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his finest moments. he is well rested and well scripted. it has all the support he can possibly have. what is happening behind closed doors when people aren't watching him? is there a level cognitive decline? i would like to know that. as we see the physical come out every single year and the president's position, they have yet to really show us any sort of mental status exam. i think that is what we can look forward to coming into the election. it doesn't seem like they are going to give that to us. >> john: a lot of democrats have been pushing back on this. here's what "the wall street journal" says in part. "some who have known him back to his time as vice president described a president who appears slower now. someone who has both good moments and bad ones." i want to ask you about that. sometimes the state of the union address, he seemed to have a pretty good moment. he was pretty good at normandy today.