"IVF guarantees pregnancy." Eleswarapu: "Eating pineapple can increase fertility." Duke: Oh, that's a good one. Pineapple by itself, if you have infertility, is unlikely to reverse your infertility. I'm Dr. Cindy. I am a fertility specialist based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Hello, Eleswarapu: I'm Dr. Sriram Eleswarapu, and I'm a urologist at UCLA. And today we'll be debunking myths about infertility. Duke: "Tight underwear is bad for sperm count." Eleswarapu: So, there've been a number of studies looking at this issue for many decades, and the inevitable question is boxers versus briefs. In truth, it doesn't matter a whole lot, and we know that if the testicles are a little bit warmer that they are more at risk of having sperm-count issues or sperm-motility issues, but, in general, it shouldn't matter too much. Just pick what's comfortable.