Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime

effective advocate for what i actually do believe. it helps me anticipate the weaknesses my own argument, bolster them and be better prepared when they are challenged. so there are many reasons to expose ourselves to different perspectives. take the issue of a national minimum wage. there are those who believe congress should set the minimum wage for everyone and it should be $15 an hour. there are those who think congress should set the wage but it should be higher or lower than $15 an hour. there are those who have no quarrel with $15 an hour as a minimum wage but they believe that issue should be left to the different states and cities. there are those who believe government should not set the minimum wage at all. so it's the same issue. there are just differentview points. then there are some issues where try as we may, we cannot understand the other side of the issue at all. when you look at president biden immigration plan you will find a lot of money for south and central american countries and you will find a plan to make the passage from the countries to our own southern border safer. you will find a path to citizenship for people who have already crossed unlawfully or overstayed their visa. you will find expanded visas for more workers in the united states. what you will not find is the money, the interest, or the commitment to border security. lay aside the sophe isetry of making it safer to travel to the southern border but doing nothing about securing the southern border. lay that aside. i'm trying to understand the argument against the border security especially since obama and biden once agreed to it, too. >> i voted for offense. i voted unlike most democrats. some won't like it. i voted for 700 miles of fence. >> it will authorize badly needed funding for better fences and better security along our borders and that should help stem some of the time of illegal immigration. >> trey: there is security for almost every federal building. there is security at all courthouses. there is security at sporting events. there is security at the airport. there is security at the mall. there is security in our homes. we call them walls and doors and locks. but it's security. my wife and i have offense in our backyard. it helps me know where to stop cutting the grass. security is everywhere. except in mr. biden's immigration proposal. the home security business in this country is valued at more than $50 billion. $50 billion is how much we value security. that doesn't even include law enforcement or other forms of government provided security. that is home security. that is what we are willing to pay for out of our own pockets for security. so what exactly is the argument against having secure borders? i understand some people don't like walls or fencing or other specific forms of security. i mean i find it ironic because we use walls and fences and metal detectors in every other facet of life, including going on the floor of the house to vote. if you don't like walls or fences, then what do you like? what is your better idea for having a secure border? why even have a border if you don't know who is coming and for what purpose? if you are for open borders, just say so. most americans aren't but if you are, just admit it. an immigration proposal that does not include border security is not a serious plan. it may be a political plan, but it's not a serious plan. americans believe in security. they will never understand why there is more security around the floor of the u.s. house when members vote on immigration bills than there is around the border of our country. so far, i haven't heard a single cogent argument against border security. and now, joining me from the great state of south carolina, on the judiciary committee, senator lindsey graham. senator, how are you? >> senator: thank you very much, trey. good. >> trey: you are a lot smarter than i am. is there an argument against border security that i have missed? >> senator: the first thing i don't agree i'm smarter than you. you got this right. this bill was written for a.o.c. and elizabeth warren. this bill was written by democrats for the most liberal element of the democratic party. i'm going to take their bill and bring it up to the floor of the united states senate to see how many democrats want to vote for legalizing everybody but having no border security. how many people want to change the immigration system without e-verify? you need a wall to keep people from walking across the street in to our country but you need a national e-verify system so that every employee can be checked by the government to see if they are legal. and you find an employer who hires illegal immigrants you need to fine them or take the business away. that will do more to stop illegal immigration than anything including the wall. but none of that is in this bill. this bill was written by the left, for the left. and it's so out of touch with the average american, republicans would be crazy not to exploit this bill politically. >> trey: so it is not inconceivable to believe that this never really was a serious effort at immigration reform. this is a messaging bill. but not a real bill. >> senator: yeah, right. i can't say it any better. this was a bill written by the biden administration to show that he is similar pathetic to the open -- sympathetic to the open borders contingent of the democratic party. if you were serious about stopping immigration you'd have a national everify system to punish employers hiring illegal and build a wall and have visa over-stay fix. none of this is in the bill. if you were serious about the american economy you'd go to the merit-based immigration system to pick people all over the world not just on the southern border. so this is not a serious proposal in terms of passing a law. it's a serious statement by the radical members of the democratic party. and joe biden owns it. 2022 is going to be about immigration. a lot of other things. reparations probably. but i think one of the big issues in 2022 will be the difference between the republican party and the democratic party on the issue of immigration and border security. >> trey: i want to ask you about reparations in a second. take a listen to this and give me your response on the other side. >> would you describe what is happening on the border as a crisis? >> whatever you call it wouldn't change what we are doing because we are urgency from the president on down to fix our system. and make sure that we are better at dealing with the hopes and the dreams of these migrants in their home country. >> trey: sounds like we got a mess on the southern border. >> senator: number one, you can't fix a problem unless you understand what it is. i'm calling on the director of homeland security, seems like a fine fellow to resign his job or admit we have a crisis. if he can't say we have a crisis on the boarder with this big of a spike in illegal immigration he's not situationally aware. he and his team needs to either understand there is a crisis and admit it or leave their job to let somebody new come in. i'm not asking them to listen to trump. i'm asking you to listen to border patrol agents and the custom agents on the border who i talk to about three weeks ago saying that these policy changes are going to lead to a nightmare. no longer do you remain in mexico. you come, claim asylum, you are let loose in the country. the word is out all over central america. that is why you have the unaccompanied minors coming to the border. they have family members of the united states. we no longer deport them or send them to the country. people no longer wait in mexico for the asylum claim five years down the road. they are releasing in the united states and they never show up. the word is up. so to the director of the secretary of homeland security, if you don't understand we have a crisis on border, you need to resign. >> trey: senator, you and i come from a small state. we usually all get along with each other. but there is a little bit of a difference between you and congressman clyburn. we have a difference is and tell us what it is and tell us your perspective on it. >> senator: number one, i respect congressman clyburn greatly. count me in for opportunity but not reparations. there is a provision in the covid bill that will forgive 120% of a loan, a farm loan based on socially disadvantaged definition based on race. so if based on your race the federal government is going to give you 120% loan forgiveness. if you are a white woman in the farming business, you are left out. that is reparations. congressman clyburn denied it but the head of the agriculture in the senate, senate stabenow says this is an important piece of reparation. you get your loan forgiven based on your race and no means test. this is terrible and it has nothing to do with covid. what i say is reparationsdys divides the country and we can bring us together but the democratic party is becoming the party of reparations and under senator scott leadership the republican party will be the party of opportunity. >> trey: well said. thank you for coming on, senator. see you back home. >> senator: thank you. >> trey: coming up, what senator roy blunt's retirement could mean for the republicans as we look ahead to 2022. plus, with president biden cabinet picks facing scrutiny how some politicians only seem to regret the dumb things they said when they are up for promotion. that is next. ♪ ♪ we know it's going to take many forms of energy to meet the world's needs while creating a cleaner future for all. at chevron, we're lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations, investing in lower-carbon technologies, and exploring renewable fuels of the future. we work hard to care for the homes we love. but it's only human... to protect the one we share. everyone's crunching! what's crunching? 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and when did she realize accusing a senator of being high on her own drug supply might be wrong? some of those tweets and comments were from years ago. it took being nominated for you to realize you were wrong? i mean i have heard of jail jesus before. people founding religion right before the judge is about to sentence them. i guess this is confirmation clarity. you finally realize how hurtful your comments may have been right before you have to ask the person to vote for you. ms. gupta also said incendiary things. she called the republican national convention three nights of racism, xenophobia and outrageous lies. and now less than one year later she deeply, deeply regrets saying that. these apologies remind me of hearings in the past when i was still in congress. >> professor, what did you mean you said they proposed it and that passed because the american people are too stupid to understand the difference? >> i was at an economic conference being glib and frankly trying to make myself seem smart. >> what did you mean by too stupid to understand the difference? >> i didn't mean anything by it. >> well, you said it. you had to have meant it. >> i was once again being glib and trying to make myself seem smarter. >> usually you insult the american voter, not the american public. so you do factor in politics, don't you? >> i have tried a number of occasions, pretended i know more about politics. >> so your defense is you are not a politician. the lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. what is a nonpolitician doing talking about political advantages? >> to try to make himself seem smarter. >> you are a professor at m.i.t. and you are worried about not looking smart enough? >> yes. >> i don't think he was fooling anyone in hearing like i don't think vinita gupta or tanden are fooling anyone today. if it's wrong then, it's wrong today. and deleting the tweets to make it all go away, i don't think it will fool anyone either. there is a difference between being sorry and being sorry you got caught. when you wait until the eve of your confirmation hearing to decide something was hurtful and wrong and regretful, i don't think it will fool anyone. we'll see if it does. joining me now ari fleischer, former press secretary and byron york, from the "washington examiner" both fox news contributors. ari, start with you. you are a communications expert. to me, tweets equate judgment. it's bad judgment. it's not a mistake. you have to try to tweet something, don't you? you have to work at it? >> well, first and foremost, trey, let me say watching that clip of you grill that guy, i'm glad i never have to cross intellectual swords with you. that was quite a show! yeah, look. i think you put your finger on human nature. it's accented in politics. you have two competitive politics and they are competitive and they are supposed to cross intellectual swords with each other and cross over ideas. you were measured by how good of a fighter you are. some people go too far. and that is the thing about politics. i think we are living in a fascinating time. i try to be polite when i communicate. i think that is always important. i think you can still have a good debought and be polite. we are in an era, president trump showed where it you have to fight hard and punch hard, counterpunch. it's a really interesting debate. you just put your finger on. >> trey: well, byron, let me ask you this. i think constantine maroulis --k garland got a number of votes today. but there there is different standard for judging the republican nominees than democrat nominees? >> it appears that the republicans are more incline to open for the democratic nominees than the democratic nominees were to voting for republican nominees. especially when they were appointed by president trump. i think that there is no doubt about it. joe biden has had an easier way with his nominations. on the statements, obviously people say things they regret. twitter gives them the opportunity to do it over and over and other. with some of them, you wonder about the impulse control. whether tanden shouldn't have just gone to bed instead of tweeted some of the things in the middle of the night. i think vinita gupta will get through. when she called the republican convention three nights of racism, xenophobia and outrageous lies, that is what every democrat was saying. if that was a bar to confirmation, there is no democrat on capitol hill who could have made it. it depends what you said and how much other people in the party were saying the same sort of thing. >> my frustration is they call it "a mistake." to me a mistake is calling someone by the wrong name. it's not making a series of calculated decisions to help yourself. then that is saying i regret it. i'm deeply remorseful makes it all go away. i got two guys really smart on the politics. let me ask you about 2022. roy blunt announced he is retiring. we've got a lot of open seats. ari start with you and then to byron. the map looks tough for senate republicans. >> no, i don't think so. by my analysis, by the most liberal analysis you can find to say what is a race one party can steal from another? i think there are nine seats could be competitive. the democrats you could argue have five pickup opportunities and the republicans have four pickup students. there have been a number of retirements but i still think ohio is a safe state for republicans. missouri is likely a good state for republicans. i think it's a fair fight and it could go either way. >> trey: thank you very much. byron, i'll give you more time next time. i short shifted you and i didn't mean to. thank you both for coming on. >> thank you. >> trey: coming up, what is going on in california? how governor gavin newsom is suddenly begging people to be patient and optimistic after his covid restrictions hit the economy, driving many to move away. rick grenell on the effort to recall gavin newsom. that is next. so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? 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>> i'm doing great, trey. thank you for having me. >> trey: yes, sir. i want to first make sure i'm right on my facts. are people in fact leaving california in fairly large numbers? if that is true, why? >> yeah. it's a sad truth. if you have been to california lately, you will see homeless people everywhere. you will see rolling blackouts. you will see the fact that we are being asked to conserve water even though we live on the ocean. listen, this is a real big problem happening for nine or ten years. republicans largely in the state have given up and allowed the democrats to dimplement the policy -- implement the policies and now we have seen the policies be disastrous. we need a manager. we need somebody who can manage the system. i think it might make sense in some states, trey, to hire a politician to be governor. but not for california. it hasn't worked. we can't have a system where just the politician with the best name kind of works their way up and then suddenly they are in charge of the largest statute in the union. i really believe that this just a simple mismanagement problem. there are a bunch of bernie sanders voters who are also signing petition to get rid of gavin newsom. we have about 33% of the people that have signed the poetition are either democrats or decline -- petition are either democrats or decline to state. they recognize a mismagment of the state. >> trey: you mention the democrats. democrats turning on you is not a good thing. here is the real thing. has the media turned on governor newsom at all? is he still the fair hair boy or are they more objective about him? >> the sacramento media for decades, they have all known that the democrats control the state. it's a one-party state. so you don't have that many brave journalists who want to stand up and challenge the one party system because the democrats could cut them out and then suddenly they don't get any information. they view it as a career killer in swamp of sacramento. it's really important that the sacramento types really understand happen the outrage is from people. look, i have friends in my community who campaign for gavin newsom. democrats who have now become the block captains for the recall effort. this is not about democrat, republican or decline to stay. this is about watching california slip to last place in post covid world. you can't go to church. you can't go to school. you can't -- we are not eating indoors. think about that. we are the last state where you cannot eat inside. this is a real disaster for many californians. california should be the leader of the country. this is a great state with incredible beauty and working class. but the working class, middle american families here in california are up against a system that is controlled by very far left progressive democrats and it's strangling them. >> trey: ambassador, we have 30 seconds. you have the foreign policy experience, intelligence experience. what is your timeline for deciding whether or not this race is right for you? >> well, first of all, we have 250,000 volunteers that have been collecting signatures and we have a week left in the signature process. the democrats will play games yet. we're not there yet. nobody should talk about running for governor until we support grassroots people working for a year. the national media didn't watch us because they were watching the presidential race. but we have been working very long and hard on collecting signatures. we've got a week to go and then they have 30 business days after that to verify the signatures. >> trey: thank you, ambassador. we will have you back for another update. appreciate you coming on tonight. >> thank you. >> trey: coming up, house minority leader kevin mccarthy joins us with some of the unbelievable items you will now be paying for. part of the $1.9 trillion covid spending package just sent to president biden. kevin is next. it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. >> trey: the house today passing the massive $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package. president joe biden is expected to sign it friday. key parts of the bill include $1,400 stimulus check to most americans and a boost to federal unemployment benefits through august and it spends billions to help reopen schools. they better get a move on that. it's almost spring break. and provides aid to small businesses that also includes more money to develop and distribute vaccines. but, but, but, but the bill passed without a single republican vote. why? well, because of what else was in this covid relief bill. $86 billion to bail out pension programs. $500 million to fund arts programs. $35 billion in obamacare subsidiaries. and $1.5 billion for amtrak. why? because. the simple question here what does any of that have to do with covid and the pandemic? here to help me understand things better as he frequently did when we worked together, the house minority leader from the great state of california kevin mccarthy. hey, kevin. how are you? >> representative: i'm doing well, trey. my mom is watching. she says high and that your head looks pretty good tonight. she wanted you to know that. >> trey: i hope my momma thinks that. tell your mom hello for me. >> representative: i will. >> trey: you are in the minority. what is in the relief bill that your mom or my mom might find most alarming in the covid relief bill? >> representative: this is a bailout. less than 9% of $2 trillion goes to covid. remember there is $1 trillion sitting out there we have already passed before that hasn't been allocated. you talk about money for schools. two-third of the money can't be given to schools until 2023. let me tell you what it does do. 9% for covid but gets san francisco, takes care of 92% of the $650 million deficit. because it gives them $600al many. now you know why the city has a deficit? if you are a homeless person in san francisco, they will buy your alcohol and your marijuana. it gives federal employees up to $21,000. not those in the private sector. $21,000. it gives the state employees up to $25,000 bonus. i mean, everything you read about this, it rewards bad behavior. for those reckless cities and states, they get rewarded. california has a $10 billion surplus. but they are getting money. it's just the wrong bill at the wrong time. too costly and too liberal. >> trey: i guess if you call it "covid relief" you can put whatever you want in it. let me ask you quickly about another bill. hr1. what is in that bill that should alarm viewers? >> representative: the first thing the viewers should pay attention to hr1. that is reserved for the most important issue for the majority. so the democrats chose not something to help the people but to help themselves. this is about making the elections national. you can't have voter i.d. it makes sure it's politicizes the campaign for the federal election commission where right now it's bipartisan. same number of the republicans and democrats. but no, let's wait to make sure it's more democrats. the most egregious thing here. let's say a.o.c., some one gives her $200. well, then they are saying now the taxpayers should now give a.o.c. $1,200 and match that 6:1. that is what they are trying to do to guarantee they are re-elected. absolute power corrupts absolutely. we are seeing it in hr1. >> trey: the first bill they reserved the number 1 for the first bill. i think you are headed to the border. what is biden's immigration plan? it doesn't have any border security, does it? >> representative: no. you know, i was going to go to the border to see the wall. all i have to do is look out the capitol. that has the biggest wall with the barbed wire and everything else. on the border, he stopped any wall from being built. he is now taking away for anybody who wants to come across and look at this. you understand this well with your time in congress. in the last month, there was 100,000 immigrants arrested trying to cross. 100,000. that is more than the population of joe biden's hometown of scranton. that is just in one month. i promise you based on what biden is doing opening up the border and not opening up the schools there will be a million people on the other side of the border coming across next month. >> trey: kevin, we got 30 seconds. i want to congratulate you on doing something. you have been a great friend of mine for a decade now. most of us read dr. seuss book 50 years ago. you read it maybe for the first time this week. i saw a picture of you reading a dr. seuss book and i want to congratulate you for that. give you five seconds to respond and tell me how wrong i am. >> representative: look, every year i get asked in my schools to do read across america. and i couldn't be there because we were in session. i read it online. it took me a few years after you were able to read it. the words were pretty big. took me a while to sound them out. >> trey: thank you, brother. i'll call you and we'll finish it. >> representative: all right. >> trey: up next, we hear directly -- [laughter] more on "fox news primetime" next. ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. germ proof your car with armor all disinfectant.. kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst psst you're good ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. the worst genocide in human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. do you remember matza? this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. she hasn't seen unleavened bread since before the holocaust. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. t-mobile is the leader in 5g. we also believe in putting people first by treating them right. so we're upping the benefits without upping the price. introducing magenta max. now with unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus get netflix on us, and taxes and fees included! you won't find this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less. right now, pay zero costs to switch! and bring your phone -- we'll pay it off! only at t-mobile. >> trey: as governor cuomo's honeymoon with the media ends and his conduct begins to catch up with him, one journalist points out that his nursing home and the sexual harassment scandals have at least one thing in common. the disgraced governor value pros moting himself over protecting his people. here is a quote. "cuomo failed to protect the vulnerable women working for him as he did the vulnerable seniors and new yorkers in his care. he seems to have thought both cases only of gratifying himself." now author of "make your own sunshine" and the fox news senior meteorologist janice dean. she lost both in-laws to covid-19. hey, miss dean. how are you? >> i'm good. thank you for having me tonight. >> trey: you are welcome. i want to talk about your book. but first i want to give you a chance to bring honor to those you lost. tell us about your in-laws and what they were like. >> my husband's parents were true new yorkers. new york tough. that is what governor cuomo calls himself. his father mickey was in the air force. he was stationed at hawai'i's hinka air force base where he wrote letters, loved letters to his girlfriend, dee. and proposed to her over those letters. he came back to new york and he became a new york city firefighter for 23 years. my husband is a firefighter because of his father. dee was a home-maker and she had a job in the neighborhood at a dentist office. she never forgot a birthday or an anniversary. there were always cards in the mail. one of the last things she wanted my husband to do before she died was to buy some easter gifts for my kids and put her name on it. >> trey: janice, for those of us who do not live in new york and may not be as familiar with governor cuomo's nursing home policy, tell us what that policy was and how it can contributed or caused the death of your husband's parents. >> march 25. the executive order signed by governor cuomo. it was in place for 46 days and we had no idea. it was to put covid positive patients in to nursing homes. over 9,000 covid positive patients were put in the nursing homes causing over 15,000 deaths. we are just now realizing, i mean we knew it for a long time he was covering up the numbers. but now with the a.g. report, letitia james, saying that they were undercounted and now more reports of his top aides hiding the numbers because they were afraid that the d.o.j. would find out. and that the rest of us would find out. instead as you mentioned, this governor celebrated himself the whole time. we never heard the words "we're sorry for your loss." >> trey: janice, you have tried to do, you have done something that is so difficult to do which is turn grief and anguish and sorrow in to something helpful for other people. tell us about your book. tell us about the sunshine. >> i wrote this book during the pandemic. a lot of it. i was interviewing people who had gone through great challenges and came out on the other side wanting to be a better human being. they brought sunshine in to my life and my family's life in a very dark time. so i started writing the book for other people but i realized after having written it that it was for me. >> trey: well, bless you. thank you for being willing to help other people manage their own grief and anguish through what you and your husband went through. god bless you both. >> thank you, trey. thank you. >> trey: i used to start at the end. it's an unusual way to begin but that is what i used to do. i would write the closing argument in all of my court cases at the beginning of my preparation. the way i look at it the closing argument would be the last time i spoke to a jury. it's likely the thing they would remember the most. it was my final chance to advocate. so with every court case i every did, i started by writing the closing argument first. and then i would go back and write the opening statement and the examination, cross examination of witnesses. start at the end. work my way back. sometimes i wonder if that might be the best way to approach life, too. you know, dana perino and i were talking about her new book and she made reference to what she wants people to say at her retirement party. i take it one step further. what do we want people to say about us when they are walking through the receiving line at visitation for our own funeral or our own wake? i think to myself, what do i want them to say to my parents, my wife, my children, my sisters? if i know now what i want them to say at the end, should about my energies be devoted to empowering them to be able to say those things? i mean if i want them to be able to tell my wife that i was a great golfer, then i need to start practicing more now. if i want them to be able to say gosh, he was so funny, i need to be funnier now. the reality is i want folks to say he was a good prosecutor. he stood up for victims. he helped people get justice for their loved ones. that is the closing argument i tried to write. time will tell whether i was successful or not. i drive through these back roads in south carolina and i cross bridges named for people i have never heard of. i see roads named for people i have never heard of or schools named for people i never heard of. all that stuff washes away after a while. the roads are changed, renamed. the old schools are closed and new ones are built. what can we write in that closing argument that will last. if you visited my office in washington there were two pictures on my desk. one of my wife and children. the other picture was of an 11-year-old girl i never met. i proc cuted the man who killed her. i never met her. she was confined to a wheelchair. she couldn't walk. she couldn't talk. she couldn't feed herself. the last victim in the last murder case i'll prosecute. her legacy was joy. she brought joy to everyone who came in contact with her. she was pure joy. all she could do was smile. sit in her wheelchair and smile. but that is her legacy. i think back to the interview we did just with janice dean. turning her own grief and to help for someone else. that is a beautiful legacy. turning tragedy to helping others. so maybe it does make sense to start at the end. what do we want the people we love the most to hear at the end? if that is what we want at the end, maybe that is the best use of our time between now and then. thank you for watching "fox news primetime." i'm trey gowdy. i will be back here tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. tucker carlson is up ♪ >>tucker: welcome to tucker carlson tonight. a lot of things going on in the world right now, but we thought this was significant barrier to jury selection has just begun i the mentor trial of he is one o the officers who has been accused of murdering george floyd in minneapolis last memorial day. on one level this trial is a local crime story come up one o many unfolding right now but of course it's also an calculi mor than that, the death of george floyd change the united states profoundly and forever. george floyd we were told wasn' an individual, he was every african-american in the country he wasn't just a

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Security , Doesn T , Law Enforcement , 0 Billion , 50 Billion , Walls , Fencing , Pockets , House , Floor , Life , Facet , Metal Detectors , Idea , Purpose , Americans Aren T , Members , Estate , Judiciary Committee , South Carolina , Haven T Heard A Single Cogent , Lindsey Graham , Bill , Thing , Senator , Element , Right , Aoc , Elizabeth Warren , Wall , United States Senate , Immigration System , Everybody , Walking , E Verify , Street , System , Immigrants , Employer , Business , Employee , Republicans , Left , None , American , Messaging Bill , Better , Administration , Serious Effort At Immigration Reform , Employers , Contingent , Open , National Everify , Economy , World , Visa Over Stay Fix , Things , Joe Biden , Preparations , Statement , Proposal , Law , Terms , 2022 , Difference , Second , Response , Crisis , Urgency , Mess , Migrants , Home Country , Hopes , Dreams , Job , Homeland Security , Problem , Director , Fellow , Boarder , Somebody , Trump , Team , Big , Spike , Agents , Policy Changes , Nightmare , Mexico , Claim Asylum , Border Patrol , Three , Word , Family Members , Minors , Asylum , Road , Secretary , Five , Bit , Each Other , Perspective , Congressman Clyburn , Opportunity , Covid , Loan , Provision , Farm Loan , 120 , Race , Farming Business , Definition , Woman , Loan Forgiveness , Head , Reparation , Piece , Agriculture , Means Test , Stabenow , Party , Reparationsdys , Coming Up , Scott Leadership , Politicians , Roy Blunt , Retirement , Promotion , Scrutiny , Plus , Biden Cabinet , Energy , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Cleaner Future , Technologies , Investing , Operations , Fuels , Chevron , Human , Crunching , Crunch , Price , Milk Chocolate , 100 , Way , Anyone , Friendzone , Breakup , Performer , I Always , Voltaren , Doubts , Arthritis Pain Relief , Arthritis , Distractions , Voice , Joy , Movement , Mistake , Politics , Everything , Trend , Series , Decisions , Judge , Defendants , Courtroom , Back , Front , Most , Defendant , Insurance Policy , Honor , Gas Cans , Gasoline , Matches , Insurance , Match , Carson , Name , Neighborhood , Decision , Turn , Enemies , Consequences , Color Socks , Systemically Tweeting , Nominees , Comments , Some , News , Opponents , Office Of Management And Budget , Vinita Gupta , Supply , Chairman , Tanden , Thigh , Appointment , One Moscow Mitch , Department Of Justice , Campaign , Committee , Russians , Course , Regret , Senators , Majority Leader , Tweets , Drug , Jail Jesus , Religion , Confirmation Clarity , Xenophobia , Racism , Lies , Ms , Republican National Convention , Hearings , Apologies , Professor , Conference , Politician , Number , Public , Factor , Defense , Black , Occasions , Transparency , Don T You , Advantage , Advantages , Doing , At Mit , Hearing , Yes , Go Away , Eve , Ari Fleischer , Confirmation Hearing , Regretful , Byron York , Equate Judgment , Fox News , Contributors , Communications Expert , Washington Examiner , Judgment , Guy , Finger , Swords , Show , Human Nature , Ideas , Fighter , Cross Intellectual Swords , Counterpunch , Punch , Debate , Debought , Constantine Maroulis , Votes , Standard , Garland , Statements , Nominations , Doubt , Voting , Tanden Shouldn T , Mother , Bed , Twitter , Impulse Control , Middle , Convention , Confirmation , Capitol Hill , Bar , Sort , Frustration , Someone , Seats , Guys , Map , Analysis , Another , Nine , Opportunities , Retirements , Fight , Pickup Students , Missouri , Ohio , Four , You And I Didn T Mean To , Gavin Newsom , California , Many , Restrictions , Rick Grenell , Small Business , Big One , Power , Internet , Connection , Gig Speed Network , Bounce Forward , Acclaim , Fame , Town , Them , Comcast Business , More , Businesses , Few , Tool , Type , Bags , Brew , Cruise , Coffee , Vivid Hues , Behold , Ads , Bikers , Connections , Headwear , Nobody , Hearing Aids , Brand Leader , Vo , Experience , Hair , Hearing Aid , Exclusive , Miracle Earmini A , Deborah Vo , 70 , Time , Trial , Miracle Ear , Deborah , Miracle Earmini , 30 , Veteran , Usaa , Air Force , Hailstorm Hit , Damage , Martin , Neighbor , Claims , Mistakes , Usaa Look , No Doubt , Doomsdayers , Naysayers , Part , Man , Taxes , Exodus , 2 Million , Ambassador , Facts , Acting , Sir , Dni , Numbers , Fact , Truth , Lately , Homeless People Everywhere , Rolling Blackouts , Water , The Ocean , Ten , Policy , Policies , Manager , Sense , It Hasn T , Kind , Petition , Voters , Statute , Mismanagement Problem , Union , Charge , Bunch , Bernie Sanders , Mismagment , Decline , Poetition , 33 , Governor , The Real Thing , Media , Hair Boy , Objective , Journalists , Sacramento Media , Party System , Information , Types , Career Killer , Swamp , Sacramento , Friends , Community , Outrage , Captains , Place , Go To School , Post Covid World , Go To Church , Leader , Californians , Disaster , Families , Working Class , Middle American , Beauty , Timeline , Intelligence Experience , Foreign Policy Experience , Signatures , Signature Process , Volunteers , Games , 250000 , Media Didn T , House Minority Leader , Kevin Mccarthy , Update , Items , 1 9 Trillion , 9 Trillion , Jess , Tv Services , Lifting , Xfinity , Wait , Services , Delegating , Sweat , Coronavirus Relief Package , Parts , Unemployment Benefits , Boost , 1400 , 400 , Schools , Move , Vote , Spring Break , Vaccines , Aid , Relief Bill , Else , Pension Programs , Fund Arts Programs , Subsidiaries , 5 Billion , 00 Million , 500 Million , 6 Billion , 86 Billion , 35 Billion , Pandemic , Question , Amtrak , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Representative , Mom , Minority , Momma , Bailout , 9 , Trillion , 1 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Hasn T , San Francisco , 2023 , Care , Deficit , Employees , City , Alcohol , Marijuana , Meal , 92 , 650 Million , 00 , 50 Million , 600 , Sector , Bonus , 21000 , 1000 , 5000 , 25000 , Behavior , 10 Billion , Viewers , Attention , Covid Relief , Hr1 , Majority , Elections , Federal Election Commission , Voter I D , 200 , Taxpayers , Corrupts , Aoc 1200 , 1 , 1200 , 6 , It Doesn T , Anybody , The Border , Everything Else , Barbed Wire , Population , 100000 , Hometown , Opening , Scranton , A Million , Dr , Picture , Friend , Seuss Book , 50 , Brother , Up Next , Words , Comfort , Extreme , Next , Suvs , Armor , Disinfectant , Car , Viruses , Bacteria , Lincoln , 99 9 , Season , Allergies , Body , Spraying Flonase , Jeans , Radio Up , Chicken , Pair , Wings , Beer , Psst , , Survivors , God , Burger , Lives , Human History , Thousands , Genocide , Applebee S , Jewish , Comfort Ye , Jews , Children , Food , 2 , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Survival Food Box , Help , Gift , Essentials , 25 , Holiday Gift , Passover , Diet , Faith , Holocaust , She Hasn T , Unleavened Bread , Foods , Work , Yael Eckstein , Needs , Hungry , Data , Benefits , 5g , T Mobile , Magenta Max , Phone , Smartphone , Fees , Costs , Zero , Governor Cuomo , Journalist Points , Honeymoon , Conduct , Media Ends , Nursing Home , Quote , Governor Value Pros , Common , Sexual Harassment , Scandals , Janice Dean , Sunshine , Cases , Seniors , New Yorkers , Women , Book , 19 , Husband , Father , Chance , Parents , In Laws , Mickey , Tough , Dee , Letters , Air Force Base , Loved Letters , Hawai I S Hinka , Firefighter , Dentist Office , Home Maker , Birthday , 23 , Anniversary , Mail , Cards , Kids , Death , Nursing Home Policy , Nursing Homes , Patients , Executive Order , March 25 , 46 , 9000 , Deaths , A G Report , Letitia James , 15000 , Aides , Rest , Doj , Reports , Anguish , Grief , Loss , Sorrow , Challenges , Better Human Being , Closing Argument , The End , Court Cases , Jury , Preparation , Court Case , Dana Perino , Opening Statement , Cross Examination , Witnesses , Retirement Party , Step , Reference , Receiving Line , Funeral , Wake , Sisters , Energies , Golfer , Gosh , Justice , Reality , Prosecutor , Victims , Folks , Loved Ones , Roads , Back Roads , Bridges , Ones , Stuff , Renamed , Pictures , Girl , Desk , Washington , Office , 11 , The Man , Wheelchair , She Couldn T Walk , She Couldn T Talk , Cuted , Legacy , Victim , Case , Contact , Murder , Interview , Smile , Sit , Someone Else , Tragedy , Others , Use , Up Tucker , Tucker Carlson , 7 , Barrier , Welcome To Tucker Carlson , Officers , Mentor Trial , Crime Story , Level , O , Jury Selection , George Floyd In Minneapolis Last Memorial Day , George Floyd , Wasn , African American , Profoundly , Calculi , Mor , George Floyd Change , He Wasn T Just A , Individual ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime

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effective advocate for what i actually do believe. it helps me anticipate the weaknesses my own argument, bolster them and be better prepared when they are challenged. so there are many reasons to expose ourselves to different perspectives. take the issue of a national minimum wage. there are those who believe congress should set the minimum wage for everyone and it should be $15 an hour. there are those who think congress should set the wage but it should be higher or lower than $15 an hour. there are those who have no quarrel with $15 an hour as a minimum wage but they believe that issue should be left to the different states and cities. there are those who believe government should not set the minimum wage at all. so it's the same issue. there are just differentview points. then there are some issues where try as we may, we cannot understand the other side of the issue at all. when you look at president biden immigration plan you will find a lot of money for south and central american countries and you will find a plan to make the passage from the countries to our own southern border safer. you will find a path to citizenship for people who have already crossed unlawfully or overstayed their visa. you will find expanded visas for more workers in the united states. what you will not find is the money, the interest, or the commitment to border security. lay aside the sophe isetry of making it safer to travel to the southern border but doing nothing about securing the southern border. lay that aside. i'm trying to understand the argument against the border security especially since obama and biden once agreed to it, too. >> i voted for offense. i voted unlike most democrats. some won't like it. i voted for 700 miles of fence. >> it will authorize badly needed funding for better fences and better security along our borders and that should help stem some of the time of illegal immigration. >> trey: there is security for almost every federal building. there is security at all courthouses. there is security at sporting events. there is security at the airport. there is security at the mall. there is security in our homes. we call them walls and doors and locks. but it's security. my wife and i have offense in our backyard. it helps me know where to stop cutting the grass. security is everywhere. except in mr. biden's immigration proposal. the home security business in this country is valued at more than $50 billion. $50 billion is how much we value security. that doesn't even include law enforcement or other forms of government provided security. that is home security. that is what we are willing to pay for out of our own pockets for security. so what exactly is the argument against having secure borders? i understand some people don't like walls or fencing or other specific forms of security. i mean i find it ironic because we use walls and fences and metal detectors in every other facet of life, including going on the floor of the house to vote. if you don't like walls or fences, then what do you like? what is your better idea for having a secure border? why even have a border if you don't know who is coming and for what purpose? if you are for open borders, just say so. most americans aren't but if you are, just admit it. an immigration proposal that does not include border security is not a serious plan. it may be a political plan, but it's not a serious plan. americans believe in security. they will never understand why there is more security around the floor of the u.s. house when members vote on immigration bills than there is around the border of our country. so far, i haven't heard a single cogent argument against border security. and now, joining me from the great state of south carolina, on the judiciary committee, senator lindsey graham. senator, how are you? >> senator: thank you very much, trey. good. >> trey: you are a lot smarter than i am. is there an argument against border security that i have missed? >> senator: the first thing i don't agree i'm smarter than you. you got this right. this bill was written for a.o.c. and elizabeth warren. this bill was written by democrats for the most liberal element of the democratic party. i'm going to take their bill and bring it up to the floor of the united states senate to see how many democrats want to vote for legalizing everybody but having no border security. how many people want to change the immigration system without e-verify? you need a wall to keep people from walking across the street in to our country but you need a national e-verify system so that every employee can be checked by the government to see if they are legal. and you find an employer who hires illegal immigrants you need to fine them or take the business away. that will do more to stop illegal immigration than anything including the wall. but none of that is in this bill. this bill was written by the left, for the left. and it's so out of touch with the average american, republicans would be crazy not to exploit this bill politically. >> trey: so it is not inconceivable to believe that this never really was a serious effort at immigration reform. this is a messaging bill. but not a real bill. >> senator: yeah, right. i can't say it any better. this was a bill written by the biden administration to show that he is similar pathetic to the open -- sympathetic to the open borders contingent of the democratic party. if you were serious about stopping immigration you'd have a national everify system to punish employers hiring illegal and build a wall and have visa over-stay fix. none of this is in the bill. if you were serious about the american economy you'd go to the merit-based immigration system to pick people all over the world not just on the southern border. so this is not a serious proposal in terms of passing a law. it's a serious statement by the radical members of the democratic party. and joe biden owns it. 2022 is going to be about immigration. a lot of other things. reparations probably. but i think one of the big issues in 2022 will be the difference between the republican party and the democratic party on the issue of immigration and border security. >> trey: i want to ask you about reparations in a second. take a listen to this and give me your response on the other side. >> would you describe what is happening on the border as a crisis? >> whatever you call it wouldn't change what we are doing because we are urgency from the president on down to fix our system. and make sure that we are better at dealing with the hopes and the dreams of these migrants in their home country. >> trey: sounds like we got a mess on the southern border. >> senator: number one, you can't fix a problem unless you understand what it is. i'm calling on the director of homeland security, seems like a fine fellow to resign his job or admit we have a crisis. if he can't say we have a crisis on the boarder with this big of a spike in illegal immigration he's not situationally aware. he and his team needs to either understand there is a crisis and admit it or leave their job to let somebody new come in. i'm not asking them to listen to trump. i'm asking you to listen to border patrol agents and the custom agents on the border who i talk to about three weeks ago saying that these policy changes are going to lead to a nightmare. no longer do you remain in mexico. you come, claim asylum, you are let loose in the country. the word is out all over central america. that is why you have the unaccompanied minors coming to the border. they have family members of the united states. we no longer deport them or send them to the country. people no longer wait in mexico for the asylum claim five years down the road. they are releasing in the united states and they never show up. the word is up. so to the director of the secretary of homeland security, if you don't understand we have a crisis on border, you need to resign. >> trey: senator, you and i come from a small state. we usually all get along with each other. but there is a little bit of a difference between you and congressman clyburn. we have a difference is and tell us what it is and tell us your perspective on it. >> senator: number one, i respect congressman clyburn greatly. count me in for opportunity but not reparations. there is a provision in the covid bill that will forgive 120% of a loan, a farm loan based on socially disadvantaged definition based on race. so if based on your race the federal government is going to give you 120% loan forgiveness. if you are a white woman in the farming business, you are left out. that is reparations. congressman clyburn denied it but the head of the agriculture in the senate, senate stabenow says this is an important piece of reparation. you get your loan forgiven based on your race and no means test. this is terrible and it has nothing to do with covid. what i say is reparationsdys divides the country and we can bring us together but the democratic party is becoming the party of reparations and under senator scott leadership the republican party will be the party of opportunity. >> trey: well said. thank you for coming on, senator. see you back home. >> senator: thank you. >> trey: coming up, what senator roy blunt's retirement could mean for the republicans as we look ahead to 2022. plus, with president biden cabinet picks facing scrutiny how some politicians only seem to regret the dumb things they said when they are up for promotion. that is next. ♪ ♪ we know it's going to take many forms of energy to meet the world's needs while creating a cleaner future for all. at chevron, we're lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations, investing in lower-carbon technologies, and exploring renewable fuels of the future. we work hard to care for the homes we love. but it's only human... to protect the one we share. everyone's crunching! what's crunching? 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and when did she realize accusing a senator of being high on her own drug supply might be wrong? some of those tweets and comments were from years ago. it took being nominated for you to realize you were wrong? i mean i have heard of jail jesus before. people founding religion right before the judge is about to sentence them. i guess this is confirmation clarity. you finally realize how hurtful your comments may have been right before you have to ask the person to vote for you. ms. gupta also said incendiary things. she called the republican national convention three nights of racism, xenophobia and outrageous lies. and now less than one year later she deeply, deeply regrets saying that. these apologies remind me of hearings in the past when i was still in congress. >> professor, what did you mean you said they proposed it and that passed because the american people are too stupid to understand the difference? >> i was at an economic conference being glib and frankly trying to make myself seem smart. >> what did you mean by too stupid to understand the difference? >> i didn't mean anything by it. >> well, you said it. you had to have meant it. >> i was once again being glib and trying to make myself seem smarter. >> usually you insult the american voter, not the american public. so you do factor in politics, don't you? >> i have tried a number of occasions, pretended i know more about politics. >> so your defense is you are not a politician. the lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. what is a nonpolitician doing talking about political advantages? >> to try to make himself seem smarter. >> you are a professor at m.i.t. and you are worried about not looking smart enough? >> yes. >> i don't think he was fooling anyone in hearing like i don't think vinita gupta or tanden are fooling anyone today. if it's wrong then, it's wrong today. and deleting the tweets to make it all go away, i don't think it will fool anyone either. there is a difference between being sorry and being sorry you got caught. when you wait until the eve of your confirmation hearing to decide something was hurtful and wrong and regretful, i don't think it will fool anyone. we'll see if it does. joining me now ari fleischer, former press secretary and byron york, from the "washington examiner" both fox news contributors. ari, start with you. you are a communications expert. to me, tweets equate judgment. it's bad judgment. it's not a mistake. you have to try to tweet something, don't you? you have to work at it? >> well, first and foremost, trey, let me say watching that clip of you grill that guy, i'm glad i never have to cross intellectual swords with you. that was quite a show! yeah, look. i think you put your finger on human nature. it's accented in politics. you have two competitive politics and they are competitive and they are supposed to cross intellectual swords with each other and cross over ideas. you were measured by how good of a fighter you are. some people go too far. and that is the thing about politics. i think we are living in a fascinating time. i try to be polite when i communicate. i think that is always important. i think you can still have a good debought and be polite. we are in an era, president trump showed where it you have to fight hard and punch hard, counterpunch. it's a really interesting debate. you just put your finger on. >> trey: well, byron, let me ask you this. i think constantine maroulis --k garland got a number of votes today. but there there is different standard for judging the republican nominees than democrat nominees? >> it appears that the republicans are more incline to open for the democratic nominees than the democratic nominees were to voting for republican nominees. especially when they were appointed by president trump. i think that there is no doubt about it. joe biden has had an easier way with his nominations. on the statements, obviously people say things they regret. twitter gives them the opportunity to do it over and over and other. with some of them, you wonder about the impulse control. whether tanden shouldn't have just gone to bed instead of tweeted some of the things in the middle of the night. i think vinita gupta will get through. when she called the republican convention three nights of racism, xenophobia and outrageous lies, that is what every democrat was saying. if that was a bar to confirmation, there is no democrat on capitol hill who could have made it. it depends what you said and how much other people in the party were saying the same sort of thing. >> my frustration is they call it "a mistake." to me a mistake is calling someone by the wrong name. it's not making a series of calculated decisions to help yourself. then that is saying i regret it. i'm deeply remorseful makes it all go away. i got two guys really smart on the politics. let me ask you about 2022. roy blunt announced he is retiring. we've got a lot of open seats. ari start with you and then to byron. the map looks tough for senate republicans. >> no, i don't think so. by my analysis, by the most liberal analysis you can find to say what is a race one party can steal from another? i think there are nine seats could be competitive. the democrats you could argue have five pickup opportunities and the republicans have four pickup students. there have been a number of retirements but i still think ohio is a safe state for republicans. missouri is likely a good state for republicans. i think it's a fair fight and it could go either way. >> trey: thank you very much. byron, i'll give you more time next time. i short shifted you and i didn't mean to. thank you both for coming on. >> thank you. >> trey: coming up, what is going on in california? how governor gavin newsom is suddenly begging people to be patient and optimistic after his covid restrictions hit the economy, driving many to move away. rick grenell on the effort to recall gavin newsom. that is next. so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? 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>> i'm doing great, trey. thank you for having me. >> trey: yes, sir. i want to first make sure i'm right on my facts. are people in fact leaving california in fairly large numbers? if that is true, why? >> yeah. it's a sad truth. if you have been to california lately, you will see homeless people everywhere. you will see rolling blackouts. you will see the fact that we are being asked to conserve water even though we live on the ocean. listen, this is a real big problem happening for nine or ten years. republicans largely in the state have given up and allowed the democrats to dimplement the policy -- implement the policies and now we have seen the policies be disastrous. we need a manager. we need somebody who can manage the system. i think it might make sense in some states, trey, to hire a politician to be governor. but not for california. it hasn't worked. we can't have a system where just the politician with the best name kind of works their way up and then suddenly they are in charge of the largest statute in the union. i really believe that this just a simple mismanagement problem. there are a bunch of bernie sanders voters who are also signing petition to get rid of gavin newsom. we have about 33% of the people that have signed the poetition are either democrats or decline -- petition are either democrats or decline to state. they recognize a mismagment of the state. >> trey: you mention the democrats. democrats turning on you is not a good thing. here is the real thing. has the media turned on governor newsom at all? is he still the fair hair boy or are they more objective about him? >> the sacramento media for decades, they have all known that the democrats control the state. it's a one-party state. so you don't have that many brave journalists who want to stand up and challenge the one party system because the democrats could cut them out and then suddenly they don't get any information. they view it as a career killer in swamp of sacramento. it's really important that the sacramento types really understand happen the outrage is from people. look, i have friends in my community who campaign for gavin newsom. democrats who have now become the block captains for the recall effort. this is not about democrat, republican or decline to stay. this is about watching california slip to last place in post covid world. you can't go to church. you can't go to school. you can't -- we are not eating indoors. think about that. we are the last state where you cannot eat inside. this is a real disaster for many californians. california should be the leader of the country. this is a great state with incredible beauty and working class. but the working class, middle american families here in california are up against a system that is controlled by very far left progressive democrats and it's strangling them. >> trey: ambassador, we have 30 seconds. you have the foreign policy experience, intelligence experience. what is your timeline for deciding whether or not this race is right for you? >> well, first of all, we have 250,000 volunteers that have been collecting signatures and we have a week left in the signature process. the democrats will play games yet. we're not there yet. nobody should talk about running for governor until we support grassroots people working for a year. the national media didn't watch us because they were watching the presidential race. but we have been working very long and hard on collecting signatures. we've got a week to go and then they have 30 business days after that to verify the signatures. >> trey: thank you, ambassador. we will have you back for another update. appreciate you coming on tonight. >> thank you. >> trey: coming up, house minority leader kevin mccarthy joins us with some of the unbelievable items you will now be paying for. part of the $1.9 trillion covid spending package just sent to president biden. kevin is next. it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. >> trey: the house today passing the massive $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package. president joe biden is expected to sign it friday. key parts of the bill include $1,400 stimulus check to most americans and a boost to federal unemployment benefits through august and it spends billions to help reopen schools. they better get a move on that. it's almost spring break. and provides aid to small businesses that also includes more money to develop and distribute vaccines. but, but, but, but the bill passed without a single republican vote. why? well, because of what else was in this covid relief bill. $86 billion to bail out pension programs. $500 million to fund arts programs. $35 billion in obamacare subsidiaries. and $1.5 billion for amtrak. why? because. the simple question here what does any of that have to do with covid and the pandemic? here to help me understand things better as he frequently did when we worked together, the house minority leader from the great state of california kevin mccarthy. hey, kevin. how are you? >> representative: i'm doing well, trey. my mom is watching. she says high and that your head looks pretty good tonight. she wanted you to know that. >> trey: i hope my momma thinks that. tell your mom hello for me. >> representative: i will. >> trey: you are in the minority. what is in the relief bill that your mom or my mom might find most alarming in the covid relief bill? >> representative: this is a bailout. less than 9% of $2 trillion goes to covid. remember there is $1 trillion sitting out there we have already passed before that hasn't been allocated. you talk about money for schools. two-third of the money can't be given to schools until 2023. let me tell you what it does do. 9% for covid but gets san francisco, takes care of 92% of the $650 million deficit. because it gives them $600al many. now you know why the city has a deficit? if you are a homeless person in san francisco, they will buy your alcohol and your marijuana. it gives federal employees up to $21,000. not those in the private sector. $21,000. it gives the state employees up to $25,000 bonus. i mean, everything you read about this, it rewards bad behavior. for those reckless cities and states, they get rewarded. california has a $10 billion surplus. but they are getting money. it's just the wrong bill at the wrong time. too costly and too liberal. >> trey: i guess if you call it "covid relief" you can put whatever you want in it. let me ask you quickly about another bill. hr1. what is in that bill that should alarm viewers? >> representative: the first thing the viewers should pay attention to hr1. that is reserved for the most important issue for the majority. so the democrats chose not something to help the people but to help themselves. this is about making the elections national. you can't have voter i.d. it makes sure it's politicizes the campaign for the federal election commission where right now it's bipartisan. same number of the republicans and democrats. but no, let's wait to make sure it's more democrats. the most egregious thing here. let's say a.o.c., some one gives her $200. well, then they are saying now the taxpayers should now give a.o.c. $1,200 and match that 6:1. that is what they are trying to do to guarantee they are re-elected. absolute power corrupts absolutely. we are seeing it in hr1. >> trey: the first bill they reserved the number 1 for the first bill. i think you are headed to the border. what is biden's immigration plan? it doesn't have any border security, does it? >> representative: no. you know, i was going to go to the border to see the wall. all i have to do is look out the capitol. that has the biggest wall with the barbed wire and everything else. on the border, he stopped any wall from being built. he is now taking away for anybody who wants to come across and look at this. you understand this well with your time in congress. in the last month, there was 100,000 immigrants arrested trying to cross. 100,000. that is more than the population of joe biden's hometown of scranton. that is just in one month. i promise you based on what biden is doing opening up the border and not opening up the schools there will be a million people on the other side of the border coming across next month. >> trey: kevin, we got 30 seconds. i want to congratulate you on doing something. you have been a great friend of mine for a decade now. most of us read dr. seuss book 50 years ago. you read it maybe for the first time this week. i saw a picture of you reading a dr. seuss book and i want to congratulate you for that. give you five seconds to respond and tell me how wrong i am. >> representative: look, every year i get asked in my schools to do read across america. and i couldn't be there because we were in session. i read it online. it took me a few years after you were able to read it. the words were pretty big. took me a while to sound them out. >> trey: thank you, brother. i'll call you and we'll finish it. >> representative: all right. >> trey: up next, we hear directly -- [laughter] more on "fox news primetime" next. ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. germ proof your car with armor all disinfectant.. kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst psst you're good ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. the worst genocide in human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. 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"cuomo failed to protect the vulnerable women working for him as he did the vulnerable seniors and new yorkers in his care. he seems to have thought both cases only of gratifying himself." now author of "make your own sunshine" and the fox news senior meteorologist janice dean. she lost both in-laws to covid-19. hey, miss dean. how are you? >> i'm good. thank you for having me tonight. >> trey: you are welcome. i want to talk about your book. but first i want to give you a chance to bring honor to those you lost. tell us about your in-laws and what they were like. >> my husband's parents were true new yorkers. new york tough. that is what governor cuomo calls himself. his father mickey was in the air force. he was stationed at hawai'i's hinka air force base where he wrote letters, loved letters to his girlfriend, dee. and proposed to her over those letters. he came back to new york and he became a new york city firefighter for 23 years. my husband is a firefighter because of his father. dee was a home-maker and she had a job in the neighborhood at a dentist office. she never forgot a birthday or an anniversary. there were always cards in the mail. one of the last things she wanted my husband to do before she died was to buy some easter gifts for my kids and put her name on it. >> trey: janice, for those of us who do not live in new york and may not be as familiar with governor cuomo's nursing home policy, tell us what that policy was and how it can contributed or caused the death of your husband's parents. >> march 25. the executive order signed by governor cuomo. it was in place for 46 days and we had no idea. it was to put covid positive patients in to nursing homes. over 9,000 covid positive patients were put in the nursing homes causing over 15,000 deaths. we are just now realizing, i mean we knew it for a long time he was covering up the numbers. but now with the a.g. report, letitia james, saying that they were undercounted and now more reports of his top aides hiding the numbers because they were afraid that the d.o.j. would find out. and that the rest of us would find out. instead as you mentioned, this governor celebrated himself the whole time. we never heard the words "we're sorry for your loss." >> trey: janice, you have tried to do, you have done something that is so difficult to do which is turn grief and anguish and sorrow in to something helpful for other people. tell us about your book. tell us about the sunshine. >> i wrote this book during the pandemic. a lot of it. i was interviewing people who had gone through great challenges and came out on the other side wanting to be a better human being. they brought sunshine in to my life and my family's life in a very dark time. so i started writing the book for other people but i realized after having written it that it was for me. >> trey: well, bless you. thank you for being willing to help other people manage their own grief and anguish through what you and your husband went through. god bless you both. >> thank you, trey. thank you. >> trey: i used to start at the end. it's an unusual way to begin but that is what i used to do. i would write the closing argument in all of my court cases at the beginning of my preparation. the way i look at it the closing argument would be the last time i spoke to a jury. it's likely the thing they would remember the most. it was my final chance to advocate. so with every court case i every did, i started by writing the closing argument first. and then i would go back and write the opening statement and the examination, cross examination of witnesses. start at the end. work my way back. sometimes i wonder if that might be the best way to approach life, too. you know, dana perino and i were talking about her new book and she made reference to what she wants people to say at her retirement party. i take it one step further. what do we want people to say about us when they are walking through the receiving line at visitation for our own funeral or our own wake? i think to myself, what do i want them to say to my parents, my wife, my children, my sisters? if i know now what i want them to say at the end, should about my energies be devoted to empowering them to be able to say those things? i mean if i want them to be able to tell my wife that i was a great golfer, then i need to start practicing more now. if i want them to be able to say gosh, he was so funny, i need to be funnier now. the reality is i want folks to say he was a good prosecutor. he stood up for victims. he helped people get justice for their loved ones. that is the closing argument i tried to write. time will tell whether i was successful or not. i drive through these back roads in south carolina and i cross bridges named for people i have never heard of. i see roads named for people i have never heard of or schools named for people i never heard of. all that stuff washes away after a while. the roads are changed, renamed. the old schools are closed and new ones are built. what can we write in that closing argument that will last. if you visited my office in washington there were two pictures on my desk. one of my wife and children. the other picture was of an 11-year-old girl i never met. i proc cuted the man who killed her. i never met her. she was confined to a wheelchair. she couldn't walk. she couldn't talk. she couldn't feed herself. the last victim in the last murder case i'll prosecute. her legacy was joy. she brought joy to everyone who came in contact with her. she was pure joy. all she could do was smile. sit in her wheelchair and smile. but that is her legacy. i think back to the interview we did just with janice dean. turning her own grief and to help for someone else. that is a beautiful legacy. turning tragedy to helping others. so maybe it does make sense to start at the end. what do we want the people we love the most to hear at the end? if that is what we want at the end, maybe that is the best use of our time between now and then. thank you for watching "fox news primetime." i'm trey gowdy. i will be back here tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. tucker carlson is up ♪ >>tucker: welcome to tucker carlson tonight. a lot of things going on in the world right now, but we thought this was significant barrier to jury selection has just begun i the mentor trial of he is one o the officers who has been accused of murdering george floyd in minneapolis last memorial day. on one level this trial is a local crime story come up one o many unfolding right now but of course it's also an calculi mor than that, the death of george floyd change the united states profoundly and forever. george floyd we were told wasn' an individual, he was every african-american in the country he wasn't just a

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Agents , Policy Changes , Nightmare , Mexico , Claim Asylum , Border Patrol , Three , Word , Family Members , Minors , Asylum , Road , Secretary , Five , Bit , Each Other , Perspective , Congressman Clyburn , Opportunity , Covid , Loan , Provision , Farm Loan , 120 , Race , Farming Business , Definition , Woman , Loan Forgiveness , Head , Reparation , Piece , Agriculture , Means Test , Stabenow , Party , Reparationsdys , Coming Up , Scott Leadership , Politicians , Roy Blunt , Retirement , Promotion , Scrutiny , Plus , Biden Cabinet , Energy , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Cleaner Future , Technologies , Investing , Operations , Fuels , Chevron , Human , Crunching , Crunch , Price , Milk Chocolate , 100 , Way , Anyone , Friendzone , Breakup , Performer , I Always , Voltaren , Doubts , Arthritis Pain Relief , Arthritis , Distractions , Voice , Joy , Movement , Mistake , Politics , Everything , Trend , Series , Decisions , Judge , Defendants , Courtroom , Back , Front , Most , Defendant , Insurance Policy , Honor , Gas Cans , Gasoline , Matches , Insurance , Match , Carson , Name , Neighborhood , Decision , Turn , Enemies , Consequences , Color Socks , Systemically Tweeting , Nominees , Comments , Some , News , Opponents , Office Of Management And Budget , Vinita Gupta , Supply , Chairman , Tanden , Thigh , Appointment , One Moscow Mitch , Department Of Justice , Campaign , Committee , Russians , Course , Regret , Senators , Majority Leader , Tweets , Drug , Jail Jesus , Religion , Confirmation Clarity , Xenophobia , Racism , Lies , Ms , Republican National Convention , Hearings , Apologies , Professor , Conference , Politician , Number , Public , Factor , Defense , Black , Occasions , Transparency , Don T You , Advantage , Advantages , Doing , At Mit , Hearing , Yes , Go Away , Eve , Ari Fleischer , Confirmation Hearing , Regretful , Byron York , Equate Judgment , Fox News , Contributors , Communications Expert , Washington Examiner , Judgment , Guy , Finger , Swords , Show , Human Nature , Ideas , Fighter , Cross Intellectual Swords , Counterpunch , Punch , Debate , Debought , Constantine Maroulis , Votes , Standard , Garland , Statements , Nominations , Doubt , Voting , Tanden Shouldn T , Mother , Bed , Twitter , Impulse Control , Middle , Convention , Confirmation , Capitol Hill , Bar , Sort , Frustration , Someone , Seats , Guys , Map , Analysis , Another , Nine , Opportunities , Retirements , Fight , Pickup Students , Missouri , Ohio , Four , You And I Didn T Mean To , Gavin Newsom , California , Many , Restrictions , Rick Grenell , Small Business , Big One , Power , Internet , Connection , Gig Speed Network , Bounce Forward , Acclaim , Fame , Town , Them , Comcast Business , More , Businesses , Few , Tool , Type , Bags , Brew , Cruise , Coffee , Vivid Hues , Behold , Ads , Bikers , Connections , Headwear , Nobody , Hearing Aids , Brand Leader , Vo , Experience , Hair , Hearing Aid , Exclusive , Miracle Earmini A , Deborah Vo , 70 , Time , Trial , Miracle Ear , Deborah , Miracle Earmini , 30 , Veteran , Usaa , Air Force , Hailstorm Hit , Damage , Martin , Neighbor , Claims , Mistakes , Usaa Look , No Doubt , Doomsdayers , Naysayers , Part , Man , Taxes , Exodus , 2 Million , Ambassador , Facts , Acting , Sir , Dni , Numbers , Fact , Truth , Lately , Homeless People Everywhere , Rolling Blackouts , Water , The Ocean , Ten , Policy , Policies , Manager , Sense , It Hasn T , Kind , Petition , Voters , Statute , Mismanagement Problem , Union , Charge , Bunch , Bernie Sanders , Mismagment , Decline , Poetition , 33 , Governor , The Real Thing , Media , Hair Boy , Objective , Journalists , Sacramento Media , Party System , Information , Types , Career Killer , Swamp , Sacramento , Friends , Community , Outrage , Captains , Place , Go To School , Post Covid World , Go To Church , Leader , Californians , Disaster , Families , Working Class , Middle American , Beauty , Timeline , Intelligence Experience , Foreign Policy Experience , Signatures , Signature Process , Volunteers , Games , 250000 , Media Didn T , House Minority Leader , Kevin Mccarthy , Update , Items , 1 9 Trillion , 9 Trillion , Jess , Tv Services , Lifting , Xfinity , Wait , Services , Delegating , Sweat , Coronavirus Relief Package , Parts , Unemployment Benefits , Boost , 1400 , 400 , Schools , Move , Vote , Spring Break , Vaccines , Aid , Relief Bill , Else , Pension Programs , Fund Arts Programs , Subsidiaries , 5 Billion , 00 Million , 500 Million , 6 Billion , 86 Billion , 35 Billion , Pandemic , Question , Amtrak , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Representative , Mom , Minority , Momma , Bailout , 9 , Trillion , 1 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Hasn T , San Francisco , 2023 , Care , Deficit , Employees , City , Alcohol , Marijuana , Meal , 92 , 650 Million , 00 , 50 Million , 600 , Sector , Bonus , 21000 , 1000 , 5000 , 25000 , Behavior , 10 Billion , Viewers , Attention , Covid Relief , Hr1 , Majority , Elections , Federal Election Commission , Voter I D , 200 , Taxpayers , Corrupts , Aoc 1200 , 1 , 1200 , 6 , It Doesn T , Anybody , The Border , Everything Else , Barbed Wire , Population , 100000 , Hometown , Opening , Scranton , A Million , Dr , Picture , Friend , Seuss Book , 50 , Brother , Up Next , Words , Comfort , Extreme , Next , Suvs , Armor , Disinfectant , Car , Viruses , Bacteria , Lincoln , 99 9 , Season , Allergies , Body , Spraying Flonase , Jeans , Radio Up , Chicken , Pair , Wings , Beer , Psst , , Survivors , God , Burger , Lives , Human History , Thousands , Genocide , Applebee S , Jewish , Comfort Ye , Jews , Children , Food , 2 , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Survival Food Box , Help , Gift , Essentials , 25 , Holiday Gift , Passover , Diet , Faith , Holocaust , She Hasn T , Unleavened Bread , Foods , Work , Yael Eckstein , Needs , Hungry , Data , Benefits , 5g , T Mobile , Magenta Max , Phone , Smartphone , Fees , Costs , Zero , Governor Cuomo , Journalist Points , Honeymoon , Conduct , Media Ends , Nursing Home , Quote , Governor Value Pros , Common , Sexual Harassment , Scandals , Janice Dean , Sunshine , Cases , Seniors , New Yorkers , Women , Book , 19 , Husband , Father , Chance , Parents , In Laws , Mickey , Tough , Dee , Letters , Air Force Base , Loved Letters , Hawai I S Hinka , Firefighter , Dentist Office , Home Maker , Birthday , 23 , Anniversary , Mail , Cards , Kids , Death , Nursing Home Policy , Nursing Homes , Patients , Executive Order , March 25 , 46 , 9000 , Deaths , A G Report , Letitia James , 15000 , Aides , Rest , Doj , Reports , Anguish , Grief , Loss , Sorrow , Challenges , Better Human Being , Closing Argument , The End , Court Cases , Jury , Preparation , Court Case , Dana Perino , Opening Statement , Cross Examination , Witnesses , Retirement Party , Step , Reference , Receiving Line , Funeral , Wake , Sisters , Energies , Golfer , Gosh , Justice , Reality , Prosecutor , Victims , Folks , Loved Ones , Roads , Back Roads , Bridges , Ones , Stuff , Renamed , Pictures , Girl , Desk , Washington , Office , 11 , The Man , Wheelchair , She Couldn T Walk , She Couldn T Talk , Cuted , Legacy , Victim , Case , Contact , Murder , Interview , Smile , Sit , Someone Else , Tragedy , Others , Use , Up Tucker , Tucker Carlson , 7 , Barrier , Welcome To Tucker Carlson , Officers , Mentor Trial , Crime Story , Level , O , Jury Selection , George Floyd In Minneapolis Last Memorial Day , George Floyd , Wasn , African American , Profoundly , Calculi , Mor , George Floyd Change , He Wasn T Just A , Individual ,

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