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they probably don't want to talk about the things we are all s seen. >> sandra: fair enough. voters are being asked about it. we are looking at the latest fox news power ratings. voters looking at trump or biden who is more mentally and physically fit to be president. the higher marks definitely go to the former president donald trump. will this benefit him come november? >> no doubt about it. sean hannity, and i guys did. the last thing he wants is to lower the bar to the fact when joe biden shows up like the state of the union and delivers okay or is able to finish standing up, they look at it as a victory. i think president trump is going to go out of his way to say he's fine. they talk about him going up and down. big day good days and bad days. we saw that today. we saw a speech where he seemed confused a few times on stage. by the time he gets to the interview, he's not able to keep the energy up.