Updated / Monday, 8 Mar 2021 10:18 Following the Inny, the latest Lyric Feature on RTÉ lyric fm, paints a vivid picture of the rich diversity of life along the River Inny, and the surrounding Inny Valley, in South Kerry - listen above. Producer J.J. O`Shea journeys along the river from its sources in small tinkling streams in the remote uplands of the Iveragh Peninsula down to where it meets the wide Atlantic Ocean close to Waterville - he introduces Following the Inny below... The Iveragh Peninsula in South Kerry, with its mountain ranges, rivers, lakes and coastline, offers a magnificently dramatic landscape. It's a region rich in history, legend and lore, in diverse plant and animal life, and in archaeological sites that reach back into pre-history. Neolithic rock art, stone circles and stone rows aligned with the stars or with times of the year, together with later monuments such as the magnificent Staigue Fort and the relatively recent, in archaeological terms, remains of early Christian settlements, proliferate the peninsula.