Fear the Walking Dead Time Jump Reveals Everyone's Fates in a Possible Future ✖ Fear the Walking Dead dreams up a happy ending and reveals what becomes of Morgan's group 16 years into the future in Season 6 Episode 12, "In Dreams." Spoiler warning for Sunday's Fear. When Grace (Karen David) inexplicably wakes up in a dreamlike world where years have passed, she's rescued from walkers by her 16-year-old future daughter Athena (Sahana Srinivasan). Grace is welcomed into the flourishing dam community founded by Athena's Babaji, her adoptive father Morgan Jones (Lennie James), who doesn't recognize Grace despite growing close to her in the earliest years of the zombie apocalypse. Grace learns she died in labor, but her death — and her daughter's birth — brought together the fractured family of survivors once divided by Virginia (Colby Minifie).