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Congressman ron desantis of the House Judiciary Committee joins me live plus maria sits down with Jp Morgan Chase Ceo Jamie Dimon to get the current state of the economy as we look ahead right here today on sunday morning futures. Trish the administration will resume accepting applications for daca renewals after a federal judge blocked the president s decision to end the program but the Program Still faces a rather uncertain future. Congress is struggling to come up with a permanent solution for daca as they also try to juggle funding for Border Security and mr. Trumps longpromised wall. President trumps venting his frustration on twitter just this morning saying daca is probably dead because the democrats dont really want it. They just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our military. My next guest took part in immigration talks at the white house just last week joining me now is senator david purdue of georgia good to have you here senator. Good morning trish. Trish is he right . Do the democrats not really want daca . Well the evidence is theyve been trying to do this for a number of years without any success. Three times in the last 11 years we tried to solve this immigration issue but the president has been very clear that any solution that daca must include Border Security including the wall, an end to chain migration and end this diversity of visa lottery. What we had last week were two meetings at the white house the president is very engaged in this issue just like he was on tax. Im hopeful that we have now opposing proposals that will allow us to get symmetry in this negotiation and in my business experience thats how you get to deal and i still think we have a possibility to do that. Look, 72 of americans want this to happen. They want to end the chain migration. They want immigration lip ited to the worker, the spouse, and the immediate children in that family and i think what were going to do here is see once we get past the funding deadline, which should have nothing to do with daca, we will move on to hopefully a bipartisan solution to daca and our immigration system. Trish you know, when it comes to the solution, you point out your business experience. Youve got to negotiate right . One side has to offer up something the other side has to offer up something and the impression were certainly getting at least out of the left is theyre not willing to allow one single dollar to go to a socalled wall because the wall symbolize everything that they will dislike about our president well, this is outrageous actually. Its a gross distraction away from the issue. The issue is this. The democrats have tried for years and the dreamer act in 2013 of schumer and durbin both talked about ending parts of chain migration so were doing things that the democrats have voted for and have supported in the past, just in the 90s under bill clinton, we had a president ial commission actually recommend an end to chain migration and move to a merit based immigration system, more based on who you are and not where youre from and so this is a point where most of the things were talking about democrats have actually voiced some support for over time. The problem now is youve got the politics involved in washington. Thats whats so frustrating to all of us out in the real world. Trish i get it. I mean watching that meeting by the way that was exciting to see i got to tell you just as a bystander watching that whole thing you were in on the meeting , correct . I was in both meetings last week in the white house and ive got to tell you the president made it open to the public. This was the most open and transparent dialogue weve ever had on immigration and this president s instinct i think the media was supposed to be in there for five or 10 minutes trish and they were in there for over 55 minutes so this president saw a need to be transparent with the American People. He wants to see that both sides while we differ theres enough Common Ground that we can get to a solution here if we have a genuine effort to do that. Trish well it certainly sounded like that. Watching that meeting again just as a spectator, it really felt as though there might be some room for negotiation. There might be room for compromise and then fast forward and now suddenly were back to sound bites in the media where everybody is saying that theyre digging in their heels and nothing will get done and i just question really whether anything can get done where were living in such a polarized political environment. How do you breakthrough . It has to get done. Trish, 72 of americans want to get this done and this is, weve limited the conversation. The president now has been successful just last week in limiting the scope of this. Look congress has failed three times in the last 11 years, trish, because theyve been too comprehensive and tried to solve the illegal problem, the temporary work visa problem and ilLegal Immigration problem at the same time and what were doing now is limiting this debate to just the Legal Immigration system and i believe we can get to a solution. Look ive been in big deals in the private sector and i can tell you that this is a deal to get done. The natural symmetry is there to get this deal done between a daca solution and ending this chain migration and at the same time, providing for the security of our country on our borders. Trish senator, the wall itself, the president promised over and over and over again that americans werent going to pay for it. Now, were learning its going to cost a lot of money and the money has to come from somewhere ultimately who will be on the hook for the wall . Is it the american taxpayer . Well its a great question and what we have here is a proposal that came to us last thursday from senator durbin and senator graham that would cost us according to congressional budget over over 26 billion. The wall right now the president is asking for funding of about 18 billion and right now, when you have the growing economy that we see right now because the president said job one this past year was growing the economy and he focused on three things, on energy, regulations, and tax and weve been successful in moving the ball in all three of those areas and we see the economy moving now so we get an economy going, we get trade deals done with mexico and other countries well find a way to fund that wall. Its a National Security issue trish. This is not just an immigration issue as we well know. Trish so you know, theres still some opportunity i would think there via these trade deals that can be renegotiated where we wouldnt be paying for the wall. You mentioned the economy senator and im glad you brought that up because it looks as though by all accounts the economy is doing pretty great youve got gdp upwards of 3 , record low unemployment, wages going up finally by the way because company after company, walmart included in that group is coming out and saying that theyre going to give back to their employees theyre raising wages and giving out bonuses, but you know theres still sort of a mentality among the left if you would right now where theyre not willing to praise the economy yet. Is that also in your view entirely motivated by politics . Trish, if this were any other president , getting the results that were getting right now in the economy, we would be crawling about the results. 2 million new jobs created last year, 860 regulations pulled back, 500 people bureaucrats fired at the va for non performance, 300 fired at the department of education. Consumer confidence is up at a 16year high. Ceo confidence is 20year high, 123 companies decided to give yearend bonuses related to the tax deal. Trish ill tell you this economy is beginning to move and what we have to do now is focus on immigration and infrastructure and trade to keep moving the economy forward. Those are the priorities this president has. Look this president s agenda is working and most people in america know that so what you have now is an outcry from the left that oh, my goodness, look at all these distractions. The American People are not going to be fooled by that and im very anxious to continue to get the truth out before them. Trish senator before i let you go what happened in hawaii . I dont know the details yet but it heightens the fact that somebody made a mistake somewhere and as a member of the Armed Services committee i can assure you well get to the bottom of that this week. Trish thats scary stuff. Very. Trish because you never know what can happen in the interim between getting an alarm like that and what our response would be. Trish, we all grew up, i grew up in a nuclear halo with the soviet union and the United States in the cold war. I can tell you the worlds more dangerous right now than any time in my lifetime. It heightens the fact that this president by reengaging with the rest of the world in fact is making the world safer. Look what he did with nato. He threatened to back out of nato as a candidate. Everybody, oh, my goodness you cant do that p you cant even threaten to do that but guess what, the nato nations are actually stepping up now and moving forward and increasing their funding for their military trish i thought that. The president , how about that the president is also moved to find funding to increase readiness of our own troops after eight years so the agenda is working. People are noticing that, and but we have a realization that we have a debt crisis and a National Security crisis that hes beginning to focus on. Trish hes got his work cut out senator purdue thank you so much good to have you here this morning. Thanks trish tell maria to get better. Trish i will. Its been certainly a week of controversy over the trump dossier republican congressman ron desantis wants to declassify those files around the same time a top democrat released the testimony of fusion gps co founder glenn simpson. What does congressman ron desantis hope to learn in all of this im going to ask him when he joins us next and remember you can follow us on twitter at sunday morning futures, stay with us. Much more to come. Parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try parodontax toothpaste. Every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. Yeeaaahhh boy. Kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. Holy smokes. That is awesome. Strong. You got the basic, and you got the beefy. I just think it looks mean. Incredible. No way. Start your year off strong a new chevy truck. Get a total value of over 9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. I had tried to quit before,g i had tried the patch. I tried to go cold turkey; it didnt work for me. 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Trish the chairman of the House Oversight subcommittee on National Security ron desantis is calling on House Speaker paul ryan to declassify the trump dossier files this comes as senator Dianne Feinstein released the full testimony of glenn simpson, hes the co founder of that firm behind the dossier, fusion gps. Congressman ron desantis, he joins me right now, he also sits on both the judiciary and oversight and government reform committees. Congressman good to have you here. Good morning. Trish where are we right now on this because it feels as though its been going on and on and on and we also have a whole lot of questions and i know you do as well. Do you feel like youre making any progress . Well i think we are actually the fusion gps transcripts of Glenn Simpsons testimony i thought was really devastating t people who have been supporting the dossier. In those transcripts simpson claims the fbi had an informant inside the Trump Campaign thats false. He claimed that Christopher Steel went to the fbi because he had a crisis and confidence of what was going on and felt he had to do it and he didnt mention one of the topranking Justice Department officials bruce ohrs wife worked for fusion gps, us much more likely thats reason why the fbi got involved and then he claimed incredibly even though he personally met with that russian attorney natalia the day before and the day after the trump tower meeting with don jr. And manafort, he said well i never knew that we never discussed that. If you believe they never discussed that meeting the day before the day of and the day after then ive got ocean front property at arizona id like to sell you so it just wasnt a credible presentation. So i think the reason why i want to declassify this stuff is because theres been so much misinformation and disinformation put out by groups like fusion but also by the press which has their narrative and they want to further it and i think the American People could learn the truth by just releasing the document so that we know how all this transpired. Trish what do you think really happened . I mean the concern of course being that possibly our government used a phony document , a politically motivated document by the fusion gps to then go in and wire tap the Trump Campaign. Do you believe that may be the case . So i have not been able to review the documents yet. Were going to try to get all house members to have access. I obviously want to have access personally but credible reports that i trust have said that this dossier was used to get surveillance and so the question is trish, one did the fbi know that this was funded by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton and if they did, and they still used it, without really corroborating anything because remember james comey even as late as the spring of 2017 said this thing was un verified, so why would you use it if you know it was Political Opposition Research but i think the flip side is also interesting. If they didnt know it came from the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, then how much Due Diligence did they really do on this document . Did they just take it at face value so we need to know what all else was going into this and i want to know the role of the infamous peter strzok fbi agent who said we cant afford to take the risk of a Trump Presidency and he was one of the lead agents on both the hillary case and trump russia collusion. I want to know more about the role of bruce ohr whose wife worked for fusion gps and i want to know more about the relationship between the fbi and crist o fear steel. The answer to those all questions i think will better inform was this an example of the government really working with one campaign against another, if so thats obviously very very problematic. Trish yes indeed and i suppose Mission Accomplished as far as russia goes, because if they were feeding disinformation to us via Christopher Steel, then theyve succeeded in creating this kind of chaos and lack of trust in the very thing that makes us the great country we are. George papadopoulos let me ask you about this hes being focused on one of the reasons why the fbi may have gotten involved in this so thats a twist and turn in the narrative in first we were hearing it was maybe because of the dossier and now its because well George Papadopoulos was effectively saying there were connections with the russians that would perhaps reveal Hillary Clintons emails during that campaign and that is what may have prompted them. What do you think of that story . Well, to me, that seems like somebodys interested putting out information to de emphasize the role of the dossier because i think people who may have been involved with this know the dossier is problematic and is not going to make them look good if they were involved in that so i think that was put out deliberately. Look here is my thing. I dont know if it was true or not but i can tell you that to start a Major Investigation based off some drunk 28 year old talking about saying the russian s have dirt on hillary, i mean, i dont know that they would start investigations on something so thin, so in some ways, the dossier even though it was not verified and its really been discredited at least its alleging things that would be serious if true. Hes just saying we hear the russians have dirt on hillary i think that would be very thin to start investigations so i am definitely interested how the investigation started. Im more interested what was done with this stuff to spy on americans but i think that thats an important question and it doesnt really make sense to me that George Papadopoulos would have been the main guy and remember even as early as a couple months ago James Clapper the head of National Intelligence said he never heard of George Papadopoulos before. Trish you ask all of the right questions here i think americans deserve answers for sure because its very disturbing when we think about the russians being able to infiltrate our system, this is one example if they were able to put this disinformation out there where they could really have done some damage and by the way they find of already have because here we are talking about it. Anyway i hope you get the answers you need thank you so much good to see you today. Thank you. Trish President Trump pushed through tax reform so whats next on his agenda, the ceo of Jp Morgan Chase is giving his assessment of the brand new law and tells Maria Bartiromo what he wants to see next from this administration as we look ahead here on sunday morning futures. Jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. All because of a burst water pipe in their house that ruined the Hardwood Floors in their kitchen. 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Well the ceo of Jp Morgan Chase he discusses the next step that he would like to see from the administration and from congress , what is needed to keep our economy going and here in an exclusive interview with our very own Maria Bartiromo watch it. I think 4 is possible. Number two, the fed also has to react to it so its not going to act not knowing whats going on so if you have a strong e condition o any they will raise rates more but the Strong Economy will dwarf the higher rates so you got to look at both sides and then selling bonds the American Economy is worth 100 trillion. Theyre selling 10 billion a month and that number will go to 50 billion a month so again if you have a very Strong Economy im not sure thats consequential. There might be a point in time when the fed isnt taking a favorable outcome, inflation think of 2019, inflation is too high, they got to sell more bonds and will raise rates faster than people think. And not when you have a real Strong Economy which gives them leeway to do various things. Maria it sounds like youre comfortable with Monetary Policy going away and fiscal policy taking center stage . Yes. Maria whats the disconnect then . Loan growth, just okay in certain areas, youve got an economy that seeps like its firing on all cylinders and yet youve got trading under some pressure, youve got loan growth not where one would expect . Loan growth is its a hard one to figure out so part of it when it comes to large corporations they always have a choice. Doesnt have to go in the loan or public markets. They can get it from overseas and do various things. But you are absolutely right in middle market where you would expect to see a little more growth and you havent and begun it may just be a little delayed. It may be a timing issue and we look at it in the short run and Small Business volume seems okay , real estate is okay, so mortgages is fine. Obviously it will be affected by rates going up but so far it looks like the economy is healthy. Maria so how do you get more lending in housing for those lower fico score people . Thats a great question. Ive been begging our government for years that we because of servicing costs, you know there are 3000 when we send you a bill for a mortgage now in certain states 3000 requirements to service that mortgage, hugely costly and risky to the servicer and in addition to that it costs more money to produce loans and so much litigation around it a lot of lenders have been much more elected to make loans precisely to the lower income, lower fico, selfemployed prior defaults and that would be fixed very quickly, so im hoping and the other thing we have so many people involved in the housing policy. I think theres seven regulars that set these policies theyve got to get in a room and finish that. If they do that the cost of a mortgage will go down for americans and make it not only the cost but it will go down for everybody but also open a whole segment in fact jpmorgan economy estimates had we done the right thing not going back to subprime just opening up these requirements a little bit, we might have been doing half a trillion dollars more a year, a year and that alone is. 2 growth a year and so i think that is one of the first things that the administration could do could actually help immediately. Make mortgages more accessible and cheaper for everybody and theres no risk to it. Okay . Everything has been written since the Great Recession has been absolutely pristine. Maria the chairman of the business round table. What does business want to see in terms of policy from this administration . The first thing was competitive tax reform and that was there. Now you didnt see any of the br t cos at least i didnt talking about individual, they said we need for america competitive taxes and we got that. The next things are on the administration agenda, infrastructure reform its complex. Theres bridges and ports and highways, faa, and highway taxes and state and local, but it could be done permitting that i mentioned before and Inner City School education something i think we could all fix, where we call smart regulation and while we do this we should do things to help the people in america left behind. I think it is true people are left behind. We should expect the tax credit and do a better job in fiscal education. Maria but as you say the criticism on both sides thats getting in the way. The infrastructure plan, you think these two sides can Work Together and get something done . I dont know. But they should. If they are americans and theyre patriotic infrastructure democrats, republicans both want maria are you expecting to finance some of the infrastructure programs . Yes, but i think its more, i mean if you said permitting that will just speed up what happens. If you said the highway tax credit, the highway tax gas bill they will get more building into highways so if we get more infrastructure obviously, youll do more financing, but we would have to change the policies and procedures to get that done. Maria and thats jobs. Its jobs. Maria real quick on markets here. With this tax plan and the savings for Corporate America would you expect the deal flow to continue and pick up in 18 and ipos obviously that was a slow start this past year. Yeah, i think so. We see a lot of m a chatter and dialogue activity. Companies, most Companies Want to grow and expand and acquire and build and thats mostly natural estate. The natural state isnt to buyback stock and do dividends so i think youll see that and having the competitive tax rate or growing economy will enhance that a little bit. Maria jamie any thoughts on rates and the fact theyre so low, the 10 year constant wand are . Theyve been lower than most people think and theyve gone up slower than people thought. I think its going to be a point in time when its faster than people think and i dont know if that now that Inflection Point but it wouldnt surprise me if some time in the next six to nine months but if its for good reason a strong American Economy thats okay. Trish a lot of good ideas from jamie. Well big changes could be ahead everyone for nafta. What would that mean for the auto business . One of the industries biggest players is joining me here live as we look ahead today on sunday morning futures. Ill see you here. Trish President Trump says hes open to extending talks with mexico and canada in terms of updating nafta beyond march and into the summer to avoid any uncertainty ahead of mexicos president ial election of course in july. This comeses as the president previously threatened to withdraw from the trade agreement unless major changes were made in terms of the negotiations. Any changes to nafta will likely have a big impact on the auto industry. Carl scone is the chairman and ceo of the Nissan Mitsubishi Alliance and chairman of Nissan Motor Company joining me onset right now good to see you. Good to see you trish. Trish changes to trade agreements, how does that affect the industry, how does it affect your company . It will affect a lot so thats why were all extremely attentive to whats going to happen. The fact that nafta is being re negotiated seems a little bit normal. This is a 2324 years old agreement and the reality of the threecountry change during the last 23 years, the fact that there is a reset for this agreement its fine. Its something very logical obviously the outcome will have a lot of importance for all of the car manufactures because we have based the supply system on north america for the north american market. If anything needs to happen here , it will have major impact on us. Trish are you concerned this will hurt your industry . It will. It may depending obviously we dont know how its going to be changed but we will be paying a lot of attention to the outcome of the negotiation. Trish one of the things hes talked about is having some kind of fair trade, freetrade and fair trade are different in that if were bringing in goods cheaply into our country, they in turn should be doing the same in other words he doesnt want tariffs happening on the other side and you look to a country like china for example, where its a whole lot more expensive to buy an american car in china because of the tariffs they put on as opposed to if you were to buy it here. We dont do the same kind of thing, so when you say its going to hurt your industry, is it really or is it just going to change your industry . Its very difficult to us thats because we dont know whats going to be the outcome. Obviously its a very important agreement, for all car makers we all based our investments and supply system in function of the present agreement and now the future agreement if there is any future agreement will have an impact on us so well have to be patient, wait and see obviously we are in contact with the administration to explain all of the pros and the cons of all of the changes we will be waiting for the outcome. Trish whats your thought on tax reform . I think its a good thing because obviously we will be sustaining economic activity. In fact i think thanks to the tax reform, we were expecting the market to go down, the car market to go down in 2018. I dont think it will. I think it will be remaining stable so its going to be sustaining activity. Trish in other words people have more money in their pockets they will go out and buy a new car its good for the industry. Positive for the American Economy . Yes. Trish does it mean at some point you might actually at least for any plans here start paying your workers more . Well, the fact that it is a very positive event makes us a review the perspective for the year 2018 even further and with this, decisions will be made in consequence. Its too early to say what were going to do but without any doubt its going in the right direction. Trish its Amazing Company after Company Hundreds have come out said were going to give our workers a bonus, were going to raise the minimum wage at all of its stores to 11 an hour providing up to a thousand dollars in bonuses and thats just as i said one of hundreds and theyre saying its because of tax reform, that theyre able to do this. The fear among some ceos was that the companies would horde the money and we would see a lot of share buybacks and dividend plays and that it wouldnt actually translate into much for the American Worker and yet already, knockon wood, it is. Do you expect that to continue . It sounds like you do. Yeah, i do. I expect this to continue and youre talking about the perspective also of a deal on infrastructure. This is also another potential very good news to sustain the economy so we think presently the u. S. Economy is one of the very positive spots on the planet and this is something that industry likes and this is something that industry would like to sustain, so if we get into a kind of virtual circle where, you know, the policy change and then Companies Respond to the policy change positively this can be positive for everybody. It has to be winwin in order to be sustainable. Trish jamie dimon is predicting 4 growth do you think it could happen . Great news z z. I believe what he said and his logic is very solid and this makes me more optimistic for the u. S. For 2018 and beyond. Trish so get away from the rhetoric for a second and the personality because i understand how polarizing he can be but when you look at the policy itself, at least as far as the economy is concerned, lets forget immigration and all of the other stuff the Economic Policy thats coming out of washington how do you grade it . Well as a business person, i just applaud this economy. Obviously. Trish and there for the president as well . Exactly. You need to give the president the merit of being the main person responsible for the economy and the decisions which are being taken are very positive. As a business person i applaud it. Trish thats a little dangerous for you to say. No. Trish i only point that out. Im very factual. Im not a u. S. Citizen. I dont live here. I live between paris and tokyo. All my companies obviously operate in the United States, we look at it as you said independently of any other conservation. Trish but i only say that because there has been ceos that said similar things and their customers go bonkers, but i think its honest and fair of you to look at the policy itself and tell us what you think that policy means for our economy. Tell me about the auto show . Yeah, well the auto show will be another good show. Obviously, it started that means detroit is one step but before detroit you had the Consumer Electronics show in las vegas. It was mainly about cars. I mean were mainly talking about cars, cars of the future this was about electric cars, about autonomous, Driverless Cars, connected cars so i think the Consumer Electronics show was a little bit the opening of the car moment that will end with the detroit motor show and with l. A. Trish by the way, i am really anxious i got to tell you for this driverless car because im not a big fan of driving. Realistically, when are they going to be for mass consumption look for mass consumption, you have a lot of Driverless Cars being driven trish by the way for my friends in Silicon Valley you go down the highway there to menlow park and nobody is actually really doing much as far as driving goes because so much is actually automated but when is it really going to be for everyone . Mass marketing i would predict this will come between 2021 and 2022. Why . First because the technology is still not robust enough to face the regulator, so we need to work still on the robustness and second, we need also the regulator to accept the fact that on a Mass Marketing point of view youll have plenty of cars without a driver so i would say prototypes are ready, 2018 2019 and want to continue to work on robustness of the system, 2021 will be my guess. Trish that is not very far away no its tomorrow. Trish thats great good news for me and for, you know a lot of americans because i think its going to make things much safer. Without any doubt. Without any doubt. 90 more than 90 of the Car Accidents are due to human mistakes and Driverless Cars you have 1. 4 million casualties a year on the planet. Trish tragic, well carlos thank you so much its good to see you and i do appreciate that i mean that because i think too often policy gets distorted by emotion and we need to be fair to the actual policy which you are sir thank you good luck on the car show. Thank you. Trish all right everyone a federal judges decision leads to the Trump Administration accepting daca renewals again. Where does the immigration site go not well ask our panel next as we look ahead here on sunday morning futures. If you wear a denture, you not only want a clean feeling every day, you want your denture to be stain free. 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Well i think the court court and i never hear the court interfere with the president but the court is giving them some time and the important thing here is to get the budget done and not complicate it. We cant have another continuing resolution for any other period of time otherwise we seriously effect the Defense Budget so my sense is get that budget done, dont do a continuing resolution , have a full scale immigration which may take a period of time in which you have the security element and you have the immigration element and you have daca as apart of that. Trish do you think you can actually do those things in conjunction with each other because were getting or hearing theres much much resistance from the Democratic Party when it comes to say funding the border wall and that to them is a nonstarter. If theres a wall, do we not get anything else done . Well i think ed has got it absolutely right. Number one, you got to do the budget. If you dont do the budget you are impairing hundreds of millions of people and all often titlement programs and Social Security medicaid medicare, and then the military or we just cant afford to have the budget shutdown. Daca is important. 80 of the public want these youngsters to have a pathway to citizenship but if you think youll get it done in todays Political Climate were not. Not if you make it part of the budget process. That has to be done within the next two weeks and so i say get the budget done and then concentrate on immigration policy. Trish it sounds like you guys are in agreement on this. I think we are two old guys and have watched it work and i think the only comment im going to make about the president. President gets very careful with his words. Words matter in washington d. C. Its not about interpretationist words matter. We grew up where sticks and stones can break your bones and words can never harm you. Words harm you and words particularly harm you, you cant be insulting people and to a certain extent this president has an extraordinary opportunity here to move the tax bill through the economy is moving and keeps stepping on his own story like he did last week. Trish in his defense though, its challenging when you are living in such a polarized political environment and i think that he had emerged from that first meeting last week. Looking pretty good, because he was in control, he seemed willing to negotiate with all sides, and i just question the timing, why this was leaked and see he shouldnt have said it i hear you, but and again maybe only one of us. The fact of the matter is that he had everything going his way. Why he had to use that language is ridiculous. Here he has the economy is booming, the stories should be walmart and the other companies that have given 2 Million People bonuses of a thousand dollars to a million that you raised a level of pay from 9 to 11 and you hear nancy pelosi saying this is crumbs. By the way, if youre making 9 an hour and then it goes to 11 for 40 hours thats 80 a week for those people, thats big, a thousand dollar bonus you may say its crumbs but to those people, its big. You have to use language so the president has set back the process. No doubt about it and he could have taken credit for this economy booming and put people already getting the benefit of the tax plan. Trish uhhuh but you know ed you know him well and unfortunately, sometimes its how he talks. Hes not going to change and i think somehow the problem is theres nobody around him. Other president s and past president s come and given a little guidance on the game and i think to a certain extent you talk about the meeting and we have the congressman in there weve been in meetings with members of congress and you dont negotiate in a cabinet. You basically go in and say here is our position and here is what we want, you dont bring the media into the show and it was a show with lots of conflicts and when you say send me any bill ill sign it, thats not true no president is going to sign any bill that comes from a congress thats split as badly as this one is and if he does hes a fall and this president is not a fool so my sense is the way people like the first part of the meeting, i think this president is getting very disciplined to understand what his plan is and move forward you can have great success. Trish well his plan is to get some kind of deal thats what he said. Hes okay with the deal for the dreamers provided we get the wall and provided theres a change in our immigration policy has to be. Trish and chain migration. You know, i think that he just, he has to find a way to breakthrough this. Well im sorry the president has to be the court of last resort. He thinks about negotiating is i want to sell you a bill that i want 10 million you want to give me nine thats negotiation. In Congress Every word matters every single piece of legislation matters. Trish well, good points from both of you stay with me. Scary moments in hawaii everyone on Ballistic Missile warnings, a warning. It turned out to be a false alarm because somebody pushed the wrong button. How in the world does Something Like that happen. Were going to be back with the panel as we look ahead here on sunday morning futures. You cant predict the market, but through good times and bad at t. Rowe price weve helped our investors stay confident for over 80 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Trish this is very unbelievable much of hawaii was in a state of panic yesterday after the state s Emergency Management Agency Mistake inly sent out an alert warning, alert that warned of an imminent Ballistic Missile strike officials later confirm ing someone pushed the wrong button. Oh, my goodness were back with our panel ed rollins and former senator al demato. How does that happen . Can you imagine by the way if you were in hawaii and you got some kind of alert on your phone saying a Ballistic Missile was heading your way . The problem is were far more sensitive to Ballistic Missiles because of the north korea situation so my sense is we have to go back and have a fail safe system. Al and i grew up in an age where you used to do Nuclear Tests and roll up in a ball but were way beyond that and i think to a certain extent we have this instant communications that everybody is on the phone you have to make sure its fail safe trish i men i get it i just go back to how does Something Like that happen you think about gosh to just to get on to my darn computer at work i have to put in all these passwords and its not easy and yet, it had to have been relatively easy it seems as though, you know somebody here pushed the wrong button. First of all, if you lived in hawaii you had to be frightened out of your mind, if you had relatives or friends there and heard about this but how is it that one person could push this button and set this off . Where are the checks and balances on this and so maybe its a good thing so that we get on to it because there is a potential, we hope that its remote but its there and we had better look at all of the systems throughout the state and you just cant say its the states fault. Everybody had better wake up about this and see to it that we have emergency systems, particularly as it relates to missiles coming in that work and there are minimum standards that have to be set. We have to secure north korea and basically make sure theyre not doing these tests and thats created this environment. Trish you mention it has created this environment and you wonder what the National Security risk could have been if somebody had thought that was right. We only month what the public did. We dont know what the military did. Obvious obviously id assume if Something Like this went off with the military submarines im sure went to some degree of alert. It should have. Trish so good to see you guys thank you so much. That will do it for us here on sunday morning futures im trish regan in today for Maria Bartiromo. Mediabuzz with howard kurtz is up next and ill see you monday and all next week at 2 00 p. M. On the fox business network. Have a terrific weekend. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain these feet. Liked to style my dog as a kid. Loved motherhood, rain or shine. And were pumped to open my own salon. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. 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