Stock market would be 10000 points higher than it is right now. But nobody had to do this, this is much more important than the economy. Somebody had to do this. We had to do it with china. It had to be done. I am not even talking about purely economically, im talking about in other ways also. It was out of control and they were out of control. Lou also tonight, more zaniness, perhaps craziness in california. Just weeks after the radical left in San Francisco attempted to soft and language concerning convicted felons, they issued a new designation for the National Rifle association, we will tell you what they now call the nra. In hong kong, the extradition bill that sparked month of demonstration and protest has been withdrawn by hong kong chief executive. But the people of hong kong say much more must be done to restore trust that has been destroyed. Fox news jonathan with the latest from hong kong. Reporter the chief executive carrie lam has been under intense pressure and wednesday she buckled a green with the backing of the Chinese Government to withdraw the controversial extradition bill that sparked the protest 13 long weeks ago. And in doing so she called for an end to the violence that has wracked hong kong. Are priority no is to end violence. To safeguard the rule of law and to restore order and safety in society. Reporter is seems like a significant concession was quickly dismissed by protest organizers. Its too little too late in the second of all hong kong people has been there themselves in the slogan that people were chanting were no less. This is the endorsement of people. This is the voice of the people. Among the protesters remaining demand is the call for independent inquiry into what they consider Police Brutality over the three months of protest. Without that trust cannot be restored between the people and the police and by extension, the hong kong authorities. In the protesters say, they will continue to fight until all the demands are met. While carrie lams concession might be some organ every home congress, the hardliners will be back on the street this weekend setting the stage for another showdown. Lou jonathan from hong kong. Joining us tonight, doctor Michael Pillsbury director of Center Strategy at the hudson institute. Mike, let me start with hong kong, your thoughts about the withdrawal by carrie lam of the extradition bill that wouldve required citizens of hong kong to be taken to the mainland at the discretion of the Chinese Government. Your thoughts about what will ensue as a result of this immense step forward it seems to me . Its an immense step forward, i think theres two of locations, one in hong kong itself, the demonstrations will no doubt continue in this is a 13 week delay, but if the main demand, this is why the 2 Million People came out to make sure they cannot just be snatched and brought to the mainland for an unfair trial. But a far more important implication for the United States, xi jinping is no doubt behind this and approved it. This means President Trump strategy is working, we may expect some progress in the trade talks. When they come out with a series of steps over time, it would not surprise me too see chinese delegation come here this week after all. Dont forget just a few days ago, that was really off and things are pretty intense. Lou the president has also been very clear that he believes that his strong decision and stance on tariffs to eliminating trade deficits is contributing to what were watching unfold in hong kong. That is the chinese understands that this president , there will be consequences if they violate human rights, there will be consequences if they do not begin structural reorganization of the trade relationship. Use all the way he played it, he hopes as a humane solution, he hopes theres a personal meeting, that has not happened yet which resident she, he did not confront the chinese directly, he did not call them nazi regime and that sort of thing. But he was also firm, he wanted a successful, peaceful outcome in hong kong without putting his foot on president chis neck. It looks like a big success to president and hong kong. Lou it is also revealing to watch with the chamber of commerce at the Business Roundtable and wall street, the way they are reacting now, in talking about, they dont like to see this conflict, they dont want to see not one word from the same groups of the same interest when we were losing trillions of dollars through all the preceding under previous president s, the three previous president s to this ministration as trillions of dollars were ripped out of our economy. The reduction on the Economic Growth because of the immense trade deficits of the actual ability of our technology that has gone unabated through all of this. We havent even seen a reduction in the chinese efforts to steal what is ours. Is pretty bad, with the next challenge, the president is going to overcome fairly soon, the strange chinese Wishful Thinking that he is not going to win a second term. Now he has the two tweets yesterday, they addressed mainly to the chinese, dont take a risk and stall for 60 months because i will have a tougher demand on you after i went by reelection. That might work. Lou it might work, it depends on him winning. Your sense of his prospects right now, the economy that he has overseen since his election, and maybe i should rephrase that, since his and our girl, which he has influenced since his election, it could not have been better for two and half years, never has been better in the first two and half years of any president. The chinese called it correctly in 2016, they were ahead of everybody else saying Hillary Clinton is going to lose for sure, they had the reasons why, the Electoral College count, they thought trump was going to win. They are telling me, these come over to beijing in two weeks, we will brief you on the election in 2020, i said yes, im going to beijing to hear the forecast and tell President Trump what they have to say. Be sure to debrief us as you return. I think theyll make concessions on trade. I think thats a sure thing. Lou it is right now a given, the pain that china is going through at all sorts of pain. It is in their interest to understand that if they have aspirations to truly be an advanced power, they have to come to terms with the new reality that puts away the dominance in the nonsense of what is clearly nonsense. You might agree that the president has more options to escalate the trade war if he desires. So the chinese i think, know that. Lou i would indeed agree. If nothing else, simply out of respect for your record and your potential for the future. [laughter] this is uncomfortable isnt afraid maybe next time. Thank you for being here. Uncle pillsbury. The radical dems are eating their own, we will have the latest on the democratic president ial hopefuls, it is not always a pretty sight. San francisco is a sanctuary city, but no sanctuary for the rational, asked the nra, and we correct the record on an element or two on last nigs broadcast, that in more after the break. Credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your Interest Rate right. So you can save big. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. [ text notification now that you have] new dr. Scholls massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, youll move over 10 more than before. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Its my special friend, antonio. His luxurious fur calms my nerves when im worried about moving into our new apartment. Why dont we just ask geico for help with renters insurance . I didnt know geico helps with renters insurance. Yeah, and we could save a bunch too. Antonio fetch computer antonio . Ill get it. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. 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Trade representative Robert Lighthizer and i also want to enter correct senator daines outsource jobs, he says he was in no way we sponsor both for the p g jobs, he worked to expand the companys production in china 20 years ago my apologies tonight to both senators in today, this is what the president had tohi say. Senator daines and purdue were on a visit to china did you approve the meeting . I approved it in my people approved it. China asked for the meeting and they have a lot of respect for them and i said they are friends of mine in great senators during a fantastic job. I knew about the meeting and approved it in all they did was say that we really have bipartisan support. If you look at it, the support is very serious, we are not playing games. And that was the message that was given by senator purdue and senator daines and given very strongly. They absolutely had myas presumptiopermission they spokeo lighthizer and management before they went there. Lou the two senators, i personally find very careful in the wording. Talking about a level Playing Field. I was still prefer those two senators indeed, i would prefer all the republican senators in the senate stand up and give this president the credit he deserves for putting tariffs on chinese goods, the political courage that is taking to do so and i wouldld like to hear them use the words tariffs, talking about not level Playing Field but balanced trade and insisting upon a change in the conduct in the balance of trade between the United States and t china. It is time for republicans to stand up in both houses and support this president. That said, that is the correction i still expect a lot more both senators and the Republican Party on capitol hill in both houses. Lets turn to the radical left on the San Francisco board of particular. In the board passed a resolution, declaring the National Rifle association to be a domestic terrorist organization. This come weeks after the supervisor passed a resolution rebranding convicted felons as justice and ball persons. In october 2015, 2 months after kate stanley was combining legal immigrant, the supervisors voted unanimously to keep the centurys status. Then supervisor said at the time, we cannot allow them to dictate 25 years of our city policy toward undocumented immigrants. It is interesting that it took one noted instance and that was that the fair in california to change their mind about the direction they would go with the nra. Quite an interesting state right now. 2020 democratic hopeful and spiritual guru Marianne Williamson slamming the radical dems, the Democratic Party for their meanness and their lives. Williamson telling me, i know this sounds naive, i did not think the left was so mean. I did not think the left live like this. I thought the right did that. I thought we were better. Not so. Joining us tonight, Reagan White House political director, fox business political analyst, the dean himself of republican strategist in this country. Ed rollins. First Marianne Williamson, her discovery. Im very happy for her, if i learn something out of the selection. Having been in for 50 years with democrats, they are tough, they play the game in a hardball way and basically will do whatever ity takes to win and thats american politics. I will not mention any names, i was talking with a leading republican this week of who said that it was unfortunate that this had to be about party. This is all about party politics. And the republicans are playing the part of the naive and around the left is filled with venom. The republicans basically see politics as a hobby, democrats. Lou they are not very damn good. Democrats see it as a lifelong occupation which they will change and change radically. Just as the board in d San Francisco, im familiar with i grow up in the bay area many years ago, they are left wingers and they dont believe in jails, criminals, they do believe in anything. Lou they dont believe in reality. Just to show up for the case, the state assembly in california passed, it has not gone to the state senate, to give 16yearold the right toig vote. Lou where was that . California, there still playing games in high school, theyre not ready to vote, an 18yearold was because they were in vietnam and the premise was if you were going to fight for your life for the country, you should be able to vote. Lou what would you say about 16yearold . The reality is, they keep trying to broaden the base so they can influence in the reality is, california is a law state for republicans at this point. Lou what about new york . New york is an equal place. Those two states for republican running for president , President Trump or anyone else are probably five or 6 million votes behind before they start. You have to make it all elsewhere. Lou 16 resignations already in the house. I live in texas, i hope this is not a trend we saw a trend last time. The reality, what they have to understand, this election is set up for reinforcement and we have to get the president reelected and a large number of the house. Lou mom asked this, this seems to be what it boilsls down to. Were talking about senators gained and purdue. Doing what the president had approved mnuchin and lighthizer, but at the same time the voices on this were so milquetoast, the words laid their as they talked about leveling the Playing Field. We are not talking about trillions of dollars, were talking about next potential threat as the president stated to the United States and not even talk about china is exactly that, we can even get from the Republican Party in the house or the republicans in the senate vigorous support for this president in advance of an election within the next year end a half. It will be a close election, specifically we talked about and people have to understand, we could lose the presidency, trump has had a great presidency. Lou what about the senators, house, Republican Party. We could lose the whole thing. We are to get as deep as ive seen in the last 50 years, theres a lot of steak, the house,re senate. Lou what kind of person is sitting in the house ofre representatives are the senate who does not come back and rural like a lion and go get them. Because there are no liens that i can see. In the two gentlemen in the senate who were in china, the president is supported by the country. Lou they did that. And basically we will go back and keep fighting the chinese are not receptive to the idea. I had not heard anything public about that. They need to have a press conference. Lou the hell with press conference. Im getting tired of the republican response to the viciousness that highly energized viciousness of the Democratic Party on the part of republicans. They say will write a strong letter, we may hold a hearing someday. I mean it is justed nonsense. They are evident and they are not worthy of support if they dont go to work for this president. I think youll agree with this, either this president wins the election in 2020 or the Republican Party may be, what Many Democrats hope, a thing of the past. In the midterm, 40 house seats and about to hold the senate in 2020 in addition to the presidency. Every republican who cares deeply to be fully engaged. Lou fully engaged. I think i would be mad as hell and going after everyone of these issues that are trying to still avert this president and his policies. Its beyondd comprehension. Get mad and get over it. Excuse me. You could not be around me too long, ed. Im mad as hell and going to keep fighting till we get this thing done again. Lou thank you so much. Up next, President Trump backs boris johnson, the deliver on brexit. Imagine that. Boris is a friend of hri mind he is going at it, there is no question about it. I watched him this morning, he is in there fighting. And, he knows how to win, boris knows how to win. A new poll shows just how popular President Trump is among republican voters. We take that up with the chair of the Republican National committee, ronal Rana Mcdaniel d us and we have a few quick messages and then we will talk with her. Stay with us. You name it. The ford f150 will tow up to 13,200 pounds of it. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . 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