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our country is being destroyed at the southern border. a terrible thing to see exclamation point. texas governor greg abbott says none of this would be happening if president biden hadn't rolled back trump policies and undercut ice. >> it is a self-inflicted wound. going back to what the border patrol officers told me themselves they informed the biden administration about this all along and the biden administration has known exactly what has going to happen if they refused to continue to implement the policies that were previously in place. >> harris: william la jeunesse is live in california near the mexico border. william. >> harris, those checkpoints are a big deal. as you well know sometimes migrants will get over the border and then the load vehicle will pick them up and only a few miles up the road on i-10, i-8 or somewhere else where they will be interdicted and you'll catch the migrants or drugs. as you were comparing the two administrations one thing president trump did he use moved the u.s./mexican border and forced them to enforce immigration law and remain in mexico. when president biden removed those, that suddenly made it worth it for many to risk the journey. that's what you are seeing now. it comes at a cost. beyond the food and processing or the $500 a night it costs to house those individuals who are brought in, the bigger expense comes to taxpayers over time. studies show the less educated a migrant is, the more they receive in welfare or benefits and less they pay in taxes. about 57% have some grade school education or less. 27% have attended high school. 16% some college. now, here is the projected cost. $173,000 loss for those only attending grade school. $70,000 loss subsidy for those who attend high school. net positive for those who go to college. those costs accumulate over time since many migrants, once here, very few leave voluntarily. >> if your attitude is look a person can come we won't give them all the public benefits. it's not realistic. in modern america politically once someone sets foot in the united states it is very hard to bar them from receiving social programs. >> those costs come in a variety of state and local welfare programs, cash, food, medical care, education. $13,000 per year per student. that adds up over time. a lot of advocates and economists argue that any migrant or asylum seeker who is working here is filling a need to the u.s. economy and increasing our productivity. >> if they come and present themselves at our border we're not going to turn an unaccompanied minor around. there is a procedure to do it and that's what we are going to do. >> agents tell me this is a lot like 2019 only the number of apprehensions is quite a bit higher. back to you. >> harris: william la jeunesse, thank you very much. a full report there. now let's get deeper. arizona and montana are suing to block president biden's rules which would dramatically narrow the number of illegal immigrants ice agents arrest or deport. the states argue the policies would have devastating consequences and it is likely already happening. the "washington post" is reporting that ice data show the number of arrests under biden already fell by more than 60% last month compared with the last three months of the trump administration. the deportations fell by nearly that same amount. joining me now from one of the states the two that are suing the biden administration, montana attorney general austin knutson, good to see you today. tell me exactly what is happening potentially already and why. >> we filed the lawsuit in the federal court, harris, asking the court to stop this order from president biden. this is devastating for states like arizona and you might be thinking why is montana joining this lawsuit? it's devastating for states like montana, too and put the whole country in danger. violent crime in montana has risen by 48% since 2013, harris. and we know this is from mexican drug cartels smuggling drugs up through the unsecured southern border. it will keep getting worse under this moratorium order from president biden. that's why we've sued. >> harris: let me ask you this, attorney general, you know, where do they go if ice agents are not arresting them? and i ask that because i know from looking at montana's records that meth is such a huge problem and you are talking about the drug cartels bringing it into your state. you are aware these people are there. what impact does it have if biden doesn't have ice agents rounding them up? where are they? >> it has a huge impact. they are coming in the country and spreading out to the interior. i think people mistakenly think it's just a southern state problem. california and arizona. it certainly is but also a northern state problem. like i said, our largest city here in montana, billings, montana, 88% increase in meth-related crime in the last couple of years. violent crime has spiked dramatically in montana and i can tell you this is 100% tied to the drug cartels in mexico and from illegal immigrants that are smuggling these poisons into our state. this is a huge crisis for a state like montana and that's why we've jumped in this thing. >> harris: how is your law enforcement able to handle that? it sounds like a big job. 88 percent in any crime category would be a lot. >> we're a very large state geographically but a small state population-wise. just over a million people. we don't have a lot of law enforcement and they're covering a huge geographic territory. montana highway patrol patrol those and thousands of miles of highway. there are only 200 of them. this is a huge issue. our law enforcement is stretched absolutely thin. there is no way we can keep up with this. >> harris: tell me quickly what some of the citizens are telling you. you are at the attorney general's office and people will call and say this is what i'm experiencing with a spike of 88% in crime that you say is tied to what is coming across the border. it makes sense. methamphetamine coming from the cartels. >> look, i'm from a very rural part of the state. a former prosecutor. i dealt with this in the last few years. we see it all over the state. it is a problem in our cities, problem in our counties, a problem in our rural areas. people don't realize that. you see it all over the state of montana. it is by far the number one thing i hear about. the biggest reason why i ran for attorney general and frankly that's why i take this move from president biden so seriously and why we jumped into this lawsuit. it is a huge deal for states like montana. >> harris: do you anticipate more states will join you in this? >> i do, yes. >> harris: got it. attorney general knutson from the great state of montana. we'll bring you back to get the latest on this. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> harris: when it comes to the situation on the border, the lieutenant governor of texas, the epicenter of the crisis, said this earlier today. >> this is not a crisis, this is a full blown disaster that they've created. this is the worst. what really makes it bad is there is no end in sight. >> harris: now we've escalated to national security issues. the word disaster being used by those most affected. however, the white house using some very different language. power panel on who is right about this next. hello i'm an idaho potato farmer. you know a lot of folks think of a potato, even an idaho potato as a side dish. but does this look like a side dish to you? ...or this? ...or these? does a side dish have a dog like this? ...or a truck like this? or a good-looking, charismatic, spokesfarmer like me? i think we both know the answer to that. always look for the grown in idaho seal. side dish? cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ psst! psst! allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. here's huge news for veteran homeowners. introducing refiplus from newday usa. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates to save money every month plus you could get an average of $50,000 cash. that's money for security today and money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus, it's only for veterans and it's only from newday usa. >> come on, we're going to move out. come on. let's go, come on. >> is there a crisis at the border, sir? >> come on, let's go. >> dana: did you hear it? did you hear the words crisis at the border? they were trying to ask the president of the united states about what is going on down here and his aides aggressively shooed away reporters. we took some live and now you know what was said as it rolled on. no questions answered. shouted to him. they protected him. today marks day 49, 49 days with no solo news conference from the new president. that's the longest a commander-in-chief has gone without one in modern history. president biden has gone longer than his 15 most recent predecessors without taking formal questions from the press in america. and while his press secretary jen psaki says the president will hold a news conference before the end of this month, we still don't know a date. power panel, fox news contributor lisa boothe. former dnc deputy press secretary jose. jose. i'll start with you. you've been a deputy press secretary among the democrats before. what is going on? can he not hear us? i'll go to you first, lisa. >> for me? >> harris: go right ahead. we're having tech problems with jose. go ahead. >> you are breaking up a little bit. obviously it is a little terrifying when the president of the united states is clearly a liability to his own administration and his handlers are trying to prevent him from speaking to the public. it shouldn't surprise anyone. we saw during the 2020 election his campaign staff viewed him as a liability and relegated him to his own basement in delaware. the reason why is because when he went out to public and spoke in public he said things telling black voters they aren't black if they don't vote for him. the reason why people like a top surrogate for the biden campaign said it was better off to keep biden in the basement. none of this matters. the mainstream media, propagandist arm of the democratic party will protect joe biden as they hid the true story about hunter biden, his son, from the public until after the campaign or even now in their coverage of the crisis at the border kids in cages under trump and now under biden it's simply migrant facilities. >> harris: it's actually worse than that, lisa. jen psaki, the press secretary for the biden white house said they are overwhelmed by it all. they don't have any more places to put the unaccompanied minors. it may not be a crisis to them. it may be what the lieutenant governor of texas is calling it now, dan patrick, a disaster if you're living along that border. >> absolutely. you can't say that if you are the white house press secretary. it would be an admission of guilt. admission it was the biden administration that created this crisis along the border. we know that even if you look at february's numbers, that was the worst february we have seen in 15 years. we have a record number of migrant children that are being held by the border patrol right now. so this is, of course, a crisis but, of course, the biden administration created the crisis. in their first initial act as president of the united states like freezing deportations for 100 days, signaling that you want a mass immigration amnesty bill and then getting rid of the very successful remain in mexico policy, of course you are signaling to migrants, signaling to people in these various countries that they can come to the united states and we've seen that from the words of migrants themselves where they have said on record to reporters that they thought they had 100 days to get into the united states. this is all common sense but somehow the left doesn't seem to get it. >> harris: all right. let's move on to this. the white house is refusing to call the surge of migrants at our southern border a christ as i just mentioned despite high popping statistics. lisa boothe added to some of those on those overwhelmed facilities. press secretary jen psaki is not budging. here she is at yesterday's briefing. >> look, i don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what we have conveyed is challenging and a top priority for the president. >> will he acknowledge there is a crisis? >> first the president and this administration's focus is on digging out of the dismantled and inhumane immigration approach of the last administration. >> i don't want to sound like a broken record at what point does it become a crisis? >> well, i would say i don't think we need to meet your bar of what we need to call it. >> harris: oh wow. meanwhile house republicans are asking for a second time for answers in a letter now they again ask dhs secretary mayorkas what is the plan when it comes to handling the massive migrant surge? and we do have back with us now jose i come to you first. >> first and foremost i agree with the press secretary. i think what we have to do is get to the bottom of it. we have had crisis, republicans know it. we've had migrant crisis every single year when trump was president. >> harris: we haven't seen these numbers in years. >> but the reality is that this is something normal. it is a pattern. we need to take it seriously whether the administration wants to call it a crisis or not. >> harris: is it a crisis? >> it is a serious matter. they need to handle it. what i can tell you is this. biden has been very clear. coming into this country if you aren't doing it legally. you have the right to seek asylum or whatever other immigration rights you might have. you can't come to this country freely open boersd. that's not what democrats are about. we're a nation of laws and immigrants. we need to work with republicans to find the middle ground and find a solution. >> harris: you called it a serious matter, not a crisis. i heard that someplace before. >> sounds like a crisis. >> harris: both of you thank you. jose, sorry for the technical difficulties on your end. we'll bring you back. tomorrow marks one year since covid-19 was declared a global pandemic killing staggering numbers of people around the world. what we were then and what's next in the fight. dr. siegel is in the house. >> we've made mistakes. i have made mistakes. but we all learned from it and we never stopped trying. >> harris: governor newsom blasting the recall effort during his state of the state address. will it be enough as having him downplay it? could it trigger a special election? a spokesperson for the recall campaign joins me next. there he is. we're live. at novartis, our goal is to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. if you're taking cosentyx and your insurance or coverage changes or you need help paying cosentyx connect is here to help. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen or if you've had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. call us or visit us online. we're here for you. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 is 300. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. if you wanna be a winner then get a turkey footlong from subway®. that's oven roasted turkey. piled high with crisp veggies. on freshly baked bread! so, let's get out there and get those footlongs. now on grubhub, buy one footlong, get one 50% off. subway®. eat fresh. >> we're not going to change course just because of a few naysayers and doomsdayers. the california critics out there who are promoting partisan political power grabs outdated prejudices and rejecting everything that makes california truly great, we say this. we will not be distracted from getting shots in arms and our economy booming again. >> harris: california governor gavin newsom ripping a recall effort during his state of the state address. the effort has gathered nearly 2 million signatures with a key deadline to trigger a special election coming next week. one of his republican challengers, kevin faulkner hit back at the governor's dismissive comments. >> we had a lot of word salad and rhetoric. in california we have a governor botching the basics and why you are seeing the recall continue to grow with so much strength. by the way across the board. democrats, independents, republicans. californians who want a change at the top. >> harris: randy economy is the senior advisor for the recall campaign. tell me about this campaign and what people are telling you along the way. how are you getting so many signatures? >> we like to say that it's a california thing. a very personal issue that we have with this governor. he took the fifth largest economy in the world and put us in lockdown and house arrest and allowed inmates a year ago. so he can use his state of the union address -- state of the state address as he did last night as -- it was basically a political advertisement. we've seen this speech probably 300 times during this past year. last night was nothing different. it is his same old diatribe day in and day out. >> harris: what is the worst of it? we've seen hypocrisy at a three michelon star restaurant with other health experts and no mask early on in the pandemic when it wasn't allowed anywhere in his state. he was rolling like a baller. >> gavin newsom and his hypocrisy. he does one thing behind the cameras and once the cameras are shown on him he is completely different character. he tries to be something out of central casting. the movie being played is nothing more than a b rated spaghetti western. he has destroyed a lot of lives here in this state because of his collateral damage and what he did and what he has done to -- what he did to handle this pandemic. this is on him. this is not on the people who are mounting this recall. our recall is not republicans. we have 31% of the people who signed our petition thus far are democrats and it is interesting and a fact. i know he likes to talk in political sound bites. when he used the state of the state address last night as a political free advertisement up and down the state it was sad, pathetic and i think it was emblematic of who he is at a failed leader. the other thing that irked me and a lot of people working so hard on the recall, he had this jumbotron of democratic leaders praising him and clapping every time he would make a speech or make a comment. it was silly, it was odd, it was not statesman like. it was a farce. it was a farce. >> harris: we have that video. we totally see that with the screen of the high profile dems. 31% of the signatures that you've gathered are democrats, registered democrats? that's really interesting. you are the senior advisor for the recall effort against gavin newsom in california. thank you for your time and keep us posted. >> i certainly will. thanks, harris. >> harris: if your children can't find peter pan on disney plus, it's not you. it's not you. the service yanks that classic movie and a few others from its kids' profile. why is captain hook getting the hook? it is like cancel culture and the nanny state got together and they are best friends now. and this. >> schools are safe, schools are safe, schools are safe, schools are safe. >> harris: four leading researchers say the cdc is misrepresenting their findings and that we can get children back in classrooms safely right now. dr. marc siegel is with me next. . record low mortgage rates have fallen again, while home values just keep climbing. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000 for retirement tomorrow and for peace of mind today. refiplus. it's huge news. it's only for veterans. and it's only from newday usa. in this family, everyone does their own laundry, but they all do it a little different. honestly, i add a couple of tide pods and just stuff everything in. it works. and of course, everyone thinks their way is right. i stood in line for hours to get this. it has to be washed on delicate. it has to be cold water, it's better for the planet. the secret is, with tide pods it all works. of course it does. told ya! they're going to do it their way, and i get a break from the laundry. no matter how you wash, it's got to be tide. ♪♪ (car horn) ♪♪ turn today's dreams into tomorrow's trips... with millions of flexible booking options. all in one place. expedia. ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. what is humana doing sending me a diy test kit? old health insurance reminds you to schedule a screening, say, for colon cancer. humana does you one better and sends you an at-home test kit, when it's overdue. huh! one of those tests could save your life, or at least a little hassle. or both. yeah! you get it, you do it, you send it back. i get it, i do it, i send it back. you get it, you do it, you send it back. yeah, i got it. you got it! ♪ ♪ humana. a more human way to healthcare. >> it makes my brain feel mashed up like mashed potatoes. >> you need to open up campuses now. it is safe to be in school today. >> we're fighting for our rights to go back to school because science says that it is safe. >> i don't feel like any parents are feeling heard. the data is out there. it is safe. >> harris: frustration is now boiling over from millions of parents and their children as you can see. their schools remain closed. the cdc has released guidelines for safely reopening classrooms. that happened a month ago. yet many schools around the nation remain closed at this hour. op-ed written by four covid researchers entitled cdc misinterpreted our research on opening schools. it should loosen the rules now. keeping schools closed or partially closed based on what we know now is harming children. and they write three feet of distance with masks on is safe. older ventilation systems made little difference with masking. and there is no evidence variants are spreading in our american schools. of the 570,000 u.s. deaths, one is too many, 288 have been children. again one is too many but those are the numbers. that is the science. florida senator marco rubio wants answers on how this happened. >> the cost of not reopening schools is very, very high. we see the mental health crisis, the learning losses that are occurring. not to mention the social aspects of it. and the benefits i think are of diminishing return at this point. >> harris: i want to bring in dr. marc siegel fox news medical contributor. you have been saying this for a while. you and i have talked about 1918, 50 million dead around the world. they didn't close schools in america. your top line thoughts today as you see frustrated parents and students. >> the data is completely caught up with them and we've been saying this for a while. wisconsin study you are talking about that was in the pointed to the in the article in "u.s.a. today" about the authors showed there was no indmrees spread among schools when you use a three-foot distance rather than six-foot models. hard for public schools to stick to six feet and the data shows dramatic decrease in schools compared to community at large. in new york city we've released data that confirms that. very exciting from october to december of last year there was about 86,000 covid cases in new york city. only 2,000 of them were among students or teachers, which is .4%. that's right, .4%. spread in the community at the time way, way, way larger than in the schools. why would that be? schools are organized to screen, to decrease spread, taking precautions, public health precautions. on the flip side of this a study was released the double the amount of mental health diagnosis at the same time in children. >> harris: let's pop that up on the screen. we have that study. i want to talk more about it. private healthcare claims for intentional self-harm as a percentage of all medical claims skyrocketed. you are talking about young people here, 90% among teenagers in march 2020 compared to the year before. a record 334% in october. the toll on the mental health stability and the growth psychologically for the children. what is it exactly? what is that toll, doctor? >> harris, this is so important. i think the target age that they really looked at was ages 13 to 18. i have a child that age. how vulnerable is that population finding themselves figuring out who they are? self-harm doubled from april 2019 to april 2020. substance abuse up 60 to 70%. overall mental health diagnoses doubling. anxiety and depression. because you don't see people. because you don't interact with them. you don't socialize. just what you have been saying for months. >> harris: quickly yes or no answer. the cdc on this. are they wrong or is it something else? what are we looking at? >> i think cdc is under political pressure and they know the science. they published this science. they are wrong. they need to open up everything as soon as possible with precautions. >> harris: i apologize that was not a yes or no but you did what you do and gave us the answer. dr. siegel, thank you very much. appreciate your time. >> thanks, harris. >> harris: texas is back, fully open for business today and the mask mandate is history. critics say it is dangerous. state leaders say no it's not. they stand by their decision. many people in the lone star state are celebrating. we're live in dallas, texas next. >> we're doing something that is prudent and smart and we're doing something to give people their liberty and freedom back. we just took away a mandate. in.. give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't (grunting noise) i'll take that. yeeeeeah! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar drink, play, and win big in the powered by protein challenge! i'll be observing your safe-driving abilities. play your cards right, and you could be in for a tasty discount. 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the virus from china and then throughout the world. greg. >> that's right. it was this week a year ago the covid-19 was recognized for what it really was, a global health menace. in the month leading up to that time the virus was already doing a lot of damage. take a look. >> most scientists are certain this disease started in china. it was officially announced december 1, 2019 in wuhan. new reporting about a possible early lab source it was thought it was animal to human. it took a month for china to break the news. more cases, first death, first of countless lockdowns worldwide. >> 41 people are suffering from pneumonia caused by a new type of coronavirus. >> it didn't stay there long. the virus reached other asian countries and australia. >> we believe the risk of a global pandemic is very much upon us. >> via a connected world more countries touched. france had the first case in europe. january 21st it was in washington state. the world health organization called covid-19 an international public health emergency. still most cases remained in a few countries. february changed that. the virus spread like wildfire across the globe. experts remained amazed zbloo. what happens is you get more and more people get infected and they go on to infect more and more people. it compounds itself. >> europe was among several reejs on hit very hard. >> we're facing a crisis. >> italy became an epicenter including shortages. >> the shelves are empty. >> they tried to keep calm. >> we're in a position to take the steps that will be necessary. >> despite efforts to fend off the virus like blocking air travel from china and elsewhere covid clusters sprang up on the west coast and east before going nationwide. >> to protect the american people we'll consider everything on the table. >> as cases and deaths mounted america struggled. >> it's pretty alarming. we have to kept doing what we do. >> march 11, 2020 globally 120,000 covid-19 cases, 4300 deaths. 112 countries affected including 38 u.s. states. w.h.o. rang the international alarm bell. >> we're deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming levels of inaction. >> the covid toll now one year later nearly 118 million cases, over 2.6 million deaths. a world just now starting to crawl back. >> harris: thank you very much, greg palkot. this is proof of how resilient we are in this country. change. texas back open today. the mask mandate there is lifted and businesses can operate at 100% capacity. critics say it is a recipe for disaster arguing too few texans are fully vaccinated yet. fewer than 10%. the governor said it is the right call to make. >> from the very beginning remember the goal was a couple of weeks to slow the spread. the purpose of slowing the spread was to reduce hospitalizations. so the hospitals would not be overrun. we've accomplished that mission. >> harris: casey stiegel live in dallas, texas for us. casey. >> as you just alluded to, however, very mixed feelings across the lone star state about the relaxation of these rules. we're talking about everything, bars, restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, stores open now at 100% capacity. and also that statewide mask mandate face covering requirement expires. it is important to note, of course, that other states have begun to do this as well and relax their rules. texas is by far the largest. you know, an awful lot of businesses also say that they are happy to see it happen and they think it is time. citizens as well. many have been calling for this moment long ago. >> i think we need to go back to living life. i know people are dying from covid and people die from the flu every day. >> on the flip side there were those concerned this is moving too quickly. many schools and businesses choosing to keep the mask mandate in place. while the medical community fears this could effectively cancel the progress we've made. >> i don't understand the basis of why now. the timing doesn't make any sense to me. when we know we'll be in a much better informed position even a month from now. >> according to cdc stats texas ranks 33rd in terms of the number of doses administered compared to the number of total doses distributed to the state. the governor has given local leaders authority to reimpose the mask order if covid hospitalizations rise and meet a certain threshold. leaving wiggle room if there are hot spots local leaders can impose new restrictions, harris. >> harris: the lieutenant governor dan patrick said on this program they'll watch those spots very closely as well. casey stiegel, good to see you. thank you. who says all the drama is on the big screen? see what happens when disney's ceo is pressed about an apparent double standard after a popular actor gets canned. >> it's clear there is a new black list punishing conservatives in the entertainment. regarding disney, this is the way? >> harris: "outnumbered" is next. with mortgage rates at their lowest in history, 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costar was given past reggie said hollywood had the knives out for her all along given her conservative values. >> i was prepared at any point to be let go. i've seen this happen to so many people. i've seen the looks on their faces, i've seen the bullying that takes place. you're coming for me, i know you are, they are it very obvious. >> harris: bullying, that's quite a word, let's get into it with seattle radio talk show host jason rantz radio topline thoughts? >> good to see you. it's pretty ridiculous. he talks about how disney stands for respect and decency, integrity and inclusion. respecting several people with different opinions, decency probably doesn't target with people who disagree with you politically, that's not the decent thing to do and certainly there's no integrity and lying about the bias that you have so when we talk about inclusion and we only see them targeting content that is conservative and individuals who identify as conservative, that's not inclusion, that's exclusion. you get all these buzzwords being thrown around by a lot of progressives and they want you to think it's not political. even when they talk about inclusion and diversity, they are really only talking about diversity in the sense of what you can see, not what you can hear or think and that was a big problem for hollywood in general and disney right now specifically. >> harris: you make that point so well, it is more than the color of anyone's skin and it's how you think in your life experiences that make you diverse as well. look, you heard gina there saying that she feels like she's being bullied, it's out in the open, jason, is this cancel culture, it's kind of always been there, i would imagine, is it spreading and why are we learning about so much more of it now? >> it's spreading because right now the left has power and they are the ones who are doing this and i was given a quote by a mentor of mine back in 2004 that stuck with me since then. that is the power the to censor in the hands of your worst enemy. there was a time when conservatives were doing this, going after shows like "glee" because it had gay characters and i take the same positions here that i did now. the marketplace should decide. the marketplace isn't deciding. in some cases, they are forcing the hands of these corporations but ones like disney are actively embracing it because they think it's going to be good for their bottom line but to be clear this is absolutely cancel culture that's going to come back and bite them as they are putting these warnings on old content that they are streaming on their network, on disney plus like "dumbo" and "peter pan." >> harris: let's get to that quickly, let me interject, disney plus, quietly pulled as jason talked about, "dumbo," "peter pan," "end of the aristocrats" off children's profiles and with the company says it is it's to reconcile its history of using racist stereotypes and negative depictions in film before films that have been pulled from the children's profiles still remain on adult profiles on disney plus but now they come with an advisory warning which reads "this program contains negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures." jason, it's like and i said this going to commercial a little while ago, this is like cancel culture got together with the nanny state and said let's party. >> absolutely although let's be clear, they are saying this content is so virulently racist and disrespectful, they are still making money off of it. they could've pulled it entirely and make sure anybody could never get to those movies are animated series it, never work again but they are choosing not to do that so that in this case is very much signaling their virtue. the problem is it is dangerous business to use 2021 woke standards to judge art or any content from the '40s are '50s, that's not how it works and i have to imagine that decades from now the thought that people are currently displaying right now in 2021 will be deemed offensive and i imagine there might be potential pushes to silence that, maybe "the mandalorian" doesn't get seen again because hopefully decades from now, probably sooner they realize, society realizes that it's wrong to judge people on the basis of mainstream ideological positions. >> harris: or you've got to judge them equally. with gina and her costar pedro, he had similar wording in his tweets but he's on the left so he didn't lose his job. either treat everybody fairly or stop and let them decide in the market. great to have you on the program, thank you for watching "the faulkner focus," now it's time for "outnumbered." ♪ ♪ we are expecting new numbers today amid the growing crisis across the border and questions over president biden's response overall. multiple sources are telling fox news apprehensions most likely searched joe more than 100,000 migrants last month up from 78,000 in january. texas lieutenant governor dan patrick as you know on this program is sounding the alarm. >> this is not a crisis, this is a full-blown disaster, this is the worst i've seen.

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