make no mistake, a crisis that biden caused and is now making worse every single day. joe biden stopped the border wall construction. he promised to expand amnesty and asylum. remember, he literally told migrants to flood the border the stay in mexico policy is gone and guess what's back mac catch and release, but in a very rare likely edited sitdown interview with former clinton hack george stephanopoulos at abc, joe claims he had nothing to do with the crisis at all. and according to joe, it's not really a crisis and also, by the way, he wants migrants to come but not quite yet. take a look. >> president biden: first of all, the idea that joe biden said, because -- i heard the other day that they are coming because they know i'm a nice guy >> they are saying this. >> president biden: here's the deal, the adults are being sent back. >> do you have to say quite clearly don't come? >> president biden: i can say quite clearly. we are in the process of getting set upe and it's not going to take a long time. to be able to apply for asylum in place, so don't leave your town or city or community. >> sean: setting the process for you. told a whopperti in there becaue in september 2019, i know you're quite forgetful, joe, you did tell migrants to come. one, come all, because your administration would immediately have the resources in place to accommodate them. let me refresh that memory of yours. take a look. t >> president biden: what i would do as president is several more things, because things have changed. i would in fact make sure that there is -- immediately searched to the border, all those people are seeking asylum. they deserve to be heard. that's who we are. s we are a nation that says if you want to flee and you are fleeing oppression, you should come. >> sean: immediately congress -- congrats, joe, more than a hundred thousand migrants were dentained at the border this past month. a record number of unaccompanied minors are now in those u.s. detention you know, the kids we keep showing people sleeping on floors, not being allowed to shower regularly, taking shiftse sleeping, and apparently butterfly decorated cargo shipping containers with the one tiny window with the bars on it that nobody has ever seen the inside of, so much for your promise of transparency. thousands more are headed our way. if joe actually had real compassion, he would tell the migrants not to everha make the perilous journey through mexico. we have human traffickers, dangerous gangs. the mexican cartels preying on innocent people, and especially children. exposure to covid-19 also in real clear and present danger for anyone making that track. among the multitude of other health and safety concerns.. meanwhile, on this side of the border, our country is less safe and less secure. border patrol is now overwhelmed. dangerous gangs, they now have space to operate because border patrol are quite distracted. suspected terrorists? yep, confirmed coming across the border as yesterday, axios reporting that four on the terrorist watch list had been arrested at the border in recent months. the biden administration,dm they are just covering that up. according to nbc news, noton exactly a conservative outlet the biden administration is blocking border patrol from sharing details about the truth the ongoing crisis. "border patrol officials have been told to deny every and all media requests right along with agents along the southern land border. local press officers, they are instructed to send all information, even from local media, to the press office in d.c. for approval, and those responsible for cultivating data about the number of migrants in custody have been reminded don't share that information with anyone to prevent the truth from getting out." in other words, leaks. i added that little part. two months ago it was jen psaki promising to bring trust and transparency back to the i white house, to never, ever tell a lie. i guess she is either lying or just really,us really, really naive. maybe she can't see the same video you see. maybe she'll circle back with a new answer, because this is how jen psaki circled back on this issue earlier today, let's take a look. >> we remain committed to sharing with all of you data on the number of kids crossing the border.. the steps we're taking, the work we're doing to open up facilities.. our own bar we are setting for ourselves in improving and expediting the timeline, in the treatment of these children, and we remain committed to transparency. i don't have an update on you on the timely but it's certainly something we support. >> sean: transparency but without access to any real relevant they are purposely denying the truth on what's happening. migrant detention facilities. oh, yeah, that makes total sense. i'm dying for somebody to get into one of those cargo shipping containers with the butterflies on the wall. meanwhile, vice president kamala harris -- who knows, might actually be running the country when joe biden takes his naps, didn't know anything about the crisis of the southern border because she was -- has not yet been briefed. you can watch tv once in a while. take a >> are you worried about the kids at the border? >> i haven't been briefed on anything today about it but [indiscernible]. >> sean: the kids in the cargo shipping containers,s, the bars on them, one window. this might be the least transparent white house of all time. here with a full report from the southern border is in mexico tonight, our very own griff jenkins. i guess no more interviews. i guess no more right lungs, no more information. i've been down to the border 14 times, as some in this audience may know, and that was always available any time i asked. >> yeah, sean, let me just tell you this. night is falling here. el paso on the other side, and let mek leak some information that isn't public and that is in the last 24 hours in the el paso sector, 790se apprehensions. they are up 138% compared to last year, more than 62,000 already in just this sector on the fiscal year 21 in the first five months, but this river right here, let me show you where we are on the banks of the rio grande river. you can see very shallow. every night right in this area migrants, they cross.ey all they have to do is get over there to the bank. there is fencing in the distance if they are going to run, most surrendered but you can see the opportunity because the old wall here just simply ends and in the distance, the actual crossover the official crossing from el paso to juarez. they tell me they are experience the same thing the border patrol is. they are overwhelmed. shelters here, some 20 of them are packed. their resources packed and they say amongst everything, all the officials i've talked to say that make no mistake, the coyotes and traffickers are preying on these migrants. they are sending a message to the honduras, el salvador, and guatemala, telling them to come up her, and they are taking advantage of them. we talked to some of the migrants, one of whom is named nelson. he's from honduras and i asked him about the white house sending a message about not coming. h here was the exchange. watch. >> yes, i listened to the news that they were letting people in. >> he hasn't heard the u.s.>> president's message that now is not the time to come. >> no. >> in that jaw-dropping number you mentioned, sean, the unaccompanied minors, 565 coming every day across our southwestern border, up from 313 in february, but in 2019, when dhs called it a crisis, there was only 208 per day coming across, but yet they still aren't going to call it a crisis and the fact is these unaccompanied minors are not expelled when they cross over. they staying, and that sends a message to send them on that treacherous journey, putting them in the hands of those human traffickers. sean. >> sean: i just want i to make sure over your shoulder, that was the fence that was the wall that was built by donald trump and his administration. that's where it stopped and biden stopped construction in the second question, real quick did you ever get to see the cargo shipping containers that we are told have butterflies on the walls where the kids are being kept with the bars on the window? >> i haven't, sean, and i've been denied constant h ride alog requests almost on a daily basis. i know a lot of these border patrol chiefs in these sectors personally, because i covered it for years. they want to talk to me and they are frustrated that they are getting pushback from washington.ov bottom line, sean, this storyte couldn't be bigger and the access simply couldn't be less. >> sean: wow, all right griff jenkins, thank you for reporting, will continue on this story in our investigative reporting. the biden administration's attempts to hide this crisis instead of actually fixing it is so bad that even texas state officials, state officials their states, are apparently being blocked from entering this emergency facility for unaccompanied minors inside the convention center in dallas texas. take a look at this. >> today i'm directly asking the biden administration to t allow the texas department of public safety to access this facility across the street at the kay bailey hutchinson center as well as the other federally-run facilities in texas to be able to talk to these unaccompanied minors. we must get to the bottom of the human trafficking and put an end to it. >> sean: joining us now with much more, the texas governor himself, governor greg abbott. n governor, i heard the passion in your voice. tell us exactly what you're dealing with down there, because number one, they won't even allow you as governor of yourve state to even enforce what is the legal law of the land correct? >> that's correct, sean. listen, this is turned into a total catastrophe and it's getting worse by the day.d you heard griff talking aboutas the increased americans need to know this. this is just the very beginning of what's going to be a massive expansion of the number of people coming across the border. it will grow tenfold and 100 fold, especially because of the way the bike in the administration has handled this. remember during the presidential campaign when all of the candidates said we want open borders. well, guess what? biden has provided those open borders. he's inviting everybody in and the floodgates are now open and texas is at the forefront of it. we are having to deal with these massive numbers of migrantsin whether it be 3,000 in dallas or tobe midland or however many they have at [indiscernible] and the reason i say however many is because we can't get the dash you had jen psaki talking about wanting to be transparent. the biden administration is not being transparent with either the governor of texas or the texas department of state health services. we need to know what the health situation of these kids are. we need to know if they've been exposed to variants of covid and if so, is that the brazilian variant or whatever type of variant. our law enforcement thatfhe m protects us -- they need to do their job. part of their job is making sure they track down and prosecute anybody involved in smuggling. once they get involved with texas they are still involved with coyotes and smugglers. we do have the ability to put them behind bars. the biden administration is not letting us gain access to that information so that we can arrest and prosecute those that are assisting this immigration process. >> sean: so, governor, let me make sure that we are clear here. people that didn't respect our laws, our sovereignty at our borders that are in your state illegally, you are now being prevented from enforcing the law and you are even being preventer from checking on children, these undocumented immigrant children. to number one, check their safety, to check their health to do your job and due diligence that you would normally do correct?ou >> absolutely correct. we have sought access to these shelters, and we've been denied access to those shelters whether it be involving health carers purposes or talking to these children about human trafficking. you got some young children who have been trafficked across mexico and maybe some other countries and who knows what horrific things may have t happened to them.l but i can tell you is texas has a top-notch human trafficking prosecution unit, and we want to be involved and learn information so we can crackdown on this human trafficking mission. sean, we need to expose this for what it is. because president bidenio continues to invite in young children with the promise of them being able to stay here, these children make a very dangerous trek where they have to encounter cartels drug dealers, gang members, ms-13 gang members, and there could be horrific things happening to them. we know the legacy of human trafficking that happens to these children. it must be stopped. >> sean: let me ask you, and even the department of homeland security secretary first that denied it's a crisis, even he now is acknowledging it's a crisis. we see her prediction is going to be a 20 year high here. you're the governor of your state. you have anr obligation, a sworn oath, and a duty to uphold the law. my question to you is in light of what is happening in dallas and in light of what's happening at the border, what are the remedies and options you have available to you?at >> we are assessing all tools. i will offer this up but i will tell you what my expectation is because last week i was on thet border and i talked to border patrol officers and they told me time that the biden demonstration had not provided border patrol officers with covid vaccines and i called up the biden demonstration and said they needed to correct it, and they did. my hope is that the same thing will happen this time and that is i've called out the biden to administration not allowing us into these facilities, for not cracking down in human trafficking, for not addressing the covid situation ofve these children as well as the welfare -- as well as not even having facilities capable of taking care of these children. is not prepared forum the massive inflw of humanity that's coming to the lone star state, and so i hope that they will respond to this plea as quickly as they responded to the one last week. >> sean: if there's any cargo shipping containers, could you please have your guys take pictures and give them to us? america has the right to know what's inside those cargo shipping containers because i think we both know if donald trump with them there would be quite a bit of an outcry. we wish you the best governor abbott, tough situation down there. now, so far from the wide open borders, court packing filibuster reform, meaning eliminating it, d.c. statehood puerto rico statehood reconciliation, bypassing an entire coequal branch of government, the legislativeil branch, destroying the entire energy sector, eliminating high paying career jobs on our economy. you know, ending the building of pipelines, ending fracking and of course that means we all pay more at the pump, we will pay more for heating our homes cooling our homes. the biden administration now has been carrying the water for the radical socialist left and new taxes, new regulations galore. we did predict all this would happen. on the campaign trail the media mob never asked joe biden any of these questions.pp we didn't get these answers. they didn'tid ask him tough questions at all. they helped him, facilitate him and served as his own candidate protection program, hid in the basement bunker. all while they did the battling against trump on his behalf and attacking trump incessantly. biden press secretary jen psaki expected the very special treatment to continue according to a february report. look at this, this is "the daily beast," hardly conservative, but to their credit -- and i am giving real honor and credit here -- they pointed out that the biden press team wanted white house reporters to submit their questions in advance. oh, great! why, so they could pick ands choose the answer ahead of time? ultimately the media mob didn't go along with that insane request, so we are told, but it's pretty telling that the biden administration thoughtwe reporters would have no problem coordinating their questions with them. the biden white house. these are some of the same reporters who helped cover up biden's weakness, his frailty and his, well, struggling cognitively throughout the entire campaign. tonight things are only getting worse. tonight here's the latest example. we call it today's biden blitz where joe just can't seem to get his thoughts together and organized, for several minutes actually, it gets uncomfortable. take a look. >> president biden: i hope at this virtual gathering keeps the spirit -- >> [indiscernible]. >> president biden: am i muted? am i muted? >> you're on mute. >> is it unmuted? i spent a lot of time today and he was pointing out to me that my win for the presidency was more popular in iowa than it was in the united states. and that's not too far off. when i became vice president -- leave that alone, guys, okay? tell them not to move that all right? i'm having troubles here. >> sean: okay. that's the guy that's tasked with the hardest job in the world running, let's see, the entire free world and the greatest country god ever gave man. god help us. here with reaction from the trump organization, eric trump. i guess i'm one of the few that just even have the courage and every time the media mob challenges me, eric trump, on this issue of him struggling, i just keep playing more joe. and that seems to silence them. pretty apparent to me. >> it's soee hard to watch. sean, it's so hard to watch. i saw how hard my father worked every single day. to be the guy who would be calling people at 5:00 in the morning, he'd be the last guy that went to bed. he would work all day saturday all day sunday and he would work tirelessly. in your opening monologue, you did it so welcome he talked about all the things that he's destroying. the military, energy. you know, taxes in this country. i could go on and on, the respect that we have along the world. my father spent literally for years getting us out of wars, securing our borders, you know making is energy independent bringing oil prices to the lowest prices ever come all right? saving families thousands and thousands of dollars a year in terms of gas prices and in taxes, and you know, lowest on employment numbers, benefiting the african-american community in terms of the lowest on unemployment -- i mean, i could go on and on and on for hours like you could, sean, and then i watch this.h i mean, he's horrible with technology. he can never get technology right. every single time it is one of these virtual fund-raisers or virtual, you know, skype things it always becomes an absolute train wreck. it is so sad to watch. america deserves better than this.. my father worked too hard to see it fall ata the hands of this guy. it's just -- it's depressing. the person who fought every single day, it's depressing >> sean: you know, you look at this radicalism and bypassing>>n entire branch of government and the legislative filibuster, packing the courts, d.c. statehood, you know, these are not questions that the guy was asked during the campaign, because he was protected by the media. then you add to that hr 1. we knowd partisan observers didn't observe states that had a legal mandate, statutory language. we know one state that had dual signature verification standard, georgia. we know the pennsylvania constitution, they didn't pay attention to it, just ignoredw it, and we saw the court ruling in michigan today. yeah, michigan and wisconsin have laws against voting by mail.vo now they want to bake all this in to hr 1. what is your reaction to th