Three of the accused in police custody Rajkot: Acting on a kidnapping and extortion complaint lodged by a farmer of Faddang village, the Detection of Crime Branch (DCB) of Rajkot city police on Wednesday arrested four persons, including a minor boy. Those arrested were identified as Shivraj Vala (19), Gaurava Hirani (21), Lalji Rank (21), and a minor boy. Hirani and Rank are residents of Bagasara town of Amreli while Vala is a native of Faddang village and lives in Surat. “On July 3, Vala and his associates kidnapped Khunt from his village and demanded Rs 15 lakh while threatening to kill him. Scared by the revolver that was pointed towards him, Kunth paid Rs 3.85 lakh to the accused. Later, he approached the police and lodged a complaint,” police said.