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And create 20,000 jobs. It expects repatriation tax of 38 million. That mines they are bringing back 350 billion all. American workers clearly benefiting from the new tax cut but president obama still not getting the credit he deserves. Liz peak, gina loudon, and ford oconnell. President trump not getting any credit. Yesterday there was an article in the New York Times that the americans are warming up to the new tax laws but they dont give trump the credit. I think they will when they see the actual money and it makes an actual difference in their lives. 1,000 isnt that much money to them. But its a lot of money to most of americans. When they see it in their paychecks, it will make a big difference. Charles we have seen enough footage of nancy pelosi touting the virtues of 40. I think the big fight Going Forward is whos going to get credit. Right now, ironically a lot of people think it was the previous administration. If im republicans running campaigns ill run that nancy pelosi clip over and over. But who is going to get the credit when the midterm 2018 elections occur. I dont care whether you like donald trump. But you cannot argue with the success and the results. Consumer connell if i dense is through the roof. What more have you got to do given how bad we have been the last 8 years. But nancy pelosi and democrats will keep poopooing it. Charles the market goes up, but the way this market has gone up under President Trump. Last week i think was the best relationship between a huge rally and volatility. I think there is a sea change about how people feel about business and how Business Managers feel about their products. As far as who gets credit for the bonuses. The wall street journal did a survey of 68 economists. I also think this is a movement. I think its a movement. Its also small companies. Now hundreds of them across the country. In every Community People are staying what about your employer . I think thats huge. Charles a lot of this enthusiasm occurred the last 6090 days. Its a matter of finding a way to make sure the republicans know how to seize upon this knowing the Mainstream Media wont let them. Tammy part of this enthusiasm is based on, this is donald trump. During the legislative fight for the taxfree form, thats why its important for them. Its not just important politically. But for this enthusiasm to continue for the right reasons, it could be at risk for anyone who wants to Say Something thats a lie or different. The president needs to realize this is an Election Year rally after rally. He needs to go to cities that will have to be covered. And they have blowups of all the names of the companies and what they are giving out. So those events are attached to him. Charles President Trump was scheduled to go to pennsylvania, that was a state he turned. He worked really hard. Everyone between philadelphia and pittsburgh got the epiphany. Michael rendell was upset because she forgot about those folks. So i agree with tammy, going to the folks who got him here in the first place is the way to get it done. I think there are other unintended consequences. Remember unintended consequences under democrats it was things like people lose their Health Insurance and cant afford the premiums. These unintended consequences such as jobs coming back from overseas and all these bonuses and benefits will keep replicating themselves. When if you free a market economy like this, things that are good happen and continue to happen. Charles success begets success. Tammy here is something none of us anticipated. This is a stimulus. If you have 2 million workers spending a 1,000 or 2,000 bonus, nobody saw that coming. Charles we have 48 hours potentially for a Government Shutdown. Lawmakers trying to cut a deal to keep the government open. The central piece of this is immigration and the wall. And overall spending is in jeopardy. Listen, we have seen this movie so many times before that we almost yawn. We think late friday there will be word they kicked the can down the road and bought themselves 45 days. The central issue whether immigration, daca, the wall, they are not going to go away. I dont think we are going to have a shutdown. I think it will be hard for democrats to turn down a 6year extension on childcare. But Going Forward, we have to couple with a solution for daca. The problem is i dont think dems want to make a deal. Republicans are ready to give them protection but it has to be in exchange for stronger immigration control. The republicans are going to have to find a way to unify and decide what solution they want. They can show they can govern and if they get a spending extension beyond that it will be a good path Going Forward. Why are republicans so afraid of the media putting a Government Shutdown at their foot. 18 shutdown, 13 years, gdp was down just once. The last three shutdowns saw the market up. So i was personally saying what the heck, im rooting for a Government Shutdown. Most of of us who detest spending in general and wish this was about belt tightening instead wouldnt mind a Government Shutdown. The ramifications are usually not so extreme. Generally i think the democrats are looking like massive obstructionists which is funny after hearing them whine about that for the last 8 years. Charles are they going to roll the dice on daca . Maybe we get a c. R. , continuing resolution friday. But ultimately something has to be done. Do democrats risk going into the midterm election. Could they be overplaying their hand amongst hispanic voters to whom they have promised this for a long time . Tammy this is the equivalents of what the republicans did with the repealing and overturning of obamacare. This is going to be about who blings first. Will donald trump blink about funding the wall and getting daca done . The democrats, there is so much infighting and the dnc effectively admitted that. Unless they get their act together, they will have real problems. Unless they decide, well fund the wall until we get daca. I dont see it happening in the next 45 or 90 days. Charles do you think the government shuts down or do you think ultimately there is a compromise . I think there will be a compromise. But who gets the blame, the house or the senate. The house, it will be conservatives who stop the spending bill. If its the senate, it will be democrats. I think they will have a hard time explaining to hispanics how they didnt get this done. The problem is they dont want a rose garden ceremony with donald trump signing an immigration deal. Disaster for democrats. Charles sanctuary city leaders beware. The department of Homeland Security maybe coming for you. Think about the perp walk. 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The context of this is putting the officers at risk and also finding an efficientent and effective way to address our immigration laws. Charles dhs is look into the possibility of bringing charges against some sanctuary city leaders. Katie, i have got to tell you, the saber rattling is becoming very intense. To hear dhs say we may ultimately go and arrest these officials brings to mind maybe we could see rahm emanuel doing aer. Doing doing a perp walk. Is it going to go that far . I would caution going that far. If there are charges they can file. There is nothing concrete now. But it goes to say that these sanctuary cities are harboring criminals. They are harboring dangerous Illegal Immigrants who have killed people and have broken the law, and thats putting americans at risk, and thats not acceptable no matter who you are. Charles boston and cambridge all laughed at the possibility of dhs considering arresting them for taking action against them. Everyone is emboldened. They are emboldened to tell the federal government, we are not going to listen. To tell american citizens we are not going to protect you and we think these Illegal Immigrants have as much rights as you do. The people giving them sanctuary seem to think they are on the moral high ground. As for the dhs looking into the possibility of prosecution, its always a good idea for those whose job it is to enforce the law look to see if the law is being broken. The debate is whether or not laws will be enforced. It will be ironic if prosecutors saw that local officials were breaking the law or not enforcing the law and their response was to not enforce the law against them. Charles i interviewed judge napolitano earlier today and brought back the images of School Segregation when federal troops had to help kids get to school because local officials were trying to block the federal mandate. He says legally it cant be done. But the executive branch has an obligation to protect its citizens. How can they do it if these cities refuse to comply . Asking me how they could do it is beyond my purview. But its important for them to look at the books and see what laws they can apply in this situation. But you have to drive home the facts that these sanctuary cities, these politicians are putting Illegal Immigrants from other countries above actual american citizens, the people that live in their cities and their states. If thats not unpatriotic, i dont know what is. Have they given up on the idea of trying to use the power of the purse . Is that still a viable option as well . It may be a viable option. But i note administration has not given up on that entirely. There is a principle here and i think one of the important things going on is those who are harboring illegal aliens in localities are trying to suggest that those who oppose that are opposed to immigration. It isnt the immigration part of illegal immigration a lot of people object to, its the illegal part. Americans want to see the law enforced. If you can prosecute local officials for breaking the law, thats probably a good thing to do. Charles rule of law is something i think americans voted on in november. A campaign to split the golden state in two. Those details are next. That all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Chart two california conservatives launching a campaign called New California which would separate the counties in the state. With me now, antonio, we heard these sort of things floated around. There was a Silicon Valley guy who wanted his own state. But california is such a different state. We think of it as one big liberal state. But its not. And many people feel like their views arent being represented. I think its a great idea. Im here to win this election in november for the people in district 26 and also california. Its a beautiful state. We are allowing the liberals to run our lives and run the state into the water we have the homelessness numbers the highest in the country. People who own businesses, make this state great, they left. We are allowing Illegal Immigrants to come here and use our taxpayer money. And we are protecting them. We have got to tell the people this has got to stop. We have to put the American People first. Thats why im fighting and im going to win and go to congress in november. Charles gina, you love california but it came to be too much for you as well. I would love to see california restored. The way it is written it might allow two more leftist senators to be seated and we wouldnt want to see that in our senate in the United States. But here is the thing, charles. We have the negotiating president now, so im thinking maybe there is some sort of negotiation that he can come up with that will make this work. Im thinking of my friend there under tyranny under governor brown. The thought of them being free and putting that cesspool of liberalism where it belongs, and they will become venezuela in short order. If there were a way to make it work short of the senators who are so leftist, it would be a good thing. Charles there are people in that state who are absolutely fed up. 13,000 additional homelessnessn last year in california he lone. Its become a state of haves and have nots because of these policies. I moved here in 1985 and it was prosperous then. If you go to los angeles, and look at the neighborhoods, there is devastation. Look at the worst cities in this country, they are run by democrats. This year we have an election. We need to vote for guys like me. Vote antonio. Com and donate to our campaign. If you care about america, lets take care of our country. Charles if you do get a New California, im going to start the new new jersey. The Mainstream Media compared President Trump to the most of brutal dictators including adolph hitler. How do you win at business . Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com start winning today. I needthats whenvice foi remembered that my exex exboyfriend actually went to law school, so i called him. He didnt call me back if your exex exboyfriend isnt a lawyer, call legalzoom and well connect you with an attorney. Legalzoom. Where life meets legal. Show of hands. Lets get started. Who wants customizable options chains . 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Its despicable that jeff flake used the privilege of the senate floor to attack our president and compare him to a brutal maniacal dictator from the soviet union. Its unbelievable, its unacceptable. Thats why i cleajed everybody running for his seat to condemn these remarks. Charles tammy, of course stalin has been credited with killing between 2040 million people. For him to go down this route was pretty amazing. Tammy jeff flake belongs to a party of one. Hes out for himself. When you make statements from the senate floor, you cant be sued. When you are speaking to an empty chamber except for two, you are doing it for the cameras. This is what makes people not take Congress Seriously and why hes not running again. The fact of the matter is what you have got with the press, thats what stalin said about the press. You look at the faces of the people in the room during the doctors report on the president s health. Dejected looks on their faces. The affliction of the sads on that room it was okay to points out the truth of the matter. Maybe hes not talking about brian ross or all the other people who decide to mislead the American People deliberately its the press that needs a reflection on themselves, not the president of the United States. Charles the press its so easy for the press, for it to roll off their tongues and mention hitler in the same breath as President Trump. Morning joe ripped donald trump in october of last year. He compared him to chairman mao and stalin. Senator flake has nothing to lose, he isnt running for reelection. But he did a disservice to himself by comparing a president with thin skin to a dictator who murdered millions in the gulags. It does a disservice to the people who suffered underralins rule to compare a president who says mean things on twitter to a dictator. Im not sure what he was trying to do, but all he got was an empty echo chamber in the senate. Charles a steady shows cnn and nbc verys coverage of President Trump 93 negative. The coverage has been like that since before he was inaugurated. There was a story out during his first 100 days the coverage was 80 negative. Basically he has faced a hostile express throughout his presidency. And a lot of the press has pretty much openly decided it is in off significance, not simply an observer. One thing that struck me about what senator flake said aside from the comparison and quoaf takes from stalin. He said the destruction President Trump is doing with his attacks on the media cannot be overstated. Well, his speech overstated it. The truth is the since institutions of democracy in this country have considerably stronger and he gives them credit for. President trump is not destroying those institutions. Charles today President Trump gave a moving, moving commentary to bob dole. And i can tell you no network outside of fox news carried it. It was beautiful and touching. A roomful of republicans and democrats honoring a man who has given service to this country for decades and they continues put it on there. Tammy hes a man who exemplifies what some democrats say they want. But this how they abandoned their job and thats an example. Charles another record day on squall street. I told you, dont panic. Crushing through 26,000. The big question now, dow 27,000 . I might have an answer for you. Well be right back. Ooooooh snap every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. Yeeaaahhh boy. Kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. Holy smokes. That is awesome. Strong. You got the basic, and you got the beefy. I just think it looks mean. Incredible. No way. Start your year off strong a new chevy truck. Get a total value of over 9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Whcold sore. Et you . Grab lunch . Cold sore. 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All s p sectors were higher and there were a lot of things that plays out, for example, with the industrials. The juggernaut building on last years leadership move. Then discretionary stocks. Like boeing giving a lot of cash from asia. How the stocks are doing on another session, in addition, fighting the new tax blahs, ubs lifted the targets. And dr horton from 58 to 53. Then there was merger scuttlebutt that sent shares of geno therapeutic higher. Then there is the biggest Corporate News of all from apple. It will bring billions of dollars into the u. S. Economy. 350 billion over five years. 2,500 for stocks for certain employees. Bank america says apple will reach a new market cap of 51 trillion. New analysts say look for apple to be the single biggest contributor to the dow. The last three shutdowns the s p saw gains. The gdp in 13 years of shutdown only declined once. Here to discuss it all, the former dallas fed advisor. This market is on fire, the economy is on fire. One of the things that stuck out to me is the repatriation of money. Apple bringing back 350 billion. How does that change the equation . To me, nobody has as much cash overseas as apple. But apple set the precedent. Now all the others followed potentially by the pharmaceuticals, the others in this space will have to follow the leader. Apple is not just saying we are bringing the money home. They are saying we are bringing the money home and we are going to create jobs. The last time we had a big patriation onshoring of profits, we didnt have a twitter world. So the optics of what apple has done are fantastic. Lets put it in perspective. What the standard and poors 500 created since the first of the year, over a trillion dollars has been gained, since election day, 5. 5 trillion. These are big, big numbers. Charles the last time we had repatriation is the last time our gdp grew by more than 3 . The last time we had gdp above 5 was 1984. The last time gdp was above 3 was 2005. Can we get this economy moving again at all . Its a good question and i dont have a really good answer. If you look at the gains released today, you saw the dallas districts by the way. What you are seeing is the economy on a huge sugar high as it rebuild from the natural disasters we experienced in 2017. The question is what happens in the second half of the year. Are these repatriated dollars going to do a thought help propel the market beyond rebuilding effort from these natural disasters . I hope the answer is yes. Charles thank you very much. I have got a special programming note for you. You have to be sure to catch strange inheritance tonight. Jamie colby features the story of that turner who led the rebellion. And the family that inherited one of rembrandts lost works. A former cia officer has been arrested for keeping a notebook full of secrets and using them to pull off one of the worst intelligence breaches in decades. Well be right back. 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Charles a former cia for under arrest for having a notebook containing classified guarded secrets. Former officer is suspected of funneling this information to china and it led to the death or imprisonment of more than a dozen informants. Here to discuss, peter brookes. Former Deputy Assistant secretary of defense. Former bush 43 state department official. Peter, let me start with you here. When i read this story, it was fascinating. I had no idea this was still going on. Then the amount of deaths. 1820 informants i in prison and possibly killed. How did he pull this off . My sense is because of his access into intelligence operations he was able to take specific information he was knowledgeable of and potentially share the with the chinese. He has not been charged with espionage to my knowledge. The indictment charges him with having sensitive defense information. So they may not be able to put together a case that leads to espionage. But if the inferences we have seen in the recording with correct, he could have shared this information with the Chinese Intelligence Services that led to the breakdown of the Intelligence Network and the break down and death of chinese assets. How potentially dangerous could the situation be for us . I any pretty dangerous. This an example of the chinese doing a better job than we have been doing with intelligence and they have got peters information, they have my information. Anybody who worked for the government for years, they have sit. This is another victory. Leon panetta was in charge of the cia when this was happening, and was probably the best of the obama appointees. But you have to wonder if we were on top of things as we should, they may not have charged it with more because there is a much bigger issue they are still working. But either way, i cant help but wonder why are they treating him so roughly . All he did was have classified information like to hillary and huma did. Charles you suggested the different standards for different people. Isnt there a set of best practices that will be common no matter what administration is in office . And if you see there is a series of mishaps, shouldnt a yellow or red flag been raised a lot sooner . I think so. And i defer to peter on this. But it seems to me something more would have been done rather than let all these years go by. One scenario was he was disgruntled. He didnt like the new life he had. Maybe he wanted to stay in the cia. He decided to help the chinese. And after they use him as much as they want, then they start killing them off. They probably got their value out of them then moved on. This is disappointing. We put tremendous trust into the government employees, especially those who work in the intelligence communities. It takes some time. I think there was a sixyear lapse between when these assets were wrapped up, according to open source reporting. So this takes some time to put these things together. Thats not uncommon if you go back and look at cases of the 1990s as well of americans working with the russians. This can be a difficult, painstaking, difficult process to put together an indictment. You may have a suspicion, but to put together an indictment that will hold in my experience. Charles probably its happening even more considering how many nations pose a threat to us. Thank you both for your expertise. Coming up, the navies of nato are suffering more setbacks at sea. More details on it all when we come back. We recently had a heart attack. But we are not victims. We are survivors. We are survivors. We are survivors. And now we take brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. We take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams. As it affects how well brilinta works. Charles well germany, the latest nato country facing issues on the water. Germanys latest warship, battling delays, technology challenges. The german navy says the ships central Computer System has yet to pass any of the tests. This has russias navy flexing its muscles. This is part of the arctic drills and now leaked documents are showing its developed an under water arm drone capable of carrying a nuclear war head. With me now, retired Navy Captain William parker, and back with us peter brooks. Captain parker, let me start with you. We did a story not long ago that for the first time perhaps since century, there was not a single british warship out of port. We see whats happening with germanys latest navy effort and we know that america, our navy has been stretched very thin. First of all, nato and the United States in particular are still the most competent war force to go to sea and to deploy in our lifetime and maybe in history. That said, russia and china in particular are closing the gap. And in particular when you look at the United States navy, for example, 340 years ago we had about 600 ships on an average day we had 100 dea employed. Today we have 280 ships and on an average day we have 100 deployed. While the number of ships have gone into half, the number of ships deployed remains the same. Were stretched thin. At the same time the russians and the chinese are developing hyper sonic weapons. Theyre increasing their nuclear capabilities. Its something to watch closely. When you talk about technology and building new ship classes in particular, thats nothing new. The class destroyer was very complicated. Had trouble with that when we first built it. Imagine taking a large building, turning it on its side and dipping it in salt water. Thats what youre doing with these new complex systems. Charles another thanks worrisome is maybe in the future you dont need toe large carriers. They can develop underwater drones that can evade radar. You dont need to same size budgets or the same technology the Way Technology seems to be heading. Thats called a symmetric warfare e r we heard about the attack in syria using armed drones. The terrorists used this in raqqah. They put grenades on hobby drones and dropped them on the fighters. A symmetry is important if you dont have the strength to stand up, you develop submarines are other standoff weapons and this technology is being used cyber today. Think about that capability in warfare. Youre right, it doesnt always have to be big and gray and float and have a lot of airplanes on it to be wowfl f powerful. There are other ways, swarming techniques. Its out there. Its a possibility. Charles real quick, do you think weve been lulled into a false sense of security or do you okay . I do not think were okay. Were at the point where were very capable but we need to get our act together and begin building unit together. Numbers matter, i agree with peter. Charles thank you very much for your expeer tes. We had an amazing remarkable day in the stock market. The dow through 26,000. Now the man himself lou dobbs is next. Make sure you keep it right here. Concerns tonight that congress is headed toward a Government Shutdown. Lawmakers have two days to pass a spending bill but the democrats are insisting on amnesty for Illegal Immigrants and conservatives are demanding Border Security and more military funding. Well take it up with congressman ron desantis in moments rhino republicans ramming up their desperate attacks on the president. Retiring senator jeff flake taking to the senate floor to compare President Trump to joseph stal stalin

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