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the panzer division really just carve up some canadiane. gone but if things had gone the other way, you're right, yotler would have dominateitled europe for we don't even know o how long. you do a lot of workf work, har, for the younger generations and try to explain to them whyti learning about the history of this war and all is so important. >> why is that so crucial no im well, i think, you know, wete often talk about the importance of supportinboutg our defendersg and supporting our troops. but oi don't think people realo understand unless you really know why it's importann'k peopts and i don't think that freedom was never more thinly on the lin thinle than in worldr two. one of the great things that we do with the gary sinise foundation great is one of our m programs is called soaring valor. i've had the great privilege to travel with hundred ps of world war two veterans down to the national world war two museum, and wewn pair them p with high school kids. so a high school student