Solving the digital divide in the US has gained a lot of attention in the past year thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced much of the country to work and study from home as a way to contain the spread of the virus. But the pandemic also underscored the need for accurate broadband data maps because, without accurate data, it's nearly impossible to determine where the country lacks competitive services. The FCC's Technological Advisory Council Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (WGAI) may provide some solutions to this dilemma. A white paper the group submitted in January details how the WGAI believes AI can help the FCC in a number of ways, and included specifics on how AI could help close the digital divide. The group called AI a "game changer" for the industry and recommended the FCC create a task force on AI and also conduct a request for information (RFI) in this area to determine more specific examples of how AI can be used for broadband mapping.