Posted a message on social media stating that the heart of this democracy, our constitutional guarantee of secret ballots, is under a coordinated assault and siege. Within days after the election are, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner even while many key states were still being counted. The constitutional process must be allowed to continue. We are going to defend the honesty of the vote by insuring that every legal ballot is counted and that no illegal ballot is counted. This is not just with about honoring the votes of 74 million americans who voted for me, its about insuring that americans can have faith in this election and in all future elections. Lou were joined this evening by some of this countrys great americans who are fighting for President Trump, fighting for a free and Fair Election. One of them is dr. Linda lee tarver. Shes seen how the radical dems have worked to steal this election in the state the of michigan, how theyve worked to steal elections over the past 25 years in her home state. Also with us, jesse morgan. Hes the truck driver whos come forward, a whistleblower, whos made alarming accusations about hundreds of thousands of ballots being transported from new york to pennsylvania. Hell join us with his eyewitness account. And an attorney who represents congressman mike kelly is also with us, his fight for Election Integrity in pennsylvania charging that mailin balloting, mailin voting is simply unconstitutional. Also with us this evening, investigative journalist sara carter. Breaking developments in the challenge to pennsylvanias election results. Senator ted cruz has now thrown husband support behind the his support behind the effort to get the Supreme Court to hear, urgently, an appeal in the dismissal of a republicanled challenge against pennsylvanias mailin system. And joining us tonight, the attorney who is representing the congressman and, in fact, the republic. That lawsuit was brought forward by congressman kelly and congressional candidate sean parnell, and our first guest is the attorney representing those two men leading the charge to throw out pennsylvanias mailin ballots. Joining us is greg tufel. Good to have you with us on the broadcast. I i know youve got to be gratified that senator cruz is supporting you as are millions and millions of americans in this. Give us your reading, your judgment about whether the Supreme Court will hear your suit and whether or not it will come, well, expeditiously. So we do feel like we have a better than average shot at getting the Supreme Courts attention. Theres a lot of competition for their attention, of course, and its always a difficult process to get the Supreme Court to take up your case. So we dont want to get too cocky, but we do think we have a much stronger case for getting their attention than the typical one, and were very appreciate ty of the appreciative of the support of senator cruz and really all the folks around the country that have expressed their support. Lou the straight forward drive of your lawsuit is that mailin balloting is, period, unconstitutional. And as the president said in his message, election day has become election days, weeks and months. On its faces face it is, it mako sense whatsoever. But then again, now theres the law and the constitution. Yeah. In some states mailin balloting is legal, but in pennsylvania the constitution requires it either in person or meeting the very particular criteria for absentee balloting. To open it up to mailin balloting with no excuse for any reason at all, any reason or no reason, requires a constitutional amendment. They didnt bother with a constitutional amendment, and when they passed whats called act 77, the law that instituted noexcuse mailin balloting in pennsylvania, they immediately disenfranchised every voter in pennsylvania by refusing to let them vote on whether we were going to switch to noexcuse mailin balloting. Lou greg teufel will be with us later in this broadcast. Well be taking up the issue in some detail. Greg, thank you very much. Well, two other attorneys supporting President Trumps fight for a free and Fair Election holding a rally today in georgia, a raucous rally are. Attorney Sidney Powell and lynn wood telling President Trump not to ever, ever concede, never give up the fight. Lynn wood also demanding to know why Republican Leaders have been absent in the president s efforts for Election Integrity. Well, the justice is Justice Department is cleaning up after attorney general william barr just a day after he said the department had yet to see any fraud on a scale that would affect the outcome of the election. Now a doj spokesperson is saying there is no conclusion of their investigation into Election Fraud and that it is continuing its investigation into what it calls all specific and credible allegations. I would only say to the attorney general, watch this broadcast, review what weve reported here over the last four weeks, take a look at what is said on this broadcast tonight, and you will change your statement if there is any honesty the remaining whatsoever in the department of justice. Meanwhile, i wayward fbi director christopher wrong wray is expected to keep husband job is if joe biden is installed as president. That must bring warmth to the hearts of millions who voted for joe biden. It shouldnt but it probably does. Wray is the same man who insured that this country would have secure elections before the election, of course, occurred. President trump also fighting the tech titans of Silicon Valley today. The president said it straightforwardly, that he will veto a new Defense Authorization act unless section 230 is terminated. In a tweet the president said this, quote for purposes of national security, section 230 Must Immediately be terminated. Section 230 is the liability shield that exists for no one other than technology and social Media Companies like facebook and twitter and amazon and google. In order to have those protections, social media sites must act as a neutral platform. That is twitter, facebook, google, others doing no such thing. In fact, doing the opposite, blacklisting and censoring conservative voices. Censoring even the president of the United States with impunity, also hiding disparaging news about democrats blocking users from seeing information about voter fraud all across the country. President trumps call for immediate termination of 230 is, in my opinion, the only way this country can be saved from the technology and social media oligarchs and the left that they control. But weakkneed rinos in congress have already begun to pitch moderation and compromise. Listen. What were trying to do is look at section 230 and to see if it needs to be modified or changed. Im more skeptical than a lot of my colleagues i think on both sides of the aisle about whether or not theres a regulatory fix that will make it better instead of worse. Section 230, in my view, has to be to be rewritten. So thats the purpose of this hearing. Mr. Zuckerberg and mr. Dorsey, thank you both for being here with us virtually and for your commitment to constantly improving the way your platforms are serving people across the country. Lou that is simply pathetic. And senator mike lee talking about moderation. These are rinos, they are absolutely irresponsible mouthpieces for those tech titans who are censoring the president of the United States, killing the voices of conservatives across the country. You may be wondering why we dont bring many senators on this broadcast are often. In fact, its rare that we do. And its because, mostly, they have nothing good to say, nothing compelling. They also seemingly never get anything done. So the next question we would ask is, why both . And that should i why bother . And that should bother everyone in this country. Another of recentlyelected ri or no senators are pushing for immigration reform. Remember amnesty . Well, here you go. Senators thom tillis, john cornyn, Susan Collins joining senator marco rubio, congressman will herd and Mario Diazbalart are ready to talk about an amnesty deal for illegal immigrants, and theyll be doing so at a super event to be i attended by radical dems as well as corporate america, of course, and its proams inty, open borders lobby. The event will be held tomorrow by the american immigrant business coalition. By the way, there is no coalition that exists outside business. Business is driving all of this. Also participating, of course, the evil u. S. Chamber of commerce which works against American Workers and its National Interest every day of its existence, the united farm workers of america and the united we dream federation. Those congressional rinos i mentioned will be working alongside the chamber of commerce which has no interest in fighting for American Workers ever. In fact, they fight against American Workers. The chambers attorney successfully lobbied bushappointed judge Jeffrey White to strike down President Trumps restrictions against h1b visa workers. This at a time when millions of americans are still out of work because of the china virus pandemic. And what do they want . They want more foreign, cheap labor. Its that straightforward. The chamber of commerce says the ruling has many companies, quote breathing a huge sigh of are e leaf. Dont you feel better . Dont we all . Up next, a retoured Michigan State department worker explains how democratrun cities get away with widespread electoral fraud. If you follow the law in the urban democraticcontrolled areas, then we would not be here today. I certainly wouldnt be here. But in 25 years that ive been monitoring elections working with the secretary of state, the last 8 doing Election Integrity, its been a hot mess in these same democratcontrolled areas. We dont need any more laws, we need to enforce the laws, and we need to open up the doggone ballot boxes. Lou her name is dr. Linda lee tarver, and you dont want to miss a single word of what she will say here next. Stay with us, well be right back after this quick break. Hey yeah . I switched to geico and got more more savings on Car Insurance . They helped with homeowners, too ok plus motorcycle, boat and rv insurance geicos got you covered like a blanket houston . You seeing this . Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Lou break break news now breakins now, President Trump telling americans that he will be fighting for the president ial election in key battleground statements. Here he is. Our country cannot live with this kind of an election. We could say lets go on to the next one. But with, no, we have to look also at our past. We cant let this happen. Maybe youll have a revote, but i dont think thats appropriate when those votes are corrupt, when theyre irregular, when they get caught, theyre terminated and i very oozily win in all states easily win in all states, i very easily win these swing states. Lou nothing easy about this election so far. President trumps attorney, rudy giuliani, will testify about electoral fraud tonight before state lawmakers in michigan. Giulianis testimony before the Michigan HouseOversight Committee follows the dozens of firsthand witnesses who appeared yesterday before michigans senate Oversight Committee. One of those witnesses is with us this evening. Were joined by dr. Linda lee tarver, former director of Community Affairs and Election Integrity liaison at the michigan secretary of states office. Dr. Tarver is also an Advisory Board member on the black voices for trump coalition. Doctor, i want to first say thank you for being here and say to you straightforwardly you were a brilliant, compelling witness yesterday, and i just salute you as do millions of americans who have both read and seen your testimony. It is, it was absolutely amazing, stunning. I want to thank you. Lou start with, if i may thank you. I want to start with your statement about the fraud, Election Fraud in michigan, that this is not the first year that you witnessed it, but this is the first year that its affected 74 million americans, certainly. Your thoughts about whether its reparable in the astronaut of Michigan State of michigan, first of all. Absolutely, especially in our urban areas. It has been rampant for years, decades, and it has only empowered those who have not seen any reper or cushions or consequences repercussions or consequences as a result. We have seen it. There is touchpoints in our system that if the law is followed would unsure some fort insure some form of integrity. But in cities like detroit, flint and pontiac, which i referenced, it is almost tossed out the door. It is a freeforall, if you would, on how you can manufacture ballots, how you can assert 400,000 ballots. I made a misstatement yesterday with about 71 of detroit could not be recounted. It is actually 71 of the absentee voter precincts cannot be recounted. Those are the ones that are in question. Is so so it was difficult to insert 400,000 into a precinct, walking into one precinct. But you certainly can find the fraud in absentee balloting, and that is where 71 cannot be recounted. And we want to open the ballot boxes. Lou why cant 71 of the ballots that are in question be recounted, are e examined . Reexamined . Well, they said its because of clerical errors, that if the precinct does not balance, if you have, if youre off a couple hundred or 24 or 4 as the secretary of state of michigan has indicated, it is not they should be able to balance their precinct. If you dont is have voters before you in the absentee voting, you should be able to balance that precinct but for the fact that you may have ballot stuffing going on, you may have overvotes going on, you may have manufactured people. Theyve changed some of the birth dates to the 1900s, and that is testified yesterday. That was going on. And because they did not respect the law with respect to poll challengers, the republican poll challengers, we dont have eyes on what was going on, and we need to be able to then go in and find out whats in those ballots. Some of those ballot boxes could contain 900 the vote tally was 900, but in reality it was 300 ballots in the box. We need to see the box. Open the boxes. Lou open the boxes. And as anyone listening to your is anyone listening to your cry on this . Because the attorney general of the United States isnt, the department of justice isnt, the fbi isnt. This is fraud, this is a politically corrupt Justice Department in washington, d. C. , a politically corrupt fbi, and i dont know whether hes a dullard, a fool or a liar, but the attorney general of this country is not enforcing the law. And i dont know what he thinks hes presiding over, but it will not, i guarantee william barr this, it will not be a quiet surrender of this constitutional republic. Not in michigan, not anywhere in this country. Hear hear. And, you know, this is not the only person, only entity that can open those ballots. Theres no appetite for the attorney general or the secretary of state who are all democrats here in michigan to truly open those ballots and to prove us wrong. Prove us wrong. We know that dead people voted in michigan. We know there are people who are nonexistent. We dont know if theyre martians or where their origins are from, but we know that there are people who are made up. Those things, we know for sure. And we know that people are voting at addresses that do not exist in detroit. And so we know these things, weve got statisticians. We need to open up the ballot boxes. There are various people who have the ability to do that, and we need to prove us wrong. But we know were right because well find a breach in what we have. When theyre talking about running a recount, youre only talking about a recount of 29 of the absentee ballots. We need to recount and do a examination of Forensic Audit of all of the ballots. What is in the box, what are you hiding and why cant the American People especially the people of michigan need to know whats in the ballot boxes. And we need that integrity. Were persuading at this point our lawmakers. After yesterdays testimony, our lawmakers understand better the processes and what is happening and what is not happening x. Im hoping that i can contribute to that. And i hope that my testimony contributed to their understanding of why in the urban areas especially we are missing our opportunity to strengthen our integrity of our vote. Lou well, im going to urge tonight, if you do not mind, im going to urge the attorney general, the fbi and the department of justice to contact you. Because if they have not awakened to what is happening in the state of michigan after watching that hearing and i want to commend the senate Oversight Committee for that hearing. It was spell binding. Your testimony was absolutely on point. You were educating me and lots of others as you spoke. We are deeply appreciative. Dr. Linda lee tarver, thanks for being with us. Thank you. We appreciate it. I hope youll come back soon. Wed like to hear your thoughts. Share your comments. Follow me on twitter loudobbs like me on facebook, follow me on instagram and parler at lou do