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FCFCOA close to parity with division 2 achieving over 51% fe
FCFCOA close to parity with division 2 achieving over 51% fe
FCFCOA close to parity with division 2 achieving over 51% female judges
Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash has recently announced a number of new appointments of female judges to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA). The new judges tip the gender balanc
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Australia ,
Gillian Eldershaw ,
Natasha Laing ,
Alison Burt ,
Shandel Mcauliffe ,
Alice Carter ,
Amanda Mansini ,
Circuit Court ,
Family Court ,
Honourable Michaelia Cash ,
Federal Circuit ,
Federal Court ,
Judge Alice ,
Senator Cash ,
Federal Circuit Court ,
Fcfcoa ,
Federal Circuit And Family Court Of Australia ,
Enator The Hon Michaelia Cash ,
Appointments ,
Parity ,
Fender ,
Women ,
Judges ,