Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity

the new york governor on a serious note andrew cuomo facing yet another brand-new sexual misconduct allegation. now a sixth woman has come forward accusing cuomo up touching her inappropriately. at this point, andrew cuomo has been totally humiliated and soon he might be out of a job. more on this breaking tonight straight ahead. but first we are going to go there. what is going on with the president of the united states joe biden? seriously. we come a the american people, u deserve answers. barely has any public events. his vice president kamala harris is taking solo calls with world leaders. that would be that commander in chief job. joe gets ready for bed after a little milky around 7:00 p.m. the first president in modern history that has not held an official press conference in his first 48 days. during the rare occasion that biden does actually appear in front of the cameras, usually to bypass congress and totally abandon a coequal branch of government, that being the legislative branch, his team shuts down any and all questions and they go to bars in town or they hurry joe away from the public eye and turn off the feed completely as we saw last week. take a look at what happened earlier today. >> i see them! we need him. >> come on, press. we are going to move out. let's go. let's go, you guys. come on. >> sean: okay. why is his staff continuing to hide a president biden? what do they know? you, we have a right to know. and more importantly, what did they know about joe biden during the campaign. who knew what and when and something of great importance to we the american people. one msnbc, the other one at thee hell, not exactly members of the vast right-wing conspiracy, the biden campaign utilized -- get this, not mine. "put your dumb uncle in the basement" strategy. the people surrounding joe biden knew that the real joe biden was his campaign's biggest liability. at the time, we did a report on his very strange basement bunker campaign. we did question why a presidential candidate would be in hiding for weeks on end, disappear for days, ahead of a debate or some big event or his speech at the democrat or national convention. of course it was virtual. i'm not a doctor, i am not playing doctor. we report what are obvious visual cognitive troubles. for some reason after the inauguration, the media mob wasn't caring about what i said initially during the campaign that he look weak, frail, struggling cognitively. the media mob became outraged at yours truly in my coverage. i responded by just plain example after example after example of joe struggling mightily and regularly, by this media mob that take it was necessary to get this decision but it was best not to fight with me with what was clear as day. so they feigned indignation and that has now largely subsided because anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, you can clearly tell that joe biden is struggling and sadly it is only getting worse. take a look. >> i want to thank the former general, i keep calling him general, the guy who runs outfit over there. i want to thank sure that we think the secretary. representatives shirley jackson lee, al green, -- excuse me. what am i doing here? i nominate harvey about heavier bush era, excuse me. >> donald trump is reelected -- freudian slip. >> sean: it's not shirley, it's sheila jackson lee. by the way, "what am i doing here?" not the first time he suggested that. "i lost my place, hang on... they gave me notecards. my name is joe, my wife's name is jill." that's how it appears but we showed you tape of him in 2012 and 2016 and today and a dramatic visible decline. the leader of the free world, can even remember the name of their own secretary of defense or where the secretary of defense works. joe, that'll be the pentagon. his name is lloyd austin. it is not that hard to remember. this is getting scary not because i say so. you can disagree with me all you want but the entire world is watching and, yes, they are seeing they have bravely what people are saying. one headline in sky news australia, joe biden struggles to name his defense secretary. another, "never before has the leader of the free world has been so cognitively compromised." if that's what our allies are reporting, i can only imagine, fearful of what our enemies may think. a lot of hostile regimes, a lot of hostile actors like vladimir putin, the mullahs in iran, president of china, kim jong un, all hostile actors, hostile regimes. you better believe they are actively watching very closely and no doubt would try to capitalize if they see biden's apparent weaknesses. i'm not the only one in america seeing this. a brand-new poll by rasmussen shows that half the country, half, 50%, is now worried that joe biden is not physically or mentally up to the job. that is half the country. it's not just sean hannity. we are willing to say earlier than others, because maybe others were being polite or they were too afraid to say it. late night, by the way, television, the trump hating comics, they say they are struggling to find material about biden to talk about, really? that's probably only because of your pure political bias and rage against trump and why your shows are mostly failing. look at this poll today. only 34% of americans are very confident that biden is physically and mentally capable of being president. this would be a crisis in confidence. with poll numbers like those, a typical administration, what they would do is they would send out the commander in chief for a lengthy press conference to prove to the american people, and to the world, that our president is healthy, engaged, energetic, has full mental acuity and full mental fitness. but the biden administration is doing the opposite. there are no press conferences scheduled yet. in fact, the biden administration has net scheduled a joint address to congress which is supposed to happen every single year. watch this. >> has a president chosen a date yet for a joint address to congress and what is not going to look like? >> i do not have any updates on that for you and as soon as we have a date confirmed, we are working on that through congress and our focus now is the address the president will be delivering during his first prime time address, he'll talk about covid, what the path forward looks like and we will focus on the next address once we get through that. >> we will circle back about that date for you any day now. see what's happening here? they are clearly trying to buy time. they know joe biden is struggling cognitively and by the way they know he's a walking and talking liability. joe biden can barely read from a para pumped teleprompter or can barely remember the name -- no, it's not the creator. it's god, the creator of everything. he loses his focus constantly, clearly struggling with names, numbers in particular, and at times even days of the week. he even utters a couple of times, what the hell am i doing here, what -- will joe practice all day tomorrow for his big teleprompter speech on thursday evening? yes. the odds are hardly likely -- they will practice, they will pump them full of coffee, energy drinks, whatever he needs. all the caffeine he wants. but that does not explain away everything else. we all see it daily. i have a theory on how this is all going to play out. uncharacteristically for now, i'm going to keep that to myself. i will share it in due time. one important question must be addressed. who is in charge, who is running the show here. is it kamala? susan rice? barack obama? some culmination of those people? pelosi and schumer? every single democrat needs to be asked, do they see joe struggling cognitively? it is a legitimate question. is the question democrats and media mob had no trouble asking about ronald reagan in 1984, the age question. no problem raising these issues with john mccain when he was running in 2008, the age issue. because it's not the guy now fast asleep at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, that's not the same guy i remember four short years ago. here with reaction ohio congressman jim jordan, former white house chief of staff mark meadows. look, i'm not looking to put either one of you in a tough position here. mark meadows, you were there. you were chief of staff. for the four years of donald trump, i would argue and i think i have a very strong case to make, mark, that's the toughest job in the world, anybody who wants it is nuts. who needs it? it's a hard job. you need the stamina, the strength, the mental acuity, the alertness. all of these things. donald trump had it. bernie sanders is totally on his game. i do not think he has lost -- i do not think he's lost 1 mile per our from his fastball. do you see what i see? >> i do see what you see it, sean, when you really look at all of this. president trump barely went 48 hours without holding a press conference but here we have joe biden going 48 days but the bigger problem with this is the staff around them. we've got a press secretary that is going to circle back and circle back and circle back again. i do not know that we get any more clarity from her then we do joe biden, but what we are seeing is really an intentional and deliberate act by this administration to keep the president of the united states from having to interact with the press and the american people. >> sean: i think this is it. jim jordan, you've been in the white house often with mark. you've seen the pace of donald trump. i know for a fact that this president was up early in the morning working the phones until late into the night. >> your view is remember when he walked out to get all marine one, he did those impromptu press conferences, he take all questions but sometimes he'd stay for 30-40 minutes. that is what the american people deserve and what they also deserve, the great people of this great country deserve to know who is in charge. who is in fact the commander in chief, who is making the decisions. the people of this country deserve to know that. instead we get this double standard, this idea -- i think about what the president has done, when it was president trump, its kids in cages, now it's children and holding facilities. the democrats defund the police but now they are putting police around the capitol. we hear about biden's dog biting someone. the press would go crazy. they say the dog is working with russian we have to have an investigation. i think the american people deserve to know, they are sick and tired of the double standard they see everything the day from the mainstream press. >> jim is absolutely right. president trump was more focused at 1:00 a.m. in the morning then joe biden is in the afternoon at 1:00 p.m. you start to look at this and you say at what point are we going to start to have real communication from the white house? >> getting caught at 1:00 a.m. in the morning sometimes... be when i confirm nor deny any conversations that i had ever with anybody at any time. i'm a member of the press and i maintain that right to keep my sources private. but on a serious note, i do worry. we had mike pompeo in the program. i'm worried about the mullahs of iran and they are not pressuring south korea to give $300 million. i worry about china. i worry about russia, i worry about the hunter biden compromising with all these countries. >> you are right, sean. we wish the best for the president. i hope -- i wish nothing for the best for joe biden making these difficult decisions. i understand we are all americans, we want him to be healthy, we want him to be well, but we also have concern. i think the country is praying for the president like they prayed for president trump. but i'm nervous about what our adversaries may be thinking, what they may be up to. some clarifications. >> sean: final word, mark >> i can tell you each and every minute of every day, there are critical decisions that the president of the united states has to make. president trump did it day in and day out and if you have a president who is not focused, who is not engaged, who is not engaged, who's not bringing his advisors together in real time, you have a problem that is waiting to happen that could have international consequences. >> sean: and you are right. i don't want -- i pray for our president and our country. i want the best from everybody. jim jordan, mark meadows. let's turn once again to the state of new york where governor andrew cuomo facing yet another allegation of sexual misconduct. the sixth latest accuser who claims that cuomo touched her inappropriately last year at the governor's mansion. during a conference call earlier today, he claims he never touched anyone appropriately. here's what he said. >> first am not aware of any other claim. as i said last week, this is very simple, i never touched anyone inappropriately. as i said last week, i am never made any inappropriate advances. i said last week, no one ever told me at the time that i made them feel uncomfortable. >> sean: really? this is literally a picture from you and one of your six accusers right there. you see that? does that look appropriate? they are trying their best to defend -- where is the i believer caucus. some democrats say he should resign. i give some of them credit for some level of intellectual honesty. i do not hear the same i believe from the six women after the untrue kavanaugh accusations, they have now remained silent about cuomo on this issue. look at the tweet from the "new york daily news." cuomo may not be perfect, but he has been the perfect man for our perilous times. the only one with that with the exception of cuomo's deadly nursing home policy caused a massive break and the subsequent cover up is now the subject of a criminal investigation and just to remind the media, yeah, thousands of innocent people died the most vulnerable population in new york state. it's so bad that the publisher of cuomo self congratulatory book on covid leadership has stopped publication. he's not the perfect man for the job. got bailed out by donald trump, simple undeniable truth, and cuomo failed the people of new york miserably and tried to cover it up and congratulated himself for a job well done and had the data in june. in june he could've made the pipit when he had the data. rather than making the proper adjustments, they decided to hide all of this information from everybody and blame everybody but himself and go back to work on the self-aggrandizing leadership book. anybody regardless of their politics or party should be outrage. these are real human lives. joining us now with more coming media reporter for "the hill" fox news contributor joe concha along with fox news contributor tammy bruce. the walls seem to be caving in. coming from democrats because republicans -- democrats have two vetoproof houses, assembly and the senate. this is really the democrats doing this, tammy. will they impeach him? will they remove him if he refuses to resign? >> it looks like it's heading into that direction. there has been no sign of a major outreach in support of him, very weak daily news column, any effort at this point has fallen flat because apparently everyone you and people watch to this, and they know he's a bully. and people don't like him. he's arrogant and smug. you can be arrogant and snug and actually get things done and government well, but even in his statement that you played, his comment was nobody told me at the time that i made them uncomfortable -- first of all, how many are out there? that's one thing. but he misses the entire point. that is the issue here. of course they are not going to speak about the time because the environment of intimidation, bullying, threats according to some people, the people who don't want to lose their jobs, they are not going to say something. if that is his excuse, saying in a smug way very different from his second apology where he's trying to be contrite, it's like, well, nobody told me. that's this guy and that's not going to change and as he continues to do what i believe he's doing which is lie about what he did come up more and more women are going to say, wait a minute, this is unacceptable. i think that's why now you are hearing him say things like, well, nobody said anything, as though that is their fault, or that there is a problem. the democrats in albin the come out there has been one message from albin e, that is the problem, i think they are going to take action. because i do not think he will resign. you will have to have -- a number of people noted this, some sense of shame. when he doesn't have shame about 15,000 dead innocent, he's not going to have shame about abusing individuals who work for him. >> sean: a powerful statement, tammy. joe? >> tammy is right. serial narcissistic marinated in hubris don't have shame. even the longest-serving new york lawmaker, his name is richard godfrey, he has served as new york lawmaker since 1970. even he now is saying cuomo must resign. listen, "perfect man for perilous times?" no perfect man decides to cover up nursing home dads to the tune of 15,000 in new york. that is more than 175 countries in terms of covid. no perfect man doesn't like that because he's negotiating a book deal at a time for an $800,000 advance and if it gets out he screwed up the nursing home dads or they were as high as they were, suddenly that advance goes away, doesn't it? that is where motive comes in here. these are you either believe six women who worked for cuomo, all right, in terms of recent allegations are lying, or cuomo is telling the truth. these are not allegations from 35 years ago from some high school party that no one can cooperate like with brett kavanaugh -- again, the governor deserves due process, the same due process he did not afford brett kavanaugh. but at the same time, the nursing home deaths is the bigger story here and that's what the media focus should be on pier this seems more towards a sexual harassment stories which is a story too, and should be covered, but the nursing homes in the end is what's going to take the governor down. >> sean: thank you, joe. thank you, tammy. biden pushing his dangerous america last immigration agenda. it is a crisis. white house no working overtime to spin that it's not a crisis. in our own jim jenkins giving us a live update at the border tonight. senator lindsey graham telling us what needs to be done as we continue. thank you for joining us. ♪ piano playing ♪ ♪ “what the world needs now” ♪ the only thing a disaster can't destroy is hope help now at it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. >> sean: another day with another surge of migrants on our southern border. as we are learning tonight, the biden administration holding a record migrant children facilities meant for adults. this comes as a number of migrant children detained at the border has now tripled in two short weeks. here to explain more is our own griff jenkins. he's live on the ground tonight. >> that's right. i am at the mcallen port of entry. at the heart of the rio grande valley sector. it is ground zero for biden's border crisis. also where texas governor greg abbott went up in a helicopter to get a bird's-eye view of the situation in this surge having the hardest hit area where border agents tell me there are 136% compared to apprehension numbers. already 108,000 apprehension in just a few months. why is that, sean? a few days in mexico talking to migrants and they clearly see a welcome sign from this administration. take a listen. >> do you

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