need money for their family. that's me. refiplus from newday 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allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate click or call to switch today. >> john: it's show time. just in time for the weekend. amc says they will reopen 98% of the theaters by today in the u.s. they're the world's largest movie theater chain. they almost declared bankruptcy during the pandemic. capacity will vary city to city, state to state. hey, you can go to the movies again. how about that? >> sandra: i love ending on this good news story. when i saw this, i showed the link to my mother. she's a huge movie goer. it's been so hard for her not to go during the pandemic. yay for the movies again. >> john: my wife that top gun 2 has been delayed. she'll finally get to see it. >> sandra: have a great weekend. i'm sandra smith. i'm john roberts. "the story" starts right now. >> right now on the "the story," president biden and vice president kamala harris in atlanta this hour wrapping a tour of cdc's headquarters as the agency makes a drastic change in back-to-school guidance. and the acting cdc says the original recommendations were wrong all along. and leo terrell is here to tell us what students will be learning in classes now that systemic racism courses are allowed. there's a call for a hea

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Public Health , Head , Teachers , Nation Schools , Resources , Mask , Stakeholders , Tools , Change , Health , Report , Mental , Ventilation , Toll , Vice President , Vaccinations , Debriefed , 50 , 2 5 Million , 100 Million , Heads Thing , Age , Shot , 65 , It Safe , Shame , Taxes , Middle Class , 200000 , Times , Grover , Website , Guys , 56 , Making , Anyone , Won T , Press , 250000 , Bill , Tax , Tax Increase , Cbo , 67 Billion , 7 Billion , Rate , 28 , Value , Business Income , Both , Parts , West Coast , East Coast , Level , Same , Verbatim , Nobody , Bucks , 400000 Bucks , Distinction , Jen Psaki , Bingo , Households , Household , Mom , Expenses , Day Care , Nannies , Yes , Income Tax , Savings , 53 , Water , Gas , Billions , Utility Bill , Utilities , Utility Belt , Heating Oil , Penalty Tax , Income Taxes , Public Utilities , Gasoline , Quarters , Three , 5 Billion , Millions , Differences , Process , Coming , Devil , Chinese , Gas Station , Gasoline Tax , Issue , Athletes , 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21 , Person School , Precautions , Ball Gowns , Preceremony , Awards , Zoom , Celebs Mingling , 90 , Frustration , Dollars , Priority , Angela Marsden , Restaurant , Sobbing , Tv Set , Producers , Food , Letter , Links , Evening , Don T Worry , Computers , Efforts , Film Fans , Flag , Wind , Flapping , God , Complaints , Thought , Condo Association , Making Noise , Neighbors , Breeze , Flying , Andrew Ulmer , The American Dream , Condo , Fines , Homeownership S , Yard , Bit , Pride , Condo Association President , Vendetta , Letters , Support , Mr , Hood , To Utter Chaos , Lives , Overload , Pc , Footlong , Footlongs , Bread , Milk , Lactaid , Grubhub , Subway , Eat Fresh , Isn T Real Milk , Veteran Homeowners , Cows , Lactose , Sit , Dogs , Rates , Smiling , Starts , Aspen Dental , Care , Safety , Exam , Payment Options , Step , Smiles , Event , Worries , X Rays , Obligation , Reason , Book , Aspendental Com Renae , Treatment Plan , 800 , Influencer , Groundbreaker , Reimagining , Reshaping , John Deere , Acre Slice Of Heaven , 4 , Nothing , Tractor , Series Tractor , Series , 9 , 99 , Consequences , Push , John Roberts , Hi , Impact , Culture Process , Son , Culture Wars , School , Scholarships , Freedoms , Jobs , Republicans , Levels , Cases , Disagreement , Case , Senate , Whether , Playing Field , Discussion , Judge , The State Of Mississippi , Girls , Women Sports , Tate Reeves , Idaho , Navy , Books , Reading , Politics , Antiracist , Minorities , Sailors , Congressman Jim Banks , Jim Crow , Education , Minis , Novels , Editor Being , Talker , Offensive , College , 19 , 18 , Vogue , Calls , Stomach , Views , To Be With You , No One , What S Going On , Mob Of Cancel Culture , African American , Name , Social Justice , Center , Accounts , Liberals , Mob , Teens , Happening , Yourself , Well , 15 , Social Media , Generation , Decision , Condemnation , Journalists , Outpouring , Alexi Let Go , Room , Forgiveness , Redemption , Alexia , Friends , Jealousy , Squabble Led , Employer , Government , Directions , Articles , Sorts , Saudi , Team , Mistakes , Idea , Statements , Movement For Social Justice , Apologized , Left , Owner , Victim , Culture War Battle , High School Football Coach , Consideration , The Field , Ban , Coach , Fight , District , Prayers , Joe Kennedy , Court Battle , Seattle , Faith , Amendment , No One Else , Rights , Publicity , Kennedy , Prayer , Opinion , Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals , Following , John , Court , Sponsor , Kennedy Wasn T , Progressives , Prize , Big Push , Race Theory , Part , Attempt , Critics , Racism , Studies , Debate , School Board , Discrimination , School District , Writing , Math , Professions , Textbooks , Justice , Action , Race , Knowledge , Ethnicity , Deficit , Foundations , Teaching , Red Cent , Legislation , Taxpayer Money , Graduation Requirement , Claudia Cowan , Atlanta , Meeting , Emergency Operations Center , Salon , Jim Banks , Reading Lists , Charge , Officer , Feelings , Home Equity , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Cell Phone Repair , Oh Yeah , Quote , Aah , 5g , Fast , Ultra 5g , Network , Xfinity Mobile , Samsung Galaxy , S21 , Carrier , Cost , Customer Satisfaction , Xfinitymobile Com Mysavings , Woman , High School Boys , Flow Joe , 76 , Men , Coast To , Fairness , Battle Over School Sports , Born Male Play On Women S Sports Teams , Response , Pete Reeves , Advantage , Doug House , Congress , Jacqui Heinrich , Girl Sports Teams , Antidiscrimination Laws , Senators , Committee Hearing , Alarm , Gop , Politico , Voters , Lgbt Community , Democrats , Will Chip , 37 , Kate Reeves , School Sports , 27 , Executive Order , Movement , Opportunities , Daughter , Sports , Mississippi Fairness Act , Listen , Competition , Science , Dependence , It Isn T , Writ Large , Airplane , Public , Congressman Boat , 55 , 9 Billion , 1 9 Billion , 80 , Truth , Thousands , Listening , Folks Listening , Hundreds , Virus , Difference , Debt , Gratitude , Back , Schedule , 535217 , Last Night , World War I , Vietnam War , World War Ii , 9 11 , War , Front Line , Troops , Vaccines , Didn T , Wherewithal , Defense Production Act , Good , Stop Making , Drug Companies , Medicine , Drug , Mind Set , Attitude , Shots , Arms , Goal , The Point , Orange , Sake , Notes , Psyche , Xi Jinping , Closing Comments , World Leader , Ice , 17000 , Interpreter , Kidding Aside , Minor Point , Word , Possibilities , Heart , Data , Skills , Determination , Alfonso David , Human Rights Campaign , None , Exist , Examples , Mississippi Transgender Athletes Gaming The System , Actions , March , Legislators , Is , Athletic Opportunities , Band , Transgender , Girls Teams , Testosterone , Hormone Blockers , Trampling , Piece , The New York Times , Peers , Concerns , Positions , Father , Fighting , Empathy , Females , Disadvantage , Address , Supply , Code Vaccine , States , Supplies , Decisions , Avenues , Office , Accomplishment , Facts , 1 Million , Arm , 700000 , Population , Most , Demand , Hesitancy , Reading List , Breaking News , Greg Abbott , Addition , Calling , Substitute Teaching , 68 , Prevagen , Memory , Expensing , Bank , Gaming , Elephant , Balance , Healthier Brain , Pizza , Intuit Quickbooks , Businesses , Payments , Payroll , Bookkeeping , Cheese , Shells , Velveeta , Michael , This Is The Story , Pinky , My Great Grandfather , Brothers , Gigi , Velveeta Melts Creamier , Pinchas , Rachmaiel , Simi , Uprising , Poland , Ancestors , Ideas , Ancestry , Vo , Electrify You , Imagination , Under Control , House Speaker , Housing , Minors , Tent Facility , Disaster , Location , Springs , South Texas , Dallas , Telling , Texas Commission On Environmental Quality , Running Water , Possibility , Arsenic , 10 , Amount , Challenge , Magnitude , Medication , Contact , Agencies , Health And Human Services , Fema , Locations , Consequence , Result , Health Challenges , Size , Sectors , South , Hidalgo County , Totals , Heart Of The Rio Grande Valley , Mcallen , Cross Border Crossings , Go , Town Center , Sheriff Guerra , Open Border Policies , Seven , 150 , Workers , Facilities , Communities , Testing Covid , Questions , State Department Health Services , Texas Border , Human Trafficking , Pathway , Greater Danger , Facility , Holding Facilities , Boys , Business Owners , Statistics , Texas Department Of Public Safety , Ranchers , Region , Homes , Phone Calls , Vehicles , Forward , National Guard , Mayor , Tears , Understanding , Teenagers , Wages , 13 , Sunday Night , 11 , Resettlement , Somewhere , Chaos , Overstating , Running , Overreach , Abuse , Hands , Seriousness , Midlantic , Odessa Combined , True , Ear , Immigration , Priorities , Symbolism , Coming Up Next , Supreme Court , Legacy , Legend , Offer , Bench , Trade In Process , Away , Advocate , Resume Database , Bike Sales , Bike Shop , 75 , Indeed Com Bike , Call 911 , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , March Is Women S History Month , 40 , Shannon Bream , Last , First , Ruth Mcgregor , Law Clerk , Grandmother , Conservative , Chief Justice , Dentist , Westerner , History Making Woman , O Connor S First , Approach , State Senator , Boss , Consensus , Prosecutor , Arizona Supreme Court , Strategy , Respect , Needs , Form , Principles , Judiciary , Solutions , Gun Control , Abortion Access , Voting Rights , Upbringing , Arizona , High Desert , 35 , Girl , Herd Cattle , Rifle , Women , Lines , Judges , Horse , American Law , 1991 , Swing Vote , Doors , Off Button Cases , Vision , Rulings , Sandra Day O Connor Institute For American Democracy To Promote Civic Education At Engagement , Director , Branch , Gas Ceiling , System , Function , Dementia , Stages , Occasion , Cross Section , Bible , Others , Spectacular , Stories , Walks , Track , Fantastic , Foxnews Com Books , Pickup , Veteran , Meaning , You Re The One , Gold , Mywalgreens , Homeowners , Lows , Libre 2 System , Glucose , Alarms , Scan , Fingersticks , Medicare , Plan , Plans , T Mobile , Dot U S , 0 , 70 , Smartphone , Customer Service , White , Minerals , Enamel , Teeth , Pronamel Mineral Boost , Drink , Dulling , Weakening , Absorption , Sensitivity , Calcium , Phosphate , Mouth , Brains , Brawn , Drivers , Saving , Uh Oohhh There , Allstate Click , Allstate , 700 , Amc , Theaters , Movie Theater Chain , 98 , News Story , Bankruptcy , Movies , Capacity , Link , Movie , Goer , The Movies , Top Gun 2 , Sandra Smith , Headquarters , Acting , Back To School Guidance , Recommendations , Classes , Courses , Hea , Leo Terrell ,

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