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Korea and shanghai ending higher and the week higher as well. Lauren oil is falling this morning on report that u. S. Production will pass saudi arabia, then there is this. Long live the new flame grilled double quarter pound king. Rest in piece black top burges. Cheryl its on, half pound burger. Fbn am starts right now. Lauren 5 01 a. M. , welcome, everybody, im lauren simonetti. Cheryl im cheryl casone, people are thinking i want half pound burger to celebrate. Lauren i had one actually. Senator shuim internal sco not shut down federal government, do not jeopardize Funding National security, i ask the American People to understand this, the only people standing in the way of keeping g the government open are Senate Democrats. Whether there is a Government Shutdown or not is now entirely up to them. It all hinges on the democrats on whether the government stays open or not n. The senate it takes 60 votes, in the house, the republicans did their job. They made sure government stayed open. This is like giving you a bowl of doggy doo and putting a cherry on top and calling it chocolate sundae. This is nothing. Lauren republicans only have 51 seats. Cheryl minority leader Chuck Schumer saying democrats will support shortterm, four or five, six days not the house bill to avoid a shutdown. The only person who has ever rooted for a shutdown frankly is our president who said our country could use a good shutdown. I unfortunately the majority leader in particular and the majority, to support a clean extension of funding for a few days so that we can finally come to a resolution and get down to the so many other things we need to do in this chamber. Our friends on the other side are saying here, is they are prepared to shut down the government over the issue of illegal immigration. Now, on that issue, theres a bipartisan interest in solving the daca problem but the president has given us until march, the last time i looked, this was january. My colleagues, where is the urgency here . Cheryl gop could propose maybe a five or sixday continuing resolution. Theyre not meeting until 11 00 a. M. Today and thats just a procedural vote so the clock is almost running out. Lauren they have until march to deal with what to do with daca. You dont necessarily have to do it now. Meanwhile you have President Trump slamming democrats over potential Government Shutdown. I really believe the democrats want to shut down to get off the subject of the tax cues because they worked so well. Nobody thought including the democrats it could work this well. Theyve been so good that i think democrats would like to see a shutdown in order to get off the subject. Lauren the president was speaking at pennsylvania factory yesterday and talked about accomplishments including the tax cuts, record high stock market and a very low unemployment rate. Cheryl all good things for the markets, obviously, well, President Trump is praising white house chief of staff john kelly one day after kelly angered him when he told fox news that trumps policemen was not fully informed and trump talking about kelly in visit in pennsylvania. Hes great, i think hes doing a great job. Hes a very special guy. Cheryl the wall is the wall and has never changed or evolved from the first day i conceived of it rnlgt media took it out of context. Lauren shares f ibm and American Express are putting damper on blue chip average. Cheryl we have been on a roll so far and now we hit a bump, good morning to you. Tracee good morning, the dow is setting up for another down day courtesy of ibm and American Express reporting analysts that beat expectations. Ibms revenue rose for the first time and warned that higher tax rate would eat into profits, ibm shares rallied 10 on hopes of turnaround for the company sell more than 3 after the closing bell. Meanwhile shares of American Express fell nearly 3 in extended trading, the Company Reported First Quarterly lose in 26 years because of 2. 4 billion charge relate today tax reform and said it will halt its Share Buyback program for the first half of the year. Which we heard from Many Companies about Fourth Quarter issues, maybe the stock may level out a little bit. We will see. Cheryl amazon another stock to watch, they put out short list of potential headquarters, what do we have . The list is hot, amazon has narrowed it down from 20 cities from 238, big cities like new york, boston and chicago, toronto, the only nonu. S. City on the list and surprise candidates like columbus, ohio and indianapolis, amazon said that it would work with candidate locations to examine proposals more closely and evaluate feasibility of a future partnership. Amazon plans to decide on a city this year. Lauren is burger king planning a funeral . Tracee yes, to bury mcdonalds in an effort to go after mcdonalds, burger king has unveiled a hefty new burger made with half pound of beef, its the double quarter pound king sandwich versus mcdonalds double quarter pounder. Burger digging at mcdonalds in a new ad holding a funeral for double pounder, two beef patties with american cheese, pickles, cech uip. They are even going after mcdonalds bun. Cheryl you can have burger and a half if youre measuring protein. Just thinking. Some people to that. [laughter] tracee we will talk later. [laughter] cheryl okay, i guess im the only one, coming up who owns a Government Shutdown, democrats or republicans . The first time in recent memory that any party have dominated by having the majority in the house and the senate and the president in the white house where there has been a Government Shutdown. Cheryl is nancy pelosi right, are democrats going to take the blame for this, our Political Panel is coming up. And caught, u. S. Satellite captured chinese ships secretly buying coal from north korea, we will have that story, youre watching fbn am hold together. A little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push easy easy easy horn honking alright alright weve all got places to go weve all got places to go Washington Crossing the delaware turnpike . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money sean saved by switching to geico. Big man with a horn. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Lauren tgif, lets get you caught up on whats happening now. The u. S. Caught chinese buying north korean coal days after the sanctions were imposed. The wall street journal is reporting that six chinese vessels which the u. S. Tracks by satellite defied the sanctions by bringing north korean coal to vietnam, russia or other ships in midsea transfers. Well, gop lawmakers are demanding that a report alleging government surveillance abuse be made public, the highly classified report outlining concerns that the obama fbi and Justice Department inappropriately used fisa, foreign Intelligence Surveillance act, to snoop on the trump campaign. Meanwhile the House Intelligence Committee already voting unanimously to release Glen Simpsons testimony, claiming people were killed after a bogus dossier on donald trump was made public. The dnc and conservative Group Washington free beacon both paid simpson to create information for the dossier which helped kickstart the russia collusion probe which we are still dealing with, cheryl. Cheryl certainly are. Well, the house may have passed a budget bill last night but unless than 24 hours the government runs out of money if the bill doesnt make it through the senate. So the republicans have the votes to avoid a Government Shutdown, here to weigh in host of business of politics with lindsey, podcast, of course, lindsey france and republican strategists matt, guys, good morning to both of you. Good morning. Good morning. Cheryl lets look at the breakdown, the house passed shortterm resolution only funds the government till february 16th but on the house, the senate side excuse me, they need 60 yeas, all accounts are showing us they dont have them . Well, the government has never been shut down when one Party Controls the party in congress, that forget it is point made that to pass spending bill you to have 60 votes in the senate, republicans have 51 votes in the senate. They dont have all the votes right now. Even if they did, there are not nine democratic votes for the house bill. We will see where it goes. My guess is they will vote on house bill, but also pass a 5day extension and that that will pass the house and senate, we maybe shut down for a few hours on saturday but my guess this weekend you will have 5day extension. One of the key things that Lindsey Graham said he will do shortterm bill for days and not weeks, a shortterm patch to try to get a big deal over the next 3 to 4 days, if that doesnt happen, we may be shut down for sometime. Cheryl lindsey, they had two weeks. They will get some kind of deal together in 3 to 5 days next week when theyve had all this time, the democrats are digging in on dreamers. The republicans say lets deal with this later, this is where the fight comes down, those immigrants. The democrats they wanted to be one of the top line talking points and i think that, you knowinger nancy pelosi came out and said very well pointed out that this the first time republicans have had the executive and both houses of congress, but theres been 18 shutdowns since 1976 and weve had extension after extension, so i think that the immigration thing is something that theyre holding onto, however, i think that its a sticking point, remember, a lot of these extensions happened no coincidence over a weekend, right, so a lot of the federal workers arent working, they have a few more dais and i ds and the claim that its all daca is pretty bogus. The democrats are saying that this is an internal war. We might see them pass something to save faith or else like Lindsey Graham said extending for five days, i think the American People are getting very impatient with this. Cheryl sure. Its just time to make something happen and to Work Together and i think donald trump is not working the phones properly on capitol hill. Cheryl okay, if thats true, if donald trump isnt doing enough in capitol hill, what does he need to do . Yeah, listen, the key issue here is the dreamer issue going to be part of the spending bill and i think if you looked at what the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell said last night the deadline for dreamers is in march the deadline for deadline is 24 hours away. Can the president be more engaged directly, sure. I think hes talking to members every day. Chairman mark meadows of north carolina, they cut a deal last night which is Freedom Caucus members supported the house bill. I think the president will be very involved. President s get blamed for shutdowns. Cheryl senators and congresswomen when they get reelected get blamed for votes that their constituents dont like, lindsey, if youre a democrat, specially democrat senator and running in a state in november that donald trump won in 2016, what do you do here . There could be some flips . There could be some flips, but i think its where we are talking about. In a lot of races the democrats have the benefit of keeping rather quiet because so many republicans especially conservatives are sort of shooting themselves in the foot with rhetoric, we have seen a couple of those special elections go a little bit haywire, so i think that democrats can keep a little quiet on this, but there is a danger it could flip if this doesnt go through because people are impatient. Cheryl certainly, to your point, lindsey, the American People are running out of patience. Thanks, guys, appreciate it. Lauren you know what could work, having them work through the weekend. Mitch mcconnell said, we might have to work this weekend. Cheryl oh, no, are they going to be okay . Lauren i dont know. Pope francis celebrating the first ever papal wedding at 30,000 feet. He asked, you want me to marry you. I said yes, are you sure. Lauren some folks living here in the northeast over the weekend, good news, fox news janice dean is coming up with the forecast that you definitely want to hear. Youre watching fbn am. When you think of miami you think of,you know,rich,glamour but 5 miles away from the beach theres people who have never seen a beach. I was confused why somebody was in this situation especially in america. Music oooh,oooh,oooh so when i started joshuas Heart Foundation it was a key thing to be able to engage youth in the foundation. To help them participate. Music oooh,oooh,oooh i think passing on the torch and lighting a new flame in another person to do good is probably the point of the Bigger Missions i have. Music aha,aha,aha so we are each making a bigger difference. Music oooh,oooh,oooh thats it just giving back and producing love for everybody. We usso why do we pay to havers a phone connectede days. When were already paying for internet . Shouldnt it all just be one thing . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You can get 5 lines of talk and text included at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. Choose by the gig or unlimited. And ask how to get a 150 prepaid card when you buy a new lg x charge. Its a new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfinitymobile. Com lauren check out this marriage ceremony on south american trip pope francis married this couple 36,000 feet in the air. The couple told pontiff they had been schedule today marry but plans ruined years ago when local church was damaged during chile earthquake in 2010, first time a marriage ceremony held on papal plane, they actually have kids together. To be able to say that. The pope also took on the role of first responder, he halted motorcade after he saw a policewoman saw a woman fall off horse while in chile, he comforted her while waiting for ambulance to arrive. She was not hurt. Cheryl maybe. So back here at home a landslide is threatening a multimillion dollar home, in malibu, california, the three story home left hanging off the edge of the cliff, its been red tagged deeming it unsafe to live in, utility crews search in muddy hill slide for under water leak but they couldnt find one, people in the area say it maybe sprinkler system. Lauren coming back to that. Cheryl good news from fox meteorologist janice dean. Take a look at the current temperatures or the 4hour change from what it was this time yesterday, big warmup for much of the country and we will take it, right, my friends, current temperatures right now 26degrees in new york city, 28 in chicago, 41 in dallas, its coming, i promise, this weekend, past 12 hours not much to report across eastern half of the country. Next weather maker across the west. Pattern shift, cooler weather, more rain and more mountain snow and could see gusty winds as well. This is going to be the energy thats going to set the stage for our next winter storm across plains an midwest this weekend, blizzard conditions are possible if you live across Northern Plains and we are going to see a lot of snow here across the west for the ski resorts including the sierra across california. 57 in new orleans. 57 in houston. Who knew that 40 was going to feel so good . Back to you ladies. Even better this weekend. Lauren its like you open the door, wow, my nose didnt freeze off. Cheryl so true. Lauren hot summer day. Janice happy friday, ladies. Lauren you too, janice. Cheryl coming up, maybe hugely popular in the u. S. , why are the chinese thumbing their nose at this . Thats the only way to become cheryl why is the force weak in china . And get ready for this kit kat unveiling a new flavor, what exactly does ruby chocolate mean . Youre watching fbn am the only people standing in the way of keeping the government open are Senate Democrats. Cheryl breaking news this morning, we are hours away from a possible Government Shutdown, the house passed a bill overnight to keep the government open but democrats vow the block any legislation. Lauren two dow components under pressure after tough Quarterly Report cards, ibm around American Express to weigh in when stock market opens. Cheryl thats been happening in the last 20 minutes or so, over in europe stocks opening higher, investors weighing economic news, every market is higher. Lauren this is close in asia this friday, all up arrows, take a look at nikkei in japan, gaining two tenths of 1 and in china the shanghai composite gaining. Cheryl Disney Star Wars last jedi major flop in china. Fbn am continues right now. Lauren happy friday, everybody, 5 30 in the morning, in new york 5 29 p. M. Cheryl im still going work somehow. Lauren better you than me. Cheryl it is friday, we are happy about that, but we are not happy about whats going on in washington. Breaking news right now for the house approved a stopgap bill to keep the federal government open to 2016 but the ball is on the senates court. Garrett tenney with the latest. Good morning to you. You have to buckle up looking ahead, with less than 24 hours to go theres no indication that the senate is any closer to a deal to avoid a shutdown. The house passed its spending bill yesterday and this including a sixyear extension of Childrens Health Insurance Program and several taxes with the Affordable Care act but Senate Democrats are upset that the spending bill did not include fix for daca which Congress Till march to address but that lead to Heated Exchange last night on the senate floor. Im not trying to play for political points, even false ones, i am trying to get us to come together on a bipartisan nature to get something done. Illegal immigration, that issue right into it and say they wont solve any of the other stuff. I think we would all like the deal with the daca issue. So here is where things stand in the senate, 60 votes are need today break a filibuster and pass shortterm spending bill and republicans will need help from at least 13 democrats, three gop senators plan to vote against it, Lindsey Graham, jeff flake and rand paul. So far West Virginia joe manchi, in the only democrat who said he will support the bill. Last night on fox news Lindsey Graham explained why it is that he wont support another shortterm spending bill. This is the fourth cr, every time we have a continuing resolution it costs the military billions of dollars, its not going to shut down and we are not going wait 30 more days. I want to do two things, i want to fund the military and deal with daca and we are not going get one without the other, im tired of playing this stupid game. And its important to remember that even if lawmakers are able to reach a deal, this is only a shortterm spending bill, meaning we will be right back here again in just a few weeks with a lot of the same debate as lawmakers try to pass a longterm spending bill. Cheryl we shall see, thank you. Youve got it. Lauren lets talk about tax cuts because President Trump certainly did yesterday, he was holding speech at its burr area factory saying tax cuts and economic successes will lead to big gop gain this year. We can keep it like this, we are going win a lot of elections, that i can tell you. Its something no, its something. [cheers and applause] its the economy, stupid, did you ever hear that one . Lauren that was the phrase by bill clintons strategists who encouraged him to tie george h. W. Bush in a recession and the economy was good. Cheryl its not just American Workers that are benefiting from the trump tax reform package, Foreign Companies are also taking advantage, john luca owns largest diet companies as products earn million and a half Health Food Stores across europe and asia and now bringing to the u. S. Opening First Flagship store in manhattan. Thank you for the invitation. Yes, it is a way [inaudible] very business friendly and Encouraging Companies to come here and invest in United States market because you can gain a lot and you can do in quick and, i think, easy way your business. Its very important. In europe we have had a lot of recession, sorry, because of total different way to do economy, mostly because of germany and the politics, the economy, the economy is going is growing also in italy thanks, i think, to the new strategy of trump also in titly. We are talking about cutting the taxes and to be more business friendly. But america now is a very is very interesting and attraction for everybody to come here to invest. Lauren you feel welcomed by the new administration. Yeah. Lauren are you going to make products here at all . We are starting with the warehouse but the idea to open and produce here our products because its quick, its quick, you dont have to wait too much to have permission, to have a new company in america and to also to have all the permission you need to manufacture here the product. So we start importing from italy, this is the first step and the second step to produce here, this is the idea. People here love the italian food, but they know that sometimes its so much heavy. The idea of this product is to have all the italian food people like, pasta, chocolate, cookies but they are not done cheryl we dont have a lot of time, the american diet market, the industry is pretty crowded already, youre taking a big chance coming to the u. S. , of course, youre saying because of donald trump and thats great, what makes you think you can make a mark on the u. S. Diet industry . Because obesity is a big problem in america, more than italy, but because people also, they need some real product, dietary products because some of them, they are dietary but all in packaging. So the reason not to patent that prove what you say that means that its all of the same things normally. We talk about practical system, but if you dont have a patent proven thats something new, you know, what is very important that many studies made in italy but also in florida. Good, make more products in the United States. We want to hear that. Thank you very much for coming in, appreciate it. Good luck on your new venture. Lauren theres a lot of italians in florida, just so you know. Wall street regulator is pouring cold water on bitcoin etf, find out why in just a bill. Double fuel tanker catches fire in utah and explodes shutting down the highway there. We will have the latest on the terrifying situation how do you win at business . Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com piano music jessica we need to leave. Right now i need to get something. boy dance recitals are so boring. Theres a me no one knows waiting to be set free so, whats the empty suitcase for . The grand prize trophy duh i was born to be somebody cheryl welcome back, lets get you caught up on whats happening now. Life in prison after being charged with torture and child abuse. Prosecutors alleging the children were subjected to frequent beatings and strangulation and werent allowed to go to the bathroom and they were allegedly given one shower a year. Parents are pleading innocent to all charges. Well, a double tanker hauling gasoline on interstate near salt lake city, utah causing major closures and traffic delays, the tanker had 9,000 gallons and gas and 1,000 gallons of diesel, the fire is still going but the driver made it out safely. Vladimir putin stripping on national television, he was emerging in freezing waters to mark epipheny. Vladimir putin has a shirt off once again. Thats whats happening. [laughter] lauren no comment. Stocks taking a rare breather. Pressured by weakening bond prices. Sean, good morning. Good morning, im trying to get the image of Vladimir Putin out of my head. Lauren dont worry, we will show you another image. It hit 2. 6 , the highest level since september of 2014, what do you make of that . Im not really particularly worried about it, i think the bond guys need to realize that the bull mark in bonds is over. And, you know, 10 basis points is not a bad thing. We had apple announcement yesterday that they were going to invest 350 billion in the u. S. I was trying to put that in context. After the financial crisis we had a major stimulus although those who study at institute say you cant get stimulus from government money but apple and 350 billion amounts to 35 of the trillion dollar stimulus bill. This is true stimulus, i think we can take some of that slack. What im more worried are bond rates. Two things, i dont want bond yield curve to invert. I would like to see it drift up and the other worry perhaps with the yield is if u. S. Treasuries go up too much, itll make them attractive and see foreign buyers buying the bonds and thatll drive the dollar up. The dollar has been weak here lately and thats been a massive tail win for equities. Lauren if you look at equities in this rise, are you concerned that this is a bull market that knows no bounds . No bull market knows no bounds. We are nine years in, the environment looks good. Noah started to build the arc before it rained, you need to start looking at it if putting stocks in place. It would be okay with 10year treasury around 3. Those 3 numbers are significant. If that comes true, we can even have 4 of gdp growth. So all that goes well for equity market. They are pricey but i think we are going see surprise on earnings coming up in the First Quarter that perhaps could get things back in normalized change. Lauren what sectors are you avoiding right now . We its easier for me to say where we are allocating money based on cash flow models, financials, industrials popped up here, energy popped up here and technology continues to be. I think utilities and Consumer Staples are the two areas of the sectors of the market where theres perhaps a little room for some concern only because they got bid up so much because investors were looking for yield, utilities really arent growth, investments, they are kind of bound by how much they can raise utility prices and the growth in particular market and ive heard recently that some of the Utility Companies are going to Lower Energy Prices as a result of tax bill. So im not a big fan of utilities right now. Sean, have a good weekend. Thank you. Cheryl well, new Star Wars Film not enjoying much success in china as it is here at home. Lauren what happened . Tracee carrasco joins us with headlines making news. Theres no force in china, star wars last jedi has been pulled from theaters because it has been tanking with audiences in Second Week Box Office numbers were down 92 and the film earned just 28. 7 million in first week, you compare that to here in the u. S. In opening weekend, 220 million, historically Star Wars Film in china have not been very popular, so this goes along with the trend that they have seen with previous movies. Cheryl interesting, they usually love blockbusters. Lauren you have Companies Catering specifically to chinese audience, its different. If you want to make money, you have to do it their way, i suppose. Moving onto another topic, having diverse Management Team can lead to success . Tracee yes, researchers examined Financial Data of more than 1,000 Major Companies across 12 countries as well as gender and ethnic makeup of workforces, well the analysts found that the companies with diverse executive teams posted bigger Profit Margins than rivals compared with companies with relatively little diversity in the upper cheer and now the link between Ethnic Diversity and better Financial Performance appeared even greater than for gender diversity according to the study. Well, thats the trend right now. Thats the talk in all companies is how to be more diverse. All right, thank food. [laughter] cheryl kit kat, they have a new flavor, this is big. Tracee yes, this is interesting here. Pink berrylike chocolate and its called the ruby chocolate kit kat. Lauren natural or flavored that way . Tracee see, im not clear on this one. I think its probably like a berry and this is sold in japan and south korea where the kit kat is very popular and theyve had previous interesting flavors like green tea and even saki in japan. They are always trying something different. You can buy here in the u. S. Online and you can buy it in kit kat popup stores but mainly in japan and south korea and in japan, its very popular, the slogan is i know my wish will come true and kit kat is given acetone of encouragement to someone. Lauren looks expensive also. Maybe its the packaging. I will try it. Hook us up. Tracee i dont have international connections, sorry. Lauren have a good weekend, coming up, everybody, tom brady is mia at pats practice yesterday, will he make it for the big game, afc championship on sunday, jared max is coming up with sports and speaking of the patriots, first graders in florida have advice on how the jaguars can take down the pats on sunday, we will be right back. Everything you need to go. Expedia cheryl First Grade Class in jacksonville wants to be certain that jaguars beat new England Patriots on sunday so they sent play book to jaguars. Here is the cover, dear jags, want to beat the patriots, here is how, advice from number one fans. [laughter] lauren thats cute. All right, looks like the patriots might have handful and speaks of hands, to the latest sewed of the brady bunch, tom brady. Jared does anybody believe tom brady will not play in afc championship game . Seriously . Seems like a drama to me. Hey, one day after he reportedly injured throwing hand at practice, new England Patriots tom brady attended practice but according to team discuss not participate in practice. Brady showed up wearing red gloves. No he wasnt iron man, he only took part in stretching drills and such and not football activity, the patriots had brian hoyer. Sunday pats will host the jags. Many wondered how 20 of brains to have cte did not show prior concussion symptoms. This study found the greatest link to cte does not stem from percussions but rather repeated hits to the head. Coauthor of the study telling usa today sports saying there are going to be policy implications to this referring to concussion protocols in the nfl all the way down to youth football. This is concerning particularly for kids who are not old enough to make other decisions on their own. I think we have a moral obligation to protect them from harm. Nba allstar game coming february 18th last night we learned captains, steven curry and lebron james. Captain, i really appreciate the votes. The background is the classic clip, im the captain now. The Milwaukee Bucks won popular vote among nba players and beat lebron james. What does Charles Barkley have to say about that . Was i surprised . Lebron is the best player in the world but can be drama queen. And you werent a drama queen . No like he is. Jared angel mike trout is going to become the highest paid player. Trout, usa today says will beat clayton kershaw, followed by miguel cabrera, david price. All bringing him 30 million this season. Congratulations, eric, longtime member of the Philadelphia Flyers relationship with the Team Splinter at times last night retired his number 88, the flyers went on the beat the toronto maple leaves 32. No better trend in sports than that of nfl fans donating to charities of players with other team, they raised over 300 grand for bengals quarterback foundation, vikings fans have donated nearly 200,000. Check this out. Thomas hi, minnesota, you guys are officially ridiculous, im totally humbled by this, and i may be force today forced to root all the way to the super bowl. Almost 200,000 to hospitals in minnesota. Pay it forward, love it. Lauren good things from the league. Jared max, you can catch fox News Headlines 24 7, siriusxm 115. Cheryl okay, we have a lot more coming up. Guess who is not worried about a shutdown . Global investors, we are heading to london to get a full report. We will be right back. But he never called me back if your cousins wifes sisters husband isnt a lawyer, call legalzoom and well connect you with an attorney. Legalzoom. Where life meets legal. Lauren guess who is downplaying potential shutdown is investors. Global investors are not concerned here, riva the . Good morning, it would seem as though they arent particularly concerned if you look at movement in the the stock market, for instance, you barely seen any reaction. Dow is pretty near alltime high and so is the s p and in the past youve had nervousness leading up but that doesnt mean this cant have some effects. I think the big question is, if there is a shutdown, how long does it last because that will determine how much economic damage it does and does this look more like 2013 where things kind of wobbled a bit but ultimately were okay or you see event that was like 2011 where the market was really shook and the u. S. Had sort of Credit Rating issues relate today this because you get into debt ceiling related fears and thats what investors should be paying attention to. Cheryl sweat coins of the world, people are still going to this stuff . Do not buy this, you are giving some guy your money and i will pocket it and i promise to manipulate the market and still went up 250 or Something Like that. So its pretty incredible. Cheryl 700 million. Lauren wow, search for volatile my. Riva, thank you so much. Cheryl all right, we have obviously to watch, thanks riva, we are looking at futures right now. 45 minutes or so, futures have been taking off. Lauren looking at the backdrop of potential shutdown. Lauren sensational run continues, good morning, Maria Bartiromo. You have a nice market to do with on your hands. Maria yeah, for sure, girls, thank you so much. Good morning to you, hi, everybody, happy friday, im Maria Bartiromo and it is friday january 19th, top st

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