Food distribution event held in North Jonesboro 6,850 pounds of potatoes, carrots and onions distributed As the need for food continues to grow, a distribution event took place Wednesday. (Source: Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas) By Region 8 Newsdesk | April 21, 2021 at 8:27 PM CDT - Updated April 21 at 8:27 PM JONESBORO, Ark. (KAIT) - The need for food continues to grow in Northeast Arkansas, so Ritter Communications and the Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas partnered up Wednesday to distribute food at Parker Park Community Center in Jonesboro. According to a media release, about 6,850 pounds of potatoes, carrots, and onions were distributed. “We understand that food insecurity in our community continues to grow and appreciate the work they do to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to northeast Arkansas families,” Jessica Odom, Marketing Coordinator for Ritter Communications, said.