Absolutely nothing. Except expose themselves to the country as clueless and you arer socalled summer of love has ended, and now she says is the time to shut c. H. O. P. Down. In just over two weeks, the anarchists created their own security group, imagine that, anarchists in charge of security. They couldnt or wouldnt prevent sexual assaults, rapes, robberies, vandalism, homicides. In fact, they empowered a local rapper to be their warlord. And gun violence worsened with three shootings over the past four days. Three men wounded, one of them critically, and a 19yearold was killed. As far as we know now, there are no suspects in custody. The citys police chief, carmen best, says hostile crowds prevented her officers from reaching the victims of those shootings. Neither mayor with during can or the durkan or the police chief have said exactly when the Police Department will reclaim the citys east precinct, the precinct the mayor ordered abandoned in the midst of the first day of violent demonstrations. But the level of chaos in c. H. O. P. Is a far cry from mayor durkans woefully fanciful descriptions of a block partylike atmosphere. President trump also demanded the Nations Capital city get tough with mob leftists or otherwise and stop the destruction of property and stop violence. Last night a mob in washington, d. C. Tried to take over part of the city. They were met by Police Officers determined not to let them do so. The officers in riot gear trying to stop those who were vandalizing the historic st. Johns Episcopal Church once again, this time they used spray paint and tried to topple a statue of Andrew Jackson in lafayette park. President trump at the white house today told reporters he will sign an executive order to protect statues and monuments across the country from vandals and violence his leftwing mobs are destroying or defacing our nations monuments. Last night we stopped an attack on a great monument, the monument of Andrew Jackson in lafayette park, and i just want to thank law enforcement. They did a great job. We were working very closely with the White House Secret Service and some of our executives. It was really, they did a great job. Numerous people are in jail and going to jail today. People are already there, but were looking at longterm sentences under the act. We have a very specific monuments act, and we are looking at longterm jail sentences for these vandals and these hoodlums and these an a around keyses anarchists and agitators. Call em whatever you want. Some people dont like that language, but thats what they are. Theyre bad people, they dont love our country, and theyre not taking down our monuments. I just want to make that clear. Lou clear, indeed. And what is also clear is the downtown residents and Business Owners in seattle are fed up and now looking to protect their property, their clients, their employees. The ceo of a billion Dollar Investment Firm in that area, snead capitalling management, has decided to leave seattle because of the violence and the vandalism in the city. The firm is now moving to phoenix, arizona. President trump make being his own visit to arizona making his own visit to arizona today, meeting with border and immigration officials in yuma, arizona, on the border with mexico before touring a newlycompleted section of the border wall. The president s visit commemorating 216 new miles on one of his signature promises from the 2016 campaign. President trump touting the success of that border wall as well as the other immigration policies that his administration has put and is putting in place. During the past two months, weve seen the lowest number of illegal border crossings in many years. IlLegal Immigration down 84 from this time last year. Illegal crossings from Central America are down 97 . Nearly 450,000 pounds of drugs have been seized this year, and 2,337 criminal alien withs have been apprehended a aliens have been apprehended. Weve stopped asylum fraud, ended catch and release. If you look at so many of the different crimes that come through the border, theyre stopped. Lou and another thing thats stopped, remember the caravans . The caravans. Theyve been stopped as well. The border wall playing a big role in deterring illegals from trying to cross into the United States. Dhs numbers show more than 21,000 apprehensions on our southern border last month. Thats down from 133,000 a year ago. And while the president s crackdown on ilLegal Immigration continues, the unprecedented action he has taken to curb ilLegal Immigration and to save american jobs has upset the washington establishment to no end. The radical dems, the rino, the business lobbying groups who brought us all of that export of american jobs for the past two decades, wall street and big tech. You know how much they need, they desperately need cheap labor. Well, President Trumps executive order suspended work visas for foreign workers, and it targets applicants for the h1b, h4, the j and l visas. Many of those workers placed in jobs in big tech, American Technology companies, and not surprisingly theyve been the most vocal critics of the president s action. Think about this. Amazon and microsoft, some of the wealthiest, the biggest and Rich Companies in the world. Amazon says they, quote oppose the administrations shortsighted decision to pause high skilled visa programs welcoming the best and the brightest Global Talent is critical to americas economic recovery. We will continue to support these programs and efforts to protect the rights of immigrants. Not a word, not a single damn word about the american working man and woman and their families. And the 30 million of them who are without work because of the china virus pandemic. Big tech firms publicly criticizing the move include, by the way, google, microsoft, twitter, intel, you know, the bastions of integrity in our society. Chamber of commerce ceo, speaking of integrity, tom donohue, well, he just had to say something. He says the restrictive changes to our nations immigration system will push investment and Economic Activity abroad and slow growth, and it will reduce job creation. Now remember, hes one of the geniuses who said the economy and the markets would fall apart if the president put tariffs on chinese exports to this country. Another, another brilliant move from the chamber of commerce. Senator Lindsey Graham, you know him, he sees two sides to every story no matter what that one truth may be. He said this those who believe Legal Immigration particularly work visas are helpful to the American Worker do not understand the American Economy. Now graham has demonstrated that he knows very little about economics over the course of his career. Hes tried to doom the Republican Party before with his views on ilLegal Immigration. He followed john mccain around like a sick puppy. The comprehensive Immigration Reform bill that he helped push in 2006 cost republicans control of both the house and the senate. It was a disaster for the party that could only find the chamber of commerce and business round table to serve instead of the tens of millions of hard working americans. And, by the way, three million who lost their jobs to outsourcing. Graham seems willing to repeat his genius, this time with the backing of big tech, the chamber of commerce, the same people who created the problem that this president is now fixing. New developments today in the case against former Trump National security adviser general michael flynn. The department of justice discovering more exculpatory information and evidence but keeping it hidden from public view under a protective order. The arrogance and the ignorance and the political corruption seems to know no bounds in the Justice Department. The news ed just the news editorinchief john solomon says the notes are from disgraced fbi agent peter strzok. Those notes are said to have been written between january 3rd and 5th of 2017 during a critical juncture, the president preparing to enter the oval office for his first year in office. And then the deep state decided to overthrow his president is his presidency. Well be taking this up with john solomon as well as judicial watchs tom fitton later in the broadcast. The wall street journal has exposed a number of republicans for accepting donations from chinese nationals and giving them access to the Republican Party. Even President Trump himself. The journal reports four chinese nationals attended a may 2017 republican meeting in san diego where they talked about Party Strategy after President Trumps inauguration. One of the chinese nationals attending the meeting was david wang. He has been tasked by the chinese consulate to lobby chinese issues while President Trump is in office. Wang has been quoted as saying he used hiss to the Trump Campaign to dismiss u. S. Presence in the South China Sea as a washington of money. As a waste of money. Zhao gang also attended that meeting. He is listed as a researcher at Chinas Ministry of science and technology with connections to a close associate of chinese president xi jinping. And tang ben, another attendee, the chineseborn u. S. Citizen served on the executive committee of the China Strategic Culture Promotion Association that is led by a retired Peoples Liberation army general known for his antiamerican bias. Tang also posted a picture of himself at the white house on social media in which he said, quote if the Chinese People wish to overtake the u. S. , they must study the u. S. Or go to meetings. The fourth man at the event was li sue who was close to a former associate of chinas vice president. After they attended the 2017 republican meeting in san diego, li, zhao and tang briefed chinese politicians in china on the access they gained within the Republican Party. Well be taking this up later this hour with china expert michael pillsbury. And on wall street today, stocks finishing higher. The dow up 131 points, the s p gained 13. The nasdaq setting its fifth record, up 70 75 on the big board. Volume, 4. 7 billion shares. Crude oil down a percent to 40. 24. But 40 looks like a pretty high number these days. A reminder, listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. Up next, newlyobtained emails show that im waiting for the music to just slow down just a little bit. The pace is just overwhelming me. The u. S. Fired jeff berman, u. S. Attorney. He ignored requests to look into the potential corruption of the Obama Administration. Could we just slow the music down just for a minute . Could we do that . Just for a second. Thats it, very nice. Because just the news broke that story, and john solomon joins us here next. Without the music. We appreciate it. I know you do. Stay with us, were coming right back. 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Plus, you want the security trusted by some of the Largest Companies in the world. And thats why you trust us. The most Reliable Network in america. Lou breaking news now, jerry nadler, the chairman of the house judiciary committee, wants attorney general william barr to testify, by golly, about the touring of u. S. Attorney Jeffrey Berman. Nadler is threatening to slash barrs entire personal Office Budget if barr doesnt do what he wants. Nadler, that is. Presumably under subpoena, demanding the attorney general show up. Nadler hasnt changed a bit, none of the. [laughter] wing radical one of the leftwing rad call the dems have, so its just going to be another chapter from their tiresome, tiresome efforts to overthrow and to block, to oppose this president. Breaking news tonight from just the news. Com and john solomon. Newlyobtained emails show that in 2018 former u. S. Attorney build cummins reached out bud cummins reached out to recentlyfired berman regarding concerns that thenyou iranian prosecutor general yuri lute seven coe e had about joe and hunter biden as well as evidence of wrongdoing in the Paul Manafort corruption case, wishing to meet with him regarding the allegations that joe biden had protected burisma as his son hunter sat on burismas board. The prosecutor also charging that former u. S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and former secretary of state john kerry had chosen winners and losers in local ukrainian governments. Cummins also wrote to beforeman that the prosecutor aled to berman that the prosecutor alleged, quote, that they willfully pressured individuals to falsify evidence to be leaked to the media about manafort to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. After cummins efforts to reach berman were ignored, lute cinco reached out to rudy giuliani, hoping to find another channel to have those allegations investigated. The contact with giuliani eventually led to the radical dems failed impeachment investigation. You know, its just one thing after another. Joining us tonight to make sense of all of this on this very big story, john solomon, awardwinning investigative recorder, editorinchief of just the news, and congratulations on the story, john. Thank you, sir. Lou lets put this in some context because, again, it shows clearly that the Justice Department had every opportunity to shut down the special counsel, to shut down the nonsense around this president that he had to contend with for three and a half years, and they chose again to protect their own in this case, the bidens. Yeah. You have to wonder how much history might have changed if Jeffrey Berman had simply done his job, engaged this american ally in ukraine, find out what they had, looked at it. The ukrainians are trying to smear joe biden, and donald trump wanted a political investigation. When you look at how this all started in october of 2018, it wasnt about politics. It was people in the Prosecutors Office in ukraine trying to very quietly, surreptitiously reach out to the u. S. Attorneys office and convey evidence that they thought showed criminality, possible tampering of evidence, conflicts of interest law, and the u. S. Attorneys office didnt take up the offer, and thats what spun out of control and became what we knew as the impeachment drama. Lou well, and its also interesting because we dont have a complete causal understanding of the causal relationship between berman, the u. S. Attorneys office in the southern district, is and what was his undoing. Presumably, there are a number of reasons, but certainly a willful choice to just sit there and ignore the decision of the attorney general about a job in which you serve at the pleasure of the president seems bizarre even by bermans standards, people saying that he was absolutely, he carried great animus toward the president , asserted far more than just independence. Well, listen, i think what played out over the weekend is the ultimate example of what people call the permanent bureaucracy or the deep state. This is a man that, by law, serves at the pleasure of the president. When the president asked him to ten aside through the attorney general, william barr, he refused, and he created this mel 40 drama. He wasnt going to win, but out showed the entitlement and independence that some of these bureaucrats think theyre not responsible to the American People or the american elected officials. They feel like theyre their own fiefdoms, and i think thats what we saw this past weekend with Jeffrey Berman. Lou well, the u. S. Attorney in discoveried today before emmet sullivan, now more exculpatory notes that have been kept under protective order, for crying out loud . If how deep, how pervasive is the political corruption within the Justice Department, within the fbi . We are talking, for crying out loud, about four years, almost four years into this president s first term and look at what is happening. Its taking dynamite yeah. Lou to bring this s