Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First

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"fox and friends first" continues right now. benjamin: a busy day, incredible story and todd coming up next. jillian: we are in for todd piro. a man is arrested after a string of shootings in atlanta spots. the shooting happened last night at three different massage parlors in the span of one hour. 6 of the 8 victims are reportedly asian women. police tracked on the suspect, robert long, through surveillance village, capturing his car at each of the crime scenes, police say he was arrested after taking office is on a car chase that ended in a crash, police investigating a shooting. we will keep you updated when we get new information. benjamin: donald trump rips the biden administration for creating a crisis on the border and president biden tells migrants to stop coming. jillian: dhs warns the us could see the biggest migrant surgeon 20 years, good morning. >> democrats call this a challenge, republicans say this is a crisis, no question about it. alejandra mayorkas will testify in a couple hours. he will be asked what is going on on the southern border. he released a statement where he says we are on pace to encounter more individuals on the southwest border than we have in the last 20 years, the president has no public plans to visit the border. that the change quickly. republicans and democrats want president biden to do so, so he can look with his own eyes and see what is going on, the president sat down with abc news yesterday and said this. >> i can say don't come as we are in the process of getting set up, don't leave your town or city or community. >> reporter: four people on a terror watch list were apprehended at the border, did not make it into the united states but they did come to the border. texas governor greg abbott will hold a news conference about the border situation. they will visit the delegation next week. a lot of action and donald trump weighed in last night and criticize the biden administration's posture on the border crisis. >> they are destroying our country, people are coming in by the hundreds of thousands, they are stopping saying they wouldn't come through mexico and we had it down to a good system and all of that is eroded. >> reporter: customs and border protection official talking about these unaccompanied children saying we are taking anymore unaccompanied children and we can process, don't see how we keep this many kids when we can't find sponsors. it was announced over the weekend that fema will take care of some of these children. there was talk that the military bases like fort lee south of richmond, virginia maybe in the mix. there has been no formal request that fema is going to the border. it is possible there could be a request but no military installations totally considered for this process. back to you. jillian: thank you for the update. benjamin: tucker carlson is in el salvador for this migrant surge. he spoke to the president of the country who says nobody wins with mass migration. >> the country has failed to provide 2 things which drive immigration with lack of security. they like their culture and food, family members. it is not good for the united states. to keep people here and provide for people in our country and that is our job and more raleigh. benjamin: we talk about the border congressman henry steube and henry cuellar. >> andrew cuomo should resign if allegations against him are true. benjamin: marianne rafferty is here with what the president said. >> reporter: resigning could be just the first punishment cuomo could face but insisting there must be due process. >> the claims of the women should he resign. >> probably end of being prosecuted. >> that is a judgment for them to make. a woman should be presumed to be telling the truth and should not be scapegoated and victimized by coming forward but there should be investigation. jillian: no word from kamala harris who was questioned about the governor during a roundtable. 7 women accused cuomo of inappropriate behavior, more could be on the way as charlotte's lawyers has been contacted by other women. she plans to talk to investigators, lindsay boylein telling the new york times his aides drafted a letter to discredit her. the letter reportedly accuses boylein of, quote, weapon isaiah claim of sexual harassment with personal political gain or to achieve notoriety. a lawyer firing back saying once again the victim of sexual harassment put in a position of not only having to relive the trauma of a toxic work environment but defend herself against the malicious leaking of the present personnel files. speaking of leaks the new york state assembly temporarily halting voting over reports of a contentious meeting between democratic lawmakers and cuomo's impeachment. a fox news alert, arizona police officer shot during a parking lot shootout. officers approached the vehicle driven by a suspect in a stolen car investigation. the driver reportedly started ramming into police cars forcing officers to start shooting. both suspects fired back, one remains in the hospital, the other is in custody. the injured officer is in stable condition was no overnight controversial los angeles kelly da george gascon is expected to disband the officer's hard-core gaming unit. it is a black classmate or activist praising the da saying he is working for the community. gascon has been criticized for his progressive criminal reform policies. he is expected all the press conference today. benjamin: senate minority leader mitch mcconnell warns what ending the filibuster would look like if president biden showed support for changing of the rules instead of nixing the procedure. >> i don't think you have to eliminating filibuster. >> the senate would be like 100 car pile up. nothing moving. benjamin: that remark comes as democrats call to end the senate filibuster. the gop opposition is something to get past. the time is 8 minutes after the hour. a us intel reports as russia and iran tried to influence the election. congressman steube reacts coming up next. jillian: tom brady giving out his phone number on twitter. his contacts must follow rules next. ♪♪ 867-9309 ♪♪ how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... 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take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. it is a problem. it is a challenge. >> they are playing a number of roles to address what we feel he is a significant problem a significant challenge. >> on the southern border. >> not at the moment. >> do you believe it is a crisis at the border? >> the answer is no. there is a challenge at the border that we are managing. benjamin: the surge of illegal border crossings showing no sign of slowing and dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas believes we are on pace for the highest levels in 20 years. jillian: key members of the biden administration refusing to acknowledge this as a crisis as you heard and this morning florida congressman greg steube joins us live to react, thanks for being here. let's pull up this quote from dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas we are on pace to encounter more individuals on the southwest border than we have in the last 20 years, the situation we are facing is a difficult one. we are tackling it. we are keeping our borders secure and forcing our laws and staying true to our values and principles. we were talking in the commercial break, based on the numbers and the fact there are two amnesty bill, for this week you don't see this getting better. can you explain? >> it won't get better, when biden talks about giving amnesty to illegal immigrants and we have two bill, for this we, when we give amnesty to dreamers and when the gives amnesty to illegal farmworkers people will try to get here as quick as they can so they can be here when this amnesty happens in our country and i feel very confident it will pass the democratic, pelosi led house so it will be up to the senate and they will try to shove this through the house this weekend push over the senate in hopes they give amnesty to all the illegal people in the country. when you talk about policies like that that is going to push and illegal push from as many people as can get here during that time because if you are here in the country and we give you amnesty you will be included in that so i don't think it will slow down. i think it gets worse. we are on par to get to a number that if you take 100,000 the cayman in february they will have 4 people legally come into this country than we had combined in the last three years. that is very problematic to our nation. we don't have a border we don't have a nation at all and i don't think most americans think this is a good policy including the fact that 10% of people are testing positive for covid and we are not doing anything about that. benjamin: not to mention four arrests of people on the terror watch this. i want to put out some figures to show our figures, in february it was over 100,000, the highest since june of 2019, up 174% and if we look at the number of children coming across, unaccompanied per day it has gone up with 313 in february to 565 now. this is the worst in 20 years according to alejandro mayorkas, using the words, it is just semantics but the biden administration, is this true and why not? >> absolutely not taking it seriously, they clearly want open borders, they talked about it during the campaign, biden tried to act like a centrist or more moderate candidate and we are seeing the most progressive open border policies we have ever seen in the history of the country and we are seeing children come to the border because we have chain migration. of a child gets here and we give them citizenship because they are here is a dreamer as they like to call it which is more supportive of illegal immigration amnesty planned giving status to these dreamers, if you were here is a child because of migration law they can bring in all the rest of their family not just the nuclear family but cousins and aunt and uncles, they want to be the anchor children through the chain migration program and that is problematic for the country. jillian: yesterday the biden administration announced federal investigators found no evidence that foreign powers manipulated any election result in the 2020 presidential race. however the report finds russia and iran tried to influence the election. what do you know about this? >> they tried to influence the election. they are one of our enemies and the fact that the biden administration will reverse policies the trump administration had that was tough on iran and stuff on our enemies, the no-fly list will never allow terrorists like iran to fly and travel to the united states. that is not breathing for the safety and security of our nation and not the direction we should be going to the safety and security of our nation. you will see significant problems, especially the biden administration like they talked about the jcp oh as it relates to the iran nuclear deal, that is problematic for the country. the last thing we need in the world is iran's ability to give to or have nuclear capabilities. it's not good for the region of the middle east or domestic partners like israel in that region. we need to be tough on iran and the sanctions we have impose on iran have been very very productive in pushing back the number one state sponsor of terror in the world. benjamin: meanwhile we see iran launching more rockets at us bases in iraq time and again. thank you for joining us, that is all we have time for but appreciate your time. jillian: have a good day. benjamin: coming up st. patrick's day called off in many cities but not everywhere. jillian: ashley strohmeyer is outside an irish pub in new york that is free to let the good times roll. benjamin: inside inside. jillian: inside. ♪♪ benjamin: welcome back. janice dean is tracking several severe weather issues across the country after days of storms in the west. >> janice: it will be a rough day for millions of folks across the south, the mississippi river valley, severe thunderstorm watch is posted for parts of texas towards arkansas and missouri and kansas and several severe thunderstorm warnings, large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes and i am positive we will see tornado watches over the next couple hours as things start to perk up especially in the late afternoon and evening, the foreign in the overnight and that is the worst time you can have severe weather when people are sleeping so i urge you to know the watches and warnings. it is quite rare to see a high risk area which is what is happening today. all the ingredients will come together for severe weather outbreak and potential for large, district of potentially deadly tornadoes so this is the area we are watching closely over louisiana towards mississippi and alabama towards tennessee and kentucky and tomorrow the threat continues over heavily populated areas of the southeast, florida towards the mid-atlantic. this is a big deal, pretty rare you see a high risk area. we are confident we will see tornadoes today and know what to do there is a watch or warning or have a way of getting those warnings in the overnight hours. we will keep you up-to-date. back to you. jillian: you have an excuse for not wearing green, the green screen. benjamin has no excuse. benjamin: next up a live look from the hearts of the island courtesy of earth cam, festivities looking different this year but you can find ways to celebrate. jillian: ashley strohmeyer is there this year. >> reporter: we made our way inside, not celebrating just yet but don't think i haven't thought about it. some good news from the economy standpoint. covid next all celebrations last year and this year looks a little different. chicago and boston canceled their parades once again. new york city's parade will be virtual, adding footage from years past and live stream from facing to patrick cathedral but not everything was canceled, there was a bronx covid friendly parade, the grand marshall say what it meant to her. take a listen. >> the irish-american community. heritage is important. >> reporter: i am just getting word, a fox news alert on tap. it is only for people wearing green, not people who put green highlighters. jillian: i will join you later. up next president biden going back to his roots on the help is here to war. benjamin: will working-class americans by in the agenda? a pennsylvania republican has his doubts. join us next. ♪♪ office, and bank balance are... far from glamorous. that means expensing nothing but pizza. your expenses look good, and your books are set for the month! ...going up against this guy... and pitching your idea 100 times. no, no, no! no. i like it. -he likes it! ...and you definitely love that. intuit quickbooks helps small businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping. >> reporter: i see it from scranton. you know what i'm talking about. you see it from erie. that is why my program to build back better is focused on working people. do more than just provide the ppe. we are in a position to bring immediate relief. jillian: president biden ran on his promise to stand with workers but now that he is pushing the democrats progressive policies and tax hikes that come with them, is scranton joe winning over the working class now that he is in office? jillian: bill brett joins us live. you heard on the campaign trail. president biden full of energy compared to the later soundbite but promising to be a man for the working people. does that stand true 56 days into his presidency? >> his actions thus far stand to support the things we were saying during the campaign that he was going to do the things that were the opposite what he was suggesting. jillian: let's pull up the proposed tax hike plan including raising corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% raising the income tax rate on individuals earning 400,000, raising capital gains tax for those earning 1 million annually. look at the screen and a lot of people say that is not going to affect me. how will this affect more people than you would think. >> many small business owners fall into that class of people and many small businesses are set up to be as one issuance, their incomes above that level, they will be doing hiring and all those things ultimately crushed jobs and make a difference in the recovery. benjamin: any insight into how democrats are viewing president biden? those who voted for him whether they are happy with how his policies have been enacted? >> many people that voted for joe biden were voting against donald trump's personality and not the policies. many folks are experiencing buyers remarks when they experience what a biden administration is pushing forward with an agenda. jillian: something that struck me in the notes you sent over his people don't want to pay off, they want their jobs back and that resonates with people across the country especially people who lost their jobs because of the pandemic and desperately want to work and are not able to. that hits home. >> any person in need will be happy to receive a stimulus check, but the long-term way to bring the economy back is to get people back to work in meaningful ways and that is not happening. they are trying to win the working-class back over with a check in the short term and having long-term policies to continue to undermine the american workforce is not good policy. benjamin: i think i am writing that donald trump won your district with 63% of the vote. what are you thinking about a potential run from him? >> four years is a long time but donald trump and his policies are extremely popular in westmoreland county and he did win by a large margin here. the republican party continues to garner support of the people and the voter registrations reflect that. we are continuing to see a surge of people joining the party from the democratic party and national policies become radical, in westmoreland as we are the representatives of the working class in the eyes of the local people. jillian: thank you for joining us, have a good day. benjamin: take a look at this. terrifying video shows a couple stuck inside their truck as it dangled precariously over a 10 story gorge. the driver lost control, plunged off the bridge in southern idaho. the only thing keeping the truck from falling was a safety chain connected to a camping trailer bridge emergency crews pulled the couple to safety with a harness, amazingly are expected to be okay. think how wrong that could have gone, one chain holding them up. jillian: that story is incredible. new york times op-ed calls on supreme court justice stephen breyer to retire immediately while a democrat is in the white house. the op-ed saying and or the circumstances it would be a travesty of this agreement court seat occupied by justice breyer was not filled by a replacement chosen by democrats. he used ruth bader ginsburg as an example for refusing to retire during obama's presidency when democrats could have picked her replacement. benjamin: facebook launching a new tool to connect people to covid-19 vaccines. jillian: good morning. >> reporter: facebook his partner with boston children's hospital to let users find out where and when they can get their covid vaccines. mark zuckerberg says this will bring 50 million people closer to getting vaccinated. that will help identify places nearby for people to find vaccines, show hours of operation, provide links for facebook users to make appointments and appearing facebook news feeds. chief innovation officer john brownstein said the hospital is thrilled to join forces with facebook and said improving vaccine access in equity will be a critical step in achieving herd immunity. the tool is first launching in the united states but appears in 71 languages. facebook plans to expand the tool to other countries when vaccines become more readily available. this comes after facebook rules out a plan just last month to take on misinformation about vaccines on the platform. facebook already removed 12 million pieces of content with in accurate claims. twitter has a new strike system to tackle false content about covid-19 vaccines, two strikes against a user locked their account for 12 hours, four strike locks and account for 7 days and 5 or more strikes leads to permanent suspension from the platform. jillian: thanks. benjamin: still and we revisit a bar that became famous for it autonomous zone staying open during the pandemic. >> politics i found out creeps into everything. dive bar may not be essential but it is essential for me to provide for my family. benjamin: the segment we have all been waiting for. todd piro joins us with an update on the case coming up next. jillian: columbia holding different graduations for different races and identities, the university next. ♪♪ why don't you just meet me in the middle ♪♪ in the middle ♪♪ jillian: welcome back. benjamin: columbia university will host 6 graduation ceremonies for students to separate themselves based on self identifying factors. carley: 6 separate graduation ceremonies based on race and elements how students identify, some of those graduation ceremonies include 180 students age -- asian students, latin x student, first-generation and low-income individuals, there will also be another graduation ceremony, lavender graduation for the lgbt q community. some folks say this is great, honoring minority communities. others say this is segregating students which is the opposite direction of where we want to be going. columbia university posted a sweet saying report today and previous tweets represents multicultural graduation ceremonies which exist in addition, not instead of university wide commencement and individual school class days. there is one big graduation ceremony for everybody in that individual ceremony on top of that. a lot of celebrating going on at columbia. benjamin: that is a lot of ceremonies. nfl player offered to have deal -- dinner with nba player he used anti-semitic slur rather than canceling him. carley: we talk about cancel culture, this is not an example of that. miami heat player was recently caught using an anti-semitic slur. he is getting support from another athlete, patriot player julian edelman who is jewish, take a listen to what julian edelman post on social media. he said i'm sure you are getting lots of criticism for what you said not trying to add to that. he goes on to say casually conference is hard to combat it has greater reach especially when you command great influence. i'm down in miami fairly often. i will show you will find time. it is a teachable moment rather than piling on. meyer's letter apologize for what he said, they are going to suspend him from the team indefinitely as they conduct an investigation. >> dialogue is what we need more of, that is how you solve stuff. jillian: time to check with brian kilmeade with what is coming up on "fox and friends". brian: i can get right to the copy. acting dhs secretary chad wolf is outraged, getting a lot of blame, let's hear what he has to say. congresswoman elyse stuff on it -- stefaniak, putting pressure that the governor of new york, his good buddy, resign. why she says this is the only way to get this investigation over and colorado has urged residents to go meatless for one day. governor pete ricketts says don't go meatless, he's pro needs. can we all agree to have an optimal burger? we will find out what is in the impossible burger. with a team of scientists is finding out. we are celebrating st. patrick's day and how to make the perfect poor. grab a glass and raise a toast but don't go to a parade. always wear a mask, tape 6 speed away, 3 feet away, for when a pillow commercial and we will be ready soon. how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ four, five, turn, kick. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. 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>> people are saying you are what it means to be an american, to go from the day before where there were 25 sheriff's in here and i'm taken out and put in a holding cell in the next day to have this history filled -- this street filled with people in support, very humbling. people coming to shake our hand and telling us they would stand with us means a lot. >> reporter: you have a lot of supporters and a lot of people go after you. >> we are called killers. people say we should be locked up and thrown away for murder. keyboard warriors out there want to slander you. you can literally get canceled whether you are a movie star, guys like us. this is very very dangerous what is happening, we are being silenced and told if you do this we will come after you. >> reporter: there's the accusation included by the mayor of new york city says you purposefully ran down two cops. where are we with that? >> those charges have been dropped. i spoke to the grand jury and after they heard what i had to say which was the truth, not even going to trial. respect is not given, respect is earned. the nypd is down the block, respect state troopers, they took a stance against the governor and against the mayor and said we are not getting involved in this because it is not right. >> what has this experience taught you about the power of our government? >> politics i found out creeps into everything. dive bars may not be essential but it is essential for me to provide for my family. the government telling me i have to shutdown, shutdown in the name of safety, nobody should be the sacrificial lamb. almost everything i do is because of my kids and i am very afraid for the world my kids have to grow up in. >> reporter: one year from now am i having that beer at this bar? >> absolutely. i will kick and i will claw until i can keep going. that first round is on me. i am 100% confident that draft beer will happen a year from now. >> reporter: quick update daniel opened his bar this week in defiance of the court continually pushing his court date further down the line to draw this out. he says i don't know what could happen but st. patrick's day we, today being the day of the green, we will see what goes often. jillian: you have facial hair. i've never seen this, don't know what to think about it but i am curious what it will look like after six. >> reporter: i am going to look like a wolfman. there is my girl. benjamin: congratulations. todd: she is a great kid. we have so much fun. it is all-encompassing. when you are in charge of the kid, this kid is good. she sleeps but if you do that thing where she goes down for a nap and you do your chores, no offense it is like the benny hill theme song running around to get everything done quickly. it is the best experience of my life and thanks so much to fox for allowing a whopping six weeks. i will enjoy it, ready to kick some you know what. todd: proud of you and happy for you, well done. jillian: you are missed but they are telling us we've got to go. todd: coming up ahead texas democratic congressman henry cuellar weighs in on the border crisis. jillian: a chance to win 10,$000, predict 6 outcomes, download the super 6 apps now. r 25% of your mouth. listerine® cleans virtually 100%. helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. never settle for 25%. always go for 100. bring out the bold™ ... ♪ ♪ it's not "pretty good or nothing." it's not "acceptable or nothing." and it's definitely not "close enough or nothing." mercedes-benz suvs were engineered with only one mission in mind. to be the best. in the category, in the industry... in the world. visit your local mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional lease and financing offers. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ♪ ♪ the bite in it been a ministration or abusing to call the crisis. homeland had secured he has made his target statement yet. benjamin: we are on pace to encounter more individuals in the southwest border that we haven't 20 years but the current situation is a difficult one and we are tackling it. texas democrats congers men henry cuellar joins us live with his reaction bit cumbersome and, thank you for being with us this morning. you said that president biden and his administration need to listen into a better job of listening to people who have come before him who know about this and you say that the messaging going up from the a ministration is wrong. what do you mean by that? >> first of all, if you tell people don't come now, come later, we got to have a more concise, clear message and say you can't come or you can't come if you don't do this lease correctly. message number one from the administration has to be changed. message number two, what they are hearing down there is people are coming across and they see images of people coming across the river so of course they will listen to that and then the third message is what i call the criminal organizations. criminal organizations are aggressively marketing it because the more people that they get the more money they make so the message for the administration is not taken over there but when they see people coming across or the criminal organizations that are marketing that is what they are hearing down there. jillian: i wonder how you change that messaging and have it be impactful in a way that people are going to hear it and understand it's because there are people, as you know, are already making that trek north for days, weeks at a time. >> you know, i was down there at one of the shelters and talking to 16 and 17 -year-olds and by the way, 16 and 17 -year-old make up about 60% of the unaccompanied kids coming in. i asked them a question and they said look, we see people on tv coming over so we want to join them. if you don't show an image of people being returned and keep in mind that 83% of the people come across right now are single adults and if you don't show images of those people being returned under title 42, which i support title 42, if you don't show those images then all they see down there is images of people come across, no images of people being returned and expelled. jillian: is this a crisis, sir? >> i look at the numbers. under president obama we had an average of 513,000 people per year and he had a surge. under president trump we had an average of 493,000 people per year and that was a surge. now we are beginning this new administration and i think we are seeing the beginning of a surge so last month we had 100,000 and keep in mind that in march, april may and june are the biggest peak months and if we see this in march then we are going to have a humanitarian crisis, no if's or butts about it. benjamin: thank you for joining us today. i'm afraid that's all we have time for but your voice is so important because you're a democrat and you represent people down on the border and it's essential. thank you for joining us today. best to you, thank you. jillian, happy st. patrick's day to you and pleasure as always and great to see todd this morning. police say they have arrested a shooting suspect. >> i said repeatedly this is a popular law. if that is the case why is it important to get out. >> you buy a product and then —-

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Border , Biden Ran , Country , Administration , Crisis , Jillian , Way , Situation , Donald Trump , Won T , Cuomo , Government , Condition , Resignation , Calls , One , Benjamin , Todd , Story , Fox And Friends First , Shooting , Oman , Shootings , String , Spots , Todd Piro , Atlanta , Robert Long , Women , Office , Car , Police , Victims , Crime Scenes , Massage Parlors , Asian , Surveillance Village , Three , 8 , 6 , Car Chase , Information , Crash , Challenge , Democrats , Us , Republicans , Migrants , Dhs , 20 , Alejandra Mayorkas , Question , Space , Individuals , Statement , People Don T , President , Process , Eyes , Plans , Change , Abc News , Sat , People , Reporter , Community , Don T Leave , Terror Watch List , City , Town , Four , Lot , Texas , News Conference , Greg Abbott , Action , Delegation , Posture , The Hundreds Of Thousands , Children , Wall , Official , System , Mexico , Customs And Border Protection , Request , Weekend , Kids , South , Sponsors , Some , Care , Military Bases , Mix , Fema , Fort Lee , Richmond , Virginia , Military Installations , Surge , Update , Nobody Wins , Tucker Carlson , Mass Migration , El Salvador , Things , Security , Immigration , Drive , Black , 2 , Culture , Food , Family Members , Job , Raleigh , Congressman Steube , Henry Cuellar , Allegations , Punishment , Due Process , Marianne Rafferty , Claims , Judgment , Investigation , Truth , Word , Woman , Kamala Harris , Governor , More , Lawyers , Behavior , Charlotte , 7 , Investigators , Boylein Of , Letter , Aides , Lindsay Boylein , New York Times , Weapon Isaiah Claim , Position , Sexual Harassment , Victim , Put , Lawyer Firing , Gain , Leaking , Notoriety , Trauma , Personnel Files , Toxic Work Environment , Voting , Leaks , Lawmakers , Impeachment , Meeting , New York State Assembly , Driver , Officer , Officers , Hospital , Police Officer , Parking Lot Shootout , Suspects , Custody , Vehicle , Police Cars , Is , Stolen Car Investigation , Fox News Alert , Kelly Da , Arizona , Los Angeles , George Gascon , Classmate , Gaming Unit , Senate , Mitch Mcconnell , Reform Policies , Activist , Fda , Press Conference , Nothing , Filibuster , Support , Rules , Procedure , 100 , Something , Russia , Remark , Opposition , Intel , Election , Tom Brady Giving Out , Iran , Phone Number , Contacts , Twitter , Car Insurance , Everybody , Liberty Mutual , 9309 , 867 , Pay , Buddy , Laughter , Emu , Meow , Filter , Ah Ha , Liberty , Invitation , Apr Financing , Sales Event , Starts , Nx 300 , 300 , 2021 , 0 , Home , Sofi , Dealer , Home Loan , Dreams , Finances , Lenders , Members , Place , Dream , Reality , Loans , Rates , Money , Loan , Fund , Everywhere , Stop Rybelsus , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Type 2 Diabetes , Ways , Blood Sugar , Insulin , Diabetes , Sugar , Don T Take Rybelsus , Pill , Majority , 3 , Family , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , A1c , Lost , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , 1 , Reaction , Help , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Neck , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Nausea , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Healthcare Provider , 10 , Problem , Number , Roles , Answer , Border Crossings , Sign , Alejandro Mayorkas , Levels , Thanks , React , Florida , Greg Steube , Numbers , Fact , Borders , Break , Amnesty Bill , Principles , Values , Laws , Two , Amnesty , Dreamers , Immigrants , Won T Get Better , Bill , We , Talks , It , Farmworkers , Policies , House , Hopes , Pelosi , Push , Par , 100000 , Nation , Cayman , 4 , Policy , Testing Positive , Anything , Arrests , Terror , Figures , Highest , 2019 , 174 , June Of 2019 , 565 , 313 , Words , Semantics , Campaign , Progressive Open Border Policies , Candidate , Child , History , Dreamer , Chain Migration , Citizenship , Status , Migration Law , Aunt , Cousins , Uncles , Rest , Program , Powers , Anchor , Evidence , Election Result , 2020 , Report , Race , Enemies , Stuff , No Fly List , Terrorists , Safety , Direction , Problems , Thing , World , Region , Partners , Ability , Capabilities , Iran Nuclear Deal , Middle East , Israel , Jcp , State Sponsor , Sanctions , Number One , Patrick , Rockets , Cities , Coming Up St , Iraq , Times , New York , Ashley Strohmeyer , Pub , Inside , Weather , Storms , Issues , Janice Dean , Folks , Parts , Thunderstorm Warnings , West , Severe Thunderstorm Watch , Janice , Hail , Millions , Missouri , Mississippi River Valley , Arkansas , Kansas , Tornadoes , Tornado , Foreign , Winds , Area , Warnings , Risk , Watches , Ingredients , District , Louisiana , Potential , Outbreak , Kentucky , Alabama , Tennessee , Deal , Watch , Southeast , Areas , Mid Atlantic , Threat , Green , Excuse , Warning , Green Screen , Look , Island , Hearts , Earth Cam , Think I Haven T , News , Economy Standpoint , Bronx Covid Friendly Parade , Covid , Parades , Celebrations , Footage , Boston , Chicago , Everything , Listen , The Grand Marshall , Stream , Irish American Community , Patrick Cathedral , On Tap , Heritage , Fox News , Green Highlighters , Roots , Up Next , War , Agenda , Expensing , Expenses , Doubts , Pennsylvania , Balance , Bank , Pizza , Books , Good , Guy , Idea , Businesses , Bookkeeping , Intuit Quickbooks , Payroll , Payments , Scranton , Erie , Ppe , Working Class , Tax Hikes , Workers , Democrats Progressive Policies , Promise , Relief , Campaign Trail , Bill Brett , Presidency , Energy , 56 , Actions , Opposite , Capital Gains Tax , Tax Hike Plan , Income Tax Rate , Tax Rate , 28 , 21 , 400000 , Small Business , Screen , 1 Million , Class , Incomes , Owners , Level , Issuance , Hiring , Jobs , Insight , Recovery , Difference , Joe Biden , Personality , Remarks , Pandemic , Person , Stimulus Check , Need , Notes , Hits , Working Class Back , Economy , Workforce , Term , Check , 63 , Westmoreland County , Vote , Run , Voter Registrations , Margin , Win , Representatives , Truck , Video , Take A Look , Control , Safety Chain , Couple , Bridge , Falling , Harness , Story Gorge , Southern Idaho , Camping Trailer Bridge Emergency Crews , Chain , Stephen Breyer , Op Ed Calls On Supreme Court , White House , Saying , Replacement , Circumstances , Travesty , Agreement Court Seat , Op Ed , Vaccines , Tool , Example , Obama , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Facebook , 19 , Users , Partner , Boston Children S Hospital , Mark Zuckerberg , John Brownstein , Links , Operation , Identify , Forces , Appointments , News Feeds , 50 Million , Countries , Launching , Step , Equity , Herd Immunity , Vaccine Access , Languages , 71 , Content , Platform , Plan , Misinformation , Pieces , 12 Million , Strikes , Account , User , Strike System , Strike Locks , 5 , 12 , Bar , Politics , Suspension , It Autonomous Zone , Essential , Case , Dive Bar , Segment , Graduations , Races , Identities , Columbia , University Next , Middle , Graduation Ceremonies , Students , Columbia University , Host , Factors , Self , Carley , Graduation Ceremony , Student , Elements , First Generation , Latin X , 180 , Graduation , Lgbt Q Community , Communities , Minority , Tweets , Addition , Others , Ceremony , School , Top , University Wide Commencement , Player , Slur , Ceremonies , Dinner , Nba , Nfl , Julian Edelman , Athlete , Patriot Player , Miami Heat , Conference , Lots , Criticism , Jewish , Social Media , Reach , Influence , Miami , Team , Meyer , Apologize , Dialogue , Brian Kilmeade , Chad Wolf , Copy , Blame , Congresswoman Elyse , Stefaniak , Pressure , Residents , Meatless , Colorado , Pete Ricketts , Burger , Needs , Scientists , Don T Go Meatless , Celebrating St , Mask , Commercial , Pillow , Glass , Toast , Tape , Speed , Feet , Poor , Don T Go To A Parade , Uh Oh , Trumpet Playing , Coyotes , Beef Jerky , Pocket , Five , Someone , Internet , Cup , Come On , Faster , Xfinity , Staten Island , Business Owners , Owner , Bar Owner , Remember The Autonomous Zone Set , Mother , Fight , Indication , Poster , Know , Antilock Down Movement , Liberties , Back , Freedoms , Bar Owners , Many , Fighting , Oppression , Mac , Experience , Crowd , Rooftop , Sheriff , Holding Cell , 25 , Street , Hand , Supporters , Murder , Keyboard Warriors , Movie Star , Guys Like Us , Killers , Mayor , Happening , Accusation , Charges , Cops , Grand Jury , Nypd , Respect , Respect State Troopers , Stance , Trial , The Block , Dive Bars , Power , In The Name Of , Nobody , Lamb , Draft Beer , Ground , Beer , Court , Daniel , Line , Defiance , Hair , Patrick S Day We , Congratulations , Girl , Wolfman , Six , Kid , Chores , Charge , Offense , Nap , Fun , Theme Song , Life , Benny Hill , Chance , Outcomes , Apps , 00 , 000 , Breath , Gum Disease , Mouth , Listerine , Boldtm , Mind , Release , Best , Mission , Financing , Suvs , Industry , Category , Mercedes Benz , Offers , Target Statement , Bite , Ministration , Homeland , Men , Haven T , Messaging , Listening , A Ministration , Message , Images , Organizations , Course , River , Hearing , Marketing , Trek North , Shelters , 16 , 60 , 17 , Tv , Adults , Image , 83 , Show Images , Title , 42 , Average , Sir , 493000 , 513000 , Beginning , April May , Voice , Butts , Peak , Pleasure , Happy St , Shooting Suspect , Law , Product ,

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