By Nish Bhan Houston: Nothing represents India’s diverse history and cultures better than its food. Indian cuisine is known throughout the globe for its variety, bold spices, and exciting flavors. From delicious dosas in the South to Kashmiri yakhni in the North, no two parts of Indian cuisine are the same. And, each cuisine in India–varied and diverse as it is–tells a unique story of the people and history it comes from. Few people know this better than Chef Mayank Istwal, the executive chef of Musaafer, Houston’s newest foray into high-end Indian cooking. A world traveler and expert on Indian cuisine, history and spices, Chef Istwal journeyed across India to seek understanding of the different stories and cultures represented in India’s food. Seeking to explore the connection between Indian heritage and its unique cuisine, Chef Istwal has been invited by Foundation for India Studies, a 501c(3) registered non-profit organization, to provide a fun, exciting and free online presentation for FIS’s Third Indo-American Heritage Day. The presentation, “Indian Heritage Through Cuisine, Culture, and Spices” will link India’s diverse heritage to the history of its world-famous food and spices and will be an engaging and exciting capstone to FIS’s landmark, fifteenth year.