Southeast coast, the president ial candidates sounded thethe alarm and touted their Climate Change plans, from a ban on fracking and fossil fuse, to population control, our panel is here with a look at what theyre proposing. Lets bring in columnist and deputy editor, dan henninger, p. Climate change has been a big issue for democrats for years. Whats different this time . Well, whats changed is the ambition has gone way up and this thinking of Political Considerations has gone out the window. Paul any . What theyre talking about is carbon free electricity, totally, 100 by 2030, having the United States be completely carbon free by 2050 or maybe 2045, how are we going to do that . Were going to spend 2 trillion or 5 trillion or 16 trillion in Bernie Sanders case, were going to restructure the economy, get totally off fossil fuels, weatherize every building in the country. Paul when they say ban fracking, that basically means banning the drilling method that is currently most used to get natural gas and oil out of american sites, anyway. Right it depends on who you ask. Some say ban fracking totally, some say ban it on public lands. Paul how many want to ban it totally . Most of them want to do that. Amy klobuchar said she will look at it case by case. The contradiction is theyre talking about Climate Change as if its an existential there. Theyre talking about it in terms of mobilization to world war ii. That seems to demand some Solutions Like natural gas which is a clean transition fuel or Nuclear Power that theyre ruling out. Or even just lifestyle changes. One of the most compelling moments for me in the climate debate or town hall was many of the candidates were asked do americans need to change their diets, cattle, theres a lot of Carbon Emissions from that and they basically said no. Even cory booker, said no eat whatever you want. No need to panic about it. But its an existential there. Its hard to square that. Paul some are proposing a carbon tax, not too many explicitly. That would be putting a price on carbon and raising the price of fossil fuels. Some of our friends on the right, free market economists think thats the best way to go about it. Everywhere its been on the ballot, its failed. It has failed. So you have to ask, how is it, as kyle described, most of these democrats have simply separated themselves from political reality as we know it. Its been very difficult to get a carbon tax through the congress and they just keep outbidding one another on the subject of climate. Paul dan, look, these guys are running for president. Elected office. Theyre political professionals. Presumably they want to win. So why you said they he separated themselves from political reality. Are they trying to lose . The only reality one could identify is them being connected to progressive voters in the democratic primaries, starting early next spring, not in the general election. The one democrat that participated in that town hall that addressed this issue was a amy klobuchar, to some extent joe biden. Amy klobuchar said look, we are running the risk of alien ating workers, Union Workers who have benefited from the Carbon Economy and some of the deregulation that donald trump has done during his presidency. She didnt mention that but she said we cant risk driving these Union Workers and people in the carbon industry into the trump camp. She is the only one who is suggesting anything connected to winning the general election in 2020. The others are totally focused on those primary voters. Paul kim, what has happened to the Democratic Coalition over the last 10, 20 years, that has caused this kind of enormous monumental shift . It seems as if theres its almost become even litmus test isnt adequate as an explanation, its just something that the democrats feel they must embrace or theyll not have a chance at he getting the a gee nomination. I think some of this is resentiment. Resentiment over losing. A lot of the progressives out there felt as though Hillary Clinton in the last president ial primary and the establishment ran rough shod over Bernie Sanders. Now theyre flexing their muscles and saying our guys are going to win this time, were going to set the agenda and theyre being theyre not they do care about winning but they care more, it would seem, about seeing their priorities put to the top of the pile. The problem here as dan was alluding to is this was one of the reasons they did lose last time. Remember, Hillary Clinton still says one of the bigger mistakes she made was promising to put a lot of coal workers out of a job. When you talk about banning fracking, when you talk about a carbonfree economy by 2030 or 2050, you are saying we are going to kill every coal job in the country, every oil and gas job, all of the shipping jobs. Were talking about millions of positions. That is not a votegetter out at the polls. Paul joe biden was attacked for having had a fundraiser hosted by someone who invested in natural gas. Is that now taboo . That is taboo. One of the candidates was asked about the spending of his campaign on private flights as he flies to iowa, New Hampshire and these states. Youre going to have these guys take a bus to iowa . [ laughter ] paul maybe thats what they should do, if they have the courage of their convictions. Well, that would be a very Long Campaign and probably not a very successful one. [ laughter ] paul thank you all. As ten of the democratic president ial candidates prepare to square off in houston, a look at who has the most to gain and at who has the most to gain and lose in next imagine traveling hasslefree with your golf clubs. Now you can, with shipsticks. Com no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. Sending your own clubs ahead with shipsticks. Com makes it fast easy to get to your golf destination. With just a few clicks or a phone call, well pick up and deliver your clubs ontime, guaranteed, for as low as 39. 99. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. Make it simple. Make it ship sticks. The stage is set for the third democratic president ial debate in houston with just 10 candidates qualifying for next weeks showdown, frontrunner joe biden will finally go head to head with his closest challengers, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Who has the most to gain and lose when the candidates face off on thursday night . Kim, what are you going to be looking for on thursday in particular . Well, in particular, that dynamic that you just mentioned because weve never had all three frontrunners on the stage. We have this unusual situation where Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren seem to have a mutual nonaggression pact and so theyll probably not be going after each other but to the extent to which they and other candidates tag team and beat up joe biden over not being progressive enough, not being clear enough, maybe even a couple of shots over his health and his fitness to take on this position, thats what im going to to see how hard he gets beat on. Paul so joe biden pinata, is that going to be the story line . I dont think so. Not entirely. Everyone will be watching joe biden to see if he makes a gaffe, which is not what people the joe biden should be wanting. They should want their candidate to be making some progress. Hes been kind of static. Paul he hasnt fallen that much. He hasnt fallen that much. And in fact, theres a media narrative here and a voter narrative. The media narrative is about the horse race, who is up and down. The voter narrative is about who can beat donald trump. At the moment, biden looks like that guy. There was a poll out this week that had him 9 points ahead of trump in wisconsin. Thats a pretty big lead. I think a lot of focus will be on Elizabeth Warren. Shes the one who seems to have some momentum now and shes competing with Bernie Sanders for that progressive vote. Those are two that i think are going to be worth watching. They both cant win the progressive vote. Paul i agree with dan on warren. Shes been rising in the polls and yet shes pretty much been off limits. The liberal h press just her. Shes been ambiguous on where stands some of the issues. If you look at the fine print, on medicare for all, shes not there on all the he details. Do you think anybody on the kamala harris, for example, cory booker, will go after her for that . Maybe. Kamala harris is an interesting example. She had a sharp attack against joe biden in one of the early debates and has fallen off the map. She could be a wild card coming out and trying to stick a knife in somebody here, to get herself back rising in the polls. But i agree with kim. A lot of the focus is going to be on joe biden. Hes has been steady at a third of the vote through this whole thing. Especially if youre one of the candidates who is in the lower tier and amy klobuchar, somebody like that. Paul you think biden has to fall before they can rise and therefore theyll focus on biden . That seems to be the dynamic thats at at play here. I mean, theyre pitching their ideas to some of the same voters. The tricky thing is, klobuchar, for example, has focused most of her fire throughout the campaign on donald trump, even when in previous debates she has been asked specifically about the candidates standing on the stage next to her, shes always turned it back to donald trump. But the field is narrowing and the debate criteria are rising. If somebody like that wants to stay on the next stage and one after that, they have up their game. Paul lets focus on klobuchar for a second. So many of the other moderates from the previous debates didnt call foqualify for this one. She and biden are probably the most moderate of the Democratic Candidates on some of the biggest issues. This is a moment where she could step up. How could he she do that . What would be your advice on how to stand out . She has to distinguish herself. And she actually has to go after the other people on their positions and point out that they are potential vote losers. Much in the way john delaney said look, i do not think its a good idea for our party to be taking you away health care that people like. Lets fix the problems we have, not make more. And she hasnt really done that so far. She certainly has different positions. But shes just been kind of meh, minnesota nice about expressing where she falls. I think she needs to draw the contrast. She is going to have an amazing chance to do that. She is probably one of the only pragmatic democrats up on stage this time around. Paul i think if biden falls, she might be the one who has a chance to rise up because sanders and the others seem to be competing for the pro egress ive edge of the Progressive Edge of the party. I would say a amy clop char r is plan b for the moderates. My advice would be if you want to do something bold, go after Bernie Sanders. Hes becoming detached from economic reality. His climate plan, 16 trillion, medicare for all, free education. The past week he said well relieve people of medicare bills. I mean, this is socialism on steroids and klobuchar is the one who has always been capable of saying look, we have to be detached to reality, we have to have some sense, convey some sense to the American Voter that were a party that actually has their real interest in heart. Paul anybody else youre looking for . Not really. Sanders is sanders. He hasnt changed. Hes not going to change. Hes selflimiting in that sense. To some extent, i bodie would disagree, seems theres no sense in going after sanders, theres a core base that will not desert them. Paul its a way of defining herself as a pragmatist. As Congress Gets set to return to washington on monday, House Democrats promise more investigations into President Trump. Are they more united on the question of impeachment and a is the window closing on launc as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. At liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. 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Xfinity mobile is a different kind of Wireless Network designed to save you money. Save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 250 back when you buy an eligible phone. Click, call or visit a store today. Paul congress is set to return from summer break monday with some pressing issues on the agenda including ra ratificatiof the usmca trade agreement. House democrats seem to be focused on investigating President Trump and the possibility of launching impeachment proceedings, something 134 House Democrats now say they support. Jerry nadler said the impeachment process is already underway, despite the lack of a formal vote but has nancy pelosi softened on the idea of opening an official inquiry and is the window closing on making such a move. Were back with dan and kim and Columnist Bill mcgern. Did the summer recess help or hurt the cause of impeachment . I think its inching along. What we know now from the majority, i think theres 137 members of the Democratic Caucus that support impeachment, nancy pelosi is a minority in her own caucus and the problem that they have is impeachment is very popular with democrats but its not popular in, say, the 30 seats that were won by trump that gave her a victory. I mean, the two that i paul gave her the majority in the house. The two i look at are conor lamb, he was the harbinger of the new democrat majority, that won a special election in a district that was republican. Hes been on the fence about impeachment, says were not there. My k. Mikey cheryl in new jerseye has not been emphasizing. That. Her argument now to democrats is if trump wins reelection, we really need the house. Again, thats Nancy Pelosis world you view. When the rest of us talk about 2020, we tend to talk about the president ial matchup. Shes talking about the speakership and the house majority. Paul democrats leaked widely they were going to focus on the payoffs to the women accusing donald trump of having an extra marital affair with Stormy Daniels and so on. This has been widely publicized, obviously. Is that a sign of strength or weakness to the impeachment case that theyre moving away from some of this and moving towards which everybody knows, and i dont think its going to work. It looks like its running out of gas. Weve been through the whole thing, the russia narrative, the collusion narrative, the Mueller Report, the Mueller Report didnt give them any ammunition on russian collusion. Then it was going to be obstruction of justice, Robert Mueller appeared before the congress, a completely under u y underwhelmiing performance. Now were down to Stormy Daniels. The election is 15 months away. Its hard to see how theyre going to sustain this narrative for a year andahalf. Paul kim, ray louhan, member of leadership from new mexico, came out for itch peachment a couple for impeachment a couple weeks ago. That was touted as a big break because hes close to pelosi. Hes also running for the senate now and hes being attacked for not having been supporting impeachment. So that may not be as big a deal. But i want to focus on jerry nadler. He says impeachment proceedings already underway. Break the political code here. Whats really going on . Whats really going on is that jerry nadler comes from a very progressive district. He also this was his moment in the sun. He desperately wants to move forward with an impeachment inquiry but nancy pelosi wont let him. She wont let him have the vote. So hes trying to make shies base and his progressive message feel like hes doing something when hes not officially doing it. Look, i think if youre nancy pelosi, this is cutanddry. Okay. Louhan is one thing. You have nazi nancy pelosi or steny hoyer or james clyburn, the top three people in the democratic leadership, move any closer to impeachment. They only have their jobs because theyre in the majority. Nancy pelosi is looking at the 42 members who are in whats called the front line program, they elect democrats and of those 42 fewer than 10 have come out in favor of impeachment an thats because the public is not there. So she wont go there either. Paul i think we have a consistenconsensus this is proba phony war over impeachment. Are they going to pass the usmca . Theyre going to pass gun legislation. Paul do you think it can pass the senate . We dont know. Trump