Transcripts For FBC Making Money With Charles Payne 20240713

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Herman cain in a few moments. We all heard about the power of prayer. Some experts say there is actually Science Behind it. I will ask Jonathan Morris for his take on that. That and so much more on making money. Charles so the market meandering, with the dow and s p consolidating gains from yesterday. Nasdaq stemming gains for the year. Todays trading range is narrow. But that hasnt been the case for the year. In fact were seeing record volatility. Meanwhile professional investors are loaded up with defensive investments. Should you be following their lead . I want to bring in Divine Capital dani hughes, along with bny chief Market Strategist alicia levine. Before hitting those topics, ladies, i want your reaction to the overall market. Equities are acting great. Seeing perhaps a rotation out of bonds into stocks. Alicia, feels like everything is on the cusp of breaking out. Charles, let me say, great to see you again and great to have you back. Charles thank you. The market is bumping the head on 2950 range for the s p the last few weeks trying to get through it. Yesterdays move was really interesting. It was the first day in a really long time you saw the cyclicals try to break out. When the cyclicals try to break out, it is a sign that investors think the real economy is on its way to healing. That in part was spurred really by the vaccine date that that we saw. That will get people more confident sooner. Charles so that point, dani. Advanced ought a big winner, nike is up real nicely, maybe the real economy is doing well. A month ago to this day when oil went negative and people were pulling their hair out when we never seen anything like that, we have seen a dramatic reversal. It is interesting, charles, it has been such a short period of time, still most of us, many states are still not out of lock down. New york in particular. We cant do anything exempt for really shop online. It is interesting to see how some of these, restaurants like darden, for example, one of the largest Restaurant Companies in the world, it is trading up, based on the fact that people are thinking about going out and eating again. I think it has legs little ahead of it frankly but charles dani, let me interrupt you for one second. President trump is walking out of the gop luncheon. Want to take a listen to his comments. Discussed about everything. Everything you can possibly discuss. We have a lot of things in terms of the country and election. Do you have any questions. Reporter last night at the imperial house nancy pelosi called you morbidly obese. What is your response. I dont respond to her. She is a waste of time. Reporter what are the priorities you said . We have lot of priorities. I use the expression transition to greatness. We have a really good third quarter. It is already happening. You see what is going on. Were opening up, states are opening up. Numbers are going down, look at georgia, look at florida, look at others. States are opening up and numbers are going down. But it is a transition to greatness. Third quarter, going into the Fourth Quarter. I think the Fourth Quarter will be really good but i think above all next year youre going to have a tremendous year. Now with all of that being said, to lose lives over this that could have been stopped by china. It should have been stopped by china is terrible. That a thing like this could have happened to the world, long beyond us. You will lose millions of people. Were talking about the world, the whole world is being affected by this. It is a terrible thing, a terrible, terrible thing. Reporter what is your timeline reporter fda warned that hydroxychlorquine could cause furious side effects especially with heart. Yeah, yeah. Reporter why is it okay for to you promote use of this drug when youre not a doctor and well i have worked with doctors and if you look at the one survey, the only bad survey, that were giving it to people in very bad shape. They were very old, almost dead. It was a trump enemy statement. Now if you look at some of the reports that came out from italy, that came out from france, that came out from others, a lot of our front line workers take it because it possibly and i think it does, but you know, people will have to make up their own mind, plus it doesnt hurt people. It has been out on the market for 60 or 65 years for malaria, lupus and other things. I think it gives you an additional level of state but you can ask many doctors are in favor of it. Many front line workers wont go there unless they have the hydroxy. So again this is an individual decision to make but its had a great reputation f it was somebody else other than me, people would say gee, isnt that smart . We are working on a lot of other things. Ill tell you what, the great medical companies that we have, if you look at what theyre doing therapeutically, vaccine itself. The vaccine is less important than some. Things theyre working on. Theyre working on a cure. We have more than one doing it, very advanced. Theyre working on therapeutics and working on vaccine. There has been, really tremendous progress. Reporter have you talked to senators much about reforms you would like to seefisa so americans arent surveiled . They have a lot of views on fisa. I didnt get involved. I purposely said to mitch, you do what you want. Well take a look, look at fisa. Nobody has been abused from fisa like the president of the United States and what democrats did, the dirty cops, fbi people are great, i bet you go in there they like donald trump, but the top of the fbi they were dirty cops, crooked, bad people. Nobody has been abused more than trump but you look at general flynn, so many others, not just us. Take a look at some others. Look what they have done, how they abused fisa. So im going to be studying very much but the fisa process has gone awry. It was used by very dishonest people. It was used illegally and frankly the judges on the fisa court should do something about it and maybe they will. Reporter senators have responded on the flynn case and on the origins of the russia investigation . Well i think on the swing states you said . Reporter the flynn case. The flynn case, general flynn is a man of great respect. I was with general milley, the head of the joint chiefs of staff the other day, i said you know general flynn . Yes i do. He is a fine man. I known him for 20 years. A fine man and a great soldier. General flynn was treated horribly. General flynn was treated illegally. These people, they broke the law, they broke the law. What they have done to general flynn should never happen. What they have done to the presidency, what they have done to this countrycan never be allowed to happen again to our country. Despite all has been done, everything that has been done, we had one of the greatest presidencies ever. We have never, i dont think anybody, mitch i think we can say it with assurety, nobodys accomplished what we accomplished in a relatively short peet, threeyear period of time. When you look at rebuilding our military, regulations, level nobody come close to, we cut regulations, biggest tax decrease in history. All the things weve done, all the things weve done on health care with the individual mandate , with preexisting conditions, nobody has done anywhere close to what weve done but despite that if you look, despite an illegal witchhunt, it was a hoax, it was a witchhunt, the russian thing was a madeup, fabricated story, just like they went to congresswoman kelsey gabbard. I dont know her at all, they said youre a russian agent. I dont know her, but i know she is not a russian agent. They went to dr. Jill stein of the green party, said she is a russian agent. I dont know her at all but i know she is not a russian agent. These people are sick. Pelosi is a sick woman, she has a lot of problems, a lot of mental problems. We are dealing with people have to get their act together for the good of the country. Thank you very much. [reporters shouting questions] charles President Trump addressing reporters after meeting with gop lawmakers over variety of top picks. On that topics. I want to bring in senator Marsha Blackburn for the great state of tennessee. Senator blackburn, just, you know, President Trump, he made a comment that i found to be intriguing. I think well be hearing it more, were transitioning to greatness, third quarter, Fourth Quarter should do better. The market was making a big move as he spoke, a big positive move as he spoke. Is there a growing sense of optimism on capitol hill and among lawmakers that we might now be getting some of that steam book into this economy . Well, i will tell you this, not only is there optimism from lawmakers, i think across the country, charles, when i was at home in tennessee this weekend i talked to so many people who are very carefully, very thought fully reopening their businesses, theyre going back to work. People are ready to go to work. They know they can be responsible for their health, for their familys health, for their coworkers but they want to get back to the to the job earning a paycheck. There is a lot of optimism. It is carefully placed we are the United States and we can do this. I will say this, President Trump and his policies brought the economy back. The tax cuts and jobs act, what an impact that has had and as we talk about what we do next, im hearing from people, look, were not so interested in stimulus or checks. What we want is regulatory relief. We want to get some these rules and regulations off the books. Theyre talking about tax credits. You know, employers, spending a lot of money to create safe working environments. They would like to have a tax credit for the dollars that they are spending in their places of business. And, we also hear from them, liability protection. You have heard leader mcconnell talk a good bit of this. This is a provision i pushed to get in the phase three bill. Of course our friends across the aisle wanted to take it out which they did because, why . Trial lawyers. So there is a growing awareness that that needs to be done. Now those are the three top issues i hear from tennessee companies. Charles right. We dont have a lot of time because of the breaking news, very controversial. Some of these governors seem to be taking a more heavyhanded approach to all of this. A barber in michigan had his license snatched from him by the governor. Some courts are now overruling this. We know life, safety is paramount, but what do you think about some of these governors where these states seem to be actually ahead of the curve still resisting reopening their economies . It is amazing to me. In tennessee our governor has done a great job but some of these governors like in michigan that youre talking about that are so heavyhanded and are trying to keep people in lockdown, you look at areas like d. C. , is not going to open until june 8th. Look what theyre doing in california, in new york. People know, people are smart. They can take care of themselves and their families. They want the opportunity to do that. They want to defeat this virus. They want to get back to work. They want to get the economy going again. Charles right. Senator blackburn, always a pleasure, thank you very much. Absolutely. Stay safe. Charles hey, folks when we come back well talk about potentially the roaring 20s, the 2020s, compared to the depression that you never heard about. Also the power of prayer. There is Scientific Research out there that says it works. We didnt need but we have Jonathan Morris to help us through it. Well be right back. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from anyone else. So why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms which most pills dont. Get allinone allergy relief for 24 hours, with flonase. Charles treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell testifying by teleconference today before the Senate Baking Committee on the cares act and other things. We learned some details how the money is being distributed and status of our economic recovery. For more, lets go to edward lawrence, he has details. Edward . Reporter charles, at times this Virtual Senate Banking Committee became heated. Democratic senator Sherrod Brown making the point maybe the economy is opening up too soon. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin pushing back. Listen to this exchange. How woman should give their lives to increase gdp half a percent. The truth youre pushing people back to the work place. There is no National Program to provide worker safety. The president says reopen slaughterhouses. Nothing about slowing the line down, nothing about getting protective equipment. Is, how many workers should give their lives to increase the gdp or the dow jones by 1000 points . No workers should give their lives to do that, mr. Senator. Your characterization is unfair. We have provided enormous amounts of equipment. We worked with the governors. We done a terrific job. I will not let you make a political speech. Reporter republicans recentered the debate saying that longterm damage could be done if the economy doesnt open up for waits for a vaccine to open up. Listen. The longer that we continue a shutdown, when weeks turn into months, doesnt that necessarily increase the risk some businesses will fail, some jobs wont be there to go back to if a lockdown and shutdown continues indefinitely . That is absolutely the case, mr. Senator. There is the risk of permanent damage. As i said before, were conscious of the Health Issues and we want to do this in a balanced and safe way. Reporter Federal Reserve chairman make the point a shutdown could have long term negative effect unless companies are helped to keep people employed. Both treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell said the main Street Lending facility and municipal Lending Facility will be up and running by the end of the month. Powell says there is number of companies asking about the main street facility, and offer loans to small and Midsized Companies with less than 15 employees and municipality will help governments with the shortfalls related to the virus. Both fed chairman and treasury secretary that the economy will go back to where it was before the coronavirus hit and they believe they can do it next year. Charles thank you very, edward, very much. Joining me the voice now ceo herman cain. Herman, youre so uniquely conditioned to discuss this Small Business owner success. You worked at the Federal Reserve. You should be on the Federal Reserve right now in my opinion. You understand economics better than anyone. I think both side are in incredibly awkward position right now. They have printed up a lot of money, trillions of dollars. We sent out a lot of checks, we learned moments ago from Oxford Economics just in the last three months the average American Worker has lost 9,000. Were talking about almost 30 grand a year. What is the right solution at this point . The right solution at this point is exactly what secretary mnuchin as well as fed chairman powell alluded to. We must open this economy. Allowing this economy to totally collapse is not a starter. It is not negotiable, it is not on the table. People want to go back to work. What Federal Reserve chairman powell was saying is that theyre in the lending business. They are doing all they can do in order to make the lending available through the banks and that is a good thing. There is not a lot more they can do. Theyre not in the spending business. All secretary mnuchin says they have put together programs to allow people to go back to work. For those businesses not operating on the brink they can open up their businesses, they want to go back to work. Like senator blackburn said earlier, people want to go back to work and people want to open up their businesses the balance between safety and economics we can do both, we can do both. One other thing, quickly, charles, there is a political element here, all of the democrats dont want us to open up. They keep claiming we might be opening up too soon. Look at data, were not opening up too soon. They would love to campaign on a totally collapsed economy and blame President Trump and his administration. I think that we are basically reaching that proper balance with those governors who had courage to do both. Charles to your point, were seeing a lot of pressure on those governors who may be playing games here or who may be cautious to a fault. We had a judge in oregon yesterday echoing what you said, what senator blackburn said, there was over reach to keep the economy closed. Even late yesterday, Governor Newsom of all people, he blinked. He said, okay barbershops can open, car washes can open but that is not opening the economy. On the flipside of that though, you do have fiscal conservatives are saying no more money, no more money from the Federal Reserve, no more checks from the federal government. There will be people who have lingering economic consequences who probably couldnt go back to work even if the economy was open. I would agree with you 100 and when we talk about opening the economy. Were not talking about flipping a switch. What i have seen and what others have seen is a gradual reopening. I have been to two different restaurants in the last two days. Every available seat because they are practicing those guidelines of social distancing, the people working in the restaurants, they are wearing masks. So it is going to be a slow opening. The other thing i have observed personally, all the available seats during lunch are filled. People want to get out. People want to go back to work. So youre absolutely right. It is going to be a gradual reopening. Now were only a week 1 2 into some of this measured type of reopening that states like florida and georgia and texas are doing. And so far, according to secretary alex, they are doing okay and the state has not spiked in terms of hospitalizations. That is a good sign. Charles right. It is still early, and were still not out of the woods but that is a good sign. So i think we can walk and chew gum at the same time. Charles herman cain, thank you so much. Always appreciate it. Thank you, charles. Charles calls to reopen america seem to be falling as herman said along party lines. What a resurgence from lockdown could mean for the election in november . We have got the answers for you so dont go away. Look, this isnt my first rodeo and let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. Find out how reverse mortgages really work with aags free, noobligation reverse mortgage guide. 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Im proud to be part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. Call now so you can. Retire better. Charles almost all 50 states are preparing to ease or lift coronavirus restrictions by this weekend. As many argue that the damage to the livelihoods is worse than the dangers now of the virus but some Small Business owners just cant wait any longer, they have begun to defy the state lockdown orders to keep the businesses alive. I alluded to earlier, a 77yearold barber from michigan was actually stripped of his license after he refused to close his shop. What does it mean for the future of our economy . As important, fate of Small Businesses across this country . I will bring in rnc chairwoman, ronna romney mcdaniel. Thanks for joining us. There are so many stories. Weve seen salon owners, a 77yearold man, the state couldnt get a judgment from this man, they went and snatched his license from them because he wanted to just cut hair. Were hearing too many of these stories, ronna. This is really typical what were seeing here in michigan. The governor is applying one size fits all approach to our state. She completely eliminated any type of bipartisan talks with the republican led senate or house. She refuses to listen to people really hurting. She dismissed them as political opponents rather than Small Business owners who are saying give me an opportunity to tell you how i can run my business safely and keep my life and my livelihood. Those are the things that are unfortunate to see not just my state of michigan but many states across the country. People can balance how we safely get back to work and take precautions for coronavirus in the work place but also get back to work to keep this economy going. Keep my Small Business i built with my family going, keep my employees on staff. That is really what the president is pushing, a balanced return to economy opening up again. Charles i had herman cain on. He suggested a lot is politically driven. Your governor is mentioned as potential vp candidate. Could that be influencing the life and death issues for her very constituents . She is on tv now more than adam schiff was during the russia hearings. She is the new star of tv and, the democrat media darling. I think it is unfortunate that she is completely eliminated checks and balances in our state. She is not working with the republicanled legislature. Think about the tension that would ease with republicans and democrats in the state to see a bipartisan face put forward like youre seeing with the president working with democrat governors whether they like him or not, he will work based on best interests of the people in their state. He is working with the senate and the house to get cares act through and ppp. Our governor isnt. She is the final word. She has no interest in listening to anybody. She is auditioning for Vice President and i think our state is not benefiting from her audition. Charles right. Before i let you go, talking, speaking of governors, gavin newsom in the news a lot. That state went from 24 billiondollar surplus to 54 billiondollar deficit and he is demanding a trillion dollar bailout from the federal government, even as talk of a 75 milliondollar fund for illegal immigrants. We know money is fungible. You can say it wont come from the trillion dollars but where do we draw the line with states being responsible for how they spend money and not contemplating their own issues with the crisis, the Coronavirus Crisis . Im not going to get ahead of the administration but i do agree the best stimulus for our economy right now is start opening it back up, getting jobs back and people working again. I do agree that the state has had fundamental budget issues or problems that were inherent to their state like unfunded liabilities or pension problems cant come to the federal government for a bailout on those things. Anything that is coronavirus specific youre seeing help from the federal government with testing, with ventilators. You have seen this partnership with the president and governors, so it has got to be the taken very seriously. I think republicans are serious about bailing out states who had problems with their governance. Charles i get so frustrated when they stand there and they hide behind firstresponders saying how dare the federal government not help policemen, firemen, nurses, when that is not the case. Ronna, thank you very much. Always appreciate it. Thank you, charles. Charles scientists are now getting behind the power of prayer. Thats right, folks. Especially during the pandemic. Jonathan morris will share his thoughts on that. We have been hearing a lot about the Great Depression in recent weeks, however the depression nobody talks about actually gave birth to the roaring 1920s. Could we see the roaring 2020s . I will ask peter morici next. To everyone navigating these uncertain times. Whether youre caring for your family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. Were working hard to answer your questions. Like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. Were more than a financial company. Were a together we can get through anything company. Now, more than ever. Many of lifes moments in thare being put on hold. Are staying at home, at carvana, we understand that, for some, getting a car just cant wait. To help, were giving our customers up to 90 days to make their first payment. Shop online from the comfort of your couch, and get your car with touchless delivery to keep you safe. 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Swollen labor force after the war, tight mon nary policy, inflation and union strikes. Consequences with ugly. They hurt. The whole thing was shortlived. People say why . Some people say government did nothing. There was no bailouts, no stimulus. No new deal. The result, the roaring 20s. The question is it possible for our economy to get back on track to have another roaring 20s . Joining me university of maryland economist peter morici. Thanks for joining us. What are your thoughts on that . The recession of the early 20s had a lot to do with industrialization after world war i. That is when we experienced as large a drop in Industrial Production as we did this past month. That is where the old record was. The key thing there though was the government wasnt creating policies or implementing policies that got into in the way of progress. Theyre werent paying people to work. We should pay people to create jobs, not pay people to stay home. My feeling it was right kind of policies. It was period of innovation, radio was coming in, so forth. We have that today, with 5g and so forth. I think if the government got out of the way we could do quite a bit. Charles peter, it lists interesting, of course, the fed was tightening monetary policy. Now they have gone the exact opposite way. Some think perhaps too far. But we also had a real pro president out there, right . Between harding and coolidge, that they talked about business a lot and i believe there is something to them using a bully pulpit to encourage the American Public to pull up their own bootstraps. Hardings Campaign Slogan was a return to normalcy. He made clear to the American People they had a choice between bigger government after the war or going back to the kinds of policies that, you know, really industrialized america between the civil war and world war i and created this global superpower that was emerging. So you know, that was a very important characteristic. The other thing was, silent cow, when he took over, inspired a great deal of confidence in people. People felt very comfortable with him. That is something that is missing now. Im not saying mr. Trump needs to be replaced because the other side doesnt inspire confidence. More has to do with divisive in washington. Washington in those days believed in american capitalism. They believed in free markets. Now about 2 3 of the town does and 1 3 of the town is saying everything is broken, everything is wrong, the systems a failure. We have to throw it out and surrender to france. If there is something that is destructive to the American Economy it is the left half of the Democratic Party in congress. Im sorry to be so political but that is the god honest truth. Charles peter morici. I like, you are letting hair grow out there. I like that. See you again real soon. Youre missing what is really different. Charles all right, folks. Tell me next time. Hey, the markets hugging the flat line. I have to tell you. This is okay. We had a monster session yesterday. Were in front of a lot of huge technical hurdles. The question, how do we clear those hurdles. As our Mental Health strained in times of isolation many are turning to prayer. Many scientists are saying that actually may be a good thing. Stay with us. Its best we stay apart for a bit, but that doesnt mean youre in this alone. Were automatically refunding our customers a portion of their personal auto premiums. Were also offering flexible Payment Options for those whove been financially affected by the crisis. We look forward to returning to something that feels a little closer to life as we knew it, but until then you can see how were here to help at libertymutual. Com covid19. [ piano playing ] there are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. 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Jonathan, youre the perfect person to talk to about this. There lists lists shows you this is the ultimate foxhole everybody is in and everybody is praying. Wall street journal had a article people who pray fair better. Not talking about whether gods intervention or not but the fact is results are there. Another fascinating piece of research has been done, the full report has not been given out but the google searches in march for how to pray in 95 countries throughout the world have skyrocketed. What does that say to me . First of all people believe they might find an answer there, and secondly, also fascinating, they dont know how to pray. So i think there is a lot of really fascinating things coming out of that terrible pandemic. Charles what do you say to someone who may not know how to pray . Yeah. Well one of my favorite lines in the bible is seek and you shall find, right . Knock and the door shall be open. In other words, just give it a try. How would you talk to a best friend about something you need . You would just talk to him or talk to her, and in the end thats what prayer is. It is conversation with god and this concept of prayer dates back of course to even prehistoric times. In other words before we even wrote down history we see so many vestiges of human civilizations trying to contact a higher power and communicate, which means praying, with that higher power. Charles what about the notion, for people who said okay, i prayed, and the bad things that i didnt want to happen happened anyway . Jonathan, weve been in this period in this country, particularly where people moved away from religion, moved away from god, moved away from praying and some are saying, that is the reason, the things they wanted didnt materialize . Yeah. Charles, when jesus said seek you shall find, knock and the door it shall be opened, all of that, it doesnt mean necessarily what you wanted to be given to you. Imagine if everything we asked for were given to us. I wish i had a nice big cheeseburger in front of me, boom, there it was, or if i said i wish i had a Million Dollars and very next second god gave us that Million Dollars, this would not be human life as we know it and as we love it. So, yes, there is pain in this world. Yes, there is suffering but if we seek, we will find, not necessarily what were asking for but something that is best for us and for our soul. Eventually of course there is heaven. At least thats what christians believe, and many people believe who are not even practicing their religion believe an an afterlife, right . If there is no afterlife, the suffering in this life, ultimately death, doesnt make sense. Charles i got to tell you, jonathan, i believe in the power of prayer, it helped me and my family over and over again. Mostly strangers i have prayed for. I appreciate the ability to do it. I appreciate you coming on. Thank you very much, jonathan. Thank you very much. Folks, i have some breaking news for you right now. President trump is set to sign an executive order. This is aimed at regulations made during the pandemic. Blake burman joins us with more at the white house. Blake. Reporter hi, there, charles. We expect to see President Trump here momentarily for a Cabinet Meeting back at the white house and one thing i am told if the president hasnt done it already he should be doing it shortly is signing an executive order which he will talk about at this Cabinet Meeting, which youre right, aiming at deregulations that come about because of covid19. Here is a few ways to break down the executive order the president should be outlining shortly t will ask the federal agencies to identify regulatory actions that should be made permanent. The president also wants agencies to identify deregulatory measures that will help create jobs. Also it will instruct agencies not to be overly burdensome on Small Businesses and nonprofits when it comes to compliance measures so long as they are operating in good faith. At that Cabinet Meeting we expect to hear from the budget director, russ vogt who said following about the executive order, typically when our country faced a crisis washington responds by granding more power. President trump understands to get the economy moving the power needs to be given back to the people and entrepreneurs. During our response to covid weve taken 600 plus deregulatory actions and were going to continue. Bottom line here, charles, they have, some within the white house said that because of covid19 they have had to take 600 plus deregulatory measures and really forced the spotlight on things they might not have thought of beforehand but covid19 has really forced the issue to take the deregulatory measures. Now well see the executive order coming from the president which hopes will spur economic growth, help Small Businesses and tell these agencies across the federal government to let them know what works so they can make these efforts permanent. Charles . Charles wow. Blake, thank you very much. I think thats great news. Meanwhile, folks, fighting the coronavirus pandemic, it has yielded so many stories of heroism from those on the front lines. You can fill congress with all those stories. What we learned time after time, these people have been selfless, they put the wellbeing of others especially strangers ahead of their own that was the case of dr. James mahoney whose story was told yesterday in new york times. Dr. Mahoney is legend for going beyond the call of duty during the aids epidemic, after 9 11, during hurricane sandy. It was no surprise despite his age he put same vigor saving patients infected with covid19. The doctor was mentioned as a mentor among black doctors who called him our jayz who called him angle on earth. In senior year caroline spent six weeks in hospital from a infection. Doctor mahoney discovered she had heart disease. Caroline wanted to be a nurse as a little girl. Dr. Mahoney would let him tag along today, caroline is living her dreams as a new jersey nurse. Dr. Mahoney passed away april 27th after contracting covid. His Office Manager said he healed bodies, minds and souls. He will be missed. Well be right back. Charles folks, breaking news here. Spotify just now announcing they bought the exclusive rights to joe rogans podcast. I dont have the terms but spotify shares are trading huge volume, up almost 10 on the news. The rest of the market sort of missed as we head into the final hour of trading. I will bring in david nelson, because david, you and i, we talk about this market and what im fascinated about is your approach there at belpointe asset management. You are always vested in this market. When things are bad, you kind of come on, i can see it, i can feel it, but we are turning around and are on the cusp of breaking out. How are you feeling right now . Feels a lot better. The price of momentum is great and i certainly love that. But it doesnt mean the tide will lift all boats. I have to make my bets, i have to choose the spaces i want to live in and to a large degree, i have done that. Charles so to that point, because asset allocations a big issue. The bank of america, they do the survey with Merrill Lynch, the Merrill Lynch unit, with all these bigtime Money Managers. Whats amazing is that they are sitting in health care, cash and bonds, the ultimate safe havens, but they are not in the stocks that are making bigtime money. You are a professional. How do you grapple with that . Where are you . Is it time to chase the winners or is it time to start looking at these overvalued value names . Its going to be probably a little bit of both. Certainly the designated survivors where i have lived for the last month, thats been great. Thats helped me get through this. Now we have to ask ourselves a question, are we ready to hand the baton off to some of the more deep cyclical names. That will be a little tougher to do. I have chosen certain areas like the industrials, thats certainly good. Financials, thats a little tougher space. Interest rates are a real challenge for some of the banks. Charles speaking of handing off the baton, i only have 20 seconds so i will hand it off to liz, but i do want to say thanks, david. You are always calm, cool and collected even when i know you are under pressure and you are one of these Money Managers that wants to make folks money every day. We cant always do that. Thanks a lot. See you soon. Meantime, liz, not like yesterday but we are holding up pretty good. Liz you know what, how about that joe rogan. Wow. That is major. Charles i cant wait to hear the details on that. Liz how about that. Yeah. As soon as we get them, we will let people know. In the meantime, breaking news, markets are losing energy at the moment. Now, we do have a bit of weakness in the dow heading back down but not exactly wait. Okay. We are now at session lows. Brand new session low here, down 223. But remember, we are coming off the blue chips mammoth 911 point rally yesterday. We need to tell you heres whats going to happen in this hour. We are waiting for President Trumps Cabinet Meeting to begin. We are told 3 00 p. M. Straight up, that would be right now. It will be broadcast live from the east room of the white house. Again, in the moment we will take it because the live cameras are set up there but while we are waiting,

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