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First annual Italian heritage festival :
First annual Italian heritage festival :
First annual Italian heritage festival
To celebrate the Italian community in the Brazos Valley, the first ever Festa Italiana will be held in Downtown Bryan on Saturday, June 10, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Related Keywords
Italy ,
Dallas ,
Texas ,
United States ,
Houston ,
Poggioreale ,
Sicilia ,
Castelbuono ,
Italian ,
America ,
Italians ,
Abigail Noel ,
Festa Italiana ,
Vincenzo Zingales ,
Blake Zietman ,
Nunzio Martino ,
Messina Hof ,
Zietman Grocery ,
Brazos Valley ,
Downtown Bryan ,
Bryan Public Relations ,
Communications Manager Abigail Noel ,
Destination Bryan ,
Grocery Store ,
Bryan College Station ,
Ruffino Meats ,
Scarmardo Produce ,
College Station ,