Progress between the u. S. And china. They agreed to talk again in september. In a clear sign of american frustration, the president threatened to impose tariffs and 300 billion of additional chinese goods. This time the tariffs would hit not just industrial goods, but highprofile products American Consumers love including cell phones and other electronics. China responded by depreciating its currency to make its exports cheaper around the world. And by declaring it would suspend purchases american agricultural products. Then, President Trump responded to that by formally declaring china it currency minutes later under american law. The Financial Markets are worried. The u. S. Stock market suffered through its worst day of the year on monday. Its rebounded since but theres been a lot of volatility in the stock market and the bond market as investors decide where this is going and how much it might affect Economic Growth in the months to come. All of this raises crucial questions nearing the end of the summer. Is this just a temporary spike in trade tensions with china . Or the beginning of a prolonged trade war . When talks resume in september are the chinese going to be more willing to make the kinds of structural changes to their state run economy that the u. S. Is demanding . Is there any prospect of an agreement with President Trump and the chinese president meet at a pacific summit meeting in november . Or have the chinese decided to simply wait out President Trump through november of next year and see if he is reelected or not. Here to help answer all the questions and more, peter navarro. Assistant to the president for trade and manufacturing policy. And a key player in determining americas approach to foreign trade. He joins us from washington. Peter, thank you for being with us. Good to see you, sir. Jerry let me start with something president said friday morning. He raised the possibility that maybe next round of talks in september, might not come to pass. Do you think that will happen . Well be talking september . What do you think the chinese attitude will be if that in fact takes place . If i may, i think where we really need to start is talking about what we are fighting for here in this dispute. Because your viewers, if they are trying to figure out whether we will get a deal, a settlement, negotiation, you really have to understand what this is all about and its really about seven forms of economic progression is been documented by the u. S. Trade representatives. And lets go through the list. You got cyber intrusions into the business that works to steal the trade secrets. That is ubiquitous. Youve got forced technology transferred and exchanged for market access. In other words, if a u. S. Company wants to get access to the chinese market, they have to surrender their technology. Youve intellectual property theft and estimates of that are in the several hundred billion dollar a year range. It is huge, really. You have dumping your product into our markets below cost, things like steel, aluminum, robotics, across the spectrum. That cost us jobs, put our factories out of business. Im only up to four. Five, state owned enterprise, heavily subsidized, going around the world, competing with capitalist corporations, its an unfair deal there. Six, you mentioned earlier currency manipulation, her trainer lowers the value of their currency to boost their exports at the expense of ours. Lastly, and this is an important part of the negotiation. Made in china, fentanyl and other opioids killing about 100 americans a day, 1000 a week and over 50,000 a year. So this is what we are struggling with when we negotiate with the chinese. The chinese say meet us halfway. But the problem there is, how do you meet them halfway, do let them steal half as much work you will have as many people with fentanyl . This is where we have the issue, these are structural problems. We bargained in good faith, the president has been consistent about this. He has bargained in good faith going back to maralago summit. In spring of 2017. But every time the chinese failed to honor their commitments, which is frequently, he has taken actions which is why the tariffs have been put in place. Thats the big picture we are grappling with. Jerry you paint a pretty bleak picture there. And what youre looking for are structural changes, not shortterm changes. Correct. Jerry the chinese is simply not want to make those changes . Or do they find it hard to make structural changes . That is the question. We had a deal, almost a deal. It was 150 pages plus that ambassador lighthizer and Steve Mnuchin had negotiated literally word by word. China was going to restructure their economy and put that in as a matter of law and regulation. And then they changed their mind. The question that they have to answer, is whether they can have a Strong Economy thats not dependent on steel and technology from the west. Thats a big question. In 2001 we saw george bush do nothing about chinas cheating. We saw barack obama, joe biden do nothing. And over the course of that we lost over 70,000 factories, or 5 Million Manufacturing jobs. And this is a program where you have sophisticated Corporate Executives watching this. I mean if you are a corporation of China Incorporated and you dont have to pay anything for your research and development, you steal it from your competitor, you will win every time. If they are not dependent on these forms economic right now in august, this is a time where the chinese retreat to the countryside and have working vacations. It will sort that out. In september, we are planning on having them come here if they come. That is uncertain at this point but they have to make their mind. But in the meantime, was interesting here is that we have bipartisan consensus on capitol hill about something that is very rare that we have to take a strong stand on china. In Public Opinion polls show very clearly a Harvard Harris poll for one, that the American Public is behind the president. In terms of the tariffs and taking a strong stand. So that is where we are and theres another thing i think we need to talk about because theres a lot of people who are saying incorrectly that somehow the American Consumers buried the burden of these tariffs and is just false. I was strongly, im a professor so i will give everyone an assignment. There is a beautiful clip on fox business website. With maria bartiromo, one of the best, interviewing the former ceo to his arrest. A lot of activity in china. And he goes through, chapter and verse, why American Consumers will feel virtually nothing from the china terrace. It has a lot to do with chinas evaluating currency, lowering prices and the supply chain moving elsewhere and production moving elsewhere. Jerry stay with us, well talk about how much stomach about how much stomach americans have for a prprprprpr were changing whats possible every single day. , and if you run a business, that means a lot. We create Financing Options for your customers. To help them get the things they love instantly. Our data provides insights into what your shoppers have already bought. So you can offer them what they might consider buying next. Our financial and Tech Solutions are changing whats possible in all sorts of ways. So, how can we change whats possible for you . Can the past help you write the future . Can you feel calm in the eye of a storm . Can you do more with less . Can you raise the bar while reducing your footprint . For our 100 years weve been answering the questions of today to meet the energy needs of tomorrow. Southern company at comcast, we didnt build the nations largest gigspeed network just to make businesses run faster. We built it to help them go beyond. Because beyond risk. Welcome to the neighborhood, guys. There is reward. Beyond work and life. Who else could he be . There is the moment. Beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Jerry i am back with peter navarro. Peter, let me ask you this directly to the Financial Markets producing this week that they are nervous about potential Economic Impact of the prolonged tariff fight with china. Should they be worried or are they overreacting . What is your message to them . They are overreacting. Basically what we have, lets start with the fact that the stock market is a leading indicator of the economy. The trump economy is absolutely rock solid. Weve had strong real gdp growth, we have historic low unemployment among blacks, hispanics, women, disabled and veterans. We have rising productivity. Rising wage gains which are disproportionately going to bluecollar workers. I think what investors need to worry most about right now, is the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve raised rates too far, too fast and that had the effect of suppressing our investment directly and indirectly suppressing our exports. Their currency effect and you saw that in q2. We came in at 2. 1 percent real gdp. That is good, the president likes great. We could have been at three percent if not for the fed. It is clear in the numbers we lost two thirds of a point to the fed on exports. We lost some investment as well. So investors are trying to i think that the big things to propel the dow past 30,000 is getting the fed to lower rates, and passing the usmexico candidate agreement. This deal is far more important in the short run then working things out methodically with the chinese over the next several months. Jerry peter, let me ask you this. China has been knocked off its leading trade partner in the u. S. But overall u. S. Trade deficit increased over 7. 9 percent in the first half of the year. Exports flattened and imports from other companies started to increase. Is this working . A couple of things to note here. First of all, the American Economy under President Trumps leadership is the strongest in the world. So we are attracting investment, thats having some currency issues but the problem is when the fed raised rates, we saw the dollar go up by almost 10 percent. At the same time since we put in tariffs, the chinese went down. This having a negative impact on the trade deficit. What we need to do is have a fed policy where our Interest Rates are not several hundred basis points above the rest of the world. Thats not sustainable. It is not good for america. So are things working . Yes in terms of the trump economy. Because its rocksolid but we can use some help from the fed. Not because the economy is weak but simply because the fed needs to allow us to grow. I remember a school bus they had these things called like governors that did not let them go over 50 miles per hour. The fed basically is put a governor on the trump economy and you know we want to grow and we can not grow without creating inflation over three percent. By the fed with his policies right now are holding us down. Jerry peter, so much want to talk about but the clock has run out. Thank you for joining us. We hope to have a chance to do it later on in there. Up next, they leadership in beijing, help may be viewing the trades that with the us. Stay with us. vo the ant mindlessly marches on. Carrying up to 50 times its body weight. It never questions the tasks at hand. But this year, theres a more thrilling path to follow. father kids. 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Also governor of the state of washington and president obama as commerce secretary. Gary joined us from seattle. Thank you for being with us, mr. Ambassador. My pleasure, jerry. Jerry you know china very well. Bruce often present xi jinping s mind. How was he looking at this now . How does he think it will end . The obvious he wanted to win because its also impacting the economy of china and therefore creating more unemployment, its a lesson the chinese leaders need which is any type of domestic instability. Because instability leads to threats to the authority of and control of the communist party. Job number one is maintaining that control. But at the same time, he needs to save face. He cannot be seen as capitulating to the demands of america. China has known for quite some time and its only own economic selfinterest to reform their markets, to increase protections for intellectual property. To help ensure that private businesses can also compete against the government on businesses but they try to do this slowly. At the same time, then no foreign governments, american governments, american businesses have deep concerns about economic and trade policies of china. In some ways interests are aligned but they do not want to move so fast and do not want to be seen as capitulating to america. And the latest threats by the president to impose a 10 percent tariff on all remaining chinese goods which are really hurt American Consumers. That is being seen as upping the ante. And certainly, the chinese cannot be seen as buckling under that pressure. And in fact, president xi has other challenges, considerable challenges. The Democracy Movement in hong kong creating real problems for him. A slowing economy. Do those things restrict his ability to make concessions to the u. S. . Well, i dont think the issue of hong kong impactor has any bearing on the trade dispute. The slowing economy of china is of concern to the Chinese Government because again, it slows down the leftjob opportunities of those coming from the diversities are coming from the countryside into the city looking for jobs. Thats why its in their best interest to resolve this trade dispute as quickly as possible. As well as for america. The Federal Reserve is already estimated that the tariffs already in place will cost american households on average, 1000 and if President Trump goes ahead with the 10 percent tariffs on all remaining chinese goods come september 1, it will really increase the price of things like electronics. Whether it is game consoles, phones, clothing Christmas Decorations and everything else. Shoes. It will really impact consumers even more. Certainly, what the chinese announcement that they are going to stop buying u. S. Agricultural goods it will hurt our farmers. So this latest uproar ante of the trade war is not good for either side. If the chinese want to settle this as much as the u. S. Does, why do they find it difficult to make the kind of structural changes the administration is demanding . Why is it so difficult for them . They have a demented economy they want to nurture their companies as much as we want to help our u. S. Companies as well. For instance, they know they have to open up their markets. Theyve already made some movements there. In the past summary sectors of the chinese economy were offlimits to any type of foreign investment. And where investment was allowed, the us company cannot own more than 50 percent more than 49. 9 percent of a business operation. Therefore, you had to have it chinese partner. If you had to have a Chinese Party had to share your trade secrets, technology with that partner. After a few years when the terms of the deal are over, that chinese partner has grown in sophistication and can operate on its own to the disadvantage of the american company. So theres some of the disputes we have a china has already began to open up. They said more u. S. Companies in different sectors can operate without a chinese partner. And the Banking Financial Services they are allowing American Companies to come in and offer services. J. P. Morgan, their taken advantage of some of that. But more needs to be done. They need to stop some of their subsidies, heavy subsidies to some of the emerging industries. Whether its Artificial Intelligence or electric automobiles or biopharmaceuticals. So they are trying to make some of those moves. We of course say they have to do much more and much faster. That is the real. In a short time that we have left, lest talk about production most dont talk about the trade dispute the end of the year do you think will go to a resolution between now and then . And really hopeful that we will. Weve got to get back to the drawing board. Maybe not as grand a bargain as we hoped for but weve got to have some sort of progress, some deal and i think some tariffs will still remain in place. As a way to enforce the agreement to hold the chinese accountable and hold their feet to the fire. Jerry best of luck i think we have to leave it there. We will see, thank you for joining us very much. Thank you. Jerry as a trade ficus hi we will see why the dispute can be the defining moment in the the defining moment in the the defining moment in the but allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive