but, first, the battles over biden's border crisis and big tech dominance playing out in courtrooms across the country. texas a.g. ken paxton leading the charge demanding answers from twitter, google, and the biden administration. here's paxton with me on the program earlier this week. >> we have asked twitter for basically answers that if they are going to operate in our state they have to answer. it's state law. and despite that, they have taken this to california to ask a california judge about texas law doesn't make any sense to me but i guess i understand why they want to be in california because they don't want to answer questions in texas which they're ultimately if they are going to operate here have to answer those questions. >> maria: and the questions do not stop there. 21 a.g.s are banning together to save american jobs. suing the biden administration over its shutdown of the keystone pipeline. several other states are fighting the administration in court over its disastrous immigration policies which have led to a full-blown crisis at the border. 100,000 new migrants in february alone showing up. up 28% from january. here's montana's a.g. on that lawsuit. >> this is devastating for state like montana, too. frankly, it's put the whole country in danger. violent crime in montana has risen by 48% just since 2013. this is going to keep getting worse under this moratorium order under biden and that's why we have sued. and just yesterday the attorney general of ohio filing a lawsuit over biden's pork-filled so-called covid stimulus package. because of the small print mandate in the law that would block states from cutting taxes for years. they are fighting back as democrats in the jordan in congress work to lock in their power and steam roll their agenda through congress. republicans try as they might are largely powerless to stop them. republican governors and attorney generals are the last line of defense against everexpanding power of the biden administration. big tech enablers and woke mob cheering them on. who else is willing to join this fight? joining me right now to talk more about that is congressman jim jordan is he calling for a hearing over big tech's role in cancel culture as well as a hearing on the administration's role in creating a crisis at our borders. congressman, it is good to see you don't. thanks very much for joining us. >> you bet. good to be with you. >> maria: so i understand that in the first 74 days of the new 117th congress you have had no hearings in the judiciary committee. >> not one. >> maria: is that right? >> not one. >> maria: what have you been doing. >> taking bills around the judiciary committee straight to the floor every piece of legislation passed in the past three weeks we had full jurisdiction over. the full committee is yet to have a hearing. why not have this a hearing about this crisis on the border. instead they go around the committee and pass just 40 minutes ago, maria, they pass a bill that gives amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants. so amnesty while there is this chaos on the border, i mean, this is so out-of-touch with where the american people are. but this is how radical left the democrats are and then, of course, the cancel culture issue this idea that i always ask it this way do you have a functioning first amendment when only one side is allowed to talk? do you have free speech when only the left can define what can be said? so that's the situation we are in. the judiciary committee should be focused on those two issues. instead they pass radical things like defund the police, federal control of the elections and now an amnesty bill without having the kind of hearings you are supposed to have on capitol hill in the united states congress. >> maria: so what's the response, congressman? you are the ranking member on the judiciary committee. you've got jurisdiction over immigration law. you manage the floor debate today for two democrat backed amnesty bills. you are not being heard? >> well, no. we call them out on the floor. we have a robust debate on the floor. in fact, the one amnesty bill is so bad it gives amnesty to 3 million illegals and at the same time it has taxpayer dollars used to help illegals apply through this grant program apply for amnesty itself. such a deal for the taxpayer. i mean, the disrespect that the democrats in the house are showing for the american taxpayer with the kind of legislation as the crisis is on the border, they are defunding the police, they are attacking american's second amendment liberties. they are federalizing election law and as i said they are now giving amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants now in the country. >> maria: yeah, there is also a blackout in terms of the press knowing anything about this as well. we're going to talk about that coming up later in the show with kim strassel and karl rove where border agents are being told to zip it when it comes to any information about that. let's talk about big tech. you have made some demands from amazon. you want amazon to hand over documents related to conservative censorship. you have been censored. >> well, yeah. look, what big tech did last fall, what they are doing all the time but what they did last fall in the election, i mean, the best example we had two amazing witnesses last week in the hearing in one of the subcommittees of the judiciary and they talked about the collusion between big tech and certain players in big media where they kept the hunter biden story from we, the people. and everyone knew that the press knew about this, big tech knew about this, but they kept it from the american people as we are getting ready for the biggest election that we have, the presidential election. so, what they are doing, not only via cancel culture but what they did in the election to make sure americans didn't get important information i think is so troublesome. so we're trying to figure out the best way to deal with this. we think section 230 has to be repealed and reformed. we also think you have to look at the antitrust law and the size of some of these big tech companies as we move forward. >> maria: so do you think you will be able to be successful in that? you are in the minority we know that obviously these big tech companies are not bulletin boards like they said they were back in 1996 when they were giving this protection for any liability they have actually taken a side. you have talked about the censorship of the hunter biden story during a presidential election period. can you do anything about any of this? >> i don't think democrats want to help us. i think they like the fact that the cancel culture is mostly going after republicans and conservatives now. but, i do think the american people are so fed up with what we have seen over the last several weeks and months, whether it's, you know, dr. suess, mr. potato head, you know, what happened in the world of sports where they have went after certain athletes for things they've said. and, you know, i also think they understand that in the end it will come for them as well. and i always use the example senator feinstein, you know, the san francisco school board even senator feinstein wasn't good enough for the woke mob today. they said that dianne feinstein elementary school will no longer be named after the senator because she said something 37 years ago, for goodness sake, that the mob doesn't like. so, i do think that there is this uproar from the american people and at some point we will be able to deal with this. we could pass the 230 change right now. i just don't know if democrats are going to want to do that because they think it benefits them at this point. >> maria: all right. this is a lot of dangerous stuff we are talking about as well as the health threat with covid come over the border. we will keep following it, congressman. it's good to talk with you don't. >> you bet, maria. thank you. >> maria: thank you so much. congressman jim jordan now a.g. ken paxton is calling for backup in his battle with the biden administration. here what happens he told me on monday on this program. >> i'm hoping other states will follow suit. join us or file your own we need help in fighting this administration. we are waiting for our day in court. we have an injunction that supposedly stops them from not enforcing the law but it doesn't seem to really matter. they have created this narrative that anybody can come and they don't seem to be sending people back across like they are supposed to. >> maria: joining me right now is arkansas' attorney general leslie rutledge who joined the multi-state lawsuit against the biden administration's cancellation of the keystone pipeline. leslie, it is good to have you this evening. thanks very much for being here. give us the crux of this lawsuit why is canceling the keystone pipeline so egregious? >> well, maria, canceling the keystone pipeline by president biden canceled arkansas ans jobs and pipeliners mitt wet w. in arkansas it canceled jobs, those creating the pipeline but really what it is going to do is increase the cost to all americans, whether it's our fuel costs. whether it's the costs that are associated with buying things like milk and water and needs for everyday are a can sans ark. this is part of the green new deal aspect that we are seeing time and again from this administration where this president is using his pen to ram his liberal policies down the throats of arkansasens and americans. and the attorney generals of our respective states we are not going to stand for it. >> maria: yeah. and, of course, we have been listing a number of a.g.s that are fighting back in ohio the attorney general suing to block the unconstitutional part of the covid-19 relief bill. you are talking about this issue in the radical agenda on xl pipeline. what do you think you can get accomplished with this? where is there going? >> we are hoping in arkansas i'm part of the same lawsuit that dave yost is in ohio. we have sides biden on that. we have sued president biden on greenhouse gas emission regulations and now on the keystone pipeline. we are hoping to send a strock message to president biden we are going not going to stand silently by while he criminals these policies unconstitutionally hurting every day americans and arkansasens. we are hoping to get injunctions in place we want these arkansas workers back to work on these pipelines. we want the cost of fuel low for everyday arkansasens. i know my husband is a soybean farmer and it's going to increase the cost of him being able to take his products to the mill this fall. that's the sort of damage that we are seeing by this administration without regard to everyday arkansasens and americans. >> maria: we are also talking about the impact of the border policy not just on the border states. i mean, there is a report today up to 50% of illegal immigrants estimated to have covid-19 according to the national sheriff's association. walk us through some of the other issues that are impacting arkansas? >> well, certainly, when it comes to illegal immigration, we want people to come to america and we want people to come to arkansas. we want them to do so legally. and through the proper channels. we want people not to come in the dead of the night. within the light of day to the greatest sanctuary the world has ever known, the united states of america. however, what biden is doing is opening the floodgate to individuals from across the globe and particularly, you know, we know there are good people coming across the border, unfortunately there are very dangerous criminals that come across the border as well. the cartels. >> the influx of illicit illegal drugs into our societies. just this week i also sued walgreen's because of the prescription opioid epidemic that we arelights seeing dangerous deadly fentanyl being brought into the united states and into state like arkansas, being brought up through border crossings. that's why we are fighting back is to protect the people in our respective states. we are not sitting by. we are not just using words. we are using the rule of law to defend american's rights liberties and freedoms. >> maria: are you joining the immigration lawsuit that ken paxton is leading in texas well? >> well, we are looking at that. that's something that ken paxton and i worked very closely together on a number of issues. we are certainly looking at that as well as all of these other lawsuits. sometimes when one state jumps out ahead then the rest of us are looking to determine whether or not it imacketd impacts our state, so, yes, we are absolutely looking at that to protect the people of arkansas. >> maria: and then there is florida. ron desantis pushing back on big tech. he is also pushing back on what is being taught in our schools. we're going to talk about that in the next block. but, your thought on where florida is and its a.g. and ron desantis pushing back on all of this radical agenda. will you join florida. >> and a great governor. we are doing the same thing in arkansas. just in the last couple of weeks i bruised a bill called the girls act to protect girls integrity in sports to make sure that our young girl athletes are not having to compete against biological males. we have also introduced legislation with regard to the cancel culture. we have seen too often where conservative voices are being canceled out by big tech. so this bill in arkansas when passed will allow me as the attorney general to hold these big tech companies accountable for cancel out voices when they are not acting in good faith. justice as we heard from representative jim jordan, they are trying to hide behind section 230 and maria, we can no longer allow them to big tech companies to do so. maria well, it certainly is becoming apparent that this is an issue for many americans. a.g. rutledge, it's good to see you don't. we will be following the developments. thanks so much. quick break and come up, you are ochildren are assumed to be racists? what our young people are being fed. governor ron desantis waging war on critical race theory tonight saying it will not be taught in florida schools. how he plans to use biden's pandemic funding to expand the teaching of traditional american civics instead. mark meadows will weigh in. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. discover the replenishing power of new pronamel mineral boost. ♪♪ teeth need natural minerals to keep enamel healthy, strong, and white. but every day, acidic food and drink can wash these minerals away, weakening and dulling enamel over time. pronamel mineral boost protects teeth by working with your mouth to boost absorption of calcium and phosphate which naturally strengthens enamel. pronamel mineral boost helps keep teeth strong, white, and protected from sensitivity. new pronamel mineral boost want to save hundreds on your wireless bill? 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[applause] >> maria: joining me right now is the former white house chief of staff mark meadows. mark, it's great to see you don't. thanks for being here. >> it's great to be with you, maria. you know, governor desants was exactly right. right to call it out. bravo to him. i hope a number of other governors follow suit. as he mentioned, it was president trump that actually led this particular effort when this up doctrine nation was introduced at the department of defense. president trump at that time said we're going to have none of it. and the american hard-working american taxpayer dollars shouldn't be spent on that. and really should be about telling the great story of the founding of this great country and what did we see joe biden do immediately? he ended the 1776 commission because it dared to talk about the founding of this great country. >> maria: that's absolutely extraordinary. a friend of mine sent me a memo from her son's ninth and tenth grade class where the teacher said if you identify as white, come to a meeting so that we can make sure that you can strive not to be a racist. i mean, it's absolutely extraordinary. and outrageous that these teachers are assuming our kids are racist even before they murmur a word and then there is another report saying we shouldn't call people mom and dad because it makes other people feel uncomfortable. what? where is this coming from? >> well, i mean, where is it coming from? it's coming from the progressive left and from those that really have an agenda that is really not about america's greatness or the fact that we can live what many of us call the american dream. i you up with humble beginnings and being able to live the american dream and ultimately be a success. those are the kind of things, those are the freedoms that we have in this country. instead of celebrating those, we're looking at indoctrinating our children and i can tell you that it's classrooms when you have the ideological bent that is being suggested not just in florida but in a number of classrooms throughout our country that we have to finally look at common sense and say enough is enough. we're not going to actually indoctrinate the future generation. >> maria: well, i'm glad you mention that because i completely agree. i also have lived the american dream because my parents have lived the american dream. i have watched them work incredibly hard after my ancestors came here in the early 1900s which i'm going to talk about tomorrow night. but, let me turn to the spending and tax proposals coming out of this administration. you worked, i know, very hard with nancy pelosi, with steven mnuchin on doing the last stimulus. now we just passed this $1.9 trillion massive spending package. we are expecting the administration to raise taxes significantly in order to pay for all of this. your reaction to what we have seen in terms of the impact that is to come on the economy and people's lives and their jobs. >> well, this is a job killer. this is not something that's going to save jobs as you mentioned. you covered it of extremely well over the last 12 months as we have looked to try to provide the safety net that's there for our economy and for those that have struggled during this pandemic. but, this $1.9 trillion package with less than 10% of it actually going to those that are affected by directly by covid-19, is nothing more than a progressive left special interest bill. and here's what it's going to do. it's going to make sure t