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Tomorrow, here is what is developing right now. At this hour President Trump leaving florida, returning to the white house and the fray, firing back at democratic senator dick durbin in a tweet just moments ago after the senator claimed he made vulgar comments about haiti and african nations in a meeting last week. Details on this and what effect it will have on the immigration deal. Attempts at avoiding a Government Shutdown just four days away. As democrats are calling the president racist the country is honoring the life and legacy of dr. Martin luther king, jr. Alveda king, activist, niece of the civil rights icon joins us with a response. Hawaii is still trying to shake off the panic from a false alarm that sent people scrambling for their lives. You wont believe where one congresswoman is placing the blame for the whole thing . The latest on the fallout and what we now know. Also joining thus hour, lieutenantgeneral Thomas Mcinerney, steve hilton, charlie hurt, noelle nikpour. David on a day that is supposed to be a holiday we have a late lineup. Melissa dont want to miss it. David President Trump suggesting in a tweet posted moments ago any bipartisan solution is dead but lawmakers say a deal is still possible. Blake burman live at the white house with the very latest. Blake, think back, less than a week ago to all the optimism with the opendoor meeting they had that went on for about an hour that the whole public viewed we thought there was going to be a deal. I think the president did too. Reporter it was six days ago, tuesday afternoon here at white house they thought they would have the deal. Fast forward to thursday, the meeting inside here, the white house with republican and democratic lawmakers and what the president may or may not have said, if or if he did not refer to haiti and african nations as shole countries. The president over the weekend saying he is not a racist. He was asked about it. He pushed pack on it hard. He denied used that term for those countries and for those regions. The president got a little bit of backing over the weekend from the form of tom cotton and david perdue, two republican senators in the meeting, saying they do not recall the president president using that exact language. Senator dick durbin says he knows exactly what the president said. I didnt hear it and i was sitting no further away from donald trump than dick durbin was. I know what dick durbin said about the president s repeated statements is incorrect. I know what happened. I stand behind every word that i said in terms of that meeting. Im focused on one thing. Not that meeting but on making sure that those who are being protected by daca, ingellable for the dream act have a future in america. Reporter there is this President Trump weighed in on that half an hour ago, tweeting out the following, quote, senator Dickey Durbin totally misrepresented what was done at daca meeting. Deals can not get made when there is no trust. Durbin blew daca and hurting our military. What is left with all of this, is this daca deal a compromise that republicans and democrats are trying to strike up which would give protections for Daca Recipients in exchange for funding at the border wall, and some sort of reforms from the immigration system as a whole . The president continues to put the onus on democrats . You have a lot of sticking points, but they are all democraticking points. We are ready, willing able to make a deal. They dont want security at border. People pouring in. They dont want security. They dont want to stop drugs. They want to take money away from our military which we can not do. Reporter he said she said on one instance. You have a deal that needs to be worked out but this interwines with friday and the Government Spending, or the Government Shutdown potentially looming friday night as a spending deal, a spending bill needs to be worked out. Democrats want to see this daca fix included sometime by friday night. However, as we get closer, and as things now become even, even tougher here in washington to figure out this deal, remains to be seen what takes shape with this deal, and the Government Spending bill that needs to be hashed out here next four days, david and melissa. David if they hold up that deal, the military will sufficient ir, at least insofar its plans for expansion are concerned. Blake, thank you very much. Melissa . Melissa here is noelle nikpour, gop fundraiser,. Whats your take on all of this . It is hard to keep up. Well you know, it is unclear to me, melissa which team the democrats are pitching for. Are they pitching for the u. S. Military an americans . Are they pitching for you know, illegals that are here although you know they want to say here and we want to make a pathway for them, you know theyre still not entrenched here all the way like the u. S. Military fighting for you know, our rights. So it is very confusing. And you know, i really do think, i really do think if they will stop putting politics before what theyre trying to do, i really do think that we might be able to get something but if they hold us hostage by saying theyre not going to extend everything, on the deadline on the 19th, then theyre going to shut down the government and have it on their watch. Melissa that is kind of what everybody says about the other side. The other side is Holding Everyone hostage. Theyre being unreasonable. Theyre not agreeing to anything did you buy, it is only a week ago it looks like something was being worked out. At this point, what is your understanding of what are the sticking points . Why cant this get done at this point . Well, you know, it appeared there was going to be a deal. You actually had donald trump saying this is bill of love, i will sign anything. We all thought it would be kumbayah working together and something is going to be done but what is at work here theyre tying this to fridays deadline and thats the wrong thing to do because theyre developing some sort of a false crisis. Theyre developing a crisis over this. That is the wrong thing to do. They need to pick their battles. They need to go ahead and work with this for friday to get that passed versus hanging up. Melissa lets bring in steve hilton. The next revolution host, former director of strategy for british Prime Minister david cameron. We could use some strategy at this point. I mean, every side it seems like, the whole thing has ground to a halt. It seemed like there was progress being made. Yes. Melissa what would you say what would be the best move for the president right now if the goal was to move things forward and make a deal on the issues that are out there, namely spending, daca, and this border wall system. The most important thing for him to do remember why he was elected . The basic reason he was elected to get the economy moving. He achieved that with the tax reform in the nick of time. Thats great. What was the other thing, immigration. All through the campaign, he has to deliver on the promise, thinking ahead strategically to the midterm elections and beyond, he has to show he delivered results. He has to stick to his promise there. I think the fact that you have got this potential deal really there for the taking. The wall, the elements of the president s put in there, wall, visa lottery, chain migration and democrats i think have to get off this position of just blocking everything in order to insist on this clean dreamers protection. I think that politically that is not a good place for them to be in, to seem to holding up any claim of immigration deal in order just to get that done because i think that is not a position shared by the majority of the country. So i think the president needs to keep going, stick to his guns and insist on this deal and i think he can actually get there in the end because the democrats dont really i think to want to be seen stopping the dreamers frankly in order to block the wall. Melissa there is a way everybody could claim victory at this point especially since the president changed the wording to a wall system. He has given up on the idea of verbally, saying he is giving up on the idea of a wall that just goes straight across. Instead there is system more border security. Reason democrats said theyre in favor of that. He sees a deal on daca. Seems like there is a deal to be had. The question becomes, is there a way for a deal to go forward and democrats also to claim victory . Maybe that is why theyre holding out and blocking it . Well this is the things that i really dont understand and on our show last night i tried to press our democrat guest on this, if you are sincere about caring about the dreamers and wanting to protect them, then why cant you accept the wall as a price even if you think its a waste of money, even if you believe it is not necessary . Given a price worth paying given how much you say you care about the dreamers that is the message the president wants to advocate. I give you idea it is a waste of money if that is what you really think but our side of fence really believes in that. They want to see a wall. Melissa [inaudible] no. In the end that exposes the thinness of the democrats position. As you say there is a logical deal to be done here that keeps both sides happy. The democrats can say we fought for the dreamers around got the protection. Stuart i will steal that from you, steve. I deliver my promises. Melissa i will steal that from you. I love that point. Were out of time. Thank you, noelle. David . David desperate search for survivors on the west coast. Four people are still missing in those deadly california mudslides as emergency crews are working to clear debris before another storm hits area. The white house releasing a statement saying quote the president has been briefed and will continue to monitor mudslides in california. The president and first lady extend deepest sympathies to the families affected. Their appreciation for the firstresponders saving lives and prayers for those who remain missing. Fox businesss Hillary Vaughn is in montecito with the very latest. Hillary . Reporter to give you a sense how powerful and strong these mudslides were. Im standing on foundation of a home that exist adweek ago. It was wiped out by boulders this side who tore through here. The water carried them through, taking out walls, buildings, completely mangling cars. This home behind me here, the mud level was several feet high. We got a peak inside. Mud completely filling the entire home. This is not exterior damage situation. This is completely wiped out entire homes and belongings inside. I talked to the Santa Barbara county pio who told me the biggest concern now, not only looking for the missing people but firefighter fatigue. A lot of crews here just finished battling the thomas fire that tore through this very same neighborhood. Firefighters were here at the thomas firefighting the fire up here on the mountains. And then, you know, a couple weeks later were transitioning to mudslides. Fatigues, working on the piles extremely, really, really exhausting. Youre sinking into kneehigh mud, wastehigh mud in places. Dog teams searching in the mud. Moving debris. A lot of debris is heavy. We have excavators working in these piles. Reporter Officials Say they have absolutely no idea when people will be allowed back into their communities to assess damage or see even if they have a home left to return to. They have only assessed about 35 of the damage so far. We know that 65 homes have been completely destroyed. Nearly 500 others have been significantly damaged. Eight businesses have been buried underneath mud. 20 also sustained major, major damage. And as i mentioned earlier, they are still looking for those four missing people that at this point they are not sure if they will still be alive or if they will be found. We followed a k9 crew who is going from home to home, pile of debris, looking for any signs of human activity or life of anyone trapped below but as of now, they are working very actively to clear the scene and make it safe for people to return home, but rain is at way later this week, which means a lot of this progress, david, could be wiped out. David more rain, unbelievable. Hillary vaughn, thank you very much. Melissa . Melissa four democrats boycotting President Trumps state of the union because they say he is a racist. This is on Martin Luther king day, by the way. Activist and niece of Martin Luther king, jr. Alveda king joins us with her response to this. She is always a wise voice. David love that woman. New developments in the uranium one bribery scandal, although you wouldnt know it listening to the Mainstream Media. Well tell you what it all means for the investigation with links to the Clinton Foundation. Melissa hawaii still on edge after a false alarm that sent people scrambling for their lives and parents lowering their children into storm drains. Were live in honolulu, for latest on the fallout and what we now know. I was horrified. I was thinking of my family. My wife had gone out for a walk. I woke up my little girl who is 6 years old. In my head, i thought this is it, something bad is about to happen and i could die. You cant predict the market, but through good times and bad at t. Rowe price weve helped our investors stay confident for over 80 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. 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At the same time the Agency Behind that botched text responsible agency, has now been receiving threats from aggravated residents who simply didnt know what was going on where where to go. Some parents so frantic they actually tried to put their kids into sewers foreprotection. Since then the governor has apologized multiple times. That is something really seems to have resonated with President Trump. We hope it wont happy again but part of it is people are on edge. Maybe well eventually solve the problem so they wont have to be so on edge. Reporter weve learned that the mistake was the result of an employee at the Emergency Management agency who hit the wrong button during a shift change. That employee has been reassigned while this investigation continues. I talked to him this morning and just encouraging him to hang in there. We need to find out what is going on and advised him that well get ahead of this and, just to hang in there. Reporter and because of a flaw in the alert system it took 38 minutes from the time that first text went out to the time that a corrective text went out, 8 very long minutes for residents of hawaii. As a result of this, there will be state and federal hearings on this, so everybody can break this down, figure out exactly what went wrong and what they need to do to make sure it never happens again. Melissa. Melissa i have a lot of questions. Im not sure were getting those answers yet but maybe we will. Reporter youre not alone. Melissa thank you, david. David general mcinerney has answers. He is coming up by the way for you. While the Mainstream Media is doing walltowall coverage about what President Trump said or didnt say about third world immigrants, other news is conveniently overlooked, for example a new indictment in the uranium one story. Here to react charlie hurt, Washington Times opinion editor and it is very convenient these other stories are focused on where we are having Real Progress made on uranium one, isnt it . It really is. We talk about russian collusion, collusion with the russians, i mean, if that is what youre dead set on finding they dont have to go very far to find it. David yet theyre totally avoiding the story. Exactly. David spell out what happened. A guy named mark lambert, 11count indictment. He used to be involved with a nuclear transport company. If you remember the uranium one deal was contingent upon the 20 u. S. Uranium that the Russian Company got staying in the u. S. But there are reports that it was transported to canada, and from there it could have gone overseas. We are inching closer to that story, are we not . Right. Remember when this first emerged we were assured this wasnt a story. There is nothing here. Then we were told anyway, doesnt matter, because as you said it, none of the uranium, none of the supplies actually left the country. We found out, then we find out that actually they did, but then they said, it only went to canada. Of course now were starting to realize actually, they did not keep track of it there either. So we dont know where it went. David just to remind folks, the onus is not specifically on Hillary Clinton because there were several different departments in the u. S. Government that had to approve of the deal, but, there were nine investors in uranium one that contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation exactly when this sale was going on. The sale it took a couple years to pull off. While the sale kept going on they kept greasing the skids apparently with the Clinton Foundation. That is the part that really stinks. She didnt make the decision by herself and part of the process and going around shaking these people down for money, that is a huge scandal. Remember in terms of this investigation, that just got, that sprang this indictment, when, you know, all of that investigation was going on when the uranium deal was under review and the fact that that was concealed, certainly from the public but apparently from people that were making the decision to go forward with it, thats also kind of a scandal. Had trump done it we would be have full coverage. David finally there is this other scandal were dealing with, frankly, i think we were talking before the segment, you think it is the biggest scandal certainly of this time but maybe of all time the fusion gps scandal and the way the fbi might have been used or might have been complicit in the use of a phony dossier in order to try to move the election away from donald trump getting the white house. That story is still a lot of unresolved questions here. A lot of unresolved questions. When you clear out all the smoke, the single most important thing, the single most scandalous thing that may have happened in last couple years the idea that a phony batch of information cooked up by the kremlin would have wound up in the hand of the fbi and could have been what allowed the, americas spy network to get the warrants to basically have a sitting administration spying on a political opponent in the middle of a president ial election. David now one might think back to what happened with nixon and nixon was accused of having used u. S. Agencies to pursue his campaign in his election but, even there it doesnt go as farce as what some people suspect it went with fusion gps. Theyre all legitimate questions and people, they dont want to answer them. I understand why they dont want to answer them but it is terrifying stuff. David good to see you, charlie hurt. Thank you very much. Melissa. Melissa on this day remembrance, how would Martin Luther king, jr. React to President Trump . His niece, alveda king, joins us after the break. Ce to meet you. Have you ever had car trouble in a place like this . roaring of truck yes and it was like the worst experience of my life. Seven lanes of traffic and i was in the second lane. When i get into my car, i want to know that its going to get me from point a to point b. Well, then i have some good news. Chevy is the only brand to receive j. D. Power dependability awards for cars, trucks and suvs two years in a row. Woman wait laughing i definitely feel like im in a dependable vehicle right now. Woman 2 i want a chevy now. Woman 3 i know i can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It comes in a onceweekly, truly easytouse pen. The pen where you dont have to see or handle a needle. 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I think he is a racist. Melissa here now to react, dr. Alveda king, niece of dr. Martin luther king, jr. , civil rights activist, fox news contributor. I have been dying to have you on since this started because you have a unique way of getting the conversation back to, going in a positive direction that isnt about people taking shots and scoring points. What would you say at this point in time . Well, melissa, i tell you, i say we have been praying, people all over the country have been praying for america, for the president , for congressman lewis, for the whole situation, and as a member of the king family legacy, that is the family of Martin Luther king, sr. , and his wife albert can, three children, christine, Martin Luther king, ml, and my daddy a. D. King. Weve been praying that congressman lewis would remember the lessons that he not only learned but taught people in the 20th century civil rights movement, come to the table, make peace, communicate nonviolently. I understand that he is hurt and he is disturbed because he makes that point very clearly but the answer is not just to call somebody a racist. In this case President Trump. And not make efforts to resolve the situation. I brought in one of my books that will be released tomorrow it is called king truths. I want to release a statement that Martin Luther king, jr. , made and i quote i had it in the book as well. I am convinced that men hate each other because they dont know each other and they dont know each other because they dont know each other because they dont communicate with each other, and they dont communicate with each other because they are separated from each other. And my cousin bernice king quoted that at ml king day in her speech. I have it in my book. If congressman lewis can sit down at the communicating table, the peace table, and begin to have talks about unity, that is what we need in america. Melissa the difference between, i really come to appreciate that what is special about the king legacy is that it isnt selfserving and it isnt hypocritical, that is what i think people really react against when everything gets heated and everyone starts yelling at each other, you feel like nobody is really trying to talk to each other and solve the problems. Theyre trying to score points with their people, whoever their constituency, they see that constituency to be, rather than actually trying to communicate and make progress. That is the difference. How do we get back to that . Well this is, Martin Luther king day and weve got a new park in atlanta, georgia, a National Park named after him, that congressman lewis passed the bill, President Trump signed the bill. That is something they had to do together. I believe congressman lewis needs to step on into it and do more things with communicating together to make it work. It can happen and i do not believe that president Donald John Trump is a racist. You know what . The economy is better. The job, Unemployment Rate is down in the black community and across the board. Job rates are going up across the board. People in business now are saying we will lower our own, well have our own, our own breaks to our employment. Theyre giving bonuses to employees. All of this is under the leadership of president Donald John Trump and he is just not a racist. Melissa do you have any feelings about what you think he said . Do you care . Do you want to know what he really said . Does the sentiment behind it trouble you no matter what he actually said . I immediately felt when i heard it, oh, he is talking about the conditions like a hellhole kind of thing because i dont use the other word, with corruption in the countries where the leaders are corrupt like we were talking in the previous segment. Sometimes leaders can be corrupt, take all resources from the people. The people are suffering is the answer is, lets move to america. I believe once our swamp is drained he wants to help drain some more swans. I believe we should help our president get rid of corruption. I believe he wants to do that. Melissa dr. Alveda king, thank you for coming on. We always appreciate usual time. Thank you. Thank you. David she makes a great point. In fact that is exactly what Lindsey Graham said a couple years ago. He called these countries hell holes, referring to the governments that controlled the people. It is impossible to progress if youre a honest citizen in a place that is a hellhole. Melissa that is frustrating they dont want to con mute with each other. David that is why we love alveda king. Ralph nader says beware of amazon. He is here to explain that. Melissa what needs to be done for the budget. That is coming up next. Weil cnbc is on tape, were open for business. 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Reporter well there are republicans in the house, melissa, who are not thrilled about having to pass a fourth cr, continuing resolution, which is a temporary measure but lets assume the house does pass it while the democrats you already discussed in the senate saying we have to have a immigration portion to this, the daca deal. People like martha mcsally, the representative from arizona say, keep it separate, do a clean cr. Sheer is what she told trish regan. Only deadline coming up this week is on the government funding and we need to make sure that we have a deal that supports our troops, that funds our military, so they can keep us safe. It is the democrats that decided to try to hold the funding discussions hostage to something that has nothing to do with the deadline this week. Reporter the democrats can do that because in the senate you need 60 votes to pass a continuing resolution. And the republicans have only 351. So the democrats are appeasing their base but pushing issue important to them, the daca deal. Then are people like republican Lindsey Graham says a deal can be done. Everyone get on board. Here is what he said not too long ago. Mr. President , close the deal. 80 of americans want to give the daca kids a better life. And 80 of americans want to secure our border and change a broken immigration system. It is going to take you, mr. President , working with republicans and democrats, to get this done. Reporter so the talk on the hill is, yes they will probably get a minimal cr, get us to next week. As you know talk is cheap. Back to you. Melissa it sure is. Adam, thank you. David nowhere more so than inside of the beltway. Amazon shareholders have little to complain about right now. In three years the stock has gone from 300 bucks a share to over 1300 and with good sales now soaring all long with all other retail items theyre involved with, who knows where the stock will be in a year. Why is stockholder ralph nader unhappy . Lets ask him. So, ralph, whats your beef . For 20 years amazon sitting on a pile of cash and a lot of executive wealth hasnt paid a dividend. That money belongs to the shareholders. It will stimulate the economy. 2 dividend will ump 8 billion a year into the economy and mutual funds, Pension Funds, individual investors. We tried this with cisco a few years ago. David you were successful with cisco. You remember that. David your pressure helped raise the dividend quite a bit. Let me ask you this. If im somebody that bought shares at 300 or 600, i guess you bought your shares at a discount from where it is right now, were they about 800, 900 bucks a share when you bought in. It was 960. David it is 1300. People who made a lot of money on paper very happy right now. That is on paper, you put your finger on it. Amazons stock is hugely inflated, selling 300 times price earnings. Facebook for example, is 33 times price earnings but these new companies sitting on piles of shareholder cash, facebook, google, amazon, they got to share it with the shareholders. David hold on a second, ralph, because amazon is not apple. Amazon is not have big a pile of cash. One of the complaints of amazon was that they were putting all of their money back into the company to expand their market share for years. They werent making any money, any profit. The money kept going back into improving their market share. Turned out bezos knew what he was doing. Well, he should ask the taxpayers whether they, excuse me, he should ask the shareholders whether they want dividend. I think most shareholders do want dividend. Most Pension Funds, university endowments, mutual fund, individual shareholders like myself, we want a regular dividend. It establishes a fundamental basis of stability for a company. Because david ralph, if i bought the shares, i didnt, i wish i had, if the bought the shares at 300 or 400 and i saw it go up to 1300, i sell half of what i own and be very happy. That is what i take as profit instead after dividend. That is what you would do. A lot of people dont pay any attention to this theyre part of mutual fund and Pension Funds and they deserve dividends. One thing, if there is a government investigation announced of amazon, and there is indications that there are, that stock will deflate very rapidly. David it could. 300 to one is incredibly inflationary ratio. The important thing to put it on stable basis of dividendpaying which studies show are much better for companies. David ralph, im getting a wrap, i have to ask very quickly, do you put the same pressure on Berkshire Hathaway on Warren Buffetts stock . They havent paid a dividend for years. You put it on all the big stocks that have cash flow. People want to be part of the shareholder effort on amazon, like we did with cisco go to nader. Org, give us your contact. David you did have success with cisco. God bless you on that. Ralph, thanks for coming in. Interesting. Thank you. Melissa head of three major carmakers talking taxes to fox business at the detroit auto show. Ford Ceo Jim Hackett said he is opting not to give his employees a onetime bonus because of other profitsharing programs that are in place. Meanwhile Fiat Chryslers ceo, Sergio Marchionne is giving 60,000 employees a bonus check for 2,000. Ceo of toyota telling fox business he says he will sell 200,000 more cars because of tax reform and consumer confidence. Interesting. David false alarm fallout, it continues. Why one democratic congresswoman is partially blaming the Ballistic Missile warning mistake on President Trump. Lieutenantgeneral Thomas Mcinerney sounding off coming next. Its okay. This is what weve been planning for. 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We have to understand north korea is holding on to these Nuclear Weapons because they think it is the only protection from the United States coming in and doing to them what the United States has done to so many countries. David why congressman Tulsi Gabbard blaming the United States for north Koreas Nuclear arsenal, charge that caught abc host George Stephanopoulos offguard. We have lieutenantgeneral mcinerney. General, we are responsible for north Koreas Nuclear arsenal and you say what . Im stunned that she could say that david. All these years they have not had Nuclear Weapons and have we taken since the end of korean war any action against them, even though when they shot down a super cony and all the rest of isnt is she clueless . Where has she been for last 25 years initially clinton, bush, obama enabled the north koreans to develop this Nuclear Capability . We funded them money because they said they wouldnt. They lied to us. David they sure did. They had other reasons. It was not just us. What do you think happened on saturday . You used to be involved with our Nuclear Arsenal so far as the air was involved in the triad. What happened . Well, they made a mistake. It is that simple but lets take the best lesson out of it. Lets make sure we have credible deterrents there. Lets not focus on a person hitting the wrong button. Do we have a Credible Nuclear Deterrent in theater in south korea and for north korea . I do not think we do and continuing resolution, this friday, they are hurting our military hugely, david. Our military hasnt had an ability because of continuing resolution does not allow the military to have new starts on equipment. David yeah. We need that to get a credible deterrent. David no doubt a Government Shutdown would hurt our ability to get that deterrent but again, i dont want to focus too much in the weeds but ha was putting the blame on fema for what happened. They said, thats why they took so long to be able to turn off the alert. Fema has struck back saying, that fema approval was not required to send retraction message. The hawaiian Emergency Management Agency Possesses the Authority Without intervention or approval from fema. Is that true . Thats true. It is hawaiis fault, plain and simple. David they are trying to deflect blame to the feds. Exactly. David how can we prevent it from happening again . You need a twoman concept, if you put out anything like you need twomen to agree. Like the Nuclear Weapons, we have twoman concept it is that simple. David you believe one guy was responsible for pushing one button to set off this alert . I do. David wow, very interesting. General, we have to leave it at that, general Thomas Mcinerney great to have you here. Thanks, david. Appreciate it. Melissa a fortune hanging in plain sight. How one forgotten treasure turned into a Million Dollar payday for two brothers. 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He was so calm, every time i presented a bid, he would say, yes. Then all of a sudden 5,000, that happened in no time. Are you thinking that people on the phone are making a mistake or they know something you dont. They know something i dont. Melissa here is jamie colby host of strange inheritance. What did they know, jamie . Not every day you can outsmart a top auctioneer like john nye in new jersey. He thought the painting was worth 500. It wasnt signed t was in pretty rough condition, wasnt all that pretty but turns out it is a longlost rembrandt. Ended up to this family in new jersey. Hammered not 500 reserve but over a million. Melissa the picture itself was a little bit strange, right . It was somebody passing out . I thought it was a little disturbing, when rembrandt was 17 years old, it is not just rembrandt, it is one of his first works he did an allegory to each of the five senses. They are owned by at lieden collection a very famous rembrandt collector. This was found in new jersey. Ultimately resold to that collector for an estimated 4 million. Maybe when our show airs well find that fifth one in somebodys basement or attic. Melissa i love i cheated, i watched this. I love that the brothers, i had the painting, look at it, think it was so weird. The other one is like i didnt even notice it was ever there. Here was a fortune just sitting there. You also have gnat turners bible i gnat nat turner. This is different. That family was not look for the money and laughed about it. Only wished their parents knew what they had all these years a rembrandt. This family lore said they had nat turners bible from the 1831 stave revolt. Turner had the bible on him the whole time even when he was hanged, it is believed. This was given to a white family that lost family members during the revolt. They kept it in a dish drawer for many years. Even the curator of the smithsonian africanamerican museum said, how can it be . Not only is it, this family turned down millions of dollars. They believe it is americas bible. It represents freedom and unity and forgiveness. And they wanted everyone to see it. So they donated it. Melissa that gives me chills. Amazing story, medical list. People write us, 11 of 26 stories were viewersubmitted. I get to meet the families. These are some of the greatest stories about great americana you cant see it anywhere but on fox business. It starts tonight and tomorrow night were really excited. Melissa jamie, fourth season. Congratulations. Strange inheritance, we cant wait. 9 00 p. M. Eastern on fox business. Thank you. Melissa nice. David meanwhile the cost of a twoyearolds obsession with batman. Why Sarah Huckabee sanders is taking issue with amazons alexa. Tell you why. Melissa alexa drives me crazy. Go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. In people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. Call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. Ask your doctor about anoro. Go your own way get your first prescription free at anoro. Com. Melissa Sarah Sanders has a little beef with a lex a. The White House Press secretary is calling out amazon after her young son inadvertently ordered 80 toy using the companys echo device. David sanders tweeting a lex a we have a problem if my two year old can order a batman toy by yelling batman over again into the echo. Melissa my kids yell alexa, bring me pizza and i say alexa, you better not. David has she brought you pizza melissa not yet. Well see. Here is risk reward. Fox business open for business today, while the competition sleeps. Yeah, and we have big Economic News to report for you tonight by our countdown 170 companies have already announced bonuses, wage and salary increases, 401 k bumps, expansions following the passage of the republican tax cuts. Breaking tonight more of the same with the Fiat Chrysler ceo saying exclusively to fox business that American Automakers are now reinvigorated thanks to those tax cuts. Were also keeping our eye on Immigration Reform for you tonight. Some republicans during last weeks meeting are insisting

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