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complicating the process and states complained there left to pay for much of the problem. we will have more on that in a few minutes with arizona attorney general mark renovate. let's go to david spunt covering from wilmington, delaware. the white house is not calling this a crisis but there said even the federal emergency agency, how is that going on with the public? >> the white house is calling this a challenge right now other than southern border. they want fema to be used for weather disasters like storms in the winter storm in colorado like hurricanes not specifically what's going on on the southern border. president biden left wilmington in route to the white house where he will be later this hour but i see the white house clearly sees there's a problem on the southern border because are deploying fema to take care of the unaccompanied minors homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas site attributed announcement that fema is going to be sheltering the unaccompanied minors taking care of the kids for the next 90 days at least housing facility for children are overwhelmed and fema primary responsibility is responding to natural disasters so this will test the agency to be able to do both. >> the sending fema as reinforcement, not for today or tomorrow but three weeks from now. what is clear, there can be no equivocation when sending a message to people who are thinking about joining the caravan. it has to be her border is closed. this idea that it's joe biden's election that prompted more people to show up and belied by the actual facts the evidence suggests it isn't the policy of the u.s. a administration that drives migration to the united states it's the desperation of the circumstances these people are living under. >> difficult circumstances no question for the migrants but as you look at the numbers from custom and border patrol 100,000 encounters in february alone just under 10% are unaccompanied minors, the trump administration turn the unaccompanied children away from the border citing a national emergency plus the national pandemic, the international pandemic in many cases these children have nothing not even relatives no question, sad stories and jen psaki said the current approach is humane and moral. republicans may disagree based on the numbers coming in from the southern border. meanwhile present abiding will head out on the road to tout his $1.9 trillion covered relief package in pennsylvania and georgia but no question the administration looking at the southern border for the president to make a trip in person himself. jon: david spunt from wilmington, delaware. david thank you. fox news getting an exclusive look at the situation on the southern border after 30000 unaccompanied kids crossed in february alone. griff jenkins continues his boots on the ground reporting at the texas mexico border. >> is been active day i do look at border patrol speeding along the levee which is a mile on a mild half from the rio grande river where there are migrants crossing illegally almost 24 hours a day here you see a pile of ladder stacked up these are ladders that the migrants are try to used to scale a levee wall so they can get into the community and mission texas if you look over the wall you could see the broken ladders, backpack, it was not here yesterday when we saw it, we spoke with one of the residents who lives beyond the ladders, here's what he had to say. >> they did do something because it's like they opened up the floodgates it's really ridiculous this is not pulling them back. >> is not just about the people the other part of the equation the drugs, the dea making a massive drug bust this past thursday season 308 pounds of marijuana, 18 pounds of methamphetamine and 88 pounds of cocaine the dea special agent in charge richard sanchez giving us a tour of the seas of drugs and having this to say. >> cartels are not going to stop but were not going to stop either what they need to know is where here and were not going away and we will continue to do her job. >> in the cbp tweeting about this specifically saying in the span of the past four days they have seized more than 1800 pounds of narcotics. bottom line both officials and residents here telling me that they want the politicians in washington to get together and come up with a solution to stop the flow, the escalating flow of people and narcotics into the community. jon: griff jenkins at the southern border. thank you. >> our next guest leading an legal fight to stop present abiding overturning the trump administration overcharge role. they must prove they can support themselves financially before admitted to the country. in a statement he writes is unconscionable to overwhelm our infrastructure and immigration personnel when were dealing with the health and economic devastation of the pandemic. the reckless violation of federal law is only created a national crisis and putting additional strains on our state and hard-working arizona taxpayers. joining us out arizona attorney general mark, let's take a step back the public charge role goes back to the clinton administration doesn't it? and it's required immigrants coming into this country be able to support themselves not avail themselves of federal tax payer programs, correct? >> public charge goes back further than that something that has been linked to immigration system for 100 years. these rules have been propagated by various presidents in order to make sure when someone is immigrating into this country that they are self-sufficient and they can take care of themselves and will become a productive member of society. jon: with the stroke of a pen five days or so ago president biden undid that. >> it's really unconscionable what's going on i would urge any of these politicians and the biden administration to come down talk to border officials and look at what's going on because her first lawsuit was because they stopped recording people of deportation there's literally a million people in this country people have been charged and convicted of crimes are being deported that is creating incredible stress on the system. unilaterally the public charge role dropping an appeal that was pending before the supreme court what that does is send out a huge message that you could come across-the-board illegally and there's not going to be any consequences and furthermore you'll get all the benefits like healthcare education, staff programs and i think it's unconscionable because right now as were struggling with the pandemic and struggling with all these covid-19 issues people in arizona they can't get an appointment benefits we may need additionally thousands of more people coming in and putting strains on our safety net. jon: your written in that complaint that it's going to cost the state dearly roughly a billion dollars, here's part of the statement the federal government only pays a portion of the cost involved in many of the public benefit programs and issue, increasing the strain on the overstretched state assistance program and estimated the rule will save the state one and a tenth of a billion dollars annually in direct payments. and by enforcing the rule the states save money in the federal government continues with this executive order from present abiding the states will have to cough up those funds. >> right is not just the money, remember if your tax payer, 90% when it comes to healthcare systems and medicaid those are federal tax dollars not only the states that are impacted anybody lopez federal taxes will be impacted. let us not forget you mentioned the drug bust by the dea our office prosecuted cases with tens of thousands of fentanyl coming across the border and dozens of heroin that stuff is not staying here, that is going through out the country. tell me about the financial cost about the social cost in length is kid ourselves every single person that comes across as border they may have the best of intentions but the drug cartel are making money off of that it's a bosses that are exploiting the migrants right now and we in the country are paying the cost. >> the speaker of the house it might not surprise you is blaming the trump administration for what happened here saying abiding the administration has inherited a broken system. listen. >> this is a humanitarian challenge to all of us what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border in their working to correct that in the children's interest, this again is a transition to what was wrong before into what is right. >> she's referring to the 30000 unaccompanied minors who came across the border in february and that's just an estimate, what would you say to the speaker of the house? >> in any civilized country in the world having 30000 children, crusher border would constitute a crisis and emergency no civilized country would tolerate that its eu management crisis but i guess it is true what they say when nancy pelosi lips are moving that mean she's lying what she's done is detached from reality this is why people are so frustrated with washington, d.c. they can't get anything done and when there's an actual crisis where they should show leadership in the bipartisan manner they start casting and pointing fingers it's really disgusting. somewhere in the front line in arizona it just affects everyone in this country and i wish nancy pelosi would get off her soapbox or whatever she's doing and maybe accept responsibility how long has she been in congress i don't know she's a professional politician and to get something done we need help along the border. jon: your leading a contortion of a number of states, alabama, arkansas, indiana, kansas, mississippi, montana, oklahoma, west virginia they all joined your lawsuit, do you think you can succeed? >> we should succeed i'm a first generation american this is a country of immigrants but also a nation of law and about the rule of law in so many people come because the places they are leading just like my family of communism through leading places where the rule of law does it mean something, we need structure and the rule of law and that's where our loss is about about defending the rule of law and the people don't like immigration policy they should point the finger at washington, d.c. and people in the house and senate for not getting anything done because we keep lurching from crisis to crisis, crisis to crisis and having a humanitarian impact of people trying to cross the border and the fiscal impact on people in arizona and the taxpayers in arizona and a social impact when we see all the drugs and all the crime and people poisoning the cartel and poisoning our cities. something has to be done, something has to do something. me as a lawyer also can do is file lawsuit and try to stop them from unilaterally creating law the executive order. jon: it is a suit we will continue to watch and works its way through the court system. the attorney general of the state of arizona. thank you. jon: severe storms threatening millions of americans this week, take a live look at denver a historic winter storm knocked out power and led to thousands of flight cancellations across the rockies and upper planes. fox news team coverage, adam klotz is tracking where the storm heads next. first let's check in with alicia acuna and denver. >> as the snow continues to fall this storm is close to one of the top ten record book out of the airport there saying it's almost 20 inches so that would be a record travel has been impossible for some people if you think about there are roads, highways, interstates, all over the state in every direction that are closed or experiencing dangerous conditions at some point the governor and the colorado department of transportation has been urging folks not to drive if they can help it prior to denver and beyond are on the brink of warning in this rising last night as just stopped over the region and this is down power lines and trees they said they were working to restore power to 33000 people and living in denver i tell you they have been receiving warnings all week the government officials warning that the giant snowplows available meaning the side streets are still stuck with accumulative snow, one local fire department getting folks to understand if they get stuck it might be a while. >> please do not count on the snow cat to rescue, we have it but we want you to be safe and we want our community -- please stay home. >> denver and colorado springs airports report that more than 2000 flights have been canceled thousands of covid-19 vaccinations also had to be rescheduled due to conditions. denver public schools the largest district joined closed for tomorrow and they also get the snow day some find the storm to be fund including parker the honorary mayor of the colorado georgetown he is fully enjoying it there's always a silverlining. jon: i imagine even with the limited capacity they are operating under covid. alecia can you in denver. thank you. jon: multiple tornadoes touching down in northern texas yesterday, people reporting a fair amount of damage virtually no injuries. meteorologist adam klotz has more on where the severe weather is heading next. >> this is part of one large system the storms in texas in the heavy snow in the denver area further north will march up toward the east and beginning to wind down in the next couple of areas it's not over yet we see snow falling through the denver area and heavy snow in wyoming and getting to western nebraska it's been there for 18 hours and will be there little while longer these are winter storm advisories everything in the red is a blizzard warning invisibility down to a quarter of a mile and winds up to 35 miles per hour which is drifting snow and treacherous driving conditions in the entire region as we want to begin to move in tomorrow morning and the hardest hit areas it clears out but this is the future forecaster radar and you see the snow lingering overnight report march across the plains into the great lakes the good news becomes less of a significant system there is still snow on the way but were not likely going to see any spots to the east talking about 30 inches of snow this is yet to fall most of the areas in the white some of the darker colors maybe another foot of snow, one more night and they will clear this off and dig on out. jon: meteorologist adam klotz. thank you. protesters across the country yesterday marking one year since police killed breonna taylor during a botched no knock raid on her apartment in louisville kentucky. they held a peaceful protest in the memorial and her hometown but in los angeles, seattle and portland police made numerous arrests. charles watson live in atlanta with the latest. >> those protests went from calm and peaceful to chaotic and violent in those cities overnight in los angeles three police officers were injured and 11 people were arrested after some demonstrators receiving damaging stores others threw rocks at police officer in one case hopping on a police cruiser near the hollywood walk of fame in los angeles police chief michael moore called out those who contributed to the violence say there is no justification or excuse for the violence in the seattle police department made more than a dozen arrest protesters confronted officers some smashing windows and graffiti and property at one point officers are seen with brain protesters as the two sides get into a confrontation a situation in portland last night as well police are seen physically pushing protesters after officers dispersed the crowd just one day earlier they sell police detained 100 people and make 13 arrest after demonstrators allegedly vandalize property. for the most part demonstration started off peaceful with hundreds if not thousands of people marching in louisville and other cities across the country and effort to get justice for breonna taylor who was killed by a police officer during the raid a year ago. >> wake up all we want is justice and will stop taking over the streets that's all we want is justice, equal rights and he equal opportunity. >> prosecute the police that's exactly what we mean. >> the civil rights probe shooting that is ongoing but we did hear from fbi louisville filled office yesterday who said agents are making significant progress in their investigation. jon: charles watson live from atlanta. some of new york top lawmakers are calling on andrew cuomo to step down including many fellow democrats but not nancy pelosi. next with the house speaker has to say about the growing number of women who accused cuomo of sexual harassment. really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're 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(ding)... you got paid! that means... best burger ever. intuit quickbooks helps small businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping. jon: new york governor andrew cuomo is refusing calls to step down say he will not vow to cancel culture face of a growing number of sexual harassment allegations proved even top leaders in his own party are calling him him to resign but not all of them. alex hogan live in new york city. >> big names are laying out their viewpoints to the controversy senator chuck schumer says he supports the women coming forward and calls for the governor to step down and house speaker nancy pelosi weighing in saying she thinks the women in the governor himself deserve to see an investigation play out. >> people have to look inside themselves in governor cuomo also how effective is their leadership in leading the state under the circumstances that are there. >> more than 100 new york lawmakers say they want cuomo out of office. this week new york state assembly karl hastie approved the start of an impeachment investigation through the judiciary committee. kirsten get delivery and speaking out calling on the governor to step down. >> because of the multiple credible sexual harassment misconduct allegations it is clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners as well as the people of new york. >> seven women accused the governor of inappropriate behavior, sexual have advancement or harassment free the second investigation surround nursing homes. the attorney general report says the administration undercounted the deaths by 50% not including people data hospitals. this is cuomo's third term as governor and as he finishes it would match the legacy of his father mario cuomo. he says he will not leave and he is not publicly rolled out another run for office. >> i have been in the public eye my entire life. my entire life i have been under public scrutiny since i was 23 years old and ran my father's campaign. new yorkers know me, wait for the facts. >> according to a washington post report the new york vaccine star larry schwartz called on officials to ask about their loyalty to the governor during the two scandals that are currently underway we reached out to the governor's office who responded saying any accusation that he did anything unethical or completely untrue. jon: alex hogan in new york city. thank you. fresh off the 2 trillion-dollar covid relief bill democrats are rolling out a massive infrastructure package why republicans say the eye-popping price tag could be real any chance for bipartisanship. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it. once-weekly trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. most people taking it reached an a1c under 7%. trulicity may also help you lose up to 10 pounds and lower your risk of cardiovascular events, whether you know you're at risk or not. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's 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university is following all of the undergrads to quarantine until next sunday after covid-19 outbreak the school blames recruitment parties for fraternities and sororities it is reported more than 180 covid cases over the past week. in north korea is giving present inviting the cold shoulder and official tells reuters the biden administration has not reached out since mid-february to no avail. during his election campaign present inviting called kim jong-un own a dog and said he would only meet with him if north korea agreed to reduce its north korea passive. for more stories download the fox news app you can scan the qr code on your screen or go to with the stimulus bill signed and delivered the biden administration expected to turn his attention to infrastructure the details on the massive bill are very much up in the air mark meredith has a closer look. >> in the days ahead president biden is expected to urge congress to spend billions if not more money invested in and infrastructure, will congress get on board infrastructure is normally an issue both parties are willing to work on or at least talk about republicans are likely to question after congress spent 2 trillion-dollar on the latest stimulus bill. democrats would like to push forward with their plan as they control the house and senate and still house speaker nancy pelosi says a bipartisan bill is possible. >> i put out my chairs to the committee of jurisdiction to reach out to the republicans to see what we can do as we have traditionally done in a bipartisan way. this is about a broadband, water systems, mass transit is about good paying jobs all over the country. >> like this to be the spill republicans may argue any future bill contain too much money for democratic priorities. 30 speaking out against tax hikes and conservatives may have issue with climate change provision including gop lawmakers say they're eager to hear what the white house lays out. >> we hope we get more than ten republicans the president wants to work with us and we want to work with them i don't know the top line workers but we need a robust plan that is for sure but we have to pay for. >> we know the white house wants to work with congress but the big question when will that happen and what deal will be worked out all of the details in the air at this point but we expect to learn more about the administration effort a little bit later on this week. jon: mark meredith reporting, thank you. the house passes to gun-control measures largely along party lines last week the bill would require diverse background checks on all commercial gun sales and extend the waiting. to ten days. they now head to the senate where the need 60 votes to overcome a possible filibuster. >> understandably tough to get to 60 but this is one of the few votes in which you have a chance to save lives, no criminal and no person with serious illness should be able to get their hands on a gun that is something that republicans and democrats should be able to agree on very soon. jon: freshman republican congresswoman a gun rights advocate from colorado voted against the bills tweeting if the democrats had their way you'd be lucky to own a water gun in this country. let's bring in north carolina republican congressman richard hudson a member of the house committee on energy and commerce i want to get to the infrastructure built in just a minute but on gun control. some republicans, some conservatives complain when democrats are trying to establish a national gun registry, you see it that way? >> that's exactly right, nancy pelosi and the liberals in congress want you to judge them by their intention not the actual result of the policy. this is another example where they talk about the need to keep criminals and until health issues from buying guns but the law already prohibits folks like that from buying guns in every gun sell in america already requires a back on track and although legislation does is goes after law-abiding gun owners. jon: pat toomey republican outgoing senator is retiring from pennsylvania. he had this to say about a bipartisan gun safety measure that he is cosponsoring he says when a convicted felon lies about his criminal record while attempting to purchase a gun he is committing a new felony this happens regularly in america in a crime that largely goes on prosecuted. but i guess he is in someway queen what you're saying that we have existing gun laws that are enforced. >> that's exactly right it's already illegal for a felony conviction to buy a handgun or any firearm but he's exactly right the district attorney don't prosecute these cases. republicans care about dealing with gun violence and we passed meaningful legislation when we were in the majority to deal with it and we have a number of ideas out there legislation and the common sense one of them makes the penalty for attempting to buy again when you're prohibited much stiffer and make it more attractive for the prosecutors to go after folks who try to buy guns. jon: why want that legislation passed? >> nancy pelosi as speaker of the house and i go back to my original statement she does not care about the results she wants to use it as an excuse to go after law-abiding gun owners she doesn't think we should be able to buy or own guns so she's using this excuse to give you another example the other bill that passed last week was to close the charleston loophole in dylann roof was able to buy a handgun even though he has a drug conviction he should not of been able to buy that gun so the democrats illusion let's expand the way. to buy guns from 3 - 10 days to make it indefinite if a bureaucrat decides any gun sale can made indefinite and held her forever. yet that does not solve the problem, the problem was communication sharing between law enforcement. dylann roof was in a database called the index but the fbi does not think they have the authority to check the index but congressman tom rice from south carolina has a simple bill this is the fbi can check all the databases. a simple fix it would stop dylann roof from buying a gun at the common sense republicans are pushing. jon: let's talk about infrastructure for a moment nancy pelosi the speaker of the house said she wanted infrastructure bill through this congress and she also says enter new taxes might be required to pay for. >> the goal is to promote good growth creating good paying jobs as we protect our planet and fiscally sound. >> it is going to take new taxes fiscally sound. >> there is some that spring from maintenance tax credit, this, that, we will see. jon: democrats are talking about a trillion dollar stimulus infrastructure and stimulus bill you pay for that with harbor maintenance tax credit? >> hold on to your wallets they are coming after your money and they're talking about a 4 trillion-dollar infrastructure bill but the funny thing about it everything in their bill makes it harder to build infrastructure they want to tax and regulate and they want to promote the green new deal piecemeal they can get the whole bill passed but they wanted a piece-by-piece or infrastructure bill, it's all going to be about a green new deal and it's all going to be about their priorities and it will be more regulation in taking more money out of your pocket. it is not going to result in infrastructure that we need which is unfortunate because there's a lot of need out there and republicans like me would need to come to the table and talk about it. jon: it's one of the areas where you get bipartisan cooperation on capitol hill if it's done correctly. north carolina congressman richard hudson thank you for spinning time with us this evening. britain's newspapers punching back at prince harry and meghan markel after the couple trashed the tabloids during their sit down with oprah. up next we will fact check the explosive planes from the interview. this is worth. that takes wealth. but 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best plan for each employee and only pay for the features they need. jon: millions tuned in to watch prince harry and meghan markel's interview with oprah winfrey but some of the explosive claims about the royal family reportedly don't add up. christina coleman live in los angeles with more on that. >> multiple claims it megan and harry made during the bombshell interview are being disputed the biggest one about allegations of racism within the royal family against megan who is multiracial and their son archie harry and meghan said someone in the policy expressed concern over how dark the baby skin would be and she claims the royals plan to change protocol so he would not become a prince but royal analyst say that is not quite right, they say prince charles has been in favor of a slimmed-down monarchy with fewer titles like prince and princess since long before meghan and baby archie came into the picture. prince william told reporters on thursday that their family is not racist and in its response bucking him policy said regulation may vary that the allegations will be taken very seriously in the family was sadden by meghan's quote troubles. meghan admitted to feeling suicidal as her time as a royal an interview. smaller claims are also in dispute meghan said it to between her and duchess kate over a bridesmaids dress that blew up in uk media and she didn't get support from the royal family. the daily mail says royal pr went to bat for meghan every day and also the small private wedding ceremony harry and meghan said they enjoyed before the big royal wedding could not have happened or the marriage could not of been legal because there were no witnesses as required by uk law royal experts say inconsistencies like these have critics questioning what really happened but few people have lived under a closer microscope is a look royal family and 50 million people watch the interview last week and clearly they are making up their own minds. jon: christina coleman, thinking. it has been a tough year for the music industry with the pandemic shutting down night nightclubs, theaters, concert venues but new hope performers might return to the stage, famed country singer larry gatlin who battled the case of covid joins us live next. ♪ tempur-pedic's mission is to give you truly transformative sleep. so, no more tossing and turning... because only tempur-pedic's proprietary material adapts and responds to your body. so you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. during the luxe event save $300 on our most premium mattresses. new projects means new project managers. during the luxe event you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at i'm a performer. always have been. and always will be. never letting anything get in my way. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis. voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. and it can help you too. feel the joy of movement with voltaren. jon: country music star diagnosed with coronavirus after receiving his second move darren a shot larry gatlin of the gatlin brothers tested positive for days ago after the second dose. initially he was experiencing unusual symptoms like chest pressure, cough and body aches he joins us now. it was monday a week ago when you were diagnosed, how do you feel tonight? >> i'm doing very well and very blessed i had good genes and my mom lived to be 88 and my dad 93 and off-the-cuff i said the shot that i got it i've been told by several friend info alike that my knowledge of today's immunology is a little bit behind. it was a strange coincidence that i had dodged the virus for 358 days and then to read three days after i got the shot that i came down with it in my case it was no more than a very mild chest cold for a couple of days and ran a little bit of a fever and if i had to do it over again i want the moderna folks and everybody else to know i'd be right there in that line. my wife and i have been coring teaming here in nashville and our town home on the golf course. i'm grateful to those people i'm one that did not have a bad case at all john rich my buddy we kind of joked that we had country music tour bus immunity, if you can hang out in the tour bus with a bunch of musicians for 30 years 200 times a year you're pretty much immune to anything. i'm very grateful that i did not get that sick at all and my heart goes out to those people who have suffered in their loved ones and friends who have passed away. it is a trying time for all of us but i'm grateful in my case and 100% and ready to rock. jon: you're joking about tour bus immunity but when will they roll again, do you think were turning the corner on the virus that you and your brother can get out there and perform again? >> were gonna sing for 40 years ago we open billy bob's the big dance hall in april 1, literally we've only done three or four concerts in a little thing at the grand old opry that this is the first number taken the ban on the road april 1 we've only done three or four gigs and were very blessed were not down to bread and milk money and we will not be evicted anytime soon, we will not b and crew be evicted but for lack of a better term rent the top of the. amid. the thing is the people who pop the popcorn and the people who take the tickets, the ushers, the people that work backstage at these venues they are the ones also suffering, i know the essential workers, thank god for them the doctors and nurses and people who have done everything and sacrifice everything they are essential workers in those people, the gatlin brothers are central, the oakland boys, john rich, those people patricia yearwood and garth brooks are essential to those people who run those theaters and keep them up and going. so thank god for people like our friend greg abbott in texas and governor desantis and people who are opening up again. in drastic times and desperate times and desperate measures are called for, an old saying, another old saying of volunteering these imposed by government on the people the one imposed for the people's own good is the most oppressive. that's what we have in a lot of places in america today where people are being oppressed by these lockdowns and not letting people go back to work were not going to go broke but a lot of people are really hurting in the 1400-dollar check helped out well for those folks and i wish the people who made those laws would have their paycheck cut off. jon: i think a lot of americans are with you on that one. >> i'm very grateful. jon: it's good to hear you're coming back we know you're well on the way to recovery and get to talk to you tonight. >> thank you john, goodbye. jon: more "fox report" in just a moment. for what you need? just get a quote at really? 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bacteria magnet, putting natural teeth at risk. new polident propartial helps purify your partial and strengthens and protects natural teeth. so, are you gonna lose another tooth? not on my watch! jon: one of my favorites is calling it quits after two decades in the nfl drew breezes hanging up his helmet the same quarterback holds the all-time lead records for most passing yards and completions the video posted to his instagram where kids say they're looking forward to spending more time with dad. that is how fox reports this sunday arch 142021 i am jon scott. thank you for watching. ♪. .judge jeanine: hello and welcoe to just assign judge jeanine pirro thank you for being with us let's get right to my open. ♪. judge jeanine: this should terrify you they're coming from every direction it is happening fast at a fanfare and none of it is good, the surge of liberal policies being implemented across the great country by joe biden and his so-called progressive cohort not only affects your pocketbook but the endanger you and your family putting everyone of us at risk. take what is happening at our southern border more than

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