Constitution, our laws and the american way. There was one among the four, however, balanced, appealing to a higher level of conduct, jonathan turley, Constitutional Authority admitted he voted forward hillar for hillary cl. And he reasoned more to a higher standard than base partisanship. Impeachments have to be based on proof, not presumption. This would create a dangerous precedents for future impeachments. This would be the first impeachment in history where there would be considerable debate in my view, not compelling evidence of the commission of a crime. And secondly the abbreviated period of this investigation. Lou as the house dimms continued their drive to overthrow President Trump. He took time out from the nato summit meeting while he conducted the nations business in london. President trump think of it. They get three constitutional lawyers and we get one. Just that little statement. They get three, we get one. We had no representation. We couldnt call witnesses. We couldnt do anything. It is the most unfair thing that anybody has ever seen. They would have done much better if they gave us equal representation. Lou unfair and a farce of three leftwing Law School Professors with deputy connections to the Democratic Party and it went on for hours and hours as the three pretended to be independent scholars without prejudice or bias, schooling the Committee Members on law. Congress maine matt gaetz was having none of it. Professor gerhardt, you gave money to barack obama, right . My family did. Mr. Feldman wrote maralago belongs in an impeachment file. Professor karlan you gave 1,200 to Elizabeth Warren and 2,000 to barack obama and 2,000 to hillary clinton. Thats correct. If you have personal knowledge of a single material fact in the schiff report, please raise your hand. Let the record reflect no personal knowledge of a single fact. And that continues on the tradition we saw from adam schiff where ambassador taylor could not identify an Impeachable Offense. Mr. Kebts never met with the president. Fiona hill never heard the president reference anything with regard to military aid. Colonel vindman rejected the democrat talking point that bribery was invoked. Ambassador volcker denied was a quid pro quo. And mr. Morrison said there was nothing wrong on the call. Only direct evidence came from Gordon Sondland and the president said to him in a call, i want nothing, i want no quid pro quo. Lou they leveled a charge against President Trump that he broke the law by freezing aid to ukraine. The radical dimms claiming President Trump abused power of his office by holding up aid top ukraine. But President Trump released the fund in question on september 11. Which meets the legal requirements of the congressional appropriation. Congress man John Ratcliffe reminded Intel Committee witness state Department Official david hale that mr. Trump is not the only president to withhold such aid from a country for a variety of reasons. Was aid withheld from pack man. Yes, sir. Why was it withheld. Because of unhappiness over the policies and behavior of the pakistani government. Was aid withheld from honduras. Aid was held from the three states in northern central america. Was aid withheld from lebanon . Yes, sir. Were you given a reason why it was withheld . No. Lou the radical dimms insist we ignore history and ignore the facts as they pretend the hold on aid to ukraine is a unique and Impeachable Offense for President Trump but in other president s who preceded him and delivered the desperate load of cash scrain ukraine need needed. But when president obama failed to deliver need weapons and filed to response tops russias invasion and the taking of crimea, there were truly desperate times then. And president obama did exactly nothing. Its important to remember, President Trump who is providing ukraine with the weapons and money they need to secure their nation. The dimms tried to make the claim President Trump abused his power by not following the will of congress, by refusing to allow Staff Members to comply with subpoenas from congress. How quickly they have forgotten, they want to us forget the Obama Administration that resists congressional subpoenas, including attorney general eric holders refusal to provide documents on fast and furious. To bring a couple of these articles you have to contradict the position of president obama. President obama withheld evidence from congress in fast and furious. An investigation, a moronic program that led to the death after federal agent. Lou our first guest is a republican member of the house Judiciary Committee. He challenged chairman nadler on procedure. He all socalled forking a congressional subpoena of the socalled whistleblower. Joining us tonight is congressman guy reschenthaler. Its been a baysy day for you its been a busy day for you. It was quite a spectacle. Somewhat slapdash on the part of the radical dimms. But there it is. What do you take from todays testimony and from the hours and hours spent listening . Just more wasted time. We are chasing what i call the ghost of impeachment when we should be work on usmca and work on lowering drug prices for seniors and transportation infrastructure. But we saw jerry nadler and the democrats trying to put a veneer on this impeachment which is just a political hit job on the president. Lou your thoughts on jonathan turley. I described him as the only adult at that witness table. It was extraordinary to see three leftwing law professors trying to pretend they were offering up independent, objective, sage counsel. Professor turley was truly amazing today. I was the one who admitted he had supported hillary clinton. And he was still coming at it from a fair and impartial points of view. He ran roughshod over the other three witnesses and did an excellent job in an impartial way laying out the facts and explaining this is not as clearcut as jerry nadler and the farleft democrats are trying to make it out to be. Lou i want to turn to your request that the whistleblower be subpoenaed and brought before the committee. What do you think the odds are . They should be pretty good. The last time i read the constitution. The accused has the right to confront accuser. We should be able to question the person that actually is making the accusation. The unnamed whistleblower. The democrats try to pretend like they care about the constitution. But they cant point to a statute that protects the whistleblower. They have certain protections under the law. But the right to headed behind the cloak of secrecy and lob allegations is not one of them. I would ask, what are they hiding . Chairman nadler didnt let my motion come to the floor. They tabled the motion, meaning through procedure just batted my motion down. We are not getting a fair shake here. Lou certainly you are not, and nor do the democrats make any pretense that they will offer otherwise. It is the hypocrisy of this is stunning. The antitrump bias, though, of these three leftwing law professors was stunning. I knew they are all radical left, but i didnt know how radical and how left. It was quite something. And then to go on as if they had just said the they picked up milk at the grocery store, they turn to the law which not once did they exalt. Not once did they seize upon any sign of deep profound respect for the constitution and the founders intentions. Whats so insulting is they try to come and act like they are fair and neutral arbiters of law. We saw how much animosity they have for republicans and this president. Its insulting to republican members and insulting to your everyday american when they try to pretend they are fair and neutral. There was one fair and neutral member on that panel, our witness, jonathan turley, who frankly ran roughshod over the other three witnesses. Lou it was a successful twoday summit in london at the nato summit for President Trump. But he was not amused by the comments made bid canadas president justice trudeau. He was appearing to be mocking President Trumps tardiness because of press engagements. President trump was asked about those comments. And this is we had to say. President trump hes twofaced. I find him to be a nice guy. But i called him out on the fact that hes not paying 2 , and i guess hes not happy about it. Lou first lady not too happy either. Waiting for air force won to land at Andrews Air Force base. She decided to respond to a stanford professors comments today, pamela karlan. Here is what the professor said today during her left money about President Trump and the first couples youngest son barron. Article 2 does not give him the power to do anything he wants. I will give you one example that shows you the difference between him and a kid. The constitution said there can be no title of mobility. While the president can name his son baron. He cant make him a baron. Lou the first lady was not abused. She tweeted this. A minor child deserves privacy and should be kept out of politics. Pamela karlan, you should be ashamed of your very angry and obviously biased public pandering, and using a child to do it. She is educated. No one said that she wasnt ignorant. Nancy pelosis message today to her caucus about the dems sham impeachment process. The epson ecotank. No more buying cartridges. Look at all this ink it comes with. Big ink tanks. Lots of ink. No more cartridges. Incredible amount of ink. The epson ecotank. Just fill and chill. 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The treasury secretary warns it could teak longstanding pillars of the tax system. Law professor jonathan turley, the standout in the house judiciary hearing ripped apart the dens face best charges to smear President Trump. Obstruction is a crime with meaning. It has elements, it has controlling case authority. The record did not establish obstruction in this case. What my esteemed colleague said was true. If you accept all their presumption, it would be obstruction. But impeachments have to be based on proof, not presumption. Lou joining us now, independent counsel for the whitewater investigation, robert ray. Great to have you with us. Lets start with the three leftwing professors making no pretense of being anything other than committed partisans of the highest order. Or the lowest depending on how you want to look at it. Jonathan turley was the star. It shows one person who knows what hes talk about beats three people who are biased any day. The democrats didnt even make pretext to fairness to actually have a proceeding that looked like to was equal time given to both sides. So hes right about that. Its the funny thing about these hearings. The truth and fairness and whats right has a funny way of coming out, and it certainly did today. Lou despite no effort to provide the president due process. Nothing approaching that. But you make an interesting point. Because of their horrible conduct in my opinion, particularly professor karlan from stanford bringing in the first couples son into that hearing. That was a cheap shot, and i think it was a below the bar of decency. Politics is hardball. But we dont involve the president s family and particularly a minor child. Thats out of bounds. Lou the first lady i compliment for not waiting. She showed grace as she always does. Lou i want to turn to an interesting strategic element. As much as everyone was focused on the president , it became about the three law froa professors. It became abouttheir unwise approach to their testimony. When the witnesses themselves become the focus of the inquiry. When that happens thats not good. This was not a good day for the democrats and their engineered impeachment effort. Lou today even the concept to begin with before the actuality didnt make a lot of sense. Suddenly the Judiciary Committee is taking seriously the constitution . John than turley point if we can deal with substance, he was right on target staying the democrats and regardless interpretation of abuse of power and bribery essentially doesnt leave you with any basis to determine what conduct falls over the line with regard to impeachable conduct and what conduct falls short of that line. He made great pains to tell the congress, you ought to think seriously about what you are doing. If you dont have evidence in connection with the call which is the principle basis of this impeachment. That the president made a demand or pressured or coerced the president of ukraine, you dont have a bribery case. To suggest otherwise which is what went on today with the law professors and the democratic ingift tores is doing a great disservice to the country. We are going to the substance of the day. We point out previous president s have defied subpoenas without being even the suggestion you cannot have a system in which one branch is struggling with another branch over an assertion of privilege. And as professor turley quite aptly pointed out, the referee in connection with a dispute between those two branches is the court. They should not be left to complain now and make that the basis of another impeachment article. I dont know how under any circumstance that could be considered fair in the countrys best interest. Lou unlikely to be politically sustainable. The whole point of this is, arent you ready to persuade . The only way an impeachment is successful if there is another party to prove they are right. Well have a partisan, illegitimate impeachment effort to remove this president from office which is dead on arrival in the senate. Lou there was never a floor vote unlike previous attempts at impeachment. This has bening wrong headed from the outset. Its startling to see. I hope the American People are watching. If they watched today, i would be embarrassed by what i saw. Lou i think most americans are furious at the conduct of socalled educated legal scholars, three of them. If you press this you will pay a price ultimately with the American People. Thats my firm view. Lou robert ray, thanks so much. We would like to hear your thoughts on this. Share your comments. Follow me on twitter and facebook. Secretary of energy joins us tomorrow evening as well as National Security experts kt mcfarland and fred fleitz. Coming up next tonight, the radical dimms have a billionaire problem. 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