Zenadth Kes, also known as the Torres Strait Islands, are experiencing climate change first-hand with the threat of rising sea levels. Losing a piece of land would affect every Island nation across the waters and on the mainland. The devastation caused by climate change would spread throughout Indigenous communities across Australia. Our culture seeps into the land. The food, dances and songs, tradition and ailan kastom (island custom) are based on the ecosystem and environment. Ceremonies, rituals and cultural events were given birth on the islands. To lose the land would be extremely traumatising for all Zenadth Kes Islanders. We refuse to abandon our homes as our tradition and culture are meaningless without our mother. We are spiritually woven into the land. The islands play a significant role in our lives: they provide food, shelter, comfort and love. These islands are viewed as our libraries: they contain ancient wisdom, knowledge and stories.