Festival of flowers April 9, 2021 Every year on April 8, the birthday of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha has been celebrated throughout Japan. Also known as Kanbutsu-e or Hana Matsuri (the festival of flowers), it is celebrated with socio-religious zeal and passion. Buddhist temples across the country used to be decorated with beautiful colors and candles. Although Prince Siddhartha Gautama opened eyes in a royal family belonging to a Himalayan state around 2500 years ago, he was much interested to find the bitter realities of life and resolve problems amicably. One day, at the young age of thirty, he left the royal palace to discover the truth. Gautama Buddha tried various ways of enduring hardships to seek spiritual peace, but finally realized that in order to find eternal peace, it is necessary to live a good and pure life, to have mercy on everyone and not to hurt anyone.