Transcripts For FOXNEWS Watters World :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Watters World

it goes back to their childhood. we don't have time for it. but their idea of hell is not being able to control you being out of power. donald trump drove them literally crazy. so the left is setting up a system of permanent power so it never happens again. there are four pillars to the power grab and we'll explain what they are tonight. the first pillar is educational indoctrination. a perfect example is the grace church school in new york city. an elite private school with a tuition of $57,000 a year. the head master is an ivy league guy. it provides an excellent education and sends many of its students to the best colleges in the country. the students will then go on to become high achievers professionally in business, science, politics and the media, and will have a lot of influence over your life. i would send my children there if that was it. but there is something sinister going on at the school. these children are being indoctrinated by teachers and administrators to hate america. the students probably can't even recognize what's going on. the grace church school just broke into the news because of the new inclusive language guide that they released. the school says hateful language promotes racism, misogyny and homophobia. they suggest certain words and phrases be replaced with others. gender is being removed from conversations that take place in school. instead of boys and girls, guys, ladies and gentlemen, at grace we say people, folks, friends, readers, and mathematicians. there is videos in school that go along with all this. >> alex is that a girl with that weird doll or the boy with the hat with the wings that flap? >> no, uncle jay, this is alex. >> i remember a very nice young -- come to think of it, is alex a boy or a girl? >> actually alex doesn't define himself as boy or girl. >> what else is there? jesse: the school has a gay and lesbian club for' 6th graders. i support lifestyles and you are free to be who you are in america. but parents should be having these conversations. teachers shouldn't be immersing themselves in a fifth grader's sexual dynamic. the church says traditional family is outdated. instead of saying mom and dad we say grownups, folks or family. they don't want to you say parents. they don't want you to say husband or wife. this is very deep rooted indoctrination. i thought i had won the war on christmas. but apparently there are a few dead enders and they are at the school. instead of saying merry christmas or even hoppy holidays. grace church school wants you to say have a great break. when you get back from break. you are not allowed to say where did you go for break. because that would assume everybody had the resources to go on vacation. they want you to say name something you learned during break. it's crazy. i never went to the kribl over over -- never went to the caribbean over christmas break. but i had friends who had. when they asked me where i went, i said i went sledding and stayed home. i didn't crawl up into a ball and cry in the corner because someone's father took them to aruba and mine didn't. that's life. some people have more, some have left. we don't need to shelter children from that reality by changing the english language and making a 10-year-old feel ashamed of his socioeconomic status whether it's poor, middle class or wealthy. another outdated term is color blinds. i was raised as i'm sure you are under the martin luther king philosophy, it's not the color of your scinl but the content of your character. that's gone now. instead of calling someone a minority, grais church school wants you to say a person of color or marginalized identity. everyone who isn't white is marginalized. by who? i think you know. the school features a video on white privilege. >> if that's in your vocabulary i urge you to drop it and never say it again. people don't come in those colors, and wait conveys is that you are not prepared to engage with you a them isity. jesse: the schools literature says being born a white skin and a male is i privilege. that system is called white supremacy. a lot of this is about assigning guilt at an early age. students are told they have to be anti-racist. they need to renounce their white privilege. destroy any system that per pet e pshthat perpetuates their prie and get out in the streets and get active. >> we need to be accountable. what hurts one of us hurts all of us. we need to stop being none and being active. jesse: this is heavy stuff for an 11-year-old. schools like the grace church school aren't satisfied with ma sat satisfied withhard working . they are spending countless hours training students to loathe themselves, loathe others, walk on egg shells and destroy traditional concepts like family and religion. we are seeing the result of this play out today. the same people who were toppling statues, canceling cans -- --canceling conservativ. they have been trained to destroy you if they can't control you. they may hook like your average report are or associate. they are dangerous and train to take you out with legal or hr complaints. for the most trivial language or behavior. when you are gone, they come in and take your place, then look for the next target. this isn't a game to them. this is their creed. this is their lifestyle. hike a strict father, just say no. when you bend your knee, it gives them power. that's all they want is power after you. cancel culture is the second pillar of the power grab. this is the weapon they use to destroy you. before they destroy you they controversial you. once someone or something either a concept, phrase or institution is controversialized, they can be canceled or marginalized. donald trump is a perfect example. donald trump was controversialized by the left and the media. his brand became so controversial that corporate america became scared of it. corporate america is hyper sensitive to even a tweet. they cave at the slightest whiff of controversy. wearing a maga hat or just aligning yourself with the america first concept. supporting trump became controversial. saying all lives matter become controversial. so did backing the blue. just ask drew brees who had to apologize for saying that. kolin kaepernick is a hero. even though 90% of the country agrees with standing for the anthem and supporting the police. a hostile and joke am minority on the left and the media are making the majority cautious, even ashamed about being patriotic and supporting law and order. saying biological men shouldn't be competing in sports with biological women. believing in strong borders and the traditional family and christianity have been controversialized. these are widely accepted tenets of society. but recently they have become too hot to handle for corporate media. the democratic party is making a power grab for the business community. traditionally a republican constituency. the trends of donations tells that story. if the republican party loses the support of the business community the republican party is finished. the third pillar of control, illegal immigration. "watters' world" has been talking about this since biden's election. so those of you who watch the show know where we are going with this. biden opened up the borders to turn texas blue. other states are in the cross-hairs like arizona and north carolina. we saw what happened with california. they used to have republican governors there. birthright citizenship, asylum, over the years that turns tread states blue. texas has gone from a reliable red state to a few percentage points away from being purple. if texas turns blue, the democrats will own the elections. so don't look at the border crisis as an accident. it's an ideal situation for democrats. they don't care if illegal immigrants compete with american workers, drive down wages. drain the welfare state and stress out local hospitals, schools and police departments. the goal is permanent political power. this brings us to the fourth and final pillar. the nexus between election reform and covid-19. here is nancy pelosi on the election reform bill that just passed the house. >> this reminds me of what it must have felt like at valley forge. everything is at stake. we must win this race. jesse: according to nancy pelosi the stakes are as high as the pivotal battle in the revolutionary war. why? because if the democrats succeed, they will never lose another election again. the bill is called hr1. it rips election laws away from the states. the last election that saw the rewiring of election laws because of covid. democrats wants to make every see recollection like 2020. that's what nancy pelosi's reform bill does. anyone can show up to vote on election day, registered or not. a 16-year-old is allowed to vote. everyone 16 years or older is -- orolder is automatically registered to vote. over 250 million ballots are going to be floating around the country months and months before an election. pelosi's bill allows for ballot harvesting so paid operatives can go all over the state and collect bundles of ballots and eventually get around to returning them to a precinct. states can count ballots that arrive 10 days after election day. and d.c. can become the 51st state. permanent pandemic rules with loser deadlines and permanent chain of custody would turn he election in he state blue. the elections would look like this. president biden, president harris. jason riley says the covid relief package is the greatest expansion of the welfare state since franklin roosevelts and lbj's program. "watters' world" supports stimulus checks. it has nothing to do with covid. it's bailouts for poorly run state governors so they can buy election. they don't need the money because the ref throughs were flattened. there are slush funds and subsidies. the goal since democrats have the lower class dependent on government is to make the middle class and upper middle class dependent on government. there are bonuses or government workers who make over 100 grand a year. there are checks for families making over $50,000 a year. the bill prohibits states from cutting taxes. the law creates a commission to examine how people consume political content, which is basically a truth commission that recommends what media information is credible. do you want the democrats toll decide what is true in the press after the russia collusion. they are targeting fox news with this answer we know that. covid cases started plummeting before joe biden even got into office. but joe biden isn't giving up control anytime soon. >> keep wearing a mask. listen to dr. fauci, one of the most distinguished and trusted voices in the world. by july 4 there is a good chance you and your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard. it doesn't mean large events with lots of people. but it does mean small groups. we may have to reinstate restrictions. jesse: more lockdowns, joe. i don't know what world joe biden lives in, but we barbequed with our family last year on the 34th of july. most people -- on the 4th of july. most people are still going to restaurants. most americans are getting back to normal. joe biden doesn't get to tell us who to have over for a barbeque and how to celebrate independence day. he may feel like a king signing consultive orders and surrounding himself with the national guard. but joe biden doesn't control us. biden is going to drag out the lockdown psychology for as long as possible. he's even saying if you get vaccinated you still have to wear a mask, social distance and you probably shouldn't travel. that's not happening. those are the four pill as of control, educational indoctrination. cancel culture, illegal immigration and the pandemic power grab. americans are free people. we don't get our rights from government. we get our rights from god. as americans we have the freedom to say no and do what we want this summer. enough is enough. joining me now for reaction. fox news contributor and former white house press secretary, kayleigh mcenany. welcome to the team. what did you think about that analysis and what did you think about joe biden's address to the nation. >> your analysis was pot-on. he's a radical that wants control of the education system, creating a massive welfare state, a fourth grab on churches and hr1. he was a progressive. he was never a moderate. his address was so interesting to hear him lament closed schools and businesses. guess who is in charge of chose closed businesses and schools? down in florida, we celebrated independence day and we gather in small groups and we have an open society and personality responsibility along with it. jesse: kayleigh, thank you so much. if you see gutfeld wandering the building. jesse: a personal report from the front lines in texas next. nicorette® knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey are you kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette®. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette® up at 2:00am again? tonight, try pure zzzs all night. unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. and longer. zzzquil pure zzzs all night. fall asleep. stay asleep. ancestry...gave us context. this...whole world ...of people ...adventurous people... and survivors. it was interesting to think about their lives... their successes... and...their hardships. i think that's part of what i want my kids to know. they come from people who... were brave. and took risks. big risks. no pressure. 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