The first annual Great Florida Bigfoot Conference will be held July 10 at the RP Funding Center. Credit: AP This Aug. 8, 2019, photo shows Bigfoot masks on display at Expedition: Bigfoot! The Sasquatch Museum in Cherry Log, Ga. The owner of this intriguing piece of Americana at the southern edge of the Appalachians is David Bakara, a longtime member of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization who served in the Navy, drove long-haul trucks and tended bar before opening the museum in early 2016 with his wife, Malinda. (AP Photo/John Bazemore) Author: Claire Farrow Updated: 8:20 PM EDT July 9, 2021 LAKELAND, Fla. — Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Skunk Ape — all names for the popular cryptid getting a convention dedicated specifically to it in Florida.