Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino

two years in 19 and 20 there was a surge as well. >> this one might be worse. >> president biden: it could be. we're sending back people, first of all. the idea that joe biden said come because i heard the other day that they are coming because they know i'm a nice guy and i want them -- here is the deal. they're not. >> do you have to say quite clearly don't come? >> i can say don't come. don't leave your town or city or community. >> dana: what i was going to say i also didn't think it was that strong. if you read it on paper you would be that's fine. there is a forcefulness with which you need to say something like that i believe. >> bill: i agree with you. >> dana: getting to a points where the situation is reaching a level crisis challenge, catastrophe that they can't ignore. >> bill: i want to hear his entire answer play out the way it did in front of stephanopoulos. i don't want to see video edits. let's hear what he has to say. cbs is reporting 13,000 unaccompanied minors in american territory now and being taken care of by border security and others. more on this in a moment. texas congressman dan crenshaw standing by. president biden is supporting changing the filibuster rule. after the minority leader mitch mcconnell warned without it we would have a scorched earth senate. >> president biden: i think you need to do it what it used to be in the old days. stand up and command the floor. >> you're for bringing back the talking filibuster? >> i am. that what it is supposed to be. democracy is having a hard time functioning. >> bill: let's bring in tom cotton. thank you for your time today. >> good morning. happy st. patrick's day. >> bill: mitch mcconnell said it would be a 100 car pile-up in the senate. is this the way it's going to go? sfwloo i hope not. i hope we respect the institutions of the senate. right here is a letter if four years ago signed by 27 democrats still in the senate insisting we maintain the right of senators to have extended debate on legislation. 27 senators when they were in the minority wanted to maintain the rules. they're getting pushed around by the radical left. they want to make washington, d.c. a state, grant amnesty to illegal aliens. they know they don't have the votes to do that but push around joe biden who appears to be so weak he is caving to them. i don't think they'll push around joe manchin who said he respects the traditions of the senate. he wants to protect the interests of workers in west virginia and arkansas and so many other states. >> bill: are you sure about that, senator? joe manchin henld on that recently, too. >> senator manchin has been very clear he won't vote to change the rules to reduce the threshold from 60 votes to end debate and have the final vote. that's what the traditions have been going 40 years. before that it was more than that. 200 years ago it required all the senators to agree to end debate. that's the tradition of the senate. it's in the tradition our founders wanted the senate to play to make sure any major changes to the laws of our country were considered and careful and deliberate. the senate has always played that role and continue to play that role. otherwise you will get things like the green new deal and amnesty for illegal aliens and packing the supreme court. >> dana: medicare for all, too. a long list of things. one of the things the democrats are saying is that it is mitch mcconnell's fault there has been so much backlog in the senate and you can't get anything done. when i look at it the only party that has actually used the filibuster in the last several years was democrats. >> let me hold up a letter. 27 democrats in the senate four years ago said we should not change the rules governing debate in the senate. 27 democrats four years ago. who has been filibustering for the last four years? democrats fill bus terd donald trump's nominees and so much of our legislation. donald trump even insisted that mitch mcconnell move to end the filibuster in 2017 and 2018. but he did not and republicans did not because we respect the traditions and customs and rules of the united states senate. we respect the rights of the minority. we want to have open and fair debate and we want to compromise. 20 senators are getting together over lunch to talk about things like the minimum wage where there is common ground and come together and negotiate and hopefully have bipartisan solutions to provide progress for americans. >> bill: here is mitch mcconnell on the floor of the senate during our program yesterday. >> nobody serving in this chamber can even begin -- can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth senate would look like. let's -- i want our colleagues to imagine a world where every single task, every one of them, requires a physical quorum. >> bill: can you come back to your first answer? how would america be different if they get rid of the filibuster? help us understand that. >> first off if they don't want to change the rules. they want to change the practices and require people to be on the floor for extended periods of time, i've got news for them. i can be there around the clock for days on end if it is required to stop things like amnesty for illegal aliens or state hood for washington, d.c. or packing the supreme court. that's what they want. the far left that's angry they don't have popular support for their agenda so they are trying to change the rules and ram it through when they have power before we win back the senate and house next year. that's what this is about. that's why the republicans are going to stand up firmly against that radical agenda. >> dana: one last thing on this. i think it's clear at the white house the chief of staff ron klain is telling biden you had to do all of these things in order to make sure your agenda is big and bold enough that they don't want to be looking like the obama administration and feeling like they didn't reach high enough. the pressure on the senators including somebody like amy klobuchar is saying let's do this, it is time. how high -- how tough is that pressure for them to resist? >> let me hold up this letter again, dana, with 27 democrats in the senate who signed it. the number one co-author is chris coons, the senator from delaware. you can imagine how much the pressure is coming from the white house, people like ron klain and others over there on the democratic senators because they are beholding to their far left. joe biden may not be tough enough to stand up to people like alexandria ocasio-cortez and bernie sanders, but joe manchin and other democrats have been so far. i can't imagine joe manchin will go for something like the green new deal imperiling workers in virginia and arkansas. >> bill: tom cotton on the hill. more coming up on this momentarily. harris faulkner will interview mitch mcconnell later this morning. check that out at 11:00 a.m. eastern hour on fox. meanwhile 8 past the hour now. >> dana: we go back to the border crisis. agents picked up four migrants who names are on the terror watch list according to an aide familiar with the information. let's bring in texas congressman dan crenshaw. this is something you're paying close attention to. what do you know? >> thanks for having me on. that's just the ones we've caught. the democrats got fact checked quickly on that after kevin mccarthy claimed that and it was confirmed by press reports. we just learned that the biden administration is telling border patrol not to allow ride along frs the press. they don't want the truth getting out. when you have hundreds of people paying the drug cartels $300 per person crossing the river and tied up border patrol hands. children, unaccompanied minor. border patrol become babysitters, bus drivers and nurses. you know what they're not doing? they're not looking for the people on terrorist watch list going in between. distraction over here and the bad guys come through over here. that's a fraction of what's going through. there is a real crisis on the border. the biden administration won't admit it. they created it by executive orders rescinding trump's policies that were working. >> bill: they said yesterday the border is secure. >> they're lying. we have an unprecedented crisis. in the past month we're looking at 100,000 people in a month. that adds up to $30 million in the drug cartel's pockets when you calculate how much it costs for one person to go across. the bind administration is funding the mexican drug cartels. they call this compassion, they call it a humane border policy. there is nothing humane or compassionate about funding drug cartels or throw kids across the border and engage in human smuggling and cutting in front of millions of people around the world trying to use our system legally, get a visa here, claim asylum here because they have a valid claim. instead we allow people with agree graphical advantage to take advantage of the system and clog it up. it is not moral or fair to legal immigrants and it must stop. >> dana: new information, 561 unaccompanied minors were taken into custody on monday. up 60% from the daily average in february. in dallas they'll use the convention center to house some of these. i think when you go back to compassion and worries, you can't imagine what it is like for some of them feeling alone, maybe even abandoned by their parents or missing their parents and parents are saying go and try to save yourself. administration is scrambling. >> yeah, you know why they're telling them to go? they're doing a rational economic cost/benefit analysis. it will be better here and they'll send their kid across. maybe an uncle or family member here illegally also hoping that that unaccompanied minor will get to. the gas lighting going on in this administration is really infuriating. jen psaki said yesterday we're dealing with a broken system passed on by the last administration. that is a full blown lie. this happened overnight when president biden rescinded the remain in mexico policy. when they rescinded the asylum cooperation agreements with the northern triangle countries and said we won't deport you when you come. biden has the nerve to say quietly don't come, wink, don't come, don't come here. if you come here we get you a bus ticket and we won't deport you. don't come here. gas lighting. >> bill: in the clip we played from abc? >> that's exactly right. something is coming out of his mouth but saying something completely different. >> some migrants are telling reporters based on some of the reports we get from our colleagues like griff jenkins. they're watching on television as minors make it across the border. if they can go for it, we'll go to. images create an impression that it's wide open. >> yeah. it is wide open. under trump you had the remain in mexico policy if you're claiming asylum fine, we'll look at it but you have to remain in mexico city while we do it. you don't get released into the interior and not show up for the hearing when it comes around. only 10% of asylum claims end up being adjudicated positively meaning they are being persecuted. the reality is the vast majority of people are economic migrants making a simple cost/benefit decision if it's slightly better here then i'll go. if joe biden says that i can come and be released into the interior and get my covid test and some healthcare and get a bus ticket wherever i want and not get deported and get amnesty that seems like a good deal. they're telling me not to come but they're winking at me and telling me to come and they do. >> dana: interesting. thank you so much. >> bill: we'll stay in contact with you. thank you. >> dana: we'll pay close attention to this. lawmakers set to question dhs secretary mayorkas as the migrant surge goes. that hearing will go in a few minutes. we'll bring you anything that happens out of that. >> bill: the convention center in dallas you have 3,000 right now. that's in the early stages. crawford was takeing in a couple thousand. various cities throughout the state of texas will feel this stuff now. >> dana: i think he made a good point how much money goes into the cartels' pockets. i want to explore that more. that's where you have a national security connection. >> bill: happy st. patrick's day, i like the green. i own one green tie and you are looking at it. 14 past. here we roll. fox news alert now. murder spree in the state of georgia. many of the victims women at massage parlors. what police are saying about the suspect today. ? a america's big cities seeing an influx of cash thanks to president biden's covid relief bill. is it necessary? we talk to cincinnati mayor about his plans for nearly $300 million. >> bill: why are some of the most powerful democratic women staying silent on the cuomo allegations. we'll talk about that with congresswoman malliotakis coming up. >> this is a raw, ugly, malignant power. no human being counts except for the person at the top. retirement is an opportunity to fill each tomorrow with moments that matter. and a steady stream of protected income can help you secure the life you've planned. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life with their tomorrows. because life isn't about what tomorrow brings. it's what you do with it. ask a financial professional about pacific life ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 nx 300. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. these are real people, not actors, who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. if your financial situation has changed, if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. get 2 unlimited lines for only $70. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. hello i'm an idaho potato farmer. you know a lot of folks think of a potato, even an idaho potato as a side dish. but does this look like a side dish to you? ...or this? ...or these? does a side dish have a dog like this? ...or a truck like this? or a good-looking, charismatic, spokesfarmer like me? i think we both know the answer to that. always look for the grown in idaho seal. side dish? >> dana: former president trump encouraging all americans to get the coronavirus vaccine. here he is talking with maria bartiromo just last night. >> i would recommend it. i would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it. it is a great vaccine. it is a safe vaccine and it is something that works. >> dana: former presidents to fight vaccine skepticism and encourage americans to get their shots. >> bill: it is working. too. ? a i'm ready for new york saying all adults. >> bill: i find people every day i would not normally think they would be in line that they can actually get a shot. >> dana: when you can go on and find out where they have extra shots. shots are going to have to be thrown away. i want to get one of those. >> bill: we showed you the numbers. 110 million jabs have happened already. we're moving this thing now. keep it going. >> dana: eight people are dead in georgia after a spree of shootings. many of the victims were women of asian descent. a suspect is in custody. steve harrigan has the latest from atlanta. we don't have steve. we'll try to get steve as soon as we can. terrible story last night. the suspect is in custody. we have steve harrigan. steve. >> shootings started just before 5:00 p.m. 30 miles north of here. four people shot dead at young's massage parlor. two asian women. 50 minutes later a second location behind me, gold spa. another asian massage parlor, three people shot and killed. all asian women there. while police were on the scene there reports of another shooting across the street. aroma therapy spa. three asian massage parlors, three separate shootings. same suspect seen on surveillance video with the same vehicle at all three. eight people dead, six of them asian women. suspect was apprehended, now in custody. robert long, 21 years old from woodstock, georgia, a suburb north of atlanta. police after a major manhunt got him 150 miles south of here. they used a pit maneuver and bagged into his car from the rear and side. spun him around. took him into custody without incident. no clear motive for the shooting but police have asked was this a series of hate crimes against asian-americans due to the covid-19 virus? >> well, nothing will be ruled out. we're conducting a multiple homicide investigation. wherever the evidence leads us is where the investigators will go. >> the repercussions of these horrific shootings are being felt across the u.s. several major cities including new york beefing up assets in asian american communities. the president has been in contact with georgia officials and the f.b.i. is assisting in the investigation. back to you. >> dana: steve harrigan, thank you for the update. >> bill: 23 past. american cities and states getting ready to get funds from the covid relief bill. a lot of money, too. cincinnati budget chair calls the cash infusion in that town alone christmas at city hall. the mayor john cranley is with me now. thank you for your time. you got a lot of cash coming your way. thanks for doing our show. $300 million for the city. about $170 million more for the county of hamilton. i know your town pretty well. how will you spend this money? >> we are going to hire more police and firefighters that we stopped hiring during the crisis. instead of defund the police, we're increasing our funding for police and fire and sanitation workers who provide the public services that are vital to the city. we are going to pave roads and bridges that need to be fixed and d.c. politicians promised us with too long. our money is coming back to us. we will actually put that money back in infrastructure and we will provide some relief to small businesses and restaurants locally who have suffered from social distancing and lack of business. >> bill: i know a road or two and a viaduct or two that needs the help. that's not the way the bill was designed. infrastructure is coming later allegedly. this is for covid relief. how do you justify infrastructure projects with this money? >> it's a jobs program and look. i'm not in charge of how d.c. structures the money. what i know is for too long d.c. politicians promised instead of sending their money to foreign countries that they would invest in the midwest and middle class and cincinnati. so we are going to take this money and hire cops and firefighters, pave roads and give relief to small businesses who suffered through covid and of course make sure that we have the ppe equipment and testing which is going very well for vaccinations and the vaccination efforts are finished. >> bill: do you think we can throw money at this and expect a better outcome? >> well, i think that our money has been taken for decades and d.c. politicians said they would invest in middle america and the midwest and they haven't. president trump had a press conference outside of our bridge and promised to fix it when he was president. he never did. now joe biden and the congress have given us this opportunity to invest in people and infrastructure and roads and bridges and cops and firefighters and that's what we intend to do. it is our money. we sent this money to washington it is now coming back. >> bill: there was i mentioned hamilton county. it's where cincinnati is. they had a relief-a-thon on television last night. i'm certain you know about it, right, went for two or three hours. they weren't raising money, they were giving money away. people with mortgage assistance and rental assistance were calling in. how do you determine who needs the money and who is just putting up a story? >> well, our united way and our child and family services and community action agency validate people's income. you have to submit -- you don't just get money handed out to you. people are suffering and the fact that they extended unemployment benefits is a wonderful thing to help people get through this covid winter. by summer we'll be back to normal and everyone a meaningful chance to be vaccinated. there has been a lot of suffering over the last year. those needing help is a good thing. >> bill: we'll see how this goes. john cranley the mayor in cincinnati. i will quote a city councilman. we have a tremendous responsibility to show that we are being thoughtful and rational about the use of it. so you and i will stay in touch on that. thank you, mayor, for your time today, john cranley, cincinnati. >> dana: today marks a key deadline in the push to recall governor newsom as the california democrat lashes out and so-called anti-mask extremists. will the crisis at the border overshadow president biden's victory lap on the stimulus bill? howard kurtz on a messaging nightmare for the white house. >> president biden: the adults are being sent back, number one. number two, what do you do with an unaccompanied child that comes to the border? do you repeat what trump did? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. here's huge news for veteran homeowners. introducing refiplus from newday usa. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates to save money every month plus you could get an average of $50,000 cash. that's money for security today and money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus, it's only for veterans and it's only from newday usa. >> bill: here we roll. fox news alert. homeland security secretary mayorkas set to take questions at the house homeland security committee while the influx of migrants at the border reaches a tipping point. we'll keep an eye on that hearing and any new developments on the border crisis and bring them to you live when headlines come into us momentarily. >> confirms the claims of the women, if those claims are found should he resign? >> president biden: a woman should be presumed to tell the truth and not be victimized by coming forward, number one. but there should be an investigation to determine whether what she says is true. >> bill: president biden voicing support for the women acowsing andrew cuomo of sexual misconduct. vice president harris remains silent on the matter. new york republican malliotakis join us. will he hang on? >> i don't believe so. it's just a matter of time. the state legislature is proceeding with an impeachment inquiry. there is a lot of support to impeach and remove this governor simply based on not only these allegations but the nursing home scandal. i think what is shocking is that the president didn't even address that issue. that's the real issue here and why i've called for him to resign because of the mishandling of the nursing homes, the cover-up that went with it that was exposed by our new york state attorney general, as well as the admitted cover-up that his own chief of staff said occurred. let's also remind everyone that president biden had appointed governor cuomo's chief of staff to be senior advisor for covid at the white house, which i think is probably part of the reason why he is quiet. >> bill: you see "the new york times" reporting this morning? they are reporting that there was a letter circulated trying to get women to sign on in support of him. the letter was not released. what do you make of that, if true? >> i think the issue is that organizations like national organization of women, many women in the state legislature who are democrats are now coming forward little by little. you even see the senate majority leader coming forward. the fact is that more and more individuals are finding that the governor has become a distraction. look, the fact that the president of the united states is even talking about him and 90% of the new york delegation in washington have called for his resignation shows what a distraction he has become not only in new york but washington right now in albany they're negotiating the state budget. the state legislature is seeking to ram through a budget, the governor is talking about tax increases, $208 billion spending nearly the same amount as the state of california despite the fact that california has twice as many residents. there is real ramifications here if they don't actually work together and try to find ways to cut corners and save taxpayer money. so i think that new yorkers at the end of the day will suffer because the governor has become a distraction. >> bill: two more points back to the times story. they suggest the governor's office was aware of the second accuser when they were putting this letter out there. did you read into that? >> i didn't get to see the times story this morning. what i can say is we're now in the seventh woman that has come forward. you can question a motive of let's say the first woman or second woman. once there are seven women, i think it's pretty obvious something wrong has occurred here and there should be an investigation and needs to be due process. that's why i've always said this is about the nursing homes first because there was clear wrongdoing there. there was a clear cover-up, obstruction of justice and know the department of justice is looking into it and the f.b.i. as well. president biden should insure these entities will investigate independently as the attorney general and state legislature looks into the sexual harassment allegations. >> bill: last point three years ago -- >> i believe you. and i believe many americans across this country believe you. how do you reconcile your statement about a conspiracy against you with the treatment of someone who is before this body not very long ago? >> i am angry on behalf of women who have been told to sit down and shut up. >> bill: to this point they've been quiet. why? >> it's a double standard based on everything they do here in washington i think that they need to come out, they need to say what's right. this occurred during the governor as a sitting governor, staff members that reported to the governor, and they should at the very minimum say what the president has said there needs to be an investigation. the fact that they're silent shows what frauds they are and are not champions for women. >> bill: thank you for your time. we'll stay in touch with you. from a german to a greek happy st. patrick's day. >> dana: president biden is urging migrants not to come to the u.s. as the record numbers stress resources. it is overshadowing the president's tour. the paper suggesting it is not a good look. i was surprised how president biden seemed in the setting. the kickoff to the help is here tour. mr. biden is scheduled to go on the road friday. one can only one where the border story will be by then. let's bring in howie kurtz and host of "media buzz". the president was on with abc nightly news last night. how did you think that went? >> the interview -- president biden's interview with george stephanopolous you're talking about? >> dana: yes, sir. >> look, the plain fact is he had trouble with the border questions because what president biden views as a compassionate approach has created a humanitarian disaster. and george was smart to ask the single most important question. was it a mistake not to anticipate the surge? the answer clearly is yes. but he got a little hung up on biden's word. he says don't come. as opposed to his actions which is not turning away unaccompanied minors at the border. by the way, when the president said we're going to have the policy in place where people can apply for asylum from their home countries. that was the old trump policy that got thrown out. i want to remind virus of that. >> dana: the baltimore sun also picked up on this. the president's team announced next thursday eight days from now the president will have his first formal press conference. let's put this up here. 64 days in his presidency until he talked with the media. you can see on the screen. many more presidents have spoken beforehand. regardless we'll get the press conference next week. what do you anticipate? >> first of all it's about time. biden handled the question reasonably well on abc and he should do more of these. i don't think we need to have any more on the dog issue. stephanopoulos is major out of the dog house over the biting incident and covered the filibuster and andrew cuomo and some things you've been talking about this morning. given the constraints of morning television i would like to see asked, for example, how do you overcome the reluctance of many republicans to get the covid-19 vaccine. why doesn't the administration give any credit whatsoever to former president trump for creating operation warp speed? why did the covid bill, for example, include such big ticket unrelated items as $86 billion to bail out failing union pension plans? and while there was talk, for example, briefly on gma about withdrawing troops in afghanistan, the president facing a decision by may 1 there is a lot more to drill down on there and that's the value of news conferences. you can have sustained questioning on different topics. i wonder if the president's staff has been overprotective of biden fearing in the unscripted setting he might wander off the talking points or create a gaffe. that's okay and a risk that he can take. taking questions from the press as you know from being behind the podium, dana is part of the president's job and biden needs to do more of it and glad he is having a news conference. >> dana: down below biden to hold first press conference. the news will drive you and you've come up with questions. imagine everybody else is as well. then news happens and you throw the questions and ask the ones happening that day. great to talk to you as always. thank you. >> bill: 18 before the hour. tiger woods is back home in jupiter, florida, recovering from the leg injuries suffered in a car crash last month. five-time master champ said in a statement happy to report i'm back home and continuing my recovery and i am so grateful for the support and encouragement i've received over the past few weeks. good for him. got to be feeling better than being in a hospital in l.a. >> dana: so much better to be home. >> bill: you say obama did press conferences all the time. he would forecast when he would hold the press conference? >> dana: he would have a press conference next wednesday. the way i like to do it is say maybe it works for the president to have a press conference next wednesday. i wouldn't tell anybody. we'd wait until wednesday morning, survey the situation. do we have all our ducks in a row and then you announce a press conference. the white house press corps will show up. they have to be there. why telegraph it nine days in advance? >> bill: the only thing about the formal press conferences. you get a question, maybe sneak in a follow-up. after that it's done and he can stick and move. >> dana: that's true. you don't know what's going to happen. there could be breaking news that morning and again i think that when you do a news conference you want to drive news, you don't want to just react. >> bill: next thursday afternoon. >> dana: i'll be there. the u.s. is slapping new sanctions on china days before the biden administration's first face-to-face meeting with the communist regime. morgan ortiz we'll ask her what to expect. the threat to kill the filibuster and what it would mean for you and president biden's liberal agenda. bret baier joins us next hour. today's all-time low interest rates plus get cash. with home values climbing, now is the smartest time ever to turn your home's increased value into an average of $50,000 cash. refiplus. it's new, it's only for veterans, and it's only from newday usa. ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. >> dana: u.s. now sanctioning 24 chinese officials for crack being down on political freedom in hong kong. secretary of state blinken is set to meet with chinese diplomats tomorrow. a former state department spokeswoman. a couple headlines that the white house sets low expectations for china talks. they will do it in alaska. china and u.s. set for a frosty alaska summit. u.s. is cautioning china meeting unlikely to yield breakthrough. get your thoughts on the other side of this. >> we're united in the vision of a free and open region where countries follow the rules, cooperate whenever they can, and resolve their differences peacefully. in particular we will push back if necessary when china uses aggression or coercion to get its way. >> dana: how do you think it is going to go and what you think should happen? >> listen, so far i'm pretty pleased with secretary blinken's actions. they continued the trump administration's policy relating to holding the chinese communist chinese party accountable where in hong kong they stripped away democracy, rule of law, commitments they made to the people of hong kong and to the world. the 23 individuals that are both hong kong officials and chinese officials the state department designated includes some very senior people. i wouldn't be surprised in alaska if the chinese bring this up. i would also expect and hope that secretary blinken and jake sullivan bring up the fact the chinese communist party designated senior officials on the way out was petty & think you'll see that. this is the third straight meeting between the u.s. and chinese on u.s. soil. the country's top diplomat. it is interesting to me they wanted to meet with mike pompeo, first in new york and then hawaii last summer. now they are coming back to the united states. so again to meet in alaska. as you know, dana, from your time at the white house, these subtle positionings actually make a big deal as it relates to where people are standing on foreign policy. >> dana: it does. especially taken the action against the folks in hong kong with the sanctions sends a signal before the meeting. we'll see how that goes. want to ask about north korea from a statement yesterday at a hearing at the senate armed services committee from one of the air force generals on north korea. of course, this is likely to come up with the chinese. he said the north korean regime has indicated that it is no longer bound by the unilateral icbm testing moratorium suggesting that kim jong-un may become testing improved design in the near future. do you think that's partly because we have a new president that they are looking into doing this or is this always going to happen? how do you see it? >> yes, you're right. it is a test by the north korean regime to see how the biden administration will react. media reports the biden administration is trying to formulate what their north korea policy is. when i worked with mike pompeo and deputy secretary you often don't get the opportunity to sit around and create policy when it comes to north korea. they act first. notable in the trump administration that we did not have any nuclear weapons testing or icbm testing by the north koreans since 2018. president trump took a totally different approach. we had decades of republicans and democrat administrations trying negotiations that ultimately just continued to lead to the north korean's amassing nuclear weapons. a tough issue. we have middle east peace in the trump administration and did not get to finish the deal in north korea. this is going to be one of the biggest challenges. i thought it was very notable that secretary blinken talked about dprk and talked about their human rights abuses and he talked about their nuclear weapons program while in south korea. that sends a very big message to the north koreans that blinken had such tough words in south korea after kim jong-un's sister threatened them. >> dana: congratulations on the birth of your daughter. great to see you, morgan. thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: eight minutes before the hour. explosion rattleling a neighborhood in california. that loud bang and smoke rising through the air, what happened there. we'll show it to you. we have a date, dana. president biden finally holding a news conference. it will happen one week from today -- no, sorry, tomorrow, thursday. what will the white house go all in on and take questions from all sides? another great hour coming up. check out the lineup when we continue in a moment on the wednesday morning. happy st. patrick's day. veteran homeowners: during uncertain times, money in the bank can bring you and your family real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa. my psoriatic arthritis pain? i had enough! it's not getting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness...much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx. cosentyx works fast for results that can last. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, like joint pain and tenderness, back pain, and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i just look and feel better. i got real relief with cosentyx. watch me! feel real relief. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ♪ you come and go ♪ ♪ karma-karma-karma- karma-karma chameleon ♪ ♪ you come and go ♪ ♪ you come and go-o-o ♪ ♪ loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams ♪ ♪ red, gold -- ♪ [ tires screech ] [ crickets chirping ] for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. ♪ karma-karma-karma-karma-karma chameleon... ♪ keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at >> bill: two people killed in a massive explosion outside l.a. a huge stash of commercial grade fireworks blew up. jeff paul is in l.a. what happened? >> one man right across the street during this entire ordeal captured this video saying not only could you hear the explosion, you could feel them. investigators believe the fireworks were commercial grade like something you would see at a professional fireworks show on the fourth of july. the fire chief says two people died, appeared to be near the home or possibly inside. it took them several hours to knock down all the things and smaller explosions continued to go off. people who were in the area at the time of the event say they feel fortunate they weren't hit. >> fireworks casings everywhere. it was all over the yard. explosions were still going off for a solid 15 to 20 minutes. i wasn't really scared for my life. i was just more worried about shrapnel flying. >> we had a large battery of fireworks going off. we don't know right now where they came from, what was going on in the house. >> firefighters say it could take several days to declare that area safe. >> bill: wow from l.a. thank you, jeff, nice to see you. >> dana: fox news alert on an escalating fight over the filibuster. chuck schumer under increasing pressure from progressives to take a vote to abolish the leader as mitch mcconnell pushes back on what will happen if democrats follow through. welcome in a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: happy st. paddy's day. nice lime sherbet you are wearing them. >> dana: the best ice cream, orange. when i was sick i used to get strep throat all the time. my mom would give me orange sherbet. >> bill: happy st. patrick's day. good morning. filibuster is a rule that allows the minority in this case republicans, to block legislation that requires 60 senator votes to end debate. the reason why that's important, democrats need 10 republicans to go with them otherwise nothing moves forward. mitch mcconnell says if you scrap that it would bring chaos. >> let me say this very clearly. for all 99 of my colleagues. nobody serving in this chamber can even begin -- can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth senate would look like. >> bill: what would it look like? >> dana: i have some thoughts that i got from a friend of mine who worked on the senate for a long time on the republican side. one of the things he said to me he has a theory. the democrats would rather talk about getting rid of the filibuster hoping that it doesn't happen because if they were to blow that up, then all the things that the progressive left wants would right on through, medicare for all, $15 minimum wage. all those things and then if you think about what happened with president obama with obamacare, what happened two years later? it was so unpopular they lost those huge majorities and it happened back in 1992 when republicans come back and flip everything. that's a theory going on. the democrats don't really want it but enough of a concern that so many of them, tom cotton showing that 27 democrats who signed a letter saying they would never do it are on board including someone like senator amy klobuchar. >> bill: the point being if they go this route it would change government. along with government so many other policies would be implemented. i think the language is incremental. dick durbin on monday, the democrat from illinois. >> rather than protecting a finely balanced system our founders created today's filibuster throws the system out of balance giving one half of one branch of government what amounts to veto over the rest of government. it promotes gridlock, not good governance. >> bill: joe biden was asked about this in the abc interview. we go live to the hill. more on the escalating fight there. mike, where does this stand? >> after white house press secretary jen psaki said yesterday the president's preference is not to make changes to filibuster rules, president biden signaled he is open to reform. >> president biden: i don't think you have to eliminate the filibuster. do it what it used to be back in the old days when you used to be around there. and that is a filibuster you had the stand up and command the floor. >> pressure is building on the two moderate democrats who spoke in favor of maintaining this tool. west virginia's joe manchin and arizona's kyrsten sinema with republicans issuing this warning from the other side. >> blowing up the legislative filibuster in order to accomplish some short-term agenda will only backfire and create a lot of long-term pain for the country and for the party that does it. >> the filibuster is one of the only tools senate had in the trump era to slow down his agenda. now in power they're eager to expedite the biden agenda. >> bill: bret baier with join us. stay tuned. in the meantime there is this from the border. >> he needs to come to this border, look what has happened on what he has created and change it. it is worse than a crisis. i thought i would see a crisis. this is really a human heartbreak. >> dana: house minority leader kevin mccarthy urging president biden to see for himself what's going on at the southern border. biden saying he has no plans to go there for nou. an average of 565 unaccompanied minors are being taken into custody at the border per day nearly doubling the rate from last month. four migrants with names on the terrorist watch list have been stopped on the border since october. the mayor of uvalde, texas. your thoughts on what is happening down there right now and this increase. >> well, this border deal has gotten crazy. we went through this in 2018 and 2019. the numbers we're seeing now is a cake walk then compared to what we're seeing now. it has gotten totally ridiculous. in uvalde, texas, 10 to 12 car chases a week. i went to a wreck friday night where they were pursuing a car and rolled over. five immigrants in it and they were more mad they got caught and frustrated with the officers. this is something we're seeing every day. our local ranchers are having fences cut, houses are being broken into trying to steal cars, it has gotten crazy. what nobody looks at, 49 different countries have crossed the border in our region alone. 49 different countries. the unaccompanied minors we have a holding facility here for the del rio sector. it is at capacity. what is happening, they are so full they have to pull agents off the street and they are ending up babysitting. our border patrol does a great job in our community and our area but their hands are becoming tied with this. this border needs addressed and stopped. we need to tell them to quit coming. they are talking we could see 20,000 to 30,000 a month by summer. >> bill: mayor, 49 different countries. who gave you that information? >> border patrol. the last time it was 59 different countries. >> bill: this is what border patrol said encounters of known and suspected terrorists at our borders are very uncommon, they underscore the importance of the critical work our agents carry out on a daily basis to vet individuals at the borders. 49 is a lot. the first time i've heard that firg. the last comment you make about the surge here. what reverses this do you think? >> well, we need to go back and shut this border back down. we're still in the middle of a pandemic and these people are coming across. we need to shut our border down. there is a right way to come across the border. that needs to be done. we just -- we're opening up to people to come across and we act like we're helping them and we're not. these people are that are released in the united states, whether families or individuals, they aren't even allowed to get a job. if they get a job they're subject to immediate deportation. when you are he lease 100,000 people in our country and can't provide for themselves, how will they survive? who will provide for them? >> dana: one last question. how does this affect citizens living in your town? >> well, it affects them most of them are afraid now at night what's going on when their dogs start barking or whatever. the foot traffic increased. we had a lady twice now has had them come to her house and try to get in. the last time there was a local farmer there able to intervene in it. it is getting scary. these are not all peaceful just happy go lucky people. we're getting the sexual predators up 4400% that you captured along the border. drug dealers and murderers all coming through our area. that's what's on the car chases and trains. they can't get in any other way. >> dana: thank you, the mayor of uvalde. talking to the mayors is so important. >> thank you very much. i appreciate the opportunity. >> bill: some of these numbers are stunning. the migrant child crossings data from february, 9,457. january 5,858. the peak period that a lot of people refer to during this may of 2019 the peak period was 11,861. so whether we continue in this trend of 9,000 is -- that is the wrong direction. >> dana: what he just said is that the migrant facility for children in his area is full. but you have 565 unaccompanied minors crossing each day. so what do you do with them? it's a huge problem. >> bill: want to take you back to september of 2019. this is a democratic primary debate. this is joe biden when asked the question about the border and what he would do if he were president. >> i would make sure that there is -- we immediately surge to the border all those people seeking asylum. they deserve to be heard. that's who we are. we are a nation that says if you want to flee and fleeing oppression you should come. >> bill: disagree with what is happening and point to comments like that it's a signal to those who want to make a run for it under his administration you might be given a chance. some of these migrants have suggested that in interviews. >> dana: just last week his ambassador for the southern border said people respond to hope. so to me it was an admission. >> bill: back to the border in a moment. president biden will hold his first news conference next thursday, 65 days into his presidency. check out how that stacks up against previous presidents. bill clinton held the most at 7. president trump 6, obama and bush held three at the same point in their administrations. biden has already broken a 100-year record for the longest time a president has gone without holding a news conference. where is the transparency and all that? chris bedford senior editor of the federalist. good morning to you. next thursday. you have your questions lined up, chris? >> absolutely. yeah. i don't think they'll be letting me in there. the people who are in there in the white house press pool who are part of that pool have largely been running cover for president biden for the entirety of his campaign which shows you how crazy it is that he is going to wait nine weeks after inaugurated president to even take questions from them. these are people who largely put out the messaging for him. when given a chance ask him what kind of ice cream he likes or what it feels like to be president or if he wants to talk about how bad he dislikes donald trump. these are not typically hardball questions. the staff of the white house have been super protective of him. even when he has tried to take questions at previous pressers and looked around and said is now the time for questions, staff at the white house have cut the feed. it is a little weird how he has been kept captive in his own white house and so sheltered from hard questions except for when we saw earlier this week questions from a former clinton aide. i'm hoping that he gets a few hard ones at least from peter doocy. >> bill: your feeling is those who cover the white house on a daily basis not enough pressure on the white house to make a statement, to do a press conference. and your logic would suggest the staff at the white house knows that and feels no urgency to respond to it. >> some of the reporters in the press pool do know that this is their moment to shine. this is when they should be on camera asking questions, holding presidents accountable. so far for most of their behavior we haven't seen that kind of accountability coming. we haven't seen that kind of pressure coming. if you draw this back to president trump who would take questions every time he went to the helicopter, who would have a formal press conference fairly frequently and they would still yell questions at him and holler at him when he was doing an easter egg roll or a trick-or-treating event at the white house with children. now that pressure is long gone. >> bill: "washington post" another story about the correction they issued this week about the georgia results. "new york post" addresses it this way. "washington post" correction. continuing prestige papers are supposed to be better than this but now their standards go out the window if it serves that your partisan agendas. >> the news was shocking. what's even worse than what the "washington post" did is how nbc and other stations and as well as usa today claims to have independently confirmed the "washington post" story. this happens frequently. if there is an interesting story harmful to democrats that you can have dead to rights on a lot of press will be silent. when there is something that goes out that's much more harmful to say president donald trump, that will be repeated and repeated. frequently we saw it with the atlantic story that said that president trump attacked the honored war dead. what is reputation pretending to be confirmation. if you talk to the same source who feeds you the same garbage that is not confirming anything. the echo chamber exists and it is dangerous. >> bill: chris, thank you. democracy dies in darkness is what you said. press conference a week from tomorrow. going to be an afternoon event. not prime time. do you like that? >> dana: 2:00 is the new prime time. look, you go to bed early it's not too bad. not too bad for me. i'll be watching it, though, you can bet i'll be live tweeting that one. two outspoken democrats are staying mum on the sexual harassment organizations of governor cuomo as he faces growing calls to resign. where are senators warren and vice president harris and why are they waiting to weigh in? president biden is supporting changes to the filibuster. how he wants the senate to change the rules and what republicans are warning what will happen if it does. tomorrow holds the course of your financial future. which is why it's good to know exactly how you'll get there. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life to protect their tomorrows. because protecting those you care about with life insurance and 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loudest voices of the #metoo movement for staying silent about governor andrew cuomo. great to see you. do you think they want to say something but are being pressured not to or that they maybe are trying to protect a fellow democrats? >> i honestly don't think it matters. i think it is really sad to see this. look, it would be one thing if let's say with kavanaugh there was a much stronger evidence of his guilt compared to this weaker case for andrew cuomo's guilt. that's not the difference. the difference is obviously cuomo is as you mentioned a democrat, right? i am seeing a lot of conservatives arguing this proves they only care about alleged victims if they accuse a conservative. i don't think that's the case. i think it's worse than that. it shows they don't care about alleged or reported victims of sexual harassment or assault at all. wanting to use accusations for political gain is not the same thing as caring about victims. using them as pawns not the same thing as caring about victims. so i think in this case because they were so loud and that their silence is deafening. i don't know anyone that would be aviezing them not to say something. >> bill: you are saying the reason they haven't gone public is because of politics? >> i think that's obvious. if you can point to say kavanaugh was more evidence there. it is the opposite. there is more evidence of cuomo's guilt here than kavanaugh. if there was some other difference other than political gain as why they were so loud before and they are completely silent now, lay it on me. i'm just not seeing it. >> dana: it's not like they haven't had a chance. vice president harris got a question about it yesterday. take a look. >> i strongly believe that the f.b.i. and in particular the people in the f.b.i. who have the experience of dealing with sexual assault cases should be charged with doing an investigation. the united states senate needs to know who this person brett kavanaugh really is. that's the issue. >> dana: that was three years ago. she did get a question shouted at her yesterday more about the covid relief bill. she made history with this position. she is the vice president of the united states. she has the floor. but she has decided not to say anything. >> yeah, absolutely. look, this is unfortunately something that is common. a lot of women have had experiences where they've been harassed by somebody who is in a position of power over them and they are afraid to say something because these men have power over them and because they don't -- they worry about being believed. afraid for their jobs. it is something that a lot of women have experienced and absolutely a harrowing experience and not something that we should ever have anyone be so blatantly treating as a political issue on either side of the aisle. that's not caring about any victims if you pick and choose which accusations you believe based on no other reason except what is politically expedient. >> bill: we put a clip of warren saying sick and tired -- i'm angry on behalf of women who have been told to sit down and shut up from october of 2018. we'll see what the ice melts. thank you for your time. president biden's comments on changing the filibuster paving the way for a scorched earth debate in the senate? bret baier on what those remarks could tell us for the president's plans to enact his agenda. a live look at the border with mexico. officials talk about the biggest surge of migrants in decades. griff jenkins is live. >> we'll bring you to juarez coming up but the drone over the rio grande valley we just learned 1,710 apprehensions in the last 24 hours. that's up 187%. we'll bring it to you when we come back. really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any 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illegally promising the biden administration will welcome them with open arms. let's go to griff jenkins reporting from juarez live. >> that's right. at this legal port of entry they're allowing migrants to cross because -- it's the number of illegal crossings between the port of entries causing the crisis. if you look at these latest numbers fox news confirmed in the terms of unaccompanied minors 565 a day are crossing compared to 313 in february. for context in 2019 it was about 208 a day. we talked to the director of the migrant population here and here is what he talked about, about the capacity issues they are facing on this side of the border. listen. >> at this point of course our capacities are limited in shelters so we're seeking for more spaces that can actually work as shelters. >> we saw the crowded processing centers. lots of families, babies with runny noses and coughing. we talked to one if he is getting the message from president biden not to come. here is what he said. >> yes, i listen to the news that they were letting people in. >> he hasn't heard u.s. president's message now is not the time to come. >> no. >> we've learned from the el paso sector the border patrol said in the last 24 hours 790 apprehensions since this time yesterday. it is up 138%, dana. >> dana: keep us informed. thank you so much. want to go to atlanta where there is a press conference on the murders that happened last night at the massage parlors. >> president biden offers his full support and concern to our great state and the white house has offered to support us with any additional resources and support that we need as we continue not just this investigation but as we continue to deal with the spike in crime that we have seen since this pandemic began. again, the coordination of law enforcement was spectacular on yesterday. this was a tragic day with many victims but thankfully the suspect was quickly apprehended and as i was talking with special agent in charge chief hacker as we were coming n he was sharing that he has not had better coordination with the atlanta police department than he has had as of late. certainly we thank the state patrol, cherokee county and chris county where the suspect was apprehended and all of our partners and stakeholders throughout the state who assisted with the apprehension of this suspect. i will now turn it over to chief bryant to share additional information and we will hear from our other law enforcement representatives to share more details on what happened on yesterday and where we stand today. >> thank you, madam mayor. we will present in the order -- in a chronological order so we can better inform you how things played out. we'll start off with sheriff from cherokee county sheriff and it will go to me. we both have our investigator leads that could go into more details as a result of what happened and what transpired through the investigation. i think that it is important that we first acknowledge the fact i know that many -- we've received a number of calls about is this a hate crime? we are still early in this investigation so we cannot make that determination at this moment. again, we're very early in this investigation even though we have made an arrest, there is still a lot more work to be done. so with that being said i just wanted to make sure i know that is going to be a concern and that you will probably be asking that of many of us. we are just not there as of yet. again so thank you all and we'll start with sheriff reynolds, cherokee county. >> thank you, chief. thank you, mayor bottoms. so we got a call about 4:55 yesterday afternoon of a shooting in the area of southwest cherokee counties. our deputies responded and found multiple gunshot victims. we were able to quickly identify a potential subject from video footage. captain jay baker is here with me and able to answer questions as well. we were able to put that out on our social media shortly thereafter and we were contacted by members of the family indicating that may be their son and we met with them. i was there speaking with the family. they are very distraught and they were very helpful in this apprehension. we were able to track his phone. sheriff billy hancock is a fellow sheriff and good friend of mine from another county. i reached out to him anticipating the movement into his county. he was able to coordinate with the georgia state patrol and set up a position to intercept our suspect and that's precisely what they did, a coordinated effort. sheriff hancock coordinated with the georgia state patrol to quickly hit the vehicle in order to prevent a pursuit. i would like to echo the mayor and the chief in that it was a lot of collaboration between our police departments, sheriffs office and f.b.i. f.b.i. has been fantastic. they always are. anything that we needed they were there throughout the night. and our community. mostly a bedroom community and i think last year we had one murder. we don't have a lot of crime in that area. this is a shock to all of us. am i missing anything, captain? we did interview him last night and he is currently in our facility at the adult detention center and able to interview him with the atlanta police department and f.b.i. he made indicators that he has some issues, potentially sexual addiction and may have frequented some of these places in the past. and as the chief indicated it is still early on and we still have a lot of things to process and so he should be at an arraignment tomorrow at some time early morning to late morning and we will keep you up to date. we have a press release that captain baker has put together available to our media folks. if you don't have that, i think we have some printed copies that he will be happy to give to you. i'm happy to any questions that you may have. >> are you saying when you talked to the subject and says he has a sexual addiction. did you ask him if it was racially motivated? was this racially motivated? >> as the chief indicated it is still early. the indicators are it may not be. it may be targets of opportunity. again we're -- we believe he frequented these places in the past and may have been lashing out and part of that is in your media packet as well. >> the sexual addiction rather than a racial profile? >> during our interviews we asked that specific question and that did not appear to be the motive. >> [inaudible question] >> i'll turn it over to the next person. >> so on yesterday at 5:47 our units responded to 1916 piedmont road on a robbery call. upon arrival they discovered three females shot inside this location. while investigating that location they received another call at 1907 piedmont road where they found another female shot inside that location. both locations were massage parlors and at that time we recognized that we had had information previously put out by cherokee county they had a similar incident in their jurisdiction. immediately the sheriff and i and chief in that jurisdiction started having conversations trying to bring things together. as we stated earlier, the collaboration between the different local and state partners we started having conversations to coordinate our efforts immediately to determine who our individual, the subject we were looking for. i would be remiss if i didn't acknowledge the quick response of the sheriff's department identifying and getting their photo and putting that picture out so that we could get a quicker response in identifying the person that was the suspect in this type of incident. once we were able to get our information and gather our information, coordinate with cherokee county we immediately put that out metro wide. having conversations as i stated with our federal, state and local partners. all immediately asked what could they do. all resources immediately started getting involved so that we could bring this to a quick closure. from then i'll turn it over to georgia state patrol who concluded with the arrest. >> good morning. yesterday afternoon after the two incidents occurred here in the full ton and cherokee counties there was a lookout put out and homeland security layout sent out emails letting us know the potential area where the suspect's vehicle may be. the sheriff of cherokee county reached out to his partner and who reached out to the georgia state patrol and we had a trooper monitoring traffic on i-75 south. the trooper observed the suspect's vehicle traveling south. he started following the vehicle and waited for backup which included two other georgia state troopers as well as the sheriff of the county and some of thinks deputies. they initiated the traffic stop and immediately pitted the vehicle after the vehicle was pitted, the suspect was taken into custody without further incident and transported to the jail. >> open for questions. >> i do want to add one thing that was not mentioned. i believe captain baker shared with us that they determined that the suspect was on his way to florida, i believe. and perhaps to carry out additional shootings. so again it really speaks to the coordination and the quick response from law enforcement. for as tragic as this was on yesterday in metro atlanta, this could have been significantly worse. and again i can't express enough my gratitude for the coordination and the public as a whole should be grateful that this suspect was quickly apprehended because it is very likely there would have been more victims on yesterday. >> can you explain more about -- [inaudible question] where these places where somebody could have had sexual encounters or more spa-like? >> we're not about to get into victim blaming or victim shaming here. as far as we know in atlanta, we have not had any calls, 911 calls from that location. i believe one minor call on someone stealing some cheese. so we don't know additional information about what his motives were but we certainly will not begin to blame victims. as far as we know in atlanta these are legally operating businesses that have not been on our radar, not on the radar of apd. >> the victims shot outside of the store, can someone talk to us about that at all? >> that's a question for our cherokee partners. >> captain jay baker. that victim is stable. he is in stable condition at the hospital in marietta. >> was he caught in the crossfire? >> don't know. by the way i agree with the mayor we don't do victim shaming. we aren't sure what his presence was there and the other people killed at the location we won't say whether they were employees or there by happenstance. we won't go into that at this time. i have a press release with their names when this is all over with. >> is that the only survivor? >> we had four killed and one survive. >> do you think he was upset for having him to have an outlet for these addiction? >> the suspect did take responsibility for the shootings. he said that early on once we began the interviews with him. he claims that these -- as the chief said this is still early. he claims it was not racially motivated. he has an issue what he considers a sex addiction and sees these locations as something that allows him to go to these places and he wanted to eliminate them. like i said it's still early on but those were comments that he made. >> did he discuss any kind of religious motivations for this or was he -- >> not that i'm aware of. >> or politically. >> nothing about politics. >> social media history? >> that's something that investigators are working on and one of the things they're doing. >> do you have a sense he understood the gravity of what he did? >> when i spoke with investigators they interviewed him this morning they got the impression he understood the gravity of it and he was pretty much fed up and at the end of his rope. yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did. i don't know if he was remorseful or not >> he is 21 years of age. does not live with his parents. i don't know who he was living with at the time of this incident. >> [inaudible question] >> let's be clear the suspect has admitted to shooting them. >> yes. >> secondly, indications the family notified you. what reason did the family notify you? >> we put on an image of a possible suspect early on in the incident and notified by his family fully cooperative appeared greatly appreciative of their assistance in this matter. >> surveillance cameras, several business tles and able to get images from those. >> also i.d. his car. >> the car and we were able to get in touch with the parents and identified from social media it was their son. >> did he mention any particular businesses that he was going after? >> my understanding some type of porn industry in that state he wanted to go do some similar act in that location. no additional details at this time. >> did you say earlier that when interviewing the subject he said it was not racially motivated? >> he did make that claim. >> not being racial motivation there has been a real anti-asian attacks across the country. we heard from new york city police they're sending resources out of an abundance of caution to their asian areas across the city. is there anything as far as strategy and support for the asian american communities in metro atlanta or similar businesses like massage parlors? >> obviously whatever the motivation was for this guy, we know that many of the victims, the majority of the victims were asian. we also know that this is an issue that is happening across the country. it is unacceptable. it is hateful, and it has to stop. that being said, we are coordinating in realtime to make sure that our communities have the resources that they need. we have not seen a significant uptick in formal complaints within the city of atlanta. but obviously this is a large metropolitan region and we know we're hearing the stories, we're seeing them on television, we're seeing them on social media, so we certainly are aware and we stand ready to provide any additional resources. but again, because of the quick coordination. i was on my way home if city hall last night when i received the alert there was a business shooting on piedmont road. i immediately called chief bryan who had already been in touch with cherokee county and already making the connections. we had a very rapid response but certainly we will continue to be proactive and provide resources to the extent that we can to make sure that our communities are protected. and again encouraging anyone, we know many of our communities are sometimes hesitant to bring in law enforcement. if there are concerns happening in your communities around your businesses, etc., there is nothing too big or too small that we want to be aware of it all to make sure that we can provide resources and respond accordingly. [inaudible question] >> i can tell you a 9 millimeter firearm was in his vehicle when he was taken into custody. whether it was legally obtained is something our investigators will look into. our victims, i know atlanta all the victims were asian. two were white in case anyone was unaware of that. two asians and two whites killed at our location. we won't go into the details about why they were there. >> 9 millimeter is the weapon he used? >> we'll have to do forensics but we are confident it is. no other weapons were located in the vehicle. >> how much ammunition did you find? >> i don't have that information. >> other similar businesses should be concerned today? >> to my opinion he was acting alone. no indication that anyone was working with him. so we're confident that won't be a problem. >> can you clarify you said he was on his way to florida where you believe he would have engaged in additional acts of violence. is that similar businesses? >> he made the comment to that effect. he was headed to florida and he was going to do similar acts in that state. >> he wanted to destroy what had been -- >> it sounds to me like these locations he sees them as an outlet for him something he shouldn't be doing and it was an issue with porn and that he was attempting to take out that temptation. >> [inaudible question] >> he had visited those two locations? >> i'm unaware. anymore? >> what was the conversation like with his family? is there anything you can share about that? >> i don't want to go into details other than to say we're really appreciative of the family. without them this wouldn't have happened as quickly as it happened. they were very supportive and certainly this is difficult for them. he did not resist. >> thank you. >> thank you all. >> thank you. >> dana: you have been listening to a press conference provided by atlanta officials including the mayor and law enforcement who responded to several shootings last night. eight people killed. they just reported and i'll bring in bill hemmer. they reported the suspect has admitted to the shootings. apparently it had to do something with his sex addiction. they said it was not racially motivated according the their initial conversation with them. there was one person who is still in the hospital trying to recover on that. >> bill: sick and sordid details didn't expect as the confession denying it was racial motivation. it was a lot of with the story or how the story was reported for the last 12 hours. you heard the officer at the very beginning say we can't yet say it was racially motivated. robert long is his name, age 21. lives in northern georgia. three shootings in three different locations within one hour of each other and eight people dead. so that's the breaking news from northern georgia. wanted to bring that to you. frankly dana there is a lot more we need to know on this story and information out of georgia and what the mayor said there she suggested he was headed for florida but for now he is in custody and she applauded the police repeatedly giving credit to law enforcement. >> dana: talking about the coordination they had. all happening within an hour and he was on the move. >> bill: more on that. move back to d.c. president biden saying he supports bringing back the talking filibuster. what's that? after a warning from the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. bret baier is with us to talk about this. good morning to you. you used the live in georgia. a lot of sympathy for the people living there in the state based on the story we just heard there. "wall street journal." mcconnell's filibuster throwdown what they write. the biggest question in washington for the next two years isn't about a single policy or whether president biden will expose himself to a press conference. it is whether democrats killed the legislative filibuster rule requiring 60 votes in order to ram a radical agenda into law with 50 votes and vice president kamala harris. the stakes here when you look at a government that looks to be as evenly divided as we have seen in our lifetime. >> it's a huge, huge issue and one that president biden weighed in on in this abc interview saying he is open to changes. that's a different message than was sent by white house press secretary jen psaki eight days ago where she said his preference is to deal with the current structure of the filibuster and not make changes. if you wanted to eliminate the rule you would have to get 67 votes. if you want to tweak it an change it, have nuclear option number three if you will it would require 51 votes to do that. so far there is some doubt whether joe manchin and kyrsten sinema will do that. if they say that you have to when you are doing a filibuster to block a bill that you have to actually be on the floor and do actual speaking and hold the floor, mitch mcconnell was saying if you are going to make us do that, then we are going to slow everything down and there are a lot of ways he can do that. he can require a quorum. >> dana: what kind of pressure is the white house perhaps -- i'm talking about the chief of staff -- putting on democrats to suggest we have a limited time to get big things done. >> i think there is a lot of pressure, dana. you know how washington works. a lot of behind the scenes and i scratch your back, you scratch mine. a lot of scratching going on. when you have an infrastructure bill coming up and you have bridges and roads and things in different states that need attention, it's amazing how a vote that you need will suddenly get a lot more into that. don't be surprised. >> dana: i asked bill to give you his take. >> bill: we talked through commercials all the time. it's a wonder we get on the air every day. we had the democratic mayor from cincinnati on with us two hours ago and the city of cincinnati is getting $300 million from the stimulus and the county of hamilton is getting 170. you are close to half a billion dollars for just that part of the country. when we asked him how he would use the money he talked about roads and bridges. so if you are going to use that rationale to spend the money on roads. he talked about police as well and climbing out of covid. give him credit for that. if you use the rationale about roads and bridges, where does the debate fall in about infrastructure this fall, or does that die because this is the rationale you are using to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in every community? >> i think that's a great question and different communities are dealing with it differently. a lot of money going out the door. they have to figure out projects to spend it on. some of them are dealing with pensions and how state pensions are going to get bailed out. it is amazing what has been covered in the covid relief bill. infrastructure will be massive. right now it looks like democrats are planning to do it the same way to try to get it 51 votes by reconciliation. we'll see. >> dana: they absolutely are going to do that. you had the congressman cardin telling the secretary of transportation buttigieg this is happening. we'll do it under reconciliation. we'll see how it goes. a great point that bill brought up. i like to compliment him once in a while. >> bill: happy st. patrick's day i totally spaced out on the green. >> bill: i have faith in you to figure it out. hemmer owns one green tie. it's a whole different thing. one green tie and i wear it this day every year. >> dana: you wear it well. >> bill: thank you very much. we'll scoot out of here and normally in new york city on st. patrick's day we would be showing you live pictures of the beautiful parade coming up fifth avenue. >> dana: and we would be totally sober. >> bill: for the second time in one year there is nothing happening. >> dana: next year. >> bill: mid town. >> dana: next year will be big. >> bill: for all the irish bar owners throughout mid town manhattan they have had to adjust to a different life and we salute them today for hanging in. >> dana: we'll buy double when we get there. >> bill: she will buy double. we'll take you down to the border. mitch mcconnell is coming up with harris. a lot of questions about the filibuster and how if implemented how it could change american government and affect every aspect of your life. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" up next. >> harris: thanks so much to bill and dana, appreciate that. new warning now from former president trump as he points blame directly at his successor for the worsening crisis on our southern border. i'm harris faulkner and you are in the "the faulkner focus". the white house is still down playing talk of a crisis even as dhs is warning the migrant surge is on pace to hit a 20-year high. as federal agencies struggle to house thousands of migrant children with border facilities overwhelmed. remember, this is a disaster. former president trump says the progress he made while he was in office is now in jeopardy. >> it is a crisis like we've rarely had and certainly

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64 , Example , Dog House , Out , Dog Issue , Constraints , Doesn T , Vaccine , Covid Bill , Credit , Reluctance , Operation Warp Speed , Afghanistan , Union Pension Plans , Talk , Troops , Ticket , Items , Gma , 86 Billion , 6 Billion , Staff , Questioning , News Conferences , Overprotective , Unscripted Setting , Topics , Facing A Decision , May 1 , Job , Risk , Part , Press , Talking Points , Gaffe , Podium , News Conference , Leg , Injuries , Car Crash , Florida , Tiger Woods , Jupiter , 18 , Hospital , L A Dana , Champ , Recovery , Encouragement , Five , Press Conferences , Home , Wouldn T , White House Press Corps , Anybody , Row , Ducks , Nine , Breaking News , Follow Up , Advance , Meeting , Sanctions , I Ll Be There , Bill Next Thursday Afternoon , Regime , Threat , Bret Baier , Interest Rates , Climbing , Chevy Silverado Trail Boss , Goodyear Duratrac Tires , Off Road , Rancho , Exhaust , Factory , Diabetes , Brand , Blood Sugar , Glucerna , Insurance , Martin , Hailstorm Hit , Usaa , Gas , Call 911 , Safe , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , Officials , Chinese , Hong Kong , Freedom , Crack , 24 , Blinken , Set , Secretary Of State , Talks , Expectations , Diplomats , State Department Spokeswoman , Couple , Alaska , Thoughts , Region , Vision , Breakthrough , Frosty Alaska Summit , Differences , Secretary Blinken , Coercion , Aggression , Listen , Rule Of Law , State Department , Chinese Communist Party , Way Out , Jake Sullivan , Diplomat , Soil , Mike Pompeo , Hawaii Last Summer , Signal , Foreign Policy , Action , Positionings , North Korea , Generals , Senate Armed Services Committee , Air Force , Kim Jong Un , Design , Icbm Testing Moratorium , Test , Deputy Secretary , Weapons , Notable , Icbm Testing , 2018 President , Administrations , Negotiations , Peace , Middle East , Challenges , Human Rights Abuses , Message , Words , Congratulations , South Korea , Sister , Daughter , Birth , Smoke , Neighborhood , Hair , Morgan , Explosion Rattleling , Loud Bang , Sides , Lineup , Homeowners , Money In The Bank , Mortgage Rates , Mind , Psoriatic Arthritis Pain , Tenderness , Swelling , Cosentyx , Counting , Psoriasis , Results , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joint Pain , Back Pain , Stop , Damage , Infections , Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms , Tuberculosis , Ability , Feel , Come And Go Karma Chameleon , Rheumatologist , Dreams Red , Tires Screech , Come And Go You O Loving , Colors , Progressive , Roadside Assistance , Business Growing , Oysters , Karma Chameleon , Crickets Chirping , 24 7 , Shortlist , Candidates , Data Base , Indeed Com Promo , Seventy Five , Street , Explosion , Grade Fireworks , Stash , L A , Man , Jeff Paul , Fireworks , Ordeal , Video , Grade , Fire Chief , Fourth Of July , Area , Explosions , Event , Everywhere , Yard , Weren T Hit , Fireworks Casings , 15 , In The House , Battery , Shrapnel Flying , Jeff , Fight , Wow , Nice , Chuck Schumer , Progressives , Leader , Ice Cream , Lime Sherbet , Strep Throat , Mom , Orange Sherbet , Orange , Rule , Case , Chaos , 99 , Friend , Theory , Wants , Minimum Wage , Majorities , Flip , Obamacare , 1992 , Concern , Route , Government , Language , On Monday , Dick Durbin , Illinois , Rest , Branch , Balance , Half , Gridlock , There , Governance , Preference , Stand , The Hill , Tool , Favor , Joe Manchin , Warning , Pain , Kyrsten Sinema , Arizona , Biden Agenda , Tools , Human Heartbreak , House Minority Leader , Nou , 565 , Border Deal , Increase , Uvalde , Cake Walk , 2019 , Wreck , 12 , Houses , Officers , Ranchers , Cars , Fences , 49 , Capacity , Holding Facility , Del Rio Sector , Happening , Hands , To 30000 A Month , 30000 , 20000 , Borders , Terrorists , Encounters , 59 , Work , Comment , Basis , Time , Vet Individuals , Importance , Firg , Pandemic , Needs , Middle , Families , Citizens , Deportation , Lady , House , Foot Traffic , Dogs , Farmer , Predators , 4400 , Drug Dealers , Murderers , Trains , Car Chases , Mayors , Data , 9457 January , 9457 , May , Trend , 9000 , 5858 , 11861 , May Of 2019 , Problem , Facility , Direction , Primary , September Of 2019 , Nation , Oppression , Comments , Interviews , Southern Border , Ambassador , Run , Admission , First News Conference , Hope , 65 , Record , Bush , Bill Clinton , 7 , 6 , Transparency , Chris County , Senior Editor , Next , Chris Bedford , Federalist , Pool , Entirety , Cover , Campaign , White House Press Pool , Mask , Hardball Questions , Pressers , Feed , Captive , Clinton , Peter Doocy , Urgency , Logic , We Haven T , Most , Press Pool , Camera , Accountability , Helicopter , Correction , Washington Post , Easter Egg Roll , New York Post , Papers , Prestige , Agendas , Standards , Window , Stations , Usa Today , Nbc , Garbage , Confirmation , Reputation , Atlantic , Source , War Dead , Echo Chamber , Afternoon Event , Democracy Dies In Darkness , Prime Time , Bed , Calls , Senators Warren , Sexual Harassment Organizations , Mum , Life Insurance , Fingersticks , Game Plan , Ask , Glucose Monitor , Glucose , Scan , Libre 2 System , Alarms , Prescription , Medicare , Dot U S , Warren Two , Voices , Metoo Movement , Difference , Guilt , Person Brett Kavanaugh , Cuomo , Conservatives , Conservative , Gain , Accusations , Assault , Pawns , Anyone , Politics , Public , Silence , Aviezing , Opposite , Obvious , Lay It On Me , Take A Look , Experience , Dealing , Cases , Sexual Assault , Vice President , Position , Experiences , Jobs , Men , Aisle , Ice Melts , October Of 2018 , Remarks , Drone , Rio Grande Valley , Apprehensions , Aah , Aaah , Vibrate , 1710 , 187 , Fracture , Break , Bones , Make , Osteoporosis , Blood , Calcium , Prolia , Take Xgeva , Blood Pressure , Jaw Bone Problems , Dental Problems , Trouble Breathing , Face , Thigh , Tongue , Throat Tightness , Rash , Hives , Lip , Hip , Groin , Muscle Pain , Thigh Bone Fractures , Bone Fractures , Skin Problems , Bone , Stopping , Hospitalization , Side Effects , Joint , Spine , Can , Don T Wait , Immigration Officials , Let S Go , Human Traffickers , Arms , Juarez Live , Port , Entries , Port Of Entry , Director , Context , Terms , 208 , 313 , Shelters , Capacities , Population , Spaces , Processing Centers , Lots , Babies , Noses , Coughing , U S President , He Hasn T , The Border Patrol , Sector , El Paso , 790 , 138 , Murders , Crime , Spike , Coordination , Law Enforcement , Special Agent , Charge Chief Hacker , State Patrol , Cherokee County , Atlanta Police Department , Partners , Apprehension , Stakeholders , Details , Law Enforcement Representatives , Bryant , Madam Mayor , Sheriff , Investigator , Result , Cherokee County Sheriff , Hate Crime , Determination , Arrest , Sheriff Reynolds , Chief , Bottoms , 4 , Captain Jay Baker , Subject , Deputies , Counties , Video Footage , Southwest Cherokee , Gunshot , Social Media , Members , Son , Billy Hancock , Georgia State Patrol , Movement , Phone , Effort , Collaboration , Police Departments , Sheriffs Office , Pursuit , Bedroom Community , Murder , Shock , Indicators , Adult , Issues , Detention Center , Places , Addiction , Arraignment , Press Release , Media Folks , Copies , Targets , Profile , Media Packet , Lashing , Inaudible Question , Robbery Call , Units , Piedmont Road , 1916 Piedmont Road , 1916 , 47 , Females , Arrival , 1907 Piedmont Road , 1907 , Locations , Female , Conversations , Jurisdiction , Efforts , Individual , Response , Department , Picture , Photo , Type , Closure , Incidents , Ton , Emails , Lookout Put Out , Homeland Security Layout , Partner , Trooper Monitoring Traffic , Backup , Trooper , Troopers , Traffic Stop , I 75 South , Traveling South , 75 , Jail , Captain Baker Shared , Gratitude , Whole , Victim , Spa , Call , Shaming , Cheese , Motives , Radar , Store , Apd , Crossfire , Condition , Cherokee , Don T Know , Marietta , Happenstance , Presence , We Aren T , Victim Shaming , Employees , Survivor , Dover , Outlet , Sex Addiction , Motivations , Gravity , Sense , Europe , The End , Indications , Image , Touch , Surveillance Cameras , Business Tles , Porn Industry , Motivation , Areas , Abundance , Caution , Strategy , Attacks , Communities , Realtime , Stories , Complaints , Uptick , Alert , Business Shooting On Piedmont Road , On My Way Home , Chief Bryan , Connections , Extent , Concerns , White , Firearm , Whites , Weapon , Millimeter , Asians , Forensics , Ammunition , Indication , Opinion , Facts , Effect , Violence , Doing , Conversation , Temptation , Listening , Confession , Name , Age , Officer , Mother , Wanted , Northern Georgia , Lives , Sympathy , Filibuster Throwdown , Wall Street Journal , Law , Lifetime , Stakes , Structure , White House Press Secretary , Option , 51 , 67 , Doubt , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , 170 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino

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two years in 19 and 20 there was a surge as well. >> this one might be worse. >> president biden: it could be. we're sending back people, first of all. the idea that joe biden said come because i heard the other day that they are coming because they know i'm a nice guy and i want them -- here is the deal. they're not. >> do you have to say quite clearly don't come? >> i can say don't come. don't leave your town or city or community. >> dana: what i was going to say i also didn't think it was that strong. if you read it on paper you would be that's fine. there is a forcefulness with which you need to say something like that i believe. >> bill: i agree with you. >> dana: getting to a points where the situation is reaching a level crisis challenge, catastrophe that they can't ignore. >> bill: i want to hear his entire answer play out the way it did in front of stephanopoulos. i don't want to see video edits. let's hear what he has to say. cbs is reporting 13,000 unaccompanied minors in american territory now and being taken care of by border security and others. more on this in a moment. texas congressman dan crenshaw standing by. president biden is supporting changing the filibuster rule. after the minority leader mitch mcconnell warned without it we would have a scorched earth senate. >> president biden: i think you need to do it what it used to be in the old days. stand up and command the floor. >> you're for bringing back the talking filibuster? >> i am. that what it is supposed to be. democracy is having a hard time functioning. >> bill: let's bring in tom cotton. thank you for your time today. >> good morning. happy st. patrick's day. >> bill: mitch mcconnell said it would be a 100 car pile-up in the senate. is this the way it's going to go? sfwloo i hope not. i hope we respect the institutions of the senate. right here is a letter if four years ago signed by 27 democrats still in the senate insisting we maintain the right of senators to have extended debate on legislation. 27 senators when they were in the minority wanted to maintain the rules. they're getting pushed around by the radical left. they want to make washington, d.c. a state, grant amnesty to illegal aliens. they know they don't have the votes to do that but push around joe biden who appears to be so weak he is caving to them. i don't think they'll push around joe manchin who said he respects the traditions of the senate. he wants to protect the interests of workers in west virginia and arkansas and so many other states. >> bill: are you sure about that, senator? joe manchin henld on that recently, too. >> senator manchin has been very clear he won't vote to change the rules to reduce the threshold from 60 votes to end debate and have the final vote. that's what the traditions have been going 40 years. before that it was more than that. 200 years ago it required all the senators to agree to end debate. that's the tradition of the senate. it's in the tradition our founders wanted the senate to play to make sure any major changes to the laws of our country were considered and careful and deliberate. the senate has always played that role and continue to play that role. otherwise you will get things like the green new deal and amnesty for illegal aliens and packing the supreme court. >> dana: medicare for all, too. a long list of things. one of the things the democrats are saying is that it is mitch mcconnell's fault there has been so much backlog in the senate and you can't get anything done. when i look at it the only party that has actually used the filibuster in the last several years was democrats. >> let me hold up a letter. 27 democrats in the senate four years ago said we should not change the rules governing debate in the senate. 27 democrats four years ago. who has been filibustering for the last four years? democrats fill bus terd donald trump's nominees and so much of our legislation. donald trump even insisted that mitch mcconnell move to end the filibuster in 2017 and 2018. but he did not and republicans did not because we respect the traditions and customs and rules of the united states senate. we respect the rights of the minority. we want to have open and fair debate and we want to compromise. 20 senators are getting together over lunch to talk about things like the minimum wage where there is common ground and come together and negotiate and hopefully have bipartisan solutions to provide progress for americans. >> bill: here is mitch mcconnell on the floor of the senate during our program yesterday. >> nobody serving in this chamber can even begin -- can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth senate would look like. let's -- i want our colleagues to imagine a world where every single task, every one of them, requires a physical quorum. >> bill: can you come back to your first answer? how would america be different if they get rid of the filibuster? help us understand that. >> first off if they don't want to change the rules. they want to change the practices and require people to be on the floor for extended periods of time, i've got news for them. i can be there around the clock for days on end if it is required to stop things like amnesty for illegal aliens or state hood for washington, d.c. or packing the supreme court. that's what they want. the far left that's angry they don't have popular support for their agenda so they are trying to change the rules and ram it through when they have power before we win back the senate and house next year. that's what this is about. that's why the republicans are going to stand up firmly against that radical agenda. >> dana: one last thing on this. i think it's clear at the white house the chief of staff ron klain is telling biden you had to do all of these things in order to make sure your agenda is big and bold enough that they don't want to be looking like the obama administration and feeling like they didn't reach high enough. the pressure on the senators including somebody like amy klobuchar is saying let's do this, it is time. how high -- how tough is that pressure for them to resist? >> let me hold up this letter again, dana, with 27 democrats in the senate who signed it. the number one co-author is chris coons, the senator from delaware. you can imagine how much the pressure is coming from the white house, people like ron klain and others over there on the democratic senators because they are beholding to their far left. joe biden may not be tough enough to stand up to people like alexandria ocasio-cortez and bernie sanders, but joe manchin and other democrats have been so far. i can't imagine joe manchin will go for something like the green new deal imperiling workers in virginia and arkansas. >> bill: tom cotton on the hill. more coming up on this momentarily. harris faulkner will interview mitch mcconnell later this morning. check that out at 11:00 a.m. eastern hour on fox. meanwhile 8 past the hour now. >> dana: we go back to the border crisis. agents picked up four migrants who names are on the terror watch list according to an aide familiar with the information. let's bring in texas congressman dan crenshaw. this is something you're paying close attention to. what do you know? >> thanks for having me on. that's just the ones we've caught. the democrats got fact checked quickly on that after kevin mccarthy claimed that and it was confirmed by press reports. we just learned that the biden administration is telling border patrol not to allow ride along frs the press. they don't want the truth getting out. when you have hundreds of people paying the drug cartels $300 per person crossing the river and tied up border patrol hands. children, unaccompanied minor. border patrol become babysitters, bus drivers and nurses. you know what they're not doing? they're not looking for the people on terrorist watch list going in between. distraction over here and the bad guys come through over here. that's a fraction of what's going through. there is a real crisis on the border. the biden administration won't admit it. they created it by executive orders rescinding trump's policies that were working. >> bill: they said yesterday the border is secure. >> they're lying. we have an unprecedented crisis. in the past month we're looking at 100,000 people in a month. that adds up to $30 million in the drug cartel's pockets when you calculate how much it costs for one person to go across. the bind administration is funding the mexican drug cartels. they call this compassion, they call it a humane border policy. there is nothing humane or compassionate about funding drug cartels or throw kids across the border and engage in human smuggling and cutting in front of millions of people around the world trying to use our system legally, get a visa here, claim asylum here because they have a valid claim. instead we allow people with agree graphical advantage to take advantage of the system and clog it up. it is not moral or fair to legal immigrants and it must stop. >> dana: new information, 561 unaccompanied minors were taken into custody on monday. up 60% from the daily average in february. in dallas they'll use the convention center to house some of these. i think when you go back to compassion and worries, you can't imagine what it is like for some of them feeling alone, maybe even abandoned by their parents or missing their parents and parents are saying go and try to save yourself. administration is scrambling. >> yeah, you know why they're telling them to go? they're doing a rational economic cost/benefit analysis. it will be better here and they'll send their kid across. maybe an uncle or family member here illegally also hoping that that unaccompanied minor will get to. the gas lighting going on in this administration is really infuriating. jen psaki said yesterday we're dealing with a broken system passed on by the last administration. that is a full blown lie. this happened overnight when president biden rescinded the remain in mexico policy. when they rescinded the asylum cooperation agreements with the northern triangle countries and said we won't deport you when you come. biden has the nerve to say quietly don't come, wink, don't come, don't come here. if you come here we get you a bus ticket and we won't deport you. don't come here. gas lighting. >> bill: in the clip we played from abc? >> that's exactly right. something is coming out of his mouth but saying something completely different. >> some migrants are telling reporters based on some of the reports we get from our colleagues like griff jenkins. they're watching on television as minors make it across the border. if they can go for it, we'll go to. images create an impression that it's wide open. >> yeah. it is wide open. under trump you had the remain in mexico policy if you're claiming asylum fine, we'll look at it but you have to remain in mexico city while we do it. you don't get released into the interior and not show up for the hearing when it comes around. only 10% of asylum claims end up being adjudicated positively meaning they are being persecuted. the reality is the vast majority of people are economic migrants making a simple cost/benefit decision if it's slightly better here then i'll go. if joe biden says that i can come and be released into the interior and get my covid test and some healthcare and get a bus ticket wherever i want and not get deported and get amnesty that seems like a good deal. they're telling me not to come but they're winking at me and telling me to come and they do. >> dana: interesting. thank you so much. >> bill: we'll stay in contact with you. thank you. >> dana: we'll pay close attention to this. lawmakers set to question dhs secretary mayorkas as the migrant surge goes. that hearing will go in a few minutes. we'll bring you anything that happens out of that. >> bill: the convention center in dallas you have 3,000 right now. that's in the early stages. crawford was takeing in a couple thousand. various cities throughout the state of texas will feel this stuff now. >> dana: i think he made a good point how much money goes into the cartels' pockets. i want to explore that more. that's where you have a national security connection. >> bill: happy st. patrick's day, i like the green. i own one green tie and you are looking at it. 14 past. here we roll. fox news alert now. murder spree in the state of georgia. many of the victims women at massage parlors. what police are saying about the suspect today. ? a america's big cities seeing an influx of cash thanks to president biden's covid relief bill. is it necessary? we talk to cincinnati mayor about his plans for nearly $300 million. >> bill: why are some of the most powerful democratic women staying silent on the cuomo allegations. we'll talk about that with congresswoman malliotakis coming up. >> this is a raw, ugly, malignant power. no human being counts except for the person at the top. retirement is an opportunity to fill each tomorrow with moments that matter. and a steady stream of protected income can help you secure the life you've planned. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life with their tomorrows. because life isn't about what tomorrow brings. it's what you do with it. ask a financial professional about pacific life ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 nx 300. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. these are real people, not actors, who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. if your financial situation has changed, if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. get 2 unlimited lines for only $70. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. hello i'm an idaho potato farmer. you know a lot of folks think of a potato, even an idaho potato as a side dish. but does this look like a side dish to you? ...or this? ...or these? does a side dish have a dog like this? ...or a truck like this? or a good-looking, charismatic, spokesfarmer like me? i think we both know the answer to that. always look for the grown in idaho seal. side dish? >> dana: former president trump encouraging all americans to get the coronavirus vaccine. here he is talking with maria bartiromo just last night. >> i would recommend it. i would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it. it is a great vaccine. it is a safe vaccine and it is something that works. >> dana: former presidents to fight vaccine skepticism and encourage americans to get their shots. >> bill: it is working. too. ? a i'm ready for new york saying all adults. >> bill: i find people every day i would not normally think they would be in line that they can actually get a shot. >> dana: when you can go on and find out where they have extra shots. shots are going to have to be thrown away. i want to get one of those. >> bill: we showed you the numbers. 110 million jabs have happened already. we're moving this thing now. keep it going. >> dana: eight people are dead in georgia after a spree of shootings. many of the victims were women of asian descent. a suspect is in custody. steve harrigan has the latest from atlanta. we don't have steve. we'll try to get steve as soon as we can. terrible story last night. the suspect is in custody. we have steve harrigan. steve. >> shootings started just before 5:00 p.m. 30 miles north of here. four people shot dead at young's massage parlor. two asian women. 50 minutes later a second location behind me, gold spa. another asian massage parlor, three people shot and killed. all asian women there. while police were on the scene there reports of another shooting across the street. aroma therapy spa. three asian massage parlors, three separate shootings. same suspect seen on surveillance video with the same vehicle at all three. eight people dead, six of them asian women. suspect was apprehended, now in custody. robert long, 21 years old from woodstock, georgia, a suburb north of atlanta. police after a major manhunt got him 150 miles south of here. they used a pit maneuver and bagged into his car from the rear and side. spun him around. took him into custody without incident. no clear motive for the shooting but police have asked was this a series of hate crimes against asian-americans due to the covid-19 virus? >> well, nothing will be ruled out. we're conducting a multiple homicide investigation. wherever the evidence leads us is where the investigators will go. >> the repercussions of these horrific shootings are being felt across the u.s. several major cities including new york beefing up assets in asian american communities. the president has been in contact with georgia officials and the f.b.i. is assisting in the investigation. back to you. >> dana: steve harrigan, thank you for the update. >> bill: 23 past. american cities and states getting ready to get funds from the covid relief bill. a lot of money, too. cincinnati budget chair calls the cash infusion in that town alone christmas at city hall. the mayor john cranley is with me now. thank you for your time. you got a lot of cash coming your way. thanks for doing our show. $300 million for the city. about $170 million more for the county of hamilton. i know your town pretty well. how will you spend this money? >> we are going to hire more police and firefighters that we stopped hiring during the crisis. instead of defund the police, we're increasing our funding for police and fire and sanitation workers who provide the public services that are vital to the city. we are going to pave roads and bridges that need to be fixed and d.c. politicians promised us with too long. our money is coming back to us. we will actually put that money back in infrastructure and we will provide some relief to small businesses and restaurants locally who have suffered from social distancing and lack of business. >> bill: i know a road or two and a viaduct or two that needs the help. that's not the way the bill was designed. infrastructure is coming later allegedly. this is for covid relief. how do you justify infrastructure projects with this money? >> it's a jobs program and look. i'm not in charge of how d.c. structures the money. what i know is for too long d.c. politicians promised instead of sending their money to foreign countries that they would invest in the midwest and middle class and cincinnati. so we are going to take this money and hire cops and firefighters, pave roads and give relief to small businesses who suffered through covid and of course make sure that we have the ppe equipment and testing which is going very well for vaccinations and the vaccination efforts are finished. >> bill: do you think we can throw money at this and expect a better outcome? >> well, i think that our money has been taken for decades and d.c. politicians said they would invest in middle america and the midwest and they haven't. president trump had a press conference outside of our bridge and promised to fix it when he was president. he never did. now joe biden and the congress have given us this opportunity to invest in people and infrastructure and roads and bridges and cops and firefighters and that's what we intend to do. it is our money. we sent this money to washington it is now coming back. >> bill: there was i mentioned hamilton county. it's where cincinnati is. they had a relief-a-thon on television last night. i'm certain you know about it, right, went for two or three hours. they weren't raising money, they were giving money away. people with mortgage assistance and rental assistance were calling in. how do you determine who needs the money and who is just putting up a story? >> well, our united way and our child and family services and community action agency validate people's income. you have to submit -- you don't just get money handed out to you. people are suffering and the fact that they extended unemployment benefits is a wonderful thing to help people get through this covid winter. by summer we'll be back to normal and everyone a meaningful chance to be vaccinated. there has been a lot of suffering over the last year. those needing help is a good thing. >> bill: we'll see how this goes. john cranley the mayor in cincinnati. i will quote a city councilman. we have a tremendous responsibility to show that we are being thoughtful and rational about the use of it. so you and i will stay in touch on that. thank you, mayor, for your time today, john cranley, cincinnati. >> dana: today marks a key deadline in the push to recall governor newsom as the california democrat lashes out and so-called anti-mask extremists. will the crisis at the border overshadow president biden's victory lap on the stimulus bill? howard kurtz on a messaging nightmare for the white house. >> president biden: the adults are being sent back, number one. number two, what do you do with an unaccompanied child that comes to the border? do you repeat what trump did? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. here's huge news for veteran homeowners. introducing refiplus from newday usa. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates to save money every month plus you could get an average of $50,000 cash. that's money for security today and money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus, it's only for veterans and it's only from newday usa. >> bill: here we roll. fox news alert. homeland security secretary mayorkas set to take questions at the house homeland security committee while the influx of migrants at the border reaches a tipping point. we'll keep an eye on that hearing and any new developments on the border crisis and bring them to you live when headlines come into us momentarily. >> confirms the claims of the women, if those claims are found should he resign? >> president biden: a woman should be presumed to tell the truth and not be victimized by coming forward, number one. but there should be an investigation to determine whether what she says is true. >> bill: president biden voicing support for the women acowsing andrew cuomo of sexual misconduct. vice president harris remains silent on the matter. new york republican malliotakis join us. will he hang on? >> i don't believe so. it's just a matter of time. the state legislature is proceeding with an impeachment inquiry. there is a lot of support to impeach and remove this governor simply based on not only these allegations but the nursing home scandal. i think what is shocking is that the president didn't even address that issue. that's the real issue here and why i've called for him to resign because of the mishandling of the nursing homes, the cover-up that went with it that was exposed by our new york state attorney general, as well as the admitted cover-up that his own chief of staff said occurred. let's also remind everyone that president biden had appointed governor cuomo's chief of staff to be senior advisor for covid at the white house, which i think is probably part of the reason why he is quiet. >> bill: you see "the new york times" reporting this morning? they are reporting that there was a letter circulated trying to get women to sign on in support of him. the letter was not released. what do you make of that, if true? >> i think the issue is that organizations like national organization of women, many women in the state legislature who are democrats are now coming forward little by little. you even see the senate majority leader coming forward. the fact is that more and more individuals are finding that the governor has become a distraction. look, the fact that the president of the united states is even talking about him and 90% of the new york delegation in washington have called for his resignation shows what a distraction he has become not only in new york but washington right now in albany they're negotiating the state budget. the state legislature is seeking to ram through a budget, the governor is talking about tax increases, $208 billion spending nearly the same amount as the state of california despite the fact that california has twice as many residents. there is real ramifications here if they don't actually work together and try to find ways to cut corners and save taxpayer money. so i think that new yorkers at the end of the day will suffer because the governor has become a distraction. >> bill: two more points back to the times story. they suggest the governor's office was aware of the second accuser when they were putting this letter out there. did you read into that? >> i didn't get to see the times story this morning. what i can say is we're now in the seventh woman that has come forward. you can question a motive of let's say the first woman or second woman. once there are seven women, i think it's pretty obvious something wrong has occurred here and there should be an investigation and needs to be due process. that's why i've always said this is about the nursing homes first because there was clear wrongdoing there. there was a clear cover-up, obstruction of justice and know the department of justice is looking into it and the f.b.i. as well. president biden should insure these entities will investigate independently as the attorney general and state legislature looks into the sexual harassment allegations. >> bill: last point three years ago -- >> i believe you. and i believe many americans across this country believe you. how do you reconcile your statement about a conspiracy against you with the treatment of someone who is before this body not very long ago? >> i am angry on behalf of women who have been told to sit down and shut up. >> bill: to this point they've been quiet. why? >> it's a double standard based on everything they do here in washington i think that they need to come out, they need to say what's right. this occurred during the governor as a sitting governor, staff members that reported to the governor, and they should at the very minimum say what the president has said there needs to be an investigation. the fact that they're silent shows what frauds they are and are not champions for women. >> bill: thank you for your time. we'll stay in touch with you. from a german to a greek happy st. patrick's day. >> dana: president biden is urging migrants not to come to the u.s. as the record numbers stress resources. it is overshadowing the president's tour. the paper suggesting it is not a good look. i was surprised how president biden seemed in the setting. the kickoff to the help is here tour. mr. biden is scheduled to go on the road friday. one can only one where the border story will be by then. let's bring in howie kurtz and host of "media buzz". the president was on with abc nightly news last night. how did you think that went? >> the interview -- president biden's interview with george stephanopolous you're talking about? >> dana: yes, sir. >> look, the plain fact is he had trouble with the border questions because what president biden views as a compassionate approach has created a humanitarian disaster. and george was smart to ask the single most important question. was it a mistake not to anticipate the surge? the answer clearly is yes. but he got a little hung up on biden's word. he says don't come. as opposed to his actions which is not turning away unaccompanied minors at the border. by the way, when the president said we're going to have the policy in place where people can apply for asylum from their home countries. that was the old trump policy that got thrown out. i want to remind virus of that. >> dana: the baltimore sun also picked up on this. the president's team announced next thursday eight days from now the president will have his first formal press conference. let's put this up here. 64 days in his presidency until he talked with the media. you can see on the screen. many more presidents have spoken beforehand. regardless we'll get the press conference next week. what do you anticipate? >> first of all it's about time. biden handled the question reasonably well on abc and he should do more of these. i don't think we need to have any more on the dog issue. stephanopoulos is major out of the dog house over the biting incident and covered the filibuster and andrew cuomo and some things you've been talking about this morning. given the constraints of morning television i would like to see asked, for example, how do you overcome the reluctance of many republicans to get the covid-19 vaccine. why doesn't the administration give any credit whatsoever to former president trump for creating operation warp speed? why did the covid bill, for example, include such big ticket unrelated items as $86 billion to bail out failing union pension plans? and while there was talk, for example, briefly on gma about withdrawing troops in afghanistan, the president facing a decision by may 1 there is a lot more to drill down on there and that's the value of news conferences. you can have sustained questioning on different topics. i wonder if the president's staff has been overprotective of biden fearing in the unscripted setting he might wander off the talking points or create a gaffe. that's okay and a risk that he can take. taking questions from the press as you know from being behind the podium, dana is part of the president's job and biden needs to do more of it and glad he is having a news conference. >> dana: down below biden to hold first press conference. the news will drive you and you've come up with questions. imagine everybody else is as well. then news happens and you throw the questions and ask the ones happening that day. great to talk to you as always. thank you. >> bill: 18 before the hour. tiger woods is back home in jupiter, florida, recovering from the leg injuries suffered in a car crash last month. five-time master champ said in a statement happy to report i'm back home and continuing my recovery and i am so grateful for the support and encouragement i've received over the past few weeks. good for him. got to be feeling better than being in a hospital in l.a. >> dana: so much better to be home. >> bill: you say obama did press conferences all the time. he would forecast when he would hold the press conference? >> dana: he would have a press conference next wednesday. the way i like to do it is say maybe it works for the president to have a press conference next wednesday. i wouldn't tell anybody. we'd wait until wednesday morning, survey the situation. do we have all our ducks in a row and then you announce a press conference. the white house press corps will show up. they have to be there. why telegraph it nine days in advance? >> bill: the only thing about the formal press conferences. you get a question, maybe sneak in a follow-up. after that it's done and he can stick and move. >> dana: that's true. you don't know what's going to happen. there could be breaking news that morning and again i think that when you do a news conference you want to drive news, you don't want to just react. >> bill: next thursday afternoon. >> dana: i'll be there. the u.s. is slapping new sanctions on china days before the biden administration's first face-to-face meeting with the communist regime. morgan ortiz we'll ask her what to expect. the threat to kill the filibuster and what it would mean for you and president biden's liberal agenda. bret baier joins us next hour. today's all-time low interest rates plus get cash. with home values climbing, now is the smartest time ever to turn your home's increased value into an average of $50,000 cash. refiplus. it's new, it's only for veterans, and it's only from newday usa. ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. >> dana: u.s. now sanctioning 24 chinese officials for crack being down on political freedom in hong kong. secretary of state blinken is set to meet with chinese diplomats tomorrow. a former state department spokeswoman. a couple headlines that the white house sets low expectations for china talks. they will do it in alaska. china and u.s. set for a frosty alaska summit. u.s. is cautioning china meeting unlikely to yield breakthrough. get your thoughts on the other side of this. >> we're united in the vision of a free and open region where countries follow the rules, cooperate whenever they can, and resolve their differences peacefully. in particular we will push back if necessary when china uses aggression or coercion to get its way. >> dana: how do you think it is going to go and what you think should happen? >> listen, so far i'm pretty pleased with secretary blinken's actions. they continued the trump administration's policy relating to holding the chinese communist chinese party accountable where in hong kong they stripped away democracy, rule of law, commitments they made to the people of hong kong and to the world. the 23 individuals that are both hong kong officials and chinese officials the state department designated includes some very senior people. i wouldn't be surprised in alaska if the chinese bring this up. i would also expect and hope that secretary blinken and jake sullivan bring up the fact the chinese communist party designated senior officials on the way out was petty & think you'll see that. this is the third straight meeting between the u.s. and chinese on u.s. soil. the country's top diplomat. it is interesting to me they wanted to meet with mike pompeo, first in new york and then hawaii last summer. now they are coming back to the united states. so again to meet in alaska. as you know, dana, from your time at the white house, these subtle positionings actually make a big deal as it relates to where people are standing on foreign policy. >> dana: it does. especially taken the action against the folks in hong kong with the sanctions sends a signal before the meeting. we'll see how that goes. want to ask about north korea from a statement yesterday at a hearing at the senate armed services committee from one of the air force generals on north korea. of course, this is likely to come up with the chinese. he said the north korean regime has indicated that it is no longer bound by the unilateral icbm testing moratorium suggesting that kim jong-un may become testing improved design in the near future. do you think that's partly because we have a new president that they are looking into doing this or is this always going to happen? how do you see it? >> yes, you're right. it is a test by the north korean regime to see how the biden administration will react. media reports the biden administration is trying to formulate what their north korea policy is. when i worked with mike pompeo and deputy secretary you often don't get the opportunity to sit around and create policy when it comes to north korea. they act first. notable in the trump administration that we did not have any nuclear weapons testing or icbm testing by the north koreans since 2018. president trump took a totally different approach. we had decades of republicans and democrat administrations trying negotiations that ultimately just continued to lead to the north korean's amassing nuclear weapons. a tough issue. we have middle east peace in the trump administration and did not get to finish the deal in north korea. this is going to be one of the biggest challenges. i thought it was very notable that secretary blinken talked about dprk and talked about their human rights abuses and he talked about their nuclear weapons program while in south korea. that sends a very big message to the north koreans that blinken had such tough words in south korea after kim jong-un's sister threatened them. >> dana: congratulations on the birth of your daughter. great to see you, morgan. thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: eight minutes before the hour. explosion rattleling a neighborhood in california. that loud bang and smoke rising through the air, what happened there. we'll show it to you. we have a date, dana. president biden finally holding a news conference. it will happen one week from today -- no, sorry, tomorrow, thursday. what will the white house go all in on and take questions from all sides? 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>> one man right across the street during this entire ordeal captured this video saying not only could you hear the explosion, you could feel them. investigators believe the fireworks were commercial grade like something you would see at a professional fireworks show on the fourth of july. the fire chief says two people died, appeared to be near the home or possibly inside. it took them several hours to knock down all the things and smaller explosions continued to go off. people who were in the area at the time of the event say they feel fortunate they weren't hit. >> fireworks casings everywhere. it was all over the yard. explosions were still going off for a solid 15 to 20 minutes. i wasn't really scared for my life. i was just more worried about shrapnel flying. >> we had a large battery of fireworks going off. we don't know right now where they came from, what was going on in the house. >> firefighters say it could take several days to declare that area safe. >> bill: wow from l.a. thank you, jeff, nice to see you. >> dana: fox news alert on an escalating fight over the filibuster. chuck schumer under increasing pressure from progressives to take a vote to abolish the leader as mitch mcconnell pushes back on what will happen if democrats follow through. welcome in a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: happy st. paddy's day. nice lime sherbet you are wearing them. >> dana: the best ice cream, orange. when i was sick i used to get strep throat all the time. my mom would give me orange sherbet. >> bill: happy st. patrick's day. good morning. filibuster is a rule that allows the minority in this case republicans, to block legislation that requires 60 senator votes to end debate. the reason why that's important, democrats need 10 republicans to go with them otherwise nothing moves forward. mitch mcconnell says if you scrap that it would bring chaos. >> let me say this very clearly. for all 99 of my colleagues. nobody serving in this chamber can even begin -- can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth senate would look like. >> bill: what would it look like? >> dana: i have some thoughts that i got from a friend of mine who worked on the senate for a long time on the republican side. one of the things he said to me he has a theory. the democrats would rather talk about getting rid of the filibuster hoping that it doesn't happen because if they were to blow that up, then all the things that the progressive left wants would right on through, medicare for all, $15 minimum wage. all those things and then if you think about what happened with president obama with obamacare, what happened two years later? it was so unpopular they lost those huge majorities and it happened back in 1992 when republicans come back and flip everything. that's a theory going on. the democrats don't really want it but enough of a concern that so many of them, tom cotton showing that 27 democrats who signed a letter saying they would never do it are on board including someone like senator amy klobuchar. >> bill: the point being if they go this route it would change government. along with government so many other policies would be implemented. i think the language is incremental. dick durbin on monday, the democrat from illinois. >> rather than protecting a finely balanced system our founders created today's filibuster throws the system out of balance giving one half of one branch of government what amounts to veto over the rest of government. it promotes gridlock, not good governance. >> bill: joe biden was asked about this in the abc interview. we go live to the hill. more on the escalating fight there. mike, where does this stand? >> after white house press secretary jen psaki said yesterday the president's preference is not to make changes to filibuster rules, president biden signaled he is open to reform. >> president biden: i don't think you have to eliminate the filibuster. do it what it used to be back in the old days when you used to be around there. and that is a filibuster you had the stand up and command the floor. >> pressure is building on the two moderate democrats who spoke in favor of maintaining this tool. west virginia's joe manchin and arizona's kyrsten sinema with republicans issuing this warning from the other side. >> blowing up the legislative filibuster in order to accomplish some short-term agenda will only backfire and create a lot of long-term pain for the country and for the party that does it. >> the filibuster is one of the only tools senate had in the trump era to slow down his agenda. now in power they're eager to expedite the biden agenda. >> bill: bret baier with join us. stay tuned. in the meantime there is this from the border. >> he needs to come to this border, look what has happened on what he has created and change it. it is worse than a crisis. i thought i would see a crisis. this is really a human heartbreak. >> dana: house minority leader kevin mccarthy urging president biden to see for himself what's going on at the southern border. biden saying he has no plans to go there for nou. an average of 565 unaccompanied minors are being taken into custody at the border per day nearly doubling the rate from last month. four migrants with names on the terrorist watch list have been stopped on the border since october. the mayor of uvalde, texas. your thoughts on what is happening down there right now and this increase. >> well, this border deal has gotten crazy. we went through this in 2018 and 2019. the numbers we're seeing now is a cake walk then compared to what we're seeing now. it has gotten totally ridiculous. in uvalde, texas, 10 to 12 car chases a week. i went to a wreck friday night where they were pursuing a car and rolled over. five immigrants in it and they were more mad they got caught and frustrated with the officers. this is something we're seeing every day. our local ranchers are having fences cut, houses are being broken into trying to steal cars, it has gotten crazy. what nobody looks at, 49 different countries have crossed the border in our region alone. 49 different countries. the unaccompanied minors we have a holding facility here for the del rio sector. it is at capacity. what is happening, they are so full they have to pull agents off the street and they are ending up babysitting. our border patrol does a great job in our community and our area but their hands are becoming tied with this. this border needs addressed and stopped. we need to tell them to quit coming. they are talking we could see 20,000 to 30,000 a month by summer. >> bill: mayor, 49 different countries. who gave you that information? >> border patrol. the last time it was 59 different countries. >> bill: this is what border patrol said encounters of known and suspected terrorists at our borders are very uncommon, they underscore the importance of the critical work our agents carry out on a daily basis to vet individuals at the borders. 49 is a lot. the first time i've heard that firg. the last comment you make about the surge here. what reverses this do you think? >> well, we need to go back and shut this border back down. we're still in the middle of a pandemic and these people are coming across. we need to shut our border down. there is a right way to come across the border. that needs to be done. we just -- we're opening up to people to come across and we act like we're helping them and we're not. these people are that are released in the united states, whether families or individuals, they aren't even allowed to get a job. if they get a job they're subject to immediate deportation. when you are he lease 100,000 people in our country and can't provide for themselves, how will they survive? who will provide for them? >> dana: one last question. how does this affect citizens living in your town? >> well, it affects them most of them are afraid now at night what's going on when their dogs start barking or whatever. the foot traffic increased. we had a lady twice now has had them come to her house and try to get in. the last time there was a local farmer there able to intervene in it. it is getting scary. these are not all peaceful just happy go lucky people. we're getting the sexual predators up 4400% that you captured along the border. drug dealers and murderers all coming through our area. that's what's on the car chases and trains. they can't get in any other way. >> dana: thank you, the mayor of uvalde. talking to the mayors is so important. >> thank you very much. i appreciate the opportunity. >> bill: some of these numbers are stunning. the migrant child crossings data from february, 9,457. january 5,858. the peak period that a lot of people refer to during this may of 2019 the peak period was 11,861. so whether we continue in this trend of 9,000 is -- that is the wrong direction. >> dana: what he just said is that the migrant facility for children in his area is full. but you have 565 unaccompanied minors crossing each day. so what do you do with them? it's a huge problem. >> bill: want to take you back to september of 2019. this is a democratic primary debate. this is joe biden when asked the question about the border and what he would do if he were president. >> i would make sure that there is -- we immediately surge to the border all those people seeking asylum. they deserve to be heard. that's who we are. we are a nation that says if you want to flee and fleeing oppression you should come. >> bill: disagree with what is happening and point to comments like that it's a signal to those who want to make a run for it under his administration you might be given a chance. some of these migrants have suggested that in interviews. >> dana: just last week his ambassador for the southern border said people respond to hope. so to me it was an admission. >> bill: back to the border in a moment. president biden will hold his first news conference next thursday, 65 days into his presidency. check out how that stacks up against previous presidents. bill clinton held the most at 7. president trump 6, obama and bush held three at the same point in their administrations. biden has already broken a 100-year record for the longest time a president has gone without holding a news conference. where is the transparency and all that? chris bedford senior editor of the federalist. good morning to you. next thursday. you have your questions lined up, chris? >> absolutely. yeah. i don't think they'll be letting me in there. the people who are in there in the white house press pool who are part of that pool have largely been running cover for president biden for the entirety of his campaign which shows you how crazy it is that he is going to wait nine weeks after inaugurated president to even take questions from them. these are people who largely put out the messaging for him. when given a chance ask him what kind of ice cream he likes or what it feels like to be president or if he wants to talk about how bad he dislikes donald trump. these are not typically hardball questions. the staff of the white house have been super protective of him. even when he has tried to take questions at previous pressers and looked around and said is now the time for questions, staff at the white house have cut the feed. it is a little weird how he has been kept captive in his own white house and so sheltered from hard questions except for when we saw earlier this week questions from a former clinton aide. i'm hoping that he gets a few hard ones at least from peter doocy. >> bill: your feeling is those who cover the white house on a daily basis not enough pressure on the white house to make a statement, to do a press conference. and your logic would suggest the staff at the white house knows that and feels no urgency to respond to it. >> some of the reporters in the press pool do know that this is their moment to shine. this is when they should be on camera asking questions, holding presidents accountable. so far for most of their behavior we haven't seen that kind of accountability coming. we haven't seen that kind of pressure coming. if you draw this back to president trump who would take questions every time he went to the helicopter, who would have a formal press conference fairly frequently and they would still yell questions at him and holler at him when he was doing an easter egg roll or a trick-or-treating event at the white house with children. now that pressure is long gone. >> bill: "washington post" another story about the correction they issued this week about the georgia results. "new york post" addresses it this way. "washington post" correction. continuing prestige papers are supposed to be better than this but now their standards go out the window if it serves that your partisan agendas. >> the news was shocking. what's even worse than what the "washington post" did is how nbc and other stations and as well as usa today claims to have independently confirmed the "washington post" story. this happens frequently. if there is an interesting story harmful to democrats that you can have dead to rights on a lot of press will be silent. when there is something that goes out that's much more harmful to say president donald trump, that will be repeated and repeated. frequently we saw it with the atlantic story that said that president trump attacked the honored war dead. what is reputation pretending to be confirmation. if you talk to the same source who feeds you the same garbage that is not confirming anything. the echo chamber exists and it is dangerous. >> bill: chris, thank you. democracy dies in darkness is what you said. press conference a week from tomorrow. going to be an afternoon event. not prime time. do you like that? >> dana: 2:00 is the new prime time. look, you go to bed early it's not too bad. not too bad for me. i'll be watching it, though, you can bet i'll be live tweeting that one. two outspoken democrats are staying mum on the sexual harassment organizations of governor cuomo as he faces growing calls to resign. where are senators warren and vice president harris and why are they waiting to weigh in? president biden is supporting changes to the filibuster. how he wants the senate to change the rules and what republicans are warning what will happen if it does. tomorrow holds the course of your financial future. which is why it's good to know exactly how you'll get there. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life to protect their tomorrows. because protecting those you care about with life insurance and 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loudest voices of the #metoo movement for staying silent about governor andrew cuomo. great to see you. do you think they want to say something but are being pressured not to or that they maybe are trying to protect a fellow democrats? >> i honestly don't think it matters. i think it is really sad to see this. look, it would be one thing if let's say with kavanaugh there was a much stronger evidence of his guilt compared to this weaker case for andrew cuomo's guilt. that's not the difference. the difference is obviously cuomo is as you mentioned a democrat, right? i am seeing a lot of conservatives arguing this proves they only care about alleged victims if they accuse a conservative. i don't think that's the case. i think it's worse than that. it shows they don't care about alleged or reported victims of sexual harassment or assault at all. wanting to use accusations for political gain is not the same thing as caring about victims. using them as pawns not the same thing as caring about victims. so i think in this case because they were so loud and that their silence is deafening. i don't know anyone that would be aviezing them not to say something. >> bill: you are saying the reason they haven't gone public is because of politics? >> i think that's obvious. if you can point to say kavanaugh was more evidence there. it is the opposite. there is more evidence of cuomo's guilt here than kavanaugh. if there was some other difference other than political gain as why they were so loud before and they are completely silent now, lay it on me. i'm just not seeing it. >> dana: it's not like they haven't had a chance. vice president harris got a question about it yesterday. take a look. >> i strongly believe that the f.b.i. and in particular the people in the f.b.i. who have the experience of dealing with sexual assault cases should be charged with doing an investigation. the united states senate needs to know who this person brett kavanaugh really is. that's the issue. >> dana: that was three years ago. she did get a question shouted at her yesterday more about the covid relief bill. she made history with this position. she is the vice president of the united states. she has the floor. but she has decided not to say anything. >> yeah, absolutely. look, this is unfortunately something that is common. a lot of women have had experiences where they've been harassed by somebody who is in a position of power over them and they are afraid to say something because these men have power over them and because they don't -- they worry about being believed. afraid for their jobs. it is something that a lot of women have experienced and absolutely a harrowing experience and not something that we should ever have anyone be so blatantly treating as a political issue on either side of the aisle. that's not caring about any victims if you pick and choose which accusations you believe based on no other reason except what is politically expedient. >> bill: we put a clip of warren saying sick and tired -- i'm angry on behalf of women who have been told to sit down and shut up from october of 2018. we'll see what the ice melts. thank you for your time. president biden's comments on changing the filibuster paving the way for a scorched earth debate in the senate? bret baier on what those remarks could tell us for the president's plans to enact his agenda. a live look at the border with mexico. officials talk about the biggest surge of migrants in decades. griff jenkins is live. >> we'll bring you to juarez coming up but the drone over the rio grande valley we just learned 1,710 apprehensions in the last 24 hours. that's up 187%. we'll bring it to you when we come back. really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any 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illegally promising the biden administration will welcome them with open arms. let's go to griff jenkins reporting from juarez live. >> that's right. at this legal port of entry they're allowing migrants to cross because -- it's the number of illegal crossings between the port of entries causing the crisis. if you look at these latest numbers fox news confirmed in the terms of unaccompanied minors 565 a day are crossing compared to 313 in february. for context in 2019 it was about 208 a day. we talked to the director of the migrant population here and here is what he talked about, about the capacity issues they are facing on this side of the border. listen. >> at this point of course our capacities are limited in shelters so we're seeking for more spaces that can actually work as shelters. >> we saw the crowded processing centers. lots of families, babies with runny noses and coughing. we talked to one if he is getting the message from president biden not to come. here is what he said. >> yes, i listen to the news that they were letting people in. >> he hasn't heard u.s. president's message now is not the time to come. >> no. >> we've learned from the el paso sector the border patrol said in the last 24 hours 790 apprehensions since this time yesterday. it is up 138%, dana. >> dana: keep us informed. thank you so much. want to go to atlanta where there is a press conference on the murders that happened last night at the massage parlors. >> president biden offers his full support and concern to our great state and the white house has offered to support us with any additional resources and support that we need as we continue not just this investigation but as we continue to deal with the spike in crime that we have seen since this pandemic began. again, the coordination of law enforcement was spectacular on yesterday. this was a tragic day with many victims but thankfully the suspect was quickly apprehended and as i was talking with special agent in charge chief hacker as we were coming n he was sharing that he has not had better coordination with the atlanta police department than he has had as of late. certainly we thank the state patrol, cherokee county and chris county where the suspect was apprehended and all of our partners and stakeholders throughout the state who assisted with the apprehension of this suspect. i will now turn it over to chief bryant to share additional information and we will hear from our other law enforcement representatives to share more details on what happened on yesterday and where we stand today. >> thank you, madam mayor. we will present in the order -- in a chronological order so we can better inform you how things played out. we'll start off with sheriff from cherokee county sheriff and it will go to me. we both have our investigator leads that could go into more details as a result of what happened and what transpired through the investigation. i think that it is important that we first acknowledge the fact i know that many -- we've received a number of calls about is this a hate crime? we are still early in this investigation so we cannot make that determination at this moment. again, we're very early in this investigation even though we have made an arrest, there is still a lot more work to be done. so with that being said i just wanted to make sure i know that is going to be a concern and that you will probably be asking that of many of us. we are just not there as of yet. again so thank you all and we'll start with sheriff reynolds, cherokee county. >> thank you, chief. thank you, mayor bottoms. so we got a call about 4:55 yesterday afternoon of a shooting in the area of southwest cherokee counties. our deputies responded and found multiple gunshot victims. we were able to quickly identify a potential subject from video footage. captain jay baker is here with me and able to answer questions as well. we were able to put that out on our social media shortly thereafter and we were contacted by members of the family indicating that may be their son and we met with them. i was there speaking with the family. they are very distraught and they were very helpful in this apprehension. we were able to track his phone. sheriff billy hancock is a fellow sheriff and good friend of mine from another county. i reached out to him anticipating the movement into his county. he was able to coordinate with the georgia state patrol and set up a position to intercept our suspect and that's precisely what they did, a coordinated effort. sheriff hancock coordinated with the georgia state patrol to quickly hit the vehicle in order to prevent a pursuit. i would like to echo the mayor and the chief in that it was a lot of collaboration between our police departments, sheriffs office and f.b.i. f.b.i. has been fantastic. they always are. anything that we needed they were there throughout the night. and our community. mostly a bedroom community and i think last year we had one murder. we don't have a lot of crime in that area. this is a shock to all of us. am i missing anything, captain? we did interview him last night and he is currently in our facility at the adult detention center and able to interview him with the atlanta police department and f.b.i. he made indicators that he has some issues, potentially sexual addiction and may have frequented some of these places in the past. and as the chief indicated it is still early on and we still have a lot of things to process and so he should be at an arraignment tomorrow at some time early morning to late morning and we will keep you up to date. we have a press release that captain baker has put together available to our media folks. if you don't have that, i think we have some printed copies that he will be happy to give to you. i'm happy to any questions that you may have. >> are you saying when you talked to the subject and says he has a sexual addiction. did you ask him if it was racially motivated? was this racially motivated? >> as the chief indicated it is still early. the indicators are it may not be. it may be targets of opportunity. again we're -- we believe he frequented these places in the past and may have been lashing out and part of that is in your media packet as well. >> the sexual addiction rather than a racial profile? >> during our interviews we asked that specific question and that did not appear to be the motive. >> [inaudible question] >> i'll turn it over to the next person. >> so on yesterday at 5:47 our units responded to 1916 piedmont road on a robbery call. upon arrival they discovered three females shot inside this location. while investigating that location they received another call at 1907 piedmont road where they found another female shot inside that location. both locations were massage parlors and at that time we recognized that we had had information previously put out by cherokee county they had a similar incident in their jurisdiction. immediately the sheriff and i and chief in that jurisdiction started having conversations trying to bring things together. as we stated earlier, the collaboration between the different local and state partners we started having conversations to coordinate our efforts immediately to determine who our individual, the subject we were looking for. i would be remiss if i didn't acknowledge the quick response of the sheriff's department identifying and getting their photo and putting that picture out so that we could get a quicker response in identifying the person that was the suspect in this type of incident. once we were able to get our information and gather our information, coordinate with cherokee county we immediately put that out metro wide. having conversations as i stated with our federal, state and local partners. all immediately asked what could they do. all resources immediately started getting involved so that we could bring this to a quick closure. from then i'll turn it over to georgia state patrol who concluded with the arrest. >> good morning. yesterday afternoon after the two incidents occurred here in the full ton and cherokee counties there was a lookout put out and homeland security layout sent out emails letting us know the potential area where the suspect's vehicle may be. the sheriff of cherokee county reached out to his partner and who reached out to the georgia state patrol and we had a trooper monitoring traffic on i-75 south. the trooper observed the suspect's vehicle traveling south. he started following the vehicle and waited for backup which included two other georgia state troopers as well as the sheriff of the county and some of thinks deputies. they initiated the traffic stop and immediately pitted the vehicle after the vehicle was pitted, the suspect was taken into custody without further incident and transported to the jail. >> open for questions. >> i do want to add one thing that was not mentioned. i believe captain baker shared with us that they determined that the suspect was on his way to florida, i believe. and perhaps to carry out additional shootings. so again it really speaks to the coordination and the quick response from law enforcement. for as tragic as this was on yesterday in metro atlanta, this could have been significantly worse. and again i can't express enough my gratitude for the coordination and the public as a whole should be grateful that this suspect was quickly apprehended because it is very likely there would have been more victims on yesterday. >> can you explain more about -- [inaudible question] where these places where somebody could have had sexual encounters or more spa-like? >> we're not about to get into victim blaming or victim shaming here. as far as we know in atlanta, we have not had any calls, 911 calls from that location. i believe one minor call on someone stealing some cheese. so we don't know additional information about what his motives were but we certainly will not begin to blame victims. as far as we know in atlanta these are legally operating businesses that have not been on our radar, not on the radar of apd. >> the victims shot outside of the store, can someone talk to us about that at all? >> that's a question for our cherokee partners. >> captain jay baker. that victim is stable. he is in stable condition at the hospital in marietta. >> was he caught in the crossfire? >> don't know. by the way i agree with the mayor we don't do victim shaming. we aren't sure what his presence was there and the other people killed at the location we won't say whether they were employees or there by happenstance. we won't go into that at this time. i have a press release with their names when this is all over with. >> is that the only survivor? >> we had four killed and one survive. >> do you think he was upset for having him to have an outlet for these addiction? >> the suspect did take responsibility for the shootings. he said that early on once we began the interviews with him. he claims that these -- as the chief said this is still early. he claims it was not racially motivated. he has an issue what he considers a sex addiction and sees these locations as something that allows him to go to these places and he wanted to eliminate them. like i said it's still early on but those were comments that he made. >> did he discuss any kind of religious motivations for this or was he -- >> not that i'm aware of. >> or politically. >> nothing about politics. >> social media history? >> that's something that investigators are working on and one of the things they're doing. >> do you have a sense he understood the gravity of what he did? >> when i spoke with investigators they interviewed him this morning they got the impression he understood the gravity of it and he was pretty much fed up and at the end of his rope. yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did. i don't know if he was remorseful or not >> he is 21 years of age. does not live with his parents. i don't know who he was living with at the time of this incident. >> [inaudible question] >> let's be clear the suspect has admitted to shooting them. >> yes. >> secondly, indications the family notified you. what reason did the family notify you? >> we put on an image of a possible suspect early on in the incident and notified by his family fully cooperative appeared greatly appreciative of their assistance in this matter. >> surveillance cameras, several business tles and able to get images from those. >> also i.d. his car. >> the car and we were able to get in touch with the parents and identified from social media it was their son. >> did he mention any particular businesses that he was going after? >> my understanding some type of porn industry in that state he wanted to go do some similar act in that location. no additional details at this time. >> did you say earlier that when interviewing the subject he said it was not racially motivated? >> he did make that claim. >> not being racial motivation there has been a real anti-asian attacks across the country. we heard from new york city police they're sending resources out of an abundance of caution to their asian areas across the city. is there anything as far as strategy and support for the asian american communities in metro atlanta or similar businesses like massage parlors? >> obviously whatever the motivation was for this guy, we know that many of the victims, the majority of the victims were asian. we also know that this is an issue that is happening across the country. it is unacceptable. it is hateful, and it has to stop. that being said, we are coordinating in realtime to make sure that our communities have the resources that they need. we have not seen a significant uptick in formal complaints within the city of atlanta. but obviously this is a large metropolitan region and we know we're hearing the stories, we're seeing them on television, we're seeing them on social media, so we certainly are aware and we stand ready to provide any additional resources. but again, because of the quick coordination. i was on my way home if city hall last night when i received the alert there was a business shooting on piedmont road. i immediately called chief bryan who had already been in touch with cherokee county and already making the connections. we had a very rapid response but certainly we will continue to be proactive and provide resources to the extent that we can to make sure that our communities are protected. and again encouraging anyone, we know many of our communities are sometimes hesitant to bring in law enforcement. if there are concerns happening in your communities around your businesses, etc., there is nothing too big or too small that we want to be aware of it all to make sure that we can provide resources and respond accordingly. [inaudible question] >> i can tell you a 9 millimeter firearm was in his vehicle when he was taken into custody. whether it was legally obtained is something our investigators will look into. our victims, i know atlanta all the victims were asian. two were white in case anyone was unaware of that. two asians and two whites killed at our location. we won't go into the details about why they were there. >> 9 millimeter is the weapon he used? >> we'll have to do forensics but we are confident it is. no other weapons were located in the vehicle. >> how much ammunition did you find? >> i don't have that information. >> other similar businesses should be concerned today? >> to my opinion he was acting alone. no indication that anyone was working with him. so we're confident that won't be a problem. >> can you clarify you said he was on his way to florida where you believe he would have engaged in additional acts of violence. is that similar businesses? >> he made the comment to that effect. he was headed to florida and he was going to do similar acts in that state. >> he wanted to destroy what had been -- >> it sounds to me like these locations he sees them as an outlet for him something he shouldn't be doing and it was an issue with porn and that he was attempting to take out that temptation. >> [inaudible question] >> he had visited those two locations? >> i'm unaware. anymore? >> what was the conversation like with his family? is there anything you can share about that? >> i don't want to go into details other than to say we're really appreciative of the family. without them this wouldn't have happened as quickly as it happened. they were very supportive and certainly this is difficult for them. he did not resist. >> thank you. >> thank you all. >> thank you. >> dana: you have been listening to a press conference provided by atlanta officials including the mayor and law enforcement who responded to several shootings last night. eight people killed. they just reported and i'll bring in bill hemmer. they reported the suspect has admitted to the shootings. apparently it had to do something with his sex addiction. they said it was not racially motivated according the their initial conversation with them. there was one person who is still in the hospital trying to recover on that. >> bill: sick and sordid details didn't expect as the confession denying it was racial motivation. it was a lot of with the story or how the story was reported for the last 12 hours. you heard the officer at the very beginning say we can't yet say it was racially motivated. robert long is his name, age 21. lives in northern georgia. three shootings in three different locations within one hour of each other and eight people dead. so that's the breaking news from northern georgia. wanted to bring that to you. frankly dana there is a lot more we need to know on this story and information out of georgia and what the mayor said there she suggested he was headed for florida but for now he is in custody and she applauded the police repeatedly giving credit to law enforcement. >> dana: talking about the coordination they had. all happening within an hour and he was on the move. >> bill: more on that. move back to d.c. president biden saying he supports bringing back the talking filibuster. what's that? after a warning from the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. bret baier is with us to talk about this. good morning to you. you used the live in georgia. a lot of sympathy for the people living there in the state based on the story we just heard there. "wall street journal." mcconnell's filibuster throwdown what they write. the biggest question in washington for the next two years isn't about a single policy or whether president biden will expose himself to a press conference. it is whether democrats killed the legislative filibuster rule requiring 60 votes in order to ram a radical agenda into law with 50 votes and vice president kamala harris. the stakes here when you look at a government that looks to be as evenly divided as we have seen in our lifetime. >> it's a huge, huge issue and one that president biden weighed in on in this abc interview saying he is open to changes. that's a different message than was sent by white house press secretary jen psaki eight days ago where she said his preference is to deal with the current structure of the filibuster and not make changes. if you wanted to eliminate the rule you would have to get 67 votes. if you want to tweak it an change it, have nuclear option number three if you will it would require 51 votes to do that. so far there is some doubt whether joe manchin and kyrsten sinema will do that. if they say that you have to when you are doing a filibuster to block a bill that you have to actually be on the floor and do actual speaking and hold the floor, mitch mcconnell was saying if you are going to make us do that, then we are going to slow everything down and there are a lot of ways he can do that. he can require a quorum. >> dana: what kind of pressure is the white house perhaps -- i'm talking about the chief of staff -- putting on democrats to suggest we have a limited time to get big things done. >> i think there is a lot of pressure, dana. you know how washington works. a lot of behind the scenes and i scratch your back, you scratch mine. a lot of scratching going on. when you have an infrastructure bill coming up and you have bridges and roads and things in different states that need attention, it's amazing how a vote that you need will suddenly get a lot more into that. don't be surprised. >> dana: i asked bill to give you his take. >> bill: we talked through commercials all the time. it's a wonder we get on the air every day. we had the democratic mayor from cincinnati on with us two hours ago and the city of cincinnati is getting $300 million from the stimulus and the county of hamilton is getting 170. you are close to half a billion dollars for just that part of the country. when we asked him how he would use the money he talked about roads and bridges. so if you are going to use that rationale to spend the money on roads. he talked about police as well and climbing out of covid. give him credit for that. if you use the rationale about roads and bridges, where does the debate fall in about infrastructure this fall, or does that die because this is the rationale you are using to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in every community? >> i think that's a great question and different communities are dealing with it differently. a lot of money going out the door. they have to figure out projects to spend it on. some of them are dealing with pensions and how state pensions are going to get bailed out. it is amazing what has been covered in the covid relief bill. infrastructure will be massive. right now it looks like democrats are planning to do it the same way to try to get it 51 votes by reconciliation. we'll see. >> dana: they absolutely are going to do that. you had the congressman cardin telling the secretary of transportation buttigieg this is happening. we'll do it under reconciliation. we'll see how it goes. a great point that bill brought up. i like to compliment him once in a while. >> bill: happy st. patrick's day i totally spaced out on the green. >> bill: i have faith in you to figure it out. hemmer owns one green tie. it's a whole different thing. one green tie and i wear it this day every year. >> dana: you wear it well. >> bill: thank you very much. we'll scoot out of here and normally in new york city on st. patrick's day we would be showing you live pictures of the beautiful parade coming up fifth avenue. >> dana: and we would be totally sober. >> bill: for the second time in one year there is nothing happening. >> dana: next year. >> bill: mid town. >> dana: next year will be big. >> bill: for all the irish bar owners throughout mid town manhattan they have had to adjust to a different life and we salute them today for hanging in. >> dana: we'll buy double when we get there. >> bill: she will buy double. we'll take you down to the border. mitch mcconnell is coming up with harris. a lot of questions about the filibuster and how if implemented how it could change american government and affect every aspect of your life. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" up next. >> harris: thanks so much to bill and dana, appreciate that. new warning now from former president trump as he points blame directly at his successor for the worsening crisis on our southern border. i'm harris faulkner and you are in the "the faulkner focus". the white house is still down playing talk of a crisis even as dhs is warning the migrant surge is on pace to hit a 20-year high. as federal agencies struggle to house thousands of migrant children with border facilities overwhelmed. remember, this is a disaster. former president trump says the progress he made while he was in office is now in jeopardy. >> it is a crisis like we've rarely had and certainly

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Assistance , Mortgage Assistance , Relief A Thon On Television Last Night , Rental , Family , Child , Suffering , Unemployment Benefits , Summer , Community Action Agency , Covid Winter , Chance , City Councilman , Responsibility , Use , Newsom , Stimulus Bill , California , Deadline , Extremists , Victory Lap , Anti Mask , Number , Messaging , Back , Nightmare , Number One , Howard Kurtz , Liberty , Pay , Chicken , Bit , Uh Oh , Emu , Jeans , Radio Up , Beer , Wings , Pair , Burger , Applebee S , , 1 , Newday Usa , Veteran Homeowners , Introducing Refiplus , Refiplus , Rates , 0000 , 50000 , Veterans , Questions , Tipping Point , House Homeland Security Committee , Eye , Secretary Mayorkas Set , Fox News Alert , Claims , Headlines , Developments , President , Woman , Biden Voicing Support , Forward , Sexual Misconduct , Women Acowsing , State Legislature , Impeachment Inquiry , Issue , Obstruction Of Justice , Nursing Homes , Mishandling , Didn T , Nursing Home Scandal , New York State Attorney General , Reason , The New York Times , Governor Cuomo , Senior Advisor , Organization , Organizations , Individuals , Little By , Majority Leader , Finding , Resignation Shows , State Budget , Delegation , Albany , 90 , Ramifications , Budget , Tax Increases , Residents , Amount , 208 Billion , 08 Billion , Ways , Corners , New Yorkers , Taxpayer , Save , Times , Office , Accuser , Let , Due Process , Seven , Wrongdoing , Department Of Justice , Sexual Harassment , Attorney General , Entities , Someone , Statement , Behalf , Conspiracy , Body , Standard , Governor , Everything , Staff Members , Say , Sitting , Has , Shows , Frauds , Champions , German , Greek , Numbers , Resources , Look , Kickoff , On The Road , Setting , Tour , Mr , Story , Abc Nightly News , Host , Media Buzz , Yes , Trouble , Sir , Question , Approach , Single , Disaster , Mistake , Biden Views , Actions , Word , Trump , Home Countries , Place , Team , Baltimore Sun , Presidency , Media , Screen , 64 , Example , Dog House , Out , Dog Issue , Constraints , Doesn T , Vaccine , Covid Bill , Credit , Reluctance , Operation Warp Speed , Afghanistan , Union Pension Plans , Talk , Troops , Ticket , Items , Gma , 86 Billion , 6 Billion , Staff , Questioning , News Conferences , Overprotective , Unscripted Setting , Topics , Facing A Decision , May 1 , Job , Risk , Part , Press , Talking Points , Gaffe , Podium , News Conference , Leg , Injuries , Car Crash , Florida , Tiger Woods , Jupiter , 18 , Hospital , L A Dana , Champ , Recovery , Encouragement , Five , Press Conferences , Home , Wouldn T , White House Press Corps , Anybody , Row , Ducks , Nine , Breaking News , Follow Up , Advance , Meeting , Sanctions , I Ll Be There , Bill Next Thursday Afternoon , Regime , Threat , Bret Baier , Interest Rates , Climbing , Chevy Silverado Trail Boss , Goodyear Duratrac Tires , Off Road , Rancho , Exhaust , Factory , Diabetes , Brand , Blood Sugar , Glucerna , Insurance , Martin , Hailstorm Hit , Usaa , Gas , Call 911 , Safe , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , Officials , Chinese , Hong Kong , Freedom , Crack , 24 , Blinken , Set , Secretary Of State , Talks , Expectations , Diplomats , State Department Spokeswoman , Couple , Alaska , Thoughts , Region , Vision , Breakthrough , Frosty Alaska Summit , Differences , Secretary Blinken , Coercion , Aggression , Listen , Rule Of Law , State Department , Chinese Communist Party , Way Out , Jake Sullivan , Diplomat , Soil , Mike Pompeo , Hawaii Last Summer , Signal , Foreign Policy , Action , Positionings , North Korea , Generals , Senate Armed Services Committee , Air Force , Kim Jong Un , Design , Icbm Testing Moratorium , Test , Deputy Secretary , Weapons , Notable , Icbm Testing , 2018 President , Administrations , Negotiations , Peace , Middle East , Challenges , Human Rights Abuses , Message , Words , Congratulations , South Korea , Sister , Daughter , Birth , Smoke , Neighborhood , Hair , Morgan , Explosion Rattleling , Loud Bang , Sides , Lineup , Homeowners , Money In The Bank , Mortgage Rates , Mind , Psoriatic Arthritis Pain , Tenderness , Swelling , Cosentyx , Counting , Psoriasis , Results , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joint Pain , Back Pain , Stop , Damage , Infections , Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms , Tuberculosis , Ability , Feel , Come And Go Karma Chameleon , Rheumatologist , Dreams Red , Tires Screech , Come And Go You O Loving , Colors , Progressive , Roadside Assistance , Business Growing , Oysters , Karma Chameleon , Crickets Chirping , 24 7 , Shortlist , Candidates , Data Base , Indeed Com Promo , Seventy Five , Street , Explosion , Grade Fireworks , Stash , L A , Man , Jeff Paul , Fireworks , Ordeal , Video , Grade , Fire Chief , Fourth Of July , Area , Explosions , Event , Everywhere , Yard , Weren T Hit , Fireworks Casings , 15 , In The House , Battery , Shrapnel Flying , Jeff , Fight , Wow , Nice , Chuck Schumer , Progressives , Leader , Ice Cream , Lime Sherbet , Strep Throat , Mom , Orange Sherbet , Orange , Rule , Case , Chaos , 99 , Friend , Theory , Wants , Minimum Wage , Majorities , Flip , Obamacare , 1992 , Concern , Route , Government , Language , On Monday , Dick Durbin , Illinois , Rest , Branch , Balance , Half , Gridlock , There , Governance , Preference , Stand , The Hill , Tool , Favor , Joe Manchin , Warning , Pain , Kyrsten Sinema , Arizona , Biden Agenda , Tools , Human Heartbreak , House Minority Leader , Nou , 565 , Border Deal , Increase , Uvalde , Cake Walk , 2019 , Wreck , 12 , Houses , Officers , Ranchers , Cars , Fences , 49 , Capacity , Holding Facility , Del Rio Sector , Happening , Hands , To 30000 A Month , 30000 , 20000 , Borders , Terrorists , Encounters , 59 , Work , Comment , Basis , Time , Vet Individuals , Importance , Firg , Pandemic , Needs , Middle , Families , Citizens , Deportation , Lady , House , Foot Traffic , Dogs , Farmer , Predators , 4400 , Drug Dealers , Murderers , Trains , Car Chases , Mayors , Data , 9457 January , 9457 , May , Trend , 9000 , 5858 , 11861 , May Of 2019 , Problem , Facility , Direction , Primary , September Of 2019 , Nation , Oppression , Comments , Interviews , Southern Border , Ambassador , Run , Admission , First News Conference , Hope , 65 , Record , Bush , Bill Clinton , 7 , 6 , Transparency , Chris County , Senior Editor , Next , Chris Bedford , Federalist , Pool , Entirety , Cover , Campaign , White House Press Pool , Mask , Hardball Questions , Pressers , Feed , Captive , Clinton , Peter Doocy , Urgency , Logic , We Haven T , Most , Press Pool , Camera , Accountability , Helicopter , Correction , Washington Post , Easter Egg Roll , New York Post , Papers , Prestige , Agendas , Standards , Window , Stations , Usa Today , Nbc , Garbage , Confirmation , Reputation , Atlantic , Source , War Dead , Echo Chamber , Afternoon Event , Democracy Dies In Darkness , Prime Time , Bed , Calls , Senators Warren , Sexual Harassment Organizations , Mum , Life Insurance , Fingersticks , Game Plan , Ask , Glucose Monitor , Glucose , Scan , Libre 2 System , Alarms , Prescription , Medicare , Dot U S , Warren Two , Voices , Metoo Movement , Difference , Guilt , Person Brett Kavanaugh , Cuomo , Conservatives , Conservative , Gain , Accusations , Assault , Pawns , Anyone , Politics , Public , Silence , Aviezing , Opposite , Obvious , Lay It On Me , Take A Look , Experience , Dealing , Cases , Sexual Assault , Vice President , Position , Experiences , Jobs , Men , Aisle , Ice Melts , October Of 2018 , Remarks , Drone , Rio Grande Valley , Apprehensions , Aah , Aaah , Vibrate , 1710 , 187 , Fracture , Break , Bones , Make , Osteoporosis , Blood , Calcium , Prolia , Take Xgeva , Blood Pressure , Jaw Bone Problems , Dental Problems , Trouble Breathing , Face , Thigh , Tongue , Throat Tightness , Rash , Hives , Lip , Hip , Groin , Muscle Pain , Thigh Bone Fractures , Bone Fractures , Skin Problems , Bone , Stopping , Hospitalization , Side Effects , Joint , Spine , Can , Don T Wait , Immigration Officials , Let S Go , Human Traffickers , Arms , Juarez Live , Port , Entries , Port Of Entry , Director , Context , Terms , 208 , 313 , Shelters , Capacities , Population , Spaces , Processing Centers , Lots , Babies , Noses , Coughing , U S President , He Hasn T , The Border Patrol , Sector , El Paso , 790 , 138 , Murders , Crime , Spike , Coordination , Law Enforcement , Special Agent , Charge Chief Hacker , State Patrol , Cherokee County , Atlanta Police Department , Partners , Apprehension , Stakeholders , Details , Law Enforcement Representatives , Bryant , Madam Mayor , Sheriff , Investigator , Result , Cherokee County Sheriff , Hate Crime , Determination , Arrest , Sheriff Reynolds , Chief , Bottoms , 4 , Captain Jay Baker , Subject , Deputies , Counties , Video Footage , Southwest Cherokee , Gunshot , Social Media , Members , Son , Billy Hancock , Georgia State Patrol , Movement , Phone , Effort , Collaboration , Police Departments , Sheriffs Office , Pursuit , Bedroom Community , Murder , Shock , Indicators , Adult , Issues , Detention Center , Places , Addiction , Arraignment , Press Release , Media Folks , Copies , Targets , Profile , Media Packet , Lashing , Inaudible Question , Robbery Call , Units , Piedmont Road , 1916 Piedmont Road , 1916 , 47 , Females , Arrival , 1907 Piedmont Road , 1907 , Locations , Female , Conversations , Jurisdiction , Efforts , Individual , Response , Department , Picture , Photo , Type , Closure , Incidents , Ton , Emails , Lookout Put Out , Homeland Security Layout , Partner , Trooper Monitoring Traffic , Backup , Trooper , Troopers , Traffic Stop , I 75 South , Traveling South , 75 , Jail , Captain Baker Shared , Gratitude , Whole , Victim , Spa , Call , Shaming , Cheese , Motives , Radar , Store , Apd , Crossfire , Condition , Cherokee , Don T Know , Marietta , Happenstance , Presence , We Aren T , Victim Shaming , Employees , Survivor , Dover , Outlet , Sex Addiction , Motivations , Gravity , Sense , Europe , The End , Indications , Image , Touch , Surveillance Cameras , Business Tles , Porn Industry , Motivation , Areas , Abundance , Caution , Strategy , Attacks , Communities , Realtime , Stories , Complaints , Uptick , Alert , Business Shooting On Piedmont Road , On My Way Home , Chief Bryan , Connections , Extent , Concerns , White , Firearm , Whites , Weapon , Millimeter , Asians , Forensics , Ammunition , Indication , Opinion , Facts , Effect , Violence , Doing , Conversation , Temptation , Listening , Confession , Name , Age , Officer , Mother , Wanted , Northern Georgia , Lives , Sympathy , Filibuster Throwdown , Wall Street Journal , Law , Lifetime , Stakes , Structure , White House Press Secretary , Option , 51 , 67 , Doubt , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , 170 ,

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