FIFDH Impact Day announces its 2021 selection An image from a previous edition of Impact Day The third edition of FIFDH Impact Day, the special programme on impact strategy for documentaries at any stage of production, will take place in a hybrid format. Focusing on the possibilities of filmmakers, producers, NGOs, organisations and foundations to create potential alliances and strategies, the programme is inviting 16 projects. The Impact Day is a part of the Geneva International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) whose 19 th edition runs from 5 to 14 March. (The article continues below - Commercial information) A total of 131 documentary projects coming from 70 countries (considering both production and co-production territories) were submitted and 16 of them have been picked for the Impact Day 2021. The topics are spread around a vast array of current issues and include, among others, human rights abuses in Libya’s detention centres, children trafficking in India, the death penalty in Belarus, indigenous activism in the Amazon and the Philippines, or corporate responsibility in countries as Guatemala and Switzerland. The projects represent 19 countries from all the continents and half of them are directed by female filmmakers, over 30% are by male directors and the rest are co-directed by teams of male and female directors.