The same point before the 2016 election. That is good news, indeed, for the Trump Campaign and, in my opinion, the country. The latest fox news poll also shows the silent majority is stronger and more inner jettic than ever energetic than ever. 49 of americans say their neighbors will support President Trump over joe biden in novembers election. Think about that. Their neighbors will support donald trump. And a record 56 of americans say they are better off now than they were four years ago under. The failed obama biden administration. Think about what this countrys been through over this past year, and the country still supporting trump despite pandemics and difficult economic times. This president is looking better by the day in nearly every poll. Well, President Trump continues to improve his polling numbers and his fight to improve the quality of american lives. The political establishment, the corporate leftwing national media, the dems, wall street, big tech all in combination trying, plotting to bring him down. The commission on president ial debates today now, this is extraordinary rejected the Trump Campaigns demand to hold next thursdays debate with joe biden in person as originally planned, as originally agreed upon by both parties. That debates scheduled moderator, by the way, to show you how this is going, is cspans steve scully. There he is, a former intern for the fella standing next to him. One joe biden. And in a nowdeleted tweet, scully asked antitrumper anthony scaramucci, who was press secretary for a minute or two, quote should i respond to trump . In an absurd effort to cover up for scullys brazen bias and milk toast ability, the Debate Commission claims scullys twitter account was hacked. That socalled hack the Debate Commission apparently referred to the fbi and twitter. A ooh. Two groups that are also known for their antitrump bias, so that a ought to be a very interesting investigation. And you wonder why mr. Scully didnt seek that referral himself. But the investigation, should they decide to pursue it, are take no fewer than at least three, maybe two years at best. Nancy pelosi announcing new legislation today. Now, this wont help anyone hurt by the china virus pandemic, it not do anything to further spur this alreadyrebounding economy, but it would give congress more authority under the 25th amendment to strip socalled future president s of their power. Pelosi today insisted, quote this is not about President Trump. He will face the judgment of the voters, she intoned. So just who is this legislation about then . President trump came up with an idea of his own about who its for, and he tweeted it. Crazy nancy pelosi is looking at the a 25th amendment in order to replace joe biden with Kamala Harris. The dems want that to happen fast because veep by joe is sleepy joe is out of it. He did not have a comment on senator harris. The leftwing national media, though, are already spinning this new legislation of pelosis as a way to attack President Trump. They werent listening to pelosi, which is never entirely a bad idea. In point of fact, the walt disney companys abc news today wrote pelosi unveils 25th amendment bid and then conflates this one, questions trumps fitness. But it had, the two had nothing to do with one another. It really is all about, or well, or china joe biden. Headlines like the abc news, though, are meant to give pelosi and the rest of the radical dems, i suppose, more time to reflect. And in that time, conjure up, try to find the very best way to install senator harris as president. Perhaps even before inauguration. Im sorry to tell you, joe, its a tough situation. They would do so using their new powers from the pelosi legislation. To oust a somewhat impaired, it seems, or joe biden in the extremely unlikely event they were to win in november. Attorney general william barr reportedly says u. S. Attorney john durhams report on the origins of obamagate which he propsed, remember . Promised, remember . He promised all of us. It wont be ready by election day. Not the report, not the charges, not the indictments. Barr also telling republicans not to expect any new indictments from durham before november 3rd. President trump, as you might expect, more interested in the publics right to know, was not pleased. Here is his reaction to todays news from the attorney general. If thats the case, im very disappointed. I think its a terrible thing, and ill say it to his face. See, this is what i mean with the republicans, they dont play the tough game. If this were the other side, you would have had 25 people in jail for the rest of their lives with what we found. Have you declassified everything about this yet . Its i fully declassified everything. Everythings been declassified. Lou well, the attorney general told fox news that, quote developments were likely in the durham investigation by this summer. That was a while back, wasnt it . The attorney generals refusal to compel durham into bringing forth even an interim report before election day is in complete breach of his word and in defiance of President Trumps order. The president this week ordered the declassification of all relevant obamagate documents without redactions. The president seeking full transparency for the American People so that they can fully grasp just how phony the russian collusion narrative was, that it was created by Hillary Clinton, her operatives, funded by Hillary Clinton as well in large measure and then investigatorred by the corrupt investigated by the corrupt, the corrupt fbi and intelligence agencies for years. Barrs refusal to follow that order and to keep his word is part of what is now a large existential constitutional crisis that is rising around this country. 25 days before election day, it has never been more important for the public to know what is in those documents regardless of who is exposed. Some of President Trumps cabinet appear to be following through on the president s orders to release documents. Secretary of state mike pompeo today told fox news more of Hillary Clintons emails had been released in coming days, saying this i certainly think therell be more to see before the election. National security adviser Robert Obrien today also beginning to follow through on the president s order. Obrien has fully released a previously recontacted email that was featured redacted email that was featured on our broadcast last night from National Security analyst eric taramela. It essentially discusses how a meeting between President Trump and Russian Diplomats came to be. On the right you see the unredacted version, and on the left the recontacted version released by the doj. There was no reason for any of it to be redacted, as you see there. There was no conspiracy, no clues, nothing suggesting anything nefarious at all. Except for one thing, that there, it was as innocent as it could be. And there are a lot of people who dont want you to know just how innocent, innocent this president is despite his exoneration by a special counsel investigation that took almost two years, 11 months of an initial fbi investigation, crossfire hurricane. Oh, yes, did we mention an impeachment inquiry and now an outofcontrol, more than just crazed speaker of the house who wants to talk about already new adjustments to the 25th amendment so that if, if by some miracle joe biden were to win the presidency, by golly, she could just move him right on out of there and move Kamala Harris into that role. But then that would probably make senator harris, if she were to become president under those circumstances, just a little nervous about Speaker Pelosi and her ambitions. The document that was released with taramelas name on it and highlighted, that is the just the news editorinchief John Solomons announcement on this broadcast last night. It needed to be released. But what has yet e to be released, well, heres a sample of the documents that john solomon and i were discussing just last night in which he has put on his web site, justthenews. Com. The dock the units showing documents showing all the unmasking, overseas calls of the Trump Campaign, transition and family members through inauguration day, documents gathered in doj january 27 communications between comey and mccabe concerning the Michael Flynn investigation, of course, and records related to steeles contact with state department officials. John is solomon says those documents would allow us to make our own decisions about the full extent of the greatest political scandal in american history. John solomon and i will be taking this up, john is standing by ready to talk about all of these documents, what is happening at the white house and the agencies that need to reveal the truth to the American People, because that is exactly what this is about. This is a growing constitutional crisis. And make no mack about it, much mistake about it, much has to be done before the American Peoples right to know is honored by the deep state and the radical dems who have fought truth and justice for years. Well be right back, stay with us. Smooth driving pays off with allstate, the safer you drive the more you save you never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today shingles doesnt care. I logged 10,000 steps today. Shingles doesnt care. I get as much fresh air as possible. Good for you, but shingles doesnt care. 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Lou as promised, joining us now, just the news editorinchief john solomon if, author of Fallout Nuclear bribes, washington spies and the russian spies and washington lies that enriched the clinton and biden dynasties. John, good to have you with us. We are seeing some document production today by the administration and by the National Security council, National Security adviser Robert Obrien. And kudos to him for doing so. This is to where near nowhere near the production that the president has ordered. Gives give us your reaction to what has been produced, how important is it and whether it goes to really honoring the publics right to know. I mean, were sitting here just before a president ial election. You and i live in a world where the publics right to know is always sacred and absolutely essential. But now for the American People their right to know what happened in obamagate, their right to know just how perverse this campaign and conspiracy to overthrow the president of the United States was and how persistent. Give us your reaction, if you will, to what has been the reaction today. Well, i think National Security adviser Robert Obrien gave us a model. It can be done quickly when theres a will, theres absolutely a way to do this. Just 24 hours after you highlighted that unbelievably redacted document, he turned right around, he got it unredacted, he got it to us, he made it public. Thats what the president has been asking for since may of 2019. So theres a model. If youre secretary of state or youre the fbi director or youre the attorney general, you can do the exact same thing that Robert Obrien did today, and good for him. The document he released today gives us the sort of assurance and storyline that weve been lacking. Back in may of 2017 everybody said President Trumps meetings with the foreign min minister of russia, sergey lavrov, was nefarious. It might be evidence of obstruction of justice. Youll scratch your head looking at the headlines knowing how hysterical the Mainstream Media looked. When you find out about what the meeting was about, secretary of state tillerson, putin asked the president to pay the courtesy to lavrov. That was it. That was all the meeting was about. It wasnt collusion, it wasnt obstruction. All of the media accounts from that look completely foolish when you see this document that the National Security adviser so good first start. President trumps order was complied with one time. Now, just to put it in perspective, this document got released 366 days after it was first requested. So just keep that in mind. One document took 366 days. Weve got 23 days left. We need these cabinet secretaries to move with haste if were ever going to get the 40plus documents that you and i have talked about out to the public before election day. Lou john, you know, in talking with a number of officials, theres great concern about the deep state, the perm innocent bure rock su city permanent bureaucracy which is, without question, in deep league with the democrats. And there is fear, there is intimidation by the heft and the deep state by the left and the deep state. Some people are wilting under it, we know that very well. And understandably im not suggesting otherwise but this president is all that stands up for the American People and their right to know what has happened over the course of the past four years to their government. And the fact that the attorney general will not step forward and deliver the interim report that, indeed, he did promise and now were well beyond the time frame thats reasonable that he suggested himself, he owes an extra nation to the american explanation to the American People. And i think that explanation, john, should take form of a significant assessment of the crimes that have been committed here and what is being done about them. Its that simple. Either the american he thinks this is a matter worth prosecuting and the American People are worthy of their officials actually responding to them, or we are in an existential crew sis as a republic. Yeah, listen, the American People and their will with the attorney general if he were to bring charges. We had a poll at just the news. By a 2 to 1 margin, americans believe the fb irk agents and people who worked on this should be brought to justice. The American People are ready for the charges. I think what happened with attorney general barr is not ill will. I think he launched a Serious Investigation with an excellent prosecutor, but they have been tied up in court with secret proceeds, and, unfortunately, they got started too late. The last attorney general was asleep at the switch for two years as was rod rosenstein. Barr had to get this going and the bureaucrats, the same who ran that investigation, have run out the clock on the more than people. But these transparency documents can help a lot. They can inform the people. Attorney general barr could make a basic statement and say we found a dozen crimes, were working on them. When were ready to prosecute, well let you know. Dont say we might think there could be. If you dont tell us the specifics, save that for the grand jury, but at least tell the American People was there criminal conduct beyond what has been charged which is a single case in 16 months. Lou and there is no question whatsoever that there is in all of in that we have reported, you have reported, tom fitton and Judicial Watch, the list goes on but amongst the foremost in this have been you and Judicial Watch, your work thank you. Lou there are crimes aplenty here. Now, are there crimes that attorney general barr will be successful in prosecuting . I dont know that. But i do know that there are the basis for charges here, and do you agree . I do. Listen, my opinion doesnt matter, im just a journalist. But i have talked to a lot of people, lawyers, defense lawyers, prosecutors, former fbi supervisors, they all agree there was a fraud upon congress, a fraud upon the fisa court. There is plenty of evidence. One senior fbi official told me retired fbi official told me a firstyear law student could make three or four cases just by reading the newspapers in the last year. We need to get there. Unfortunately, the fbi and doj officials that theyre investigating have slowed durham down, covid made it worse, and we missed our window e to bring them to account. But theres still a very robust investigation going on. I wouldnt be surprised after election it isnt a consolation prize, but just a fact i think you may see some of that. The attorney general missed his deadline. It is what it is now, our best option is to get the truth to the American People. The president started that process. Reneed more Rob