Foreign aid, goods pour in for 'Odette'-hit PH : comparemela

Foreign aid, goods pour in for 'Odette'-hit PH

(Photo courtesy of DPWH Eastern Visayas) MANILA - Canada, Hungary, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand have pledged to provide over PHP187.9 million to assist provinces hit hard by the onslaught of Typhoon Odette. On top of this, several countries like China, the United States, Japan, Israel, and Australia allocated in-kind goods for immediate deployment to the affected families. World leaders also sent their condolences to the bereaved families of those who perished in the aftermath of the super typhoon. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Ottawa is providing financial assistance through the Red Cross, which should help address the urgent need for water and sanitation on the ground. "My heart goes out to the people of the Philippines, whose lives have been forever changed by last week's super typhoon. Canadians are sending our deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones - and we'll keep everyone affected in our thoughts during this challenging time," he said in a statement on Tuesday. "In the days and weeks ahead, we'll continue to help those who need it most," he added. Canadian Minister for International Development Harjit Sajjan announced that Ottawa will extend up to CAD3 million (approximately PHP118.7 million) in assistance, including CAD500,000 for the urgent Red Cross response. Russian President Vladimir Putin also sent his sympathies and personally expressed solidarity with the Filipino people. "Russia shares the grief of those who lost their family members and friends as a result of this natural disaster and wishes a speedy recovery to all those injured," he said. The United Kingdom has pledged GBP750,000 (approximately PHP49.47 million) to the Philippine Red Cross, which will be coursed through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) "to help support those in desperate need of assistance". The New Zealand government, meanwhile, will donate NZD500,000 (approximately PHP16.77 million) to the Philippines to support the IFRC's efforts on the ground. Hungary is sending HUF20 million (approximately PHP3.05 million) to the typhoon victims and to help restore the damaged churches in Cebu. "Hungary is sending 20million HUF (EUR54,000) to the victims of a typhoon which hit the Philippines last week, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Sunday. The Hungary Embassy in Manila is working together with Caritas Manila, Anton CT Pascual, and (Foreign Affairs Secretary) Teodoro Locsin, Jr. after Typhoon Odette," Hungarian Ambassador to the Philippines Titanilla Toth said. Relief on its way Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian said about 20,000 food packages worth around PHP8 million are on their way to Cebu, Leyte, Negros Occidental, Bohol, Cagayan de Oro City, Surigao City, Negros Oriental, and other provinces hit by Odette. At the same time, 4.7 million kilograms of Chinese government-donated rice are already in different Philippine ports, of which 1.5 million kg. are in Cebu and 3.2 million kg. are in Manila for deployment. "Chinese relief goods on their way to areas devastated by Typhoon Odette. Our hearts go out to all the Filipino families who were devastated by Typhoon Odette which has caused massive casualties as well as property loss," Huang said Tuesday. "We thank the Philippine government, in particular the Department of Social Welfare and Development for their great efforts in urgently distributing these rice to those Filipino families in need. China will do its utmost to continue its firm support to the disaster relief efforts of the Philippine government and the Filipino people," he added. The Federation of Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. (FFCCCII) is likewise contributing a total of PHP12 million through its Filipino Chinese Community Calamity Fund. The Israeli Embassy in Manila in a text message said Ambassador Ilan Fluss is also flying to Cebu to deliver solar panels, food packs, and hygiene kits to typhoon-affected residents on December 22. Last week, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), with the support of the Australian government, sent about 1,000 solar lamps, 1,000 mosquito nets, 1,000 plastic tarps, and 200 plastic sheets to augment the government-led relief operations on the ground and help displaced families in the severely affected islands of Siargao and Dinagat. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), together with the World Food Programme and the Philippine government, has deployed two mobile operations vehicles for emergency (MOVE) to Surigao and Ormoc to facilitate access to electricity and internet for responders on the ground. The Japanese Embassy in Manila said Tokyo is also sending disaster relief assistance in the form of generators, camping tents, sleeping pads, portable water containers; and plastic sheets to cover roofs. "Odette" made landfall last December 16 in Surigao del Norte Province, with maximum sustained winds of 195 kilometers per hour, bringing torrential rains, violent winds, landslides, and storm surges in several areas in Visayas and Mindanao, including Cebu, Palawan, Bohol, Siargao, and Dinagat Islands. In its aftermath, 12 cities and municipalities were placed under a state of calamity. A total of 227 areas also experienced power interruption/outage, of which only 21 have so far been restored. (PNA) }

Related Keywords

Australia , Japan , Tokyo , Philippine , Benguet , Philippines , United States , Palawan , Dapitan , United Kingdom , Surigao Del Norte , Province Of Surigao Del Norte , China , Negros Oriental , Canada , Russia , Siargao , Masbate , Ottawa , Ontario , Dinagat Islands , Province Of Dinagat Islands , Manila , New Zealand , Surigao , Hungary , Ormoc , Israel , Surigao City , Dinagat , Leyte , Cagayan De Oro City , Cagayan De Oro , Visayas , Philippines General , Negros Occidental , Australian , Filipino , Canadian , Chinese , Russian , Canadians , Israeli , Japanese , Hungarian , Peter Szijjarto , Ilan Fluss , Justin Trudeau , Vladimir Putin , Huang Xilian , Teodoro Locsin Jr , Titanilla Toth , Federation Of Filipino Chinese Chamber , United States Agency For International Development , International Federation Of Red Cross , Israeli Embassy , Department Of Social Welfare , Foreign Affairs , Hungary Embassy , Japanese Embassy , Filipino Chinese Community Calamity Fund , World Food Programme , Industry Inc , International Development Harjit Sajjan , Prime Minister Justin Trudeau , Red Cross , President Vladimir Putin , Philippine Red Cross , International Federation , Red Crescent Societies , Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto , Caritas Manila , Foreign Affairs Secretary , Teodoro Locsin , Typhoon Odette , Philippines Titanilla Toth , Ambassador Huang Xilian , Social Welfare , Filipino Chinese Chamber , Filipino Chinese Community Calamity , Ambassador Ilan Fluss , United Nations High Commissioner , United States Agency , International Development , Surigao Del Norte Province , Hoto Courtesy Of Dpwh Eastern Visayas Manila Canada , The United Kingdom , Nd New Zealand Have Pledged To Provide Over Php187 9 Million Assist Provinces Hit Hard By The Onslaught Of Typhoon Odette On Top This , Everal Countries Like China , The United States , Nd Australia Allocated In Kind Goods For Immediate Deployment To The Affected Families World Leaders Also Sent Their Condolences Bereaved Of Those Who Perished Aftermath Super Typhoon Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Said Ottawa Is Providing Financial Assistance Through Red Cross , Hich Should Help Address The Urgent Need For Water And Sanitation On Ground Quot My Heart Goes Out To People Of Philippines , Hose Lives Have Been Forever Changed By Last Week 39s Super Typhoon Canadians Are Sending Our Deepest Condolences To Those Who Lost Loved Ones And We 39 Ll Keep Everyone Affected In Thoughts During This Challenging Time , Uot He Said Ina Statement On Tuesday Quot In The Days And Weeks Ahead , E 39 Ll Continue To Help Those Who Need It Most , Uot He Added Canadian Minister For International Development Harjit Sajjan Announced That Ottawa Will Extend Up To Cad3 Million Approximately Php118 7 In Assistance , Ncluding Cad500 , 000 For The Urgent Red Cross Response Russian President Vladimir Putin Also Sent His Sympathies And Personally Expressed Solidarity With Filipino People Quot Russia Shares Grief Of Those Who Lost Their Family Members Friends Asa Result This Natural Disaster Wishesa Speedy Recovery To All Injured , Uot He Said The United Kingdom Has Pledged Gbp750 , 000 Approximately Php49 47 Million To The Philippine Red Cross , Hich Will Be Coursed Through The International Federation Of Red Cross And Crescent Societies Ifrc Quot To Help Support Those In Desperate Need Assistance New Zealand Government , Eanwhile , Ill Donate Nzd500 , 000 Approximately Php16 77 Million To The Philippines Support Ifrc 39s Efforts On Ground Hungary Is Sending Huf20 Php3 05 Typhoon Victims And Help Restore Damaged Churches In Cebu Quot 20million Huf Eur54 , 000 To The Victims Ofa Typhoon Which Hit Philippines Last Week , Oreign Minister Peter Szijjarto Said On Sunday The Hungary Embassy In Manila Is Working Together With Caritas , Nton Ct Pascual , Nd Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin , R After Typhoon Odette , Uot Hungarian Ambassador To The Philippines Titanilla Toth Said Relief On Its Way Chinese Huang Xilian About 20 , 000 Food Packages Worth Around Php8 Million Are On Their Way To Cebu , Bohol , Nd Other Provinces Hit By Odette At The Same Time , 7 Million Kilograms Of Chinese Government Donated Rice Are Already In Different Philippine Ports , F Which 1 5 Million Kg Are In Cebu And 3 2 Manila For Deployment Quot Chinese Relief Goods On Their Way To Areas Devastated By Typhoon Odette Our Hearts Go Out All The Filipino Families Who Were Has Caused Massive Casualties As Well Property Loss , Uot Huang Said Tuesday Quot We Thank The Philippine Government , N Particular The Department Of Social Welfare And Development For Their Great Efforts In Urgently Distributing These Rice To Those Filipino Families Need China Will Do Its Utmost Continue Firm Support Disaster Relief Philippine Government People , Uot He Added The Federation Of Filipino Chinese Chamber Commerce And Industry Inc Ffcccii Is Likewise Contributinga Total Php12 Million Through Its Community Calamity Fund Israeli Embassy In Manila Ina Text Message Said Ambassador Ilan Fluss Also Flying To Cebu Deliver Solar Panels , Food Packs , Nd Hygiene Kits To Typhoon Affected Residents On December 22 Last Week , He United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Unhcr , Ith The Support Of Australian Government , Ent About 1 , 000 Solar Lamps , , 000 Mosquito Nets , 000 Plastic Tarps , Nd 200 Plastic Sheets To Augment The Government Led Relief Operations On Ground And Help Displaced Families In Severely Affected Islands Of Siargao Dinagat United States Agency For International Development Usaid , Ogether With The World Food Programme And Philippine Government , As Deployed Two Mobile Operations Vehicles For Emergency Move To Surigao And Ormoc Facilitate Access Electricity Internet Responders On The Ground Japanese Embassy In Manila Said Tokyo Is Also Sending Disaster Relief Assistance Form Of Generators , Camping Tents , Sleeping Pads , Ortable Water Containers And Plastic Sheets To Cover Roofs Quot Odette Made Landfall Last December 16 In Surigao Del Norte Province , Ith Maximum Sustained Winds Of 195 Kilometers Per Hour , Ringing Torrential Rains , Violent Winds , Landslides , Nd Storm Surges In Several Areas Visayas And Mindanao , Ncluding Cebu , Nd Dinagat Islands In Its Aftermath , 2 Cities And Municipalities Were Placed Undera State Of Calamitya Total 227 Areas Also Experienced Power Interruption Outage , F Which Only 21 Have So Far Been Restored Pna ,

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